Summarize the ways in which SWORD GOD is more impressive than others:

More arrogant than Huang Yaoshi
Huang Yaoshi may be arrogant, but did he ever go so far as to declare himself the GOD of a field? He didn't, but SWORD GOD did, and Murong Fu and his assistants all thought: "no matter how great your swordplay, you must be arrogant beyond your mind to proclaim yourself as THE GOD OF SWORD."

More devoted than Yang Guo
Yang Guo waited 16 years for his lover, but SWORD GOD dedicated almost TWICE as much time in isolation in the wild for pursuit of the ultimate peak in swordsmanship.

More crowd-pleasing than [you name it]
I don't know who's a notorious crowd pleaser in wuxia, but to inspire several bona-fide massive cheering sessions from a crowd of 1000+ experts on the same occasion but four separate times, is definitely not something that most people can pull off, especially when you're losing to your opponent.