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Thread: Princess Returning Pearl 2011 《新还珠格格》 - Li Sheng, Hai Lu, Zhang Rui, Li Jia Hang

  1. #1161
    Senior Member tuoimongmo2007's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Denisseluv2011 View Post
    i want hai lu and LHJ be a couple in this new series....i hope there many sweet scene..kisses or bed scene
    I don't think they will be pair again in this series because I just remember that in korean 2006 "famous princesses", the guy who went to the army is pair up with the older sister. Since LJH is in that role, so he will not have a love line with Hai Lu. Xian Jian will be the sister's first love, which will be later seduce by Hai Lu's character.

    Well either way, i'm excited to see Hai Lu play a new character, one that does not so weak and cries all the time.
    Last edited by tuoimongmo2007; 10-26-11 at 11:14 PM.

  2. #1162
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    [IMG]http:// QXHCYeFxojGhQUHy8gIycpLCwsFx4xNTAqNSYsLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGiwkHyQsLCksLCwsLCksLCwsLCwpLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwpLP/AABEIALcBEwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgMEBQYHAQj/xABAEAABAwEFBQUFBgYCAQUAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRYXETIo GRoTJSsdHwByNCYsHhFBUzcoLxJJKyFjSiwtL/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUG/8QAMhEAAgIBAwIEAwcEAwAAAAAAAAECEQMSITEEQRMiUWEUcYE FMqGx0eHwFUKR8SMzUv/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8ApLT9fXVHH16H9EmB9fXRKg/X11VpnWQo1LMTcH69E4pCUfIQaEMKMDKAChYUBFclYSTgo0QmL A3/AI9T+9vo0/NIEJxYv/bHnU+DGpEBaYqscfr+bCQZoRl2mEYMVNBBQEMKVDUC1BpII4Ui 4bk6DVK0LkY+yPravzg590NIkRzHxQfDPI9jPmnGFN+tf5KvVM 6aBRF6j2eqmnsUReVMue1rRJJyAzK5leYc1SF7qb3SefwAUiwJ CwWfs2DFEk6dSeYmIUx/FDCOwbL3TlrEH2nGYAjd6pqgA86WyEGNmNxGh/Q8k7s751EEajmoO9HAPAYcJaIcWZAunPkQnF3XpiIa+A/Rrhk1/wCU8CjUBaypuibwopCPTOIfpzStOiSYCklXJbQnTpE5J7TowYb m7edzf3R6NEzDehdw5Dmn1KiGiAsuR0RIQpWcNHxO8lFeE6ckS M1nDQ3qBN6gyTt4TW1HunoiirYSK/Z8y48XH4pcNRLI3uzxJ+KXwrTLkoSISbks8JNwQEE0F2FxUUVx 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BAuCnySFmq8fJSLKuXJBBKYSBUswIlVbaXZUVRjZDanHc7k6Pi ggii2mWyhGuWktcIIJB6jJB1aQggtlCRjUEogaggiBJbZKphtd PmY816EsD+6EEFzes5R0em/6/qcv6zdrZ6rD+Jjh5tK831Kcfvmggp0r5HSScRPGRxHQo7bSeR9 F1BbdKZnWSUZUmG7cbxCBbK4ghargfCbm2pALEUsQQVJhyigkI IIIzPR/9k=[/IMG]

  3. #1163
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuoimongmo2007 View Post
    I don't think they will be pair again in this series because I just remember that in korean 2006 "famous princesses", the guy who went to the army is pair up with the older sister. Since LJH is in that role, so he will not have a love line with Hai Lu. Xian Jian will be the sister's first love, which will be later seduce by Hai Lu's character.

    Well either way, i'm excited to see Hai Lu play a new character, one that does not so weak and cries all the time.
    yes,I know but i really hope they will changes the story...
    In Famous princess LF is 2nd daughter maybe Old bai You xi LF is 3th daugher (HL) is a little different...Still hope and pray LJH and HL be a couple...I really like them

  4. #1164
    Senior Member tuoimongmo2007's Avatar
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    ^^ I know. I like them too but usually when they do copy those storylines, they tend to keep much of the plot.

    Maybe it's just me but I feel like Hai Lu and LJH want to distant themselves. Their company wants to promote them as a couple so they get them to be in the same series but it seems like they have other thoughts. Seeing the last few promotion events they went to, they seem to not be as friendly as before. It's just my thinking but it's probably why they are not playing lovers in this series.

    I think LJH would fit fine in Xianjian's role. Though the role he have right now is probably better for him. I love that character in that series. He was so fun, cute, and so loving towards the female lead.

  5. #1165
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    Oh,more better Hai Lu plays as 2nd daughter so she can pairing with LHJ...Hai Lu's body tall with big bone really suit for soldier/army...

  6. #1166
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  7. #1167
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  8. #1168
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  9. #1169
    Senior Member tuoimongmo2007's Avatar
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    YOu're funny! Hai Lu looks too girly to be soldier. She fits the other character better. I wonder when they'll be done filming.

  10. #1170
    Senior Member swtaznlaydee's Avatar
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    The Chinese TV drama Princess Returning Pearl (1998) was a huge hit throughout Asia and made stars out of Vicki Zhao, Ruby Lin, and Alec Su. Due to strong popular demand, the Princess phenomenon continued to fascinate fans in two sequel series aired in 1999 and 2003. After some years, when the show has become a fond memory of the previous generation, the original writer-producer Chiung Yao has again teamed up with Hunan TV to rejuvenate the costume romantic comedy franchise by producing a brand-new take of the Qing-dynasty tale as a three-part series totaling 98 episodes.
    Chiung Yao stated that the new version is not about surpassing the classic, and she indeed made considerable changes to the story and introduced numerous new characters. The core cast comprises a group of charming new-generation actors, including Li Sheng (Calling For Love) as Xiao Yanzi, Hai Lu as Princess Ziwei, Ray Zhang as Prince Yongqi, Li Jiahang as Fu Erkang, and American newcomer Benjamin Schwartz as a passionate British painter smitten with Xiao Yanzi. The young stars are supported by some well-known veterans, such as Taiwan actor Qiu Xinzhi (as Qianlong Emperor), Hong Kong actresses Sheren Tang and Leanne Liu, as well as Ruby Lin in a special cameo appearance as Ziwei's mother!

  11. #1171
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    is there any news or thread about the new film of hai lu?? looking forward to knowing it,..

  12. #1172
    Senior Member jiang bao's Avatar
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    A terrible series. Only saw bits and pieces but if the original is half as bad, then it's already garbage.

    The Little Swallow character is horrible, like a retarded 10 year old. High pitch voice, no acting ability, and just gets in trouble again and again.

    The Ziwei character is just a buttkisser. Crying and crying.

    And the white girl is an even bigger buttkisser. Just grinning with no personality.

    I don't understand why everybody loves the Little Swallow character. She sucks. I'd have trouble controlling myself from slapping her silly if there was such an annoying person in my life.
    What are you fighting for? Just mix them into pissing beef balls, stupid.
    SOD Pt. 7 updated Jan. 6, '08

    Jiang Bao's Karaoke Corner

  13. #1173
    Member guoluoluo's Avatar
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    whos the white girl??

  14. #1174
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    I was excited for this remake until I watched the first 10 episodes. I can't even find words--no I don't even know what to say! This remake makes no sense! It is total crack. Does QY not have any editors or someone to provide some sort of feedback?

    I don't understand why QY added so many fillers when she could have used it to develop her characters. And this Benji-person appeared in EVERY scene! Why? Why? He had more screen time than Zi Wei and here I thought Zi Wei was the main character second to Xiao Yan Zi. I rather have a Zhi Hua than a Benjamin. He's an eyesore in this remake. Daniel Henney could have probably done a better job as Mr. I can do everything and anything! But I guess Grandma Yao wouldn't like that since Henney doesn't speak Chinese. Pity.

    I wouldn't surprised if QY decides to include Benji in all of her future works or any other remake. Oh QY, why don't you remake Romance in the Rain and oh, I don't know add in Benji. It'll bring all of us happiness =).
    Last edited by moon.flower; 04-22-12 at 08:27 PM.

  15. #1175
    Senior Member happyswallow's Avatar
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    According to posts on tumblr, it appears that Li Sheng (XYZ) and Zhang Rui (YQ) are dating?! That is super cute! Despite how horrible the drama was, these two had great chemistry together. I wish to see them collaborate together again on a GOOD drama.

  16. #1176
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    Default a story based on looks...wth? offense to you but..they did NOT choose the xyz person bc she looks like the original vicky zhao...they chose her bc of her audition...u should watch the variety shows before saying this...ive watched both the original and new version and i like the new version im not crazy lol..sorry if you dont agree with me...

  17. #1177
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    [QUOTE=vuongngocyen;1003259]this is co cute

    what was this in??

  18. #1178
    Member WinteraV's Avatar
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    Anyone fan of li sheng and zhang rui? Apparently qiongyao made another drama for them called Flowers and Mists. It is in the process of filming since last year. I'm a big fan of them since the new hzgg so i'm really excited for it. Although there maybe some likes and dislike because of the new hzgg but i love it. All the casts did a perfect job acting out their characters.
    I hope this new drama of them will be awesome. can't wait for it.

    Here is their pictures:
    Attachment 9202

    Attachment 9203

    Attachment 9204

  19. #1179
    Senior Member seventhfairy's Avatar
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    My first reaction when I saw the trailer for this was why is there a new English character added that wasn't there before?

  20. #1180
    Senior Member sufan's Avatar
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    Well I am basically 3.5 years late on this series...afterall when I saw it was 98 chapters a few years ago I was like "eek"..

    But I managed to finish of all 98 chapters and actually enjoyed the series..except of course for a few things such as too much Benjamin and his god thing and the whole chocolate thing, the broadway show concept, overly modern English verse (in fact I don't think Benji character was needed all the time), and too much filler and uggh..why did YongXi having baby with another woman... I did try to watch it with an open mind at first without comparing to the old and then thought about the old and the new. Basically it was the old Hzgg and Hzgg II combined..Hzgg III (which I never put as part of the original story as new actors and horrible story line..I think the writer also knew that was a failure).

    Main Actresses/characters:
    XYZ...I found the little swallow character annoying at times and agreed with some reviews that if there was such a person in my life I would like to slap her as well..but at same time she had some adorable aspects. Many people says Li Sheng looks like Vicki -- to me perhaps 50%, but she lacks Vicky's big big eyes. (and she looked even less like Vicki in Fog in the mist) I actually did think that Li Sheng did a very good job portraying her character. In this new series, I did feel she loved YongXi as much as he loved her...but in the old series I found that Yongxi loved her more than she loved him and at times she was very mean to YongXi and wasn't as sweet to him. I wonder if the writer added Benjamin to makeup for the fact that Yongxi would later marry a wife and have a child with her -- afterall I guess XYZ could have another man love her as much as YongXi did...but really was annoyed to have Benjamin in every scene. Even in the sweet scene of their first kiss in the kitchen, it had to be overshadowed by Benji's sadness and the ending -- was supposed to be happy but again it was overshadowed by Benji leaving.

    The screentime between Yonqi and XYZ was just too took 40 chapters bacially before he confessed to her and then very little scenes where they were "alone" without Benji...I didn't think the "three person walk" needed to be all the time..

    Also..I just found the little swallow character to be so naive as to annoying...for example, it was not okay that Yongxi was carrying that girl on a horse with him-- she got jealous, but later on she was carrying a chicken with her and got on horse with Benji -- of course Yongxi would be jeaouls...I don't blame him...also does she know that he was gonna go back to palace to have baby with his wife before returning to her? I don't think so..and if so would she really don't mind...afterall there was this whole promise from him that he would not sleep with his wife..and yet he broke his promise..uuggh..would she really be happy knowing that he did that and then leave his baby? the ending is XYZ so selfish to think that Benjamin should always be there with them as a three-person-walk (when YongXi returns two years later) so he can suffer seeing them be together?

    Side note: I think Li Sheng..really knows how to play violin? cause in Fog in mist she was playing again..

    I think Ha Lu's acting was I did not find her particularly pretty with her ears (she is one of the few actresses I think looks better in modern series then in ancient costumes) but she was at least sweet enough. I did think Ruby's portrayal was a more intelligent ZiWei but I don't know if its Ha Lu's acting or the script that made her less intelligent but more lovey dovey. In general, though, overall there wasn't too much a difference between the Ziwei love story in this series and the old version.

    Ting Er...
    I don't know the actress name -- but of all the characters I really liked her the most...she really looked like a "ting er" grown up in the palace with manners but with a good heart. I think the actress played her role pretty well.

    Male characters:
    Er Kang...Li Ji Hang..okay..I think I like him better than the old Chou Jie...he was born in 1987...which isn't too old but I thought he did look older than the rest of cast (I think Zhang Rui same age)..he wasn't bad..I did feel his love for ZhiWei..but Qiang Yao did write this character too lovey dovey with for his character -- he was lucky for having understanding parents and thus he didn't have the hardship that XYZ had with Yongxi of having a difficult mother and a wife in between them. I was okay watching him and ZiWei but I had to admit sometimes it got kind of boring..

    Yongxi -- Zhang Rui..okay I have to admit I loved Alec Su but I gave Zhang Rui a chance..he definitely is a newbie..there were times I thought he overacted (with the slapping of his wife or scolding of her) but there were times I thought he was super cute like in both the kitchen scene (first kiss and the one after they leave the palace and he gives up his prince title) and the time he came out and danced with XYZ. I would give him a 7 of out of 10 when it comes to acting..I think he improved more in Flowers in Mist.

    About the character..uugh..I love his character but also hated his character. I thought it was amazing that a prince would love little swallow with all those fiery annoying characters of her and poor manners..and that he would give up his prince title for her. Yet..uggh..did the writer..Qiong Yao have to write the script for him to sleep with his wife? I forgive the fact that he couldn't bear his mom to die and out of pain promised to marry Xinrong and was a little selfish to ask XYZ to not leave him but at least I felt his pain..and I actualy cried for him and her when he married Xinrong..but uuggh.. Qiong Yao made a whole big deal about how he promised XYZ he would not sleep with Xinron and therefore would not have a baby with her..but at the end what did he do? He did just that -- he broke such a big me that is big..okay he wanted to give "hope" to his mom in those two years but did the storyline have to be written like that? Why couldn't it be that he and XYZ gets married and then they have a child of their own and his mom overly joyed of having a grandchild after all and reconciles with XYZ and he divorces Xinrong and Xinron realizes she would never get Yongxi's love or body..

    Uggh..of the whole series this is the part that I would like to change the most besides that XYZ and Ziwei parts..

    In general I thought Zhang Rui and Li Sheng does look cute together (even in Fog in the mist but she looked a little older than him..he has a babyish face)...

    Side note..I can't tell if in this series Zhang Rui's voice was dubbed? It did sound like his original voice whereas in Fog in the mist they dubbed his voice (and I have no reason why I thought he was mainland chinese actor. )

    His singing voice I find to be beautiful...I believe he is very talented in playing the piano and he actually composed one of the song in Fog in the mist..and I have to admit I admire people who can not only sing but also compose music..

    Benjamin...uuugghh..okay I am kind of okay with a caucasian in a martial arts series but does it have to be that extent...He took away the screentime from the main actors/actresses. I found his acting to be so so although I could admire a caucasian in China trying to be an actor ... it must be super super tough.. I just have to blame Qiong Yao to give him such a script. I really like ER Tai and wished if Qiang Yao could just have kept the original that ER Tai also liked XYZ instead of putting Benjamin always in the middle of XYZ and Yongxi...particuarly in their sweetest scenes..and there were so many scenes in the old series that Yongxi "saves? XYZ but those hero scenes were given to Benjamin in this series...there were times I really felt that XYZ loved both guys but loved YongXi more just because Yongxi was proactive in confessing his fact i think that is what she told her brother...and heck if YongXi didn't return in 3 years she would marry Benjamin eventually...

    I think Benjamin was so tall that he also made the other male characters looked awful, particuarly Zhang Rui who is not really tall at all (I think both Zhang Rui and Alec Su aren't very tall)..

    Again, I admire Benjamin for trying to be an actor in China--its so brave so I blame the writer for his overly presence in this series..

    Other characters:

    Sheren Tsang as empress...I like Sheren alot in TVB series but I really didn't think this series was a fit for her..I guess I am so used to see her as main actress lead that it was weird to see her in this series.

    The emporer -- I think he did a good job ... does anyone know if is voice was dubbed like Zhang Rui's?

    I liked ER Tai in this series -- the actor is kind of cute..

    In general...I think if they got rid of the broadway aspect of this series, the many fillers, too many Benjamin series, get rid of Yongxi breaking his promise to XYZ of not sleeping with his wife, and keep the whole group together at the end, it would have been a better series...I would give it a 7 ouf of 10..

    On a very very side note: Fog in the mist with Zhang Rui and Lisheng was okay also..not particuarly new theme (I guess most of Qiong Yao's movies are about the characters love each other to death, then about pride, then breakup, then making up making up, etc..) but I enjoyed seeing them together again as I really did find them a very cute couple. Again, I really like Zhang's Rui's singing voice as its so sweet and the fact that he can compose is admirable.

    I think Qiong Yao is very old now that it probably would be her last I wonder if 10 15 years later if there would ever be a remake of this HZGG and they can then change all the bad pieces of the series..I know a lot of people do not support remake but I really tbink it gives a chance for new actors/actress to long as people have an open mind..

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