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Thread: Righteous Blood Cleansing the Silver Spear (碧血洗银枪) - Gu Long UNABRIDGED

  1. #41
    Senior Member kaister's Avatar
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    Default Chapter 37

    Chapter 37: Dead Valley [死谷]

    Dead Valley was still Dead Valley; no gold, no buildings, no anything. The carriage they were chasing, once it entered Dead Valley’s narrow mountain pass, it mysteriously vanished.

    Early in the morning, the sun had risen. Sunlight was shining on the bright black stones, shimmering as if it was gold. Unfortunately black stones were still just black stones, no matter how much they glimmered they were not gold. Where were the gold?

    If this place never had any gold, how did No Thirteen bought off all those people? If this place did have all these gold that people mentioned, how come they haven’t even seen a speck of gold?

    Ma Rulong wasn’t concerned about the gold; it was Dawan. He believed once he find the carriage he’ll find Dawan.

    — Where did the carriage go? How can a four-horses, six-wheels, large carriage vanish into thin air under the bright sunlight?128

    Ma Rulong suddenly said, “Below.”

    “What’s below?”

    “Carriage, gold, people are all below.” Ma Rulong said, “They must’ve built a large scale secret structure underground.”

    This was not delusion. Gold could destroy a lot that originally couldn’t be destroyed. Gold can also create a lot that originally couldn’t be created.

    If there was a secret underground structure, the only person that could find the entrance was Yu Liu, but Yu Liu shook his head.

    “You’re wrong,” He said,” They are definitely not below us. They are above.”


    Ma Rulong turned his head around, looked toward where Yu Liu was looking, then saw the shaft around a blood red belt holding the curved sabre. That Persian slave, who can draw his sabre as quick as lightning, was standing on a rock beside the narrow mountain pass greeting them.

    “Ma Rulong!” The Persian slave’s voice was loud and clear. “Who is Ma Rulong? If you want to find Dawan, follow me. If any one else comes along, Dawan will die.”

    * * *

    Sky was clear blue, sunny and bright, life was colorful, who wanted to die? However there was always that kind of people, people put their life on the line. As long as they believed something must be done, they would do it even knowing they would die.

    Ma Rulong was this type of people. He slowly turned around, facing his friends, they all understood what kind of person he was. Tie Zhentian originally didn’t want to say anything, because no matter what he would say it didn’t matter. However, there was something he had to say.

    “That person is a madman.” Tie Zhentian said, “He never need a reason to kill anyone.”

    “I know.”

    “Besides this time he has a reason to kill you.” Tie Zhentian said, “Because you already fooled him once, this time he wouldn’t let you go. After he kills you, he can still kill Dawan.”

    “I know.”

    “You still want to go?”

    Ma Rulong gazed at him. “If you were me, would you go?”

    Tie Zhentian sighed. “I would still go, definitely would go.”

    He came over and strongly grabbed onto Ma Rulong’s hand, Yu Liu also came over and grabbed his other hand, then silently walked away. They also knew Xie Yulun still had a lot to say to him. They didn’t want to hear, couldn’t bear hearing.

    The sunlight was shining on Xie Yulun’s face, such a beautiful sunlight, her complexion was nevertheless pale as the cold moon.

    “I also know you would definitely go.” This time she didn’t shed any tears, on the contrary smiled. “If I was in their hand, you would also go.” She continued, “I just hope you understand one thing.”


    “No matter whether you are dead or alive, no matter who’s in your heart, I am already yours.” Xie Yulun smiled again. “Have you ever asked yourself, other than you, who else can I marry?”

    Ma Rulong left. He left without saying a word. He couldn’t answer her question and couldn’t bear looking at her smile. After he left, the sky was still blue, sunlight was still beautiful, and the black rocks on the ground still gleamed like gold. Nothing in the world would all of a sudden change due to the life or death of a single person. He left for a long while without coming back.

    Xie Yulun suddenly said, “We should go.”

    Tie Zhentian asked, “You want us to leave? Why should we leave?”

    Xie Yulun replied, “You should all know he would not come back, why are we still waiting here? What’s the point waiting?”

    Yu Liu suddenly yelled, “There is a point!”

    Xie Yulun again asked, “What’s the point?”

    Yu Liu said, “I’ve found it!”

    Xie Yulun asked, ”What have you found?”

    Yu Liu did not say any word, he replied with his action — He already found out what was Dead Valley’s secret, already found the secret hinge button.

    * * *

    The black stones under the sun was lit up by the sunlight, thousands and myriads of black stone all looked the same. In reality, it was not the same.

    If you also have Yu Liu’s experience and eyesight, you would be able to see within these thousands and myriads of stone, there were forty-nine pieces that were not the same. Ma Rulong wasn’t wrong. Dead Valley’s secret was indeed on the ground, the secret underground chamber’s entrance lies within these forty-nine different stones. Yu Liu already found this secret’s trigger; unfortunately Ma Rulong wasn’t able to see it.

    Within this dangerous path on a desolate mountain side, not even a blade of grass grows. Ma Rulong silently followed the Persian slave walking forward, not even knowing where he was going, and not knowing how long he had been walking. However, he did know where the carriage they were chasing was. The carriage did not disappear or enter the valley, but turned around this dangerous rock and went into this mountain path.

    Hard to believe that on this mountain path, which people seldomly traveled on since ancient time, was actually perfectly wide enough for this carriage to easily travel on. In other words, the fact this magnificent carriage could even manage to travel on this road was also something few people would even think of. This mountain path’s width and slope seemed to be carefully designed specifically for this carriage. That carriage’s width, speed, also seemed to be made specifically for this path.

    However at the end of mountain path, there wasn’t any grand palace. There wasn’t even a house. It only had what seemed to be a very deep cave, which was also enough for that carriage to pass through. Sunlight didn’t enter the cave. Ma Rulong couldn’t see what was happening inside the cave. He only saw No Thirteen, who seemed very relax, standing in front of the cave with both hands behind his back.

    Ma Rulong was finally able to take a clear look at this person. No Thirteen was also looking at him. The two people, face to face, were gazing at each other for a while. No Thirteen suddenly had this weird smile, which no one could really explain. He suddenly spoke what no one would ever imagine him saying. He suddenly asked Ma Rulong, “This show we had going on, shouldn’t we complete its final act?”

    [End of Chapter 37]

    128. I remember earlier in the text, there were 32 wheels for 4 carriages…so wouldn’t that be 8 wheels per carriage. Since Xie Yulun mentioned the speed of the carriage when she was on it, this would be the same carriage. So why is it six wheels now?…I dunno…

  2. #42
    Senior Member kaister's Avatar
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    Default Chapter 38

    Chapter 38: Suspicion and Confusion [疑云重重]

    There also wasn’t any gold underground. There was no palace, and not even the missing carriage was here. Although the tunnel’s entrance was ingeniously built, what was underneath was very simple and crude. The underground chamber only had a bed, a table, and a chair. They were all made out of mud. On the outside there was a layer of black stones.

    Could this really be No Thirteen’s home? For such a legendary and mysterious figure of Wulin, how could he be living in such a place? Every one was very shock and disappointed, even found it hard to accept.

    However if they thought about this carefully, they would realized this was what it was supposed to be like.

    This was the Dead Valley that was devoid of anything. No Thirteen was still a man, not a god. Even though he was capable of applying his wit, skills, and strength to create this ingenious secret passage, he still could never create a bed out of thin air.

    If he wanted a bed, he could only make it out of the available dirt and black stones. This place only had dirt and black stones. This was something anyone could see and able to understand. What no one could understand was — how did those capable and outstanding subordinates, the well-trained youngsters, came about? Where did they came from? Where did they live? What was even more baffling was that even though he could not find a real bed and a real table, there were still a bed comforter on the bed and a lamp on the table.

    The comforter on the bed was a very soft and comfortable silk comforter. It also had embroidery on it. The lamp on the table was a very expensive Persian crystal lamp. The lamp still has oil in it. If the place was devoid of anything, where did the lamp come from? Where did the bed cover come from?

    Yu Liu used the huozhezi129 (Chinese fire starter) he was carrying around and lit up this crystal lamp. Once the lamp was lit, everyone couldn’t help but gasped. Even Tie Zhentian, widely regarded as a strong-willed, dauntless, strong-fisted person130 by the people of Jianghu, couldn’t help let out a loud gasp. They had seen something that they would never imagine seeing.

    They saw a person. In this Dead Valley, which seldomly had any people, there was actually in a person inside this underground chamber.

    Not only was there a bed cover on the bed, there was person sleeping on this bed. The person was covered by the embroidered silk comforter. This person was evidently so deep in slumber; he couldn’t even hear people coming in. They couldn’t see what this person looked like. The only thing they could see was the fully white hair that was exposed outside the cover and draping over the pillow.

    Tie Zhentian rushed in front of Xie Yulun and Yu Liu. He roared, “Who are you?”

    Only a deaf wouldn’t be able to hear his voice, so a person deep asleep should wake up. This person had no reaction. If this person wasn’t deaf, then this person must be dead. Who could this dead person be? How come there was a corpse here?

    Tie Zhentian was not made of iron, but it seems as if his guts were. Like an arrow he bolted forward and lifted up the bed cover.

    The person under the cover was not exactly a “dead person”. The person under the cover was already a skeleton. Beside the completely white hair, there was only skeleton and clothes. On the skeleton there was a sharp bamboo stick. It was pierced through the back straight to the heart.

    Undoubtedly someone snuck up behind his back and killed him while he was asleep. There was no sign of resistance. He was killed in one blow. The killer was precise and fierce. If this was not done stealthily, then it was done by someone he was familiar with, in which he didn’t put any guards up.

    — Who was this person?

    — Why did No Thirteen leave a dead person here?

    Xie Yulun suddenly said, “This person is No Thirteen.” Tie Zhentian and Yu Liu looked at her with a shock of disbelief. They couldn’t imagine why she would say such a thing.

    “You said this person is No Thirteen?”

    “Absolutely.” Xie Yulun said in an affirmative tone.

    “How could you tell?”

    “He went to Jasper Villa before.”

    “Were you born back then?”


    Tie Zhentian sighed and said with a force smiled. “You were not even born then, how could you even tell?”

    Yu Liu said, “Even if you had seen him before, there’s no way you can tell.”

    No one could determine a person’s history, name and origin based on just a skeleton. Xie Yulun still seemed confident.

    “Although I had never seen him before, I could still tell.”

    “Because my mother told me a lot things about him.” Xie Yulun said, “With just one thing, I could recognize him.”

    “One thing?” Yu Liu asked, “Which one?”



    “That’s right, the teeth,” Xie Yulun said, “Although a person appearance may change, the teeth couldn’t change, besides every one’s teeth look different.”

    Teeth also would definitely not rot away.

    Xie Yulun said, “My mother said: In the world the person with the strangest set of teeth is No Thirteen.”

    Yu Liu and Tie Zhentian were both looking at the teeth on this dead person, still couldn’t see which was so strange about it.

    Tie Zhentian couldn’t help but asked, “What is so strange about his teeth?”

    “He has four more teeth.” Xie Yulun said, “He has thirty-eight teeth. Including wisdom teeth, it’s forty.”131

    She asked Tie Zhentian, “Have you ever seen anyone with forty teeth before?”

    Tie Zhentian did not, neither did Yu Liu. Although they rarely notice other people’s teeth, they did know everyone has thirty-six teeth, like how everyone has two eyes. The dead man did indeed have forty teeth.

    “I had already counted. I counted it twice.” Xie Yulun said, “That’s how I determine that he is No Thirteen.”

    Tie Zhentian was startled. Yu Liu was also startled. After a long while they finally spoke.

    “If this dead man is No Thirteen.” They both practically asked at the same time. “Who exactly is that No Thirteen?”

    “A fake.”


    Xie Yulun answered, “This place simply does not have any gold. No Thirteen also could not have recruited all those people to serve him. Therefore that No Thirteen is definitely a fake.”

    She added, “Beside no one has really seen No Thirteen before, so no one could tell whether he is real or fake, therefore any one can pretend to be him.”

    “Why pretend to be him?”

    Xie Yulun hadn’t even opened her mouth; suddenly there was another person’s voice. This underground chamber only had the three of them, however she heard a fourth person’s voice. Although the voice was soft and must have come from somewhere far away, she still could hear it clearly. She could clearly hear this person said, “This show we had going on, shouldn’t we complete its final act?”

    [End of Chapter 38]

    129. huozhezi (火折子), like of an ancient Chinese match. It’s a roll up piece that require you to blow into it to generate a fire source.
    130. Lost in translation, wordplay on his name (tie=iron) thus original text is iron heart, iron gut, iron fist but I translated them instead. Lost that a little bit of that touch.
    131. These numbers are killing me…it doesn’t make sense. Someone is drunk I guess. FYI, in real life, most people have an average of 32 teeth (with 4 wisdom teeth included, so 28 with wisdom teeth removed). I guess since this is Gu Long’s universe, people in his world have an average of 36 teeth. By the way, I check several sources and it did say 38 teeth (40 including wisdom)…even if it’s wrong it’s not even consistently wrong…LOL…

  3. #43
    Senior Member kaister's Avatar
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    Default Chapter 39

    Chapter 39: The Answer [解答]

    Every person needs to breath; therefore an underground chamber should have an air ventilation. Because this underground chamber also had an air vent, No Thirteen corpse decayed and rotted away. This chamber’s air duct was created by a giant stick of bamboo inserted from ground above. What they had heard also came from this air duct.

    At the moment they heard it, they couldn’t tell who’s voice was it. Afterward, they hear another man’s voice in a shocked tone asked, “Show? Who’s acting on a show? Acting on what show?”

    They were all familiar with this man’s voice. They could immediately tell it was Ma Rulong. Who was he talking to?

    “Of course yours and my show.”

    “You are not No Thirteen?”

    “Of course I’m not,” The person laughed, “You clearly spent five thousand tael of silver to have me play this role. Why are you still pretending to be dumb?”

    “I asked you to pretend to be No Thirteen?” Ma Rulong seemed even more surprised.

    “Of course you did.”

    “Why would I do such a thing?”

    “Because you wanted people to see you are greatest man in the world, therefore you asked me to pretend to be world’s greatest evil. You wanted me to be the killer so you can be the savior. This way other people would see with their own eye what a hero you are.”

    “So you didn’t kill those people?”

    “Of course not me.” This person laughed, “I don’t have the ability to kill anyone? You bribed their comrades, caused confusion, and allow them to sneakily attacked amidst the chaos. Finally you let your Persian slave use this opportunity to take their heads. I am merely a puppet.”

    “How about those people who were tearing down those houses with you?”

    “They are also your people. Hall of Divine Horse has wealth and power, what can’t it do?”

    This man laughed, “I have to hand it you for laying out such a plot. You even convinced people that Dead Valley has gold. You are a genius.”

    Ma Rulong did not say anything.

    The man laughed again, “What’s even more impressive, I clearly have no strength in my hands. You created a device that shoots out stones, told me to hid in my sleeve, and fire these black stones out, convincing people I have powerful hand strength.”

    After a while Ma Rulong finally asked, “Could it be that you don’t know martial art?”

    “Although I know a little, I definitely couldn’t compare to you people.”

    “Then how could you hear us speaking in the general store?”

    “What did I hear?” The person said, “The thing you people were saying, I couldn’t hear any of them.”

    “You were not the person outside at that time?”

    “Of course it wasn’t me.”

    “If it wasn’t you, who was it?” Ma Rulong asked.

    “How would I know who it was? At that time, there was no one outside saying anything.” This person said, “You arranged this show, how would I know the details?”

    He sighed, “No matter what, right now this act is finally over. That lady, Dawan, and that old monk are inside the cave, hurry and take them back. This way you not only can play the hero rescuing the princess, you can make that old monk admires and thankful of you. I only accepted your five thousand taels. If you have any decency, you should…”

    His voice suddenly stopped. At the instance his voice stop, there was only a “pu” sound, and then nothing. There was no sound at all.

    * * *

    The underground chamber was also silent. No one said anything, not even a word. Ma Rulong was their friend, and now he unexpectedly did all those things, what else could they say? Not knowing how long had passed, Yu Liu finally said, “Couldn’t believe he’s that kind of person.”

    This was indeed something no one would imagine. If they weren't here in this underground chamber and happened to hear this conversation, they would’ve been fooled their entire life. Fortunately heaven is fair and the guilty will not escape, at least they know the truth.

    Tie Zhentian suddenly said, “There is one thing I don’t understand.”

    “Which one?”

    “The fake No Thirteen did say he did not hear what we said in the general store. At the time we heard No Thirteen speaking, who was talking?

    “If I am not wrong, it must’ve been someone inside the general store.” Yu Liu said after pondering.

    “However no one in the general store at that time opened their mouths.”

    “Some people can speak without opening their mouth.”

    “Which people?”

    “People that knows ventriloquism.” Yu Liu said, “I have seen this type of people before.”

    “That’s right.” Tie Zhentian said, “I’ve also seen this type of people that can speak from their abdomen. You clearly thought the voice was coming from somewhere else, but it was actually coming from the stomach.”

    He sighed, “No wonder why I thought he sounded strange at the time, also it sounded as if the people speaking was next to me.”

    “Could you guess who that person is?”

    “It was definitely Wang Wanwu.” Tie Zhentian said, “Absolutely must be him.”


    “He didn’t need to intentionally walk himself into the trap.” Tie Zhentian, “He came to the general store because he wanted to spread misinformation. He wanted us to believe No Thirteen has these unattainable and otherworldly abilities, wanted us to believe that No Thirteen was the real No Thirteen.”

    “Therefore he was later silenced.”

    Tie Zhentian coldly laughed, “That type of people deserved that type of ending.”

    What kind of ending should Ma Rulong receive?

    “We should go back up to wait for him.” Tie Zhentian gripped onto his fists. “We will see what else does he have to say.”

    He was about to grab Yu Liu and leave, but the Xie Yulun that hadn’t spoken a word suddenly said, “Wait.”

    “Wait for what?”

    “I lost something here.” Xie Yulun said, “I have to find it before I go.”

    How could she lose something here? What did she lose?

    She really did lose something here, missing three beads of pearls, seems like it came off a chain of pearls.

    She found it at the corner next to the doorway.

    Tie Zhentian and Yu Liu thought this was strange, couldn’t help but asked, “This is yours?”


    “How could your thing be missing here?”

    Xie Yulun answer was even more surprising, “Because I came here before.”

    Tie Zhentian and Yu Liu were stunned. They stood there for a while and finally asked, “Why would you come here? What for?”

    “To look for my uncle.”

    “Your uncle?” Tie Zhentian lost his voice and asked, “How come No Thirteen is your uncle?”

    “He was my mother’s blood-related brother, why wouldn’t he be my uncle?”

    Xie Yulun sighed and said, “Unfortunately I have never seen him before, because Jasper Villa never let a man stay. Even though we’re blood-related, there was no exception. Male, after birth, would be sent far away.”

    Right now Tie Zhentian finally understood why he called himself No Thirteen. After he found out about his origin, it was hard not to be sad and angry. That was why he said he had no father and no mother. Therefore he was determined to seek out Jasper Villa, to strive for vindication. Unfortunately, in the end he still lost. Right now Tie Zhentian finally understood why Madame Jasper made an exception and spared his life? And how she knew he had forty teeth?

    Xie Yulun said, “Although my mother exiled him to Dead Valley, she haven’t forgotten this brother. Therefore she always mentioned him in front of me. That’s why I was determine to find him.”

    “If you already know he was dead, then you must’ve known that No Thirteen was fake.”

    “That’s right.”

    “Why didn’t you reveal this?”

    “Because I need to take this chance to find my uncle’s murderer,” Xie Yulun said, “This is my only chance.”

    — Only the real murderer would know he was already dead, would dare to ask someone to pretend to be him.

    Xie Yulun said, “Therefore I only need to find out who was the mastermind behind all of this, then I would be able to find out who’s the murderer.”

    Yu Liu couldn’t help and took a long sigh. “You would never imagine the perpetrator would be Ma Rulong.”

    Xie Yulun suddenly had this strange glare on him, after a while finally spoke one word at a time. “You are wrong.”

    “I’m wrong? What’s wrong?”

    “The perpetrator is not Ma Rulong.” Xie Yulun said it confidently, “Most definitely not.”

    “If it is not him, who is it?”

    Xie Yulun stared at him for a long while, eyes filled with grief and condemnation. “It is you!” She pointed her finger at Yu Liu. “The murderer is you!”

    Yu Liu laughed. “You must be joking, but this joke is not funny.”

    “This joke is not supposed to be funny, because this is not a joke.”

    “You really think I am the murderer?”

    “I originally didn’t think it would be you.” Xie Yulun said, “Fortunately I happen to know something other people wouldn’t know.”

    “What do you know?”

    “I know Yu Wu did not have a younger brother.” Xie Yulun said, “Definitely did not.”

    She spoke one word at a time, “Because Yu Wu also happens to be my uncle!”

    Tie Zhentian was startled, Yu Liu was still smiling!

    “With just this, you determined that I am the murderer?”

    “No, not enough.” Xie Yulun said, “Fortunately, Dawan also happen to had seen something.”


    “She saw you killed Wang Wanwu! She saw it with her own eyes.”

    Yu Liu couldn’t smile anymore.

    Xie Yulun said, “At the time I didn’t let her expose your plot, because at the time we still do not know who you are.”

    Yu Liu couldn’t help but asked, “Right now, you already know.”

    “Right now I already know. You plotted all of this because you wanted to frame Ma Rulong,” Xie Yulun said, “Because you know everyone slowly realize what kind of man he is, all knew he wouldn’t do such a thing, so you planned all this to frame him.”

    She suddenly asked Tie Zhentian, “Do you know who wanted to harm him the most?”

    Tie Zhentian obviously knew, answered without hesitation, “Qiu Fengcheng.”

    “Yes.” Xie Yulun said, “Of course it’s Qiu Fengcheng.”

    She pointed at Yu Liu, one word at a time said, “You are Qiu Fengcheng!”

    This “Yu Liu” suddenly laughed again.

    “It seemed like you already know everything, there no need for me to deny.” He actually said, “That’s right, I am Qiu Fengcheng.”

    Xie Yulun sighed, “This is definitely something hard for people to imagine, and even I didn’t expect you to admit it so casually.”

    “There was also something you would never imagine.”


    “I am also No Thirteen’s only disciple.”

    He really was. He always had wild ambition, ambition to rule the world, however he also knew with only Qiu’s family silver spear, he couldn’t accomplish that. One time, he accidentally heard stories about No Thirteen.

    “He was definitely a strange man.” Qiu Fengcheng said, “His background was strange. His history was strange. I was fascinated by him. Thought of countless of ways and finally found and came to Dead Valley. Coincidentally at that time, No Thirteen wanted to take in a disciple, who was willing to avenge him.”

    No Thirteen truly took him in as disciple, and taught him his life-long abilities. No Thirteen’s ability wasn’t isolated to one.

    “This digging ability was taught by him.” Qiu Fengcheng said, “Qimendunjia (Anicient Chinese Art of Divination), gathering and spreading information, traps and mechanisms, using poison, art of disguise; not one unknown to him, not one that isn’t brilliant. “

    “Why did you kill him?”

    “He was alway controlling and limiting my actions. I had already learned all his abilities.” Qiu Fengcheng actually laughed, “So why wouldn’t I kill him?”

    “Not only did you killed him, you also killed your peers Du Qinglian and Shen Hongye, and also lured Ma Rulong into Dead Valley. You should be very content.” Xie Yulun again asked, “Why do you even have to do this?”

    “Because what you said isn’t wrong, I had also realized all of you are slowing started to have confidence in him.” Qiu Fengcheng also couldn’t help but sighed, “Ma Rulong really isn’t a simple person.”

    “In reality, you really didn’t need to do any of this. We basically couldn’t find any of your mistakes, and couldn’t gather any evidence on you.” Xie Yulun also sighed, “Too bad you’re too smart for your own good.”

    “Being too smart doesn’t matter, whether you find any evidence is all the same.”

    “Same, how could it be the same?”

    “Because you will all die regardless.” Qiu Fengcheng suddenly asked, “Do you know at first what that “pu” noise was?”

    “Sounds like a dao (sabre) striking someone’s neck.”

    “Whose neck? Whose sabre?”

    Qiu Fengcheng answered his own questions, ”If you think it was that fake No Thirteen, then you’re wrong.”


    “The neck was Ma Rulong’s neck, the sabre was Peng Tiangao’s132 sabre.” Qiu Fengcheng explained, “Peng Tiangao is that Persian slave. He is also Peng Tianba’s younger brother. His sabre skill is far more impressive than Peng Tianba's. Unfortunately, he was born from a concubine. His mother was a female Persian slave; therefore he will never be the legitimate successor of Wuhu Duanmendao (Five Tigers Breaking Down the Door Sabre). Pang clan’s vast wealth is something he is only able look at.”

    “That’s why he was persuaded by you, willing to aide you, and help you kill Peng Tianba.”

    Qiu Fengcheng smiled and nodded admittedly, but he suddenly changed the subject. “When No Thirteen was alive, I once asked him, what things he wanted the most?” Qiu Fengcheng said, “I couldn’t believe the things he most wanted was a bed comforter and a lamp.”

    “You obviously gave these to him.”

    “I gave him the best bed comforter and the best lamp, even the lamp oil was the best. Only the last one was the exception.”

    “What was the last thing you gave him?”

    “It was the lamp oil and lamp wick soaked in drugs.” Qiu Fengcheng laughed and said, “Of course the drug was also the best, just like the one you both unknowingly inhaled at first.”

    He laughed exuberantly, but the laugh didn’t last long. In a sudden, with a ding sound, the light on the table went out, outside the entrance there was a fire. Under the flickering firelight was a person. A person he thought he would never see again. He saw Ma Rulong.

    Ma Rulong appeared along with Dawan and Jue dashi. Obviously they had not died, Dawan’s capture was a trap set by her and Xie Yulun.

    Xie Yulun finally told Qiu Fengcheng, “I intentionally told Dawan all those words, intentionally let you hear, and letting you think I wanted revenge.” She said, “Obviously I also intentionally went to look for Ma Rulong, giving you a chance. In reality, I already released Dawan’s acupoints.”

    Dawan innocuously followed, “So when you heard the sabre blade cutting down on the neck, the sabre was Peng Tiangao’s sabre, the neck was also his neck.”

    [End of Chapter 39]

    132. Peng Tiangao (彭天高), surname Peng, given name means “sky high”.

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    Default END

    Epilogue 尾声

    Qiu Fengcheng, of course, received his deserved punishment. Jue dashi went to Mt. Kunlun’s summit to mianbisiguo (confined himself for self-reflection). After Tie Zhentian and Ma Rulong drank whole-heartily for three days, on a windy and moonlit cold night they disappeared. Their current locations were unknown.

    Jiangnan Yu Wu was still leading the Jiangnan wulin (martial art world). Miss Yu was still untraceable, appearing and disappearing unpredictably. How about Dawan and Xie Yulun? What kind of end should they have with Ma Rulong?

    * * *

    Several years later someone in Jiangnan ran into Ma Rulong. He was said to be accompanied by two beauties as delicate as flowers. One must be Xie Yulun, was the other Dawan? No one knew. But why was her charm and grace so similar to Dawan?

    [END of Bixue Xi Yinqiang]

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