I found the following article from a magazine called Costco Connection, Vol. 24. I think this is good for debate.

Biofuels are a wide range of fuels that are derived from biological material such as corn, soy and other crops, wood and/or waste. They are being used increasingly as gasoline additives to power vehicles and to heat homes and businesses. In Canada, the federal government ordered that all diesel fuels and home heating oil will have to contain at least 2 per cent biofuels as of July 2011.

Supporters say that, unlike fossil fuels, biofuels are sustainable and renewable. They are less polluting than fossil fuels and are safer than nuclear energy.

Critics argue that the use and production of biofuel is not necessarily environment friendly and that its use is driving up prices for food crops.

What do you think?
I belief biofuels are good as it is a cleaner alternative. Here in Ontario, Canada, our gasoline contains up to 10% of ethanol. Currently, the US is producing 13.23 billion gallon of ethanol on 2010 and is on the rapid rise. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol_fuel