Hey all kind heros,

I have a website where I help promote WuXia to people who are into RPG gaming, in my case mostly the HERO system, but most of the material is meant to help anyone into WuXia.
I was starting to read "The Sword and Exquisiteness" translation and since there are so weird many martial arts techniques in there, I started to just take notes as I read it to put up on my web site as a way to help GMs and those interested see all the weird techniques out there. I am not making up gaming stats, that's for the GMs, I am just cataloging the different weird schools and techniques that appear in the novel, for example:

Heavenly Silkworm Sect’s Seven Great Demonic Skills

From:The Sword and the Exquisiteness (by Gu Long):

Note: These skills are practiced by the sect’s The Magnificent Sisters, usually working at a team. The sisters are extremely beautiful young women named Iron Blossom, Silver Blossom and Plum Blossom. This sect seems to be composed primarily of women, as some of these techniques would only be useable by women. As you might guess reading the techniques, this sect is quite evil.

1. Demon Corpse – this technique turns a person into a berserker who will fight until they die of damage or drop dead from exhaustion.
2. Blood Goblin Spell – used in conjuction with the Demon Corpse technique, this technique turns the target’s blood into highly toxic poison. Anyone who is splashed with the blood will be poisoned. If a target is splashed with the poison, they have minutes to live at best, unless all parts of their body which came into contact with the poison are immediately cut off to prevent it spreading into their system
3. The Seven Golden Sabres Turn Into Blood of The Demon Corpse and Blood Demon Spell – this technique creates a berserker which has seven knives stuck into them. The knives are actually attached to silk strings being controlled by the original caster, and at the caster’s will the knives will pop in and out, spraying the areas the caster chooses with highly toxic and poisonous blood. This is incredibly dangerous as the berserker is already fighting and spraying blood around.
4. The Soul Catching Handkerchief – a handkerchief covered in dust which will put the target into a blissful hypnotic state unable to do anything but obey the commands they are given by owner. Usually waved in front of the target’s face in a flirtatious manner.
5. The Dance of the Seductive Demon – a highly seductive dance performed by the caster wearing the barest of clothes, it immobilizes male targets who are frozen in fascination as they watch the casters dance. Usually used in conjunction with the Web of Love technique below.
6. Web of Love – this technique, done while the target is usually fascinated by the dancing of the caster, spins a nearly invisible web of sticky and super-strong silk around the target. To avoid suspicion, the web will not actually touch the target while the web is being spun, but as soon as the target tries to move in any significant way they will come into contact with the web and be immobilized. Any weapons used to cut the web will normally become stuck to the web’s folds and caught as well. Of course, the target can be attacked normally by the caster who can see the gaps in the web to attack through.
7. The Alteration Of Blood And The Blood Breakout – to use this technique, the caster chops limbs or other parts off nearby poisoned victims and sends the limbs flying at the target. But, before they reach the target (which the target will normally try to block or dodge), the limbs explode into a poisonous blood mist which fills the area the target occupies. If the target breathes the mist or comes into contact with it, they will be poisoned and begin to die. This technique is also used to create zones of “poisonous fog” which can block passage to prevent opponents from reaching the caster or preventing the caster’s escape.

Anyways, I was wondering if any kind people out there might be able to help out by listing off some of the weird techniques from the various translated and untranslated novels that they have read. If you do help, please list the source as well as who practices it and any other notes you think might be useful for a GM to use it in their game. (Or author in their story, I suppose...)

Here is my site, for general reference:


I will cover the Sword and the Exquisitness, although I think it will take me a few more weeks to read it all at this rate.


P.S. Please include your name with the listing if you want to be credited for adding it.