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Thread: YG's 2 palm stlyes

  1. #1
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    Default YG's 2 palm stlyes

    After closely reading ROCH for the 6th time, I noticed that YG at 36 should have not one palm, but 2 palm styles.
    1st is his most powerful technique of all, the Melancholic Sad Palm. Consists of 17 stances. Relies on the internal. The palm power as shown in the JLFW vs YG fight is enhanced when YG is depressed or sad(similiar to how XF's XL18Z's power would get enhanced when XF drinks wine and gets semi-drunk).
    2nd is what I call the Sea Palm or Wave Palm (wierd name eh?). Power should be the same as the unenhanced Sad Palm, but once Sad Palm's power is enhanced by sadness, the level in power should be completly different as evidenced by the battle between JLFW and YG.

    After closely examining the ZBT vs. YG fight, I found out that YG used 2 different types of palm technqiue. When YG first began the fight, this was what it said:杨过左手还了一掌,猛觉得对方拳力若有若无,自己掌力使实了固然不对,使虚了也是极其危险,不禁 暗暗吃惊,当下展开十余年来在狂涛怒潮中所苦练的掌法还击出去。Later, before YG used the 4 stances of Sad Palm on ZBT, this was what ZBT commented on "sea" palm-周伯通打得高兴,大叫道:“好功夫,好掌法!这一架打得可真过瘾。” that underlined part clearly shows that this is a different palm from Sad Palm because YG hasn't used any of the stances of Sad Palm. Later, after losing the battle when ZBT used L/R tech, this was what happened: 你双手齐使,接一下我的‘黯然销魂掌’!”Saying that ZBT should try to recieve his Sad Palm. He later used these 4 stances- 拖泥带水’, 杞人忧天, 无中生有’, 心惊肉跳 which all haven't been used in the beggining of the battle’. After ZBT tried to force the remaining 13 stances, YG used QZ palm and 9 Yin arts on the defense. YG didn't show any of the remaining 13 stances and later when YG did, the 13 stances were all completely new, so this showed that YG didn't use it earlier in the beggining. This also would mean that he didn't use any of the Sad Palm at all in the begginning, yet, YG was using a palm style in the beggining of the fight.
    So? This means that YG used 2 different palm styles in the battle with ZBT. One is his famous Sad Palm that completly turned the tide of the battle around. And the other is Wave or Sea Palm that he uses against typical opponents. So now, I think YG has another art in his arsenal.
    Last edited by Whsie; 06-30-06 at 11:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I always thought he incorporated the different palm styles (like Toad Stance and maybe Quanzhen Palm style) into Sad Palms. Some of the moves in Sad Palm actually use his entire body, not just his palms.

  3. #3
    Moderator Ken Cheng's Avatar
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    Unfortunately for poor Yeung Gor, even if he has two cool palm techniques, he doesn't have two hands or the Left/Right Hand Technique to use both of them at the same time.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Chen
    I always thought he incorporated the different palm styles (like Toad Stance and maybe Quanzhen Palm style) into Sad Palms. Some of the moves in Sad Palm actually use his entire body, not just his palms.
    that's 100% true. Shown here-他生平受过不少武学名家的指点,自全真教学得玄门正宗内功的口诀,自小龙女学得玉女心经,在古墓中见到九阴 真经,欧阳锋授以蛤蟆功和逆转经脉,洪七公与黄蓉授以打狗棒法,黄药师授以弹指神通和玉萧剑法,除了一阳指 之外.东邪、西毒、北丐、中神通的武学无所不窥,而古墓派的武学又于五大高人之外别创蹊径,此时融会贯通,已是卓然成家。只因他单剩一臂,是以不在招数变化取胜,反而故意与武学道理相反。他将这套掌法定名为“黯然销魂掌”,取 的是江淹《别赋》中那一句“黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣”之意。自掌法练成以来,直至此时,方遇到周伯通这等真 正的强敌。

    And there is a stance where he used his whole body. It was one of the 4 stances used at first by YG against ZBT.
    However, apparently YG was referring to another palm in the beggining of the battle which clearly wasn't Sad Palm or any of the palm that he learned when he was young. It was just said that the palm came from training in the waves, so I called it Wave Palm.
    Last edited by Whsie; 08-26-06 at 12:03 AM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Cheng
    Unfortunately for poor Yeung Gor, even if he has two cool palm techniques, he doesn't have two hands or the Left/Right Hand Technique to use both of them at the same time.
    that is a shame. However, I'm afraid even if YG had both hands, he still couldn't learn L/R tech because his mind is not pure enough like GJ or XLN.

  6. #6
    Senior Member kyss of the sword's Avatar
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    actually what YG would have used earlier would have been a combination of ha ma gong, QZ palm and ancient tomb netting heaven and earth palm. toad palms were his hard stye and QZ and ancient tomb were his soft palms. but sad palms were his best, combination of the essense of all his skills.
    he's the strongest in history but he's the disciple.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Yeeep even with "Sea Palm" he still superior to JLFW🤭🤭🤭🤭

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