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Thread: Wuxia RPG2 story unabridged...

  1. #261
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    posted by druid
    And so it was that the two Wang brothers left the hut and travelled to Mt. Wudang. At wudang, they found out that many disciples were missing most likely injuried or feared dead. News of the death of elder Yu also reached Wudang prior to the arrival of the brothers. As such, Wudang Sec were all in mourning. Speaking with the interim leader, they found out that Jian Yi's master, ZWJ was here a day before with Zhaomin and another guy whom he did not know.

    Jian Yi was extremely happy to hear that and inquired about where the trio might have went. To his disapointment, the interim leader replied that he had no idea at all.

    "So brother Zong Yueh, would you like to stay in Mt. Wudang for the time being? Or would you like to follow me in searching for my master and our friends?"

    "Hmm. As much as i would like to stay here and offer my prayers to elder Yu... I feel compelled to follow you my brother. Let us leave at first light tomorrow morning. I would like to pray for elder Yu's departed soul for the entire night."

    "Yes yes, you are right. We leave at dawn."
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  2. #262
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    posted by kidd
    ---at the Heroes Conference area---

    The Heroes Conference area, that was full of life a few days ago, was now silent and deserted. The blood has already been cleaned and all dead bodies have been taken away by their families and comrades for proper burial. But now the ground was strewn with white strip of papers, papers that were used as money for the departed souls. There were also pieces of burned incense lying around.

    Currently, only 3 people were present at this place of tragedy. They were Szema Fei, Duan Fei and Li Xiao Sheng. They have arrived half and hour ago to see what has this place become after they left and too look for any possible clues that can lead them to the whereabout or fate of their still missing friends.

    "Miss Li! Master Duan! Look at these strange trail of leaves here." shouted Szema Fei.

    Li Xiao Sheng and Duan Fei ran to where Duan Yu was standing looking down at the ground. Both master and student followed his eyes and saw a trail of bluish violet leaves leading down to a secluded path.

    Duan Fei picked a piece of these purple leaves up and examined it.

    "This looks like Violet Mist. It's a very rare kind of herbs. I've only seen it once when father specifically got it for a customer. It's very expensive and not local to this area. Why is so many of these herbs lying on the ground here and in a long trail too? Could someone purposely drop it as a sign for someone else to follow?" commented Xiao Sheng.

    "This herbs look very familiar. Where have I seen then before?" wondered Duan Fei.

    "I read that violet Mist only turn violet when it's soak in water and will slowly turn blue before turning back to it's original color. These herbs must have been dropped before the rain." said Xiao Sheng.

    Hearing Xiap Sheng's words, a memory suddenly came back to Duan Fei.

    "This Violet Mist is originally green in color. It only turns violet when it's soak in water and will slowly turn blue before turning back to it's original color."

    "Dr. Shui once shown me this herbs before and he was also in the Conference on that faithful day. It must have been him who dropped these herbs hoping for someone to find him. His kidnapper is most probably that historian." concluded Duan Fei.

    "You mean Dr. Shui could be in danger now?!" said Xiao Sheng with alarm. "We must go and find him".

    "How about Miss Ching Yuan? We must find her too!" asked Szema Fei.

    "We will continue to look for your friend, Little Fei. But we also need to rescue our friend since we know he's in danger. I promise you. We will look for you friend until we find her." said Duan Fei to Szema Fei.

    Szema Fei can said nothing more. There was no good reason he could give to ask Duan Fei and Xiao Sheng to forgo their friend and just look for his. Although worried about Ching Yuan, he could not be so selfish. So, all he could do was now nod his head in assent.

    With that, all three hurriedly followed the trail of Violet Mist.

    --- at the ruined temple---

    The 3 finally reached the ruined temple but it was already deserted. Only some makeshift cooking equipment was left behind.

    "Looks like we are too late. " commented Duan Fei.

    "But I don't think they have gone far, Sifu." said Xiao Sheng. She was kneeling on one knee near the fire place. "This small area of the floor and the ashes still have some wamth in it." continued Xiao Sheng, while feeling the floor near the ashes.

    "Let's move. I hope we can catch up with them" said Duan Fei.
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  3. #263
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    posted by patricia n
    early morning, a young lady with a soiled and dirty face could be seen pulling the chains which wrapped the wrists and ankles of the disfigured man who followed her. onlookers quickly moved away from them as the disfigured man was grunting as he was unable to speak any words properly. the lady leaned over and whispered playfully, "shui dou yi, i promised you that i would not allow anyone to recognize you. so you can't be upset at me for coming up with this plan."

    though her face was purposefully dirtied to mask her features, her eyes still sparkled vibrantly. she quickly set up a table and a tent after finding herself an available spot that was visible to the villagers. after finishing the set up, the young girl stood up on her chair and announced, "hello friends and potential clients. my name is leung ching ching."

    the crowd carefully gathered around her for they found the disfigured man and dirty faced girl rather interesting. in a village where little happened daily, new faces were always fun to observe and gossip about.

    seeing the increasing numbers in the crowd, yueyou placed her hands on shui dou yi's arm as she pretended to be sad, "this is my father leung changcong. please excuse him because he has been traumatized and suffers from a mental illness. my father is really a tragic figure, as if heavens has not been cruel enough to him, he also suffers from leprosy."

    seeing the anger exploding in shui dou yi's eyes and his increasing grunts, the crowd quickly moved back. indeed, yueyou had muted shui dou yi when she hit his acupunture point; she did not wish for the crowd to suspect that he was held captive. so her only method was to convince everyone that he was sick and crazy so that no one would take anything he would say seriously and she did not wish for him to reveal anything. hearing yueyou make such false statements about him angered him even more but because he could not speak, he could only grunt to indicate his displeasure toward her skit. yet the crowd saw his grunts as a sign of his mental illness. yueyou looked at him and saw his disfigured face which she created by placing various fake scabs on his face to hide his features. she never discussed this part of the plan with him and proceeded on her own free will while he was immobilized and muted. she never mentioned it to him for she knew that he would object to being subjected to this humiliation.

    gently smiling, she asked, "father, are you tired? why don't you rest in the tent. that way, no one else can catch your disease as well." she pulled him back into the tent and closed the front. seeing that the man cursed with leprosy was well contained, the crowd felt more comfortable and moved closer to her again.

    turning back to the crowd, she continued, "the truth is, my father and i are traveling around jiang hu to look for my uncle who has also been cursed with a mental illness. he has yellow skin and wild gray hair and a wild gray beard." she continued to describe crazy old man yeung to them in hopes that someone would have seen him. unfortunately, none had.

    looking around, she stated, "i am also a physician, not a good one because i have not been able to treat my father's leprosy. but i hope to raise enough money so that i could bring him to the kingdom where i could find a better physician to treat him. therefore, today, i will offer my service for a fee. my rules are very simple, i will charge you based on your wealth."

    yueyou sat in front of the tent where there was a slit in the front cover. before they set out on their trip, shui dou yi had taught yueyou the basics to analyze a patient's pulse. the plan was for yueyou to ask about the disease history and describe the quality of the person's pulse and physical exam findings out loud so that shui dou yi could determine the illness. he would write down the diagnosis and treatment onto a sheet of paper and pass it to yueyou while she pretended to be writing. to better convince the crowd, yueyou did not charge her first few clients. many were surprised that she made the right diagnosis and soon, a long line formed.

    when the clients were too poor, yueyou did not charge them, and when the clients were rich, she charged them an outrageous price. all paid in the end because she had been the only physician to visit that village in months.

    after four hours of settling in one village, yueyou and shui dou yi would pack and move on to the next town where they spent the night. they repeated this routine daily and during this time, yueyou gained much knowledge about medicine and found herself enjoying the art of healing more than learning martial arts; unfortunately, her life was fated to avenge her family's death and martial arts was what she had to improve on.

    despite being under her capture, shui dou yi enjoyed the feeling of healing again even if he did not interact with the patients. of course he was unhappy that yueyou charged his service for he had a reputation of never asking for any monetary or material gain; others offerred it to him out of appreciation but he never sought it. yet, he was satisfied that yueyou at the very least offerred the service for free to the less fortunate.

    at the end of the first week, shui dou yi learned that despite her viscious words, yueyou was not such a horrible person as he initially thought though he recognized that she could be swayed to do evil given the right circumstances.

    while eating dinner one evening in his room, shui dou yi asked, "are you really called yueyou?"

    she smirked and said, "no matter what i say, will you believe me?" seeing him think carefully she smiled, "forget it. i know that you've already judged me so why do you bother to ask?"

    "i find it strange that you're called yueyou. you're neither happy nor friendly," reflected shui dou yi as he recalled the same tune she had been playing every night and her occasional moodiness and solitary nature.

    after traveling together, shui dou yi was certan that lam changcong was yueyou for he also heard her agonizing cries while she slept, but he could not understand why she pretended to be someone else and what was her relationship to crazy old man yeung. everytime he asked, she would either ignore him or change the topic. while eating dinner, he realized that he would rather eat her cooking. they had been eating at restaurants ever since yueyou started collecting money and for some reason, the food was not as tasty compared to yueyou's cooked dish.

    shaking his head, shui dou yi looked forward to freeing himself from her, but yueyou had been very careful and kept him chained well, drugged him every night, and kept a close watch on him while sleeping in the same room. he could only hope that someone would follow the trail of herbs he left along the journey for he only had enough supply to last a few more weeks.
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  4. #264
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    strife's booked spot

  5. #265
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    posted by single whip
    At Wudang, around midnight Zhong Yueh was kneeling by himself in front of Priest Yu's coffin. He remembered how kind priest Yu was to him in the past. "Let me pay my respect to you once more priest Yu," Zong Yueh said. Then he stood up to light an incense in front of the coffin. At that time the coffin was not yet sealed, and as he looked at Yu Lian Zhou's body he noticed something strange!

    In death, someone's hands would stiffened so that theywould remain as how it was when the person died. And by instinct, usually, both palms would be in a generally similar shape. However the hands' of Priest Yu's are in completely different positions. The left hand was clenching which normally would not be unusual as he died painfully, but the right hand had the index finger pointing outwardly!

    Zong Yueh whispered, " Forgive me Priest Yu," then with trembling hands, he turned over Priest Yu's right hand to examine it further. The tip of the index finger was covered in blood, which would be normal if the whole finger was bloody. But this time, only the tip has blood. Zong Yueh then turned over the left palm which was clenched in such a way as if concealing something. Zong Yueh's heart was beating hard and he quickly pried open the palm. His suspicion was correct, inside the left palm, two set of characters were written, Yin Tang and Ming Men.

    He knew that those are two important accupoints in a human body, one is in the front by the forehead and one is in the back opposite the dan tian. Obviously priest Yu had wrote the letters with his blood before he died and he clenched his left fist to conceal it from the killer. But why the two accupoints?

    Zong Yueh remembered how deadly the killer's martial art was. She or was it a he?, was really fast and powerful. Luckily at tha time he was not the main target, otherwise he probably would suffer the same fate as priest Yu and the Shaolin Abbot.

    Could it be at the end, Priest Yu was able to find a way to defeat his killer and he was writing it down with his last ounce of energy?

    Zong Yueh stayed by the coffin until dawn pondering this question when Jian Yi showed up.

    "Are you ready to leave?" Jian Yi asked, he had paid his respect to priest Yu earlier, before Zong Yueh did.

    'Yes, lets go."

    With that, the two brothers went down the Wudang mountain in search of Zhang Wu ji. Zong Yueh mentioned his founding to Jian Yi, unfortunately he also could not solve the mystery.

    After searching for a week, they still have not find Zhang Wu Ji, Zhao Min or the young guy that apparently they were travelling with.

  6. #266
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    posted by flying phoenix
    Juai Sanzheng, reverand Kong Shian, and the shaolin disciples delegated over the matter for a long time...

    Juai Sangzheng was still quite furious but he kept it all within himself as he spoke "All the orthodox sects and shaolin absolutely should not forget what has happened, we can't just let the unorthodox sects get away with stuff like this, its been happening far too long now. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

    One of the disciples called out "Yeah brother Juai is right, the orthodox sects have done nothing for far too long and thats why evil is prevailing."

    Reverand Kong Shian calmly spoke "I think it is wise that we seek the counselling of all the other orthodox sects for their advice on how to deal with this matter before we initiate action. For we do not need Shaolin disciples getting killed in unescessary battles. Our tradition are wailing as new generations spurt, we are no longer the once great tai san bei dou of wulin we once were."

    Juai Sangzheng though knew what the reverand said was right, he deep down wanted to kill the culprit that caused the Abbot's death with his own hands.
    He wanted to send the evils of wulin to the netherworld one by one. His heart was filled with distorted rage and devastation.
    'I must avenge abbot Liangshangs death, I just must... perhaps I need to seek mast Suangjian for some advice before I act to rashly, I must keep calm merciful buddha' thought Juai Sangzheng.

    "Reverand Kongshian I think we should seeker brother Bei Xing aswell on this matter as he was once also a Shaolin disciple..." spoke Juai Sangzheng.

    "Indeed I think that is a pretty good idea although we do not know the whereabouts of him right.." replied Kong Shian.

    One of the disciples quickly intervened and spoke "Oh I have seen brother Bei in the other inn two streets down earlier."

    "Reverand Shian, may disciple Juai be excused, as I wish to go and consult him"
    said Juai Sangzheng in a very respectful tone.

    "Yes I think it would be if you go and seek him, he may have some ideas on what to do next aswell" replied reverand Kong Shian

    Juai Sangzheng then payed his respects and left the inn and went to the inn Bei Xing, Li Xiao Sheng, Duan Fei and Szema Fei was.
    The innkeeper told Juai Sangzheng where Bei Xing was and he quickly made his way to their room.

    Bei Xing quickly greeted his old friend as they paid their respects to each other. They walked outside the inn a had a good chat about things. Juai Sangzheng asked Bei Xing of his thoughts towards what should be done since the murder of the Abbot.

    Bei Xing suggested that Juai Sangzheng and reverand Kong Shian make their way back to Shaolin as quaikly as possible and then decide on what to next.

    Bei Xing said he would make his way to Shaolin after a few days aswell.
    They then made their way back to their rooms respectively.
    The next day the Shaolin disciples and Juai Sangzheng and reverand Kong Shian made began their journey back to Shaolin.

  7. #267
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    posted by jianhu_xiaoyao
    Yuen Jie who had been quite hurt during the confrontations at the Heroes Conference. She sat in a emtpy room self cultivating her Kui Hua Bao Dian seeing as she had only mastered a partial bits from the full version she possess. If she had mastered the kui hua bao dian she would have been a much stronger fighter, but now she realized the need to focus and train it up completely. She had also had the blood absorption skill called xixue moufa, and bingxing da fa to her disposal. Even though in the posession of such vicious arts, her experience in one on one fights was inexperienced, so therefore did not possess the strategies to win against equal skilled opponents at the moment. She uses the lement of surprise and ruthlessness to strike merciless blows. But now she was more determined than ever to fully master her kui hua bao dian and xixue moufa and find Shue Yun again and murder him.
    She reminded herself of painful her past, and never to forget it. One her list was also Shui Dou Yi the divine healer.

  8. #268
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    posted by swordfreak
    After Yao Hu Shuan had treated his injuries he was quietly treating himself to some luscious looking ladies in his manor taking his mind away from the the tragicness of the heroes conference.

    'what a bloody blasphemy, how could those beautiful ladies escape from my mighty grasps? and why was I so careless against that rascal to lose to his underhand tactics and now Li Xiao Sheng has been lost, my plans have fallen to pieces I cant even take a tiny slice of the big cake' he thought to himself stirringly.

    Just as he continuously indulged himself, one of his other maids walked into the room and reported 'Master Yao your daughter wishes to seek aquaintances with you"

    "Bloody hell what does that cho ya tou want now, tell her I'm deeply busy with hard work at this moment I'll attend to her later" said Yao Hu Shuan.

    Then the maid quickly went back to Yao hu Shuans daught Yao ling Ling and told her what Yao Hu Shuan had said.
    "Why does father just ignores me nowdays, hes been like this ever since mother died" said Yao Ling Ling tearfully.

  9. #269
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    posted by shipotian
    Huai Suan had been following Shue Yun as he also sensed an very strong presence going pass at unimagineable speeds at the inn, but he did not listen to their conversation because he saw that the man had meant no harm to brother Shue Yun. He kept his qi to absolute minimal so that his presence was not felt.
    He went back to the inn, waiting to speak with Shue Yun.

    Shue Yun Zen had sensed Huai Suans presence and immediately excused himself and went speak with Huai Suan.

    "Brother Shue, I saw you chase after that hooded figure who sped off with incredible qing gong so I thought I'd better follow and see if that guy had any ill intentions, and didn't know you know the person." spoke Huai Suan.

    "Ahh it's all good, the person I was speaking to was shen kong is actually the leader of the 9 divine heavens sect a sect that is allies with my divine elements sect. Though the 9 divine heavens sect is not considered orthodox in Jiang Hu but they are also not evil like the demonic cults. The reason many sects call themselves unorthodox is because they are sick of the hypocrisey of the so called orthodox sects" replied shue yun

    "Oh I see, I guess it's all good then... your friend seemed to have possess such unimagineable inner level and lightness kungfu I have not yet seen before, the 9 divine heavens sect must be extremely powerful and well known in Jiang hu?" asked Huai Suan.

    "Yes they would be considered extremely powerful, but like my sect they have been a sect in seclusion and have not dealt with Jiang Hu matters. But after I had spoken with Sheng kong he has suggested something which if you don't mind I believe would be useful to your quest" said shue yun in a polite manner

    "Oh if thats the case then I would appreciate anything that would aid me as I really cannot think of a strategy to deal with the demons & dragons sect at the moment" said Huai Suan

    "Okay then, well shen kong has suggested that maybe you would like the help of the 9 divine heavens sect and divine elements sect to help you defeat the demons & dragons sect. For he also has plans to defeat them and it would be good if we could work together and rid of that great evil in wulin." replied Shue yun

    "Indeed I believe that is a pretty good idea for there are no other choices I can make if I want to seek revenge, and I know brother Shue has a good heart and I would love to co-operate" spoke Huai Suan.

    "hehe thats all good then, I should make sometime for brother shen kong to speak with you on this matter, with your help and your martial impeccable martial arts our jobs of defeating the number one demonic cult in wulin has become a lot easier for that the demons & dragons sect have many very strong pugilist allies." said Shue yun.

    "What must be done, will be done. I will not rest until revenge is taken brother Shue and I trust we will together fight to the end if need to be good brother!" said Huai Suan.

    "Indeed we will! no matter what challenges are faced we will stand side by side and face them." replied Shue Yun.

    The two payed their respects and made their way back to their rooms.

    but before that Huai Suan had caught a glimpse at Li Xiao Sheng who had went out to see if the shue yun was okay. There was just something about her that made his heart feel fuzzy.

  10. #270
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    posted by fzer0
    Ban Meihua and Shui Qing had escaped from the rubbles of the heroes conference.

    They also made their way to the inn in the town. Both of them were extremely tired.

  11. #271
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    posted by sickz
    As Shi Mulang was thoroughly pleasuring himself in the brothel a group of about 40 beggar clan members charged in.

    "You bastard Shi Mulang!! you poisoned our leader and killed so many of our brothers, you shall pay with your blood you traitor!!" they shouted at Shi Mulang.

    Shi Mulang merely exploded into laughter "You pathetic idiots think you are a match for me? Can't you see that I have more important business to take care off, but since you imbeciles have come univited I shall shall show no mercy then!"

    Shi Mulang immediately unleashed his ha gong da fa and dissipated all of the beggar clan brothers in a blinding flash and used his soul draining art and sucked the complete souls out of them leaving 40 corpses on the floor.

    The prostitutes at the brothel were scared out of their wits.
    "Who dares to displease me will end up just like those animals!! BRING ME MORE WINE AND GIRLS!!" he laugehd and shouted as the prostitutes were afraid to do anything at all.

  12. #272
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    posted by Single Whip
    Filling in for Ban Mei Hua and Shui Qing:

    When Shui Qing and Ban Mei Hua arrived at the inn, they were given the one remaining empty room. As they walked past a room that was guarded by two high rank beggar clan members, Shui Qing smelled a familiar scent, a scent of poison, from inside the room. She then said to the guard, “Excuse me, may I know who is in the room.”

    “It is our leader, she is sick.”
    “Actually, I believe she is poisoned. I may be able to help,” said Shui Qing.
    “Come to think of it, I have seen you at the heroes conference. Why don’t you come in, I guess it doesn’t hurt for you to examine her.” He then stepped aside to let Shui Qing and Ban Mei Hua in.

    Once inside, Shui Qing examined the beggar clan leader and quickly determined the type of poison that Shi Mulang had used on her. “This type of poison, unfortunately has to be cleansed by inserting an opposite type of poison,“ she said. She then proceeds to feed the beggar clan leader a type of liquid from her pocket.

    After five minutes, the beggar clan leader’s suddenly screamed as the two poisons started to react in her body. The elder that let Shui Qing in then exclaimed, “Wait a minute, I know where I saw you in the conference, you were sitting next to that poisonous Shui Xiang. How dare you try to hurt our leader!” Immediately the two elders attacked Shui Qing with their staffs. But before their attack arrived, they felt a sort of yin energy enveloping their staffs, and suddenly their weapons have changed hands into those of Ban Mei Hua’s.

    “Look, there must be a misunderstanding.” Ban Mei Hua said.

    The two elders were furious and they quickly attacked Ban Mei Hua with their bare hands.

    At that time the beggar clan leader shouted, “Stop! The poison that she gave me has cleansed the poison in my body.” At that time, most of the poison has been purged out and therefore she felt her internal energy slowly returning. “Miss, your kungfu style is very similar to that of miss Yang, who several times had saved the beggar clan. Are you related to her?” She asked Ban Mei Hua.

    “I don’t know who this miss Yang is, but rest assured we meant no harm.” replied Ban Mei Hua.

  13. #273
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    posted by jianhu_xiaoyao
    Yuen Jie heavily trained her Kui Hua Bao Dian in trying to master its true powers.
    After a few days had passed Shen Mo had called upon her to his headquarters.

    "Now Yuen Jie I want you to accompany Da Tou to find and capture Szema Fei for me" spoke Shen Mo.

    "No problems sir, we will surely capture Szema Fei" replied Yuen Jie elegantly and politely.

    Yuen had always had a secret crush on Da Tou and now this would be a great opportunity for them to bond and get to know each other more.

    As they left the headquarters Yuen Jie suggested to Da Tou "Da Tou da ge, I think we should go and find that Shui Dou Yi aswell, he is the divine healer so he may be able to heal your blindness"

    Da Tou agreed to her suggestion as now they were also looking for the where abouts of Shui Dou Yi.

  14. #274
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    posted by DuGu Qiu Bai
    Thanks to his master, Li's injury was healing quite quickly and the tuberculosis was being suppressed quite well.

    Li was adapting quite well to the extra amount of weight added to his arm. Though still slow, his movements gradually became more natural. He had been told by his master that once he gained the speed and strength that his right arm had, only then would he impart the true Demon's Waltz to Li.

    Since today he was feeling particularly well, he decided that he'd get up early and get in some extra training.

    As Li left the bamboo hut, he noticed that his master was nowhere to be seen.

    "Master must be out gathering herbs and such," thought Li.

    Li searched the floor of the forest for a piece of bamboo, preferably a sturdy piece. When he finally made his selection, he made his way to the stream that he remembered training near when he was younger.

    When Li got there, he took a moment to gaze at the horizen.

    "Never did I think that I'd be labled as a cripple. If it were not for my arrogance, I would not be in this state.......I will learn this skill and take revenge, but not just for myself.......also for those that lost their lives at the Conference...." thought Li as he lowered his head.

    In reality, Li did not know who he should have been angry at. Should he be angry at Xie Junh Lang for doing this to him or, should he be angry with himself, for not listening to the sound council of others?

    "This is just giving me a's time to accept what has happened and move on........." thought Li.

    Li began to perform basic sword stances. Though he had gotten used to the extra weight, performing martial arts with it was quite another story. He movements were very sluggish and not strudy at all. This frustrated Li.

    "Excuse me."

    Li stopped his practice, turned around, and met with and unfamiliar figure.

    "I was just wondering where the nearest inn is?"

    Li examined the man before him. Though nerdy looking, it looked it he had the build of a martial artist.

    "There should be one about 30 miles north of here. You can get there by using the ferry that is nine miles south of here," answered Li.

    "Ling Feng thanks you for kindness," said Ling as he bowed his head in respect and made his way south.

    "Weird....I sensed a strange sort of qi from this individual, but it was very faint. It almost seemed like he was masking it," thought Li.

    After pondering over the individual he had just met, Li returned to his training.

  15. #275
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    posted by Extremer88
    While both Da Tou and Yuen Jie left Shen Mo's palace, they headed south in search of Szema Fei and Shui Dou Yi.

    Da Tou had reluctantly agreed for Yuen Jie to follow him along his journeys, as Yuen Jie had been pestering him even when Da Tou was eating or even sleeping.

    Yuen Jie said, "Brother Da Tou, are you tired?"

    Da Tou replied, "Not really, of course I am being pestered by you whole day, what do you mean by that?"

    Yuen Jie replied, "Wouldn't it be great if we could just retire and live a peaceful and carefree life?"

    Da Tou whined, "Haha, that could be lightyears away, we would have to wait after our world domination plan before considering retiring. By then, with our master conquering the world, and with enormous power in our hands, would we even think of retiring from the jianghu world? Haha..."

    Yuen Jie said, "But....."

    Da Tou whined, "Enough buts, let's just get going."

  16. #276
    Senior Member patricia n's Avatar
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    strife's booked spot

  17. #277
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    posted by patricia n
    back at huyan's home.

    huyan stared at the maiden lying on the bed before he reluctantly tore himself away to greet the guests in the main hall, for he knew that the demons and dragons sect were certainly not to be trifled with.

    walking out into the main room, he was surprise to see a well groomed and obviously affluent gentleman staring at the paintings on the wall. there were many hired help who the man brought with him. next to him was a low rank subordinate of the demons and dragons sect who was tied up with a blade held against his neck.

    hearing the approaching footsteps, the well groomed man turned around and asked the subordinate, "is that him?"

    the subordinate shivered as the blade threatened to cut deeper into his neck. staring at the scrawny man next to huyan, the subordinate responded, "yes, that's him! i saw him take your daughter in the midst of the heroes conference attack!"

    huyan let out a sigh of relief when he realized that it was only one member of the demons and dragons sect who was present.

    the well groomed man turned to huyan and asked, "are you the young master of this household?"

    huyan proceeded to smile and pleasantly stated, "i am. and how can i help you...ah master.."

    "i am ching yuan's father." hardening his voice, he asked, "where is my daughter?"

    thinking to himself, huyan knew that he had the support of many mercenaries but his family could always use more. and huyan had heard of master ching's vast wealth...if he offended this man, his family's business could be compromised. so why gain an enemy when he could gain an ally; furthermore, he felt confident that he could charm ching yuan when she awakens.

    turning to his servant, huyan ordered, "bring miss ching out," then whispering very lowly so that only his servant could hear, "and make sure she is decent." after the servant left, huyan spoke, "master ching, there must have been a misunderstanding. i have long heard of your reputation and have always wanted to befriend your family. that fateful day, i happened to see miss ching at the heroes conference during the attack and commanded my servants to protect her. so when she was injured, we had no choice but to bring her back here to take care of her."

    master ching looked at him with disbelief, "i'll ask my daughter and if what you tell me is false then i will make it my job to destroy your family's business."

    in the room, the maids quickly dressed ching yuan, causing her to wake up from her sleep. ching yuan opened her eyes and could not recognize where she was.

    one of the maids curtsied, "miss ching, your father is here to bring you home. please follow us."

    ching yuan trailed the maids and when she saw her father, she ran to him, "father!"

    master ching took a careful look at her and was relieved when he saw that she was safe, "yuan, did that guy do anything to you?"

    understanding his implication, ching yuan looked down at herself and saw that she was decent and then turned to face huyan who smiled charmingly at her. unable to recognize him and unable to recall how she came to his home she could only state, "i don't remember much. i remember being at the conference and when i woke up, i was here."

    huyan stepped forward and smiled specifically to ching yuan, "miss yuan, i was explaining to your father that i could not allow such a beautiful girl as yourself die at the heroes conference."

    hearing the compliment, she couldn't help but blushed slightly, "thank you young master."

    master ching stood in between them and threatened, "i don't like the way you stare at my daughter. if i ever find out that you had ill intentions towards her then you will hear from me. ching yuan, let's go."

    huyan stared dreamily at the retreating figure of ching yuan and sighed, "i was so close to having her."

  18. #278
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    posted by strife_au

    Shue Yun spoke to Bei Xing and told him that he had decided that they would head back to his sect for the meantime at mount of divine elements. Shue Yun he also invited Bei Xing to pay a visit but he kindly rejected the offer thinking it would be best for him to also go and investigate the events at the Heroes Conference.

    "I believe there should be a gathering of wulin pugilists in the near future for the discussion of the events happened at the heroes' conference and for the mourning of the lost ones. I think we shall meet again there brother Bei, good luck.." spoke Shue Yun as headed off to where Huai Suan was.

    "Indeed we will, good luck to you too" replied Bei Xing.

    Shue Yun left to Huai Suan’s quarters and greeted the company.
    "Good morning brother Huai, what do you plan to do now?" smilingly spoke Shue Yun.

    “Morning, I really do not know what we will be doing at this moment…” replied Huai Suan.

    “Perhaps you would like to join me in paying a visit to the divine element sect.” said Shue Yun.

    Huai Suan thought about the suggestion for a moment then agreed “Okay I think that would be good, as I have nothing else planned. This would be a good way to discuss how to deal with the current situation and roam Jiang Hu while we are here”

    “Ah that’s great then, I see your friends will join us too?” Replied Shue Yun

    Zhuang Kuen quickly replied “Brother Huai and Shue , me and xiao mei Liu Xuan have decided that maybe it would good for us to investigate further the happenings in this areas and gather more information.”

    “Okay we will not be away too long as it will be quite a short visit to the sect.” spoke Shue Yun.
    ”Alright if you two need to contact us just send a message with kuai feng (carrier pigeon) it always knows where to find us” added Huai Suan.

    “Yeah you too master Huai… we’ll there as quick as possible if you need our service” bowed the two.

    Before Huai Suan and Shue Yun left the inn, Shue yun went back to his room to pick up his belongings. He took a moment to stare at the amulet and saw strange words encrypted on it ‘천국은 너에 새벽, 탐색 진실한 신성을 찢고 발견될 것이다’…
    He smiled to himself as he put the amulet on his neck.

    As he was about to leave he looked towards his bed and saw a small note that someone had left for him that was left there. He quickly opened it as it said ‘The person is safe’. He tore the note and proceeded off with Huai Suan.

  19. #279
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    posted by Phoenix_Aquaris
    “Nine miles south… I should be around the jetty the guy said earlier… This should be the south, don’t tell me I lost my way.”

    The nerdy physician whom Li Kang met earlier during training was muttering to himself as he walked, trying to find the jetty Li Kang mentioned earlier.

    “Should have bought a compass! Now I can’t find my way and it’s going to be so embarrassing to ask someone to lead me… But a compass is not cheap! Two taels! How many patients must I earn to earn back those money, which means I cannot step into a gambling den for another week!” The moment he thought of gambling, his hands itched and he started wishing he was back at the den. “No!” he chided himself, “junior sister told you to quit your gambling habits, you mustn’t…”

    Reminded of his junior sister, Ling Feng’s eyes turned red, and he sighed sorrowfully, his hands jerking uncontrollably. If only she was alive…

    He passed around a corner of the forest, and a river with a ferry almost full of people was in full view. Finally, I found the ferry! He thought as he sprinted there in full speed, he was about to shout for the ferry to wait when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted six people in yellow. These people are obviously martial artists as they had swords with them.

    Kunlun disciples.

    It’s just a matter of time before the next ferry arrives, he said to himself, but for now…

    There are more important things to do…

    The ferry left, leaving only the six Kunlun disciples behind. “Never mind,” one said, “we could always wait for the next ferry…”

    A pity they wouldn’t be boarding the next ferry at all… In fact, they wouldn’t be boarding anything at all for the rest of their lives…

    Although it was broad daylight, there was something creepy around their surroundings. The ringing silence was a little too unnatural, shouldn’t there be at least some birds or insects in a forest? How strange.

    Speaking of strange, strange things does not occur very often, but when they do, they don’t stop there, quite the contrary, a list of stranger things awaits you. For instance, how weird is it to see a trail of at least thirty dead sparrows with needles protruding from their hearts, and you can swear to heaven they weren’t there a split second ago. How weird is it to see a masked man dressed in black from top to toe hovering above a tree at the end of the trail of dead sparrows, as still as a zombie, staring(although you couldn’t see his eyes, but you can probably guess from the direction he is facing) right at you, his unsheathed sword glittering under the sunlight, stained with the scarlet blood of sparrows.

    At that precise moment, the air felt chilly, and you were constantly reminded of the fates of the poor victims in horror stories, however you know that was not true, but you cannot say the same about what is going to happen to you…

    “Who are you?” One disciple bellowed. Despite his fierce looks, he was shivering madly, as though he was standing in Antarctica naked, but given the two scenarios, he would rather choose the latter. Seeing no response, he considered repeating the question, this time changing the word “who” to “what”. He opened his mouth but before he could make a sound, there was a sudden streak of dazzling light, and the poor guy fell backwards, dead. Blood poured from his chest and forehead and his mouth remained open.

    “What the-” The rest exclaimed.

    Streak. Streak. Streak. Streak. Streak.

    Not one could finish their sentence. All laid down on their backs with their mouth open. Blood poured from their foreheads and chests just like the first guy who died. Neither knew what killed them, nor do they even know they were killed. Their blood painted the leaves on the floor scarlet, as for the zombie-like man, he had disappeared right into thin air before those disciples hit the floor. Strangely enough, the blood of those Kunlun disciples who died formed the words “Ling Yun Jian Xing was here” on the floor next to their corpses.

  20. #280
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    posted by strife_au
    As Shue Yun and Huai Suan made their journey to divine elements sect, they spotted a group of about 80 powerful looking pugilists heading towards the conference area. Shue Yun immediately recognised one of the men was Shizong Wei, the leader of the southern phoenix sect along with Danshun Kwun from the demons & dragons sect. Meanwhile another group of men was forcing a horde of people that they had captured and enslaved. Shue Yun recognized that the group of bandit was that of the clan of gallantry, who were infamous for their ruthless killings of little towns.

    They had captured many girls, from a nearby village and were on their way back to their headquarters.

    “It looks like the first group are heading towards where the others are, there might be some trouble.” Spoke Huai Suan.

    “Indeed they are people from the evil sects southern phoenix and demons and dragons, perhaps they are looking for something back there. And those other bandits are probably going to do something tainted to those women.” Replied Shue Yun.

    “What do you propose we do brother Shue?” asked Huai Suan
    Shue Yun thought a quick moment and spoke “I think we may have to alter our plans a little, we should split up in two…”

    “That’s a good idea, how about you check up on those bandits while I go and follow those people to the conference area to see what their up to.” Responded Huai Suan.

    “Alright, I guess the trip to divine elements sect will have to be postponed for now. Give this to your pigeon, then it will certainly find me when you need to contact me.” Said Shue Yun as he handed over a tiny pill,

    The two then immediately proceeded off on separate routes.

    Shue Yun quietly trailed the bandits from the clan of gallantry as they headed towards North West where there base was, in a small city called ‘Yu Xi”.
    He heard Wenxian Dong the second in charge of the clan speaking to his men
    “Ok boys remember to dress these ladies in the best clothing when we get back to our HQ and present them to our leader before you can have the left overs.”

    The men laughed with deep excitement and anticipation as they sped up their movements.

    Shue Yun then casually walked in front the bandits and laughed, his face was cloaked in black cloth.
    “So eager are you guys… what a pity you achieve such treasures by raiding and killing towns huh? Why do such little devilish deeds on the borders of wulin yet you present yourselves as an anonymous wulin clan of neutrality. Yet you feed of the defenceless peasants while other sects have their differences settled only by the ways of Jiang Hu.”

    One of the men shouted at Shue Yun “Who the hell do you think you are? All alone trying to oppose all of our brothers by yourself, talking as if you’re an saint of the world. You are just asking for death”

    “Hahahaha the only reason why filthy pathetic clans like yours exist in this world because the orthodox are just pure hypocrites. They speak of being righteous and only with valour and wisdom, yet what do they do absolutely nothing. They are nothing but a bunch of greedy pigs, conflicting for the position of being the leaders of wulin between themselves. They kill each other for nothing but power, yet they do nothing to eradicate clans like yours. That’s why evil clans like yours can roam so freely causing so much chaos; they just keep a blind eye on the important matters.” Spoke in a darkish tone Shue Yun.

    “Fool what do you think you can do to us by speaking of such worthless crap in front of us. Do you really think you can fight all of us in a battle? Then you have something seriously wrong with your head”
    Said Wenxian Dong laughing at Shue Yun’s comments.

    “Haha you scums obviously don’t know who your dealing with, I was originally thinking of passing by without causing much of a disturbance to you people but now that you have offered a challenge how can I not accept? Since all of you guys are not leaving alive anyway, it doesn’t hurt to reveal who I am” laughed Shue Yun as he took of his cloth mask and put on his real mask.

    The sudden revelation froze the bandits with absolute shock
    “It-it-it-its you!! We did not know it was you ‘heavens cloud’… Please forgive of us of the blasphemous words we have spoken to you, for we are regretting beyond description. Please divine lord forgive us, we will do whatever you please, we will provide you with anything you want.” Spoke Wenxian Dong frightened beyond description.

    Shue Yun merely laughed at their pleads… “Do you really think I would need anything from you filthy scoundrels, how can you people be repented from all the evil you have caused? I may be of an unorthodox origin but it is clans like you who are a disgrace to our name. That’s why all these years orthodox sect have always been seen upon their righteous virtues while all unorthodox sects are labelled as evils of Jiang hu.” You have already betrayed the mercy 9 divine heavens sect has given you by doing all these wrongful deeds to innocent peasants. Only death can cleanse your sins.”

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