Ip Man



Genre:Martial Arts, Period

Language: Chinese (Cantonese)

Average Rating:       (out of 1 rating)

Director: Wilson Yip


Donnie Yen plays real historical figure Ip Man (Bruce Lee is a student of Ip Man), who is the first to teach the martial arts style of Wing Chun publicly. Training in Wing Chun for the first time, Donnie Yen shows the power and art of Wing Chun in numerous fight scenes. This is an action-packed movie that has a decent plot and very good fights, even if the portrayal of the Japanese are a bit cliched. Sammo Hung, who is well-known for his Wing Chun fist style, is Action Director.


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03-27-2009 10:18 PM


Donnie Yen's best movie so far.

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