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Thread: ~ Eric Suen ~

  1. #1141
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default Eric and Stephanie's air concert on Metro Radio

    2006-4-21 新城娛樂台Kara O! Babe孫耀威/車婉婉"黑夜飛天音樂會"
    Kara O! Babe ("The Air Concert Of Eric and Che Wan Wan At Night")at Metro Radio on April 21 2006

    Air Concert link

    主持人: 葉文輝(啤梨)

    啤梨: Kara O! Babe孫耀威/車婉婉"黑夜飛天音樂會"現在開始 (18:40開始)
    Host: "The Air Concert Of Eric And Che Wan Wan At Night" now starts! (It begins from 18:40)

    Eric: Hello! 大家好! 我是孫耀威,今天很開心,來到啤梨的節目,很久沒有在香港唱歌! 今天唱的不是我們自己的歌。多謝倆位結他手,阿成和阿豪! 第一首我唱的是周傑倫的 "安靜"。希望大家聽了喜歡!
    Eric: Hello! How are you? I am Eric Suen Yiu Wai! I am very pleased to come to the show of Ye Wen Hui today! I have not sung in Hong Kong for a long time. Today we are not singing our own songs. First of all, we have to thank Ah Cheng and Ah Hao, the two guitar players! The first song that I am going to sing is "Peace", a song of Jay Chou. I hope you all like my singing!

    -Eric sang "Peace"

    Eric: Thank you! 多謝! 剛才送給大家的是周傑倫的"安靜"。 跟著唱歌的是我最近的拍檔,車婉婉。我們好像twins﹐雖然是一男一女。大家一起做宣傳,拍 MV, 默契由此產生。
    Eric: Thank you! Just now, the song that I sang is called "Peace". Now is the turn of Che Wan Wan who is my partner in recent days. We have become twins, although it is a male and a female. We have been doing promotion and shooting the music video together. We have already had our tacit agreement.

    車婉婉: 我也很久沒有唱歌,今天我唱一位好朋友的歌,我很喜歡的一首歌, Eason的"與我常在"-
    Che Wan Wan: I have not sung for a long time too. Today I will sing a song of my good friend. I like this song very much. It is Eason's "Be With Me Alway!"

    -Che Wan Wan sang "Be With Me Always!"

    啤梨: 聽到我留口水! 等一下他們會合唱一首歌,我聽說不是他們的派台歌"再見亦是戀人"。
    Host: Their singing is fantastic and is so pleasing to our ears! A while later they will sing a song together. I heard that it would not be their new duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again".

    -廣告時間: 28:47-32:30-
    -Commercial Time: 28:47-32:30-

    啤梨: 繼續交給孫耀威
    Host: We will pass it to Eric!

    -Eric獨唱另一首廣東歌("I believe...")-
    -Eric sang another Cantonese song (starting with "I believe...")

    Eric: 多謝!
    Eric: Thank you!

    車婉婉: 我跟著唱的歌也是男生的歌,張震岳的"秘密"。
    Che Wan Wan: I will sing another song of the guys. It is Zhang Zhen Yue's "Secret".

    -Che Wan Wan sang the song "Secret".

    Eric: 超級女低音!
    Eric: Super alto!

    車婉婉: 超級男高音!
    Che Wan Wan: Super tenor!

    Eric: 既然我們一起來,應該合唱一首歌。
    Eric: Since we have come together, we should sing a song together.

    車婉婉: 唱這首好不好?
    Che Wan Wan: Shall we sing this song?

    Eric: 好!
    Eric: Okay!

    Eric: Key好像不對! 我們再來一次!
    Eric: It seems that the key is not right! Let us try again!

    Eric: 我們是不是唱這個key? 我們很casual的! 這個key很高! 啤梨你上來台上!
    Eric: Should we sing this key? We are very casual! This key is quite high! Ye Wen Hui, please come up to the stage!

    啤梨: 我剛剛在台下,好像雷頌德,控制panel!
    Host: Just now I was sitting there controlling the panel like Lei Song De!

    Eric: 証明我們是唱live。
    Eric: That proves that we are singing live.

    -Eric and Che Wan Wan sang a Cantonese song together.

    啤梨: 孫耀威/車婉婉"黑夜飛天音樂會"已經完滿結束,特別鳴謝孫耀威,車婉婉,阿成,阿豪! 孫耀威,車婉婉倆位請留步,我們回去後台再談。
    Host: "The Air Concert Of Eric And Che Wan Wan At Night" has come to the end. I would like to thank Eric, Che Wan Wan, Ah Cheng and Ah Hao! Eric and Che Wan Wan, please wait for a minute! Let us go backstage and talk again!

    啤梨: 我們要為兩位結他手,阿成和阿豪手再次鼓掌,我臨時找他們來,他們都沒有練習過! 他們是第一次來這節目。
    Host: We have to give Ah Cheng and Ah Hao, the two guitar players, an applause again! I invited them to come here extempore. They have not practised it before and this is the first time they come to my program.

    車婉婉: 你是不是臨時約我們?
    Che Wan Wan: Did you fix up an appointment with us impromptu?

    啤梨: 當然不是! 我約了你們很久!
    Host: Of course not! I tried to fix up an appointment with you two long time ago.

    車婉婉: 我第一次和你做節目是在karaoke。那時這節目還未出生。我好像是第一次來這節目。
    Che Wan Wan: The first time I hosted a program with you is in a karaoke. At that time, the program "Kara O1 Babe" was not on air yet. It looked as if this is the first time I come to this program.

    Eric: 我也是第一次。
    Eric: It is also my first time.

    啤梨: 今天很開心你們上來。你們有一首派台歌,是跟伍樂成和林夕合作的project,就是"再見亦是戀人"。你 們接著都會宣傳這首歌?
    Host: I am very happy to have you here today. You are promoting a duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again." It is a project in collaboration with Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi, isn't it?. We will be busy at promoting this song from now on, won't you?

    啤梨: 車婉婉的最新動向是什麼?
    Host: Che Wan Wan, what would be your new move?

    車婉婉: 看看唱片公司的安排! 將這首歌,這倆個人, 這件事宣傳到世界每一處地方。
    Che Wan Wan: It depends on the arrangement of the record company. I will bring this song, these two persons and this thing to every part of the world.

    Eric: 我沒有那麼偉大,我很開心可以和婉婉合想唱這首歌。我和她是老朋友,剛巧伍樂成和林夕有這個project ,我當然樂意去做,料不到唱片公司會以它作為主打歌,所以要義不容辭做宣傳。
    Eric: I am not that great. I am very happy to sing this duet song with Che Wan Wan. She is my old friend. It so happened that Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi had this project. Of course I was very willing to take it up. Out of my expectation, the record company uses it as the leading song of the album. Hence I am obliged to do the promotion.

    啤梨: 車婉婉的每首合唱歌唱都很紅。
    Host: Every duet song of Che Wan Wan will become a hit song.

    Eric: 所以我便跟著她。
    Eric: That is why I sing with her.

    啤梨: 很開心你們上來。下一小時我們會播出你們的派台歌"再見亦是戀人"。
    Host: I am so pleased to have you here today! In the next hour, we will play your duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again."

    -The End-
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  2. #1142
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Aug 2005




    有 碟 話 碟 : 《 Perfect Match 》 林 夕 伍 樂 城 歸 位


    作 曲 和 填 詞 人 要 在 香 港 樂 壇 搵 食 , 責 任 往 往 是 為 一 班 卡 拉 OK 歌 手 , 譜 出 一 首 又 一 首 沒 靈 魂 的 「 魚 蛋 歌 」 , 滿 足 唱 片 公 司 自 訂 的 「 市 場 需 要 」 。 作 曲 人 伍 樂 城 和 填 詞 人 林 夕 合 輯 的 "Perfect Match" , 便 向 這 無 奈 現 實 說 不 。

    這 個 私 人 project 求 名 多 於 求 利 , 自 由 度 大 , 題 材 自 然 廣 得 多 。 鄧 建 明 、 黃 貫 中 和 雷 有 暉 合 唱 的 " 只 談 風 月 " 表 面 只 談 風 月 , 但 三 個 男 人 天 花 亂 墜 , 兜 兜 轉 轉 始 終 談 及 時 事 , 曲 式 搖 滾 味 重 是 意 料 之 中 , 驚 喜 是 林 夕 亦 重 拾 " 皇 后 大 道 東"的 都 市 觸 覺 , 相 信 是 他 平 時 沒 機 會 發 揮 而 已 。

    " 你 是 最 好 的 " 是 成 年 人 跟 小 朋 友 對 戀 愛 的 迷 思 , 陳 小 春 得 到 夏 曉 晴 的 安 慰 後 鼻 子 一 酸 的 聲 效 , 是 神 來 之 筆 , 而 林 夕 亦 粉 碎 小 春 故 有 的 失 戀 王 形 象 , 力 證 失 戀 可 以 好 豁 達 。

    林 夕 在 "自 由 女 神" 替 陳 慧 琳 和 汪 明 荃 度 身 訂 做 單 身 貴 族 形 象 , 「 單 身 也 是 個 身 份 , 有 權 更 高 分 , 發 奮 地 作 自 由 人 」 , 比 梅 艷 芳 和 鄭 秀 文 當 年 的 "單 身 女 子" 硬 淨 得 多 , 單 擺 姿 態 已 贏 晒 , 至 於 兩 位 姐 級 人 馬 的 聲 線 完 全 不 夾 , 只 令 聽 眾 受 苦 。

    張 學 友 跟 陳 奕 迅 合 唱 , 若 普 通 題 材 便 浪 費 了 難 得 的 機 會 , 於 是 " 天 下 太 平" 講 世 界 大 同 , 「 失 戀 算 甚 麼 , 失 去 甚 麼 」 , 兩 代 已 為 人 父 的 新 舊 歌 神 展 現 遼 闊 的 世 界 觀 , 末 段 二 人 輪 流 示 範 何 謂 爆 炸 力 , 張 學 友 和 陳 奕 迅 的 美 妙 歌 聲 在 擴 音 器 左 穿 右 插 , 互 相 和 應 , 屬 完 美 的 示 範 。

    "PM" 有 四 位 被 嚴 重 低 估 的 歌 手 , 孫 耀 威 和 車 婉 婉 的 " 再 見 亦 是 戀 人" 唱 愛 火 重 燃 , 概 念 未 被 玩 謝 , 尚 算 有 新 意 , 聲 音 帶 來 "愛 的 故 事 上 集" 加 "會 過 去 的" 的 混 合 回 憶 , 孫 、 車 不 用 唱 到 聲 嘶 力 竭 , 已 夠 窩 心 ; 伍 樂 城 在 "九 週 半 " 玩 在 香 港 被 視 為 冷 門 的 Bossa Nova , 運 滯 多 年 的 劉 浩 龍 和 久 違 的 胡 蓓 蔚 , 一 把 聲 真 摯 , 一 把 聲 飄 逸 , 化 學 作 用 全 碟 最 大 , chill out 的 氣 氛 極 配 合 意 念 來 自 電 影 " 九 個 半 星 期" 的 歌 詞 , 若 每 每 要 按 「 市 場 需 要 」 , 又 會 扼 殺 一 首 好 歌 。

    香 港 好 歌 手 和 好 歌 都 不 多 , 有 創 意 或 耐 聽 的 唱 片 更 是 買 少 見 少 , 若 此 碟 銷 量 差 得 過 那 些 懶 音 未 改 的 新 晉 女 歌 手 , 香 港 樂 壇 應 該 宣 布 玩 完 。
    撰 文 : 皇 后 大 盜


    Hong Kong Apple Daily


    For the sake of making their living in Hong Kong, composers and lyricists tend to write music to souless songs for karaoke singers to meet the requirements of the "market". Wu Yue Cheng, a composer, and Lin Xi, a lyricist, produced their joint album titled "Perfect Match" to say "No!" to reality.

    Their private project stresses more on fame than on profits. Since the degree of freedom is high, subject-matters involved will be naturally wider. On the surface, "Talking About Enjoyment Only" sung by Tang Jian Hong, Huang Guan Zhong and Lei You Hui, only talks about enjoyment. Three men's chit-chat ends up talking about current affairs. Heavy taste of rock 'n' roll is what we expect but it is amazing that Lin Xi picks up again his feeling of "Queen's Road East". We believe that he just does not have any chance to express it at ordinary times.

    "You Are The Best" is the fantasy of mature persons and kids towards love. The voice effect of Chen Xiao Chun almost burst out crying after he had got the comfort of Xia Xiao Qing is a fantastic point. Lin Xi also breaks the lovelorn image of Chen Xiao Chun and proves strongly that a lovelorn person can also be optimistic.

    In "The Goddess of Liberty", Lin Xi custom-makes the noble image of Kelly Chan (Chen Hui Lin) and Wang Ming Quan. "To be single is also a status and has the right to get higher score. We work hard to be a free person" is more convincing that "Single Women" of Anita Mui (Mei Yan Fang) and Sammi Cheng (Zheng Xiu Wen) in those days. Its pose alone surpasses the old song. However the voice of the two singing queens simply does not match and is not pleasing at all to our ears.

    Jacky Cheung (Zhang Xue You) and Eason Chan (Chen Yi Xun) seldom sing a duet song. It would be a waste if the subject-matter is common. Hence "World Peace" talks about world reconciliation. "What is a big deal to be lovelorn? What have you lost?". Fathers of two generations render the broad global view. At the end, they take turn to demonstrate what explosive ability is. Their wonderful voices blend harmoniously in the amplifiers and is a good example of a perfect match.

    In "Perfect Match", there are four singers whom we have under-estimated. "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again") is the duet song of Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Stephanie Che Wan Wan. It sings about love fire lighting up again. This concept has not been used too often and can still be considered as a fresh idea. Their voices make us recall "Love Story Part One" and "It Will Be Past". Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan do not have to sing with too much strength to be heart-warming. The voices of Liu Hao Long and Hu Pei Wei who has not sung for long, are sincere and illusional respectively and create the best "chemical effects". The "chill out" atmostphere matches well with the lyrics, the concept of which comes from the movie titled "Nine and A Half Weeks". If they acted according to the requirements of the market, another good song would have been "killed."

    There are not many good singers and good songs in Hong Kong. Albums with creative ideas or durable voices are rare. If this album sold less that the albums of those new female singers who cannot even enunciate their words properly, we could declare the singing field of Hong Kong finished.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  3. #1143
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Default Cute piece of news (translated by Bonbon of ESIFC)

    Since Eric and Che Wan Wan are very good friends, they can collaborate harmoniously without any difficulty when they sing a duet song. 2006-4-25

    Hong Kong Apple Daily


    In recent days, Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan have been busy at promoting their duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" (We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again". Yesterday they went to Metro Radio to have an interview. We asked them if they would promote their song with the pose of lovers from now on. Che Wan Wan joked, "Basically we have already been going out." Wasn't Che Wan Wan afraid that the other half of Eric would be jealous? It was understood that we were referring to Ying Cai Er. Che Wan Wan remarked, "Do you think that only Eric has his other half? I have ten "other halves".


    Che Wan Wan mentioned that when they were shooting the music video for their new duet song lately, the director originally requested them to shoot kissing and sex scenes. She stated, " Beforehand I did not know that we had to shoot intimate scenes. I felt that a music video does not have to be so vehement. So she rejected his request politely. Although there would not be any kissing scenes, bed scenes are indispensable." As soon as they both laid on the bed, they could not help laughing. Eventually they used eye contact to explain the scenario and did not have to make any intimate movements.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  4. #1144
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Aug 2005


    發表於: 星期二 四月 25, 2006 6:05 pm 文章主題: 2006-4-22 《成班嘩鬼嘈喧巴巴閉》訪問孫耀威的內容(第一部)

    Download Eric's interview in Commercial Radio's "Be Li Ba La Va Va Voom"

    2006-4-22 《成班嘩鬼嘈喧巴巴閉》訪問孫耀威的內容(第一部) (21:54開始)

    主持: 車婉婉/黎家奇 嘉賓主持:孫耀威
    Host: Che Wan Wan/Li Jia Qi(DJ) Guest Host: ERIC

    車婉婉: 嘉賓主持?
    Che Wan Wan: Guest host?

    黎家奇: 從天而降。
    DJ: A guest whom we have not expected!

    車婉婉: 歡迎孫耀威!
    Che Wan Wan: Let's welcome Eric!

    黎家奇: 你們最近合唱了一首歌。
    DJ: Lately you have sung a duet song.

    車婉婉: 孫耀威是嘉賓主持,你應該問他。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric is the guest host. You should ask him instead.

    黎家奇: Eric是不是很久沒有打歌?
    DJ: Has Eric not plugged a song for a long time?

    車婉婉: 他在咪後問我為什麼我們會合作? 我們已經說了很多次。
    Che Wan Wan: Just now, he asked me why we collaborated. We have talked about this for a long time.

    Eric: 我們是老朋友,間中見面和出來玩,和伍樂成也是很久的朋友,伍樂成告訴我會和林夕做一張合唱的projec t。我和車婉婉唱karaoke時,時常想有我們自己的合唱歌曲,她經常逼我唱她那首 "會過去的",我唱極都不懂,所以我很樂意去做這個project。
    Eric: Che Wan Wan is my old friend. We sometimes meet and hang out together. Wu Yue Cheng is also my friend. Wu Yue Cheng told me long time ago that he wanted to make a joint album with Lin Xi consisting of duet songs. When I sing karaoke with Che Wan Wan, we often want to have our own duet song. Che Wan Wan always force me to sing her "It will be past!". I sang it many times and still did not know how to sing this song, so I am very willing to take up this project.

    車婉婉: 現在你知道這首歌是多麼難唱?
    Che Wan Wan: Now you want how difficult it is to sing this song!

    Eric: 這首歌在香港plugged時,我不在香港。
    Eric: When this song became a hit song , I was not in Hong Kong.

    黎家奇: 你怎可示弱?
    DJ: How can you surrender so easily?

    Eric: 我刻意不去學,有些瑕疵,這才是缺憾美。這個project說了1-2年,我以為已經泡湯,怎料伍樂成2個月前send email去台灣給我,我立刻打電話給婉婉。
    Eric: I chose not learn to sing this song on purpose. This is the beauty of a flaw. They have been talking about this project for 1-2 years. I thought that they had already given it up. Unexpectedly, Wu Yue Cheng sent me an email when I was in Taiwan. So I called up Wan Wan at once.

    車婉婉: 我是電腦白痴。
    Che Wan Wan: Because I am a computer idiot.

    車婉婉: 這首歌錄了沒多久,現在已經打歌打得如火如荼。
    Che Wan Wan: We recorded this song not long ago. Presently the promotion of this song is already done intensively.

    黎家奇: 你們沒有揀歌?
    DJ: Did you choose this song by yourselves?

    Eric: 沒有
    Eric: No!

    車婉婉: 這首歌幾度身訂做,表現我們的男高音和女低音。
    Che Wan Wan: This song is quite custom-made. It demonstrates the tenor and the alto.

    黎家奇: 車婉婉有自豪的眼神,好像蔡楓華。
    DJ:Che Wan Wan is so proud of herself, like Cai Feng Hua.

    車婉婉: 我要每天播10次給你聽,讓你聽熟一點。
    Che Wan Wan: I have to play this song ten times a day so that you will become more familiar with it.

    Eric: 剎那光輝不代表永恆。
    Eric: Short term glory does not mean eternal victory.

    黎家奇: 都有閃過。
    DJ: At least it once glittered.

    黎家奇: "會過去的”和這首歌,你覺得那首好聽? 你喜歡那首歌?
    DJ: How do you compare this song with "It will be past!". Which song do you like better? Which song do you think is more pleasing to the ears?

    車婉婉: 兩首不同的歌,雖然都是慢歌和對唱。
    Che Wan Wan: They are two different songs although they are both ballads and duet songs.

    Eric: 會過去的戀人!
    Eric: Lovers who will be past! (He is making a pun on the two song titles)

    黎家奇: 不止一個。
    DJ: Not only one!

    車婉婉: 我喜歡他慢慢的,錯錯的punchlines, 冷笑話,你是不是想全情投入,做個冷面笑匠。
    Che Wan Wan: I like Eric's punchlines. Do you want to become a cool comedian.

    Eric: 冷面殺手!
    Eric: A cool killer!

    黎家奇: 分別比較這兩首歌,這首歌比較易唱?
    DJ: Which of the two songs is easier to sing?

    Eric: 這首歌很難唱! 兩首歌都好聽,婉婉表達得很好,很深情,許志安和我跟婉婉都可以擦出火花。
    Eric: This song is very difficult to sing. Both are great songs. Che Wan Wan render them very well and got a lot of feelings when she sings them. Both Xu Zhi An and I can light up sparkles with Che Wan Wan.

    黎家奇: 是不是gag?
    DJ: Are you kidding again?

    Eric: 真心的。
    Eric: No, I mean it!

    車婉婉: 兩首歌都好聽。
    Che Wan Wan: Both songs are pleasing to the ears.

    黎家奇: 錄這這首歌時,是單純做好朋友的project? 有沒有任何野心,期望?
    DJ: When you recorded this song, did you treat it as doing a project of your good friend? Do you have any ambition or expectation?

    車婉婉: 只想在karaoke 有我們的歌。沒有設計性或功利性。歌錄完後交給聽眾或觀眾投票,難唱或是好聽都是主觀因素。
    Che Wan Wan: I only want to have our own duet song when we sing karaoke. We did not plan it in advance nor put any stress on profitability. Our job is to record the song properly and then leave it to the audience to vote. Whether or not it is pleasing to the ears or difficult to sing are subjective factors.

    黎家奇: 這專輯有很多組合,plug歌都大費周張,有沒有爭取過?
    DJ: This album has so many groups. It is a headache to choose which song to plug. Have you ever fought for it?

    Eric: 沒有。
    Eric: No!

    Eric: 我原本應該飛去拍戲,那個劇本改了後,我還是不大滿意,所以留在香港做這個project,如果我走了,就 不能做宣傳。
    Eric: I was supposed to shoot a new drama. After the script had been amended, I was still not that satisfied. So I just stayed in Hong Kong to take up this project and turned down that film offer. If I had left Hong Kong, I could not have done any promotion for this song.

    車婉婉: 多謝! 很多事都是無心插柳。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric, thank you so much! It is all fate and luck.

    黎家奇: 實力派,低調派,偶像派。
    DJ: You are low profile, idols and singers of real abilities.

    黎家奇: Eric, 今次打歌跟替"愛的故事上集"做宣傳時有沒有分別?
    DJ: Are there many differences when you did promotion for "Love Story Part One"?

    Eric: 沒有大分別,像你所說,重拾打歌的生涯,拍mv,上電台,拍照。
    Eric: It is more or less the same. As what you have said, I have resumed the life of doing promotion for my songs, shooting music videos, going to radio stations for interviews and shooting pictures.

    車婉婉: Eric很多通告都攪亂了,好像星期一我們有3個通告,要整天工作,要拍很多照片,應該要弄頭髮,Eric 說戴帽就可以。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric got confused by the crew calls. For instance, we had three crew calls on Monday and had to work the whole day and shoot a lot of pictures. Eric was supposed to have his hair set but he said that it would be alright by just putting on his cap.

    Eric: 婉婉有本記事簿,她做我的assistant就可以了。今天她只跟我說有車來接我,我便被"賣 豬仔"。
    Eric: Wan Wan has a notebook diarizing all the crew calls. She can act as my assistant. Today she just told me that a car would come to pick me up. I just followed what she told me without knowing the details.

    車婉婉: 他已經confused了,不過我也不是十分淸楚。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric already got confused but actually I am not very sure either.

    黎家奇: Eric逗留在台灣一段長時間, 回到香港,有沒有景物依舊,人事全非的感覺。
    DJ: Eric has spent a long time in Taiwan. When you return to Hong Kong, do you feel that all things have changed although it is the same place?

    Eric: 沒有,好像Vani,我在台灣做show的時候,她是第一個訪問我的香港記者,那時她是見習記者,現在已經 結婚生子(還沒有!) 我是說她已經獨當一面。
    Eric: No! For instance, when I was performing in Taiwan, Vani was the first reporter who came from Hong Kong to interview me. She was a novice at that time. Now she has got married and has kids.(Not yet!) What I mean is that she has her own program now.

    車婉婉: 文雅的說法是經過時間的洗禮。
    Che Wan Wan: The elegant way to put it is that we have gone through the cleansing of time.

    Eric: 升上神檯。
    Eric: She got promoted.

    黎家奇: 你小心Vani會生氣。
    DJ: Watch out! Vani may get angry!

    Eric: 跟有些記者做訪問時,他們告訴我是我的fans,還帶著我的專輯要求我的簽名。
    Eric: When some reporters interviewed me, they told me that they are my fans and requested me to autograph on the albums which they had brought along.

    黎家奇: Eric keep得很好,唇紅齒白。
    DJ: Eric keeps his appearance very well.

    Eric: 因為我有赤子之心。
    Eric: Because I have the heart of a young guy.

    -播 Eric和車婉婉合唱的《再見亦是戀人》-
    -Playing "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again.", a duet song of Eric and Che Wan Wan-

    黎家奇: 你們剛才說你們很熟,但是我們很難聯想你們會那麼熟,你們屬於不同的唱片公司,你們以前沒有合 作過吧? 為什麼會那麼熟?
    DJ: Just now, you told me that you know each other very well. But it is difficult to link you up since you belonged to different record companies and had never collaborated before. Why are you acquainted?

    車婉婉: 以前電台時常舉辦水運會,籃球比賽,在那些場合相識。
    Che Wan Wan: In those days, the radio stations often hold swimming and basketball contests. We knew each other in one of the functions.

    黎家奇: 暗渡陳倉,偷偷摸摸發展。
    DJ: So you were developing a underground secret romance.

    車婉婉: 生暗瘡就有。
    Che Wan Wan: I only secretly had pimples.

    DJ: When you saw Eric, the Prince Charming, did you have any feel?

    車婉婉: 沒有! 最初在電視看到Eric頭髮有些少陰,好像很帥,第一次在水運會認識他,見到他的牙齒很白,手臂很大,很結 實。我們公司同group,不同label。在活動時因為要等很久,一起談天。
    Che Wan Wan: No! I first saw him in his music videos, and I was thinking, "It seemed that he was quite handsome." I came to know him in a swimming contest. His teeth were very white and he had big and firm arms. We belonged to different labels in the same group. As we had to wait for a long time in the function, we started to have a chat.

    DJ: Did you take the initiative to talk to Eric?

    Eric: 我們同一個褓姆,一起出來玩,變得熟絡了,一起唱karaoke,做了歌友,一起打golf,做了波友,現 在更加是拍檔。
    Eric: We were sharing the same nanny. We hung out together and got acquainted. We sang karaoke and played golf together. Now we have become working partners.

    黎家奇: 打golf,誰的球技比較超卓?
    DJ: Who was better in playing golf?

    Eric: 婉婉! 她是職業球手。
    Eric: Che Wan Wan is a professional golfer.

    黎家奇: 鄭文雅接班人。
    DJ: You have become the successor of Zheng Wen Ya.

    Eric: 要拍寫真集。
    Eric: So you have to shoot a photo album.

    車婉婉: 我要做鄭少秋接班人,他比較型。
    Che Wan Wan: I prefer to be the successor of Adam Cheng Shao Qiu. He looks more stylish.

    Eric: 我很少打,她keep住打。
    Eric: I seldom play golf. Che Wan Wan has more practice than I have.

    車婉婉: Eric時常不在香港,沒有時間練習,比較生疏。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric is not in Hong Kong most of the time and simply does not have any time to practice.

    黎家奇: Eric是不是比較不修篇幅,不注重細節的人?
    DJ: Is Eric a person who does not pay any attention to his appearance and small details?

    車婉婉: Eric不是不修篇幅,他只是喜歡hip-hop衣著。他也不是不乾淨,他是短暫性失憶,好像我剛才說的忘記弄頭髮。我想他只是刻意忘記別人會替他記 起的事情。他是很執著,很注重details的。
    Che Wan Wan: It is not the case. Eric only loves hip-hop wear. He is not untidy. He has short term memory though. As I have said, he forgot to have his hair set. I think he deliberately forgets the things which would be taken care of by others. He is actually very stubborn and emphasizes details.

    Eric: 我有我的大原則,不理會不必要的細節,我可以按電梯也按錯自己的那層。
    Eric: I have big principles which I will follow but I neglect those tedious things. I could even press the wrong floor in the lift.

    黎家奇: 你只理會家庭大事,好像買物業?
    DJ: So you would only be concerned with big family affairs, like buying properties.

    Eric: 我決定買還是不買,行東或是行西,一定是我控制,對其他小事﹐我卻不知所謂。
    Eric: I am the sole decision maker to buy it or not. I control the overall direction but know nothing about other small details.

    黎家奇: 英明決定。
    DJ: Only you can make the right decision.

    黎家奇: Eric外表孩子臉,也有大男人的一面。
    DJ: Although Eric has a baby face, he is quite macho.

    Eric: 霸道!
    Eric: Dominant!

    車婉婉: 很man! Eric的家人很疼他!
    Che Wan Wan: His family loves him a lot.

    黎家奇: 對婉婉這些女性朋友,會不會霸道?
    DJ: When Eric deals with female friends like Wan Wan, will he try to dominate them?

    Eric: 婉婉也有一些大女人。
    Eric: Wan Wan is very tough.

    車婉婉: 人家問你。
    Che Wan Wan: He is asking you, not me!

    Eric: 婉婉很有主見,山羊座的人很有原則,我們的底線set得很低,一但過了我們的底線,我們會發癲 。
    Eric: Wan Wan has her own ideals. Capricorns are people of principles. We set our bottom lines at a very low level. However as soon as someone passes our limits, we will go crazy.

    黎家奇: 你們會不會講心事,交流戀愛或失戀心得?
    DJ: Do you have any heart-to heart talk? Do you share your experiences in romances?

    車婉婉: 不會刻意去說,見到面會講。
    Che Wan Wan: We won't talk about it specially but we will talk about it when we meet.

    車婉婉: 我們一個眼神交流到。
    Che Wan Wan: We can communicate by eye contact.

    黎家奇: 你們有沒有機會發展?
    DJ: Do you have any chance to develop a romance?

    車婉婉: 直到昨天還沒有,今天還沒有開始。
    Che Wan Wan: Up until yesterday there wasn't a chance. As for today, it has not started yet.

    黎家奇: 婉婉這樣好條件,又是靚女,你對她有沒有fantasy(幻想)?
    DJ: Che Wan Wan is a beauty and her qualifications are so good. Do you have any fantasy towards her?

    Eric: 她要請我吃多幾次飯。
    Eric: She has to buy me many dinners and perhaps I will consider.

    車婉婉: Eric很物質。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric is very materialistic.

    Eric: (sings Madonna's) I'm a material...

    黎家奇: 請他去你的餐廳吃飯。
    DJ: Just invite him to your restaurant to have a dinner!

    車婉婉: 請他吃叉燒飯,他很喜歡吃飯。Eric對工作的要求很高,對工作以外的事要求不高。
    Che Wan Wan; I will buy him barbecue pork rice. He loves to eat rice. Actually he is easy to please. Eric is only demanding towards his work. Other than that, he is very easy to deal with.

    黎家奇: 你們錄歌錄了多久? 還是auto tune?
    DJ: How much time did you spend recording the song? Was it auto tune?

    Eric: 我們相信Ronald(伍樂成),沒有給任何意見,我做自己的音樂時是非常挑剔的。我們也沒有空間給意見, 因為整件事已經順理成章做好,我們只要盡量在他的做法做好。
    Eric: We trust Ronald (Wu Yue Cheng) and did not give any opinion. When I am doing my own music, I am a very picky person. In fact there is not much room for us to give our views as everything had been completed naturally. What we had to do was to do our best according to his method.

    車婉婉 :圖則已經畫好,我們只雖將它装好。
    Che Wan Wan: The blueprint had been completed and we just assembled everything properly.

    Eric: 這首歌很難唱,開始時不知道那人唱那部份,卻出奇地順利錄好,很快可以book檯慶祝。
    Eric: This song is very difficult to sing. At the beginning we did not know who should sing which part. Unexpectedly, we managed to record it smoothly in a short time. We could book a table to celebrate very soon.

    黎家奇: 在某些部位,大男人和大女人要不要針著?
    DJ: Did you two insist on certain parts?

    車婉婉 : 沒有。
    Che Wan Wan: No!

    黎家奇: 你們有試過吵架,不理會對方?
    DJ: Have you ever had any big quarrel?

    車婉婉: 我很少會不理會人家,除非是他非常沒有禮貌或不承認自己的錯誤。
    Che Wan Wan: It is not my style, unless he is very impolite and refuses to admit his own mistake.

    Eric: 婉婉是山羊座,很執著。
    Eric: Che Wan Wan is a Capricorn and a person of principles.

    車婉婉: 你也是。
    Che Wan Wan: So are you!

    車婉婉: 伍樂成也是。
    Che Wan Wan: Wu Yue Cheng is also a Capricorn.

    Che Wan Wan: It is a teamwork of a flock of goats.

    黎家奇: 說說你自己對事業的發展藍圖。去年拍了”星願”,最近又做了這個合唱project。今後會在那裡逗留長些 時間,香港或是台灣?
    DJ: Eric, please talk about your plan of developing your future career!

    DJ: Last year you shooted "Legend 2-A Dream named Desire" and recently you have taken up this project. From now on, where will you be, Hong Kong or Taiwan?

    Eric: 我自由行了很多年,回來香港,只是添置underwear,茶葉,汽水,補給物資。拍了幾十部戲,有些戲香 港看不到,拍戲很辛苦,也很開心。有些朋友或許見不到我,其實我仍然存在。
    Eric: I have been traveling to and fro between Hong Kong and Mainland China. In the past few years, I came back to Hong Kong only to buy my underwear, tea leaves or soft drinks. I have shot tens of dramas and films. You cannot see some of them in Hong Kong. It requires a lot of hard work to film but I feel very happy. I would like to tell my friends who have not seen me for long that I am still surviving.

    Eric: 去年回來香港拍劇,感覺很開心,今次做這個project,在香港逗留幾個月,可以回家睡,飲媽咪的湯,見 朋友,是很好的事情,始終是自己的地方,不過我的演藝事業偏向外地。
    Eric: Last year, I felt very happy to come back to Hong Kong to shoot a drama. I have stayed in Hong Kong in the past few months to do this project. It is nice that I can sleep at my home, drink the soup cooked by my mom and see my old friends. Hong Kong is the place where I was born and I feel very comfortable to work here. However, it is very likely that my performance career will still be stressed on other places.

    黎家奇: 你好像台灣人,你第一張唱片在台灣出,好像是外勞。
    DJ: It seemed that you were a Taiwanese. You released your first album in Taiwan, did you?

    Eric: 我很慘! 在台灣時,人家知道我是香港人,香港的人以為我是台灣人,在大陸時,大陸人認為我不是大陸人,好像沒有一處 地方屬於自己。
    Eric: I'm quite pitiful! In Taiwan, everyone knows that I come from Hong Kong. Hong Kong people think that I am a Taiwanese. In Mainland China, Mainland Chinese do not consider me as a Mainland Chinese. It seems that there is no place which actually belongs to me.

    黎家奇: 你沒有根。
    DJ: Poor Eric does not have any hometown.

    車婉婉: 情歸何處?
    Che Wan Wan: Where should you go?

    車婉婉: 我們重申孫耀威是香港仔。
    Che Wan Wan: We have to declare again that Eric Suen Yiu Wai is a Hong Kong guy.

    黎家奇: 你們的個人唱片有沒有目標,落實任何動向?
    DJ: Personally, do you have any goal to release an album and have you actualized anything?

    車婉婉: 沒有。
    Che Wan Wan: Not for me!

    Eric: 我有出國語唱片的計劃。大約在今年年尾或明年年頭一定出。
    Eric: I have a plan of releasing a Mandarin album. It may be released at the year end or at the beginning of next year.

    黎家奇: 你剛出道時,唱片可以賣幾十萬張,現在的巿道很難有這個數字。
    DJ: When Eric first joined the showbiz, your album could sell hundreds of thousands easily. It is very difficult to achieve this figure these days.

    Eric: 我有聽同行的人說。好像Alive把它放上網,讓人download,反正制作成本不是很高,不如把它當作 promotion,送給人家,好像這是一個方向。我要重申大家的意識要正確, 去買正版! Download 是偷人家的東西!
    Eric: I heard from the people in the same field about the poor market conditions. Alive" put their songs on the net allowing the public to download their songs. Someone say that since the production cost of an album is not that high, we may just put it on the net to give it free to the public and treat it as a way of promotion. It is the recent trend. However, I would like to reiterate that downloading songs is improper and illegal. You are stealing others' stuff. Please do not buy pirate copies. Please buy the original edition!

    車婉婉: 作為一個歌手做一張唱片,比方一張唱片有10首歌,好像是我們的babies, 要很用心才做出來,我們拿著這張唱片, 告訴大家"這是我的product!", 跟大家上網,click一下download是兩回事。 Download是很方便,就是這些方便做死了我們這些想做好音樂的人跟artists。
    Che Wan Wan: Being a singer, if we make an album which has 10 songs, those ten songs are like our own babies. We have made them with our hearts and would like to tell the public that this is our product. It is a different thing for you guys to go internet and download songs. It may be very convenient to download songs. It is such convenience that kills the music makers and the artists.

    黎家奇: 這些音樂是心血熱誠的結晶。雖然Alive說做唱片是傻的,仍然有很多有心人去做好一張唱碟。
    DJ: The music is the product of the endeavour of the music makers. Although "Alive" says that it is silly to make an album. There are still many people who have the heart to make good albums.

    Eric: 美國比我們更早有download, 人家也是買正版唱片。
    Eric: Americans downloaded songs earlier than us. But they still buy the original edition albums.

    車婉婉: 人家有一個software,可以跟蹤到那些人download了幾多首歌,然後將他們繩之以 法。

    Che Wan Wan: They have the software to trace how many songs their targets have downloaded and then impose penalty on them.

    Eric: 香港也有,只是他們只是做個樣子。
    Eric: Hong Kong has such a software too but they do not implement it strictly.

    黎家奇: 過了3:00 p.m. 仍然有孫耀威,車婉婉和另一位同事跟大家做節目。
    DJ: After 3:00 p.m., Eric, Che Wan Wan and another colleague will continue to host the program.

    -The End
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  5. #1145
    Senior Member Trinie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    WoW, thank you for all of the news and interviews Silversnowflake!!!! Oh yea, I just found the link at yesasia for the new duet album. I am debating about whether to get it or not. Did you get it yet?? Is it good??? What kind of Swarovski crystal did they include?? Thanks!
    Respect other people's opinions and views. If we learn how to do that than all of these fights and arguments will not occur.

  6. #1146
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hi there, I'm ordering my copy through a girl in HK but will probably only get the cd in June along with a load of other Eric stuff I'm getting, so I don't know what kind of crystal they're giving... as for the rest of the songs, so far the reviews on the HK side are quite positive. The album's been given a 3 or 4 star rating.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  7. #1147
    Senior Member Trinie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    Thanks for the info!! I am still debating about whether to get it or not.. I just hope that I decide before it is sold out....
    Respect other people's opinions and views. If we learn how to do that than all of these fights and arguments will not occur.

  8. #1148
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Sorry I've been MIA for a while... my computer was down! Hence, all this news of Eric comes a little late... hope you all don't mind! The latest is that he's signed a contract with TVB!


    Clips of the Tian Ruo You Qing 2 (Endless Love 2) fans meeting in Hangzhou (hope you all can access these links!)

    The fans going wild just before the event

    The event's about to begin!

    The event begins!

    ERIC's interview

    Alex Fong's interview

    June's interview

    Eric role-plays with a fan

    June role-plays with a fan


    ZheJiang Satellite TV


    Eric roleplays a classic scene with a fan

    $this->handle_bbcode_img_match(' 27.jpg')
    Another lucky fan gets Eric's autographed poster and pic! (P/S: She's the one who hugs Eric on stage during his interview)

    Today, Hang Zhou is blowing a romantic whirlwind. The leading performers of "Endless Love 2", viz. Fang Zhong Xin, a Hong Kong acting king, ERIC SUEN YIU WAI AND June came to Hang Zhou to meet their fans and had intimate contact with them for an hour.

    "Endless Love 1" created the record of the highest viewership and made ZheJiang Satellite TV the king of viewership in the province. Naturally Zhe Jiang Satellite TV takes the lead to air "Endless Love 2". It is also the first "4+1" drama introduced by Zhe Jiang Satellite TV. On the spot, the leading performers launched the opening ceremony of the said drama which will be aired at the golden hour (19:3 starting from May 5.

    The atmosphere on the spot is exuberent. Fans could not control their excitement and kept on screaming. The three big stars were moved by the atmosphere on the spot and disclosed a lot of information. Ths host asked Fang Zhong Xin what his deepest impression on Hang Zhou was. Unexpectedly, Fang replied that his favourite is not the great scenic beauty of West Lake. It is West Lake beef soup. He also said that the role which he wanted to act most is a role that he did not have to play it at all. The fans responded by an uproar. What sort of role is it? Fang replied, "A patient who has become unconscious." It is really a happy thing to make money by just lying on the bed. Eric disclosed that in "Endless Love 2", the scene wherein Fang Yi An divorced with Xiao Fan impressed him the most. In the drama, he loved Zhan Yan but had a baby with Xiao Fan. Eric said frankly that Fang Yi An is a pitiable guy. He does not want such thing happens to him and warned his fans to be devoted to their love. For this, he sang a Cantonese song "Love Is Everlasting" from Xue Lang Hu acapella. In the scene, June clarifed that the news reporting that she will join the singing field is not true. She only wants to be an actress.

    In the meeting, both the splendid stars and their fans were wonderful. In "Endless Love 2", there is a classical scene wherein Fang Yi An asked Xiao Fan for a divorce. Eric Suen You Wai and June render it with two fans respectively. The male fan who acted with June looked like Eric in both his facial expression and the tone of talking. He was fully devoted to his acting and touched everybody. June responded by saying to him emotionally, "I don't want a divorce!"

    An hour 's meeting ended with the passionate crying of the fans. If you guys want to watch their fantastic rendition, please watch "Endless Love 2"at the "Golden Drama House" on Zhe Jiang Satellite TV starting from May 5.


    Dushikuaibao, China


    Fang Zhong Xin, an actor of real ability and Eric Suen Yiu Wai, an idol, have both joined the showbiz for quite a long time. As they play important roles in the TV serial titled "Endless Love 2" that is going to be aired on ZheJiang Satellite TV starting from May 5, they kept company to come to Hang Zhou yesterday. The other leading performer who was present in the meeting was June, a Taiwan actress who played the part of Eric's wife in the drama. Only Dong Jie , the leading actress who was loved deeply by the two men in the drama, was absent. Presently, it is reported that she has an affair with Pan Yue Ming.

    It is very adventurous to shoot the sequel of any drama because it may easily lead to the comment of "The story continues unnecessarily." "Endless Love 2" is a sequel. However, both the production team and the broadcasting unit do not believe in this old saying. "Endless Love 1" used to be the king of viewership among the various dramas in the province. Hence it becomes the pioneer of "4+1" dramas that have been introduced by Zhejiang Satellite TV. It is understood how much pressure "Endless Love 2" got in the ratings. It is reported that ZheJiang Satellite TV has guaranteed to its clients in commercials that they would endeavour to get the highest ratings among so many TV serials to be braodcasted in the province.

    In spite of it, it does not mean that the pressure does not exist. Fang Zhong Xin and Eric are new faces in "Endless Love 2". Something different is that the role called Fang Yi An which Eric played in te drama already existed in "Endless Love 1". The "old" Fang Yi An was too tall to match with Dong Jie and it looked a bit odd. That is why Eric Suen Yiu Wai replaced him to play this character. The role of Jiang Rong Sheng is newly added and Fang Zhong Xin has replaced Che Ren Biao to be the first leading actor.

    In the drama, Eric, Fang Zhong Xin, and Dong Jie developed a triangular romance. Fang Yi An who has become a father, still insists on his unrequited love for Zhan Yan (played by Dong Jie). In the process of cheating Zhan Yan in a conspiracy , Jiang Rong Sheng falls for her...Two men have both loved a woman whom they should not have loved. Hence their love for her is doomed .

    In the drama, their love is frantic. In private, the two leading actors are scared of talking about their own romances. Fang Zhong Xin claimed that he is very slow in responding. He had the first dinner with Dong Jie two months after they had started filming this drama. Right from the start, he tried to avoid any gossip. He guaranteed again and again that in private, it is not possible for him to die for love as what he did in the drama.

    Eric, who is over 30, still looks pure as before. He smiled sweetly at eveyone. As a matter of fact, the role of Fang Yi An does not commend to others' good will. His unrequited love for Zhan Yan made him become a bad guy who is disloyal to his wife. The hurt he has done to his wife is too big. Even until yesterday, June, his wife in the drama, still stared at him fiercely and declared his crime openly. "In his heart (the heart of Fang Yi An), he only has Zhan Yan. Even when he was talking to me, he did not look at my eyes."

    Eric played the role making himself so annoying. It proves that his acting skilll is great. However, he himself cannot put up with his unrequited love in the drama. Playing with love and having a baby before marriage are both bad examples. Eric indicated that he still wants to set a good example.

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    Last edited by silversnowflake; 05-03-06 at 11:54 PM.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  9. #1149
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default Eric and Stephanie's Radio interview on "Be Li Ba La Va Va Voom" Parts 2 and 3

    Eric and Stephanie's Radio interview on "Be Li Ba La Va Va Voom" Part 2
    ERIC@"Be Li Ba La Va Va Voom" ON APRIL 22 2006 (PART THREE)

    ((I kinda got the sequence mixed up -- my bad! Hope this is more or less the right order... the transcript made more sense to me this way..., but I'll have to listen to the clips first to confirm the actual sequence.))

    Che Wan Wan: Hello, Ah Qin!

    Listener: How are you? Wei Wei, Jia Nam!

    Che Wan Wan: Wei Wei? Ah Qin, is it pleasing to the ears when Eric reported the time just now?

    Listener: Very pleasing to the ears.

    DJ: Let us do it once more for you alone! Let us welcome Suen Yiu Wai!

    Eric: Now is 4 o'clock 40 minutes and 10 seconds. I am a small bird without legs.

    Listener: Such a charming voice!

    Che Wan Wan: Someone comes to help me! It is irresistible!

    A) 11:30-12:12

    Che Wan Wan: What do you want to recommend to us?

    Eric: I have to speak with my normal voice and don't be momentarily impulsive.

    Eric: Just now, Ken complained that parking fees in Hong Kong are expensive. I have just got some good news, ie. Starting from April 20 to April 27, one can get four hours' parking free of charge if one has spent no less than HKD300 in Harbour City.

    Che Wan Wan: Even if we won't park our cars there, we got to go there to have a look.

    Eric: That is why there is a traffic jam near to Harbour City.

    Eric: A dinner alone can reach the basic limit.

    A) 14:56-18:22

    Eric: It would be relatively boring if the marriage ceremony is held in the City Hall.

    Che Wan Wan: Eric, what kind of wedding do you want?

    Eric: It is just like a drive through in foreign countries. You don't have to get off the car. Just take a package which includes a limousine and it will not be costly. It costs about HKD2,000. Britney Spears loves to do it in Vegas. It is just like driving through the tunnel and pay the toll. The couple sit inside the limosine with the window closed. The registration officer whom you have booked ask the guy and the girl if they are willing to be the husband and the wife. Then they are declared a couple officially.

    Che Wan Wan: Your dream wedding is so cheap.

    Eric: I won't agree to formalize the marriage ceremony. The most important thing is that the couple must be happy.

    Che Wan Wan: To request the registration officer to come to your designated place is not to formalize the ceremony. It is the vice versa if we hold it in the City Hall.

    Eric: I will definitely not hold my marriage ceremony in the City Hall.

    Che Wan Wan: How about inviting the registration officer to go to the island?

    Eric: To the island? Unless he is very humorous; otherwise it would be very boring if we just follow him to say the words.

    Eric: Men are different from women. Women stress on the marriage ceremony whereas men stress on the marriage itself.

    DJ: Where will Eric's dream marriage ceremony be held? The traffic in Hong Kong is always heavy.

    Eric: It would be relatively boring if we hold it in Hong Kong. Since I am a Christian, I prefer it to be held in the holy church. Is the priest considered as the registration officer?


    Eric: I hold a different view now. I understand that a registration officer must be present to make the marriage valid if the couple do not have any religion. If I have to choose City Hall or some other places where we will be called out to hold the ceremony, I prefer to have a takeaway. (Requesting the registration offer to the place of marriage fixed by the new couple). I agree to vote for a takeaway (of the registration officer.)

    Eric: I guess that Eric would hold the ceremony in the church. He has not thought that one of the couple may not have any religion. Hence he has not thought it in this direction. He feels that it is alright to have a priest holding the ceremony in the church.

    DJ: I heard that only Christians can make the bookings in the church.

    Eric: Someone who has been baptized or a member of a church.

    Che Wan Wan: Someone who has been purified.

    Eric: Someone who has washed his underwear. (He is joking.)

    DJ: The Tourist Association may consider following the example of foreign countries and construct some nice buildings or some nice churches merely for the public to hold their marriage ceremony.

    Che Wan Wan: If Hong Kong Government permits the public to hold their marriage ceremony in Tsing Ma Bridge, it would look very grand.

    DJ: How about holding the marriage ceremony in the Scenic Observatory in Tsing Ma Bridge and developing it into a tourist attraction?

    Eric: Hong Kong lacks resort hotels. Since the government is developing Lantao Island, we can build a hotel in a small island nearby. We can only go there by boat and it would be great if all sorts of facilities can be found in the island, including a church and a place for holding marriage ceremony.

    B) 24:46-28:40

    Eric: We need to be very careful about our personal belongings when we travel. Hong Kong people, Chinese or local people tend to complain that the foreigners are impolite and have racial discrimination when they go abroad. I feel that we have to understand the culture of that country first. For example, Americans have high ego. When we go to a shop, the salesman will treat us like his friends and he is not serving us as his customers. We asked them, "May I have this t-shirt? " They would reply, "Hold On!" and will come back to us only after a while. In Hong Kong, Andy Lau always say on TV: “Nowadays such services are not acceptable!”Indirectly it has educated the people in Hong Kong to provide good services to our customers. The standard in Hong Kong is quite high and we cannot apply such standard to foreigners when we go abroad.

    Che Wan Wan: You often go abroad to shoot films and travel. Have you ever experienced the feeling of being at home?

    Eric: All restaurants in Europe have their own rating. I once went to a restaurant in France that has been rated five stars. Every one there wears a tuxedo. I wore a very formal suit and a pair of black sneakers. It was raining cats and dogs and the receptionist took me to the restaurant with a big umbrella. They said it was not proper for me to wear sneakers. I told them that I made the booking a few months ago. After a long talk, they said it was okay but gave me a table downstairs which was near to the toilet. I was very unhappy and argued with them for a long time. Eventually they gave me the original table that I booked. It was upstairs and more private. Then I discovered that they were very professional. They were giving me the service of one to one. We had our private waiter. He only took care of my table closely. We did not have to wave our hand to call for a waiter or waitress. We ordered red wine and steak and the food was delicious. The price was relatively cheaper than that of some restaurants in Hong Kong. We do not have one to one service in Hong Kong yet and we do have such service in Shanghai. I will talk about it later.

    C) 31:46-32:28

    Eric: Once I had a high temperature on the plane. The air hostess gave me a glass of hot water every half an hour.

    DJ: Is it because you are a handsome guy?

    Eric: The air hostess is a foreigner. I had a high temperature and felt very cold. At the beginning, she gave me a glass of water which was only warm. I told her that I wanted the water very hot. She asked me, “Are you ok?” I told her, “I am sick!”. Since then she took the initiative to give me a glass of hot water every half an hour. Those hot water helped me out throughout the whole flight.

    Che Wan Wan: A kind-hearted air hostess.

    DJ: Was she pretty?

    Eric: I was not aware how she looked.

    Che Wan Wan: Eric really had a high temperature.

    D) 33:16-36:10

    Eric: Have you ever been invited to see the landing of the plane?

    DJ: A handsome guy has so many advantages.

    Eric: It is very interesting. She let me sit at the back. There were two people in the front row; one is the pilot and the other is the assistant pilot. There was a technician behind them. The air hostess sat at the last row facing me. While the plane was landing, she told me the places where she was pointing at. The plane was flying to Vancouver that time. I want to say something about Shanghai. Nowadays, the services in many places of Shanghai are very professional. The outer bank of Shanghai is very beautiful. There are many buildings of European style. There is a street which looks like a clean France. After you get off the car, there are big blocks on both sides which are like European buildings. There are two entrances. There are all kinds of restaurants in the two buildings, including Chinese cuisines, French cuisines, Italian cuisines and Australian cuisines selling fresh seafood. Every storey is beautiful. After I got off my car, someone asked me which restaurant I had booked and took me upstairs. Since my table was not ready yet, the manager showed me around. We took a lift to have a look at every floor. I saw the word "Club". I thought that it was a club or a place of playing gymnastics. Actually the whole block belongs to the same group. Club refers to the private rooms. The minimum is for two people and the largest for 50 people. It is one waiter for one customer. The minimum charge is RMB5,000 per person. RMB10,000 is the minimum charge for food alone, excluding beverages, We cannot order a bottle of expensive wine to offset it. As a matter of fact, RMB 7000 out of RMB10,000 that we pay is for the services alone.

    E) starts from 41:06

    Eric: Japanese are very good at the service industry.

    Che Wan Wan: The other experience of having the feeling of being at home is in Las Vegas. Eric and I went to Las Vegas in the Lunar New Year before last.

    Eric: Las Vegas is a place of enjoyment where we may get lost easily.

    DJ: It seems that we were promoting for Hong Kong Tourist Association.

    Eric: Hong Kong…the pearl of the East.

    Eric: All the services in Las Vegas are bought by money. Provided that we have money, we are the big spenders. All the hotels have their own casinos, all sorts of restaurants and shows to see. We stayed in Bellagio which is a very famous hotel. It has a restaurant called Piccasso. We can see the paintings of Piccasso there. We can see water show, water ballet and old showin the hotel. If you are the good customer of the casinos, you will be considered as the big spenders. As soon as you sit down to gamble, the manager will come to ask you which restaurant you want to have your dinner in the evening. He can book the table for you. No one else can make any booking for that restaurant. You can go to see any show free of charge.

    Che Wan Wan: You have to buy the feeling of being at home by money. They will give you a room free once you reach a certain bet limit.

    Eirc: I got nothing to do that day. In the VIP room, I asked a manager who came from Singapore how to reach the OK limit. It so happened that someone called up asking for a suite with a balcony. The manager inserted his data into the computer and turned down his request. He could only give him a standard room. I asked the manager what the bet limit of that customer was. He told me that the average bet limit of that customer was USD1,500. It is USD1,500 per bet, not HKD1,500 per bet.

    Che Wan Wan: Even if it was HKD1,500 per bet, it would be a lot of money.

    Eric: They got a very high standard. There are too many wealthy people coming here to gamble. You guys please don't follow their example to gamble.

    DJ: I prefer to be a normal tourist!
    Last edited by silversnowflake; 05-04-06 at 03:19 AM.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  10. #1150
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    2006-4-24 香港電台第二台《國風國豐》專訪孫耀威/車婉婉的內容
    主持人: 周國豐
    Host: Zhou Guo Feng

    嘉賓: 孫耀威/車婉婉
    Guests: Eric Suen Yiu Wai/Che Wan Wan

    主持人: 今天出現的嘉賓是一男一女,這幾年男的時常出現在ATV的劇集,女的出現在TVB的劇集,按道理他們不能在 一起。因為男的沒有跟ATV簽約,所以可以合作,他們就是大帥哥孫耀威和靚女車婉婉。
    Host: We have two guests today. The male guest has often appeared on ATV's dramas in recent years whereas the female guest on TVB's dramas. Normally speaking, they cannot appear at the same time. However, since the male does not have any contract with TVB, he can still collaborate with the female. They are Eric Suen Yiu Wai, a very handsome guy, and Che Wan Wan, a beauty.

    -Playing Karen Mok's "Twenty Four Hours"-

    主持人: 第一個問題: 你們是什麼關係?
    Host: The first question is what is your relationship?

    車婉婉: 我們的關係很奧妙。
    Che Wan Wan: Our relationship is very ambiguous.

    主持人: 什麼關係?
    Host: What sort of relationship?

    車婉婉: 我們是 partners(拍檔)。
    Che Wan Wan: We are partners.

    主持人: 你們沒有傳過緋聞?
    Host: Has there been any romantic gossip between you?

    Eric: 沒有! 我們認識了很久。
    Eric: No! We have known each other for a long time.

    車婉婉: 我們不說這些的。
    Che Wan Wan: Let us not talk about it!

    主持人: 這陣子傳緋聞也會傳另一個。
    Host: Even if there was any gossip, it would be some other girl.

    車婉婉: 我最初是在電視的mv看到Eric,唇紅齒白,很帥的樣子。 在香港電台的水運會認識他,看台有很多Eric的fans。他剛從台灣回來出第一張廣東碟的時 候。
    Che Wan Wan: The first time I saw Eric in his my music video, he has a handsome face and fair skin and very white teeth. I first knew him in a swimming contest held by Hong Kong Radio. Many of his fans came to support him.

    主持人: 你有沒有像黎瑞恩一樣暗戀Eric?
    Host: Did you admire Eric secretly like Li Rui En?

    車婉婉: 是真的嗎?是明戀吧?
    Che Wan Wan: Really? I think she fell for Eric openly.

    Eric: 不要說了。
    Eric: Please don't talk about it!

    主持人: 當她還是歌手時,她時常叫我約Eric上來做節目。
    Host: When Lii Rui En was still a singer, she always requested me to invite Eric to my program.

    車婉婉: 再說的話,Eric會臉紅了。
    Che Wan Wan: If we continue talking about it, Eric's face will turn red.

    主持人: Eric 做了這行很久了,還會臉紅?
    Host: Eric has joined the showbiz for such a long time. Will his face turn red?

    Eric: 我仍然懷著赤子之心,沒有變過。
    Eric: I am still a shy young guy. I have not changed at all.

    主持人:Eric最初見到車婉婉,是怎樣看她的? 是不是覺得她很高?
    Host: What did you think about Che Wan Wan when you first saw her? Did you feel that she is quite tall?

    Eric: 我覺得她高啦 。我視她為同行的點頭朋友,不知道她的性格。後來Elvin 粱榮俊找我們做一些事情。我們的唱片公司同一個group,我們一起宣傳,覺得她很爽,大家熟 絡了一起玩。
    Eric: I felt that she was very tall. I treat her as an acquaintance belonging to the same field. I knew nothing about her character. Later Elvin Liang asked us to do something together. Our labels belong to the same group. So we did some promotion together. I felt that she is very straightforward. After we got acquainted, we started to hang out.

    主持人: 玩什麼?
    Host: What did you play?

    Eric: 我們很健康,下棋。
    Eric: We played chess, a very healthy game.

    車婉婉: 撲蝶。
    Che Wan Wan joked: We caught butterflies together.

    主持人: 我知道你們認識,但不知道你們合作從何說起?
    Host: I know that you are acquainted but don't know what made you two collaborate.

    主持人: 這個伍樂成和林夕的project 拉攏了很多朋友一起做,是誰人想出來的?
    Host: The project of Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi has linked up many friends. Whose idea was it?

    車婉婉: 1-2年前,伍樂成跟我說想做一個合唱的project。我說想跟Eric合唱。我和Eric唱karaoke 時,都是唱別人的歌曲,我們想有自己的合唱歌曲。
    Che Wan Wan: 1-2 years ago, Wu Yue Cheng told me that he wanted to make a project of duet songs. I told him that I wanted to sing with Eric. When we sing karaoke, we always sing songs of others. We want to have our own duet song.

    主持人: 你們在karaoke唱什麼歌曲,車婉婉的"會過去的!"?
    Host: What song did you sing? Che Wan Wan's"It Will Be Past!"?

    車婉婉: Eric不肯唱這首歌,時常唱錯,我們唱 " 你很盞鬼" ("你很珍貴")。
    Che Wan Wan: Eric was not willing to sing this song. He always sang it wrongly. We sang "You Are Precious!"

    主持人: 這首歌是很難唱的。
    Host: "It Will Be Past!" is very difficult to sing.

    Eric: 這個project講了很久。我以為已經泡湯,怎料伍樂成2個月前send email去台灣給我。
    Eric: They have been talking about this project for a long time. At first, I thought that they had already given it up. Out of my expectation, Wu Yue Cheng sent me an email two months ago when I was in Taiwan.

    主持人: 你們對歌詞有沒有意見?
    Host: Did you give any opinion on the lyrics.

    車婉婉: 沒有意見。
    Che Wan Wan: No, we didn't.

    Eric: 我們對整件事都沒有意見
    Eric: We have no opinion on the whole project.

    主持人: 對唱通常是情歌,既然那麼熟,或許會給意見。
    Host: Duet songs are usually ballads, since you know each other so well, I thought that you might air some of your views.

    Eric: 他們對我們十分瞭解,捕捉我們的感覺很好。
    Eric: They understand us very well. They can catch our feelings.

    主持人: 合作之後又怎樣? 兩個風馬牛不相及的人合作,好像之前汪明荃跟陳慧琳,一定會帶來新鮮感。
    Host: So what happened afterwards? Two persons from two different sectors working together, like Wang Ming Quan and Chen Hui Lin, should bring us some fresh feelings.

    Eric: 我們擦出很多火花,火花是湧出來的。
    Eric: We lit up many sparks. The sparks gushed forward.

    主持人: 拍了mv 沒有? 造型如何?
    Host: Have you shooted the music video? What is your look?

    Eric: 剛剛拍完。
    Eric: We have just finished shooting the music video.

    Che Wan Wan: The whole music video focused on the bed.

    車婉婉: 有很多床上用品。
    Che Wan Wan: There were many bedclothes.

    Eric: 歌詞說倆個已分手的戀人再次在一起。他們明知沒有將來,但他們再見時對彼此仍然有感覺,那怕只 有是一,兩天 ,仍然要在一起。
    Eric: Two lovers who have broken up meet again. They are pretty sure that they don't have any future. Since they still have feeling for each other, they insist on staying together even though it may be only a day or two.

    車婉婉: 很多人都有這個情義結。
    Che Wan Wan: Many people have this experience.

    主持人: 歌詞都幾中你們,想知道你們對愛情的看法。
    Host: It seemed that the lyrics are talking about you. I want to know your views towards love.

    Eric: 我幾理性,但有時面對愛情也不能理性。
    Eric: I am a rational person. Sometimes I become irrational when I am facing my love.

    車婉婉: 理智與感情。
    Che Wan Wan: Intelligence versus passion.

    主持人: 婉婉一拍拖就全情投入。
    Host: Whenever Che Wan Wan falls in love, she will be fully devoted.

    車婉婉: 我跌過,受過很大傷害。
    Che Wan Wan: I got hurt before.

    Host: But you are willing to try again.

    車婉婉: 開始時我逃避,但後來發覺如果要有開心的感覺,就要犧牲。
    Che Wan Wan: At the beginning, I tried to avoid it. Later I found out that if we want to enjoy the happy feeling of love, we have to make some sacrifices.

    主持人: 一次比一次痛。
    Host: The hurt may be more serious and more serious.

    車婉婉: 不要那麼保守,要再試。
    Che Wan Wan: Please don't be so conservative! We must have the guts to try it again.

    -Playing "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again.")-

    主持人: 剛剛聽完孫耀威和車婉婉的合唱歌曲《再見亦是戀人》。
    Host: Just now, we heard the duet song of Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan.

    Host: I have not interviewed you for a long time. Che Wan Wan, what is your recent condition and how do you feel?

    車婉婉: 這3 年都是拍戲。上次你訪問我時是3 年前我plugged歌的時候,可以說拍過的戲嗎? 第一次拍劇跟很多有經驗的前輩合作,學到很多東西。因為太多download,收窄了我們的行 業, 現在歌手很難做,所以都沒有想唱歌這事情。很邪! 錄音那天,一早起床喉嚨痛,喉嚨腫得很厲害,狂吃維他命丸。打電話給Eric告訴他我很擔心。晚上沒事開始 錄歌。錄歌的時候,以前唱歌,做唱片的畫面好像flashback飛回來。原來我對唱歌仍然有感覺,我從來 沒有放低過唱歌,只是給自己壓下來,不過都幾灰心。
    Che Wan Wan: I have been filming for the past three years. The last time when you interviewed me was three years ago. I was plugging my new song. Can I mention the name of the dramas that I have shooted. The first time when I shooted a TV serial, I collaborated with a number of seniors and learned a lot of things from them. As downloading songs is so serious, our opportunities in the singing field have narrowed down. It is very difficult to be a singer these days. Hence I have not thought about it at all. It was mysterious. In the morning of the day when I had to record the song, I had a sore throat and my throat got swollen when I got up. I just took a lot of vitamin tablets. I called up Eric telling him that I was very worried. In the evening I recovered and started recording the song. During the recording, my old memories of singing and making albums kept flashing back. I discovered that I still have feeling towards singing. I have never given it up. I just suppressed my desire to sing but I am very pessimistic about singing.

    主持人: 這次挑起你唱歌的癮頭。
    Host: Did it stimulate your desire to sing again?

    主持人: 年青的朋友如果要入行,除非你自己很有錢。
    Host: Youngsters have to be very wealthy if you want to join this field.

    車婉婉: 我留意到人家以為artists很多錢。
    Che Wan Wan: Outsiders feel that artists are very well off.

    主持人: 要辛苦很多年,也要有運氣,不是自己能夠操縱。
    Host: You have to work very hard for many years. You must have the luck too. But you can't control your fate.

    車婉婉: 賺到錢固然好,不然的話,enjoy你的工作,找出工作的滿足感來平衡。
    Che Wan Wan: You are very lucky if you can make money, otherwise enjoy your job and derive your job satisfaction to get the balance.

    主持人: 唱歌跟演戲,你喜歡那樣? 那樣有工作的滿足感?
    Host: Which do you like better between singing and filming? Which can give you the job satisfaction?

    車婉婉: 樣樣都有,演戲可以觀察到人的很多事情,唱歌是很intimate(私人)的,演戲是teamwork(群 體習作),要交流,tempo(節奏)要好。
    Che Wan Wan: Both can give me job satisfaction. In filming, you can learn many things by close observation. Singing is very intimate whereas filming is a teamwork in which you got to communicate with others and the tempo has to be good.

    主持人: 你們的case都很相似,都是唱歌出身,中間涉及做其他事情。Eric的心態如何?
    Host: Your cases are similar. You both joined the showbiz to be singers although you did some other things in between. Eric, what is your feeling?

    Eric: 不知道大家是否清楚,過去5年,大部份的時間我都不在香港,在台灣及大陸拍劇。某程序上我以拍劇為主業。一 路以來都很想出唱片,一定會灰心,以現在的巿道,銷量只是很多年前的1/10 吧。我終始沒有想過放低。我有計劃出國語唱片,但不會出廣東碟,或許會兩首歌變成廣東版本,自己過過癮。以 往幾年,間中會唱國語歌,唱電視劇主題。這次入去錄音室唱廣東歌,感覺又陌生,又熟識。唱了沒多久,感覺很 舒服,終始廣東話是自己的語言,發揮廣東歌是最好的。
    Eric: I don't know if you are aware of it. In the past five years, I was not in Hong Kong most of the time. I have been shooting dramas in Taiwan and Mainland China. To a certain extent, I have become an actor. I have always been thinking of releasing an album. To a certain degree, I am also pessimistic towards singing. In today's market, the sales figure is only 1/10 of that in the previous years. In spite of it, I have never thought of giving it up. I am planning to release a Mandarin album. I will not release a Cantonese album. I may convert two songs into Cantonese version just for fun. In the past few years, I sometimes sang Mandarin songs and the theme songs of TV serials. This time when I entered the studio, my feeling was very contradictory. It was strange and familiar to me. As soon as I started singing for a while, I felt very comfortable. Cantonese is my mother tongue and I can render Cantonese songs the best.

    主持人: 你拍劇是為了賺錢?
    Host: Do you shoot TV serials for making money?

    Eric: 部份原因。現今唱歌,電影,電視三者中,以電視的發展最好,電視是依賴廣告的,沒有download,它是 最健康的媒體,在華人演藝事業是最好的。我慶幸自己早去大陸一步,用自己的努力去奠定拍劇的位 置。
    Eric: Partly! Among singing, movies and television, the prospect of television is the best. Since television's income comes from commercials and there is no download, it is the healthiest media. For Chinese artists, to develop our performance career in the television field is the best. Fortunately I went to Mainland China ahead of others. I worked hard to build up my foundation in shooting TV serials.

    主持人: 你喜歡拍劇? 你是拍劇之後開始喜歡演戲的嗎?
    Host: So you like filming. Did you like filming only after you had started shooting one?

    Eric: 我唱歌時已經喜歡拍戲,但是我的唱片公司要我主力唱歌,替我推了很多劇本。和唱片公司約滿後去台灣拍"懷玉 公主",成績很好,便順理成章繼續拍劇。
    Eric: When I was a singer, I already loved filming but my record company wanted me to concentrate on singing and turned down many film offers on my behalf. After my contract with my record company had expired, I went to Taiwan to shoot "Princess Huai Yu" and the response was remarkably good. So naturally I continued to shoot TV serials.

    主持人: 車婉婉的前路呢?
    Host: How about Che Wan Wan's prospect?

    車婉婉: 前路是自己創造。
    Che Wan Wan: We build our own road.

    車婉婉: 我的計劃通常都有變數。我沒有想過會拍戲,因為我的樣子很cool,沒有人想到我可以演壞人或攪笑那樣的角 色,我好像洋荵,一層一層被人撕開,所以要加強自己的層次,equip (装備)自己,豐富自己,因為我們不知道運氣何時會來。
    Che Wan Wan: There are always some changes in my plan. I have never thought that I would be an actress. As I look quite cool, no one thinks that I can play a bad person or a funny woman. I am like an onion which has many layers, waiting for others to peel off my skin. Hence I have to strengthen my layers, upgrade and equip myself as we do not want know when the opportunity will come.

    -News Report-

    Host: Both of my guests today are singles. Just now, I asked you about your work and prospect. What about your love world?

    車婉婉: 我周圍都充滿了愛。
    Che Wan Wan: I am surrounded by people who love me.

    主持人: 朋友或是家庭? 很多人追求妳?
    Host: From your friends or from your family? Are there many people dating you?

    Eric: 她是很多人追的。
    Eric: Many people want to date her.

    主持人: 我也收到消息。你有什麼吸引力?
    Host: I have heard about it. What is your charm?

    車婉婉: 靚女囉。我對人好,人好真。其實我又掘,說話又沒有尾音。
    Che Wan Wan: I am beautiful and I treat my friends very well. I am frank. Actually I am too blunt and I never pronounce the last sound of the word when I speak.

    主持人: 有沒有遇過你差不多想要的人?
    Host: Have you run across your person close to your "Mr Right"?

    車婉婉: 有。好像歌詞說的target(目標)。
    Che Wan Wan: I did, like what is said in the lyric of the song.

    主持人: 為什麼分開?
    Che Wan Wan: Why did you break up?

    車婉婉: 因為在不同的地方。這是客觀因素,主觀條件。
    Che Wan Wan: Because we are in different places. It is an objective factor and a subjective condition.

    主持人: 以你的性格,你應該可以配合。
    Host: You can fit it with him since you are so devoted to your love.

    車婉婉: 他說可以來陪我。我怕他犧牲太大,負荷太重。我不夠自私,也想得太多,所以想法和他分手。
    Che Wan Wan: He said that he could come to my country. But I did not want him to make too big a sacrifice. The burden would be too heavy for him. I am not selfish enough and I thought too much. So I thought of a way to break up with him.

    主持人: 有沒有感到後悔。
    Host: Do you have any regret?

    Che Wan Wan: I regret very much.

    主持人:很慘! 你現在心急嗎? 心態怎樣?
    Host: You are pitiable. Are you eager to find a new one? What do you think now?

    車婉婉: 很多人到了某個年齡會為結婚而結婚。我不會push自己。我很天真的認為人人都會有true love(真愛),要時間去培養,要等待bingo。這過程是很難的。
    Che Wan Wan: Many people will get married just because they have reached a certain age. I will not push myself. I am too naïve to believe that every person can find the true love. It needs time to cultivate it. We have to wait for quite a long time before we get the bingo. The procedure is quite painful.

    主持人: 妳這個年齡,應該不會貪圖帥哥吧。妳要求的條件是什麼?
    Host: Persons at your age will not look for handsome guys. What are your prequisites?

    車婉婉: 我要帥哥,反正男生都是花心的。Eric在這行是絕種。
    Che Wan Wan: I want handsome guys since all guys are not loyal. Eric is one of the rarest in the showbiz.

    主持人: 為什麼不考慮Eric?
    Host: Why don't you consider Eric?

    車婉婉: 我們已經在一起啦。
    Che Wan Wan: We are already together.

    車婉婉: 或許因為我來自單身家庭,這是童年陰影。
    Che Wan Wan: I came from a single parent family and it is hard to forget my painful memories.

    Eric: 她要有錢的。
    Eric: She wants a wealthy boyfriend.

    Host: You are too superficial. These days many girls are prepared to face the reality.

    車婉婉: 為結婚而結婚沒有love essence(精華),這樣不好。我要好心地和誠實的。男生不像女生,不喜歡說心事,拍麻煩,所以喜歡對 女生說謊。
    Che Wan Wan: I won't get married just for the sake of getting married. It is not good to get married without the essence of love. I want a kind-hearted and honest guy. Usually, guys don't like to talk to others heart-to-heart. To avoid being bugged, they like to tell lies to their love.

    主持人: 女生很犀利,知道男生幾時說謊。
    Host: Most girls are smart and know when their boyfriends are telling lies.

    車婉婉: 男生很難做到誠實的。
    Che Wan Wan: It is very difficult for a guy to be honest.

    主持人: Eric呢?
    Host: How about Eric?

    Eric: 某程度上,對於愛情,我比以前隨緣。我是一個很需要愛的人,朋友的愛,家庭的愛,男女的愛。我以前是很樂觀 的,相信一定會找到最好的。每次拍拖都認定對方是結婚對象。經過幾次失敗,變得很灰心。很老土的說,現在是 隨緣,只要開心。
    Eric: To a certain extent, I leave it to fate. I am a person who requires a lot of love from my friends, my family and my girlfriend. Previously I was very optimistic and believed that I could find the best. Every time I went out with a girl, I treated her as my wife-to-be. After a few failures, I have become pessimistic. Leaving it to fate is an old-fashioned saying but it is what I feel. I only want to be happy these days.

    車婉婉: 我証實Eric所說的是事實。
    Che Wan Wan: I confirm Eric is saying the truth.

    主持人: 你以前會不會給對方太大壓力?
    Host: Previously did you give too much pressure to your girlfriend if you treated her as your wife-to-be?

    Eric: 我時常在不同的地方,我自己都不知道是那處的人。
    Eric: I often stay in different places. Even I myself do not know where I belong to.

    Che Wan Wan: The guy whom I mentioned just now is not Eric.

    Host: There is no misunderstanding.

    Eric: 我幾次戀愛都是long distance(長途)的,溝通不足,不能給對方足夠安全感。
    Eric: I developed several romances over long distance. I could not give my girlfriends an adequate sense of security due to lack of communication.

    主持人: 你會否介意女朋友不是香港女生。
    Host: Do you mind if your girlfriend is not a Hong Kong girl.

    Eric: 很多次都不是香港女生,沒有喇,幾個而已。我可以接受到。
    Eric: Most of my old girlfriends are not Hong Kong girls. Actually, I only had a few girlfriends.

    主持人: 這樣你有很多選擇。
    Host: Then you will have many choices.

    主持人: 你們的知名度會不會是一個障礙?
    Host: Is it an obstacle to be a public figure when you are looking for your love?

    車婉婉: 不認識我們,不是香港人更好。不然的話,他會將我放在一個既定的模式,我們需要更長的時間去瞭解。我們做藝 人的都要很小心,很難給機會人家去瞭解自己。
    Che Wan Wan: It is better to go out with a guy who is not a Hong Kong people, otherwise he will stereotype me and it will take a longer time to understand each other. Being artistes, we are very cautious and do not give others enough opportunities to understand us.

    車婉婉: 我剛剛說的男生是外國人
    Che Wan wan: The guy whom I mentioned just now is a foreigner.

    主持人: Wow! 女生都是虛榮的,她們會羨慕你。
    Host: Wow! All girls have the vanity. They will envy you.

    車婉婉: 外國人比較直接。他們會直接了當的說 "I don't love you any more!" 我prefer這樣。
    Che Wan Wan: Foreigners are more direct. They will tell you directly, "I don't love you any more!" I prefer they behave like this.

    主持人: Eric頗傳統。
    Host: Eric is quite traditional.

    Che Wan Wan: He is a Capricorn.

    主持人: Eric何時會結婚?
    Host: When will Eric get married?

    Eric: 我出道時說30歲以前,現在過了,希望40歲會結婚,因為不想跟孩子有代溝,到了40,會說50。到了50 ,或許不結了。我真的不知道。
    Eric: When I first joined the showbiz, I wanted to get married before 30. Now I am over 30 years old. I want to get married at the age of 40 since I don't want to have any generation gap with my kids. When I reach the age of 40, I might postpone it to 50. At the age of 50, I might give up the thought of getting married. I really don't know.

    Eric: 我想結婚,因為我喜歡有家庭的感覺,也喜歡小孩子。
    Eric: I want to get married because I like the feeling of having a family. I love kids.

    Eric: 我還年青,希望再衝刺多幾年。
    Eric: I am still young. I want to work hard for a few more years.

    主持人: Eric 的情路真坎坷。又要過飄泊的生活。不過你既然選擇了事業,也是沒辦法。Eric是唸電子工程?
    Host: Eric gets too many difficulties in his love world. Poor Eric has to travel all the times. However since you have chosen your career, you have no other alternatives. Did Eric study electronics engineering?

    Eric: 電腦工程。我媽咪說早知道是這樣,不應讓我入這行,弄到現在還未結婚,害她沒有孫子抱。媽咪的看法某程度上 對我有影響。在我這輩中,我是比較傳統的一個。
    Eric: Computer engineering. My mom regretted allowing me to join the showbiz, otherwise I would have married and she would have had a grandson. Her thinking affects me to a certain extent. Among the people at my age group, I am relatively conservative.

    車婉婉: Aunt真可憐!
    Che Wan Wan: Poor Aunt Suen!

    Eric: 我嘗試過接受娛樂圈中人對愛情的看法。
    Eric: I once attempted to accept the thinking of the people in the showbiz towards love.

    主持人: 他們的看法很恐怖,像"Sex And The City","Desperate Housewives"。
    Host: Their thoughts are terrible, like what is said in "Sex And The City", "Desperate Housewives".

    Eric: 我嘗試令自己很花心。
    Eric: I once tried not to be devoted.

    主持人: 在那段時間? 事業順利還是不順利的時候?
    Host: During which period? When your career was not that smooth?

    Eric: 跟這沒關係! 我懷疑自己是不是太保守? 我是不是要嘗試一下? 沒有女朋友時,令自己open to various options,直到找到固定的。
    Eric: That has nothing to do with it. I asked myself if I was too conservative. When I did not have a girlfriend, I made myself open to various options until I found a steady one.

    車婉婉: 他令自己很available。
    Che Wan Wan: He made himself available at all times.

    主持人: 這樣很辛苦。
    Host: It would be painful.

    Eric: 我發覺自己不是那種人,無謂逼自己,結果反回原本的感覺。最少我嘗試過。
    Eric: I discovered that I am not that sort of person and did not want to force myself. So I picked up my old feeling again. I have no regret. At least I had tried it.

    主持人: 年青有時要放縱一下。
    Host: Youths sometimes have to follow their own inclination.

    車婉婉: 很累的。
    Che Wan Wan: It would be very tiring.

    主持人: 結論是什麼?
    Host: What happened in the end?

    Eric: 弄到好像很忙,找人吃飯,電話簿有5, 6個選擇,可以說心事的,一個也沒有。
    Eric: I made myself very busy. When I want to have a dinner with someone, there are 5 to 6 choices on my telephone diary. But there is no one whom I can talk to heart-to-heart.

    車婉婉: 更加空虛。
    Che Wan Wan: You felt more lonely.

    主持人: 你不怕人家說你嗎?
    Host: Wasn't you afraid of any gossip?

    Eric: 經常有人說喇。
    Eric: There are always gossips.

    主持人: 其實Eric的形象很乖,說他花心的報導不多。
    Host: Actually, Eric has the image of a good guy. There have not been many news reporting that he is disloyal to anyone.

    車婉婉: 他本身就是一個好男生!
    Che Wan Wan: He himself is a good guy.

    主持人: 車婉婉是不是對Eric有意思?
    Host: Che Wan wan, do you have any interest in Eric?

    車婉婉: 我只認識黎瑞恩。
    Che Wan Wan: I only know Li Rui En.

    -Playing the duet song of Wang Ming Quan and Chen Hui Lin titled "Goddess Of Liberty"-

    主持人: 剛才聽的是這張專輯的另一首歌自由女神-
    Host: Just now, we heard another duet song in this album, "Goddess Of Liberty"-

    主持人: 你們今次何合作到,再給你們選擇要找另一個人合作,你們希望和誰人合作?
    Host: If I ask you to choose another person to collaborate next time, whom do you want to work with?

    車婉婉: Robbie Williams!
    Che Wan Wan: Robbie Williams!

    主持人: 要脫衣服的。
    Host: You have to take off your clothes.

    車婉婉: It doesn't matter! (沒關係!)
    Che Wan wan: it does not matter.

    車婉婉: 他很有sex appeal , 有 charm。
    Che Wan Wan: He has the sex appeal and the charm.

    主持人: 他很有音樂才華。
    Host: He has the talent in music.

    車婉婉: 他的眼神很有自信,很深,令人看不懂,很有charm。
    Che Wan Wan: He looks very confident and charming. He looks very deep and it is hard to understand.

    主持人: 眼神像魔鬼。他是你的dream man。
    Host: Is he your dream man?

    主持人: 你對他有fantasy(幻想)。
    Host: Do you have fantasy towards him?

    車婉婉: 他說話很有禮貌,很斯文。我在New York見過他,他穿著一套 track suit。我跟另一位男士在約會,Robbie和坐在我旁邊一桌的女士說話。我後悔沒有衝上前跟他說" I really like your work!" 再次見到他,我一定會衝上去,和他照相。我想知道他在lounge吃什麼。結果dating 不成功,整個約會我都沒有說話。
    Che Wan Wan: He is very polite and gentle. I met him once in New York when I had a date with another man. He was wearing a track suit and was talking to a woman sitting in the table beside me. I regret that I did not say to him "I really like your work!" If I can see him again, I must take a photo with him. Actually I wanted to know what he ate in the lounge. Eventually, I did not say much during the dinner and the dating was not successful.

    主持人: Eric呢?
    Host: Eric?

    Eric: 有很多人都想合作,外國人是Madonna。我試過發夢和她唱歌。我喜歡她一直都沒有out過,她比Bri tney Spears更in。
    Eric: I want to work with many people. If it is a foreigner, I want to collaborate with Madonna. I once dreamt that I was singing with her. She is never out. She is more "in" than Britney Spears.

    主持人: Britney Spears太多負面新聞。
    Host: Britney Spears has too many bad news.

    Eric: 她出的disco碟也不會out,別人出的話就會out,她比Michael Jackson更棒,她現在也是在最高的位置。
    Eric: The disco album she released is not out. It would be out if someone else released this album. She is greater than Michael Jackson. She is always at the top.

    車婉婉: Since 80's pop music的代表。
    Che Wan Wan: The representative of pop music since 80's.

    Eric: 華人我喜歡和譚詠麟合作,他是從小我的偶像,出道時,記者知道他是我的偶像,要我們合照,我好像小fans 一樣,感到震撼。小時候,他的"愛情陷阱",唱片(因為有poster), cassette以至remix版,我都有買。聽李克勤說跟譚詠麟做"左麟右李"很開心,我也想跟他合作。
    Eric: Among the Chinese artists, I like to work with Allan Tam. He is my idol since I was a child. When I first joined the showbiz, the reporters shooted a picture for us knowing that he was my idol. I felt I was trembling like a small fan. When I was small, I bought all his albums, for instance, I bought the album (because it has a poster), the cassette tape and the remix edition pf "Love Trap". I heard from Hacken Lee that he was so happy to hold the tour concerts with Allan. I also want to collaborate with Allan tam.

    主持人: 這個有機會。
    Host: You will have the chance.

    主持人: 車婉婉,你的偶像是誰?
    Host: Che Wan Wan, who is your idol?

    車婉婉: 李香琴。她的身材很好,穿旗袍很漂亮。上次跟她坐火車時她告訴我她以前拍戲時,每次都是帶一斤菜去吃來ke ep fit,她很斯文﹐唱歌好,演技好。
    Che Wan Wan: Li Xiang Qin. She looks pretty when she wears a traditional Chinese dress. Last time in the train, she told me that she briought along a catty of vegetables whenever she went to the studio. She is gentle. She sings and acts well.

    主持人: 你小時候已經喜歡她‧
    Host: Has she been your idol since you were small?

    車婉婉: 我看她的粵語長片。
    Che Wan Wan: Yes! I have watched many of her Cantonese movies on TV.

    主持人: 你很貪靚。
    Host: You pay a lot of attention to your appearance.

    車婉婉: 我不貪靚,我不做facial。
    Che Wan Wan: That is not true. I do not do facials.

    Host: You are supposed to strengthen your competitive ability, aren't you?

    車婉婉: 我有內涵。
    Che Wan Wan: I have a beautiful heart.

    主持人: 下次再叫老孫和老車上來。
    Host: I will talk to Eric and Che Wan Wan next time.

    -The End-
    Last edited by silversnowflake; 05-04-06 at 03:35 AM.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  11. #1151
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default Images from the Hangzhou fan meeting (continued)

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    The autograph picture of Eric given out as a prize to fans who answered the quiz questions correctly
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  12. #1152
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default ERIC and Stephanie on CR2's Vanilla Sky

    CR2 ERIC@VANILA SKY (PART ONE) (starting from 28:30)

    Vani: Che Wan Wan, it looks as if you are taking care of your younger brother.

    Che Wan Wan: He is my uncle.

    Eric: How are you? My two elder sisters!

    Che Wan Wan: I am afraid that he cannot see you.

    Che Wan Wan: He has fair skin.

    Vani: Our younger brother is very handsome! Though you got up early today, you still look okay. You look vigorous!

    Che Wan Wan: He has just had a facial.

    Vani: I feel embarrassed. I don't know if my real intention is to ask you making up a program or have Eric coming as well.

    Che Wan Wan: Eric also likes to study constellations and horoscopes.

    Vani: Is it due to your influence?

    Che Wan Wan: He used to do this in Taiwan.

    Eric: Hello! I am Eric Suen Yiu Wai.

    Vani: Sorry!

    Che Wan Wan: Being the hostess, how could you forget introducing your guest?

    Eric: I introduced myself in this way in Taiwan.

    Vani: We know each other too well!

    Che Wan Wan: We are a perfect match. Eric knows horoscopes and constellations pretty well. Last week you got sick. Today, we are making up our program. I ask Eric to come mainly because I want to have new chemical effects. Let us see what sort of phone calls he can attract! Every time the phone calls that we received were a bit odd.

    Vani: Today we have two Capricorns. I understand that your birthdays are very close.

    Che Wan Wan: A talented guy and a pretty girl.

    Vani: I know Che Wan Wan better. Hence I understand her character more. Let us see what are the differences between a male Capricorn and a female Capricorn! It is a good news to the Capricorns who are listening to our program.

    Vani: Wan Wan, should we take some calls?

    Che Wan Wan: Let us take some calls! Probably many people want to Eric, you and me. Let us have a chat with Eric first!

    Vani: It is raining outside and is quite boring. All our hot lines will be available. Let us go back to our analysis. ! Eric should be the first batch in Taiwan who studied constellation and horoscopes.

    Eric: I studied from books.

    Che Wan Wan: Capricorns love to study it from books.

    Eric: At the beginning, I did not believe it at all. It is hard for me to believe something. My friends told me what my sign is. I said "Forget about it! It doesn't make sense!" Everybody says that Capricorns are very quiet. I am such an energetic person. It doesn't make any sense to me! Fans gave me a book regarding constellations. One fine day, I got nothing to do and had a look at it. I found out that for me, only the sun is a Capricorn. Among the other constellations, nine out of ten are Sagittarius which are extremely active. Actually, it does make sense!

    Che Wan Wan: At the beginning, I did not believe it either. Do all the people born in the same month have the same character?

    Eric: Actually it is very complicated. The moment a person was born pre-determines the route the star is running for his whole life and where it would be today.

    Che Wan Wan: A dim route.

    Vani: Is it the constellation chart?

    Che Wan Wan: It is the zodiac. It is the position of the planet at the moment when you were born. It represents the different phases of your life. The phase is each of the forms in which the planet appears, according to the amount that is lit up.

    Che Wan Wan: If you study and observe more, you will discover that it is not that simple. You don't know much by just reading some of the books regarding horoscopes in the news stands.

    Vani: Although Eric is so energetic, does he have any potential or characteristics of a Capricorn?

    Che Wan Wan: For the past ten years or so, I have not worked with him. I tried to avoid working with him. His acting skill is too good. I am afraid that I may be charmed by him. Lately I have to collaborate with him. While he is working, he is a typical Capricorn. He is very serious. He can observe many details. Even if the persons beside him, like his assistants, may not be aware of it, he already has the whole picture in his mind. I feel very secured when I work with him.

    Vani: Capricorns are unyielding and have patience. I don't mean the patience to wait for someone who is late. What I mean is that when they are working, they are firm and tough. That is why Eric and Che Wan Wan can survive in the showbiz for such a long time. As long as they identify that something is right, they would go ahead and pursue it with persistent obstinacy.

    Che Wan Wan: Caprocorns won't push other people, like Aries and Leo who would say "I show you!". Capricorns are quite shy and won't take the initiative to make any request to do it. In the showbiz, they always say, "Once more!" They are a bit slow in responding but they are willing to try again.

    Eric: They are not afraid of any failure.

    Vani: They won't argue with others.

    Eric: Hence "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again").

    Vani: A typical Capricorn! See you after "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again.")!

    - Playing the song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again.")

    Vani: We have a perfect match here today. They are Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan who have been buddies for a long time. After a while, you will have a special edition of "Wan Wan Xing Qing"!

    -End Part 1-

    2006-4-28 CR2 ERIC@VANILA SKY (PART TWO)

    Vani: Fortunately besides the characteristics of a Capricorn, you two still have the features of other signs. Today's guests are Eric Suen Yiu Wai, Mr Capricorn and Che Wan Wan, Miss Capricorn!
    Che Wan Wan: Thank you, Ms Leo!

    Vani: In the past ten years, have you ever discussed any matter regarding zodiac signs?

    Che Wan Wan: No!

    Eric: Who says so? Whenever you are describing or criticizing a particular person, you like to link it up with his sign, whether you are aware or not. This is a Capricorn who can always find out something to support your image of a diviner, You are too famous of it.

    Vani: Eric, when you are choosing your Ms Right, have your ever considered her zodiac sign?

    Eric: Whenever I see a girl and wants to develop a romance with her, I would give a thought to her sign. But it is not a prequisite for not going out with her.

    Vani: According to your experience, which of the signs cannot match with Capricorns. Put it this way, which signs cannot attract you?

    Eric: All signs can bewitch me.

    Eric: Capricorns are very picky. They feel that all other signs have defects and only Capricorns are perfect.

    Che Wan Wan: We should not use the word perfect. We feel that we can always do it better,

    Eric: We can always find out their flaws.

    Vani: Capricorns have their own standard of values.

    Che Wan Wan: We feel that we can do better things than the other signs.

    Eric: A smart Capricorn will try to make himself not that Capricorn.

    Che Wan Wan: We have to set aside our own standard of values. If there is a position for that particular person, there must be something that makes him succeed. Why can't we learn from him?

    Che Wan Wan: It is easy for a Caprocorn to look life upon its dark side.

    Eric: An extreme Capricorn may go to the dead end in their thinking since they like to keep everything to himself.

    Che Wan Wan: Capricorns will not curse others to release their anger.

    Vani: But they will put on a cold face.

    Che Wan Wan: You can't see any of his facial expressions.

    Vani: We have talked so much about about the signs. Let us start "Wan Wan Xing Qing" ("Wan Wan's Passion For The Signs")

    Che Wan Wan: Let us welcome Master Eric Suen Yiu Wai, our guest host!

    The first phone call came from Autumn.

    She told Eric that she is a Libra and her boyfriend is a Capricorn. They have been going out for 6 years. Eric"s "Love Story Part One" is their song.

    Eric: Good Taste!

    She likes hanging out with her friends but her boyfriend is a very quiet person and prefers to stay at home all the times. She complained that her boyfriend is too boring and not romantic. She is already 25 years old and her boyfriend 27. It is time to get married but she is afraid that she might dump her boyfriend and identify some other target to marry.

    Eric: You feel that he will be a good husband but not romantic enough to be a lover. If you have already put up with him for six years, why don't you consider spending the rest of your life with him?

    Che Wan Wan: Please don't think too much and create something out of nothing!

    Eric: Don't ever try to convince him. Capricorns are rebellious. They don't like any pressure . Leave him alone to think it over. If he is boring, try to be even more boring than he is until he takes the initiative to ask you going out.

    Che Wan Wan: Capricorns don't like any reckless expenditure. A Libra and a Capricorn can make up for each other. Your boyfriend feel that you are very interesting.

    Eric: Capricorns can get along well with Libras. My ex-manager and one of my younger sister are also Libras. My younger sister always told me that I am a very boring person but I don't agree with her.

    Che Wan Wan: At the end, Libras will ask Capricorns for their views.

    Che Wan Wan: The libra of the Libras are not fair. Now you have 40% doubt, 20% coming from your own self and 20% are the temptations coming from outside.

    Vani: It is human nature to complain about the people beside us.

    Eric: Whatever the sign is, we must have love as the foundation.

    Vani: Listening to your song can recall some of your old memories to remind yourself.

    -Playing Eric's "Love Story Part One"-

    Che Wan Wan: Eric's voice is different from before. Your voice has changed from a small guy that of a man.

    Che Wan Wan: What were your feelings when you sang "Love Story Part One" in those days.

    Eric: At that time, I had a lot of imagination about love.

    Vani: What would it be if you sing "Love Story Part One" nowadays?

    Eric: Like Xia Shao Xing singing his "Empty Stool" ("Kong Deng"!

    Vani: You are very professional. You have done a lot of homework before coming to our program.

    Vani: You two have many friends. Your friend can also be a friend of my friend. This is the chain of friends. Because I am your friend, I got many surprises. The person appearing in the segment of "You Shui Gong Ming" ("Share My Song")is also your friend.

    Eric: I feel very tense!

    Wu Yue Cheng, a music producer, uses his song to arouse your feeling..

    The melody of "A Marriage To Weep and Wail" along with the title of the song have already won our hearts!

    -Playing the song titled " A Marriage To Weep & Wail" "("Ti Xiao Yin Yuan")-

    Wu Yue Cheng: If my song can arouse your feeling, please send a blank SMS to donate HKD5 to St James' Settlement, a charity which was founded in 1949!

    Vani: Eric can help us solving our problems!

    Eric: But I cannot solve my own problem.

    Vani; Will you sit together and discuss how to solve your problems and take the other party's advice?

    Che Wan Wan: Eric can solve his own problems. If he is unhappy, he may disclose a word or two when we meet. I know that he can solve his own problems.

    Eric: We are very tough.

    Vani: This friend is looking for your help!

    The second phone call came from Brian.

    At the beginning, he did not believe in zodiac signs at all. He had three girlfriends before who are all Leos but they ended up breaking up. Since then he tried to avoid any Leo.

    Vani: Bye bye!

    After that, very dramatically, he knew his present wife. They got married three months after their first encounter. Actually, he wanted to propose to her the first day when he met her. His wife is an Aquarius like him. After 30, his sign may change. They get along and understand each other very well. He is worried that if his wife understands him too well, will she just keep everything to herself?

    Eric: Does it mean that there is no secret if you understand each other so well?

    Che Wan Wan: Do you mean that you may take it for granted. You think too much! You should keep up this good flow.

    Eric: You should feel happy and satisfied!

    Che Wan Wan: In spite of it you should communicate more since you have known each other for three months only. You can get along very well. It is only you who do not have the sense of security. It is hard for an Aquarius to find someone who can understand him. Even he himself does not understand his own self. An Aquarius is suitable for you! The most important thing is that you must have the feel. You are worried that your kid may be a Leo, aren't you?

    Vani: There are many successful examples for couples of Aquarius, like Eric Kwok and Ye Pei Wen, Peng Ling and Lin Hai Feng.

    Che Wan Wan: An Aquarius is very rational and will do things with logic. You just think too much!

    Eric: The power of adaptability of an Aquarius is very strong. It is a perfect match provided that you love your wife!

    Che Wan Wan: Eric is hard selling.

    The third phone call came from May.

    She is a Scorpio and her other half is a Taurus. They have been together for two years and often have arguments. She once fled to Melborne to avoid him. Lately, he mentions that he wants to get married. May wants to get married too. But she feels that he is not putting her in the first priority. His first priority is to make money and is always busy at his work. She does not know that if a Scorpio and a Taurus are a godd match. She does not know that if she really loves him. Is it because she is not willing to part with a romance that has lasted for so long?

    Che Wan Wan: A Taurus loves to make money.

    Eric: Please don't use this as an excuse! His first priority is to make money because he wants to build up a good foundation for your future. It is a must. Being a man, he works hard to earn money. At home, he needs your support. Many things are understood. Whether he has been disloyal to you depends on the strength of your love. What he is doing now is to plan for the future of your family.

    Che Wan Wan: If you leave him now, I believe your place will be taken by some other woman pretty soon. Please don't create something out of nothing. We can say that you are raping him spiritually.

    Eric: Your problem is not related to the zodiac signs.

    Vanie: You got to be more mature and give him your support without any complaint.

    Che Wan Wan: It is very easy for a Scorpio to be jealous. It also happens between two guys. But I also know some Scorpios who are very loyal and confident. It all depends on your partners. Scorpios have some special charm. The ways they look at you are unique.

    Eric: It is very easy to know that a person is a Scorpop from his appearance.

    Che Wan Wan: Many unforgettable figures are Scorpios and Leos.

    Vani: In recent days, you see each other almost every day. Is there anything which you cannot expect?

    Eric: I was thinking if Wan Wan will do the promotion whole-heartedly? How much expectation does she have on this project or duet song? Will she work hard like before? Actually she still loves singing with heart and soul. Sometimes when we were having fun, all of a sudden she would mention about the next day's crew call. She is full devoted to this project!

    Che Wan Wan: Eric always forget to have his hair set. He loves to have his crew calls clubbed together in a day.

    Vani: Che Wan Wan has become the assistant of Eric.

    Che Wan Wan: I have to remind him to put on his cap.

    Vani: To sing a duet song has to match your clothes. Did you match your clothes like Wang Ming Quan and Chen Hui Lin?

    Che Wan Wan: We do not match our clothes deliberately.

    Eric: I can't stand taking fond looks at her! I can't help laughing. When we were shooting the music video, we could not help laughing. I told myself that I didn'tt know her and had to bewitch her to the utmost.

    VanI: It would be even worse!

    Che Wan Wan: After I have collaborated with Eric, I discovered that he has the hardcore features of a Capricorn. In ordinary days, he is disguised as a Sagittarius. Eric is a conservative guy!

    Eric: You too!

    Vani: When you sing karaoke, your favourite song is "You Are Precious!". There would be another masterpiece. Will it end up only you two are singing this song?

    Che Wan Wan: I want to see the response when some other people are singing this song!

    Vani! Thank you for coming today! Happy Friday!

    -The End-
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  13. #1153
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default ERIC and Stephanie on RTHK Radio 2's "Love Actually"



    嘉 賓 : 拿拿淋朋友 - 孫耀威 (Na Na Lin's friend-Eric)

    嘉 賓 : Angela朋友 - 車婉婉 (Angela's friend-Che Wan wan)

    Angela: Our guests today have just sung a duet song.

    Na: There won't be any more secret. You have to give us some room for imagination!

    Angela: Since Che Wan Wan is sitting beside me, she will belong to my group.

    Na: The one who is facing me is Eric Suen Yiu Wai, a handsome guy.

    Eric: How are you?

    Angela: I liked your songs very much when I was small. You were my idol.

    Na: Although Eric has joined the showbiz for a long time, he is still very young!

    Eric: (joking) I joined the showbiz at the age of 10!

    Na: She is not lying. Last week when she knew that you were coming to our program, she told me that she liked your singing since she was small. We once phoned Eric in this program asking him if he was willing to shoot a blue movie. Angela, were you there?

    Angela: No!

    Eric: At that time I was shooting a drama in Mainland China. I answered the call in a car. I felt a bit dizzy after two hours's drive. Larry,, who claimed that he was a senior executive of a record company, wanted me to shoot a blue movie with Lee Young Ae.

    Na: Larry said that he wanted to shoot a movie like "Sympathy For Lady Vengeance" but the performers had to take off all their clothers.

    Angela: How did Eric react?

    Na: Eric was very professional. He asked Larry to send him the script.

    Angela: I was a radio listener. I remembered about this game.

    Na: I am a fan of Che Wan Wan.

    Che Wan Wan: Thank you very much!

    Angela: Did you like her singing or movies?

    Na: Both! In recent years, I have become her fan on air. I always wonder when she can come to my program. Today she is doing promotion for her new song and naturally she can be the guest of the programs of other radio stations. Last week, we had a hearty talk with Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi. Wu Ye Cheng told me that he wanted to find a brand new group to sing the duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lain Ren" (" We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again"). Since Eric and Che Wan Wan have not sung for a long time and Eric is a good friend of Che Wan Wan, it would be a very good gimmick for them to sing this song. By just judging from the title of this song, I asked Wu Yue Cheng if this song was custom- made for Eric and Che Wan Wan. But he kept quiet.

    Angela: Have you spent any night?

    Che Wan Wan: We will keep quiet too. We did not only spend a night together. We spent day and night together.

    Na: How did you become good friends?

    Che Wan Wan: It is hard to explain! Though we do not have any eye contact, we have spiritual induction.

    Na: What are your zodiac signs?

    Eric: Both Che Wan Wan and I are Capricorns.

    Na: I am also a Capricorn. Angela is an Aquarius. Our birthdays are in either January or February.

    Angela: May I ask Wan Wan a question? Did you study in a girls’ school. When I was studying the first year in a secondary school, my teacher told us that we had a senior who had become a star. Since then I paid a lot of attention to your news?

    Che Wan Wan: My teachers should have a deep impression on me. I took part in the secondary schools' singing contest twice and got the first prize. In the second year, the sister told me that we can only take part in the same singing contest once. I asked her why she had not told me before. I believe she wanted to give the opportunity to some other students.

    Na: A tour singer

    Che Wan Wan: I knew some boys in the singing contests. They came to my school to look for me. It made my schoolmates have a wrong impression that I was not a good girl. My school is very strict.

    Angela: Did you study in True Light Secondary School?

    Che Wan Wan: I studied in True Light Primary School. My secondary school is a convent.

    Na: You were cheated!

    Na: Eric, did you study in a boys' school or a co-ed?

    Eric: Since I moved many times, I studied in quite a few schools.

    Na: Boys in a boys' school are relatively undaunted.

    Eric: It is more convenient to go out with girls in a co-ed. Boys in a boys' school are more destructive.

    Angela: I thought that boys cannot go out with girls studying in the same school.

    Eric: Of course that's not true!

    Na: Eric was the handsomest guy in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and could do what he wanted. Che Wan Wan, don't you think that Eric is very handsome.

    Eric: Please don't say it!

    Che Wan Wan: When Eric first joined the showbiz, he was handsome but looked like a girl.

    Na: Not that masculine.

    Eric: My lips were very red. Others thought that I had put on lipstick. My eyebrows were very dense . So they thought that I had drawn my eyebrows. I got relatively long eyelashes. They said that I had tattooed a permanent eye-line. It was crazy! Every one asked me if I did any maintenance. As a matter of fact, I have not had a facial so far.

    Na: Red lips and white teeth.

    Che Wan Wan: When Eric first joined the showbiz, it was reported that Eric would not go out if he had not drawn his eyebrows. In a function, I studied his eyebrows closely and found out that his eyebrows were genuine. He had not drawn his eyebrows. There is an old saying: "The rumour stops at the wise man." and I am the wise woman.

    Na: At that time, I liked to compare Eric with another guy. Both had fair skin and were extremely handsome.

    Che Wan Wan: Jimmy Lim? (Lin Zhi Ying)

    Na: It was Louis Koo (Gu Tian Le). Before becoming an actor, he was the music video prince whereas Eric was the student prince. His skin is so fair. Later I met Eric in person and discovered that Gu Tian Le has fairer skin.

    Eric: Nowadays he is darker than I am.

    Na: When Che Wan Wan was small, she was already a famous singer in school.

    Che Wan Wan: I was just doing something for my school.

    Che Wan Wan: My school is very strict. We got to have very short hair and could not put on any hair clip.

    Eric: Even the sisters go insane.

    Che Wan Wan: They are only strict.

    Na: When Eric was small, did you take part in any singing contest?

    Eric: When I was small, I was relatively quiet. I like playing sports. I had been playing track sports for more than 10 years and represented my school to take part in numerous contests. After I had entered the university, I was appointed by my seniors to attend a singing contest. My seniors said that there was no one in our college who can sing.

    Na: How did they know?

    Eric: I went to the orientation camp. I saw a guitar lying idle. So I played guitar, wrote a song and led them singing.

    Angela: Eric is a prototypical boy who could bewitch girls. Handsome, sporty, singing, playing guitar, red lips and white teeth!

    Che Wan Wan: It's like a full package.

    Eric: Plus drawing eyebrows!

    Na: Plus putting on lipstick!

    Na: Did the handsome guy get any advantages in school?

    Eric: The boss of the canteen wanted to introduce her daughter to me. When I wanted a dish of barbecue pork rice, she would tell me that the roast duck rice that was specially made for me was more delicious. I finally became the tutor of her daughter.

    Angela: It is easy for a guy to charm girls by jamming a song and playing guitar.

    Eric: It had the feel of Liang Zhao Wei.

    Che Wan Wan: That is why most girls like band guys.

    Na: Che Wan Wan, had you ever used this method to charm guys?

    Che Wan Wan: I managed to charm a guy or two by coincidence.

    Che Wan wan: When I was small, I often went to joint school functions.

    Na: Your school circle is more or less like mine. Am I older than you?

    Che Wan wan: It is a must.

    Na: You should be a classmate of my younger sisters. Let us choose the subjects in a while!

    -Playing a song-

    Challenge A) You have to choose the best or the worst partner you consider. At the same time, your friend has to admit that he or she is your best or worst partner.

    Angela: They are two extremes.

    Che Wan Wan: I have found Eric.

    Na: Your partner must be outside the studio.

    Che Wan wan: Eric, please sit outside!

    Challenge B) You have to find an enemy who had a conflict with you before and become a friend of you once again.

    Na: After the conflict, you may be better friends or may not be friends any more? Is there such a person?

    Eric: There is one.

    Che Wan Wan: No! I will beat him.

    Angela: Eric played scissors-paper-stone with Che Wan Wan and lost. Che Wan Wan can choose the subject.

    Che Wan Wan: I choose subject A.

    Eric: What would we do if the line is busy?

    Na: We choose the enemy, someone who had a quarrel with me and become my friend again. I got someone in my mind. If Eric had any difficulty in finding his, I have a standby person.

    Eric: Can I call my mom? I often have conflicts with her.

    Na: It must be an artiste.

    -News Report-

    Che Wan Wan called up Li Rui En.

    Che Wan Wai: We have a golf contest for the males and the females. I am looking for a partner. Whom should I team up with?

    Li Rui En: Of course me!

    Che Wan Wan: Do you think that we match well? Are we a perfect match?

    Li Rui En: Yes, we are!

    Na: It took you a minute.

    Playing "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" (" We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again"-

    Eric called Andrew Lian Kai. The phone rings without a pickup for a while.

    Eric: 10 seconds have passed!

    Eric: Hello! Andrew? I'm Eric! Is it convenient for you? Have you woken up?

    Lian Kai: It's convenient, I'm up!

    Eric: Were you out last night?

    Lian Kai: How did you know?

    Eric: Terence told me. I borrowed your car in Taiwan and got it hit. I have not said sorry to you. I felt so embarrassed when I met you again. Are we still friends?

    Lian Kai: Of course we are!

    Na: Eric called you to say something from his heart.

    Andrew is confused. They explain that Eric is on a live radio show.

    Na: It took exactly one minute.

    Angela: I don't quite understand.

    Eric: We know each other very well. The incident happened in Taiwan not long ago. I already paid him for the indemnity but have not said sorry to him. In the gala premiere of a movie played by Alive, I had a hug with him but we did not talk. I felt a bit embarrassed.

    Na: It is so touching. Men seldom have the courage to say such words.

    Eric: I had no choice. I had to make some sacrifice to complete the program. 

    -Playing a song-

    -Big Punishment-

    Today, the big punishment is to find a friend, telling him that you have sought for the advice of God by divination and discovered that he may have bad luck. The only solution is he has to cry out in the street or on phone, "I have not done anything wrong. Why did you treat me this way?"

    Na: Since you have the same score today, both parties have to undergo the big punishment. This big punishment is a bit crazy That person got to be your good friend, someone who trusts you very much or very playful. Otherwise it is difficult for you to cheat him. Eric, do you mind if I make this phone call for you?

    Eric: I don't mind.

    Che Wan Wan: I feel it is unfair. I said it better than Eric.

    Eventually, Na Na Lin and Che Wan Wan succeeded to cheat Zheng Rong who was having her lunch and Hong Tian Ming who was filming in Mainland China respectively and finished the big punishment.

    Che Wan Wan: I feel it is very unfair. However, I am still the winner since punishment call was made by me.

    Na: Will you release your own albums?

    Che Wan Wan; It is not that I am not interested in it. I dare not think about it.

    Na: Have you ever planned for it?

    Angela: When it comes, it comes.

    Che Wan Wan: We did not have any plan for this song beforehand. I think too much planning would be unnatural. Nowadays I leave it to fate. It is not that I don't want to fight for it. My attitude has changed.

    Na: Eric?

    Eric: I have the plan to release a Mandarin album. I really don't know when I can release a Cantonese ablum. Since my management company is a Taiwan company and they have always been talking about a Mandarin album, it is very natural that we would release a Mandarin album.

    Na: The market for Mandarin albums would be much bigger.

    Eric: As Che Wan Wan said, we took up this project without any plan in advance. I wish I can release a Cantonese album later on.

    Che Wan Wan: It would be great if there is a Mandarin version for this song.

    Na: Then you can actualize two of your wishes!

    Na: Thank you very much for coming today!

    -The End-
    Last edited by silversnowflake; 05-04-06 at 08:02 AM.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  14. #1154
    Senior Member h3artl3ss_'s Avatar
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    sHinHwa iSLanD ^^


    he looks so cute in the picture that was signed by him..

  15. #1155
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default HK Apple Daily interview (translated by Bonbon of ESIFC)

    $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('') $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('')


    Hong Kong Apple Daily


    Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan are two persons we cannot link up. Due to the joint album of Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi, titled "Perfect Match", they collaborated to sing a duet song called "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again." They share with us their love stories with their old flames individually.

    The duet song of Eric and Che Wan Wan titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again") gives an account of the feeling many people have for one particular old love. They may fall for each other one more time when they meet again. Both Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan have experienced the condition of loving once more after breaking up with their old flames. But the experience of Che Wan Wan is more painful. She said, "I don't know why I became an adhesive tape of someone else at that time. My ex-boyfriend came back to me after he had broken up with his girlfriend. At that time, I still had the feel. So we were together again but it lasted for one day only.


    Che Wan Wan admits frankly that although she was dumped after she had been together with her ex-boyfriend for one day only, she still felt very sad. She elaborated, "I deemed that guy played with me. If he made it very clear that it would not work, I would not have been serious either. After this incident, I lost all my confidence in that person. In my heart, he scores zero mark. I even feel that he is a bit cheap."


    After breaking up with his ex-girlfriend, Eric took the initiative to reconcile with her. After breaking up, he felt very lonely in his heart and wanted someone's consolation. So he thought of his ex-girlfriend. He said, " Every time I broke up with my girlfriend, I always thought of her. I deemed I needed someone who understood me very well to give me consolation at that particular moment. I once reconciled with my previous girlfriend but it lasted for one week only."

    We believe that whenever we mention the subject matter of an ex-boyfriend, many people may associate it with Chen Xiao Chun, her ex-boyfriend. Even Eric joked that the song "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still be Lovers When We Meet Again" should be sung by Che Wan wan and Chen Xiao Chun. However, Che Wan Wan has always been stressing that she and Chen Xiao Chun are merely good friends. Only the outsiders guess that they had a love affair.

    In respect of the love affair with Ying Cai Er, his girlfriend in the gossip, apparently Eric is very protective. He said with deep emotion, "In the past, I broke up with many of my girlfriends because we stayed apart in different places for too long. I am very pessimistic towards love and dare not expecting much. Nevertheless whenever I go out with a girl, I think of getting married and have kids. What I was afraid is that if the media reported our romance when we were still at the stage of guessing, it would give the file of the girl a demerit of recklessness in case we did not develop it further. Hence I hope you guys do not exert too much pressure on my romance. In short, I will definitely inform you guys if I get married."
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  16. #1156
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Default News from ESIFC (translated by Bonbon)


    Hong Kong Oriental Daily

    $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('') $this->handle_bbcode_img_match('')


    On the face of it, we cannot link up Eric with Che Wan Wan. Actually they are very close friends. They often meet for dinners and play golf together. In recent days, Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi have brought them together to sing a new duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again").

    Although they have known each other for years, they have never teamed up on stage nor behind the screen. They feel very excited that they can sing a duet song this time. We asked Che Wan Wan if she was afraid of any gossip. She said calmly, "No! But I don't want any gossip either."

    Che Wan Wan once collaborated with Xu Zhi An to sing a duet song called "It will be past!" that was extremely popular in karaokes. We asked her whether she has confidence in this new song. She replied humbly, "I am taking it easy and have never thought if it would become a hit."


    Che Wan Wan has the nickname of a diviner. She is good at divination and playing Tarot cards. We asked her if she has divined for her new song. She smiled and said, "I never divine for myself. I will only help my friends to solve their problems."

    Both Eric and Che Wan Wan have not released any album for the past five years. In recent years, they have stressed on shooting dramas. Eric said, "I am still very interested in singing. I have been filming for the past five years. (Do you feel that it is a pity?) No, I don't think so! Filming is helpful to singing. In those years, I thought that I could sing very well. As a matter of fact, after filming for so many years, I have discovered that singing requires a lot of feeling. Moreover, I have made a lot of money from filming. I have not wasted my time."

    Although Eric and Che Wan Wan have joined the showbiz for many years, they still have a baby face. It seems that Eric has never grown old. Eric smiled and said, "The secret is to be happy all the times and be optimistic. There is no problem that cannot be solved. It is not advisabe to be too obstinate."


    Hong Kong Apple Daily


    Yesterday Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Che Wan Wan went to Hong Kong Commercial Radio to promote their new duet song titled "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again". Actually, Eric and Che Wan Wan have sgned a contract with HKTVB on individual basis in recent days. Eric said, "In previous years, I have been shooting Mainland Chinese dramas and the remuneration was remarkably high. This time I am taking the risk of starving regardless of the remuneration. My mom had been complaining that she could not see my acting on the screen in Hong Kong. Hence I signed the contract this time merely for my mom."


    Sing Tao News, Hong Kong



    In recent days, Eric Suen Yuen Wai and Che Wan Wan have often appeared in the promotion functions with the pose of lovers. Eric indicated that it was fun to hang out with Che Wan Wan. Che Wan Wan did not feel bored either and claimed that she had a better understanding of Eric. Che Wan Wan joked that her company is making an arrangement for some gossip between them. She felt strange that no gossip between them had ever been spread although they had known each other for so many years. She joked that it was a pity that the paparazzi had not photographed them when they hanged out together in such a high profile. Eric said further, "For the past ten years, we have been hanging out together but have never run across any reporter." We asked Eric if he was afraid to have gossip with Che Wan Wan since he already had Ying Cai Er as his girlfriend. Eric said with confidence, "Why should I be afraid?"

    Eric who has signed a contract with HKTVB (Hong Kong Television Broadcasting Company) hopes that he can develop his career in Hong Kong in the coming year. We talked about the question that he would earn much less money than filming TV serials in Mainland China. He joked that he was taking the risk of starving. Eric said, "To a certain extent, I work in Hong Kong merely for my mom. My mom would then see my acting on the screen in Hong Kong. (Are you staying in Hong Kong to keep your girlfriend company?") ...It is for my mom."




    Eric seldom plays a role that does not appeal. As soon as June sees him, she blurts, "I want a divorce!" and embarrasses Eric very much. In the drama "Tian Ruo You Qing 2" ("Endless Love 2"), Eric and June played such an unfriendly couple. Eric married June whom he did not like but still made her pregnant. How could the relationship of such a couple be intimate and sweet? Eric joked that in real life, such things would never happen to him. With respect to his romance, if he can't love the girl, "[he] would have much regret."

    "Endless Love 2" with the cast of Eric Suen Yiu Wai, June and Fang Zhong Xin, will be aired on the television stations of Zhe Jiang, Jiang Xi, Fujian and He Nan etc. Yesterday, the three of them publicized the said drama. It was the first time Eric played a tragic character. Eric said frankly, "It is very rare for me to play a role which does not appeal to so many people." In the drama, although he married June, he could not win her heart. The line which June said most often is "I want a divorce with you!. Eric said that this line was not pleasing to the ears at all. In real life, it would definitely not happen to him. Of course, the main reason is that he wants to remain single.

    Eric is very concerned with his girlfriend. Though he is gentle and obedient to his girlfriend, he doesn't want to be tied up. Only when we mentioned his love affairs, he who always kept a low profile, told us his views towards love. When compared to two persons who love each other cannot be together, it would be more acute a pain to stay with someone whom we don't love at all. His pattern of love is that the couple must love and care about each other. Actually, a piece of paper cannot represent everything. Eric who has always been protecting his love never takes the intitiative to talk about his girlfriend. He smiled and said, "If we do get photographed, then count yourselves good!".



    Hong Kong Apple Daily


    Yesterday Eric went to Hong Kong Commercial Radio to have an interview. He told us that in recent days, he has started to go on diet because at the month's end, he will guest-star in the TV serial titled "God Of Cookery". In the drama, he is a playboy who will cheat the love of Wu Pei Chi. Eric said, "As many scenes are going to be filmed on a pleasure boat, I will put on a swimwear. Hence I have to train muscles on my abdomen." However, he has a headache, ie. shaving his body hair. He said, "I have a lot of body hair. If my swimwear is too short, it won't look good as I don't want to expose any body hair. Moreover, I have hair on my chest. I may consider shaving it."


    Ming Pao News, Hong Kong



    Yesterday, Eric went to Hong Kong Commercial Radio to have an interview. He disclosed that he would be a guest star in "God Of Cookery", the TV serial produced by Zhou Xing Chi in Shanghai. In the TV serial, he would play a lot of passionate scenes with Wu Pei Chi. When he first read the script, he already felt embarrassed but he believe he could resist the charm of such of a belle. Eric said, "I have not paid any attention to her figure. I heard that she has a terrific figure. I am not afraid. If I really feel embarrassed and it is necessary, I may request for a change in the script."

    Eric told us that presently he is going on diet and working out to train muscles on his abdomen so as to shoot a scene wherein he will wear swimming trunks. He disclosed that he has a lot of hair on his body. To avoid exposing his hair disgracefully, he may consider shaving the hair on his chest.


    Hong Kong Oriental Daily

    Eric is going to Shanghai pretty soon to shoot "God Of Cookery", a TV serial produced by Zhou Xing Chi. He will play the role of a wealthy profligate. In the drama, he will film bed scenes with Wu Pei Chi. Eric indicated that when he first read the script, he already felt embarrassed. He claimed that he is very professional and can resist the charm of such a sexy belle. Most of his parts will be shot on a pleasure boat and he will put on a swimwear. He said, "I will bring both a triangular swimwear and swimming trunks. Probably I will shave hair on my chest to play those scenes."
    Last edited by silversnowflake; 05-05-06 at 04:03 AM.
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  17. #1157
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Honestly I'm quite worried about Eric joining TVB -- it seems that the contract is non-limited or something. The Hongkong entertainment circle seems more complicated than the mainland one. Hope Eric keeps level-headed... His role in the God of Cookery serial sounds kinda dubious -- hope he doesn't end up having to sell himself just to get the more meaty roles!
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  18. #1158
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    2006-5-10 Eric at CR1 "Share My Song" (Part One And Part Two)

    Hostess: He Li Li
    Guest Host: ERIC SUEN YIU WAI

    2006-5-10 Eric at CR1 "Share My Song" Part One:

    Narrative: At this moment, Eric Suen Yiu Wai is sharing his feeling with you by his favourite songs.

    Eric: Hello! I am Eric Suen Yiu Wai!

    He Li Li: In the early ages of the prosperous 90's, many Hong Kong university graduates chose to develop their career in the entertainment field,. Eric was one of them. He has the appearance of a literate and he talked systematically and logically. His record company succeeded to create for him an image of students's dream lover. By chance, he first joined the showbiz in Taiwan as a singer. His song titled "I Know That You Are Waiting For Me" made him spring to fame overnight. Eric Suen Yiu Wai became a household name and all the media's attention was focused on him. After he had returned to Hong Kong, the first song that he sang was "Love Story Part One" and this ballad gave the public a very deep impression .

    Eric: When I was studying, I attended the singing contest in my school, I did not sing Chinese song, feeling that it would be very commonplace to sing a Chinese song. I only chose an English song or a Japanese song. At that time, even if someone could not speak Japanese well, he would still prefer to sing a Japanese song, feeling that it was cool and stylish.

    Eric: It is a very old Cantonese song, Da Ming Yi Pai's "High Road Angel". When I was small, I already felt that Huang Yao Ming had his unique way of singing, bearing some taste of Petshop Boys in Europe. In respect of Liu Yi Da, his way of writing songs was a few steps ahead of other composers in Hong Kong. When I was studying in secondary school, there was no karaoke. Lounge bars were open to kids for fun in the afternoon. I went in a group and heard that someone was playing this song by piano. It could be considered as my first karaoke song although I was not singing karaoke. But we had the audience and it was the first song which I sang on stage.

    --Playing Da Ming Yi Pai's "High Road Angel"-

    Eric: Actually, I have heard this song again lately. Recently, I have seen them singing "High Road Angel" in their concert with a very funny look. I felt that they are always trendy. This song is definitely my all time favourite. I hope you guys like this song!

    Eric: Now I would like to bring you a song of Son All Stars. Maybe you guys don't know that it is the Japanese version of Xu Zhi An's "I Like You Are Yourself". It is called "Let Me Down With a Kiss". People in Hong Kong may not know that it is also the song which made me spring to fame. It was the leading song of my first album in Taiwan. My song was called "It Is Nice To Know You". Today I bring to you the original Japanese version and I really miss this song! When I did promotion in Japan, I met them in person and took pictures with them. I acted like a small fan in front of them.

    -Playing "Let Me Down With A Kiss" of Son All Stars-

    Eric: Then I would like to introduce a very old song of Bee Gees. They are is a very famous band and arealso my idol. They sing falsetto very well. I like their creation ability the most. Bee Gees have many old songs. Nowadays many boy bands and groups like to remix their old songs to the style of pop songs. In those days, the melodies they made were already ahead of others. They are really fantastic and they deserve my support for so many years. Every two to three years, someone will remix their song and let new groups sing the song, giving a young feeling to the audience. When we listen to their songs, they often give us a pop feeling. Their creations are always popular. Their songs can light up different sparks at different times. Now let us listen to the original version of "How Deep Is Your Love?".

    -Playing "How Deep is Your Love?" of Bee Gees-

    Eric: Actually I once released an English album in Taiwan. It included the remix version of some old songs. Let us hear a song produced and arranged by Tao Zhe. He changed a light-hearted song to a very slow, R&B and sentimental version. You guys can hear what the differences are and see if you can share my feeling!

    -Playing Eric's "Baby I Love Your Way"-

    Eric: Tao Zhe has many great songs and I have chosen his "Wang Ba Dan" ("Bastard"), a song which is not that R&B. The reason why I have chosen this song is that this song can illustrate how great he is. He can drop R& B and can be very rock. His singing style at that time was slightly similar to that of Alanis Morissette, an American female singer. Tao Zhe's songs are broad in style. I believe he can give us many more surprises in future!

    -Playing Tao Zhe's "Wang Ba Dan" ("Bastard")-

    Eric: Hello! I am Eric Suen Yiu Wai! If you can share with me the feelings of the songs which I have chosen for you, please send a blank SMS to 50991903 and donate HKD5 to World Vision!

    2006-5-10 Eric at CR1 "Share My Song" Part Two:

    Narrative: Eric Suen Yiu Wai is sharing his feeling with you by his favourite songs!

    He Li Li: After more than ten years, Eric has experienced many ups and downs in his life. He has accumulated some unexpected and splendid experiences in his life but we cannot see any traces of time on his face. Eric still talks shyly like a youngster.

    Eric: We have talked for so long and listened to so many songs. Now is the turn of Allan Tam, my idol. He is my everlasting idol. When I was a kid, I would go to the record shops to check if I knew that his new album would be released soon. I was so worried that I could not buy his new album. I bought the black LP as black LP included his poster. But black LP could be damaged easily and the jumper wire resistor might break down. Hence I bought a cassette tape as well so that I could have a spare copy and could listen to his songs all the times. There was no CD at that time. He was the idol of many people of my age (20-30). We grew up with his songs. When I first saw him after I had joined the showbiz, I was so nervous and excited. I never saw him in person except in his concerts. Now when we listen to his songs again, they are still pleasing to ears and we won't have the feeling that they are old songs. I have picked a song in his middle or later stage. It is called "My Love Will Never Change!". Among so many of his songs, this is the only song that made me feel really sour-hearted. Even the lyrics have the words "sour-hearted, deep sorrow". I felt that this song really gave us this feeling.

    -Playing Allan Tam's "My Love Will Never Change"-

    Eric: Once in a while, there are some new singers or new songs that can give us surprises. I felt good for the singing field to have such new singers. One of the new singers who gave me a deep impression is Janice. Everybody knows that she sings well. But I appreciate the taste she gave us. Although other singers can also sing it well with correct timing and accurate musical notes. She can add a little bit more of taste to the song and increase the credits of the song. There are a few singers who have such a groove. The song that I have picked is the first song of Janice which I learned in a karaoke. It is called "Never Let You Go!"

    -Playing Janice's "Never Let You Go!"-

    Eric: I have chosen Ronald Cheng's "Villain". Why have I picked this song? I have known Ronald for a long time, from the time when he was doing promotion in Taiwan until now. I feel that he is a very frank person. We all know that something had happened to him on a plane before. At that time, maybe everyone felt that his career might be ruined by that incident. Maybe even he himself was very worried too. Sometimes we can change a crisis into an opportunity, especially in the showbiz. Things change all the times in the showbiz. Today may be all people say that you are the worst. It is possible that tomorrow all people say that you are the best. I got some special feeling after I have heard this song. I see how he has changed a crisis into an opportunity. He has not denied that he had done something wrong. He told us the details and wrote a song. In his song, he accused himself of some more things. When we see that he is so honest, we begin to feel that he is not that bad and want to help him out. The lyrics are very appropriate to his situation. He is definitely not a villain. However, since he had already described himself as a villain, he just followed this image and used it as the theme in his movies and concerts. What I understand from this song is that in the showbiz, whenever an artist runs across a bad time or any difficulty, he should never give up. The worst moment may be a fresh new beginning. I am very happy that Ronald has done so well. He let all of us know that on condition that we do not give up ourselves at bad times, we would be successful finally.

    Playing Ronald Cheng's "Villain"-

    Narrative: At this moment, Eric Suen Yiu Wai is sharing his feeling with you by his favourite songs.

    Eric: I feel that many people can sing R& B very well. The group called Boys II Men have sung extremely well for the past ten years or so. They are very creative and their voices match very well and their rendition of the musical notes is very interesting. I have often listened to their "On Bended Knees". You guys please see if you got special feeling for this song!

    -Playing Boys II Men's "On Bended Knees"-

    Eric: The charity which I have chosen is World Vision. Why have I picked it? I once was the ambassador of World Vision in Taiwan. I went to many different places and visited many poor people and children. I got great feelings. I once went to Cambodia and visited a garbage collection centre or a garbage ruin. That place was there for many years and the garbage had been piled up to 4 to 5 storeys' high. The so called level was 5 storeys higher than a few years ago. Piles of garbage stayed rotten. When our car is 1-2 kilometers near to it, we could already smell the sting. Since I was born, I had never smell something so stinging. We all applied white flower embrocation on our nose to prevent ourselves from throwing up. The closer we were, the more people we saw. Then we arrived at that place. When the kids saw a garbage truck, they all rushed to the truck trying to search for some useful garbage. It seemed that the truck was their fairyland. My mission was to distribute candies to the kids. As soon as we opened the door of our car, one of our promotion crew closed the door at once. He took up the plastic bag that was used to wrap his shoes and threw up madly for almost a second. I took one breath and got down the car with the camera man. As we walked, we stepped on the garbage that had melted and we could see thousands of white worms on the surface of the sinking garbage remains. Whenever I mentioned about it, I had to take the chance of having a stomach upset and remembered what sort of great grief those kids were in. The place which we treated as the Hades was considered as the heaven by those kids because they could pick some useful garbage there. We are all humans. Why is there such a big difference between our standards. This trip had changed my thought a lot. We have to cherish what we have. Hong Kong people are so lucky. World Vision gave me the chance to be their ambassador and allowed me to see how much great efforts they had made. 

    He Li Li: World Vision has helped more than 100 million people in nearly 100 countries all over the world. The ambition of World Vision is to let all children ead a splendid life and pray that the great hope in our hearts can be realized.

    Eric: Hello! I am Eric Suen Yiu Wai! If you can share with me the feelings of the songs which I have chosen for you, please send a blank SMS to 50991903 and donate HKD5 to World Vision!

    He Li Li: He has joined the showbiz for so long and released so many albums He has also experienced many ups and downs. I asked him what his most unforgettable product was ? The answer of Eric Suen Yiu Wai was…

    Eric: Lastly, I would like to play a song of mine, "Love Story Part One". I believe this song won't be unfamiliar to you all. Why have I picked this song? The reason is that this is the first Cantonese song that I sing in Hong Kong. It got special meaning for me. Up till this present moment, many people in Hong Kong still remember me because of this song. When I talk with my fans in Mainland China and Taiwan about the Cantonese songs which they like, "Love Story Part One" is definitely one of them. When we made this song, we did not expect that it would be so hit. This song made the public stereotype me as a ballad prince. Such an image has its merits and demerits. The good thing was that my image of a ballad prince went deep to the hearts of the public. The bad thing was that I originally intended to try some rock music after I had finished making this song. I started singing in a band. I always wanted to do promotion with a band. Seeing that "Love Story Part One" become so hot, my record company said that they would continue to make "Love Story Part Two". Since then, I did a series of music of the same type. Therefore you guys can only see part of Eric in Hong Kong. I hope you can listen to some songs of Eric which are not ballads. Last of all, I would like to give you "Love Story Part One" as the ending.

    -Playing Eric's "Love Story Part One"-

    -The End-
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  19. #1159
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Default Eric's "Star Talk" radio interview


    It is a three hours' program and the interview of Eric and Che Wan Wan starts from 6:30 to 44:38 in the third hour

    Host: Lu Shi Chang Guest: Eric Suen Yiu Wai, Che Wan Wan

    Guests: Eric Suen Yiu Wai, Che Wan Wan

    Host: Today I am very happy to see two good friends. Che Wan Wan, I have not seen you for a long time. The other guest is Eric Suen Yiu Wai whom I have not seen for a longer time.

    Eric: How are you all ?

    Host: Why are you together? It seems that we cannot link you up.

    Che Wan Wan: Then we can give a fresh feeling to the public. To us we are very old friends.

    Eric: We have known each other for a very long time. Many people do not know that we are good friends. In private, when we sing karaoke, we always want to have our own song. Although we have such an idea, we do not put it in mind. One or two years ago, Wu Yue Cheng told us that he wants to do such a project and it had been pending for a very long time. Unexpectedly, he sent us this duet song a few months ago.

    Che Wan Wan: Ronald (Wu Yue Cheng) said that he wanted my help. I asked him how I could help him. He told me he needed my help in singing a song. I said there was no problem at all.

    Host: He sees that you are so tall and wants you to do some transportation work.

    Che Wan Wan: You are joking.

    Eric: A few months ago, he sent this song to me. After recording, he told us to plug this song. We have never planned it in advance.

    Host: Entirely out of your expectation?

    Che Wan Wan: We do all the things without planning.

    Host: Very natural?

    Eric: Very natural and very smooth!

    Host: Did you join the showbiz at the same time?

    Eric: We joined the showbiz at more or less the same time. I joined it a bit earlier. When I returned to Hong Kong to release my first Cantonese album, Che Wan Wan joined this field.

    Che Wan Wan: After he had returned to Hong Kong, he asked me if I had attended the new talent singing contest and what prize I had got. We were too friendly. He did not mind that I came from a poor background.

    Eric: I have forgotten it totally. I only know that we are good friends.

    Host: It is very natural to forget it. The walking pace in the showbiz is too fast. One year in the showbiz is equivalent to ten years in other fields.

    Che Wan Wan: In the showbiz, it is very easy to be surpassed by the new pace.

    Host: Time really flies. I have not seen Eric for almost ten years.

    Eric: Not that long! It was 1998 when I released my last Cantonese album.

    Host: It is 2006 now. It is almost nine years.

    Host: I sometimes see Che Wan Wan. Since Eric is not in Hong Kong all the times, it is really difficult to see him.

    Eric: I have emigrated to Mainland China.

    Host: Really? We sometimes see your Mainland Chinese TV serials in Hong Kong. I know that both of you have shooted many dramas. We will talk about it later. Let us come back to this duet song! When you actualized your dream and recorded this duet song, how did you feel. Che Wan Wan, please talk about it first!

    Che Wan Wan: In the day of recording, my throat got swollen when I got up early in the morning. So I took a lot of vitamin tablets. In the evening when I saw Wu Yue Cheng, I told him that I was not sure if I could record the song. Unexpectedly it only took us two hours or so to record the song.

    Eric: The voice of Che Wan Wan was even better that day. She sings the alto part during ordinary days.

    Eric: During recording, after I had heard her voice, I knew that it would be okay. At the beginning, I was also worried. She sang it very well and smoothly with a lot of feeling.

    Host: Very smooth?

    Che Wan Wan: For the past few years, my voice has become lower and lower. Since I always sing the guys' songs in karaokes, I have pulled down the range.

    Host: "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again")? Please tell us your feeling about love. Eric has more gossips. Che Wan Wan is more honest. Eric, please talk first!

    Che Wan Wan: Our views towards love?

    Eric: I am also very honest.

    Host: I don't mean that you are artful. Che Wan Wan is very smart.

    Eric: I am a very optimistic person. I am optimistic towards my career, my job, my love and friendship. As I grow older and have experienced more, relatively speaking, I am more pessimistic towards love.

    Host: I thought that only persons with poor qualifications are pessimistic as they may be afraid that they cannot find someone better.

    Che Wan Wan: It is irrelevant.

    Eric: Even if you do your very best, you may not be very happy and can maintain an everlasting relationship with your lover. Previously I was so naïve to think in this way. In the past few years, I had been keeping a few romances over long distance. It was very difficult to do so since I travelled too frequently to different places. It looked as if we were a perfect match. As I had no time or for some other reasons, I had to break up with my ex-girlfriends. Too many failures made me become pessimistic towards love.

    Host: We can see that Eric is a very sentimental person. It looked as if he wanted to cry.

    Che Wan Wan: Eric feels sorry for his past love affairs.

    Host: Regardless of the reasons, when you broke up with your lover, was it very natural, with no other alternative or did you feel sorry that another love affair was over like what Che Wan Wan said?

    Eric: At the moment of breaking up, I could not face the reality. I would try my very best to reconcile with her until she said "No Way" to me without any mercy. Only then would I give up. In the old days, after a week or so, I would start another romance optimistically. After I had failed for so many times, I became more and more pessimistic.

    Host: I have to find another chance to discuss with Eric on this topic later on.

    Host: "We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again "? Do you believe that it is true?

    Eric: On the face of it, I don't believe that it is true. The lyrics say that after two lovers have broken up, they still have the feel for each other when they meet again. They are pretty sure that it won't work but they still insist to be together, whether it is one week, five hours or one night. If you ask me whether or not I believe it is true, I would tell you that I don't. However, such thing may happen to me since it is very difficult to control our emotion.

    Host: Just to realize a dream!

    Che Wan Wan: After I have broken up with my lover, I will try my best to reconcile with him.

    Host: Who will make the efforts?

    Che Wan Wan: If we said in this way, of course we were the one who were dumped.

    Host: Both of you are pitiable!

    Che Wan Wan: I once was the main character in "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren". After we had broken up, one fine night, my ex-boyfriend came to me all of a sudden and was so good to me. However he disappeared the next day. It really hurted. You may ask me if I believe it is true. If right from the beginning, he told me clearly and both of us had the same thought, I might consider. The condition right now is like tearing off a plaster and it really huts. Would I have the feel when I meet him again. Of course I do. We always have someone whom we cannot forget. We would never be contented if we have not found out the real answer. I might not love him any more. Our feeling would be very complicated. We stay together but do not know how long we would be together. What I have in mind is that I will think about it only after tonight.

    Host: It is the heartfelt talk of Che Wan Wan. I can see tears in her eyes.

    Che Wan Wan: We would only talk about the truth during the interviews.

    Eric: Many people have experienced the same. No matter what, she had spent a period of time with you. During these few years, she was the one who understood you the most. If I break up with my present lover, I would like to find the previous one.

    Che Wan Wan: He has filled up part of your personal history.

    Host: Years ago, Ceng Hang Sheng and He Wan Ying sang a duet song called "We Would Still Be Friends When we Meet Again." Can you still be friends with your ex- lovers when you meet again?

    Che Wan Wan: Basically we are still friends and I won'tt hate him any more. At the moment of breaking up, I can't be a friend of him as I don't want to pour some salt on my wound. After some time has elapsed and my wound has recovered, we can be friends again. Probably we have developed new romances individually. It is quite sad. In the past we were together everyday. We would feel sorry that we have become strangers after breaking up. He used to be so close to you, even closer to you than your mom.

    Host: I agree and share the same feeling with you! Maggie Zhang once said on TV, "How much happiness you had before, how much unhappiness you have now."

    Che Wan Wan: The amount of love you gave out is equivalent to the hurt that you will get.

    Eric: I also want to be friends of my old flames but I am unlucky. I could not be friend with my ex-girlfriends. I don't know the real reason. Probably the amount of happiness is equivalent to the amount of unhappiness. My previous romances all lasted for 2, 3 or 4 years each. Maybe we had too many commitments when we were together. While we were going out, we were thinking of getting married and having kids. As soon as we broke up, they might feel very disappointed and the hurt to them would be very big, so big that they did not want to see me again. As soon as they saw me, they would remember how happy we were in the past old days. After we had broken up, I did try to give them calls. But their responses were either indifferent or gave me a feeling that I was very annoying. After a call or two, I did not feel good to call them again.

    Che Wan Wan: You can't even be friends of those ex-lovers who left many years ago?

    Eric: No!

    Host: It is very strange!

    Che Wan Wan; Eric must be in deep sorrow!

    Host: Eric met the wrong persons. He is more pitiful.

    Host: My feeling is like that of Che Wan Wan. I won't be contented if I cannot find out the real answer. I share the same feeling with her.

    Che Wan Wan: I have not had many love affairs. I have done a lot of analysis on the topic of love and tried to find the answers for different problems. Therefore I can express my views in depth.

    Host: Let us listen to a song and let Eric cool down!

    Eric: I did not cry..

    Che Wan Wan: Eric is really pitiable.

    -Playing "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again"-

    Host: We have just listened to your duet song and your thoughts towards love. I want to continue the topic but I am afraid that Eric may cry again.

    Eric: I did not cry!

    Che Wan Wan: I would cry too!

    Host: Che Wan Wan looks very tough.

    Che Wan Wan: I cry easily. I once cried for an hour after seeing a picture in a museum. I won't cry for myself. But after hearing Eric's touching talk, I may cry.

    Host: Does Eric cry easily?

    Eric: I will shed tears. I may cry when I see a movie. I may be moved by the things that happen to the friends around me. But I will force myself not to cry because I am a Capricorn. Since I suppress my emotion so much, it would be very severe if I got out of control.

    Host: Persons in the showbiz are very sentimental.

    Che Wan Wan: It is helpful to your acting.

    Che Wan Wan: You got to suffer a little bit of schizophrenia when you act. I feel "Wan Gui Fei" is very wicked when I watch my own acting.

    Eric: During acting, we have to render happiness, anger, sorrow and delight to our utmost.

    Host: From now on, will you develop your career in a few lines. Artists nowadays will not just develop their career in two lines only.

    Che Wan Wan: Hong Kong artists will not just concentrate on singing like artsist in Europe or the States. Madonna have only shooted a few movies for fun. People in Hong Kong ask for immediate results. We can do something which we have not done before. We have no choice. In order to survive, we have to shoot movies, TV serials and sing unless we admit that we are losers. I am not staying in this field deliberately nor have I left on purpose. Even if you do not leave, the society or the audience may abandon you. I am working until this moment for the remuneration and the job satisfaction. The only thing I don't have is my private life. You have to do your own calculation and work out how to continue your way. Capricorns have the will power and the perseverance, We will climb up to the mountain top even if we are crippling.

    Host: Eric, did you change from a singer to an actor by natural means or just for making a living like what Che Wan Wan mentioned or for the sake of your interest?

    Eric: I love acting. When I was a singer, my management company turned down many film offers for me until I could not get any satisfaction from singing. Over 5 years, I release 21 albums. My record is releasing 7 albums in a year's time. Then my contract with my record company expired. I changed from loving singing to hating singing. On purpose I hid myself and thought about my future road. I got more and more confused until someone gave me a film offer. It was "Princess Huai Yu" but I had to keep a bald head in the TV serial and stay in Mainland China for a few months. At the beginning , I thought that I got no problem at all to act as I had shooted so many music videos. Later I found out that acting required an entirely different knowledge and talent. Acting skill is a very sophisticated knowledge. After I had shooted TV serials one after another, I got hold of more and more knowledge. I found out that my room of imagination became bigger. When I was a singer., I never dreamt. After I became an actor, I started to have dreams and got room for imagination.

    Che Wan wan: He is a very boring person.

    Eric: I had more thoughts about music and I could write songs. To act the same character requires a few months but to sing a song only requires a few minutes. Real life is like what happen in movies and what happen in movies can also happen in real life. Acting is to express happiness, anger, sorrow and delight with exaggeration. Acting has great impact on my real life. It makes me become extremely imaginative and has enlarged my thoughts towards everything for 3 to 4 times.

    Host: It makes you become more imaginative.

    Eric: I once took a flight at one in the midnight and felt very lonelyn the airport. During ordinary days, there are fans or many other people in the airport. On the plane, I wrote a poem which has never been shown to the public. Sooner or later, I will write a song and use this poem as the lyrics. After acting, I got more inspirations in singing and arts. These days, I can develop what I like in the performance field. I don't know if I would be as successful as before but I enjoy what I am doing!

    Che Wan wan: Capricorns are very boring.

    Host: Eric's thinking is very pure. In the past, I thought that you were very complicated and led a very splendid life.

    Che Wan Wan; I talk much more than before. I can express myself much better, with better techniques. I read more books. Capricorns are relatively slow in responding. I can now handle almost everything. My thinking in the past did not have three dimensions.

    Eric: Not bright and intelligent enough!

    Che Wan Wan; After joining this field, I discovered that every thing got more phases.

    Eric: I agree. Capricorns are very quiet and passive. Actually they are not suitable for this field.

    Host: To certain extent, it is good for them to join the showbiz because it can make their lives more splendid. This field makes you have plentiful thoughts, otherwise you would be like other executives working in the offices.

    Che Wan Wan: We are forced to change. Capricorns never admit that they are losers.

    Eric: Capricorns know that they are very boring but they will not allow other people say that they are boring.

    Che Wan Wan: In the showbiz, there are some people whom you don't agree to their ways of doing things. I don't understand why they can be so popular.

    Host: If you can think of the answer, you have already made a lot of money. There is no fixed formula in the showbiz. It is because of this so many people want to join the showbiz. That is why the showbiz is so attractive!

    Host: Eric shot "A Dream Named Desire" last year and you played another artist in this TV serial.

    Eric: It is "Legend II-A Dream Named Desire" and I played Liang Chao Wei.

    Host; Tony Leung"s image has already been well accepted by the audience. Did you have any pressure to act as him.

    Eric: In private, I know him. We belonged to the same record company before. I was so happy to play such a suave man like him. I have 20% of his charisma. I did not have any pressure. I felt happy and it was an honor to act as him. Carina Lau asked who was playing the role of Tong Leung and she said it would be fine for Eric Suen to play Tony Lueng. My biggest feeling to shoot this drama was that being an artist, I had to play the role of another artist. Through the scenario, what happen in the real life, ie. people tend to be snobbish, is enlarged in the drama. I got a lot of deep emotion although some of the story details were invented. It talks about the personal history of an artist for 10-20 years. Everyone knows that Tony Leung is a superstar but he had also undergone some bad times. We saw how he handled his problems at bad times until he got the award of the best actor in Hong Kong and Taiwan and then the award of the best actor in Canne Film Festival. What I learned from him is that we should not give up at any time. If we try our very best and get the final success, we would be extremely happy.

    Host: The TV serial called "Jin Zhi Yu Ye" ("The Desire of 4 Imperial Concubines") was very popular last year. Che Wan Wan, if you are asked to choose one of four characters, namely, Yi Chun, An Qian, Yu Ying and Imperial Concubine Ru, to play. What would you pick?

    Che Wan Wan: Yi Chun is in a very ambiguous position. We don't know if she is a good or bad person. The role of An Qian has many grey areas and is not distinct enough. I personally only have the colours of black and white and don't have any grey areas. I am not as pretty and unruly as Yu Ying. She makes use of her pretty face to do many wicked things. I would choose the role of Imperial Concubine Ru. Her position is very clear. She is a bad person but she is just protecting her own benefits. She also got some pitiful parts. I think I can play this role well.

    Host: Every performer loves to find a representative character to play.

    Host: Both of you are just starting. I don't mean that you are green. What I mean is that you are just starting your acting career. Take it easy and you will have a lot of opportunites. We just heard your new duet song. Will you release your individual album soon?

    Eric: I have the plan to release an album.

    Host: Both of you can sing so well. There must be many people giving you offers!

    Eric; Thank you!

    -The End-
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

  20. #1160
    Senior Member silversnowflake's Avatar
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    (2006-5-19) Eric & Che Wan Wan @《Made in Hong Kong》on RTHKRADIO2

    《Made in Hong Kong》 is a two hours' program. The part of Eric and Che Wan Wan starts from 02:30 at the second hour.

    Host: Li Zhi Gang

    Guests: Eric Suen Yiu Wai, Che Wan Wan

    Today, our Equal Opportunity Movement has invited Eric and Che Wan Wan to be our guests.

    Host: It seems that I have entered a time machine. Che Wan Wan is still pretty and fit as before. I recall her old picture with a short hairstyle when she was still a singer in Hua Xing. I can't see any trace of time on the face of Eric. It seems that he has done a plastic surgery.

    Eric: I have never even had a facial.

    Host: How can you prevent aging and keep your young appearance?

    Eric: Eat preservatives!

    Che Wan Wan: I have not done anything to maintain my young appearance. The most important thing is that we must be happy all the times. I have not had any facial either.

    Host: We will feel very relaxed when we are having a facial.

    Che Wan Wan: It is too time-consuming to have a facial, a colour treatment or a massage.

    Eric: Previously I got some cosmetics from the sponsor. I had a mask once or twice and then gave all those cosmetics to my mom. It is very easy to get addicted to injecting hyaluronic acid or having facials. I often wash my face. Whenever I go to the washroom, I will wash my face and rinse my mouth. Wash your face with water more often and drink more water! Then you will naturally have good skin.

    Host: Do more exercises and sunbathe more!

    Che Wan Wan: We have to lead a normal life!

    Host: Leading a normal life? Does it include a normal love?

    Che Wan Wan: We can still lead a normal life without a love. A fake love hurts badly. To have an instant love is even worse. It won't be a nourishment.

    Host: You will feel even more empty.

    Host: Does Che Wan Wan sleep very late at night?

    Che Wan Wan: I love watching movies and sleeping. I am always in sound sleep. If there was a fire, I would be the first one who died.

    Host: You are easy to catch a fire!

    Che Wan Wan: Such a sweet talk! Thank you!

    Host; Is Hong Kong a fair place? Let us talk about sex differences first!

    Che Wan Wan: When compared to other places in South East Asia, Hong Kong is closer to the level of equal sex.

    Host: Yesterday, I watched the program sponsored by DHL on TVB. Indian girls can't choose their own husbands. Their parents choose husbands for them.

    Che Wan Wan: We have passed those ages.

    Eric: We have equality in Hong Kong. But we can do better.

    Host: Eric is a very knowledgeable man. He speaks authoritatively.

    Eric: I have a relative who was discriminated because of pregnancy. Only after 2 or 3 months will we notice that a woman is pregnant. She is working in a government department on contract basis. The duration of her contract is two years. Her seniors just told her that there would be many new projects and did not hope that they would take any leave. My relative is a devoted Christian. She did not want to tell lies. So just before signing the new contract, she told her boss that she was pregnant and would take a few months' leave. The next day, her boss told her that they could not renew her contract as her pay was too high. They would recruit two persons with two grades lower to replace her. Unexpectedly, after 2-3 weeks, she saw an ad of her old job in the classified post. She has already gone to Equal Opportunity Commission to file a complaint. On one hand the Chief Executive of SAR Government encouraged us to have more kids. On the other hand, there are departments discriminating against pregnant women.

    Host: This discrimination is very common. Pregnancy is an inborn gift. We can't use pregnancy to judge if that woman is suitable for that job.

    Host: A DJ can be pregnant.

    Che Wan Wan: A DJ works with her voice.

    Host: Unless she delivers the baby in the studio!

    Eric: Play it on air!

    Host: A pregnant saleswoman can only be a cashier. In many professions, the employers do not want their staff to be pregnant.

    Eric: It depends on how the employer makes some appropriate arrangement and keep their jobs. It is not the duty of the pregnant employees to make any special arrangement.

    Host: Pregnant women have 4 weeks' leave before delivery and 6 weeks' leave after delivery. There is a proposal that their husbands should have a few days' leave too.

    Eric: To help their wives to have smooth delivery!

    Che Wan Wan: Delivery is a very big affair.

    Host: I once was discriminated against! I once negotiated a show held in Chinese festivals. I told them that I did not have a Chinese gown and I looked like a foreigner. Lastly, they did not want me to host the show. They want someone who looks like a Chinese to host Chinese parties. In the eyes of foreigners, I look like a Chinese but in the eyes of the Chinese, I look like a foreigner.

    Che Wan Wan: It is very embarrassing!

    Host: Has Che wan Wan ever been discriminated?

    Che Wan Wan: I had a bad experience in Australia. The shooting was scheduled to finish on the 19th but the filming finished on the 16th. The tickets of everybody have a sticker. Only my ticket did not have any. I went to go the business class check-in counter but the employee of the airline stared at me and said, "Your air ticket does not have a sticker. So you can't get on board the plane with them." Actually, I can get on board the plane provided that the plane was not full. He checked with his computer and made a call. Eventually, he told me impolitely, "You are lucky this time!" My assistant and Zheng Yi Jian also felt bad for me. When we got on board the plane, we discovered that it was only 1/3 occupied as what we expected.

    Host: This is racial discrimination. In your previous life, you must have burnt the temple of his ancestors.

    Che Wan Wan: Foreigners don't have any temple for their ancestors.

    Eric: She was a kangaroo in her previous life.

    -Playing "Zai Jian Yi Shi Lian Ren" ("We Would Still Be Lovers When We Meet Again")-

    Host: Being a professional patron of karaokes, I can say that this song is very difficult to sing.

    Che Wan Wan: The parts for both the guy and the girl are difficult to sing.

    Eric: The key of the part of the girl is too low. There is no place for her to take a breath. The key of the part of the guy is too high.

    Host: To sing a duet song requires singing skill and the feel.

    Eric: Then it would attract you guys to keep on singing until you know how to sing the song.

    Host: Eric, since you have been plugging the song together, do you have any feel for Che Wan Wan?

    Eric: I always have the feel for her.

    Host: Because she is tall?

    Eric: Because she has a good character and a good heart.

    Host: This is also discrimination. You are discriminating against her appearance.

    Eric: Che Wan Wan is beautiful both internally and externally. What I mean is that she is pretty and has the real ability.

    Host: I want to provide a supplement for pregnancy discrimination. If someone is not employed due to her pregnancy; someone is fired due to her pregnancy or someone is transferred to a junior postswith lower pay because of her pregnancy or someone is fired immediately after she goes back to work after delivery, these all would be considered as pregnancy discrimination. Eric's relative can definitely sue against her old employer.

    Eric: Since there is such a law, my relative only wants to get some justice for other pregnant women.

    Host: If the landlord does not rent his flat to me because I am single, can I sue him for the charge of matrimony discrimination?

    Che Wan Wan: It would be relatively hard.

    Host: There are some jobs that require you to go on business trips very often. If you are not employed because you have a kid, it would be considered as matrimony discrimination.

    Che Wan Wan: Is there any zodiac sign discrimination?

    Host: In previous days, there are some record companies in Taiwan which reject some zodiac signs. When they are interviewing the applicants, they would talk more with applicants of the signs which they favour.

    Host: I have gone through all my information. There is no zodiac sign discrimination.

    Che Wan Wan: Then they can continue to use the signs to judge people.

    Eric: The first impression in the interview is very important. Actually, the employers don't have to state the reasons so clearly. There are many loopholes in the law. It all depends if they can handle it appropriately or not. Many complaints can be avoided. They should be self-disciplined.

    Host: I once went for a commercial casting. I told them that my waist is 30" . Actually. it is 32". Finally I failed in the casting. This is figure discrimination. Nevertheless, a model needs to be slim.

    Che Wan Wan: It hurts badly if we say someone is too fat. The employers cannot use this as an excuse if we are applying for the post of a clerk.

    Eric: Hence they should state the criteria clearly.

    Host: No, they cannot; otherwise it would be considered as sex discrimination.

    Eric: But we can't tell a man to do an amah's job of cleaning the ladies' room.

    Host: Hong Kong is an international city. Comparing among Europeans, Americans, people coming from South Asia and Mainland China, Hong Kong people tend to discriminate against the latter two more.

    Che Wan Wan: There is racial discrimination everywhere. It all depends if we would show them entirely. We need to treat everyone equal and tune ourselves.

    Eric: These days, we no longer discriminate against new immigrants. We have made a lot of improvement and our goal is to achieve an equal world.

    -News Report-

    -Playing Guan Chu Yao's song-

    Host: Eric's fans are sp good. They have cooked some soup for him. I have tried it too.

    Eric: I have to say thank you to them on air.

    Host: Every time, my guests will play a short drama with me. Che Wan Wan, how long ago did you play your last drama on air..

    Che Wan Wan: It has been a long time. I love playing dramas on air.

    Host: Previously, we had "Under the Lion Rock"

    Host: How about Eric?

    Eric: I love playing a drama on air as well. I love talking in front of a microphone.

    Che Wan wan: Eric's voice is very sexy.

    Host: Eric is talkative but handsome. Hence we still like him.

    Eric: Thank you!

    -Playing a short drama-

    Che Wan Wan: It may be me. It may be you. It may be him. It is a story of the seven hundred million people. It is a small story in a big city.

    Host: I am a half-breed. My dad is a Philipino playing a band. My mom is a Chinese. My appearance tells others that I am not a pure Chinese. It so happens that I am living in Hong Kong. Since I was born and brought up in Hong Kong, I can speak fluent Cantonese. When I was small, I was studying in an ordinary secondary school. Since I was small, I have had a nickname. Everyone calls me "Bun Chai" because I look like a Philipino. Since I was small, I have been teased by my friends and I have got used to it. Those persons without good hearts often say something bad about me. Those kind-hearted persons are especially friendly to people who have dark skin like me.

    Host: Ms, would you please give me a newpaper?

    Che Wan Wan: Where do you come from? How come your Cantonese is so fluent? Did you grow up in Hong Kong?

    Host: It looked as if you could not speak fluent Cantonese! My dad is a Philipino and my mom is a Chinese.

    Che Wan Wan: You are quite handsome!

    Host: Ms, would please give me the change?

    Che Wan Wan: Yes!

    Host: Maybe my skin is relatively darker and I am too tall, my colleagues always ask me to help them in carrying heavy things.

    Eric: 賓仔,不要兩頭望! 你夠高,幫我將最高的箱子搬過來!
    Eric: Bun Chai, stop looking around! You are tall enough. Help me to carry the box at the very top to this position!

    Host: It is so heavy!

    Eric: You are so useless!

    Che Wan Wan: Bun Chai, move the cabinet here.

    Host: How do you want it?

    Che Wan Wan: Move the cabinet first, and then the chairs.

    Host: Although in the company, I often have to help them in carrying heavy things, my colleagues treat me quite well. The sometimes ask me to sing karaoke.

    Eric: Bun Chai, you are great. You know such an old song. Even I don't know how to sing this song.

    Che Wan Wan: I always tell you. Philipinos have good music background and got the momentum.

    Eric: Take off your clothes and have do a bamboo pole dance.

    Eric: Bun Chai is great!

    Host: "Bun Chai" is only a name. It doesn't matter even if everyone calls me Bun Cai. The most important thing is that we cannot discriminate against ourselves. We have to work hard and try our very best to do the things in front of us. The name of Bun Chai sounds quite intimate.

    -Playing "Under The Lion Rock" sung by Roman and Joey Rong

    Host: This duet song is sung with the latest scientific techniques.

    Host: Did they sing different keys?

    Che Wan Wan: They changed the key.

    Eric: At the beginning, they changed the key. Then one sang a key 8 degrees higher and the other sang a key 8 degrees lower.
    Then they sang the chorus.

    Host: Just now, you played the drama very well. It is very lively and funny.

    Che Wan Wan: It would be much better if we were given more time.

    Host: Do you really want to have a half-breed?

    Che Wan Wan: To say that is already discriminating! Words like "Gwai", "Lao Wai" are all discriminating words.

    Eric: It is not that good using such words!

    Che Wan Wan: I want to have a half-breed baby because half-breed babies are very cute. They have blue eyes.

    Host: Babies with green eyes are even more lovely.

    Eric: Half-breed babies are all beautiful.

    Che Wan Wan: Half-breed babies are very extreme. They are either very beautiful or very ugly.

    Eric: Totally different genes are clubbed together. The best genes are extracted. That is why half-breeds are stronger and healthier, like different species of flowers will grow with all the bad things hidden I learned it from biology.

    Host: Eric is very knowledgeable.

    Che Wan Wan: It is linked with DNA.

    Host: Has Eric ever thought of having a half-breed baby?

    Eric: A mix of people from Hong Kong Island and the New Territories.

    Host: Eric likes girls who look Chinese.

    Eric: We can get along and communicate better with people of similar culture. Appearance is not the main issue.

    Host: I like the skin of the Chinese. It is more smooth. Chinese do not have so much body hair.

    Che Wan wan: My elder brother married a foreigner with blonde hair. The genes of my elder brother are more dominant. The hair of the baby is black.

    Host: Previously, my body hair was a little bit gold. Then it became brown and has turned black. In future, maybe it will become white.

    Eric: The colour of the hair on your chest have also changed.

    Che Wan Wan: It is very interesting.

    Host: I am so glad to see you two today. I knew you when I first joined this field.

    Che Wan Wan: I had not joined the showbiz at that time.

    Host: After singing this duet song, will you consider joining the singing field once more?

    Che Wan Wan: I sang and plugged this song by accident. I would be happy if everyone likes our song. I did not leave the singing field on purpose. Nor did I join the singing field once more deliberately. If I make music again, I have to make a lot of plans and devote to it fully.

    Host: In those days, you spent one whole year just in plugging the songs. It was really hard work.

    Che Wan Wan: Both the market and the audience are different these days. If I make music again, I have to use a different way.

    Host: Do you mean that you have to work with a lot more people?

    Che Wan Wan: We have to use a different way.

    Eric: I always have the plan to release a Mandarin album. I am so happy to sing the Cantonese song this time. I still love singing Cantonese songs. My future plan will include releasing a Cantonese album. I will definitely release another Cantonese album in the future. But to release a Cantonese album requires me to stay in Hong Kong for a long time. That mean I have to abandon my filming work in Mainland China and be standby for 24 hours. I am thinking of the best timing.

    Host: When old ginger DJs like me invite me to come to our programs, would you please come at any time?

    Eric: Old Ginger?

    Host: I don't want you to abandon your filming work in Mainland China either.

    Eric: I am very happy to work in Hong Kong. I can sleep at my own home, drink soup cooked by my mom and see some of my old friends who worked with me before. Next Monday, I am going to act as a guest star in "God Of Cookery", a TV serial produced by Stephen Chow (Zhou Xing Chi). It will take about two weeks' time.

    Host: Please be careful and don't get a sunstroke again.

    Eric: I will be careful!

    Host: Will Che Wan Wan stay in Hong Kong going out with guys?

    Che Wan Wan: I will stay in Hong Kong shooting a drama. Previously I shooted too many dramas and took a rest. Then I plugged this song and hosted some programs. I love shooting TV serials. We can reflect a particular character.

    -Playing "World Peace" sung by Jacky Zhang and Eason Chen.

    Host: It is one of the duet songs in "Perfect Match". "Perfect Match" is a joint product of Wu Yue Cheng and Lin Xi. All the duet songs in the album are brand new songs. I really buy their idea.

    Che Wan Wan: To produce this album has a high degree of difficulty. They have to work out the chemistry very accurately.

    Eric: The lyrics of each song actually are the lyrics of two songs.

    Host: There are many pairs in the album, like Lisa Wang and Kelly Chen. I like your pair the best. These days, you have been promoting the song together. I really hope that you can go out. I have the superficial thought imagining that you have become lovers and sing this ballad.

    Che Wan Wan: It is a very deep thought. We will gather the opinion of the public.

    Host: Is today your last day in your promotion work? Eric is going to Shanghai, isn't he?

    Eric: We have to shoot some pictures for a magazine and rehearse the live charity show which will be held on Sunday.

    Che Wan Wan: We will say farewell to Eric in our special way.

    Host: Recording a song with Liu Jia Chang?

    Eric: We will sing our own songs.

    Host: Please come to my program next time!

    Eric: Certainly!

    Host: Thank you!

    -The End-
    Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls,
    For thus absent friends speak.
    ~John Donne

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