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Thread: Tales Of Jinyong 金庸群侠传

  1. #1
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    Default Tales Of Jinyong 金庸群侠传

    Chapter 1 – Introduction: Righteous 介绍 (正道 )

    Note: “Tales of Jinyong” takes into consideration that the readers are moderately familiar with major Jinyong characters, especially those from the "Major 6".

    江湖!那是一個不可思議的世界!一個每天活在刀劍之下的世界!江湖人士,過的是爭權奪利,刀口 添血的日子!

    The pugilist world, a unbeilevable world, a place where you live by under the constant threat. Pugilists lead a life seeking power, fame, avenge and blood!


    Unknowningly but slowly, the pugilistic world has gradually divided into 2 different factions - righteous and evil. Righteous and Evil are incorrigible, just like fire and water.

    江湖上,也因此掀起了數不盡的腥風血雨。。。但是。。。正,真的是正?邪,真的是邪?為名,為 利,為權勢, 往往爭斗的原因,只不過是為了自己的私欲,又怎有正邪之分?

    Thus, the pugilistic world is often filled with blood and death. But is righteous really good and evil really bad? For fame, power and influence - often the reason for killing is only for one's own greed, what's the difference between good and evil?

    金庸群俠傳。。。一個傳奇性的武俠經典之作。。。一個百年一來江湖的鼎盛時期。。。武學奇才更 是自百年來最 興旺的時代。。。我們的故事,便在這樣的一個背景中展開了。。。

    Tales of a grand epic combining all the famous characters and stories from the Martial Art Novel Grandmaster Jin Yong. This is a golden age period where the pugilist talents are at its peak. And thus our story begins...


    正道篇 - 少林 (Righteous Section - Shaolin)
    In the last few hundred years, the righteous realm has always had Shaolin as its leading sect. The saying goes "All martial arts originate from Shaolin" (天下武功出少林 ). Since its was founded by "Damo Grand Master" (達摩祖師 ), Shaolin has never lacked quality experts. Its powers also greatly exceed any other single sect in the righteous realm. The Shaolin now is at its peak.

    The categories of Shaolin skills are unmatched, from palms to swordplay to internal strength and 'qinggong. All of them are some of the finest in the world, and these are of course the famed "72 Arts of Shaolin" (少林七十二絕技 ). Each of them are groundbreaking skill and even if you could just learn 1, you could benefit for life. From its founding, no one has been able to learnt more than 20 of them in his lifetime.

    Shaolin most notable Martial possession is its "No.1 internal strength", "Yijing Manual" (易筋經 ). The person who practice this extreme yang skill will not only greatly boost his internal strength, but have great defenses to outside forces. This skill is divided into 7 levels from 'red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white'. The Shaolin Abbot "Xuan Ci" (方丈玄悲 ) mastered till the blue level, and has since rarely meet a match.

    Beside the abbot, Shaolin still have the "4 Divine Monks", Kong Wen, Zhi, Xing and Jian (四大神僧 :空聞﹐空智﹐空性﹐空見 )who are each formidable. They also had the famed "18 bronzemen formation" (十八銅人陣 ) which is one of the 2 most powerful formation in the world.

    Lastly, there are 3 mysterious monks that stands guard for Shaolin - Du Cang, Jie and Nan (渡倉,渡劫,渡難 ). The 3 holy monks never care about Shaolin internal affairs, nor show their faces. It was said that 30 years ago, they lost badly in the hands of the "Evil Ming Cult" leader "Yang Ding Tian" (阳顶天 ). They went into retreat and mastered an amazing telepathy skill which is said to be invincible.


    正道篇 - 丐幫 (Righteous Section - Beggar Gang)
    If Shaolin is the number 1 sect, then the Beggars would be the number 1 gang. Although their talents are lesser than Shaolin, their amazing numbers made up for it. Still, the greatest reason that the Beggar Gang can become the biggest gang in Central Plains is due to its top 3 figures.

    1. The current lead "Qiao Feng" (喬峰 ) - Dragon Subduing Palms (降龍十八掌 ) have reached its finest state and is ranked among the "South Murong, North Qiaofeng". (南幕容﹐北喬峰 ) His boundless internal strength coupled with his proficiency in his skill made his blows the strongest and most lethal among the three!

    2. Former leader "Hong Qi Gong" (洪七公 ) is one of the 4 great experts of the Central Plain, known as "North Beggar" (中原四大高手“東邪西毒南帝北丐” 中的北丐 ). His whereabouts are unknown as he travel around the lands to help the weak. Known as the "9 finger beggar", his Dragon Subduing palms maybe a level below Qiao Feng's, but his mastery with the Dog Bashing Skill (打狗棒法 ) is what Qiao Feng can never attained.

    3. Currently guarding the Xiang Yang city. Guo Jing (郭靖 ) once exchanged 300 blows at the "2nd Mt. Hua Duel" (第二度“华山论剑” )with North Beggar (北丐 ) and East Heretic (東邪 )without falling. He's even the godbrother of "Central Mischief" (老玩童 ). He has learnt a variety of skills including the Dragon Subdueing Plams, a portion of the "Jiuyin Manual" (九阴真经 ) and the Duo Focus (互互奇术 ) of Zhou Bo Tong. His wife, Huang Rong is also a former Beggar Gang leader and the daughter of East Heretic, and very proficient in the Dog Bashing Skill.


    正道篇 - 武当 (Righteous Section - Wudang Sect)
    The second leading sect after Shaolin comes Wudang.

    Wudang's founder "Zhang San Feng" (張三丰 )is a rare talent in a hundred years, and already a legendary figure in the Pugilist World.

    Having gained recognition as the "10 Ultimate Experts" (十大绝世高手 ) of the Pugilist World (The highest skill rank one could ever recieved), he possessed near a hundred years of internal strength cultivation (内功 ) that is probably unequalled by anyone in the Central Plains (中原 ). Years ago, he rescued his grand-disciple Zhang Wu Ji from the hands of "Xuan Ming Elder" (玄冥二老 ) by defeating him in 1 blow.

    In the short years of Wudang founding, it quickly rose to ranking number 2. Besides Zhang San Feng, another reason is his 7 cherished disciples - The Seven Swordmans of Wudang. (武当七侠 )

    Wudang skills focus on coutnering slow with fast, gentleness with force and is most proficient wih punches and swordplays. Wudang strongest skill are its own created Taiji Punch and Taiji Sword. (太极拳及太极剑 ) They have no form, no strokes and no paths, and is displayed solely based on one's focus. In addition, their qinggong Ladder Cloud (梯云纵 ) is a rare art that enables one to leap over castle wars with ease when mastered.

    The skills of the 7 Wudang Swordmans are not to be underestimated. It was said that decades ago when Zhang San Feng was travelling around the "Snake and Tortoise Mountains", he suddenly thought of an idea. Based on the landscape and contours of the lands, he chose the strong points of both to fill each other weakness. He finally created this art after 3 days and 3 nights. As it is too powerful, this art is impossible for a single person to perform. Thus, he imparted each portion to one of the 7 Wudang swordman. When 2 of them display at the same time, their poweress would be doubled. When 3 of them perform it, it would be tripled. If the 7 of them combined, their poweress would be boost by 64 times! It's equalled to 64 highly skilled experts executing their skills at the same time, and if it is true, it would truely be invincible. This skill is the famous - Wudang 7 Soverign Formation! (真武七载阵 )


    正道篇 - 3 Major Sects (三大派 )
    E-Mei (峨嵋 ): Ranking 3rd, after Wudang is the nun sect of E-Mei. Founded by the daughter of Guo Jing, Guo Xiang (郭襄 ), who went to travelling the world after handing the sect leader position to Mie Jue ( 灭绝 ).Mie Jue, nicknamed "Absolute Annihilation", is exactly like what her name suggests - Cold, heartless and merciless. Her mastery with the swordplay is among the top. Together with the Heavenly Sword (倚天剑 ) bestowed to her by Guo Xiang, she is like a tiger with wings. Countless members from the evil sect has been slayed by her sword. E-Mei also have some affinity with Shaolin, and in a twist of fate also possessed a portion of Shaolin "Nine Solar Stance" (九阳神功 ). It was renamed as "E-Mei Solar Stance" (峨嵋九阳功 )

    Kun Lun (昆仑 ) - Current leader He Tai Chong has a unique mastery of sword. Combined with his wife, their "2 Edge Swordplay" (两仪剑法 ) is formidable.

    Kong Dong (崆峒 ) - The sect most prized skill, "Seven Fists" (七伤拳 ), injures oneself first then the enemy. You could suffer serious injuries if you do not have sufficient internal strength before practicing the skill. Unfortunately, the leaders "Kong Dong 5 Elders" (崆峒五老 ) could not display the skill to its full potential. Decade ago, the manual was stolen by the "Golden Hair Lion" (金毛狮王 ) of the Ming Sect. (明教 )


    正道篇 - 5 Ranges Alliance (五岳联盟 )
    In addition to the main sects, there is another major alliance between the 5 smaller sects in the righteous realm, known as the "5 Ranges Alliance". Each of them occupy one of the 5 famous mountains in China.

    Southern Mt.Heng (南岳。衡山 )- A bloodbath 1 month ago led to the death of Liu Zheng Feng (刘正风 ) and his senior Mo Da (莫大 ). It is currently without leader. Its famous skill "Fallen Crane Swordplay" (回风落雁剑法 )may forever be lost.

    Western Mt. Hua (西岳。华山 ) - Huashan swordplay is not to be under-estimated. Combined with Huashan internal strength would complement it even better. Unfortunately, it was divided into "Sword Cult" and "Qi Cult" (剑宗,气宗 ) during an internal dispute long ago. Current leader Yue Bu Qun is nicknamed "Gentlemen Sword" (岳不群, 君子剑 ), who practice the "Violet Energies" (紫霞神功 ). He is currently searching for the "Gentlemen Sword" that Yang Guo once held to match his "Fatal Consecutive 3 Strokes" (夺命连环三仙剑 )...

    Central Mt.Song(中岳。嵩山 ) - Located next to Shaolin, the current leader Zuo Leng Chan (左冷蝉 ) is the leader of the 5 Range Alliance. His mastery with the "Icy Palms" (寒冰棉掌 ) has reached its pinnacle and claimed to be even a level higher than the similar skill practiced by "Green Bat" (青翼蝠王 ) from the Ming Cult. Their disciple skills are also the strongest among the 5 sects.

    Northern Mt. Heng (北岳。恒山 ) - Nun Sect and shares an affinity with E-Mei. Leaders Ding Xian and Ding Yi (定闲. 定义 ) are most benevolent people...

    Eastern Mt. Tai(东岳。泰山 ) - Current leader "Heaven Door Taoist" (天门道人 ) practises the "Taishan 18 Strokes " (泰山十八般 ) and is a good friend of Zhang San Feng...


    正道篇 - Quanzhen Sect (全真教 )
    Besides Shaolin, Wudang, the 3 Major sects and 5 Ranges Alliances, another reputatable and well-known set is the Quanzhen Sect (全真教 )of Mt.Zhongnan (中南山 )

    Its founder, Wang Chong Yang (王重阳 ), had attained the titled of "10 Ultimate Experts" (十大绝世高手 ) when he was alive. His famous internal energies skill, Preheaven Stance (先天功 ) has reached its pinnacle. During the first "Mt. Hua Duel" (第一次华山论剑 ), he defeated the "4 Experts of Central Plains", East Heretic, West Venom, South King, North Beggar (东邪,西毒,南帝,北丐 ) after 7 days and nights of battle to win the title of number 1 and the sacred "Jiuyin Manual". (九阴真经 ) After that, he exchanged his Preheaven Skill for South King Yideng (南帝一灯 ) Yiyang Finger (一阳指 ) as it is the only skill that can penetrate Ouyang Feng's Toad Stance. (欧阳, 峰蛤蟆功 ) He later faked death to trick Ouyang Feng into stealing the Jiuyin Manual and strike him with the Yiyang Finger. Ouyang Feng was so seriously injured that he took more than 3 years to recuperate. Wang Chong Yang died shortly after and the manual was handed to his junior Zhou Botong.

    Quanzhen's most powerful sklll is the "Heaven Dipper Formation" (天罡北斗阵 )created by Wang Chong Yang. Years ago, the 7 Disciples of Quanzhen (全真七子 ) put up this formation to defend themselves against the East Heretic Huang Yao Shi (黄药师 ). Their power skyrocketed and were able to achieve a draw against him! This is enough to show the poweress of this formation.


    正道篇 - Country of Dali (大理国 )
    Dali is located in the southern portion of Central Plains (中原 ).

    Dali Royal Family (大理皇世 ) - Former emperor Duan Zhengming (段正明 ) is the famed South King. After Wang Chongyang imparted the Preheaven Stance to him, his Yiyang Finger became even more deadly. His internal strength is believe to the be strongest among the 4 Experts. However, he became a monk after a tragedic event decades ago and seldom show himself. Had a brother Duan Zhengchun (段正淳 ) who is moderately proficient in the Yiyang Finger.

    Heaven Dragon Temple (天龙寺 ) - The place where the royal members of Dali went to become monks. This temple hold the "Six Pulse Swords" (六脉神剑 ) secret, which is said to be even stronger than Yiyang Finger. Mastery of the skill enables one to fire "invisible swords" from one pulse. They are not really swords but just strong energy pressures similar to the Yiyang Finger. One would need extreme internal strength to master all the 6 pulses on the hand to display the skill full potential. The temple is guarded by 6 monks, whom each learned a single pulse from the manual. It may be weaker than having it used by a single person, but it's more than enough to repel any potential aggressors.
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-21-06 at 08:31 PM.

  2. #2
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    Special Episode - Tribute to Swordgod Zhuo Bu Fan

    A loud crash matching the sound of thunder was heard as the entire rock cliff collapsed into debris. Zhang San Feng is already waiting patiently outside for the return of the legendary sword master Zhuo Bu Fan's from his 30 years in retreat.

    As the dust settles, a figure dressed in yellow slowly walked out from the cave.

    "Ahhh~ Brother Zhuo, you seemed like a changed person.", said Zhang.

    "Don't need to crap. (废话少说 ) Watch my sword!"

    Zhuo Bufan draw his sword from his sheath and a extreme bright glow blinded Zhang Sanfeng eyes. The sword rays spread and turn into powerful sword energies and hit the ground with tremendous impact. The sword came fast and furious and Zhang Sanfeng had little time to react. Quickly, he pulled out his wooden sword and try to block off Zhuo Bufan blows, but the enemy is too fast!

    Zhuo Bufan's sword is quicker than lightning and each blow is filled with the might to crush the earth. Zhang Sanfeng tried to remained calm and execute his famous "Taji sword", transferring the strong energies from Bufan's sword to the ground.

    "Trying to counter might with gentleness?! (以柔克刚 )", exclaimed Zhuo Bufan.

    Zhuo Bufan quickly changed his style and deployed another stance from the "Sword Sutra" (九阴剑经 ).

    "WTF!", as Zhang Sanfeng screamed in horror.

    A loud and horrific yell was heard as Zhuo Bufan sliced off Zhang Sanfeng head before Zhang Sanfeng knew what happened. This is the peak of swordmanship!

    "Mwahahahahahaha...I am the SWORD GOD ZHUO BU FAN! My swordmanship had reached the peak of perfection after 30 years of training!"

    Note: The above short story is just to commenerate the "recent craze" about Sword God Zhuo Bufan and has no relation to the actual story I'm writing...It is SOLEY TO satisfy those who are crazy with Zhuo Bu Fan. The actual story begins below:
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 08-27-06 at 08:14 AM.

  3. #3
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    Chapter 2: The Situation of China 中国形势

    The current China is under the Manchu (满清 ) rule with Kang Xi (康熙 ) as the Emperor. The Mongolians are invading from the North, their huge armies stalled at the City of Xiang Yang by the chivalrous Guo Jing.

    In the imperial court, Ao Bai continued to usurp power and made the Emperor his living puppet. Kang Xi had no military strength and is really an “Emperor” in name only. For 7 days, Guojing have sent request for supplies to fund the Xiang Yang battle but the treacherous Ao Bai had intercepted the messenger before it could reach the Emperor.

    Within the country, the unscrupulous Pingxi King - Wu Sangui (平西王 -吴三桂 ) in Yunnan, is slowing gathering troops and consolidating his strength. He intends to wait for the Mongols to launch a full scale attack and throw the whole country into chaos. When the right opportunity come, he’ll swiftly rise a rebellion and overtake the country.

    The current china is filled with corrupted officers. Natural disasters like flood hitting the various vicinities left the common population helpless with no aid from the empire. Some martial pugilist, furious with the imperial court incompetence and Ao Bai treachery acts, have raise together to form the “Heaven Earth Society” (天地会 ), led by Chen Jin Nan (陈近南 ). The society swore to overthrow the Manchu rule and restore peace and prosperity to the country…

    Forbidden City (紫禁城 )…Emperor Study Room…

    “General Duan (段将军 ) seeks an audience with the Emperor!”, the soldier guarding the study announced.

    Shortly after, a man holding two steel crutch pushes the door open as he walked into the room. The general is beardy with gold and white hair, and accompanied by a tall and muscular soldier behind.

    The soldier closes the door after they entered. The crippled man and soldier stopped and stood 10 feet away from the 2 men in front of them. The eunuch beside the emperor shout, “How dare you just stand there without…”

    “Xiaobao, do not be rude. (小宝,不得无理 )” The man dressed in yellow dragon robe ordered as he stood up swiftly from his seat. The man is indeed the current Emperor Kangxi...

    The General evil eyes meet the eunuch, immediately sending chills down his spine. The eunuch named Xiao Bao quickly turn away from the General stare as he began to speak, “I’ve received your secret letter, Kang Xi. If what you promise in your letter is true, we the “4 Vicious” (四大恶人 ) will work for you willingly.

    Kang Xi does not seem offended by the man addressing him by his name directly, but instead seem to be very polite, even fearful towards him.

    “But of course. If you help me return to power, you can be assured that you will get what you want.”

    The General seems to be in a deep thought about the proposition until the soldier interrupted, “Big brother, all emperors are no good things. Who know he wouldn’t kick us aside once we help him get rid of the rebellions. It’s the same for Duan and the same for the Wanyan family (完颜家族 )!”,

    The General gave a nod and laughed, “Hahaha, heaven likes to make fun of people. To think that I, the authentic emperor of Dali Kingdom, Duan Yan Qing (大理皇朝段延庆 ), would land in a state like this. Having to work for a Manchu dog emperor.”

    Kang Xi doesn’t seem offended by the humilation as the general continues, “Heh heh. I trust you, Kang Xi. But I know nothing of political or state affairs, nor the <<42 Chapters>> (四十二章经 ) books you’re looking for .The only thing we know how to do is to destroy, to silence and to kill everyone that stands in our way.”

    “Yes! Yes, that’s exactly what I’m looking for. I have no trust-worthy and highly-skilled pugilist by my side, and that’s why Ao Bai have no fear for me. He holds all the power in the kingdom and I have no choice but to adhere to everything he says. My first mission for you guys is to…hmm…find a chance to kill Ao Bai! I’ll get Xiao Bao to assist the both of you…”, said Kang Xi.

    The enunch jumped up with a horrific look on his face as he heard this, “Wh……What?!”

    “Xiao Bao, these two may be highly skilled but Ao Bai manor is heavily guarded with so many experts working under him. Also, these 2 men know nothing about the way around the palace. You must do your best to assist them.”

    “No…Nooo…I want to stay by your side!”, cried Xiao Bao ask he fall forward to his knees and grabbed the Emperor thighs.

    “Let…let go!” the Emperor ordered as he try to shake Xiao Bao off. Xiao Bao continue crying as he hold on tightly to the emperor leg.

    “Hmph…you’re the most sissy person I’ve ever seen!”, Duan Yanqing speaks as he rises one of his crutch and point towards Xiao Bao arm.

    “Ahh!” Xiao Bao screamed in agony as he felt an extreme heat coming from the crutch even though it was a few feet away. “What the hell!”, he yelled out.

    “Heh…big brother is right, but he’s a eunuch after all. I’ll be doubtful if he’s not a sissy”, laughed the soldier.

    “Enough of these nonsense. It’s time for proper business. I’ll see you later, KangXi!”, proclaim Duan Yan Qing as he turned and head out of the exit.

    “Noo…Emperor, Emperor you can’t do this to me!”, Xiao Bao cried for help as the muscular soldier grabbed him up easily, placing Xiao Bao horizontally on his back.

    “Deem it an honor to have Yue Lao San (岳老三 )to carry you. Mwahahaha…”, the soldier laughed as he take huge steps after Duan Yan Qing towards the exit.

    “Xiao Bao, I’ll make you the Duke of Mt.Deer once you come back!”, smiled Kang Xi as he waved him goodbye. The last words he heard were…

    “Stop making so much noise or feel the wrath of Yue Lao San. I’ll give you a ‘Kaching’ and cut your head off.”

    Kang Xi had been struggling whether he should enlist the help of these vicious people. However, he knew that without help from powerful pugilists, he’ll never regain his power. He has ascended the throne at a very young age when his father passed away, and Ao Bai took full use of the chance. It may not be the best way, but it is the quickest way. For now, he will use any means necessary to consolidate his strength in the kingdom, and the first task is to eliminate this great obstacle.

    End Of Chapter 2, next chapter schedule for around Sep 5th.
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 08-29-06 at 11:39 AM.

  4. #4
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    Is this story going to have Shi Potian and Guo Polu?
    Last edited by kidd; 08-27-06 at 08:42 AM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  5. #5
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    Ode to Gallantry and Condor characters will appear very soon.

    Reply to CC Below: No, Guo Jing is approximately 650 years old considering Kang Xi is there.
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 08-28-06 at 09:58 PM.

  6. #6
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    Is Guo Jing like 100 years old or more here? I mean, if Guo Xiang has already handed Emei to Meijue, GJ should be like this 100+ year old man still defending Xiang Yang! And that makes H7G 150 years old?

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    Chapter 3: Black Steel Crest 玄铁令

    Luoyang City…

    It is noon, and the capital is filled with busy noises of people. In the market, seas of people are moving back and forth around the stalls, some haggling for prices and people calling out for customers.

    In one particular tavern of Luoyang, the bartender is busy attending to the endless flow of customers. A young handsome lad dressed in green stepped into the tavern and said “Waiter, give me a few simple dishes”.

    The waiter gives an acknowledgment and continued attending to the customers. At this time, a loud voice was heard from the streets, “Get out of the way! Don’t block where your father’s going! (别挡着你老子的去路 )”

    The young lad found a seat on the 2nd storey overlooking the streets and looked out. It’s a group of fearsome pugilist passing by the area. They stopped by a blacksmith shop and the young lad overheard someone in the tavern said “Sigh…it’s for the Black Steel Crest (玄铁令 )again.”

    The young lad turned around and saw a sickly old man, probably in his 60s and dressed in thin cloth. “Black Steel Crest?”, he asked.

    The old man ignored the lad and murmured to himself, “Here he comes…”

    As the words came out from his mouth, a loud horrific scream was heard from the streets. The young lad turned around and saw several members of the pugilist groups lying motionless on the ground. The remaining 6 held their sword in front of them in a defending manner, back against the walls of the blacksmith store.

    Standing in front of them is a middle aged man in his mid-forties. He’s dressed in green and had a weird green aura.

    “Where’s the Black Steel Crest?”, the green man asked in a stern tone.

    “You…you’re…”, one of the six pugilist uttered.

    “Yes, I’m Xie Yan Ke!”, the man replied.

    Even though the 6 of them had expected who the man to be, the name still sent a chill down their spine.

    Xie Yan Ke Origins:
    Xie Yan Ke is an extremely highly skilled character in pugilist world. He lives on top of “Skyscraping Cliff” (摩天涯 ) and calls himself the “Skyscraping Resident” (摩天居士 ). Without extra-ordinary qingong, it’s difficult to even climb the peak. Years ago, Xie Yan Ke gave out 3 “Black Steel Crest” to his benefactor to repay him, and announce to the world that if anyone hands this crest to him, he’ll willingly do any task for him. Over the years, 2 of the 3 crests had returned to Xie’s and the last went missing. Xie Yan Ke knew that his benefactor had already passed away and is afraid that if the crest falls into the hands of his enemies, they might give him all sort of problems, or even ask him to commit suicide. Xie Yan Ke cannot be said to be a heroic person, neither does he cares about the regulations of the Pugilist World. He is, however, extremely peculiar about adhering to what he had said. The sole reason he had left the Motian Peak this time is to retrieve back the last Black Crest in order to end all future troubles. He heard reliable information about the Steel Crest appearing in Luoyang recently, and had rushed here as soon as he could.

    “What…what Crest!”, the eldest of the 6 pugilist explained.

    Xie Yan Ke thought: If he truly had the crest, he could show it and I’ll have to do anything he asked. Looks like he really don’t have it.

    “Humph! Attack us if you want! I’ll like to see Mr.Xie famous Divine Flick!”
    (哼!要动手就来吧,我倒要领教谢先生的弹指神通! )

    “You?! (就凭你们?!)”, Xie Yan Ke said with a demeaning voice as he raised his left palm, summoning a huge gale of wind. The 6 men felt a strong energy pressure bolted towards them. They’re not weak in martial arts, but at this time they couldn’t even defend themselves.

    The dust settles quickly and Xie Yan Ke is already 30 feet away. Another few moments, and he’s completely out of sight. At the blacksmith shop, 5 of the 6 men had already died and only the eldest survived. One would wonder if he survived because he’s stronger than the rest, or Xie Yan Ke purposely spared his life to show how skillful he is.

    The man raises to his feet slowly and gradually moved away from the streets. The injuries are not light, but at least they’re not fatal. At this time, the streets have already cleared and not a single soul was in sight. The common population had fled the moment they saw the group of pugilist entered the city. It’s a common thing nowadays.

    At this moment, the galloping of horses is heard again as a couple in their 30s rides in through the city gates. They seems to be in a fluster as their eyes inspect the place. Their horses came to halt near the fight scene earlier and all that is left near the blacksmith store now are various corpses lying around the place. The man alighted from his horse and gave a long sigh, “Looks like…we came one step too late.”

    The lady looked up and saw the young lad looking at them mischievously.

    “Bu Guo! (不过 )”, she exclaimed as she leaped onto the 2nd storey of the tavern.

    The young lad replied in a half laughing manner “Ho ho…so it’s the heroic Guo Jing daughter, Guo Fu. What brings you here.?”

    Doing away with the troublesome addressing, Guo Fu asked worriedly, “Xie Yan Ke! Did he just passed by here?”

    “Xie Yan Ke? One pretty powerful guy just pass by here but I don’t know who the hell that person is!”, replied the lad named Bu Guo.

    “That must be him…this is really bad!”, Guo Fu continued with a worried look on her face.

    “Hmm?” At this time, BuGuo scanned around the tavern once more, wanting to locate the old man he saw earlier. To his dismay, he is nowhere in sight.

    “Well well…”, he turned back to Guo Fu, “what problems could be bothering Uncle Yelu and Auntie GuoFu? I doubt anyone dare to make trouble with Uncle Guo Jing family…”

    Guo Fu gave another sigh as she recount what happened.

    Recount of Guo Fu Event:
    It seems that the couple was heading to the Jiangnan (江南 ) area to gather military news about the Ruyang family (汝阳家族 ). They are a very influential family in the royalty that’s directly linked with the Mongolians, a potential treat. On the way however, their youngest and newborn child “Guo Tian” (郭天 )was snatched away by a lady in red in the middle of the night. GuoFu (郭芙 ) and YeluQi (耶律齐 ) couldn’t defeat her even when they joined forces as the lady skills were a few notches above them. After gathering some information, they discover to their horror that the lady is Ye Er Niang (叶二娘 ), one of the infamous “4 Vicious” (四大恶人 ). It is said that Ye Er Niang habit is to steal a newborn baby and “take good care” of the baby for 7 days and 7 nights before killing him. It’s one of the most cruel evil doings one can imagine.

    “Humph…if my father was here, that old hag wouldn’t be so arrogant!”, Guo Fu grit her teeth.

    “Well, why are you guys still wasting time hunting down Xie Yan Ke then?”, asked Bu Guo.

    “The 2 of us wouldn’t be a match for that old hag. What’s more, she mostly likely had accomplice around. Here is too far away from XiangYang and Tian-er would long be dead by the time we informed our father. After that we heard news that Xie Yan Ke is heading here. After some discussion with Yelu-ge (Female of the past often address their husband with a ‘ge’, which literally means elder brother), we decided to request his help.”,

    “Well…he’s indeed very powerful from what I’ve seen. But I’ve heard he’s an arrogant and solitary person, and he doesn’t heck care about others. I don’t think he’ll help you if you don’t have the ‘Black Steel Crest’.”, explained Bu Guo.

    “Hmph Hmph.”, Guo Fu snarls. “20 odd years ago, Xie Yan Ke’s skills are all but mediocre. He got some luck to meet my grandfather who gave him some guidance and even imparted his “Divine Flick” (弹指神通 ) to him. He only got what he has today because of my grandfather. He’ll definitely help if we asked him.”,

    “I see…I see.”, acknowledge Bu Guo while thinking “This woman is still arrogant like the I last saw her. No wonder my father hates her…I wouldn’t want anything to do with him if it wasn’t for……”

    “But his qinggong is far too superior to us! There’s no way we could catch up with him now…”, Yelu Qi said, interrupting Bu Guo thoughts.

    “Heh…”, Bu Guo smiled cheekily. “We don’t have to catch up with him if we can’t”, said Bu Guo.

    “Huh? What are you talking about?” The puzzled couple asked.

    “Well…look what I got here.”

    As he reaches into his coat and pulled out a piece of metal, a shocking expression took over the couple faces.

    “Black Steel Crest?! (玄铁令 )”

    End of chapter 3, next chapter schedule for around 22th Sep
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-05-06 at 07:08 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuxiaMaster
    Recount of Guo Fu Event:
    It seems that the couple was heading to the Jiangnan (江南 ) area to gather military news about the Ruyang family (汝阳家族 ). They are a very influential family in the royalty that’s directly linked with the Mongolians, a potential treat. On the way however, their youngest and newborn child “Guo Tian” (郭天 )was snatched away by a lady in red in the middle of the night. GuoFu (郭福 ) and YeluQi (耶律齐 ) couldn’t defeat her even when they joined forces as the lady skills were a few notches above them. After gathering some information, they discover to their horror that the lady is Ye Er Niang (叶二娘 ), one of the infamous “4 Vicious” (四大恶人 ). It is said that Ye Er Niang habit is to steal a newborn baby and “take good care” of the baby for 7 days and 7 nights before killing him. It’s one of the most cruel evil doings one can imagine.
    If Guo Tian 郭天 is the child of Guo Fu 郭福 [which has been identified as "female", and should incidentally be 芙, if she's meant to be the 'original' daughter of Guo Jing] and Yelu Qi 耶律齐, the surname of the child should actually be "Yelu" 耶律 ... unless Yelu Qi decided to marry into 入赘 the Guo family. Not that this might not have happened, but it would be good to clarify and make use of this potentially juicy little snippet.

    Jin Yong's Ode to Gallantry [侠客行].
    Quote Originally Posted by atlantean0208
    what about SPT, I need my SPT fix ASAP, pretty pleaseeeee...
    Soon ... SOON!

  9. #9
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    Or maybe the child's actual name is Ye Lu Guo Tian [耶律郭天].

    Guo Fu and Yelu Qi, being the new age couple, decided to use the surname of both families in their child's name.

    I'm still waiting for SPT to appear.
    Last edited by kidd; 09-21-06 at 05:23 AM.
    什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋。~ 王亞瑟

    和諧唔係一百個人講同一番話,係一百個人有一百句唔同嘅說話,而又互相尊重 ~ - 葉梓恩

  10. #10
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    Ahh...thanks for pointing out the typo with Guo Fu chinese name :P (I've fixed it now)

    And yes...I've been thinking about the child of Guo Fu...not very sure whose surname he should took over. I just decided on "Guo" cause people are more familiar to it...

    But the name "Yelu Guotian" sounds pretty cool!

    As for SPT appearance...think it'll be quite some time...

    I'll not be able to login to the internet for the next 2 weeks...See ya guys when I come back on around 21, 22 or 23rd.
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-06-06 at 10:58 AM.

  11. #11
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    Chapter 4 – Introduction: Evil 介绍 (魔道 )

    On the evil side, 2 major sect reigns supreme.

    魔道篇 - Sun Moon Cult (日月神教 )

    First of the two is the “Sun Moon Cult”. 10 years ago, the former chief Ren Woxing (任我行 ) went missing and was announced to be dead. Shortly after, the right envoy took over the position as the leader and proclaimed himself as “The Invincible East”! (东方不败 )

    The Invincible East is a rare talent in a hundred years, and his powers are immeasurably deep (深不可测 ). Under his leadership, the Sun Moon Cult gradually prospers and is filled with talents – The 10 Sun Moon Elders alone are no ordinary characters (日月十大长老 ). Although no one has seen the Invincible East, he’s already recognized as 1 of the “10 Ultimate Experts” (十大绝世高手 )

    Many extraordinary people have also allied themselves with the Sun Moon Cult, among them are the lunatic but highly skilled “4 Fairies of Peach Valley” (桃谷四仙 ), the entire “5 Poisons Cult” (五毒教 ) lead by Blue Phoenix (蓝凤凰 ) and even Ping Yizhi, one of the 4 divine healers (平一指 ) in the Wulin. (四大神医之一 ). In addition, the Cult originally had 2 envoys, Qu Yang and Xiang Wen Tian. However, Xiang Wen Tian left the Cult 10 years ago when Ren Woxing died, and Qu Yang has since rarely involve himself with Cult matters.

    The “5 Poisons Cult” is founded by the notorious Li Mo Chou (李莫愁 ), nicknamed “Serpent Fairy” (赤练仙子 ). Although she’s beautiful like a fairy, she kills without battling an eyelid, and everyone avoids her. Her most famous skill is “5 Poison Palm” (五毒神掌 ) and her assassination weapons “Soul Destroying Frost Needles” (冰魄银针 ). A few years ago, she handed the cult over to Blue Phoenix and left for Mt.Zhongnan “Ancient Tomb” (中南山, 古墓派 ) to investigate a matter.


    魔道篇 – Fire Worshipping Cult / Ming Cult (拜火神教, 明教 )

    The other major sect in the evil realm is the Fire Worshipping Cult, more widely known as the Ming Cult. Its prized martial arts, “Universe Reversal” (乾坤大挪移 ) consist of 7 levels. The former leader only mastered till the 4th level and had rarely meet a match in his life, and once defeated the 3 Holy Monks of Shaolin.

    Few years ago, when the 33rd generation leader Yang Ding Tian was in power, the Sect was at its golden age. His most capable and trusted subordinates are the infamous “Xiao Yao” envoys (逍遥左右使 ). The left envoy Yang Xiao is a rare martial art talent and is hold in high regard by the chief. Yang Xiao has reach the “2nd Level” of Universe Reversal imparted by the chief, and his power can be imagined. 实力可想而知 ) The right envoy Fang Yao has an incredible proficiency with swords, and his swordsmanship have reach a level where few in the world can match.

    Moreover, the Ming Cult still have “Purple White Gold Green”, the 4 Guardians, (紫白金青, 四大法王 ) whose position is just directly below the 2 envoys. At last, the “5 Element Troops” led by “5 Elemental” (五散人所率领的五行军 ) made up the core troops of the Ming Sect.

    On the paper, Ming Cult powers should far surpass the Sun Moon Sect. Unfortunately, when the chief leader Yang Ding Tian died 10 years ago, the Sect quickly went into a downward spiral as its members left one by one. Now, all that is left is the Left Envoy, The Green Bat guardian and the 5 Elementals. There are many internal strife that was left unsolved even till today, making the Ming Sect far below Sun Moon in terms of actual powers. Even so, Ming Sect is still one of the most powerful forces in the evil realm.


    魔道篇 – Illusive Peak. Spirit Vulture Palace (缥缈峰, 灵鹫宫 )

    Located just outside the borders of China (关外 ). Its master, commonly known as the “Heavenly Child” (天山童老 ), never show her face. However, her “Life Death Talisman” (生死符 )alone was enough to made the leaders of the “72 Islands, 36 Caves” (七十二岛主,三十六洞主 ) submit under her sect. This made the sect influence directly below that of Sun Moon, but one must not forget that the leaders didn’t submit to the Palace willingly, but largely due to the threat of the “Life Death Talisman”…

    The skills of the Palace originates from an rarely known school of arts known as the “Carefree Clan” (逍遥派 ). The requirements for taking in disciples were extremely strict and only the best were chosen. The Carefree Clan ancestor created 4 unique and peerless arts, among them which include the “Minor Formless” (小无相功 ), “Flowing Trail” (凌波微步 ) and “Mystic Northern Art” (北明神功 ). The most prized skill is the “Sovereign Yang Energies” (独尊纯阳功 ), but it could only be practiced by a male due to its extreme yang nature.

    Decades ago, the persistent and hasty Child Mistress was unbothered about the restrictions and insisted in learning the skill behind the back of the Master. With her unparallel talent and knowledge, she manage to derive a new form of energy art known as the “Universal Sovereign Energies”! (八荒六合唯我独尊功 ) In addition, she also created many techniques of her own including the “Heavenly Solar Palms” (天山六阳掌 ) and “Heavenly Plum Strikes” (天山折梅手 ).


    魔道篇 – The Constellation (星宿派 )

    Located in the “Sea of Stars” (星宿海 ), The constellation literally means “ a section of heaven occupied by stars”. It’s founder is known as the “Old Freak of Constellation” (星宿老怪 ), Ding Chun Qiu (丁春秋 ). He can be consider highly-skilled in martial arts, but the biggest reason he is feared is because of his techniques in using poisons and toxins, which is nearly unmatched throughout the lands.

    His arsenal of skills includes the disgusting “Corpses Rotting Technique” (腐尸功 ) and the deadly “3 Smiles Death” (三笑亡 )venom. In addition, his dreaded “Power Dissolving Art” (化功大法 ), strikes terror into even some of the most reputable righteous leaders. The skill literally dissolves a person internal energy, and has almost a similar effect to the “Star Absorbing Skill” (吸星大法 ) practiced by Ren Woxing years ago.


    魔道篇 – Blood Saber Clan (血刀门 )

    The clan influence in Central Plains is greatly limited, but is a predominated group in the Western Cities.(西城 ). The leader calls himself the “Blood Saber Ancestor” (血刀老祖 ), and thus can be seen as an incredible wielder of the weapon.


    魔道篇 – Divine Dragon Island (神龙岛 )

    The pirate of the seas, Chief Hong (洪教主 )is a highly skilled and a vehement man. The Sect has 5 “dragon emissaries”, Green, Yellow, Red, Black, White working under him. (青、黄、赤、白、黑五龙使 ) This is one of few remaining islands that have not yet submitted to the Spirit Vulture Palace...


    魔道篇 – Other Gangs (其他组织 )

    4 Vicious (四大恶人 ): Besides these clans and sects, there are also many organizations of team of experts that instill fear in the hearts of many. The most famous are the “4 Vicious” (四大恶人 ), which includes Duan Yan Qing, Ye Er Niang, Yue Lao San and Yun Zhong He (四大恶人, 段延庆,叶二娘,岳老三和云中鹤 ) Duan Yan Qing is always trying to find a way to regain his Throne in Dali and is the most overpowering of the 4. Ye Er Niang robs the people off their newly born infants and kills them eventually. Yue Lao San, also known as the “Croc King of South Sea”,(南海鳄神 )uses a huge golden scissors that he often use to “kaching” (snap) people’s head off. Yun Zhong He is most renowned for his extraordinary qingong like his name suggests (A crane in the cloud), and his in-satisfying lust for beautiful women.

    Ding Brothers(丁氏兄弟 ): Directly after the “4 Vicious” are the nefarious “Ding Brothers”, Ding Bu San and Ding Bu Si (丁不三, 丁不四 ). These 2 men are said to be the brothers of Ding Chun Qiu but has severe ties with him for unknown reasons, and the only thing that placed them below the “4 Vicious” are that they can only kill 7 people a day. They have the nicknames “1 Day Limit 3” and “1 Day Limit 4” (一日不过三, 一日不过四 ) respectively, which means they will not kill pass 3 or 4 persons.

    Ruyang Family (汝阳家族 ): Members of the Mongolians royalty and very close to the Mongol Great Khan (蒙古大汗 ). The family came into power recently after the entire Wanyan Family (完颜家族 ) was massacred. (Note: Wanyan Family is the family that brought up Yang Kang) Within a short time, they’ve quickly recruited a lot of wulin experts to work for them. As such, they’ve quickly grown to become a very dominating force.

    End of Chapter 4, next chapter schedule for around 30th Sep
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-28-06 at 06:19 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuxiaMaster
    魔道篇 – Hurricane Peak. Spirit Vulture Palace (飘沙峰, 灵鹫宫 )
    Note, It is 缥缈峰, not 飘沙峰. It is supposed to mean obscure, indistinct or illusive, not Hurricane.

    And you might want to note down the prized martial arts skills in this sect, instead of attributing their influence and power to the "Life-Death Talisman".

  13. #13
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    Thanks for the corrections and suggestions! Erm...I'll update it...Didn't mention anything about Xiao Yao stuffs cause I haven't got any idea how to use them yet haha. I just want it "to be there" so later on it doesn't "Just come into the story". But now I think it'll be quite interesting to include a brief information about it like you suggested...
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-21-06 at 06:54 AM.

  14. #14
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    I do hope the many weird plotlines in your story like Li Mo Chou founding the Five Poisons Sect were for your story and not due to the certain miscomprehension of the story. (I think I sound offensive here, all I meant you might have remembered wrongly. But I guessed not, you were just trying to piece them all up like a jigsaw puzzle, right?)

    However, do take note of several stuff..

    1. 喬 is not Qiao Feng! He is Qiao , as in peak of a mountain, not as in plentiful harvest!

    He(Guo Jing) has learnt a variety of skills including the Dragon Subdueing Plams, a portion of the "Jiuyin Manual" (九阴真经 )
    Not really a portion, unless you took in account his progress in LOCH only.

    3. 空洞-- KongTong Sect. It is 崆峒, referring to an existing mountain in China, not 'Empty Cave'.

    4. Returning Leaves Swordplay (回风落雁剑法 )

    Or rather, more appropriately, it is Returning Wind, Crane Falls Swordplay. You can turn it into a nicer name if you wish, but the name has nothing to do with leaves. It is to emphasise the speed, accuracy and unpredictability of the moves.

    5. 紫霞神功. note: 霞 is not rays, it refers to the clouds in the skies. The rosier ones.

    6. 泰山十八般. It is actually, 泰山十八. The traditional version of 盘, the plate.

  15. #15
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    Wow...Pacifian thanks for being so meticulous and pointing out so many mistakes that I made.

    How I write this is I just type out the English first with the best translation for skill I can think of, then later on I just type out the chinese and paste them in. I only go through it once so I can't ensure it's error-free, so really appreciate you guys for pointing them out so I can correct it. I think when I was translating the "Returning Leaves" thing, I was thinking of "Luo Ye" (Fallen Leaves), even though I typed the correct one. It's difficult to translate some skills, and it sounds really ugly/awkward if you translate word for word, so feel free to suggest better translation or ideas.

    As for the weird plotlines...a lot of them is just me hunting around, picking up similarities (even if it's just the surname, the sect name) etc, so there's something to build relations between the characters from entirely different novels. It'll be too difficult to manage if every character is like a "single entity" on its I try to group them together under a "team". And yeah, basically it's like a jigsaw...
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-21-06 at 08:15 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by WuxiaMaster
    and it sounds really ugly/awkward if you translate word for word, so feel free to suggest better translation or ideas.
    I know this, which is why I did not really ask you to use my translation, I merely wanted to tell you that "Returning Leaves" had nothing to do with the swordplay, albeit nicely-sounding.

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    Chapter 5 – Seat Fighting 坐斗

    Located in the extreme western part of Luoyang city, this is a street filled with lots of brothels…Scantily dressed ladies are openly calling out for customers in the bright daylight. This road is a road “dedicated” to prostitution activities, and even the constables couldn’t do anything about it. Righteous “gentlemen” and women make an effort to go a round-about in order to not use this road…On this day however, 3 extra-ordinary people are brazenly strolling along the streets…

    “Hey, little brat (臭小子 ), what’s the purpose of bringing us here?”, roared a familiar voice. It’s Yue Lao San, the man dressed as a soldier earlier.

    The eunuch Xiao Bao gave an eye signaled and whispered in a soft voice, “We can’t speak such top secret matters in the palace. Ao Bai men are everywhere. My sister opens a brothel on this street and we can use that place as our headquarters”

    Yue Lao San paused for a moment, and then laughed out loudly, “Heh heh…to think a eunuch like you have a sister that open a brothel…this is strange indeed. Too bad that Yun (姓云的 ) isn’t here or he can thoroughly enjoys himself. Mwahahaha…”

    Duan Yan Qing thought to himself: “To think an emperor and great villain like me had to resort to using brothel as a secretive hideout…but a man cannot overlook big matters just because of a small thing like this. I guess we’ll just do as this little eunuch say.”

    As they walked on and pass by a winehouse(酒家 ), a bloodied priest ran dashed out, his palm pressing onto his chest to prevent further bleeding. Duan Yan Qing immediately recognized him as someone from the school of Mt. Tai.

    A loud voice was heard coming from inside the winehouse, “Ha ha ha…brother Linghu (令狐 ), that bull-nose (牛鼻子, an impolite term to refer a priest) skills are not too bad, being able to move back 3 inches just in time to avoid my final deathblow. I wanted to kill him to save you from future trouble, but seemed like I didn’t quite make it. Mt. Tai skill got some real stuff (泰山 ).”

    Another voice replied, “Brother Tian (田 ), my skills are far inferior to Master Tiansong (天松 ). If you had used the same techniques against me, I would be dead for sure.

    Curious, Xiao Bao took a peek inside and saw 2 men sitting in the middle of the winehouse. The waiter and bartender have already moved aside to the corner to avoid getting involved in what seems to be a vicious fight. Of all, another person caught Xiao Bao’s attention, a young petite nun that exhibits a graceful aura, standing quietly, and somewhat fearfully behind the man named “Linghu”.

    The man named Tian said, “I, the ‘Million Miles Traveler (万里独行 )’ Tian Boguang (田伯光 ), come and go as I please. I do as I please and now that I’ve laid my eyes on this little nun, I would never give up. Why must you interfere and jeopardize our friendship, brother Linghu?”

    “I don’t like nun, brother Tian. In fact, I’ve down with luck everytime I meet a nun, but as fellow apprentices of the 5 Ranges Alliance, I cannot allow you to harm or humiliate her. I, Linghu Chong (令狐冲 ), would be a disgrace to my teacher and the sword school of Mt. Hua”, Brother Linghu replied.

    Tian Boguang said, “Very well then. There’s only 2 ways you can stop me from getting her. I regard you as a friend, and as a rule of the martial art world, one would never violate a friend wife. The first is that you marry this babe. If you do, I’ll let her go right away, and even bow and apologize to her.”

    The nun blushed and let down her head. Xiao Bao was totally mesmerized as she look even more beautiful and angelic.

    “What utter nonsense! Do you really regard me as your friend, Brother Tian? Do you want me to have bad luck for the rest of my life? Don’ ever mention that again!” Linghu Chong replied in a furious tone.

    “Fine, so you agreed to hand this nun over to me, or do you want to attempt the second way? You are no match for me in a fight!” Tian Boguang said with a smirk on his face.

    “I’m far inferior to you if we fight standing up. But if we fight while sitting down, you’re no match for me!” Linghu Chong said with confidence.

    Tian Boguang was not angered by his comments and said with a grin, “Brother Linghu, I know your level of Martial Arts. I admire your courage and personality, not your skills. You said your skills are far inferior to that bull-nose. Did you not see how I defeat him in less than 30 blows while sitting down?”

    “Ha ha ha…” Linghu Chong laughed as he continue, “I am inferior to Priest Tiansong when standing up, but fighting while sitting down, I’m ranked No. 11 in the Martial Art World!”

    Tian Boguang seems taken aback and asked, “I didn’t know Mt. Hua have such a unique style of swordplay.”

    LInghu Chong continue and explain, “They weren’t taught to me by my teacher, brother Tian. I created these set of swordplay myself. Beside the 10 Ultimate Experts of the Martial World, no one can beat me while sitting down.”

    “What arrogance!”

    The last sentence came from 2 different persons. 1 of them came from Tian Boguang, the other from Yue Lao San.

    Tian Boguang have long noticed the 2 skillful experts at the doorsteps shortly after he chased the priest away, but kept quiet as they did not seem to be after him. The 2 of them were just standing still and watching the conversation until Yue Lao San was provoked by what Linghu Chong said.

    “I, the South Sea Crocodile God (南海鳄神 ) can cut your head off within 10 blows.” Yue Lao San roared as he stepped up to confront Linghu Chong.

    Linghu Chong skill was far behind Tian Boguang and did not notice the 2 men arrival until Yue Lao San interference.

    “Crap, it's the 4 Vicious Ones. Now it’ll be harder to get apprentice Yilin (依林 ) away from danger.” Linghu Chong thought to himself.

    “Haha…so, it’s Number 2 of the 4 Vicious ones. I’ve long heard of your famous name and the 4 Vicious group.” Tian Boguang laughed as he greeted Yue Lao San. “I’ve long wanted to meet Yun Zhong He. I heard his craving for women is unequalled. I’m sure we would make great buddies.”

    Yue Lao San seems delighted at Tian Boguang addressing him as Number 2 of the 4 Vicious. His skills was not below the Number two Ye Er Niang, but was ranked third only because he joined later. Since then, he was constantly vying for the second position. Tian Boguang made use of this known fact in the evil realm to befriend him.

    “Ha ha ha…Yes, My rank is number 2 and I’m the 2nd most evil man in Central Plains. You are a great lad! Hahaha..." Yue Lao San laughed as he turned towards Duan Yan Qing, "Lao da (老大, meaning Big Brother), I suggest we kick out Yun Zhong He and make him number 4.”

    “What nonsense are you talking?” Duan Yan Qing said without opening his mouth. Everyone was impressed by the level of internal strength exhibited through his voice.

    Meanwhile, Linghu Chong was signaling for the nun Yilin to sneak away, but Tian Boguang was quick to react and quickly drew his saber, blocking the way.

    “Hey, hey! Wait now. We can’t let this beautiful babe get away.” Tian Boguang said as he paused, then slowly turned towards the 2 Vicious.

    “I have no business with your rivalry.” Duan Yan Qing said, implying that he will not interfere in the duel between Tian Boguang and Linghu Chong.

    Delighted, Tian Boguang turned to face Linghu Chong again with a big wide grin. “So, what are the rules for the duel?”

    End of chapter 5, next chapter schedule for around Oct 7th...
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 09-28-06 at 06:43 AM.

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    Chapter 6 – The Heavenly Sword 倚天剑

    Being unconcerned in the fight between these “lowly pugilists”, Duan Yan Qing turned to Yue Lao San and said, “You stay here if you want. I still have some matters to attend to. We’ll meet in the designated place in 4 hours time.” With that, Duan Yan Qing took 2 steps backward and headed out of the winehouse. Meanwhile, tension continues to rise as the seat duel is about to spark off.

    “Fine.” Linghu Chong said as he raised his arm and flipped over the table, the wine cups and kettle were thrown all over. “Whoever’s butt leave the seat first loses, and will have to acknowledge this little nun Yilin as his master.”

    “Ha ha…Linghu Chong, are you that confident?” Tian Boguang said with a smug look.

    “Little nun, do you want me to lose this battle?” Linghu Chong asked without taking his eyes off Tian Boguang.

    “Of…of course not!” The nun Yilin replied in a flustered manner.

    “Then get out of here now! I’m always down on luck with nuns around, and I won’t be able to beat him with you around.” Linghu Chong said in a stern tone.

    After much hesitation, Yilin figured that Linghu Chong might really lose because of her, and quick dash out of the winehouse.

    “I better handle you fast or I won’t be able to catch up with the babe!” Tian Boguang said as he delivered a lightning quick slash towards Linghu Chong.

    Yue Lao San was particularly interested in the fight as he refused to believe Linghu Chong bragging about being an expert in “seat-fighting”. Indeed Linghu Chong wasn’t. Within 10 blows, Linghu Chong left arm was slashed twice and he couldn’t even get in an attack. Another 10 blows were exchanged, and by then Yue Lao San was so engrossed in the fight that he did not notice Wei Xiao Bao had secretly creep out of the winehouse……

    “Got you! Ha ha!” Tian Boguang laughed as he got land another hit on Linghu Chong arm. “Your seat-fighting art isn’t particularly impressive, brother Linghu!”

    Linghu Chong forced a smile as he continued fending off the quick attacks by Tian Boguang. He’s doing his best to prolong the fight in order to let Yilin get away, but is getting weaker and weaker as the blood kept flowing out from his wounds.

    “Brother Linghu, I’m giving way to you already. I don’t want to kill you as I treat you as a friend. Give up the fight now. The deal is off.” Tian Boguang said.

    Linghu Chong just smiled and said, “No way I’m going to.”

    Pissed off with Linghu Chong’s stubbornness, Tian Boguang raised his arm as he prepares to deliver a knockout blow…

    “What fighting spirit from a young lad!” A voice that came projecting from the outside.

    Immediately, Tian Boguang sensed a powerful and threatening aura from the back. With his quick reactions, he swiftly redrew his saber to protect himself. A blinding flash of white light was coming straight at him, and in that moment he made it out to be a sword, one that’s giving out an extremely intimidating energy! In a nick of time, he lifted his saber to block the incoming blow.

    “What the!” Tian Boguang exclaimed as he felt a great impact from his saber. Tian’s weapon is already considered a rare treasure among the pugilist world, but the energies from his opponent weapon nearly broke his saber into half. Fortunately, Tian Boguang reaction was fast and having extra-ordinary mastery with the art of sabers, he directed the incoming energy from the sword onto the chair by bending down his weapon, cutting the power significantly. However, the chair has collapsed under the strong pressure, and he had no choice but to jump out of his seat to prevent injuries.

    As he regained his composure, he finally saw who’s standing in front of him. One of them is, surprisingly, the young nun Yilin. The second is the wielder of the extraordinary sword, and also a nun – a nun in her thirties. The nun stood beside Yilin with a stern expression, her presence alone gave out a cold shivering aura that brought the whole place to silence.

    “You are the widely known rapist, Tian Boguang?”, the nun said in a cold voice.

    Tian Boguang knew he had met a tough opponent, and it would be unwise to meet her head-on.

    “Yes, it is me. May I know your name, priestess?” Tian Boguang replied in a polite tone.

    “Absolute Annihilation! (灭绝 Mie Jue )” the nun shout as she dish out a quick blow towards Tian Boguang. There wasn’t any sign when the nun executed the move, but the name shocked Tian Boguang more than the sudden attack itself. Given Tian Boguang agility, it would not be difficult to avoid the blow, but the force from the sword Mie Jue wields is greatly limiting his movements.

    “The Heavenly Sword! (倚天剑 )” Tian Boguang yell as he moved back. Mie Jue followed up with 3 more thrusts, but Tian Boguang stepped back with every single one, avoiding contact. Normally, he would not hesitate to use his saber to block off the attack, but his pugilist instinct told him that even his exceptional weapon would collapse under the might of the Heavenly Sword.

    “Darn! If this old nun wield an ordinary weapon, I might not necessary lose to her., but I stand no chance against the Heavenly Sword!” Tian Boguang laments. Even though he knew this fact, there was little he could do.

    “Heavenly Sword?!” Yue Lao San was astonished when he heard what Tian Boguang said. Immediately, his headstrong and recklessness took over as he jumped into the battle with his large scissor weapon.

    “Evil villains, die by my sword!” Mie Jue howled and swung the Heavenly Sword to meet the golden scissor. Mie Jue imbued at least 9/10 of her inner strength into the sword in this blow, and Yue Lao San weapon was crushed immediately upon the impact.

    “Argh!” Yue Lao San gave a loud wail as he fly backwards, “Darn old nun!”

    Mie Jue turned around and targeted Tian Boguang again, but the single exchange with Yue Lao San gave Tian Boguang just enough time to go around Mie Jue and head towards the door.

    “Stop you evildoer!” Mie Jue gave a loud holler as she prepares to chase after him.

    “Senior Linghu! Senior Linghu! Don’t die!” Yilin cried.

    Tian Boguang qingong is among the top in the pugilist world, which is why he’s given the nickname of “Million Miles Traveler”. Once in open space, it would not be easy to catch up with him. Yue Lao San, knowing that he’s no match for Mie Jue and her sword, quickly scurried away after Tian Boguang.

    Knowing that it’s pointless to go after them, Mie Jue quickly attend to the seriously injured Linghu Chong…

    Meanwhile…In a forest 5 li away from Luoyang City…

    “Xie Yan Ke! You’ve always been a loner, and now want to make yourself enemies with the 4 Vicious just because of this child?”

    The person speaking is a lady in red with 2 long streaks of red marks across her face – standing face to face against a formidable opponent, Xie Yan Ke. In her arms is an barely 2 month old infant…

    “Ha! Ye Er Niang, I’m not a person of the righteous way or one from the evil realm. I do as I please, but I’m a man of my words, and today I must fulfill the promise of the Black Steel Crest.”

    “Hahaha…” Ye Er Niang laughed confidently as she holds the baby up on her left arm. “You really think I’m afraid of you?”

    Standing not far behind of Xie Yan Ke is the young lad back at the tavern, Bu Guo. He seems confident that Xie Yan Ke would definitely rescue the baby, and does not seem to have any intention to interfere with the fight

    “Cut the crap. See if you can take 50 blows from me!”, Xie Yan Ke shout as he darted forward at incredible speed. Ye Er Niang was impressed and alarm at the same time.

    “You’ll be a opponent for me to try out my newly mastered Sapphire Palms (碧針清掌 )!”

    End of chapter 6, next chapter schedule for around Oct 14th...
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 10-07-06 at 01:20 AM.

  19. #19
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    Aug 2006


    Chapter 7 – Baby Rescue 救婴

    Forest near Luoyang City…

    With a flash, Xie Yan Ke quickly issued 2 blows directly at Ye Er Niang. Being far weaker in terms of internal strength, she quickly took 2 steps backwards to avoid meeting him head-on.

    "Ha ha...let's see who's faster!" Xie Yan Ke exclaimed as he dealt another 3 continuous palms.

    Indeed, Ye Er Niang is totally no match for Xie Yan Ke as his attacks became faster and each blow grew more forceful. Barely 20 blows were issued and she’s already rapidly forced back.

    “Take him back if you want!” Ye Er Niang said as she shifted her left arm, bringing the baby forward. Xie Yan Ke quickly retreat his palms to avoid harming the baby.


    “Heh Heh…you said you wanted the baby so I gave it to you. Why are you furious now?”, laughed Ye Er Niang.

    Indeed, Xie Yan Ke could defeat Ye Er Niang well within 50 blows, but Ye Er Niang began to made use of the baby as a defensive shield whenever Xie is about to deal a fatal blow. Soon, more than 100 blows were exchanged and Xie Yan Ke grew more exasperated, to the point that he has overlooked that another person have appeared…

    Xie Yan Ke grew impatient as Ye Er Niang continued using the baby as a defensive shield to block his attacks. He felt every veins of his body going to explode, being restricted in his every attack. Suddenly, an idea struck him as he thought of a stance from his Sapphire Palms.

    “Old hag (老婆娘 ), take this from me!”, Xie Yan Ke yelled.


    10/10 power of the Sapphire Palms – The Whirlwind! (十成功力碧針清掌 - 旋风! )”

    Before Ye Er Niang could react, an overpowering gale of wind formed around the both of them. The surrounding air begins to turn faster and faster, almost forming a whirlwind. Ye Er Niang felt her arm went loose as the baby spins up into the air.

    “Crap! (糟! )”, Ye Er Niang wanted to grab hold of the baby, but she could barely stand without losing her balance, let alone go after the baby.

    “Hahaha…little tricks like that are useless against me. (雕虫小技难不倒我 )” Xie Yan Ke said as he prepare to leaped up in an attempt to retrieve the baby. Suddenly, he sensed someone behind him, and his expert instinct told him that the person is not a friend.

    “An expert! (高手! )” He thought to himself. By then, the person had already dealt a powerful and deadly blow towards him. In a nick of time, he lowered the energy level of the gale and turned around slightly; transferring the remaining strength he had to his left palm to meet the enemy.

    A loud blast erupted as the 2 palms and the attacker took 2 steps backwards.

    “Good Xie Yan Ke! You live up to your name! (好个谢烟客!果然名不虚传! ) “

    After the blow, Xie Yan Ke didn’t move an inch, but instead leap up immediately. The whirlwind gradually weaken as the baby falls safely into his arms. Upon reaching the ground, he immediately felt a stream of blood gushing up from within.

    “Argh!” Xie Yan Ke grunt as he spit out some black blood and fall onto his knees. Alarmed, he turned towards the person and asked, “Which shameless person is it! (哪里来的贼人! )”

    The person that assault Xie Yan Ke was a women in her mid thirties, dressed in a Taoist close and wielding a feather duster on her right hand.

    “Hahaha…I’m what people call the Serpent Diety, Li Mo Chou (本尼乃是人称赤炼仙子的李莫愁 ). Xie Yan Ke, haha, I’m impressed. Your internal strength is a level above me, but you’ve been hit by my 5 Poisons Palm (五毒神掌 ). I advised you not to move if you want to live longer.”

    Xie Yan Ke is not ordinary pugilist and immediately knew that Li Mo Chou is not kidding. He quickly sat down and summoned his energies to prevent the poison from spreading.

    A short distance away, a man dressed in blue was standing upon the canopy of the trees, watching the entire scene from Ye Er Niang fight to Li Mo Chou appearance. From his stance it could be seen that he possess extraordinary qinggong. As he watched on, he smiled and murmured to himself.

    “Heh…What a beauty what a beauty. She’s got looks and the skills too. Looks like Er Niang got ourselves a great alliance this time. I, Yun Zhong He (云中鹤 ), shall make this serpent beauty mine sooner or later…”

    Indeed, the man is Yun Zhong He, and one of the dreaded 4 Vicious from the evil realm. Well known for his lust for women and his extra-ordinary qinggong.

    “Well…look like I didn’t have to join in the battle after all…Otherwise it would be great fighting side by side with the famous beauty Li Mo Chou!”, he thought to himself.

    Just then, Yun Zhong He heard a voice coming from behind him.

    “Hey little pal…I’ve heard your qinggong is not too bad. Let’s have a race.” (小兄弟,听闻你轻功不俗,咱们来比试比试. )

    Yun Zhong He was alarmed. How could anyone get behind him without him noticing?! When the voice first began to speak, the person seems to be at least 30 feet away. By the time he finish the sentence, the voice was right beside him! How could anyone move at such speed?!

    Before he could even react, a shadow bolt passed him at an incredible speed. Not wanting to lose, he mustered all his strength in an attempt to catch up with the moving shadow.

    This time, the blow he received is stronger than anything he has experienced in his life! Even when using all his strength he couldn’t even keep up the distance with the shadow, let alone catch up with him! His mastery of qinggong is already widely recognized as among the top in the pugilist world, but it’s like heaven and earth compared to this person. The man in front of him is indescribably fast, and immediately he knew he will never be able to catch up with him.

    “Unbelievable!”. He exclaimed to himself.

    Li Mo Chou saw the figure coming from 10 feet away and was equally alarmed. She couldn’t see anything except that the person is wearing a green robe and moving at lightning speed straight for Xie Yan Ke. She raised her duster and do a thrust forward in an attempt to stop the person, but the person evades her attack easily.

    The figure haled abruptly halted abruptly behind Xie Yan Ke as the leaves fitter away. Before anyone saw what happened, the baby was already in the green robe man hands.

    “Heh Heh Heh…” The man in green robe laughed in a high pitched, almost eerie voice. By now the baby is crying out loud.

    “Put down the baby!”, Li Mo Chou shout as she jumped forward and wield her duster again. This time, she reduced her strength in order to increase her speed. The man only laugh as he again evades Li’s attacks easily, shifting left and right. Li Mo Chou attacks are fast, but the man is faster! Every time, Li Mo Chou only needed to move 1 more step to be able to catch up with the man, but the man is always able to make Li’ miss by this 1 step.

    “Humph! What hero are you to keep running! Take a palm from me if you go the guts! (只会闪逼算什么英雄!有种就接我一掌! )” Li Mo Chou yelled.

    “I’m not a hero but, why not! (我不是英雄,但有何不敢! )”, the man screech as he delivered a lightning fast palm.

    Li Mo Chou quickly mustered all her strength as she dealt her famous 5 Poison Palms. She was afraid that the person will leave with the baby as she would never be able to catch up. Now, she’s delighted and laughing deep inside that she has tricked the man into fighting head on with her.

    Li Mo Chou thought she would win this exchange for sure with the poison palm, but she’s wrong this time! The 2 palms clashed!

    “Oh no! (不好! )”. She exclaimed and quickly leaped back upon the collision. She realized her entire left palm is now covered with frost energies and she felt a strong shiver traveling throughout her whole body.

    “Ice…Icy Palms?! (寒冰绵掌?! )”

    “Haha, you got good eyesight, too bad your father has no time to play with you today. (眼光不错,可惜老子今日没功夫和你玩。 )“ The man said as he turned towards Bu Guo.

    “Little pal, follow me! (小子,跟我来! )” In a flash, the man zapped towards Bu Guo and sealed his acu-points. Before Bu Guo could react, the mysterious man grabbed his arms and speeded off quickly to the amazement of Li Mo Chou and the gang. They’re even more surprised that the person is moving as fast when holding on to another person compared to when he arrives. Even Yun Zhong He can only felt that he’s not his equaled…

    End of chapter 7, next chapter schedule for around 21st Oct...
    Last edited by WuxiaMaster; 10-14-06 at 03:32 AM.

  20. #20
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by WuxiaMaster
    [本尼乃是人称赤炼仙子的李莫愁 ).
    You described Li Mochou as a lady dressed in Taoist clothes, but you seriously contradicted it by calling a 尼!(nun)

    I do not remember any Taoist women calling themselves 'nun'!

    And no, Taoist women do not hold feather dusters with them, that sounds ludicrous. Call it a fly whisk, or perhaps something better. The idea of powerful pugilists weilding feather dusters as weapons is just...... wrong.

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