Yesterday Ron Ng, Damian Lau, Tavia Yeung, Kenneth Ma, Sire Ma and Rebecca Zhu attended the promotional event for TVB anniversary series Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles. Lately, Ron has been busy working nonstop and in the next few days he'll be heading to Australia for new series Triumph in the Skies II shooting. When asked if all the shopping will make him 'bleed' [broke]? He said: "I'm already bleeding now, even before I go! Because the airline sponsor stopped the England route, TVB had to switch to another airline. Initially I was just in the economy class, but Chilam Cheung and Francis Ng, who were in the business class, said they wanted to play cards with me on the flight, so I spent a few thousand dollars out of pocket to upgrade my ticket!" Also, Ron was initially given a double room at the hotel, but in the end Ron had to pay the difference himself to move into a single room. This time around, the business trip really did get him 'bleeding nonstop'. However, Ron optimistically expressed: "When the time comes, Chilam must treat me a meal, so I can get some of that money back!"

Ron expressed some of his friends immigrated to Australia, so this time he'll be taking the opportunity to visit them as well. Returning to singlehood, Ron was asked if he's looking forward to one nightstands? He said: "Huh? I like to eat Chinese lettuce, Western lettuce isn't right for me! (Hurrying to be in a relationship?) Work comes first. (It was rumored your TVB contract is ending soon.) I still have some time left in the contract, but a Mainland production company has indeed tried to recruit me, but I have to say with TVB. I'll think about that later!"

It was said Damian is the dark horse for the TV King title this year? He laughed and said he doesn't want the award: "Humans fear fame, Pigs fear becoming fat. I just want to stick to acting. This time, I'm actually very anxious about the areas I'm insufficient on. (The ending of this series had been exposed already?) You have to watch the whole story first, just knowing the ending is useless. (Shoot another TV series?) TVB hasn't given me anything yet, but if there is something I want to participate." A magazine published photos of Damian and a 30 something year old woman at the racecourse. At the time, the woman grabbed his arm and when reporters started taking pictures, she quickly stepped back. Damian said helplessly: "Those pictures were taken earlier this year, around February or March. She was pregnant at the time, so I just helped her out. She's already a mother now. I just think this rumor is funny. Just think of it as a benefit for me! Help promotes the series!"

Also, TVB received 2 complaints yesterday on the disturbing sex scenes. The HK OFCA (Office of Communication Authority) received over 20 complaints in the past week for the series having too many sex and smoking scenes, some where erotic and violent. Damian expressed: "Educates Netizens not to just focus on the sex scenes! Also, Tavia's nose didn't bother me either. This is unfair to the artists, we should all be watching and focusing on her acting, don't be so silly!"