Witness to a Prosecution

Reviewed by: hkopinions

December 31, 2007

Rating: four

Buc Man Bi Mat (Vietnamese Title)

Bobby Yeung as Sung Chee
Frankie Lam as Sung Yik/ Fong Jun
Jessica Hsuan as Tong Si
Marianne Chan as Lip Fung
Michael Tse as Sit Dan
Eileen Yeoh as Lam Choi Dip
Celine Ma Tai Lo as Ling Ling
May Kwong as Sum Yu

This series is filled with TVB's best actors and actresses like Jessica Hsuan, Marianne Chan, and Bobby Yeung. The story is about a coroner named Sung Chee, who is played by Bobby. Sung Chee later becomes the greatest and most famous coroner of China. He later writes books that become used world-wide for crime scene investigation and medical purposes.

The story: (Some spoilers!)
Bobby has a flashback to when he wasn't famous and how he was growing up. Bobby's name is Sung Chee, nicknamed 'coffin boy' because he was born in a coffin. The villagers hate him and tease him. Bobby only has a two friends, Sit Dan (Michael Tse) and Siu Chun (?). Sit Dan is a poor scholar who is studying to take his examinations and Siu Chun is a strong but gullible person. Bobby works as the night gong ringer so people say he is a curse and bad luck. The villagers don't allow Bobby to show up in the day. Bobby just turned 30 and, according to tradition, he should get a plot of land that was given to 'sung males'. The mayor refuses because Bobby wasn't considered a 'sung'. The mayor confiscates Bobby's mother's grave so Bobby gets into an argument with him. Jessica plays a cunning beggar who loves to steal stuff and get into trouble. She gets entangled in the fight when she tried to find her necklace. At that moment, Frankie's parents see the fight and leave out of fear. The mayor is found dead and Bobby is arrested.

While in custody, Bobby gets hit by lightning and dies. He is taken to the morgue where Gwai Suk (?) saves him and starts to teach him some skills as a coroner. Meanwhile, a new official returns home. His name is Sung Yik (Frankie Lam). He starts to investigate the murder. Marianne, who plays the daughter of the top cop in the village, Lip Fung, returns home after losing her job. Marianne captures Bobby and puts him in jail with Jessica. They are ordered to be executed the next day. Bobby and Jessica decide to get married so in the afterlife they wouldn't be lonely. Gwai Suk finds a way to clear Bobby. The bones of the mayor was boiled and proved that there was poison in it. The mayor had died of an infection caused when he stepped on a nail. Jessica and Bobby are free and decide not to ever mention about the marriage again. Frankie orders a plot of land to be given to Bobby and also hires him as his assistant coroner. Siu Chun who works for Frankie's parents find Jessica because she had stole his wife's (Celine Ma) money. He sees that she is wearing a jade necklace and assumes that Jessica is his long-lost sister. Jessica comes home with Siu Chun and is given everything she wants. One day, some guys beat up Siu Chun because Jessica had owed them a lot of money. Bobby gives them his plot of land as payment.

Bobby falls in love with Eileen who is the daughter of the richest man in the village. Eileen uses him and Bobby has a broken heart since he was just a dare by her cousin. While walking in the streets, Eileen and her cousin encounter a masked man. Eileen is kidnapped and her cousin is killed. Bobby is now investigating the murder. Jessica is sent to school but sneaks out because she doesn't want to go to school with little kids. Frankie decides to give her private lessons and so Jessica falls in love with him... I don't want to give away all the cases so I'll stop here. I had a detailed introduction to the series so there is a feel for the series.

Scenery, costumes, etc:
The scenery was okay. Most of the scenes were about investigation and character development. Most of the story takes place in the village. The costumes were great. I like Jessica's costumes especially towards the end. There aren't any special effects for fight scenes since the story doesn't have a kungfu basis.

Bobby Yeung as Sung Chee:
Bobby did a great job overall. He was very funny and was a very serious coroner. He had great chemistry with Jessica but had a poor chemistry with Marianne. The ending was rather disappointing on who he ends up with.

Jessica Hsuan as Tong Si:
Jessica was very funny in this series. She portrayed the smart and cunning beggar to perfection. I love scenes of her and Bobby. They are so funny. Remember to watch her character development through out the series.

Marianne Chan as Lip Fung:
I was rather disappointed in Marianne's performance. It was not Marianne's acting skills but the script itself. I found that her character was poorly written in and the ending just didn't fit.

Frankie Lam as Sung Yik/ Fong Jun:
Frankie was good in this series. He really made me believe he was the good guy. Oops, shouldn't have said that.

Best supporting actor:
? as Siu Chun

Best supporting actress:
Jessica as Tong Si

Best villain portrayal:
Frankie as Sunk Yik

Worst character portrayal:
Marianne as Lip Fung

Watch it or forget it:
This series was very funny and entertaining. Although I was rather disappointed in the ending and the sudden rush to end the story, the series was great overall.

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