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Thread: Swordsman the Lost Duel

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    Hope we don't need to wait too long

  2. #82
    Member Eastern Heretic's Avatar
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    Thank you Mandred

  3. #83
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Linghu Chong woke to the sound of a crackling wood and the warm embrace of his love. Despite being conscious he was reluctant to open his eyes for fear of discovering that this was all a dream and that he was once again separated from Xiao Bai. But open his eyes he did, for this was the only way he could look upon her beautiful face. As he slowly opened his eyes he saw the dazzling yet concerned face of his lover looking down at him.

    Taking in his surroundings he noticed that he was lying on her lap and they were in a cave where besides them a small fire burned:

    “How are you feeling?” asked Dongfang Bai.

    “Like I have just entered the Ninth Heaven.” responded Linghu Chong with a mischievous grin.

    Dongfang Bai tapped his chest in annoyance at his playful tone:

    “Do you have any idea how frightened I've been? You've been unconscious since leaving the monastery and I've been worrying about you the whole time.”

    “I am sorry” responded Linghu Chong as he gently took her hand and rubbed his cheek against the back of it. Then he looked up at Dongfang Bai with the eyes of a puppy that had just done something wrong and she felt her annoyance melt away:

    “Xuesheng and I have managed to dissipate the Ice from your body but you must rest for the next few days.”

    “Not too much rest I hope?” and the twinkle returned to his eyes.

    As Dongfang Bai was about to release an angry retort Linghu Chong shot up and locked his lips onto hers. She resisted for a moment before giving in and indulging in a pleasure she had only dreamed about since her imprisonment.


    Bai Xuesheng and Yilin rode side by side as they headed back to the cave. Bai Xuesheng had gone to tell Tai Zhong that he and his men could stand down. Realising that Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bai could use sometime alone he had asked Yilin if she would accompany him. Yilin was only too eager to go along.

    As they were returning to their companions with two additional horses Bai Xuesheng fixed his eyes firmly on the path ahead and refused to look at the beautiful woman riding next to him. He tried telling himself that this was ridiculous, after all he had spent time alone with her before and had not felt this nervous. But back then he had not known his true feelings for her. Now that he did he was afraid that if he looked at her she would see the mixture of fear and excitement in his heart.

    Suddenly a warm soft hand slipped into his and he turned to see Yilin looking at him with those large eyes. But instead of her usually shy look this time her eyes held a combination of determination and amusement as she spoke:

    “Were you ever going to take my hand?” her voice had taken on a playful yet confident tone that reminded him of her sister when they used to flirt.

    Yilin had been touched by the love between her sister and Linghu Chong. She admired how they were willing to sacrifice everything for each other and seek love without reservation. Having met Bai Xuesheng again she was determined she would never risk losing him again.

    “Yilin I...” Bai Xuesheng trailed of as his voice started trembling in nervousness.

    Yilin giggled and spoke instead:

    “So even the great Lord of White Tiger Palace can turn into a fool now and then. By the way my name is Dongfang Cuì, if we are going to be together you had best know my birth name”

    “White as driven snow and green as precious jade, I must say your names perfectly describe you and your sister.” Bai Xuesheng said the words with a measure of his old confidence, although his voice still quivered a little.

    “Now that is the Lord Bai a remember” said Dongfang Cuì as she gave him one of those sweet smile.

    “To the world I am Lord Bai, to you I am Xuesheng. My dear Xiao Cuì.”

    Dongfang Cuì tightened her grip on his hand and Bai Xuesheng felt all the fear and anxiety he had been carrying for the last few months float away. So this is what it was like to love and be loved. He could see why Xiao Bai was willing to sacrifice so much for it.


    Dongfang Bai rested her head on Linghu Chong's bare shoulder and interlaced the fingers of her left hand with those of his right. A contented smile played on her lips as she looked up at the handsome face that she had been dreaming about for so many long months. A single bead of sweat ran down that strong jaw of his and she sleepily wiped it away with a kiss:

    “Well I guess there is no doubting your fidelity then” her voice was husky and sensual sending goosebumps along her lover's skin. “Now that we've got that over and done with, would you mind answering a question?” asked Dongfang Bai.

    “My Lady, ask what you want.” replied Linghu Chong dreamily.

    “How did you learn the Art of Star Absorption?”

    There was a small pause as Linghu Chong suddenly became very awake. He had been dreading this question but knew that he would have to tell her sooner or later. Taking a deep breath he told her of what had happened after he left Shaolin. After hearing about his encounter with Ren Yingying and Ren Woxing, Dongfang Bai was strangely silent and Linghu Chong could feel her shoulders tightening in tension:

    “Xiao Bai, if I thought that they would be a threat to you I swear I would have never helped them.” a note of pleading had entered his voice as he feared he might have upset her.

    “Its not your fault. You didn't know that I am Dongfang Bubai.”

    “Xiao Bai, I don't care what the world knows you as. To me you my Xiao Bai and I would die before hurting you.”

    Linghu Chong could feel the tension drain out of her shoulders at his acceptance of her true identity and knew there was no need for him to ask anything else about her pass. What she did before meeting him did not matter, the only thing that mattered was what they did in the future.

    The sound of steel on steel came from outside the cave and broke the moment of bliss that the lovers were sharing. With a mutual sigh they grabbed their clothes.


    Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi laid side by side on the ground as the Qingcheng apprentices loomed over them. Yu Canghai sat on a rock a few feet away his posture relaxed but his eyes burned with a murderous rage:

    “Just tell me where the manual is and I'll let you go.”

    “If you dare harm us my father will...” Yue Lingshan's words were cut off by Yu Canghai's laughter:

    “He will do nothing as he will never find out. Now last chance, either you hand over the manual or I hand you over to my apprentices. I remember Linghu Chong once compared them to animals. If you don't talk soon you will find out just how apt that comparison really is.”

    As if to emphasise his words Yu Renhao and Hou Renying who were at the head of the group of apprentices smiled wickedly as their eyes travelled up and down Yue Lingshan's body. Yue Lingshan squirmed backwards trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and the lust filled gazes of the men. Then her face froze as something dropped upon the would be rapists.

    Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bai landed amongst the Qingcheng apprentices with the impact of twin meteorites, leaving a ten foot wide crater where their feet touched the ground. The apprentices within the crater died instantly while those on the edged felt their internal organs rupture as the shock-wave travelled through them. Even those who stood far away from the point of impact nursed broken limbs from the release of power.

    Seeing the two new arrivals Yu Canghai turned and fled leaving his apprentices to their fate. Linghu Chong turned to Dongfang Bai:

    “Well my lady, what should we do with them.”

    “As loath as I am to dirty my hand with their blood I cannot abide anyone who abuses women.”

    So saying she fell upon the survivors with the savagery of a she-wolf, her delicate fingers weaving an embroidery of death. Within the space of a heartbeat there was not a single member of the Qingcheng school left alive. Yue Lingshan stared in appalled horror at the scene of carnage, then looked at Dongfang Bai as if she was the embodiment of the devil:

    “What are you?” Yue Lingshan whispered.

    “Your saviour” replied Dongfang Bai with a bored tone.

    “If you are expecting gratitude then forget it. We would rather have died than be rescued by the likes of you.” shouted Lin Pingzhi as he picked himself up.

    “Lin Pingzhi. For the sake of Lingshan I will pretend I didn't hear that. But if you ever insult my woman again then I will end the Lin family line.” said Linghu Chong with a voice that was surprisingly calm. He was not making a threat, but rather stating a fact.

    Yue Lingshan looked into the eyes of the man she had always regarded as a gentle and loving brother. What she saw sent a chill down her spine. Gone was the kindly gaze she had always known to be replaced with a grim determination that showed he truly intended to carry out his threat:

    “So it is true, you really have chosen this witch over Mount Hua School.” Yue Lingshan said the words without conscious thought, as if she couldn't quite believe them herself.

    “Lady Yue, I suggest you leave while you still can.” said a woman's voice from behind Yue Lingshan.

    All eyes turned to see Bai Xuesheng and Dongfang Cuì ride into view. Seeing themselves surrounded Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan picked up their swords and prepared to defend themselves:

    “Yilin what has this got to do with you?” asked Yue Lingshan's

    “That is my sister you have just called a witch”

    “Your sister?” cried Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi together in disbelief.

    “And my name is Dongfang Cuì. Or Lady Dongfang to the two of you.”

    Dongfang Bai and Bai Xuesheng smiled at the steel in Dongfang Cuì's words, while their hearts filled with pride. Linghu Chong looked on in surprise at how similar the two sisters sounded when they were annoyed and wondered why he had never noticed this before. Yue Lingshan's ego stung at the words and she sneered back at Dongfang Cuì:

    “You are very brave with your Jiě Jiě here.” the challenge in Yue Lingshan's voice was obvious.

    Normally Dongfang Cuì would have avoided violence but like her sister she had no tolerance for any threats or insults to those dear to her. Leaping of her horse she and drawing her sword as she landed in front of Yue Lingshan, she spoke:

    “Fine. Just you and me then.”

    Linghu Chong started to move forwards to stop this, but Dongfang Bai gripped his hand and whispered in his ear:

    “Its alright, my sister won't hurt her.”

    “But what if something happens to Yi...I mean Xiao Cuì?”

    For an answer he received a little smile form his lover. Although he was still worried about the girls, but he was willing to trust that Dongfang Bai knew what she was doing.

    Yue Lingshan lunged, her attack had speed but little strength and was easily deflected by Dongfang Cuì who returned a quick backhanded slash that took a lock of Yue Lingshan's hair. Dongfang Cuì had hoped that this display of her superior skill would convince Yue Lingshan to back down.

    But instead Yue Lingshan was enraged by this and attacked with erratic almost hysterical blows, determined to avenge her wounded pride. Dongfang Cuì parried steadily as she retreated keeping her movements small and precise allowing no openings for her opponent.

    Even to Lin Pingzhi's unsophisticated eyes it was obvious that Yue Lingshan was losing and he made to attack Dongfang Cuì from behind, but the ground at his feet erupted in a small explosion and a palm sized hole was left in the soil. Looking up he saw Bai Xuesheng looking at him with stern eyes and a shake of his head.

    Dongfang Cuì floated with the grace and ease of a butterfly as she continued to dance away from Yue Lingshan, always staying just ahead of her opponent's blade. Finally after twenty moves Dongfang Cuì decided to put an end to the duel. Clutching the helm of her dress Dongfang Cuì threw it at Yue Lingshan's face. Instinctively the latter raised her sword to parry the expected attack and an attack did come but was aimed at her chest and not her face. Staring down at the sword tip that had stopped an inch from her chest Yue Lingshan knew that her humiliation was complete.

    Stepping back Dongfang Cuì turned around and walked back to Bai Xuesheng whose face beamed with pride. But suddenly Bai Xuesheng's palm shot out towards Dongfang Cuì who froze in horror as a bolt of Qi energy came hurtling towards her. The bolt however passed over Dongfang Cuì's shoulder and she heard something metallic snap behind her. Turning sharply she saw Yue Lingshan holding a broken sword that she had tried to lunge into her back:

    “Like father like daughter. Lady Yue I suggest you take my sister's advice and leave. Now!” Dongfang Bai's voice made it very clear that this was Yue Lingshan's last chance to do so.

    Lin Pingzhi ran forwards and grabbed Yue Lingshan's hand dragging her away. Dongfang Cui turned bask to Bai Xuesheng and smiled:

    “I am lucky you have a good eye.”

    “I don't know what you mean? I missed”

    A chorus of laughter greeted his words.


    Dongfang Bai, Linghu Chong, Bai Xuesheng and Dongfang Cui sat around a table laden with food in a private room in an inn and enjoyed their supper. Bai Xuesheng watched with raised eyebrow as Dongfang Bai selected the choicest parts of each dish and placed them into Linghu Chong's bowl:

    “Excuse me! But I need to eat as well” he whined in the tone of a child.

    “You have very little to complain about Lord Bai.” retorted Dongfang Bai as she peered over her friend's shoulder.

    Following her gaze he saw a waiter come in with a plate:

    “Pigeons!” shouted Bai Xuesheng as his face lit up with delight.

    “Jie Jie said this was your favourite so I had them prepare some for you.” said Dongfang Cui.

    Bai Xuesheng stared at her with his sparkling emerald eyes and Dongfang Cui thought that she was going to swoon. As the waiter left Bai Xuesheng addressed his companions:

    “So what are we all going to do now?”

    “I need to contact my people at Black-wood Cliff. Now that Ren Woxing is back I need to make some preparations to properly welcome him.” said Dongfang Bai.

    “I need to return to Shaolin Monastery and retrieve the remains of Abbess Dingxian and Dingyi.” said Linghu Chong. He had told his companions about the deaths of the nuns and his appointment as the new Head of North Mount Heng on their way to the inn.

    Dongfang Cui had been understandably distraught at the news and was even now fighting back tears at the reminder of her Shifu's death. Bai Xuesheng felt her pain and wished he could take it away. To try and distract her he also spoke:

    “I to need to return to White Tiger Palace and prepare my people. Well Xiao Cui who are you going with?”

    “I will travel with Linghu Dage. It is my duty to help him return Shifu and the Abbess' remains to Mount Heng.”

    Bai Xuesheng nodded his head in agreement although his heart was heavy. Having just confessed their love for each other he was hoping to spend sometime alone with Dongfang Cui. He mentally berated himself for being selfish, but couldn't keep the thought out of his mind.

    Knowing that this was their last meal together for sometime the four of them pushed all unpleasant thoughts aside and spent the remainder of the meal in deliberately light conversation even as they each nursed their own worries.


    Tianmen walked towards the gates of Mount Tai school flanked by his martial brothers Tiansong and Tianyi. The events at Shaolin Monastery weighed heavily on Tianmen's mind. The display of Martial Arts by the three young people had amazed and frightened him in equal measure. Tianmen knew that no matter how hard he practised he would never have a fraction of the power he had witnessed. But it was not this that disturbed him.

    With so many powerful figures emerging in the Martial Arts world how could a small school like his possibly survive? Tianmen was a brave man but he knew that he was not an intelligent one. He would have to call a meeting of all the elders of the school and hope that their collective intelligence might come up with a solution.

    As he approached the gates of his school they suddenly swung open and dozens of Mount Tai apprentices stormed out with swords bared. Quickly Tianmen and his martial brothers were surrounded by a ring of steel:

    “What is the meaning of this?!” roared Tianmen.

    Three figures pushed their way to their way to the front of the Mount Tai apprentices:

    “Uncle Yujizi what's going on?” Tianmen asked the man standing at the centre of three.

    “Tianmen, just throw down your sword and you won't be hurt.”

    “What rubbish are you sprouting? As Head of Mount Tai I demand to know what's happening.”

    “Your days as being Head are over. Look at this.” Yujizi held up a jewel encrusted dagger. This was the dagger passed down to the Head of Mount Tai and represented their authority.

    “What are you doing with that?”

    “By order of Lord Zuo I assume command of Mount Tai, any who do not submit will be considered as traitors and dealt with accordingly.” shouted Yujizi.

    Finally the truth dawned on Tianmen. So this had been the reason behind Zuo Lengshan calling them all to Shaolin. With a roar of defiance Tianmen drew his sword and charged Yujizi, with Tiansong and Tianyi following closely. Yujizi leapt backwards and the circle of steel closed in front of him. Tianmen hacked at his traitorous apprentices with gigantic sweeps of his great sword severing limbs and heads as he tried to fight his way to Yujizi. Tiansong and Tianyi protected his back and they formed a small wedge as they fought.

    The three of them fought bravely but ultimately it was futile. Tianyi fell first as a sword caved in his skull, then Tiansong was slain by a dozen blades that pierced his body. Alone Tianmen fought on, his body bleeding from a dozen wounds and the ground littered with the bodies of those he had vanquished. Finally his strength deserted him and he fell to his knees as his life blood flowed away. With his foe defeated Yujizi stepped forward. With one swift blow of his sword Yujizi parted Tianmen's head from his body and sealed his pack with Zuo Lengshan with the blood of the Head of Mount Tai.

  4. #84
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for the new year update!

  5. #85
    Member Silverhawk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Thanks Mandred and I have to agree with Dongfang Xue that you have better writing skills any time

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    Thanks for a brilliant chapter Mandred.

  7. #87
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Nice chapter. One thing though. Shouldn't have Zuo Lengshan and the rest been a little more surprised that lhc new the star-sucking skill? It came off, at least to me, that Zuo Lengshan already knew lhc knew the skill.
    Thanks for reminding me of that plot hole. I've closed it in the newest chapter

  8. #88
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sjohnb View Post
    Keep up the good work, Mandred.
    Thanks for the support. Will do

  9. #89
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blurry View Post
    Hope we don't need to wait too long
    Will try to upload at least once a week, but might be less. Hope you enjoy the newest chapter

  10. #90
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eastern Heretic View Post
    Thank you Mandred
    Thanks for popping by

  11. #91
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    Thanks for the new year update!
    No problem. Enjoy

  12. #92
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverhawk View Post
    Thanks Mandred and I have to agree with Dongfang Xue that you have better writing skills any time
    Thanks for the kind words. Our styles are just different

  13. #93
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Nice chapter

    I'm a little torn on the yls and Yi Lin part. At first I thought It seemed kind of forced. But as I thought about it more I can see yls with her temper getting into fights easily. So I guess a little more was/is needed to the scene to cause those two to fight. Perhaps the conversation needed to last a little longer before swords were drawn. But that's me.

    Oh, you used the wrong word in spots. Like using form instead of from.

    Perhaps you should number the chapters and add chapter links to make it easier to navigate.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  14. #94
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Choosing the Right Path

    The flame flickered casting ominous shadows upon the cave wall. Sitting alone in the dark cave Yue Buqun stared at the items lying on the blanket in front of him. His hand stroked the robe that contained the key to fulfilling his ambitions and he longed to obtain the power promised within its text. But despite his best efforts he had been unable to find a way around the first perquisite of studying the art.

    He had told his wife that he would be spending the next half a year at Repentance Cliff in order to perfect the Violet Mist Divine Art, when in reality he was using his time in isolation to decide on whether to study the Evil Resisting Sword or not. A part of him said that it was not worth it, that maybe he could find some other lost art in order to achieve his goal. Perhaps there were hidden secrets within the Mount Hua martial arts that he had missed?

    But another part of him, a much louder part, told him that there was no other way. That if he wanted to achieve absolute power then this was the only way. Uncorking the small bottle of blood clotting powder, he made sure that it was within easy reach. Then he undid his robes. Acting quickly so that he would have no time for second thoughts he snatched up the sharp knife that lay next to the bottle and did the deed. His screams echoed like the wails of a tormented spirit across the Cliff.


    Linghu Chong and Dongfang Cuì carried the urns containing the ashes of Dingxian and Dingyi as they walked towards the ancestral shrine of North Mount Heng. With sober reverence they placed the urns amongst the remains of the other deceased members of the school. Retreating to a respectful distance they bowed their final respects and then walked outside to where the North Mount Hang apprentices waited on bended knees. Many were crying openly at their loss and although Linghu Chong's heart went out to them he could think of no way to ease their suffering.

    He had met them on his return to Shaolin Monastery and had informed them of the deaths of their elders. Most of the apprentices had been overcome with grief, but Yihe had kept enough of her wits to accompany him and Dongfang Cuì to collect the ashes. Abbot Fangzheng had examined the bodies before committing them the flames and confirmed that the nuns had been killed by a single sewing needle to the heart. As they escorted the ashes back to Mount Heng, Linghu Chong had informed the apprentices of Abbess Dingxian appointing him head of the School.

    Dismissing the assembled apprentices to allow them to grieve as they each saw fit he asked Yihe to stay. When alone with Yihe and Dongfang Cuì, Linghu Chong took off the jade ring that Dingxian had passed to him and offered it to Yihe:

    “Sister Yihe, please accept this.”

    “Humble apprentice dares not.”

    “But as the senior apprentice it is your right.”

    “The rules of our school states that the Head is to be appointed by their predecessor. As it was the late Abbess' wish that brother Linghu take up the post, I dare not disobey.”


    “Linghu Dage, can I say something?” asked Dongfang Cuì

    “Of course Xiao Cuì.” replied Linghu Chong

    Yihe frowned in confusion. Why was Linghu Chong addressing Yilin in that name. Seeing Yihe's confused expression Dongfang Cuì decided some explaining was needed

    “Sister Yihe, my birth name is Dongfang Cuì.”

    Yihe nodded her understanding and Dongfang Cuì turned back to Linghu Chong:

    “Linghu Dage. These a perilous times. Both Zuo Lengshan and Ren Woxing are making bids for absolute power. In all likelihood Mount Heng will be caught up in the turmoil to come and as much as I respect sister Yihe, I doubt she has the ability to see the school through such times.”

    “Yi...I mean Xiao Cuì is right. I could never stand up to the likes of Zuo Lengshan or Ren Woxing” agreed Yihe.

    “Also, from Abbot Fangzheng's examination of the Abbess' and Shifu's remains it is obvious that whoever killed them is a martial artists of the highest calibre. I doubt there is anyone within Mount Heng that could match such a person, so your help is vital if we are to stand any chance of bringing the culprit to justice.”

    Linghu Chong knew that everything Xiao Cuì said made sense and he could not in good conscience abandon the school. He turned to Xiao Cuì with a smile:

    “When did that frightened young girl turn into the intelligent and brilliant lady standing before me now?”

    Xiao Cuì blushed at his complement and he turned back to Yihe to spare her further embarrassment:

    “Very well sister Yihe, I will take up the post of Head until the Abbess' death has been avenged, however afterwards I must insist you find someone else to fulfil the post.”

    “As you command Master.”

    Linghu Chong frowned at being addressed with that title. This was going to take a lot of getting used to.


    Dongfang Bai started clearing away the dishes on the table but she studied her surroundings out of the corner of her eye. She had sent a secret message to Tong Baixiong to meet her at this tavern and had disguised herself as a waiter while she waited for him. Knowing that her natural beauty might attract unwanted attention she had put on a fake beard and scar along her left cheek.

    As she put the dishes on a tray she saw Tong Baixiong enter the tavern dressed as a travelling merchant. Passing to tray to another waiter she went to greet the Cult Elder:

    “Good to see you again Merchant Sima. Your room is ready please follow me.”

    Tong Baixiong recognized her immediately for he had assisted her Shifu in inducting her into the Cult when she had first joined and it would take a lot more than some make up to fool him. Leading Tong Baixiong into a quiet room Dongfang Bai closed the door behind her. Turning sharply Tong Baixiong fell to his knees:

    “Your humble servants pays his respects to Lord Dongfang.”

    “Please rise uncle Tong. What news do you have of events at Black-wood Cliff?”

    “I am ashamed to report that Ren Woxing with the aid of Xiang Wentian has managed to occupy Black-wood Cliff. However your humble servant managed to escape with two hundred loyal disciples. Now that my Lord has returned we await your order to retake the Cliff.” Tong Baixiong spoke the words with justifiable confidence, for he had complete faith in Dongfang Bai.

    “What of Yang Lianting?”

    “That coward! He declared his 'loyalty' to Ren Woxing the moment that old fox reappeared. I am just sorry I didn't get the chance to kill him before I left.”

    Dongfang Bai weighed up her options. It was possible that she could retake the Cliff with the forces she had to hand, but it was very risky. Although she was confident that she could escape in the event of a defeat, the damage to moral so early on in the campaign might prove fatal. In addition she knew how effective Yang Lianting's spy network was, so the chances of catching her enemy by surprise was incredibly slim.

    “Uncle Tong, Tell your people to go into hiding and not to make a moves without my direct command. Also I want you to discretely contact the Ten Elders and ascertain how many of them support me and how many support Ren Woxing. If you want to contact me leave a message with the owner of this tavern.”

    “By your command my Lord.” Tong Baixiong voice was full of enthusiasm at being given a plan of action. Although he would have preferred more direct action he trusted in his Lord's judgement.

    When alone Dongfang Bai reached into her chest and fondled Linghu Chong's hair band that she always kept close to her heart. With her instructions given now seemed like a good time to visit her lover.


    Yue Buqun skipped around the cave, his steps so light that they left no prints on the soft ground. A wicked smile played on his lips as he indulged in his new found powers. He was a weightless as petals floating in the breeze. The sword in his hand felt like a bolt of lightning and whatever it struck it destroyed. Such power was intoxicating and Yue Buqun felt almost godlike in his ability to wield it.

    It had been three months since he had mutilated himself in order to obtain this kind of power and not for a moment had he regretted his decision. Oh how he wished that brat Linghu Chong and his ***** Dongfang Bubai were here now. If they were he would show them the real meaning of power and make them gravel at his feet. Red lightning flew from his blade as he imagined Linghu Chong's face on the cave wall and rocks exploded as the Qi lightning touched it.

    As the dust settled Yue Buqun was surprised to see that the rocks had concealed a hidden tunnel. Walking into the tunnel he found the cave where the Sun-Moon Cult elders had been trapped. Looking at the walls his wicked smile broadened. It seems that Heaven truly wishes him to succeed.


    Ning Zhongze was in her room applying her make up when her husband walked in:

    “Husband, what are you doing here?!”

    “I've discovered something at Repentance Cliff.”


    “Its best if I show you.”

    “But before we go there is something I must tell you first.”

    “Very well what is it?”

    Ning Zhongze called for a servant then asked him to fetch Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi. When they arrived Yue Lingshan ran to her father and took his arm:

    “Papa what are you doing here?”

    “I had something I wanted to discuss with your mother, but she said she had something important to tell me first.”

    Ning Zhongze turned to Lin Pingzhi:

    “Pingzhi, you had best talk to your Shifu yourself.”

    Lin Pingzhi fell to his knees in front of Yue Buqun:

    “Shifu, I beg for your blessing to take Lingshan's hand. I swear I will do everything in my power in make her happy.”

    Yue Buqun stared at Lin Pingzhi for a long moment. He had long known that Lin Pingzhi and his daughter were a couple. He had in fact encouraged the relationship in order to get his hands on the Evil Resisting Sword. Now that he had the manual, was there any advantage to keeping the boy alive. However he could not think of any reason to object the marriage.

    Besides this way he could keep the boy close to him and if he turns out to be a problem it would be easy to get rid of him:

    “Very well. Of course I give my blessing to such a happy union.”

    As Yue Buqun finished his words there was a knock on the door. Ning Zhongze opened the door and found an apprentice waiting there:


    “Shiniáng, Yiqing of North Mount Heng is requesting an audience.”

    “Have her wait in the Main Hall.” said Yue Buqun, his voice was a little harsh due to his irritation at all the interruptions.


    “Yiqing of North Mount Heng pays her respects to Uncle Yue and Heroine Ning.” said the nun as Yue Buqun and his family entered the hall.

    “Yiqing, I hope your comforts have been seen to.” replied Yue Buqun as he took his seat at the front of the hall.

    “Uncle Yue is to kind. I thank you for your hospitality and would like to deliver an invitation to attend the ascension ceremony of the new head of my school.”

    Yue Lingshan took the invitation that Yiqing offered and handed it to her father. Yue Buqun laughed mockingly as he read:

    “So this is how far North Mount Heng has sunk, needing to appoint that brat Linghu Chong as its Head”

    Yiqing's face turned red in anger at Yue Buqun's words, but she kept her temper in check:

    “Can I assume that Uncle Yue will not be attending.” she said through clenched teeth.

    “Please pass on our apologies to Master Linghu, but we are preparing for our daughters wedding and so must decline his invitation.” Ning Zhongze spoke the words quickly before her husband could say anymore mocking words. She still felt affectionate towards her former apprentice and did not want him to feel insulted, so had offered this excuse for not attending his big day.

    Yiqing bowed her thanks to Ning Zhongze then left with as much dignity as she had left.


    Linghu Chong paced nervously in his room as he tried to remember everything he had to do at the ceremony. Dongfang Cuì smiled as she straightened his ceremonial robe:

    “Calm down Linghu Dage. Me and sister Yihe will be with you the whole time.”

    Linghu Chong smiled back:

    “Thanks Heaven you are here, otherwise I have no idea how I would have coped” and he meant what he said. Over the last three months Dongfang Cuì had become indispensable to him. Her knowledge of the school's workings and calm council had made his transition into the role a lot smoother than he could have hoped for. Often when talking to her, Linghu Chong would think about her sister.

    Dongfang Cuì was not as knowledgeable as her sister but she was just as intelligent and patient. Linghu Chong found he often felt much better after talking a problem over with her even if they didn't come up with a solution. The thought of Dongfang Bai reminded him of how much he missed her and he felt a sharp stab in his heart. There was a knock on the door and he pushed the thought aside. He had duties to perform and he was determined carry them out.


    Representatives from all the major martial arts schools were arriving and Linghu Chong greeted them all respectfully. Then a herald announced the arrival of Bai Xuesheng and he smiled at the familiar name. Stepping through the gates the Lord of White Tiger Palace carried a paper scroll tied together by a golden ribbon. Linghu Chong met him with a salute:

    “Lord Bai you honour me with you presence.”

    “Master Linghu is to kind. Here is a little gift to celebrate this happy occasion.”

    On Bai Xuesheng's insistence Linghu Chong unrolled the scroll to reveal a painting of a classically beautiful woman sitting on a rock with her loose hair and dress billowing in the breeze. On her lap was a golden fox that gazed up to meet her doting eyes and above was the midday Sun. Judging by the position of the Sun the wind was blowing from the East. On the side of the painting was Bai Xuesheng's signature and personal seals.

    Linghu Chong caught the meaning of the gift and turned to thank his friend but saw that Bai Xuesheng was gazing over his shoulder. Following his gaze Linghu Chong saw Dongfang Cuì running towards them. Bai Xuesheng ran forwards and swept her of her feet before spinning his love in the air three times to the sound of her infectious giggles:

    “I've missed you Xiao Cuì” said Bai Xuesheng as he finally let her down

    “Missed you more.” replied Dongfang Cuì as she melted into those gorgeous eyes.

    Linghu Chong coughed discretely behind them then indicated to the other guests. Reluctantly they couple parted but kept their hands linked:

    “Lord Bai, please be seated.” said Linghu Chong as he indicated to some seats at the front of the hall.

    Before Bai Xuesheng could take his seat a herald announced that two Elders from the Sun-Moon cult, named Jia Bu and Shangguan Yun were requesting permission to enter. Linghu Chong asked the herald to invite them in. The Elders were attended by around fifty men carrying heavy chests and they bowed deeply to Linghu Chong:

    “Humble servants, Jia Bu and Shangguan Yun, are at your service Master Linghu.” the elders said together. Then Jia Bu leaned in close and whispered into Linghu Chong's ear:

    “Your humble servant has taken the liberty of delivering these chests containing Lord Dongfang's clothes and daily necessities for her Lordship's convenience. I hope this meets with Master Linghu's approval.”

    Linghu Chong smiled and ordered an apprentice to see to the men's comfort. Soon the rest of the guests arrived including Abbot Fangzheng and High Priest Chongxu. However it was the last two guests that surprised Linghu Chong the most. One was Ding Mian who came bearing Zuo Lengshan's congratulations along with a summons to attend a meeting of the Five Mountain Sword Schools Alliance at Mount Song on the Spring solstice.

    Zuo Lengshan's actions was both a statement and an insult. In sending his approval of Linghu Chong's appointment he was indicating that he had the power to decide who the Head of North Mount Heng should be. By sending the crippled Mount Song elder to deliver the message he was making a subtle insult to Linghu Chong showing that he had such little regard for him that he did not deem him worthy of an able-bodied messenger. The insult was not lost on Linghu Chong but before he could get angry a herald announced the arrival of Dongfang Bai.

    Linghu Chong ran to the gates and saw his lover as she stepped through the threshold. She was wearing a beautiful red dress, which although well covered, was form fitting and showed of her splendid figure. Her hair was done up in an elaborate style accentuating her slender neck. Gold jewellery studded with rubies adorned her lovely features adding a regal air to her appearance.

    Looking at her Linghu Chong felt an almost irresistible sense of attraction and fought very hard to restrict his greeting to just clasping her hands. Ding Mian saw a chance to humiliate Linghu Chong by pointing out the Mount Heng School's rule forbidden its member's from associating with evildoers, but as he stepped forward he felt a powerful hand on his shoulder. Then a very familiar and frightening voice whispered in his ear:

    “If you want to keep your remaining limps then I suggest you keep silent.”

    Bai Xuesheng's words were spoken without emotion which made them all the more terrible and Ding Mian knew they were not idle threat.

    So with the guests assembled the ceremony began and Linghu Chong was appointed the new Head of North Mount Heng.


    The view from Xuankong Temple was truly breathtaking. Built into the side of the cliff it allowed those in it to view the surrounding lands from a perspective normally reserved for birds and clouds. However all this splendour was lost on the four people sitting within the temple now.

    Linghu Chong tightened his grip on Dongfang Bai's hand as Abbot Fangzheng suggested that he take the mantle of Lord of the Five Mountain Sword School Alliance at the meeting planned on the Spring solstice. High Priest Chongxu also added his support to the proposal. Linghu Chong wished he had followed Bai Xuesheng and Dongfang Cuì's example. The couple had slipped away as soon as the ceremony was over for some alone time and Linghu Chong envied them.

    But as host he couldn't refuse the Abbot's request to view the temple and so was now forced to take part in a discussion of politics when all he wanted to do was spend time with Dongfang Bai. Linghu Chong tried to refuse the offer but the Abbot pointed out that if Zuo Lengshan succeeded then this would be the end of North Mount Heng. Linghu Chong knew that he could not allow this to happen and he turned to his lover to she how she viewed the situation. Xiao Bai squeezed his hand tightly and smiled her silent support.

    So with great reluctance Linghu Chong agreed to Fangzheng and Chongxu's plan. As the four of them were walking along the causeway when they found Jia Bu waiting for them with his men. All of the men aimed loaded crossbows at them and bolts were coated in a sickly green liquid:

    “Jia Bu! Have you grown tired of living?” roared Dongfang Bai as she stepped in front of her companions. Despite his advantage in numbers and location Jia Bu's face turned pale in fear. However he soon mastered hiself and spoke back:

    “Lord Dongfang, my apologies but by order of Lord Ren the rightful Lord of the Sun-Moon Cult, I must ask that Master Linghu accompany us back to Black-wood cave.”

    Dongfang Bai's beautiful countenance twisted into a bestial mask of pure hate, but before she could speak another voice came from behind:

    “However as we have the unexpected pleasure of meeting your Lordship along with the Abbot and Reverend we would like to extend the invitation to three of you as well.”

    Unbeknownst to anyone Shangguan Yun had sneaked another fifty men into Mount Heng and now they blocked the other end of the causeway. With their prey surrounded and trapped the Sun-Moon Cult Elders began to laugh triumphantly. Their celebrations however were premature. Cries of fear and pain came from the rear of Jia Bu's men. As he turned to see what was happening he felt his heart freeze in terror.

    Bai Xuesheng crashed into his men like some kind of ancient god of war and every blow of his power arms felled at least three men. He was too close for Jia Bu's men to use their crossbows and in close combat they stood no chance against this avatar of destruction. Behind Bai Xuesheng came Dongfang Cuì, her beautiful sword guarding her love's and dispatching the few survivors of his deadly attack.

    Taking advantage of the distraction Dongfang Bai charged. Men parted like water before a shark with many falling hundreds of feet to their doom as the crimson angel of death dived through them. Linghu Chong travelled in her wake using his fingers in place of a sword and stabbing at the vital points of the men who survived his lover's attention. Dongfang Bai and Linghu Chong moved like a mirror imaged of Bai Xuesheng and Dongfang Cuì trapping the would be ambushers between the four of them.

    Fangzheng and Chongxu went for Shangguan Yun's men. Fangzheng activated his Golden Bell Shield and the poisoned bolts bounced of his aura harmlessly. Chongxu stepped passed his friend, his gentle steps allowing him to move with the speed of a spirit and his heavy blows sent men to the afterlife.

    Bai Xuesheng cut through the men with ease until one of his palm strikes was met in the same fashion by a masked assailant standing next Jia Bu. Surprised by the strong resistance of his opponent Bai Xuesheng was nearly caught of guard when the mystery man sent a series of claw strikes at his eyes and throat. Parrying desperately Bai Xuesheng barely survived the encounter. With a new found respect for his opponent Bai Xuesheng carried on fending of his savage attacks while looking for an opening.

    Dongfang Cuì could hardly believe her eyes as her love was stopped in his tracks. She made to lunge at the masked man with her sword. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something coming at great speed towards her side. Dodging quickly Dongfang Cuì took the whip aimed at her head on her left shoulder and was sent spinning of her foot by the strength of the lash.

    Seeing her sister's peril Dongfang Bai leapt over the heads of the men standing between them. Still in mid air she loosed a needle which nailed the whip to the wooden floor planks with the weight of a metal spike. Bai Xuesheng had heard Dongfang Cuì scream but resisted the urge to turn around, instead he redoubled his effort against his opponent hoping to subdue him quickly. Making a low sweep he tried to cut the man's feet from under him, but his opponent was too cunning for that and easily flipped over his head.

    Bai Xuesheng could spare the formidable stranger no more thought as Jia Bu brought his sword down, aiming the cleave Bai Xuesheng's head open. Shooting to his feet Bai Xuesheng shattered both the blade and Jia Bu's heart in the same blow. Turning sharply he saw the man who he had been fighting soaring towards Dongfang Bai. Shouting out a warning Bai Xuesheng stared as his friend turned just in time to block the blow aimed at the back of her head.

    However Dongfang Bai could not avoid the next strike which left a trail of blood running down her left cheek. Screaming in fury she lashed out with her finger and the man fell back clutching at his left eye. No sooner had Dongfang Bai taken her revenge then the whip that she had pinned down was torn free and hit her square in the chest. The blow was so sudden that Dongfang Bai had no chance to prepare herself and was sent hurtling of the causeway.

    Linghu Chong screamed and leapt of the causeway in a futile attempt to reach her. He knew that his gesture was stupid. Even if he could reach her there was no way he could stop their fall. But he did not care, if he must die he could think of nowhere better to do so than in his lover's arms. Their eyes met as they fell and Dongfang Bai saw the determination in her lover's eyes. Her heart broke as she saw he was ready to die for her and she made a decision. Summoning her Qi she sent a bolt of energy to his chest sending him flying back up to land on the causeway.

    Coming to his feet Linghu Chong ran to the edge of the causeway determined to throw himself off once again but he found himself restrained by a strong pair of hands. Linghu Chong fought like a wild animal in his desperation to join his love, whether in this world or the next. There was a sharp jab to his chest and Linghu Chong fell into darkness with a final scream crying out for his lost love.

  15. #95
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Nice chapter

    I'm a little torn on the yls and Yi Lin part. At first I thought It seemed kind of forced. But as I thought about it more I can see yls with her temper getting into fights easily. So I guess a little more was/is needed to the scene to cause those two to fight. Perhaps the conversation needed to last a little longer before swords were drawn. But that's me.

    Oh, you used the wrong word in spots. Like using form instead of from.

    Perhaps you should number the chapters and add chapter links to make it easier to navigate.

    Thanks for the feed back. I will leave the chapter for now as the emphasis is on DFC/YL and how she has gained confidence.

    Not sure how I add a link.

  16. #96
    Member Silverhawk's Avatar
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    Thank you for the updates Mandred

  17. #97
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update!

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    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Darkest Hour

    Linghu Chong woke up screaming Xiao Bai's name. He felt a bit groggy but ignored the feeling as he tried to get out of bed. Bai Xuesheng was sat at a table nearby and quickly walked over to place a calming hand on Linghu Chong's shoulder:

    “Let me go! I have to go look for her” Linghu Chong tried to shrug of Bai Xuesheng's hand but the latter's grip was unbreakable.

    “What you have to do is get some rest. Its too dark to go down the cliff now. We will resume the search at first light.”

    “She could...I mean she might...we can't wait!” Linghu Chong stuttered as he was too frightened to give words to what might have happened to his lover.

    “In this light you could walk right pass her and not see her. Besides if you break your neck going down the cliff you'll be helping no one. Now are you going to calm down or do I have to knock you out again?” Bai Xuesheng said the words without emotion, showing his confidence in believing he could restrain Linghu Chong.

    Linghu Chong wanted to lash out at the infuriatingly calm face of Bai Xuesheng. How could the man stay so calm when his best friend could be hurt or worst. Slowly Linghu Chong calmed down as he realized the truth in what Bai Xuesheng said, but still he resented the man's detachment and did not look at him when he nodded.

    “Good. I'll get you some food.”

    As Bai Xuesheng walked towards the door Linghu Chong spoke:

    “I envy you”

    Bai Xuesheng stopped but didn't turn around, so Linghu Chong continued:

    “Your ability to turn off your emotions like that. It must be nice to be able to choose when to have feelings.” The bitterness in his voice was like venom, but Bai Xuesheng didn't respond, he just resumed walking out of the room.

    When he was sure that Linghu Chong couldn't see him, Bi Xuesheng leaned against a pillar then clamped a hand over his mouth. He wept silent tears into his palm as he struggled to master his fears. Despite his confident words he was just as worried as Linghu Chong, but he was smart enough not to show it in front of others. Everyone needed a strong leader in times like this and as painful as it was Bai Xuesheng knew it must be him to took his role.

    Drying his tears he headed to Dongfang Cui's room to make sure his own love was as well as could be in the circumstances.


    Booming laughter echoed out of a cave at the foot of Mount Heng. Within the cave Ren Woxing sat besides a roaring fire taking great gulps of wine from a flask and laughing at his triumph over his nemesis. Despite the bloody bandage covering his left eye the Lord of the Sun-Moon cult would not let something as trivial as partially losing his sight spoil his jubilant mood.

    The original plan was to abduct Linghu Chong and force Dongfang Bai to give herself up. Knowing how formidable Linghu Chong's swordplay was, Ren Woxing had decided to accompany his men just in case they proved incapable of subduing him. But good fortune had smiled on Ren Woxing and he had been given the opportunity to avenge himself on his despised enemy.

    Ren Yingying stared at her father her emotions an odd mix of elation and despair. Unlike her father the near catastrophe of the attack weighed heavily on her. All those who had undergone the mission were dead save for the two of them and their survival was due in no small part to pure luck.

    But it wasn't the close brush with death that had put her in this strange mood. It was the memory of Linghu Chong's face. When Yingying had struck Dongfang Bai and sent her falling to her death the look on Linghu Chong's face was like an arrow to her heart. Never before had she seen such pain and anguish etched into a person's features. It was almost as if the blow had landed on him instead of Dongfang Bai.

    So while Yingying was happy to have disposed of her love rival, she couldn't stop worrying about Linghu Chong. She had seen him be thrown back onto the causeway as she and her father made their escape, but she had noted the look of near mad desperation in his eyes and she feared he might do something romantically tragic. Turning to her father she spoke:

    “Papa, I think I will stay at Mount Heng for a few days.”


    “Its best we make sure that Dongfang Bai is dead.”

    “Then I'll stay with you.”

    “Its best that you don't. Uncle Xiang is holding Black-wood Cliff all by himself. If anything happens he might need your support.”

    Although Ren Woxing nodded in agreement he could guess the real reason his daughter wanted to stay. Still there was no harm in letting her indulge herself. Who knows, she might even be able to convince Linghu Chong to join them. The boy would make a potent ally and if he played his cards right he might even become Ren Woxing's successor. Turning back to the fire Ren Woxing replayed the final moments of Dongfang Bai's death in his head and laughed again. Vengeance was so sweet.


    Lin Pingzhi ran through the woods for all that he was worth, clutching desperate at the prize he held to his chest. His tired lungs burned as he forced air into them and his legs felt like they were made of iron. But still he ran, his fears giving him fresh energy and driving him to put as much distance between himself and Yue Buqun as possible. Finally his strength deserted him and he slumped against a tree drinking in air as a drunk would devourer wine.

    Looking around like a frightened rabbit he made sure he was alone in the moonlit forest before finally taking out his hard won prize. Opening up the robe he read the first line 'Evil Resisting Sword Art'. His heart leapt as he read the words. Here was the means by which he would get his revenge and redeem his family's honour. Never again would he be the victim of other men's ambitions. From now on it would be his enemies that fled from him and trembled at the mention of his name.

    He remembered the shock he had felt when he had discovered that the Shifu he had respected above all other men had been the one who had tried to kill him at his ancestral home. If it had not been for that shallow cut on Yue Buqun's hand then to this day Lin Pingzhi would have still believed him to be the 'Gentleman Sword.” A part of Lin Pingzhi wanted to run back to Mount Hua and confront that hypocrite with the robe and strip away his mask of chivalry.

    But he knew that way would only lead to a quick death. He had patiently waited at the window outside of his Shifu's room for nearly month enduring the biting cold of the mountain air in order to get his hands on the robe. He could wait a little longer in order to master his family's earth-shattering art. It was a stroke of good fortune that on this night Ning Zhongze had discovered her husband's dirty little secret. The two of them had had a heated argument until finally Yue Buqun had thrown the robe out of the bedroom window facing the cliff-face, in a fake gesture to placate his wife.

    By luck or the blessing of his ancestors Lin Pingzhi had been hiding under that same window and had caught the robe before it could be lost. Now alone in the dark wood to howled with laughter. However his laughs ended and his triumphant smile fell as his read the first few characters of the art. To redeem his family's honour he must end its line. Could he pay such a price?


    Bai Xuesheng sat beside a stone table in a quiet garden. His right elbow rested on the table and his chin rested on his open hand. In the moonlight his emerald eyes looked as hard as the actual gemstones. It had been four days since Xiao Bai's disappearance and they had been the longest days of his life. Everyday from dawn to dusk, him, Linghu Chong, Dongfang Cuì and the Mount Heng apprentices descended down the mountain to look for Dongfang Bai.

    But the search area covered many leagues and even if they had ten times their numbers they would be unlike to find one solitary figure. Every evening Bai Xuesheng had to practically drag Linghu Chong and Dongfang Cuì back to the monastery. There he would force them to eat and rest promising them that they would find Xiao Bai the next day. But finally as the fourth day turned into the fourth night even Bai Xuesheng was forced to accept defeat.

    The frustration, fear and anger that he had kept buried for the last few days finally erupted and he smote the stone table a mighty blow that broke it into a hundred jugged pieces. Blood flowed from the back of his band from where the sharp edge had cut him but he didn't care. The pain in his heart was more intense than any physical wound could ever be. A pair of soft hands held his bleeding palm and gently wrapped a piece of clean cloth around the wound.

    Looking down he saw the sweet sad eyes of his love:

    “I am sorry Xiao Cuì. I failed you and your sister.”

    “You're not a god...”

    “I should have saved her! What good are all my powers if I can't even save my closest friend.” Tears of frustration and self-recrimination flowed down Bai Xuesheng face as he gave voice to the guilt he had been carrying.

    Dongfang Cuì looked into those sad eyes and saw the part of Bai Xuesheng that few even knew existed. Gone was the invincible Lord of White Tiger Palace, and in his place was left a young man mourning for the loss of his dearest friend. Wrapping her arms around him Xiao Cuì buried her face in his chest wishing she could take his pain away. Gently Bai Xuesheng stroked her hair and together they shared their grief.

    When Xiao Cuì looked up it was with tears that reflected her love's. As Bai Xuesheng opened his mouth to speak words of comfort she pressed her lips against his with crushing force. Instantly Bai Xuesheng responded with equal ferocity, then sweeping Xiao Cuì into his arms he carried her to his room where they attempted to drown their sorrows in passion.

    Xiao Cuì traced her fingertips along Bai Xuesheng's chest, fascinated by how different his body was from his face. While his features was pristine, his body was criss-crossed with scares. Nearly all the scares were concentrated on the front of his body, showing that he always tried to face his enemies.

    These marks on his body only made Xiao Cuì love him all the more, for they were a reminder that he was only human. He was not just the ruthless Lord Bai, but Bai Xuesheng who can bleed, cry or love like any other man and so could also be loved. Bai Xuesheng took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of Xiao Cuì's palm gently:

    “I am sorry” he said.

    “I am not” she replied.

    Their eyes met and the sparks of passion reignited.


    Linghu Chong held Xiao Bai's ribbon in his hand and wept like a babe. The pain in his heart seemed unbearable, making all the wounds he had suffered before pale in comparison. He almost wished that he was back in the near crippled state he was in a few months ago, for at least then the physical pain might distract him from the emotional torment he was enduring now. Although he would never speak it, deep down he knew there was no hope of finding his lover alive.

    Faced with this reality he sought solace in the only place it could be found. Picking one of the many bottles of wine that filled his room he downed the drink in one long drought, all the while clutching the ribbon close to his heart.


    Lin Pingzhi rose from the bridal bed and reached for his clothes. Yue Lingshan woke to see the back of her newly wed husband as he got dressed:

    “Your up early my dear.”

    “Sorry if I woke you.”

    “Its alright. I'll get dressed and find you some breakfast.” So saying Yue Lingshan quickly put her clothes on and went to the kitchen.

    Alone Lin Pingzhi stared after his bride, his heart a whirlwind of emotions. Part of him wanted so much to trust her, to believe that she truly loved him and had no wish to exploit him for her own end. He longed to open his heart to her to tell her the truth about her father and the price of mastering the Evil Resisting Sword. But whenever he felt like surrendering to these impulses the image of his murdered parents would come to mind and his heart would harden into stone.

    Yue Lingshan soon returned with a tray of food but found her husband missing and an envelope left on the table addressed to her. Opening the envelope she read quickly:

    “My dearest wife. I am sorry for leaving you so soon after our marriage. But I have decided to return to my ancestral home at Fuzhou to make offerings to my ancestors for granting me a wonderful wife like you.

    I couldn't tell you of my decision to your face for fear that I might not be able to part company with you. I promise I will meet you at Mount Song for the meeting at the Spring Solstice. Please give my apologies to your parents.

    Your beloved Pingzhi.”

    Yue Lingshan felt a little hurt at her husband leaving so abruptly but respected his sense of filial duty. With a sigh she folded up the letter and started her breakfast with very little appetite.


    Yingying looked at him from the balcony of the restaurant as he staggered unsteadily across the street. He cradled a small barrel of wine and took great gulps of its contents with every step, not seeming to notice as the strong alcohol spilled onto his unshaven face. Linghu Chong had been like this for nearly a month as he sought to drown his sorrows in wine. At first Bai Xuesheng and Dongfang Cuì had kept him confined to the monastery at Mount Heng in order to curtail his intake of wine, but Linghu Chong had soon escaped.

    Normally his friends would find him within a day or two and return him to the monastery where they tried to wean him of his drink and comfort him in his loss, but this time he had evaded them for five days, during which time he had barely been sober for more than an hour. Yingying's heart bled to she saw the man she loved in such a wretched state and had secretly watched over him since spotting him leave Mount Heng.

    It was deep into the night and the streets were quite empty as Linghu Chong stumbled into a dark alley. So intoxicated was he that he didn't even notice the pair of footpads that were following him until one of them struck him on the back of his head. There was a time when such a clumsy blow would have never have found its mark, but now Linghu Chong no longer cared. Gratefully he sank into oblivion and away from the pain of remembering her.

    As the footpads started rummaging through his clothing a shadow appeared in front of them. It was too dark for them to make out any details of the new arrival, but like dogs catching the sent of a tiger they knew they were in the presence of someone infinitely more dangerous than themselves. Instinctively they reached for the daggers hidden in their belts, but before they could draw their weapons the shadow struck.

    The leather whip moved like a giant snake as it coiled around their necks. There was a loud snap and two lifeless body fell on the ground besides their victim. Ignoring the dead men Yingying rushed over to Linghu Chong's side. Examining his injuries she let out a sigh of relief at as she found his breath and pulse were still strong.


    Something warm and soft pressed against his naked skin. Dimly he became aware that it was another body and what I body it was. Strong of limb, full of breasts and with skin as smooth as silk. Soon the strong sense of arousal cut through his drunken haze and he let his body respond as it was naturally inclined to do. His vision was still to hazy for him to make out the face of his companion, but in his mind's eye Linghu Chong saw Xiao Bai.

    Had she come back from the afterlife to comfort him or had he entered into the realm of the dead to be with her. The truth was he did not care, as he gave himself up to their lovemaking and he screamed her name when he reached the point of ecstasy. Xiao Bai slumped against his chest and Linghu Chong drifted into the most peaceful sleep he had enjoyed in nearly a month.

    Linghu Chong felt a warm body besides himself and knew that he had not dreamt last night's encounter. His eyes snapped open and turned to look upon his lost love. But the hope died in his eyes as he saw who it was that laid beside him. Yingying's lovely nakedness was lost on him as his eyes filled with shock and his heart with guilt.

    How could this had happened? How had Xiao Bai turned into Yingying? Slowly the truth dawned on him. Linghu Chong thought he was going to be sick. How could he do this to Xiao Bai. Was he really such a heartless beast that he would find comfort in the arms of another while the love of his life was not even buried? He wanted to push Yingying of his body, then go crawl under a rock and die.

    But he couldn't do something so callous. Yingying deserved better than to be brushed aside like some common courtesan. Gently he stroked her face and whispered her name. Yingying's eyes fluttered then slowly opened. The smile she gave him made Linghu Chong fill like the most wretched creature in existence. He offered up a silent prayer begging for the forgiveness of Xiao Bai and Yingying. The former he loves with his heart but betrayed with his body. The latter he had loved with his body yet betrayed with his heart.

  19. #99
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverhawk View Post
    Thank you for the updates Mandred
    Hope you enjoy the newest chapter

  20. #100
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    Thanks for the update!
    Enjoy the newest chapter

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    Last Post: 07-28-05, 03:13 PM
  5. The Duel - did Gu Long err?
    By Ian Liew in forum Wuxia Fiction
    Replies: 10
    Last Post: 04-27-04, 06:31 AM

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