The Mysteries of Love

Reviewed by: dreamy~penguin

July 01, 2010

Rating: four-point-five

I have just finished seeing the final episode and yes I have been
watching more than 3 times at one go. Overall a very successful drama
even it has been commented as copycat to the Japan's drama (Detective
Galileo) but the casts really acted well.

This is especially the 2 couples in the drama (Raymond & Tavia) as
well as (Kenneth & Bernice) bring a perfect couples. Both couples
demonstrated a different "feel" to the overall drama. Just a bit
surprise that both Raymond & Tavia doesn't have any intimate scene not
even kissing ??? I thought the final episode Raymond will at least
kiss Tavia but none thus not so bombastic ending. In fact Kenneth’s
intimate scenes were a bit too much till it gives me a impression that
he is a "sex machine"

Hopefully and wish that TVB will considered to have part II as it was
a creative story line (marriage of physics & murder cases). After
seeing the drama it was really an eye-opener that even physics can be
so helpful in investigation.

One thing I noticed that whenever TVB wanted to change cast the
previous cast will have bad ending (like death) but please NO MORE
DEATH for any of the above 4 main casts as it will affects the perfect
ending of part I & give high disappointments to the fans.

I like the the 2 couples chemistry where they acted so well and
changing cast / couple will required the fans to unwillingly accept
the new person again. Comparison will not only on the drama but also
on the casts which I think is unnecessary.

Many congratulations again !!!

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