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Thread: Yuan Hong (袁弘)

  1. #461
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    More Youku pics:

    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-04-10 at 11:54 AM.

  2. #462
    Senior Member Dragon Heiress's Avatar
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    Is there, by any chance, a clip of Hu Ge speaking Shanghainese?

  3. #463
    Senior Member Liu Xiao Xiao's Avatar
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    Default Yuan Hong in Sohu NEW FACE interview

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    Xiaolong, sorry I can't help anymore then posting these pictures up for you and the girls

    Here is the interview:
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    袁弘:亦正亦邪新小生推荐指数:★★★★推荐理由:气质独特+细致敬业+义气当道 言情小说里描述男主角,往往会用上“亦正亦邪”这种形容词,很多女人流着口水合上书后,却找不到现实中坏得 有味道、可以对号入座的男人。“小王爷杨康”的 出现,某种程度上完成了众多HC女的梦想——袁弘嘴角坏坏的一笑,眼角斜斜一瞥,玉冠锦袍,周身的贵气风流 ,就这么抢走了《射雕英雄传》里男主角兼同学胡 歌的风头。
    他是他们班相对“晚成”的代表,上戏2001级表演班里,胡歌和韩雪早就各领风骚,朱杰也在《潜伏》中大放 异彩。其实认真算下来,袁弘的机遇并不比他们 差,一出道与张卫健关咏荷等搭戏,角色更是一个比一个讨好,但直到《杨家将》《射雕英雄传》,这块透着黝黑 色彩的璞玉才真正被人赏识。
    唐人公司某种程度上成就了古装剧里类型化的袁弘,但在他28岁的当口,他决定试着走走实力派的路子,毕竟, 小女生终究会长成**主妇,你不能总指着她们来消费偶像。他甚至决定离开上海,虽然他也不知道未来北京的影 视圈里,能不能有他的一席之地。
    好在他这么多年攒下了不少好人缘,拍摄当天,有好几个朋友义务来帮忙。敬业、细节完美主义,这些处女座的特 质在袁弘身上非常明显,这样的演员,你可以不喜欢不崇拜,但毫无疑问,合作起来是件快乐并且容 易的事情。

    对话袁弘:河东河西千年转 没什么千年男二就算是地摊货,我也是有品质的搜狐娱乐:你觉得演员和艺人的区别是什么?
    袁弘:艺人是个比较综合的概念,社会性会比较强。演员就是一个行业,大家关注点不同。我一开始也很排斥别人 说我是艺人,后来越来越觉得没必要。我本来就是艺人。
    袁弘:我们这个社会就很乱,大家又把娱乐圈妖魔化了。我总是说,现在这个社会,你敢说记者圈、IT届、金融 圈没有潜规则吗?哪儿都有,只是演艺界大家关注度比较高。
    袁弘:我不喜欢绯闻,这是挺无聊的行为。这是目光短浅的行为。你看,就算有人关注你,你看关注你的人把你当 什么人。
    袁弘:演员和艺人有时候就是商品,商品就有定位,你是把自己当成街边货,还是大品牌。我就算是地摊货,也是 高档有质量的地摊货。

    没什么千年男二,演员就是让人说的搜狐娱乐:你演了很多古装剧的男二号,你害怕被说成千年男二吗?你甘心吗 ?
    袁弘:我不介意,我还演过很多男三、男四,所以没有什么甘心不甘心。有时候是你很多东西没做到,或者这一阶 段大家喜欢的类型不是你这型的。河东河西都是十年一转的,没有什么千年男二号。
    袁弘:你既然做这个行业,就是摆在那儿让大家说的,说什么都有,但我真的没有介意过。对于那些东西,有时候 真挺可乐的。
    袁弘:我希望一直走,能演就一直演。确实来钱相对比较容易,这是吸引我的一点,这是事实,但是当你真碰到一 个好角色,他给你带来的愉悦和激动,是我做别的东西没有的,那种创作的冲动,那种亢奋的状态,目前为止我只 能在演戏中找到。

    袁弘:演员和艺人有时候就是商品,商品就有定位,你是把自己当成街边货,还是大品牌。我就算是地摊货,也是 高档有质量的地摊货。

    没什么千年男二,演员就是让人说的搜狐娱乐:你演了很多古装剧的男二号,你害怕被说成千年男二吗?你甘心吗 ?
    袁弘:我不介意,我还演过很多男三、男四,所以没有什么甘心不甘心。有时候是你很多东西没做到,或者这一阶 段大家喜欢的类型不是你这型的。河东河西都是十年一转的,没有什么千年男二号。
    袁弘:你既然做这个行业,就是摆在那儿让大家说的,说什么都有,但我真的没有介意过。对于那些东西,有时候 真挺可乐的。

  4. #464
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Yeah, I saw the interview at this link:

    I don't really like the photos here. I thought he looks awkward posing for professional pics. He looks much better in casual shots taken by his friends.

    Interestingly, the article mentioned that he's leaving Shanghai and moving to Beijing for work. This may mean that after Bu Bu Jing Xin, he's probably going to work on more non-Tangren projects like what Hu Ge is doing. Hence his recent long break in Wuhan.

    So Xiao Xiao, I don't think we will see the three of them working together for a long time.
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-04-10 at 06:16 AM.

  5. #465
    Senior Member ChineseChik525's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xiaolong View Post
    Really? I believe the female lead became more drawn to 8th Prince later. She only stuck around 4th Prince initially because she knew he will become emperor. I thought in the book, 8th Prince role shared equal status, if not more than 4th Prince? Another important role is 14th Prince. YH's youthful look suits the youngest Prince, but probably not since he's going to be the lead.

    The casting for this seems to be extremely anticipated in China. Karen BETTER get it right! She got the men soooo right for Young Warriors, but not the women tho.
    OOPSSS! i meant 8th prince! i prefer YH as the 8th prince!!! lol my badddd yeah, i thought 8th prince was the male lead too; just because 4th prince ultimately becomes emperor doesnt mean he has to be that important in this series. haha.
    lol. agree on the men for young warriors. suchhhh a nice cast
    omg. if this cast ends up anything like the young warriors cast, i will die of happiness. young warriors is still one of my favorite all-time dramas! but yeah. i'm hoping for better supporting women as well, since the main female lead is like the center of the drama. i cant really think of anyone off the top of my head though...

    Quote Originally Posted by xiaolong View Post
    I don't really like the photos here. I thought he looks awkward posing for professional pics. He looks much better in casual shots taken by his friends.
    i agree. most of them werent that great....sorry

  6. #466
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liu Xiao Xiao View Post
    Here is the interview:
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    袁弘:亦正亦邪新小生推荐指数:★★★★推荐理由:气质独特+细致敬业+义气当道 言情小说里描述男主角,往往会用上“亦正亦邪”这种形容词,很多女人流着口水合上书后,却找不到现实中坏得 有味道、可以对号入座的男人。“小王爷杨康”的 出现,某种程度上完成了众多HC女的梦想——袁弘嘴角坏坏的一笑,眼角斜斜一瞥,玉冠锦袍,周身的贵气风流 ,就这么抢走了《射雕英雄传》里男主角兼同学胡 歌的风头。
    他是他们班相对“晚成”的代表,上戏2001级表演班里,胡歌和韩雪早就各领风骚,朱杰也在《潜伏》中大放 异彩。其实认真算下来,袁弘的机遇并不比他们 差,一出道与张卫健关咏荷等搭戏,角色更是一个比一个讨好,但直到《杨家将》《射雕英雄传》,这块透着黝黑 色彩的璞玉才真正被人赏识。
    唐人公司某种程度上成就了古装剧里类型化的袁弘,但在他28岁的当口,他决定试着走走实力派的路子,毕竟, 小女生终究会长成**主妇,你不能总指着她们来消费偶像。他甚至决定离开上海,虽然他也不知道未来北京的影 视圈里,能不能有他的一席之地。
    好在他这么多年攒下了不少好人缘,拍摄当天,有好几个朋友义务来帮忙。敬业、细节完美主义,这些处女座的特 质在袁弘身上非常明显,这样的演员,你可以不喜欢不崇拜,但毫无疑问,合作起来是件快乐并且容 易的事情。

    对话袁弘:河东河西千年转 没什么千年男二就算是地摊货,我也是有品质的搜狐娱乐:你觉得演员和艺人的区别是什么?
    袁弘:艺人是个比较综合的概念,社会性会比较强。演员就是一个行业,大家关注点不同。我一开始也很排斥别人 说我是艺人,后来越来越觉得没必要。我本来就是艺人。
    袁弘:我们这个社会就很乱,大家又把娱乐圈妖魔化了。我总是说,现在这个社会,你敢说记者圈、IT届、金融 圈没有潜规则吗?哪儿都有,只是演艺界大家关注度比较高。
    袁弘:我不喜欢绯闻,这是挺无聊的行为。这是目光短浅的行为。你看,就算有人关注你,你看关注你的人把你当 什么人。
    袁弘:演员和艺人有时候就是商品,商品就有定位,你是把自己当成街边货,还是大品牌。我就算是地摊货,也是 高档有质量的地摊货。

    没什么千年男二,演员就是让人说的搜狐娱乐:你演了很多古装剧的男二号,你害怕被说成千年男二吗?你甘心吗 ?
    袁弘:我不介意,我还演过很多男三、男四,所以没有什么甘心不甘心。有时候是你很多东西没做到,或者这一阶 段大家喜欢的类型不是你这型的。河东河西都是十年一转的,没有什么千年男二号。
    袁弘:你既然做这个行业,就是摆在那儿让大家说的,说什么都有,但我真的没有介意过。对于那些东西,有时候 真挺可乐的。
    袁弘:我希望一直走,能演就一直演。确实来钱相对比较容易,这是吸引我的一点,这是事实,但是当你真碰到一 个好角色,他给你带来的愉悦和激动,是我做别的东西没有的,那种创作的冲动,那种亢奋的状态,目前为止我只 能在演戏中找到。

    袁弘:演员和艺人有时候就是商品,商品就有定位,你是把自己当成街边货,还是大品牌。我就算是地摊货,也是 高档有质量的地摊货。

    没什么千年男二,演员就是让人说的搜狐娱乐:你演了很多古装剧的男二号,你害怕被说成千年男二吗?你甘心吗 ?
    袁弘:我不介意,我还演过很多男三、男四,所以没有什么甘心不甘心。有时候是你很多东西没做到,或者这一阶 段大家喜欢的类型不是你这型的。河东河西都是十年一转的,没有什么千年男二号。
    袁弘:你既然做这个行业,就是摆在那儿让大家说的,说什么都有,但我真的没有介意过。对于那些东西,有时候 真挺可乐的。

    Parts of YH interview (imperfect) translations for Xiao Xiao:
    click to show/hide spoilers
    Yuan Hong - 亦正亦邪新小生 (Half good half evil - bad boy with a heart)
    In romantic literature, women are often most drawn to "bad boy with a heart" characters. Yuan Hong's Yang Kang epitomized many women's dream "bad boy with a heart" with his convincing evil smirks and cunning side glances, a performance that was said to have stolen Hu Ge's thunder.

    Yuan Hong graduated from the same class as Hu Ge, Xue Han and Zhu Jie at Shanghai Theatre Academy, but his early career lagged behind theirs as he continued to act as supporting characters while they started taking up lead roles. However, today he has more than "caught up" after being propelled to fame with his excellent performances in The Young Warriors and LOCH. This "diamond in the rough" is really shining bright now.

    Tangren has excelled in costume idol dramas loved by young women. But the 28-year-old knows that young women will soon mature and he can't rely on pure "idol" roles to sustain the rest of his career. Over the next couple of months, he will be leaving Shanghai to be stationed in Beijing where he will be working on new projects that will extend his acting skills and experience.

    Sohu: What’s the difference between an actor and an artiste?
    YH: Well, an artiste sounds more like a concept that comes with a high social standing. Acting is a career. In the beginning, I rather not people call me “artiste”.
    Sohu: A lot of people think that the entertainment industry is the most complicated and “messy”.
    YH: Well, it’s true that the industry is not an easy one, but everyone over-exaggerates the “dark” side of it. I’m sure the media, IT and finance industries also have their own complications. Just that the entertainment industry is always in the limelight.
    Sohu: What is your threshold? Would you try to investigate every rumour about you?
    YH: I can’t be bothered about rumours and gossip.
    Sohu: What kind of artiste do you hope to be?
    YH: Well, actors or artistes can be thought of as commodities. You can think of yourself as a streetside good or branded good. But even if you are sold in a flea market, you always must give the best value that you can for your customers.
    Sohu: You have acted as the second lead in many dramas. Are you afraid that you’d get typecast as a second lead actor?
    YH: I don’t think about such things. I’ve even acted as third and fourth leads. There will certainly be times when the lead role may not be suitable for you, but the supporting role instead may allow you to shine.
    Sohu: How long do you plan to be in the entertainment industry? What does acting mean to you personally?
    YH: While I can act, I will act. To tell you the truth, this profession is probably one of the most lucrative if you are successful, but that’s provided you have the opportunity to act in suitable roles which challenge and inspire you, and are well received by the public. I don’t think I can find another career that can give me the same level of excitement and creativity.
    Sohu: Where do you see yourself in three years’ time?
    YH: I don’t really plan for the future. The best opportunities come unexpectedly.
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-04-10 at 09:50 PM.

  7. #467
    Senior Member Liu Xiao Xiao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xiaolong View Post
    YH: I dont think about such things. Ive even acted as third and fourth leads. There will certainly be times when the lead role may not be suitable for you, but the supporting role instead may allow you to shine.
    Thanks xiaolong!

    Many fans often complained that Yuan Hong hardly get to be first male lead, however, I think he can portray his character's better and made it more memorable than the male leads.

    For example, Yelu Xi(spl?)...that's probably what the 5th or 6th male lead? If considered a lead at all....or just a supporting actor, but in my opinion, he made that role shine above the Yang brothers...and that's the role that made put a stamp in many fan's hearts...hehehe

    I think villian roles with a kind heart are well suited for YH. He looked so sexy being a villain...

  8. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by xiaolong View Post
    Update about Bu Bu Jing Xin and Strange Hero from Karen's wei bo:
    甫回上海,感受到压压压的压力,先是步步开工倒数,四爷人选至今仍悬空,继而是一枝梅的周边宣传策划筹备, 再来有两场华丽丽的发布会决定放在十一月,然后,餐厅月中要开张了!晕晕!硬生生把面前属于我的素菜全部吞 掉以泄心头之恨!吃饱再干活!

    Looks like YH won't be playing 4th Prince (he looks too young). My guess is that YH will play 8th Prince (NB: Feng Shaofeng is playing 8th Prince in "Gong"), who is the main love interest of the female lead. 8th Prince might take on a more important role in this adaptation then.

    My other guess is that Lin Gengxin will play 14th Prince. But YH looks younger than Lin Gengxin. Hmmm....

    What I'm really interested in - who can take on the female lead? Not easy to top Yang Mi's IT Girl power.
    Ok, now I'm completely confused. Are the series Bu Bu Jing Xin and Jade Palace Lock Heart both based on the same novel? Are different production companies producing the same story but with different sets of actors? And are both series going to be released at about the same time? Wow, if that were so, there would be quite a bit of competition between the two production companies to see which version gets the most viewers. I'm sure if it gets to that point, then the popularity of each version would solely depend on star power.

    So if Yuan Hong isn't going to be the 4th prince, then is there any news of Wallace Chung possibly taking up that role? Just like Yuan Hong, who did very well in LOCH 2008 and Young Warriors of the Yang Clan as the villain, Wallace Chung, I believe, also excels in "bad boy," villainous roles, as in Ni Shui Han. I think Wallace Chung would be an excellent candidate for the ruthless 4th prince.

    If the female lead in Bu Bu Jing Xin is going to be the love interest for both the 4th and 8th princes, then she has to look youthful, since she's going to be playing opposite Yuan Hong, who looks very young, and possibly Wallace Chung (if he ends up being the 4th prince), who also looks incredibly young for his age.

    I actually haven't seen Yang Mi in any series before and have only seen her in pictures and fan-made music videos. I'm sure she's a beautiful, wonderful person, especially to her fans, but I'll be brutally honest here; she looks kind of mature to me. I say this with no disrespect or malice whatsoever. I know her chronological age is not that old, but she appears very mature with her sunken cheeks. Perhaps if she were to gain some weight, she'll appear more youthful.

  9. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
    Ok, now I'm completely confused. Are the series Bu Bu Jing Xin and Jade Palace Lock Heart both based on the same novel? Are different production companies producing the same story but with different sets of actors? And are both series going to be released at about the same time? Wow, if that were so, there would be quite a bit of competition between the two production companies to see which version gets the most viewers. I'm sure if it gets to that point, then the popularity of each version would solely depend on star power.
    Hi Melanie, the casting of Bu Bu Jing Xin is still a big mystery. And it sure is very anticipated. Anyway, IMO Yuan Hong alone has more hunk factor than Mickey He and Feng Shaofeng put together.

    Tangren bought the rights to Bu Bu Jing Xin from the author Tong Hua. Yu Zheng Workshop, which is producing Jade Palace Lock Heart, was bidding for the rights but lost out to Tangren, and so Yu Zheng copied the plotline and produced his series first so that it comes out before Tangren's. Hence, Tangren and Tong Hua are suing Yu Zheng for copyright infringement, damages, etc. Karen Cai and Yu Zheng were colleagues in Hong Kong's TVB before going to Mainland to set up their own production companies. Obviously they were never on good terms.

    Jade Palace Lock Heart will be broadcast in Jan 2010. Pretty exciting to see how Tangren will deal with the competition.

  10. #470
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    Quote Originally Posted by xiaolong View Post
    Hi Melanie, the casting of Bu Bu Jing Xin is still a big mystery. And it sure is very anticipated. Anyway, IMO Yuan Hong alone has more hunk factor than Mickey He and Feng Shaofeng put together.

    Tangren bought the rights to Bu Bu Jing Xin from the author Tong Hua. Yu Zheng Workshop, which is producing Jade Palace Lock Heart, was bidding for the rights but lost out to Tangren, and so Yu Zheng copied the plotline and produced his series first so that it comes out before Tangren's. Hence, Tangren and Tong Hua are suing Yu Zheng for copyright infringement, damages, etc. Karen Cai and Yu Zheng were colleagues in Hong Kong's TVB before going to Mainland to set up their own production companies. Obviously they were never on good terms.

    Jade Palace Lock Heart will be broadcast in Jan 2010. Pretty exciting to see how Tangren will deal with the competition.
    Whoa, ok, so both series will have the same plotline and will be released approximately around the same time as the other, only with different sets of actors? I can already feel the thick, suffocating tension between the two production companies. Can Yu Zheng really do that, just disregard copyright laws and blatantly copy an author's plot line without permission? Is his Jade Palace Lock Heart even going to be allowed to be aired? Any information on how the lawsuit is coming along? Will there be a ruling before Jade Palace Lock Heart's release date in Jan 2011? You mentioned before the Karen could not wait for Wallace Chung's schedule to free up and has to film Bu Bu Jing Xin in November 2010. Is this because she, too, wants to air Bu Bu Jing Xin in Jan 2011 as direct competition for Jade Palace Lock Heart?!

  11. #471
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    Hmmmmmm....I don't think it's possible for Karen to air Bu Bu Jing Xin in Jan. 2011 if they start filming in November 2010

    Is it true? I heard Yuan Hong is leaving Tangren. Didn't he just renewed his contract this year?
    Last edited by GeShiYuan; 11-05-10 at 09:20 PM.

  12. #472
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeShiYuan View Post
    Is it true? I heard Yuan Hong is leaving Tangren. Didn't he just renewed his contract this year?
    He mentioned in the Sohu interview that he will be based in Beijing, so people have been speculating. I don't think you can just break a contract like that right? Unless the company offered a lot of money to buy him.
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-05-10 at 09:37 PM.

  13. #473
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    Doesn't Tangren have an office in Beijing as well? Maybe that's why he's moving there.

    I think if he consider Tangren like a family and just renewed his contract, he wouldn't just let another company buy him like that...besides, considering how wealthy he is(family), money shouldn't matter to him I don't think

    Although, maybe this is why he is not gonna be the 4th prince?

    I hope the rumors are false, I would be sad if he leaves Tangren

  14. #474
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeShiYuan View Post
    Doesn't Tangren have an office in Beijing as well? Maybe that's why he's moving there.

    I think if he consider Tangren like a family and just renewed his contract, he wouldn't just let another company buy him like that...besides, considering how wealthy he is(family), money shouldn't matter to him I don't think

    Although, maybe this is why he is not gonna be the 4th prince?

    I hope the rumors are false, I would be sad if he leaves Tangren
    Wish I knew. But they (Karen & YH) are like cryptic in their wei bos about their future to leave people guessing...

    But you know what Karen is like. She certainly won't be on good terms on anyone who backs out of a contract or even a verbal agreement with her. In fact, she'd be super b*tchy about it in a very public way - re the Yang Mi incident. But with YH, she included him in the recent Tian Ya publicity, applauded him on his wei bo for his weight loss, pasted his "ghost" pics on her wei bo...looks to me that the both of them are still on great terms. So if he did sign some contracts in Beijing, she's probably earning lotsa money from it! I betcha money sure matters to Karen, even if it doesn't matter to YH - it's a HK thing.

    My guess is that he may work with Huayi - that's why he was at the Alex Wang fashion thing with a whole lot of Huayi people.

    Anyway, 8th Prince is the one the girl loves, not 4th Prince.

    YH as a "ghost".
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-06-10 at 02:08 PM.

  15. #475
    Member GeShiYuan's Avatar
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    I would be sad if he leaves Tangren, but on second thought it may be for the better. Come to think about it, he's always been and will be under Hu Ge's shadows if he's still with the company. Look how far Hu Ge has gone, but Yuan Hong is still kinda invisible...yes, a little more visible than before, but still a ghost like the picture above...LOL

    I haven't liked any of Yuan Hong's series after Young Warrior and LOCH(which he was mostly known for in), nor I don't think the series thereafter that he made became a big hit.

    It was also rumored that he may not be in Bu Bu Jing Xin. What a bummer if that was true.....who does Karen have to compete with Gong if that's the case?

    So, if it's true that he may work for Huayi and that Karen is okay and on good term with him, things should be fine. Hopefully he'll be more successful

  16. #476
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Ahhh, the answer from YH's wei bo:
    Translation: Don't get worked up, the truth is not what you think. We are all still one family, but there's a change in contractual arrangements. More details will be given later.

    I don't think YH is a ghost at all. He's quite popular already. Hu Ge is a v.high benchmark to follow. Which other Mainland actor is as popular as Hu Ge? The only one I can think of is Huang Xiaoming. Jimmy, Leehom, Jay and Peter are Taiwanese. The two Wallaces and Nic Tse are from HK.

    I know of several people who would watch a series just for YH. On the other hand, no matter how hard Yu Zheng promotes Mickey He, Sammul Chan and Feng Shaofeng, I don't know of anyone who would watch a series for either of them.

    Anyway, Tian Ya Zhi Nu was reasonably successful. And I'm sure YH will be in Bu Bu Jing Xin. Who else does Karen have to draw viewers? Already Hu Ge confirmed that he won't be in it. Unless someone bought YH out...

    BTW, I actually liked Heaven and Earth People (天地民心) because I'm a big fan of the prequel Qiao Jia Da Yuan (乔家大院). Don't liked any of Hu Ge's series post-CP3 - The Myth was horrible (dunno why it was such a big hit), Bitter Coffee was boring (and not a hit), Butterfly Lovers was also boring.
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-07-10 at 01:02 PM.

  17. #477
    Member GeShiYuan's Avatar
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    That's a relief I didn't think YH would just pick up and leave like that, not after just renewing his contract, and would still be in good terms with Karen. I hope you are right that he'll still be in Bu Bu Jing Xin or else Karen would be promoting somebody else outside of the company if the series is a success....

    Regarding The Myth, why it was a big hit? You got Jackie Chan as the producer, and Hu Ge as the lead. That was all to it....I agree, the series was horrible. And to think, they are making a sequel....

  18. #478
    Member kengyew's Avatar
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    I think they better have an announcement before the speculation gets out of hand.

    I've read that YH and Karen have been "cooling off" for awhile that's why Tian Ya Zhi Nu was the least promoted series in Tangren's history and majority of YH's scenes were cut, such that it looked like Edwin was the male lead instead of him. Also he didn't come for Hu Ge's WeShine signing ceremony and birthday party, whereas Karen and LSS were there.

    I know Yu Zheng's words can be hogwash, but he did complain that Karen's fees were unreasonably high at Emperor Entertainment's level and she demands payment in HK$ or US$.

    So if he's really leaving Tangren, it must be extremely expensive to break the contract considering he just signed a new one in June. Already I never thought Isabella Leong was a big star and yet Richard Li had to pay Emperor Entertainment US$6 mil to release her. I think anyone, including Huayi, would baulk at paying Emperor Entertainment-level fees to help break a contract. Hence there's speculation that YH's family paid off Karen. Or maybe she doesn't dare offend him.

    Who knows, until they make a proper announcement.
    Last edited by kengyew; 11-07-10 at 03:22 PM.

  19. #479
    Member GeShiYuan's Avatar
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    Maybe they want and like all these dramas...LOL

    Is Tian Ya really the least promoted? I don't remember seeing that many promotions for Cp1 or their Liao Zhai series. Besides, I don't understand why Karen would want to ruin the success of Tian Ya by not promoting it or cutting out YH scenes when it took her 3 years to carefully prepare of it? I could understand the reason for cutting YH and LSS scenes becuase it would draw too much attention to the couple, but now if the reason was personal between Karen and YH...hmmmm.

    I thought they were in "good terms", because he was trying to lose weight for Bu Bu Jing Xin and everything....or were they just hiding it

    If YH really leave Tangren, wonder if Yu Zheng will go after him now that he can??
    Last edited by GeShiYuan; 11-07-10 at 05:23 PM.

  20. #480
    Senior Member xiaolong's Avatar
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    Oooh, Karen's cryptic reply on her wei bo:
    既使老袁不在唐人,我们都会对他很好,永远是自己人。就比如天涯的宣传,我们一直当他是自己人 来对待的
    Translation: Even if YH is not in Tangren, we will be good to him, he will always be one of us. For example, during the recent round of Tian Ya publicity, we treated him as one of us.

    Netizens noted that Yu Zheng has added YH's wei bo (even though YH hasn't added Yu Zheng's wei bo...yet)
    From Baidu:
    (Yu Mommy added YH's wei bo. What does he want to do!)

    Netizens also observed that Karen didn't spend a single cent to advertise Tian Ya Zhi Nu (e.g. no trailers, no outdoor ads, no roadshows - even Dandelion, CP and Liao Zhai had roadshows, but not Tian Ya). All the publicity was reactive - that is, it was the media who actively asked to interview the stars. Fans commented if they weren't following Tian Ya's wei bo, they wouldn't even be aware that it was already being broadcasted.

    But LSS was so warm to YH during the Sohu and Youku interviews - so I hope he continues to be on good terms with Tangren. And he looked so bored during the Alex Wang event with the Huayi people that people commented, "要是换了诗诗,老袁应该不会这么深沉的!" (if LSS was seated next to him instead of Ms Xiong, YH wouldn't look so stone-faced)
    Last edited by xiaolong; 11-10-10 at 06:07 AM.

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