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  1. #121
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    michelle will not get nominated....tvb is not about fairness.

  2. #122
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkgirl129_
    Oh! Lol I always thought that LITCOL aired in HK before it aired overseas! Wow so what happens if Michelle Ye is nominated even though she's not a part of TVB anymore?
    That won't happen. TVB will just not put her in the nomination list at all. Like ginnie said, TVB is not about fairness.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  3. #123
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    good point
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

  4. #124
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    From where people stood, you can guess the nominees of tvb awards this year...


    haha..tvb awards is such a joke..where is the meaning of it all? I see it as a circus...and take it as entertainment.

  5. #125
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    Hey ginnie, where's that picture from? Is it possible to give me a link of the article?

    Lol and it's so true about what you said about the way they're standing, you can tell who's going to get nominated
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

  6. #126
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    It is from Sun Newspaper.


    文: 專題小組

    無《萬千星輝賀台慶》記者會昨日舉行。黎姿以一襲「三色台」衫顯示忠心,可惜在排位方面仍被佘詩曼和吳美 珩佔優,未能親近六叔,而林保怡排在第二行中間位置,可見備受無器重。

    過百位無藝員昨日齊集將軍澳電視廣播城出席《萬千星輝賀台慶》記者會,並由六叔邵逸夫爵士主持亮燈儀式。 眾女藝員均悉心打扮,當中郭羨妮蛇腰最搶鏡,而蒙嘉慧亦不遜色,以真空露背裝迎戰。

    每年藝員排位問題都被備受關注,今年無高層樂易玲更表明排位次序是根據藝員知名度、年資及高度「分級」, 愈近六叔自然愈「得寵」。今年阿姐汪明荃地位依然穩如泰山,與鄭裕玲及薛家燕一同陪伴六叔左右。相反一眾當 家花旦可謂競爭激烈,去年「我最喜愛的女主角」黎姿竟然要「靠邊站」,被佘詩曼和吳美珩成功上位做了「首席 」左右護法。雖然排位不及阿佘,但黎姿依舊對無一片丹心,笑說「紅綠藍」三色衫是為無精心挑選,她解釋 :「我唔止流三色血,仲埋三色衫同台徽一樣,代表我係由心而發,心在TVB。」而阿佘位置比黎姿更佳,問 到是否受無力捧,她抵死回應:「我唔高嘛!企前咪唔使畀人遮。」

    而去年熱爆全城的「如妃娘娘」鄧萃雯,被編排至第三行位置,差點被前排的男藝員陳豪、歐陽震華等遮到「唔見 人」,但她仍樂觀地說:「自己唔介意,活到咁大仲介意咪好傻,其實拍劇只為工作,我一向都唔鍾意企中間啦! 」另外,林保怡則企正六叔後面,可見備受無力捧。

    據知今年將會頒發十四個獎項,當中最矚目的「最佳男主角」及「最佳女主角」獎,將破天荒邀請全球觀眾參與投 票,與製作人及評審員各佔三分之一。問到新制度可會較為公平,雯女有所保留說:「高層都參與?咪同以前一樣 ,不過全世界有份參與,大家可以睇得投入、開心。」

  7. #127
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    THanks! Oh so it was the press conference... The article (which reflects the views of many in HK I'm guessing) makes this such a big deal, like there's such a big struggle for the top actor/actress. is the competition really that necessary? I guess it is for the actresses themselves because they will be paid more per episode if they win an award.. but like I don't know, it's just so [overrated]? don't know if that's the right word. It's either the newspapers that overexaggerate or really how it is, esp. between Charmaine and Gigi, sometimes it really sounds like they're like serious enemies. Haha I don't even know if that made sense...
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

  8. #128
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    It was a lighting ceremony...

    oh the is the 38th Anniversary..
    Last edited by ginnie; 10-13-05 at 12:21 AM.

  9. #129
    Senior Member infinity6424's Avatar
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    The annual TVB Anniversary awards is just around the corner and yesterday, over 100 artists attended the special lighting ceremony for this year's anniversary. This year, TVB has arranged for singers such as Hacken Lee and Miriam Yeung to perform at this weekend's show, in which to promote the anniversary awards next month. At this year's award, there will be a total of fourteen awards, in which the "Best Actor" and "Best Actress" award causes the most controversy.

    In the front row, standing on Sir's both side is veterans Liza Wang and Dodo Cheng. Charmaine Sheh, followed by Gigi Lai, Sonija Kwok, Myolie Wu, and Yoyo Mung stood on Dodo's side and Nancy Sit, Melissa Ng, Kenix Kwok, Tavia Yeung, and Bernice Liu were on the left. Top male artists were on the second row including Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Raymond Lam, Bowie Lam, Steven Ma, Bobby Au Yeung, and Kevin Cheng. As for Sheren Tang, she was standing in the third row, instead of the first row like last year. When asked if Sheren feels that she had "lost power," Sheren replies saying that she does not mind and never analyzes which position. TVB executives explained that the row arrangements for the artists are based on the artists' popularity, period of time with TVB, and height.

    At the lighting ceremony this year, many of the female artists wore more revealing outfits. Sonija Kwok was wearing a top that revealed her waist, Yoyo Mung wore a backless dress, Melissa Ng was wearing a low chest dress, and others included Gigi Lai and Charmaine Sheh. Gigi, wearing a tricolor outfit, says that the outfit symbolizes her heart to TVB. When Gigi was asked if she has confidence in winning the 'Best Actress' award again this year, Gigi smiles and said, "Of course, but the other female contenders also have a strong chance." For Charmaine standing next to Dodo and in the first row, Charmaine feels glad and honored. Even though Charmaine only had one series that broadcasted this year, she feels happy and confident.

    Moreover, this year both Myolie Wu and Tavia Yeung has four series that broadcasted, in which they are also nominated for the "Best Actress" award. With also four series broadcasted this year, Moses Chan gets a bonus for the "Best Actor" award.

    Some Anniversary gossip

    The news about last night's Anniversary lighting ceremony all focused on where the artistes' were positioned during the group photos, and how it reflected their status. Taking the centre positions for the 'fa dan' row were Lisa Wong and Dodo Cheng. For the 'siu sung' row Nat Chan had the honor, although Bowie looked more centre to me as he was directly behind Sir Run Run Shaw. Seems the 'yat gor yat jie' pair of Roger and Jess were not at the ceremony. Me also think it's great how fast Melissa has risen through the ranks this year.

    The news made much of how Charmaine was closer to the middle than Gigi, who jokingly said she wore TVB colours to show her loyalty. Charmaine also joked bout how she's too short and would be blocked if she stood elsewhere. Another talking point was how Sheren, who was in the front row last year, was relegated to row 3 this time.

    There are 14 award categories in total this year. Besides the 12 awards open to audience voting, there is also an Honorary Award, and a Program With Most Appreciation Value Award which will be voted on by reps from universities, industries, government bodies etc.

    The Best Actor and Actress awards will be determined by one-third world-wide audience votes, one third producers' votes and one-third judges' votes. Yada yada yada, still gonna be decided by TVB politics lah.

    Last edited by infinity6424; 10-13-05 at 01:09 AM.

  10. #130
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    It's weird that both Tavia Yeung and Fiona Sit were nominated for Best Lead Actress for their roles in The Academy but Sammul Chan was not norminated for Best Lead Actor award for his role in TA. Instead, Ron Ng and Michael Miu were norminated. Sammul was also not norminated for Best Supporting Actor for this role. The only category Sammul was norminated in was the Most Improved Male Artist Award.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  11. #131
    Senior Member i_fotted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidd
    It's weird that both Tavia Yeung and Fiona Sit were nominated for Best Lead Actress for their roles in The Academy but Sammul Chan was not norminated for Best Lead Actor award for his role in TA. Instead, Ron Ng and Michael Miu were norminated. Sammul was also not norminated for Best Supporting Actor for this role. The only category Sammul was norminated in was the Most Improved Male Artist Award.
    that doesn't make any sense to me neither because in HH3,

    26. Healing Hands 3 - Lawrence Ng
    27. Healing Hands 3 - Bowie Lam
    28. Healing Hands 3 - Moses Chan
    29. Healing Hands 3 - Raymond Cho

    29. Healing Hands 3 - Gigi Lai
    30. Healing Hands 3 - Melissa Ng
    31. Healing Hands 3 - Maggie Siu
    32. Healing Hands 3 - Bernice Liu

    they are all up for leading actors, doesn't make the least bit of sense. there are so many more that are nominated that were clearly not the lead actor/actresses. Like Tavia in Shades of Truth, Dave Wong in Just Love, Cho Chi Kin in Hidden Treasure?

  12. #132
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    TVB is one of the larger corporations and also a professional media....

    Now, TVB claims that the award will be fair and exciting this year because awards will be given based on : Producers votes, worldwide audience votes, and tvb team of judges votes.

    HOWEVER, their voting website does not have an English version. This is so unprofessional. they just assumed that the worldwide audience knows how to read chinese, huh?


    michelle ye is nominated....=)

  13. #133
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    How is it fair when 2/3 of the votes are from TVB team and only 1/3 are from idependant voters. I mean, those producers are all TVB staff. I wonder how independant they can be.

    Their normination list is also unprofessional. They simply throw whoever they want into catagories. Some actors/actresses in the Lead Actor/Actress list are obviously supporting actors/actresses. Some norminees in the Most Improved Actor/Actress list have only acted in 1 series. How can one judge his/her improvement?

    There are also 3 series in the normination list that have not been aired in HK yet. How can they allow voting now? Wouldn't it be unfair to the yet to be aired series? I think the reason why TCS got no award was because it just started airing during voting period. I can't believe none of the interesting characters in TCS get a Fave Character Award.
    Last edited by kidd; 10-13-05 at 09:51 AM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  14. #134
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginnie
    TVB is one of the larger corporations and also a professional media....

    Now, TVB claims that the award will be fair and exciting this year because awards will be given based on : Producers votes, worldwide audience votes, and tvb team of judges votes.

    HOWEVER, their voting website does not have an English version. This is so unprofessional. they just assumed that the worldwide audience knows how to read chinese, huh?


    michelle ye is nominated....=)

    Well I guess if you were to vote for a HK, Chinese based show then they'd expect one to have watched the series and have understood it in Chinese to actually be qualified to vote whereas they'll be sure it won't be random people voting. But the requirement to fill out the personal information prevents that too I suppose.

    Yeah Michelle ye is nominated! But I wonder if she'll be top 5, probably not.
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

  15. #135
    Senior Member infinity6424's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hkgirl129_
    Well I guess if you were to vote for a HK, Chinese based show then they'd expect one to have watched the series and have understood it in Chinese to actually be qualified to vote whereas they'll be sure it won't be random people voting. But the requirement to fill out the personal information prevents that too I suppose.

    Yeah Michelle ye is nominated! But I wonder if she'll be top 5, probably not.
    No she will not 99.9% sure she will not, reason because she left TVB

  16. #136
    Senior Member Twinsangelkiki's Avatar
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    it's kinda sad now because i heard that this year's anniversary, they're eliminating best on-screen couple and I had hoped Boscolie could have won or at least have a big chance of winning.
    Best Series: Family Man, Triumph in the Skies, The Last Breakthrough, Heart of Greed
    Actors: Moses Chan, Raymond Lam, Steven Ma
    Actress: Jessica Hsuan
    Character: Dek Dek Dei

  17. #137
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by infinity6424
    No she will not 99.9% sure she will not, reason because she left TVB
    Yes yes, I've already had a crowd of people trying to get that through my head XD
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidd
    How is it fair when 2/3 of the votes are from TVB team and only 1/3 are from idependant voters. I mean, those producers are all TVB staff. I wonder how independant they can be.

    Their normination list is also unprofessional. They simply throw whoever they want into catagories. Some actors/actresses in the Lead Actor/Actress list are obviously supporting actors/actresses. Some norminees in the Most Improved Actor/Actress list have only acted in 1 series. How can one judge his/her improvement?

    There are also 3 series in the normination list that have not been aired in HK yet. How can they allow voting now? Wouldn't it be unfair to the yet to be aired series? I think the reason why TCS got no award was because it just started airing during voting period. I can't believe none of the interesting characters in TCS get a Fave Character Award.
    TVB thinks that they can be fair...

    1/3 producer vote---the producers can and will vote for their own series or their friends' series. TVB management of course will vote for their own favorites. Usually there are groups of artists belonging to the same "Producer" or belonging to the same "Management".

    I agree about the nomination is just mind boggling.
    For instance too, Fantasy Hotel's Devily Leung. This is her first series and she is nominated already...TVB is amusing.

  19. #139
    Member hiiragi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidd
    Their normination list is also unprofessional. They simply throw whoever they want into catagories. Some actors/actresses in the Lead Actor/Actress list are obviously supporting actors/actresses. Some norminees in the Most Improved Actor/Actress list have only acted in 1 series. How can one judge his/her improvement?
    I think the 'nomination' list is not much of a nomination. They just put every single leading actor/actress and supporting actor/actress for every single seres released this year on the list. I was kind of disappointed as I thought TVB would make drastic changes to the award to make it more credible. Such changes should make it into a more conventional film/media award a la the Emmys, and an independent committee for adjudication. I know TVB is a media company, but it is also the dominant direct-to-air broadcasting company in HK with virtually no competitors, should the award not be more open and less company-central?
    I felt before I thought.

    -- Jean Jacques Rousseau

  20. #140
    Senior Member hkgirl129_'s Avatar
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    It'd be good if they created a category for Best Debut Actor/Actress award of actors/actresses who have never acted before and this is their first time. But then I guess they might not have enough people to be nominated. It's usually like the winners of pageants and maybe singing contests.
    //fave series:
    eternal happiness, love bond, fate twisters, triumph in the skies, ups and downs in the sea of love
    //fave stars:
    ron ng, raymond lam, moses chan, michelle ye, tavia yeung, ada choi

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