


Genre:Action, Fantasy, Animation

Number of Episodes:220

Language: Japanese

Average Rating:       (out of 3 ratings)


The Japanese anime Naruto, is the story of the adventures of the young ninja Uzumaki Naruto and his friends from the village hidden in the leaves, Konoha. Orphaned as a child and possessed by the demon of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto was shunned by the Leaf Village. Fortunately for him, his teachers and leaders of the village had compassion for him, and supported his development into a powerful ninja. During his years at the Ninja Academy he gained two friends, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, who together have many adventures as this animated series continues. Adding to the development and training of the young ninja and the story are: Iruka Sensei, Kakashi Sensei, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and others. Each series of episodes brings new enemies to the story from the Sound Village, Sand Village, a mysterious group called the Akatsuki, and ever present is the evil forces of Orochimaru.

Featured Critics Reviews


Reviewed by: Anonymous February 07, 2008

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

The Japanese anime Naruto relates the story of an outcast young boy named Naruto Uzumaki dwelling in the Hidden Leaf Village. In the earliest episodes of the anime we are only given to understand that Naruto is much-despised by his fellow villagers, although much of his past is shrouded in uncertainty. He studies, as do many of the village children, at the ninja academy. Initially introduced to viewers under the tutelage of Iruka Umino, Naruto is something of a misfit...

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Reviewed by: Anonymous January 26, 2008

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

Naruto is the story of a young boy who becomes a ninja. Naruto is the village outcast so he has a lot going against him but he doesn't let that stop him. His biggest dream is to become the greatest ninja of the village so he works hard to develop his skills. But the villagers distrust him for the fact that he carries the power of a demon that was sealed within him when he was just a baby. The...

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Reviewed by: spcnet August 24, 2004

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

*Note: This anime is still in progress and only 114 episodes have been released at the time of writing this review. The running manga currently has over 220+ chapters. To say that "Naruto" is one of the latest craze in the anime world would probably not be wrong. In terms of most talked about and most interesting, the only other animes that are really worth mentioning nowadays are "Inuyasha" and "Full Metal Alchemist". Naruto means "fox...

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Member Ratings


11-01-2009 11:05 PM


I've been a naruto fan since I have watched its first ever episode when i was 9! Now, I'm already 14 and I still adore this anime.. Naruto is really great! I hope the story will never end..

akayami djiho

07-25-2008 02:42 PM


jeez, naruto is the best anime ever


07-02-2008 12:55 AM


Naruto is a great anime but I wish they would stop putting in fillers! I want to see him train some more those are the best eps to me.

[email protected]

05-02-2008 03:50 PM


i really love watching naruto because there are some lessons that we could learn


02-29-2008 03:03 AM


sooooooooooh cute.........

especially chouji!!!!!!!!!

hope i can see pictures in this site....


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