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Thread: On The First Beat 《學警出更》

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jollee's Avatar
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    Default On The First Beat 《學警出更》

    Hey, I was wondering if there is a thread on this tvb series yet. But excuse me if I created a repetition! Sooo.. any news about this series? I duno if this is the sequel to The Academy...

    The cast I'm sure of: <of this series>

    Michael Tao- male lead
    Ron Ng
    Joey Yung
    Sonija Kwok

    Joey Yung will be paired up with Ron Ng in this series.

    News article:

    look for the following title in the little bar:


    credits to

    or if it creates any difficulties, heres the article:
    容祖兒昨日為無劇集《學警出更》試造型,她笑言自己忙得要死,因她趕在月內完成8至10月的工作,才可騰 出時間拍劇。三年未有拍劇的她卻無懼與對手吳卓羲傳緋聞:「我係絕緣體,如果傳得出就打爛我個齋缽!」而吳 卓羲也不擔心會與劇中女演員傳緋聞,強調工作還工作,不會刻意避忌。

    另一男主角陶大宇以一身古銅膚色亮相,他說:「監製話做軍裝警唔好咁白淨,我咪去曬燈,點知曬上癮!(有冇 遮住脆弱重要部位?)我唔脆弱,好堅強!」至於首次演軍裝警的郭羨妮,興奮地表示達成了童年心願,穿上軍 裝警制服,原來她曾填表申請做輔警,不過經朋友勸告後始終未有遞交表格.

    below is a picture of Joey Yung and Sonija Kwok in their police uniforms
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by triumph2004; 12-30-08 at 06:01 PM.
    卓羲 *ron* <33 阿峰 *ray* <33 阿怡 *tav* <33

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    hm I really dont know anything about this series- I'll have to see and know more info about it. sorry cant help there =p .. and what the hell..? Sonija should just totally stop acting. Not that I hate her but personally, I really dont like her acting much. And I'd like to see what kind of love and chemistry would be sparked between Ron and Joey =o

    I loved Joey in Not Just a Pretty Face - not the best of performance but was fair enough and it was one heck of a comedic series. I'm real interested in seeing more of Joey and what she could bring.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Twinsangelkiki's Avatar
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    hmm... i don't know if this series would be as the sequel before.... the cast?? eh... heard that fiona is going to die in a car accident and sammul having a crush on sonija????? '[that IS JUST unbelivable] so sad... i liked fiona and sammul's chemistry!! and tavia is going to only guest... ONLY
    Best Series: Family Man, Triumph in the Skies, The Last Breakthrough, Heart of Greed
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  4. #4
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Sonija and Sammul love forever!!!

    Sign... After the successful pairing of Raymond/Charmaine, Raymond/Melissa and Jessica/Bosco, there are still people think it's not believable for Sammul to have a crush on Sonija.
    Last edited by kidd; 07-11-06 at 09:56 PM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  5. #5
    Senior Member Jollee's Avatar
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    what?! really? and HOW come tavias like out of the sequel and only a guest?! anyhow.. i confirmed that this is the sequel to The Academy cos ii found another but similar article about this series:

    credits to and 東方日報

    if it doesnt work, heres the article:

    【東方日報專訊】無新劇《學警出更》(暫名)昨日舉行造型禮,容祖兒(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)表示,由於工作繁忙,已有心理準備會很辛苦,又自稱是「絕緣體」,不怕與吳卓羲(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)傳緋聞,而陶大宇則稱為配合沙展角色,不
    廣 告

    容祖兒(Joey)表示已有三年沒有拍劇,她說:「我要八月先入劇,而家要將八、九、十月堆埋呢個月 做晒,我就快死!幸好呢個劇演員我都未合作過,相信會好開心。」Joey於劇中與吳卓羲有感情線,會否 擔心傳出緋聞?她說:「應該唔會,唔使埋位我一定覺,而且我係絕緣體呢!」而吳卓羲亦表示不擔心與劇中 多位女角傳緋聞,工作還工作,絕對不會刻意避忌。

    陶大宇於劇中首嘗穿軍裝的滋味,更與郭羨妮(Sonija)演一對夫婦。大宇說:「今次做三柴沙展,監製叫 我曬黑,我而家都嫌唔夠黑,原來曬燈會上癮,我曬時仲全身赤裸。」被問到有否用毛巾遮住脆弱的重要部位, 大宇即哈哈笑謂:「我唔脆弱喎!我好堅強!」而劇中飾演督察的Sonija首次穿起軍裝非常興奮,更以手 機影相留念,她說:「細個已想做差人,我連輔警form都填埋,不過冇交,今次總算了個心願 !」

    陳鍵鋒(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)私家按摩

    此外,在上集合作時傳出陳鍵鋒與薛凱琪(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)不和,今次再度合作,陳鍵鋒於角色介紹時更指薛凱琪一開場就死,問他會否怕再有是非?他說:「唔同佢 可能會同第二個!」陳鍵鋒稍後會返內地拍劇,他透露有次身體不適,同劇的朱孝天(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)替他做推拿,更謂:「原來佢台灣(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)曾經跟師傅學過三年!所以而家我同陳浩民(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)都搵佢做時鐘按摩師呢!」


    below is a picture of joey yung and ron ng at the opening ceremony:
    Attached Images Attached Images
    卓羲 *ron* <33 阿峰 *ray* <33 阿怡 *tav* <33

  6. #6
    Senior Member neverland's Avatar
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    Translation credits to

    Ron Ng Cheuk Hei 'The Academy 2' Costume Fitting w/ Ron, Joey, Sammul, Sonija, & Michael Tao!
    More photos will be added when more media articles become available!

    TVB held its costume fitting for the "The Academy 2." The title for the sequel will be 《學警出更》(loose translation: "Police Cadets on the Beat").

    The cast includes Michael Tao, Sonija Kwok, Ron Ng Cheuk Hei, Sammul Chan King Fung, Joey Yung Cho Yi, Deep Ng, Kenny Kwan, Yan Ng Yat Yin, Kate Tsui, Winnie Shum, Charles Szeto, Ellesmere Choi, Tang Chi Fung, Power Chan, Chan Hoi Yee, Lee Ka Sing, Florence Kwok, Chin Ka Lok, Selena Li, Gordan Liu, Wai Ying Hung, Lai Suen, Lo Koon Lan.

    Ron, Sammul, and Deep will be playing their old characters again. Tavia Yeung Yi and Fiona Sit will guest star only in the first few episodes, playing their old characters as well. Tavia's character will leave for Japan to pursue her education, as a result leading to a new love relationship between Ron and Joey.

    As for Fiona's character, she will suffer a traffic accident and die as a result. Sammul will have a crush on Sonija's character.

    It has been 3 years since Joey Yung has filmed for TVB. Since Joey will be collaborating with rumor magnets Ron & Kate, how does she feel? Joey laughed, "I have always been rumor free. When I have time on the set, I will relax or sleep."

    Also due to the filming requirements for "The Academy 2," Joey had to reschedule 3 months of work into one month. "I'm about to die!" Since she will be releasing her Mandarin album in July, she will have to fly to Taiwan for some promotional events. When Joey saw Sonija at the event yesterday, they were very chatty with each other, as both had performed at the 2000 Miss HK pageant.

    Ron Ng will be once again be working with Kate Tsui, is he worried about more rumors? "It is TVB's decision to partner us again! I am not worried about rumors! Since we have worked together before, we will have more compatibility. The most important thing is to do my best." Since Ron did not cut his hair for the role yet, he did not dare appear in a police uniform.

    Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao will be appearing as husband and wife and both will be police officers. Since Sonija's police officer rank is higher than Michael's, they will often have arguments. But the two will reunite despite marital differences.

    Wearing a police uniform, Sonija said excitedly, "My childhood dream was to become a policewoman. I also thought of applying to become an officer, but in the end did not submit my form. I will be observing some police officers to understand more of their habits." (Will Sonija's character involve a lot of action scenes?) "My position will be seen more frequently in the office, so there will not be a lot of action scenes."

    To suit his policeman image, Michael Tao especially went to the sun tanning salons to darken his skin. He loved his tanned results and vowed that he will never be a paled skinned man anymore!

    Michael admitted that he tanned his whole body in the nude, but reporters pointed out, wouldn't the ultra-violet rays weaken his sensitive regions? Michael laughed, "I am not weak; I am very strong!" Michael feels thrilled and honored to be able to collaborate with Sonija on the new series.

    Sammul Chan was originally filming overseas for series "Chor Lau Heung," but flew back to HK especially for the costume fitting. Sammul will have to rush back overseas to complete his filming afterwards.

    Deep Ng's arm had a scar yesterday. He explained that he had suffered an injury while filming for a movie recently. Deep's character will only be in the series for 5-6 episodes. The script speaks of Deep's character leaving prison and accepting a job as a fitness trainer. He will then go to China to start his own business.

    Since Deep was charged with drug possession last time while filming "The Academy," he said, "Last time, I underwent a difficult experience. But it was still happy collaborating with all the actors. I think I will be able to immerse into my character quickly this time too." (Will Deep's character return to the good side this time?) "Yes, as it was last time."

    Ng Yat Yin will be playing a character who loves small animals.

    My thoughts - Glad to see Michael Tao back with TVB again though I'm lucky to not seen the first version yet so I'm not yet irritated with the elimination of Tavia and Fiona but kinda sad to see them back yet they will be eliminated...looks to be more of a collaboration with Hk singers with 5 of the cast being professional singers.
    Currently Watching:
    Good against Evil

    Current Favs
    Fav Actor: Roger Kwok
    Fav Actress: Tavia Yeung

  7. #7
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    hm don't know if im happy with the casts or not im quite annoyed with michael's acting in his recent tvb series. and i don't like joey and sonija. and i simply hate deep ng.
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  8. #8
    Member jaewonling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neverland
    Translation credits to

    Ron Ng Cheuk Hei 'The Academy 2' Costume Fitting w/ Ron, Joey, Sammul, Sonija, & Michael Tao!
    More photos will be added when more media articles become available!

    TVB held its costume fitting for the "The Academy 2." The title for the sequel will be 《學警出更》(loose translation: "Police Cadets on the Beat").

    The cast includes Michael Tao, Sonija Kwok, Ron Ng Cheuk Hei, Sammul Chan King Fung, Joey Yung Cho Yi, Deep Ng, Kenny Kwan, Yan Ng Yat Yin, Kate Tsui, Winnie Shum, Charles Szeto, Ellesmere Choi, Tang Chi Fung, Power Chan, Chan Hoi Yee, Lee Ka Sing, Florence Kwok, Chin Ka Lok, Selena Li, Gordan Liu, Wai Ying Hung, Lai Suen, Lo Koon Lan.

    Ron, Sammul, and Deep will be playing their old characters again. Tavia Yeung Yi and Fiona Sit will guest star only in the first few episodes, playing their old characters as well. Tavia's character will leave for Japan to pursue her education, as a result leading to a new love relationship between Ron and Joey.

    As for Fiona's character, she will suffer a traffic accident and die as a result. Sammul will have a crush on Sonija's character.

    It has been 3 years since Joey Yung has filmed for TVB. Since Joey will be collaborating with rumor magnets Ron & Kate, how does she feel? Joey laughed, "I have always been rumor free. When I have time on the set, I will relax or sleep."

    Also due to the filming requirements for "The Academy 2," Joey had to reschedule 3 months of work into one month. "I'm about to die!" Since she will be releasing her Mandarin album in July, she will have to fly to Taiwan for some promotional events. When Joey saw Sonija at the event yesterday, they were very chatty with each other, as both had performed at the 2000 Miss HK pageant.

    Ron Ng will be once again be working with Kate Tsui, is he worried about more rumors? "It is TVB's decision to partner us again! I am not worried about rumors! Since we have worked together before, we will have more compatibility. The most important thing is to do my best." Since Ron did not cut his hair for the role yet, he did not dare appear in a police uniform.

    Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao will be appearing as husband and wife and both will be police officers. Since Sonija's police officer rank is higher than Michael's, they will often have arguments. But the two will reunite despite marital differences.

    Wearing a police uniform, Sonija said excitedly, "My childhood dream was to become a policewoman. I also thought of applying to become an officer, but in the end did not submit my form. I will be observing some police officers to understand more of their habits." (Will Sonija's character involve a lot of action scenes?) "My position will be seen more frequently in the office, so there will not be a lot of action scenes."

    To suit his policeman image, Michael Tao especially went to the sun tanning salons to darken his skin. He loved his tanned results and vowed that he will never be a paled skinned man anymore!

    Michael admitted that he tanned his whole body in the nude, but reporters pointed out, wouldn't the ultra-violet rays weaken his sensitive regions? Michael laughed, "I am not weak; I am very strong!" Michael feels thrilled and honored to be able to collaborate with Sonija on the new series.

    Sammul Chan was originally filming overseas for series "Chor Lau Heung," but flew back to HK especially for the costume fitting. Sammul will have to rush back overseas to complete his filming afterwards.

    Deep Ng's arm had a scar yesterday. He explained that he had suffered an injury while filming for a movie recently. Deep's character will only be in the series for 5-6 episodes. The script speaks of Deep's character leaving prison and accepting a job as a fitness trainer. He will then go to China to start his own business.

    Since Deep was charged with drug possession last time while filming "The Academy," he said, "Last time, I underwent a difficult experience. But it was still happy collaborating with all the actors. I think I will be able to immerse into my character quickly this time too." (Will Deep's character return to the good side this time?) "Yes, as it was last time."

    Ng Yat Yin will be playing a character who loves small animals.

    My thoughts - Glad to see Michael Tao back with TVB again though I'm lucky to not seen the first version yet so I'm not yet irritated with the elimination of Tavia and Fiona but kinda sad to see them back yet they will be eliminated...looks to be more of a collaboration with Hk singers with 5 of the cast being professional singers.
    grr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can??????!!!!!!!!!
    how can ron and joey???supposed to be ron and tavia,RIGHT!!!!!
    y they 1 2 make fiona's character died????i hate this show now!!!!
    in love with:

    [hyun bin][kim sun ah][rain][ron ng][tavia yeung]

  9. #9
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaewonling
    grr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can??????!!!!!!!!!
    how can ron and joey???supposed to be ron and tavia,RIGHT!!!!!
    y they 1 2 make fiona's character died????i hate this show now!!!!
    Maybe Fiona not free to act in this series.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  10. #10
    Senior Member kau_chung's Avatar
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    The Academy is nothing without Tavia Yeung lol. And why JOEY with Ron out of all?! That is so strange...
    Eat the sweet, eat the bitter as well

  11. #11
    Senior Member KantopunK...xD's Avatar
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    i don't think i will be giving this series a go. i dont like the remaining cast, except for sammul!

    how could tvb just give tavia and fiona roles as a guest?
    loving [BOSCO WONG!!!] + Prince@BBT *muah!

    Fav actoR: bosco wong, prince
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    currently watching: WOIL2, Ultimate Crime Fighter

  12. #12
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    As long as Sammul is in, I would watch this series. Wai Pak Kiu is my favourite character in part 1. They better give him a good plot. Poor Pak Kiu. So bad luck. Father died, girlfriend died, ends up with no one.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  13. #13
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    and stuck with sonija
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  14. #14
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrie
    and stuck with sonija
    No, he didn't even get Sonija. Sonija's character will end up back with her husband, played by Michael Tao.

    That's why I said he ends up with no one.

    Btw, 'getting stuck' with Sonija is not a bad thing.

    Last edited by kidd; 07-12-06 at 07:25 AM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  15. #15
    Senior Member cherrie's Avatar
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    lol sorry! haha i don't like sonija's acting that's why hope you won't go on attacking me hehehe
    currently watching: best selling secrets (tvb), the money-maker recipe (tvb), forensic heroes 2 (tvb), super trio supreme (tvb)

  16. #16
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrie
    lol sorry! haha i don't like sonija's acting that's why hope you won't go on attacking me hehehe
    Well. If u stop insulting Sonija, then, I won't go after u.

    I don't mind u saying her acting sux, but saying 'and stuck with sonija' like being with her is a fate comparable to father and girlfriend dying is kinda insulting.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by jaewonling
    grr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can??????!!!!!!!!!
    how can ron and joey???supposed to be ron and tavia,RIGHT!!!!!
    y they 1 2 make fiona's character died????i hate this show now!!!!
    I don't care about Fiona, her voice was very annoying on the 1st series.

    But I don't want Tavia 2 leave

  18. #18
    Senior Member sufan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidd
    Well. If u stop insulting Sonija, then, I won't go after u.

    I don't mind u saying her acting sux, but saying 'and stuck with sonija' like being with her is a fate comparable to father and girlfriend dying is kinda insulting.

    Hey Kidd.. you becoming a sonija fan---since LWOP and now the conquest?

    HEE HEE I must admit her acting has improved.

    Now does anyone thinks that Sonija is a bit older for sammuel---even if they don't end up together)---she seemed older for Raymond and just my opinion, not fact, sammual seems to have a "babier" Sonija seems to be a bigger sister type to sammual.

    Who is michael tao--chinese name?

  19. #19
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    Michael's Chinese name is Tou Dai Yu.

    Anyways, seeing Sonija and Joey is a total turn off for me. Sonija can't act, same goes for Joey. I think I'll just pass when this is finally released.

    I think Tavia's just a guest star because-

    1. They can't think of anything else for her and Ron
    2. Tavia's busy with other series

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Fantasy
    Anyways, seeing Sonija and Joey is a total turn off for me. Sonija can't act, same goes for Joey. I think I'll just pass when this is finally released.
    Yep agree,

    I h8 Sonija!!!!!! she hasn't imporve anything IMO

    Yung Joey is a singer, her main job is singing not actting however I prefer Yung Joey then Sonija Kwok any time, any day!!!!

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