Just saw this movie recently, it's a dark political satire drawn from several incidents in history about tyranny and revolution that turned sour (there's a great reference to Marat near the end). Apparently it's both loathed by the left and right, but what's confusing to me is the ending ......... after enduring torture and being taken to room 12, Joe met up again with Jr. and his toady and was informed that what he thought was his past was not true. At this point, there are 3 possible conclusions a viewer could draw:

1. Joe did participated in the coup and the Revolutionary government has staged the evidences in room 12 to discredit him.

2. Joe was just average Joe and he was driven insane by the torture, thereby all his 'memories' of the Revolution were just stuff he hallucinated about.

3. Joe was insane from the beginning and made up the whole thing, from Jr. tyrannical reign to Thorne's coup and the aftermath; he's committed in an asylum and cannot even recognize his own daughter when she visits him.

For those who have seen the movie, what were your reactions to the ending or the movie in general?