The Handsome Siblings


Section:Chinese TV Series

Genre:Martial Arts

Number of Episodes:45

Average Rating:       (out of 2 ratings)


Featured Critics Reviews

Amazing Twins

Reviewed by: Kimmie Tran December 20, 2006

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

This is a Vietnamese review for this series so the names of the charaters and the places are in Vienamese. This series also known as "Proud of Twins" or "Handsome Siblings" Cast: Dicky Cheung - Thieu Ngu Ngi: A funny guy who is very clever and has many tricks up his sleeve because he was raised in Dao Ac Nhan. Doesn't know great martial arts but still escapes problems with his brains and gadgets. He does not know his true identity and...

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Member Ratings


02-20-2010 07:32 PM


I hated the ending. It could have been better, they had to make it so melodramatic


01-19-2009 06:49 PM


The series is okay. The parts near the beginning are funny but there are a lot of sad parts too:(


07-29-2008 07:49 PM


this is one butchered up series, nothing like the novel but it did make TXL (FBB) character more likable.


05-13-2008 01:47 PM


i love it since i have watch it i still do today. i try to watch the other version but i just can't finish it. So i feel this is the best of handsome siblings............

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