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Thread: The Land Of Wealth 《匯通天下》

  1. #1
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Default The Land Of Wealth 《匯通天下》

    New series called Land Wealth - 滙通天下
    Moses Chan
    Sonija Kwok
    Steven Ma - Cheung Ho Man (Cheung Sung Man according to Kitson at
    Tavia Yeung - Kiu Jun
    John Chiang
    Chan Hung Lit
    Lai Lok Yi
    Rebee'a Yeung
    Chong King Fei
    Rebecca Chan
    Claire Yiu
    Kenny Wong
    Stephen Wong Chung Heng
    Erica Yuen
    Akina Hong
    Chen Ho Wei
    Rosanna Lui
    Fong So Po
    Cheung Mei Nie
    Kwok Fung
    Anita Chan
    Loh Lok Lam
    Lai Po Teck
    Lee Ka Ting
    Lai Suen
    Wong Ka Lok


    Filming Started
    October 2005

    Filming Location
    Kwang Tian (Mainland) and Hong Kong

    Credits to kitson at

    This series is about China's first bank. Steven's father (Chan Hung Lit) is a high official. Steven runs off out of Keng Seng to play around and runs into Moses and John and enters their bank and become very good friends. Through the bank business they find out all the dangers and the bad things that occur within the bank.
    (Excuse my bad translation!)
    Spoilers!! (Well not sure how valid they are, so there maybe errors in this information!)

    Moses and Steven are friends and business partners.
    Steven has relationship with Sonija and then Tavia.
    Sonija has relationship with Moses but is forced to marry John (Moses' father)
    John Chiang plays a good guy.
    Last edited by triumph2004; 12-19-08 at 12:04 AM.
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  2. #2
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Article by
    Translation by Cherrie:
    steven blows the flute to meet tavia--supposedly to create romance, but turns out to be hypnotic (the title)

    the other day, steven and tavia were in tseung kwan o's tv city filming outdoors (?). the story said steven will play the flute so that he can meet tavia (it's their first meeting). it's supposed to be a very romantic scene, but 'un-romantic' tavia, instead of feeling the romance, felt it's like a hypnotic tune (the flute tune). really a big mistake in a nice pic (well not the exact translation, but perhaps you get what i mean here)

    the story said steven and tavia had already communicated for a long time, but they still haven't each other personally. so that day, they will meet up in 1 place, and will recognize each other by steven playing his flute. this is supposed to be a romantic scene, but during filming that day, the weather is very hot and the artists were wearing thick costumes, plus the script is quite poetic---because of this, tavia, who had been quite dizzy and ill that time, felt so sleepy and claims that the flute tune is hypnotic and causing her to want to sleep....causing steven to feel embarrassed

    it's the first time the two worked together and play as a loving couple, supposedly they should be acting loving, but unfortunately steven gave tavia a gift by making her fall in water. tavia shared, 'that day we were filming at the peak of mt fei eh. it's okay steven fell into the water, but he don't have to push me to fall!' hearing this, steven blushed and defended, 'well that time, i see the ground is wet and slippery, so i good heartedly supported tavia's back so that she won't slip, but i didn't expect i will lose my balance and fall first facedown (well on front)...' 'i didn't expect that because of my love for her, it will ended up hurting her'

    steven praises tavia with acting potential
    perhaps steven only wants to make up with tavia, after defending himself, he immediately praised tavia by saying, 'tavia is a very good actress. during the filming of one emotional scene, tavia managed to get into the character quickly. she is one of the newcomers that is really good. (what abt sonija?) i have little scenes with her, but i think so far so good. we are co-workers.'

    tavia is very happy to hear steven's praise, but she is very worried abt her upcoming trip to mainland to film. 'i heard the climate there is negative degrees...i think i must bring a lot of clothes then!'
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  3. #3
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    caption: ■馬浚偉到橫店拍攝《滙通天下》期間未曾離隊外蒲,楊怡作為他的同事可謂絕對放心。

     馬浚偉到橫店拍攝《滙通天下》,由上月13日隨大隊出發,到1月中拍畢自己的戲分,馬仔專心 埋首工作,甚 至從未想過離開橫店,往外蹓躂蹓躂。<採訪、攝影>如風


     「我不是去玩,我是去工作,所以不想離隊,我不能做令同事擔心的行為,一切都得跟從集體活動 。」

     與他共事過的同事都知道,馬仔對工作是極認真的,不遲到,不早退,不要讓同組同事擔任,是他 的長期表現。

     此外,近年他還有另一個優點,就是「好學」。馬仔就像一條小鯨魚,渴望鯨吞他想知道的一切。 讀歷史書,唸 哲學,還有學習可以幫助到演藝事業的本領,只要讓他看到,便會全情投入,一定要醉心試練。

     這次在橫店,他對新事物的好奇心又一次一次的給推動。終於,他嘗試了自己的「第一次」,第一 次踩高蹺,馬 仔體會到這一種表演技巧的「難」。

     當《滙通天下》在佛寺舉行開鏡儀式後,拍攝的一個楊怡、馬浚偉看廟會的場面。清朝的廟會,可 算是最熱鬧的 古代遊樂場,林林總總的玩意兒,包含了小食攤,耍刀劍的隊伍,還有踩高蹺表演。

     在內地取景就有這個好處,要人有人,要景有景,拍這場戲,整個高蹺隊就在一位老師傅的帶領下 出現於外景場 地。

     表演高蹺的一班雜技演員在未入鏡前,先在空地練習。個個高來高往的,很吸引。馬仔在旁看着看 着,嘗試的勁 頭就來了。

     「可以給我試一下嗎?」他為了一試,不惜主動問師傅。估不到,老師傅不但讓他試踩,更親自為 他縛上高蹺。

     「不能太鬆呀!繩要縛緊些,否則容易扭傷腳。」踏上高蹺架後,馬仔登時高了半截,但是,怎樣 動呢?原來, 平衡是這麼難呀!今回,馬仔覺得真正嘗到了「寸步難行」的滋味了。



     走了十多步,試夠了,馬仔慢慢的坐回椅上,解開縛在腳上的高蹺,馬仔深深地呼了一口氣,至此 ,他真正感受 到「事非經過不知難」的滋味。

     「愈與內地的表演者接觸,我的感受就愈深。他們都是有料之人,本領非凡,但要得認同與支持, 卻是那麼艱難 呀!」馬仔更感激師傅的相幫,無私的精神是如斯可貴。

     想到自己,短短幾年間,幸運地得到TVB給予的一個又一個的機會,努力換來的,是不斷提升的 知名度,他是 知道「惜福」的。

     「拍《會友鏢局》時,與一班前輩配戲,我發覺他們都很能投入角色,演甚麼便像甚麼,這令我對 自己的表演要 求提高了,有要求才有進步。」


    Credits to Tanya Leung in the Tavia Yeung forum.

    Here's the translation by Cherrie:

    for the new series steven was filming (sorry i forgot the english title of the series ), from dec13 until this january, steven had finished filming for his part. but he have no plans of walking around the places in where they are filming (don't know the english name of the place) even if it's only hours away from nice places such as shanghai and hang chow.

    "i came here not for fun but for work. that's why i cannot leave the team and do things that will worry them. i have to follow the team activities"."

    everyone who had worked with him knows that steven is very serious when it comes to work. he's never late, and never works undertime (leaves early). he also never makes his team worried. this has been his longterm performance.

    aside from this, steven even has another good traits; that is, the love to learn. he is like a whale who wants to swallow everything he wants to learn--chinese history, philosophy, and if he sees things that will be helpful in acting, he will surely be very engrossed with learning that skill.

    can follow directions and eager to learn, his first try in ______ (what you call in performances such as juggling the ball, swallowing the sword, twirling of plates.... you got me right?)
    this time in _______(the place where they are filming), steven's eagerness to learn was once again flamed and at last he tried his first time in _________(im not sure but i think that's walking with long wood attached to his feet?) steven said this is the first time he actually realized the difficulty of performing such.

    when they had their opening ceremony, they had it in a temple. steven and tavia saw the place is like an ancient carnival, with several stalls that offers food, and several such performances...........

    one good thing in filming in mainland is that there are scenes and people if you need them. in this filming, a master leads his team of performing walking with long wood.

    first time learning, walking can also be a difficulty
    before the actual filming starts, this team was practicing. everyone's very tall, and very attracting. steven's eagerness for new things was ignited as he watched by the side.

    'can i try?' steven voluntarily asked the master. he didn't expect that master not only let him try, but even tied the wood personally.

    'we can't tie too loose or else you can easily sprain your foot.' after tying the wood, steven immediately became very tall. but the question now is, 'how to keep your balance?' this time steven finally realized the saying 'walking can also be a difficulty.'

    everyone has his own talents, everything depends on your opportunity

    'don't be afraid, give me your hand.' master saw steven don't know how to move, offered his hand to support and assist steven in walking. step by step, steven started to walk.

    able to walk quite steadily, but still master cannot let go of his hand because he still loses his balance.

    after walking for several steps, steven finally call it over. he slowly took off the wood on his feet and took a deep breath and acknowledged that 'you'll never know the difficulty if you haven't experienced it.'

    'the more i interact with people in the mainland, the deeper my feeling is. they all have good skills, but earning support & recognition can be very difficult!' steven is also thankful for master who taught him selflessly.

    cherishing your blessings, diligent to learn acting
    steven thinks, that during these few years, tvb had given him many opportunities. the fruits of his hardwork is earning fame and recognition. with this, steven knows how to cherish his blessings.

    'in filming this series, i have worked with several veteran actors. when i saw their acting, it's really very good, they can blend with their characters well, and they act what they are supposed to act. seeing this, my demand for the quality of my acting also became higher, you can only improve if you have this demand.'

    these days, his interest in filming/acting is very intense, that's why he continuously watch movies in order to enhance himself.

    'concentrating in doing a task, exploring new knowledge, and learning things you've never learned, are among life's greatest interest.'

    Here's another funny pic:
    Credits to kitson in the newtvb forum.
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  4. #4


    I'm surely not going to miss out on this

  5. #5
    Senior Member bebe_girl's Avatar
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    I look foward to this too. Steven Ma is finally back, I wonder if he's filming anything right now. Just kinda disappointed with the pairings.

  6. #6


    I don't remember the last time I saw Steven Ma. A long time ago.

  7. #7
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    i am particularly happy with the pairing. tav, show those haters what you've got!
    if you have the time and enthusiasm, please join in on the new and fabulous wuxia rpg fic /rpg discussion. (<--- click here)

  8. #8
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    I'm reasonally happy with the pairings but since apparently Tavia and Moses get married I aint so sure about the final outcome....I just realise I have been very lazy and been calling it Land Wealth instead of Land of Wealth...same thing hehe

    Steven Ma hasn't filmed for TVB for awhile. His last series was VOH II and his last proper series I believe was Better Halves which also starred Maggie Cheung. Glad to see him back!
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  9. #9
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    lol you put my name in the translations! and the translations i did were really bad.....
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  10. #10
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Your translations are fine. I really appreciate you doing it! Anyway here are some pictures from the costume fitting (I think)
    $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('') $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('')
    Moses Chan, Steven Ma, Sonija Kwok, Tavia Yeung, Chan Hung Lit and other cast members of the newest TVB costume drama "Wooi Tung Tin Ha" were present for the costume fitting ceremony yesterday. Rumored couple Steven Ma and Sonija Kwok will once again be filming together. At the costume fitting yesterday, both seem to distance themselves, in order to cause anymore rumors. Sonija reveals that for this series, she will need to learn how to ride a horse. Thus, the company had already bought insurance for Sonija, in case of any injuries while filming with the horse. Moreover, although Moses is also filming "Fire Dance Yellow Sand," he will be working on this series too, since "Fire" is expected to finish sometime October. Moses and Chan Hung Lit were asked about the report about Moses' telephone SMS situation, the two joked around with each other.
    Source: Ta Kung Pao, Oriental Daily, The Sun, Wen Wei Po
    Credits to thaoly_89 from
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  11. #11
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    im so excited to see steven again! finally after a long break!
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  12. #12
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Here are some pictures I've found at Thanks to Tanya Leung at the Tavia forum for directing me to that site.
    Here are some pictures:
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  13. #13
    Senior Member KantopunK...xD's Avatar
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    Do you know abt when it is due out in Australia?
    loving [BOSCO WONG!!!] + Prince@BBT *muah!

    Fav actoR: bosco wong, prince
    Fav actresseS: LYF, Bernice Liu
    SingerS: Lollipop, vincent wong

    currently watching: WOIL2, Ultimate Crime Fighter

  14. #14
    Senior Member chelsea_fan's Avatar
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    where Sammul is!


    Quote Originally Posted by neverland
    Moses and Steven are friends and business partners.
    Steven has relationship with Sonija and then Tavia.
    Sonija has relationship with Moses but is forced to marry John (Moses' father)
    John Chiang plays a good guy.
    steven having relationship with Sonija? no way! just hope Tavia gets a happy ending this time.

    Jon Qiang playing good guy? Man...have to get used to it then. i still cant forget his role in RDOV.

  15. #15
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    hehe well actually john chiang had more good roles than evil ones hehe he's always plays some kind of a hero in war and remembrance, wong fei hung, and an old series where he's like a guard in ancient courts?
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  16. #16
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    i love the ladies's costumes...especially tav' beautiful. but yes, tav does look tired. it shows in her eye bags. hopefully, her onscreen self will look more alert.
    if you have the time and enthusiasm, please join in on the new and fabulous wuxia rpg fic /rpg discussion. (<--- click here)

  17. #17


    sonija looks nice in the picture

  18. #18
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chelsea_fan
    steven having relationship with Sonija? no way! just hope Tavia gets a happy ending this time.

    Jon Qiang playing good guy? Man...have to get used to it then. i still cant forget his role in RDOV.
    I remember him saying in an interview that he finally plays a good guy after playing an evil quite recently. He's saying it might be difficult to be ''good'' again hehe
    I love John Chiang's role in WFH!!! BTW his name IS John right? Cos some people refer him as David...or is that someone else??

    Well lets hope that at the end Steven is with looks like they will be together so I'm crossing my fingers!!!

    Tavia does look tired. Well at least she gets a break after filming this series. If she is in that new series with Jessica and Bobby she's got a month of rest cos apparently they are going to finish filming in mainland by sometime this month.
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  19. #19
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    yes his name is john chiang. but his chinese name is chiang da wei. i guess that's why sometimes he became known as david
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  20. #20
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Kinda like Bowie Lam and Gigi Lai? eh now that you tell me I get it. I always remember him as chiang dai wei cos I remember I kept nagging my mum to tell me his name cos I only could pronounce dai wei no the chiang bit hehe
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

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