Mystery of The Twin Swords

Reviewed by: Dagger Lee

June 28, 2004

Rating: four-point-five

Dicky Cheung as Ah Yuet
Roger Kwok as Ah Yat
Carol Yeung as Ching Ching

# of Episodes: 24

Every 100 years, the Heavens chose a human being to fight against a representative from the demons. This century, the representative for the humans was Ah Yat (when he became older, as he was still a baby as of now). While Ah Yat's father was away, the Head Devil came and impregnated Ah Yat's mother. His son would be representing the demons and he figured that Ah Yat wouldn't fight against his own brother, so he used this plan. The son of his was eventually Ah Yuet.

Ah Yat's father was in town and went to the Demon's palace. There he fought off the demons and the Head Devil himself. Ah Yat's father won and captured the Head Devil inside a bubble. However, he was injured during the battle. He went home and found that his wife had died giving birth to the Head Devil's son. Then, he too died.

20 years later, the two boys have grown up together and neither of them knows the truth of their origins.

Some of the information is probably incorrect, so I apologize for I have seen this series once and that was a long time ago.


Roger Kwok was great in this role. He showed his character with ease and perfection. He really brought out the character well. At first, I thought that he and Dicky were brothers in real life. He definitely deserves an award for this role.

Dicky Cheung was excellent as the younger brother. He was the funnier of the two brothers. He was also my favorite character in the series. Even in the scenes when he was a demon, I still liked him. He could be funny and evil with perfection and there was no doubt about it.

Carol Yeung was good as Ching Ching too. She was really cute in the role. She had great chemistry with Roger as well. It's a good thing that she appeared in part 2 as Ching Ching again.

This series boasted some special effects, but they were not used a lot, unlike The Zu Mountain Saga. They were quite cheesy and fake-looking compared to today's serials. However, I accept this shortcoming as the serial was produced in the early 90s.

It is a shame that this series is not released on vcd. It's a great series and one of the best TVB series ever produced. If any representative from TVB is reading this, please try to release it on vcd! I heard that there's a Vietnamese-dubbed version available on DVD but it has horrible dubbing.

In the beginning, I noticed that the background music was taken from Ngo Kim Chun Chau. It seems that TVB likes to reuse the same music. It was a good thing that this was the only song they reused. This series also reminded me of a cartoon called Double Dragons. The story is similar and there are also two brothers with swords who fight against evil demons.

In the end, it is not completed. Many believe that there's a part 2 and they're right! Part 2 was produced two years later and turned out better.

This series is definitely worth your time. It can be found at a few rental stores on vhs and you're in luck if you find it. Beware, there's a sequel!

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