Some people say Ching Gong mean being able to super high jump rather than swift with agility while others say it's swift with agility rather than being able to super high jump.

I'm wondering if you guys could clarify on what Ching Gong actually is?

Ummmmm..... Just like how Wei Xiao Bao isn't interested in getting all the Buddhist scriptures booklets from those guys to read and learn about the teaching of the Buddha logic.....

I'm not even sure of how to began writing this so I'll just say that I have been reading and watching some videos by I guess we could say they are somewhat popular people talking theorizing about character relationships between different novel all written by the same author Jin Yong. Take for example Duan Yu in Tian Loong Ba Bu is related to Yi Deng Monk in Condor Heroes…..

Although I have not seen them all, I have yet to read or watch anyone talking about this relationship matters of which I'm about to write.....

Here goes something.....

I think Wei Xiao Bao could be related to Wei Yi Xiao.....
Some of you might say well it's just their sure name WEI looks the same.....
Ming Jiao and Tian Di Hui probably don't have any kind of relationship.....

However if we would look more into that then I think there's probably more clues.....
Take for example Jiang Shan Da Ming founder Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang is part of Ming Jiao in the story.....

So it goes for him being a member of Ming Jiao and then eventually turning Ming Jiao into Jiang Shan Da Ming. Then Because of the rise of Great Qing. These Ming followers bounded together with Tian Di Hui fhan Qing fhu Ming.

Some of you guys will be saying but these Tian Di Hui guys seems to be wanting someone else as leader that isn't directly related and not of the same sure name of Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang.

So I could only think of how Ming Nan Princess Zhu MeiChuo the student of MuSang Dao Zhang from Bi Xue Jian also written by the same author Jin Yong could be related in this. You guys will proably say..... uh she isn't really involved with Tian Di Hui.....

I would say however her student Wei Xiao Bao is.....

So now with that said, I think we could take a look at how Wei Xiao Bao could be related to Wei Yi Xiao?

1. Starting with their sure name being WEI. Since Wei Xiao Bao is taking his mother sure name WEI….. we could probably assume Wei Xiao Bao is maternally related to Wei Yi Xiao…..

2. Zhang San Feng said something about Wei Yi Xiao being very top swift with his Ching Gong agility….. What does that have to do with Wei Xiao Bao?

Well….. Isn’t Wei Xiao Bao very swift with agility after learning Shen Xing Bai Bien from Ming Nan Princess Zhu MeiChuo who learned it from her Martial Art Master MuSang Dao Zhang in Bi Xue Jian?

3. I’m not sure if Wei Yi Xiao is pro Ming or not but it just so happen that Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang turned Ming Jiao into Jiang Shan Da Ming.

Wei Xiao Bao got difficulties choosing between Ming and Qing because of his friendship relationship with the Qing Emperor…..

4. Wei Yi Xiao in Ming Jiao is known as the Green Bat Guardian….. While Wei Xiao Bao in Tian Di Hui got a rank of the Green Lodge Commander…..

So with that said and Wei Xiao Bao being student of Ming Nan Princess who is legitimately the great great ect….. grand descendent of Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang…..
Do you guys think Wei Xiao Bao could support her for the throne if Tian Di Hui really won in their effort to fhan Qing fhu Ming?

Some of you might say but Ming Nan Princess Zhu MeiChuo is a woman and she also became a Taoist priest under MuSang Dao Zhang? So Xu Zhu was a budhist monk was he not?

The story takes place during Great Qing so surely these Tian Di Hui guys must of heard of guys like Marco Polo and Tang Monk traveling from west to east and east to west and they must have heard stories about an Egyptian Pharaoh Empress Cleo?….. Wu ZeTian?
Isn’t it interesting how there’s a Tian in Egyptian and Wu ZeTian?

Ummmmm if you guys put those things together like how I just described..... Would it seem to make some kind of reasonable logical sense that they….. Wei Xiao Bao and Wei Yi Xiao could be maternally related don’t you guys think?

We’re not the author and won’t be able to confirm that what I just said is true or not however with people coming up with theories regarding these stories, perhaps we should try to be as reasonable and as logical as possible like...... The great detective Sher..... Well since this is about Wei Xiao Bao and Wei Yi Xiao how about Wei Si Li a character from the story to which I learned that it is written by the author Ni Kuang who is a friend of the author Jin Yong?

With what I just said from above and you guys probably for many years read these stories or watch the TV shows many times by now I think we should update our theorizing theories if we have any….. like ummmmm….. Do you guys still think the yellow dress sister Yang is really related to Yang Guo Condor Hero?
There are some thought that I came up with for that matter however with so many people on social media posting videos or writing theories to which I haven’t read or seen them all or if you guys have written something on here regarding that, I would not want to make myself look like some kind of….. not sure what I was going to say there…..

Since we’re theorizing about Wei Xiao Bao maternal ancestor….. Wouldn’t you want to look into his paternal ancestor?