Irene Wan Bik Ha Comments

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07-25-2010 11:13 PM

i can not to watch the next siries becaouse is not use able in online.the truth i want to watch the gods of honour in oline but its cannot display im get mad now.


07-14-2010 12:56 AM

hei why the magical needle end to fast. im not to watch first episode yet,howmany i like that drama siries how can that is be. well what can i do the magical needle is the best drama sirie and i very like it......sob.


07-06-2010 12:40 PM

i like irene wan film and drama,althouh i dindt know more about irene film but it still as loyalty to irene wan fan.i hope she'll read my message in columes,and i'll do not give up to try find out irene wan film and i'll do my best.


07-05-2010 10:29 AM

irene wan film is the im very liked,where i shoud to find irene wan film and drama.


07-04-2010 12:59 PM

the magical needle are the one great of film.and im very like it, does anyone know where irene wan...?


07-04-2010 12:44 PM

im very liked irene wan film and drama,her drama is very superb espcialy the last film irene wan is the magical needle. is it that her last film.


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