Sweetness in the Salt


Section:TVB Series

Genre:Martial Arts, Period

Number of Episodes:25


Language: Chinese (Cantonese)

Chinese Title: 碧血鹽梟

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Sweetness in the Salt

Reviewed by: sukting March 13, 2012

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

How long 25episodes Foreword This story is about salt and how it affects a merchant family. Salt is essential to all commoners but greedy officials use it just to make money although the capital is low. The poor have no choice but to rebel. Including disputes and dangers, how does this family overcome the difficulty? It is formerly named 勝雪鹽棧 as the title of the salt company. Story/Introduction on characters 1. Nip Ji Yuen - Ma Chun Wai He is an anti-salt smuggler officer and is...

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Member Ratings


05-09-2010 12:26 PM


I enjoyed watching this drama. I love Steven acting, he is great. In this drama he is so handsome and cool. I just dont like the part when he reveal how her parents died. Its no fault of him. He is just a being upright and he did not actually killed them... and they have to be separated for 2 yesrs despite they love each other so much.


05-09-2010 12:26 PM


I enjoyed watching this drama. I love Steven acting, he is great. In this drama he is so handsome and cool. I just dont like the part when he reveal how her parents died. Its no fault of him. He is just a being upright and he did not actually killed them... and they have to be separated for 2 yesrs despite they love each other so much.


08-11-2009 12:01 AM


The main cast was good but Wu family members' romanaces dragged the series. Wish Stevia's storyline was better developed and that Steven had more screen time - so incomprehensibly miserly for a lead actor. Nevertheless, Steven's performance was brilliant. And.....Ji Yuen is so cool and so good looking.


07-20-2009 10:48 AM


Raymond's acting was great here. Made me root for him to win Tavia.


06-11-2009 06:23 PM


Raymond Wong and Steven Ma are excellent actors. They compliment each other very well. A ver5y good cast also includes Tavia Yeong

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