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Thread: The Others Soul (novel form)

  1. #181
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    Chapter 60: Final Phantasm

    "AHHH..." Louis groaned in pain when the sharp blade pierces into his left lower abdominal. His hands automatically grab hold of the blade trying to stop it from stabbing any further, his hands are deeply cuts too and blood is covering his fist. B-jai quickly turned to look toward Louis when he hears that scream. He suddenly felt the gloominess filled his heart after seeing Louis gotten stab, to him Louis has always been his only father. He quickly rushed to Louis side and wanted to touch Louis but his hand just went pass him like nothing. He is getting transparent himself with his spirit almost scattered into dust.

    Annie eyes widen in disbelief to what she has just done. Her mouth wide open with pain seeing what she has done to her husband. She felt the tingling sensation of her numb and blanked mind. She is over shocked to the fact that she stabbed Louis instead. Her hand quickly released the handle. There is still no blood coming from Louis wound, since the knife is still stuck there. Stephen turned back seeing Louis being stabbed by Annie, his expression is paled seeing Louis actually got stabbed. Instead of feeling happy about it, he actually felt pain seeing him hurt, deep down he still have this sense of protecting Louis cause of his duty.

    Shaking her head in denial that it was Louis, Annie begins to break down. Tears quickly welled her pair of stressed eyes, she stare at her husband like he is a stranger. It couldn't be Louis, it couldn't be him that is hurt. Her lip quivered with pain and agony seeing Louis pairs of hand soaked with blood. Annie entire body trembled with guilt, she hated herself at the moment, how could she stab her husband?! How could this be real?! "I'm so..." she sobbed uncontrollably, "What have I done?! What have I done...Louis..." she fearfully called out.

    Louis eyes are shuts tight cause of the pain. Annie quickly pulled Louis head into her arms hugging it with her own heart aching terribly; it was the worst feeling ever. Her eyes are kept at the knife unmoved, she wishes that somehow it would disappear. Annie is paler then a ghost now, she don't know what to do to reverse Louis injury. Her heart pounded heavily with her emotional voice, "Please be okay, honey, please be okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

    B-jai nodded agreeing to Annie, "Don't worry, you'll be okay...I could make you better," he said, even though he has no idea how to. He quickly try to think of a way, but there is really isn't anyway he could reverse what happen. "Daddy..."

    Pressed his lip hard together trying to ignore the pain, Louis try to calmly speak to assure Annie, "Don't worry, I'll be fine," his weak shaky voice said. He could hear Annie crying uncontrollably. He released his hand from the knife and reaching his bloody hand toward Annie to grab her hand securely. "I won't die, I still need to keep my promise to you, remember?" his weaken voice reminded his wife. Annie nodded with her sniffling and hiccup as she looks into Louis dark eyes becoming drain.

    Droplets of Annie's tears are dripped onto Louis face as he squeezed Annie hand trying to calm her down. "Annie don't cry, I'll be fine..." he gulped down his pain and looked toward the wound. "It's not too deep," Louis try to comfort Annie, but it not working cause Annie knows that it's serious.

    Stephen darted at Annie with anger. Annie is the one who has stabbed Louis! He quickly stormed to the wall where his ax is at, he yanked on it with enormous amount of force due to his anger. The ax quickly loosened and he grabs it firmly with his hand, he headed toward Annie, who is too occupied with Louis to remember about Stephen. Louis saw the ax coming down on Annie, he quickly pushed his wife away and rolled on top of her to shelter her. B-jai seeing the ax coming down on Louis, he quickly reach his hand out trying to stop it but he couldn't grab hold of the ax at all and it ran down on Louis slashing his back.

    Louis expression shows the painfulness of the cut along with a groan. The force of the ax causes his body to fall downward pushing the original knife that is on his abdominal to stab further in. The bright light from Stephen charm has throw B-jai across the room making his transparent body hit the wall and rolled down to the floor. He felt like his entire spiritual body has been stomped by an elephant.

    Meanwhile Annie eyes widened with horror seeing her husband painful expression and speechlessness to the pain. Her head shaking no, this couldn't be happening at all! Blood came out of Louis mouth cause of his internal bleeding from the stab. The blood dripped onto Annie and she begins to go into shock with frightful pale expression. Louis slip out a weak smile toward her, he is glad that she is safe. His eyes shut with his head and body limped and fallen down on top of Annie.

    Stephen snapped out of his mind, after he finally realizes what he did to his own master. "Yee Seeu!" he stepped back with the ax pulled out, Louis back are severely bleeding. Stephen face is drained, he didn't want to kill Louis. He dropped to the floor with his paled face in shock that he actually killed his master too. He actually killed the one that he has been protecting for the past twenty-five years.

    Seeing her husband motionlessly lying on top of her, Annie mind is numbed with pain. "NO! YOU CAN'T DIE! You can't leave me..." her trembling voice repeated over and over. She rolled Louis over and gotten herself sited upright cuddling Louis head in her arms, "Please Louis, you need to keep your promise to me!" Annie covered her hand on Louis wound trying to stop the bleeding of Louis abdominal, but quickly both her hands are soaked with crimson warm blood. Her head keep swing back and forth not knowing what to do. "Help! HELP!!" she yelled distressingly wishing that somehow someone could just pop out and heal all of Louis wound.

    Louis eyeball moved under his eyes as he hears his wife calling for him. He inhaled a deep breath with his facial expression wrinkle up in pain. His weak voice tries to stop Annie panic down, "Annie it no use..." his body strength is drain and limped, his eyes are shut wearily.

    "Louis?!" Annie called out in surprise that her husband isn't dead yet. She shook her head stubbornly, "Don't say that! You'll be okay...I'll get help..." she scanned the room stressfully and there is no one but Stephen, she shot a hatred glare at Stephen. But her attention swiftly turned away and searching for something to help Louis. There is nothing she could think of with her shocked mind! Her body shakes with fear of losing her husband forever. She pressed her hand harder near Louis deep puncture wanting to stop his blood flow, but it was too severely cut that nothing will stop him from bleeding. "Why did you block the ax?! I rather it hit me! I rather it hit me..." Annie sobbed with pain seeing Louis suffer. She forcefully nudged Louis body, "Louis don't sleep, please don't sleep. Please open your eyes...please...honey please..." she sniffed her tears but couldn't stop more from leaking out.

    Her husband murmured weakly, "Annie, I love you...forever..." his weak right hand slightly moved. Annie grabs hold of it and squeezed it tightly.

    Lovingly, Annie cupped his head with her other hand, her body is trembling frightfully, "Then you have to be okay. You have to keep your promise..."

    Louis nodded to Annie request, "I will." He slipped a very faint smile, "I'll give anything to start over with you again... I'll be a much better husband..."

    "You are the best husband to me...I love you..." Annie sniffed and pressed her lip together trying to hold her cries. She leaned in to peck Louis lip softly with her trembling pale lips, "Please be okay." She felt her heart ached like it been crush to million of pieces. "You can't die," Annie barely audible voice reminded him.

    Annie begins to blame herself for causing Louis injuries. Only if she didn't accidentally stab him in the first place then Stephen couldn't hurt him this easily. Only if she were aware of Stephen then Louis didn't have to protect her and blocked her from Stephen ax. "It my fault..." Annie softly repeated again with her heart numbed by the overwhelmed fact that Louis is dying in front of her. She nudged her husband, "Please don't die." Louis didn't response at all. Annie emotion dragged her down more, she can't take the fact that Louis is dead.

    Her eyes gazed at the knife that is on Louis abdominal. Her hand nervously wrapped on it and she swiftly pulled it back out, Louis body jerked forward a bit with his blood quickly soaked his shirt crimson. "Don't leave me behind Louis," her shaky voice whispered to her dead husband. Annie hands firmly held onto the knife and raised her arms up in the air ready to thrust the knife into her abdominal. Eve suddenly cried like she knows what is happening. Annie stopped her action and turned toward her daughter who is lay on the cushion that is five feet away.

    Stressed, Annie started to cry uncontrollably, she don't know what she should do now. She wanted to go with Louis, but she can't just leave her daughter here to die. Her arms weaken and lowered dropping the knife on the floor. Annie leaned herself down on Louis chest and cried with her broken heart. While she nudged Louis, but there is no response at all. She knows that he is gone, that he will never come back again. And it's all her fault.

    B-jai is crying as he saw Annie state of grief. He quickly gotten his weak spiritual body up and headed to Louis body, his eyes stare at Louis paled face. He felt the pain of losing a father seeing Louis dead. His eyes angrily darted over to Stephen, he felt the pain but he has choose to ignore it and want to just make Stephen pay, even if it meant his spirit will eternally shattered to powder. His concentrated gaze at Stephen made his two pupils showing a blaze of fire. Quickly the roar of fire from the hallway is loudly hear and blasted the door open wide.

    Stephen head quickly turned toward the door and he begins to panic as he sees the fire burning the surrounding so quickly. He quickly gotten up wanting to run out, but he stopped when his eyes met Louis dead body and Annie who is crying her heart out on top of Louis chest. Seeing Annie and Louis like this, his heart suddenly filled with a very strange sensation that he has lost for so long. He has always been skeptical to Annie love for Louis, but now seeing her like this, he kind of felt that there is true love. Helen has betrayed Louis by having an affair, but Annie is willing to die along with Louis. That fact made him felt even more regretful for causing all of this. He stepped toward Annie and bend down to firmly grab her arm pulling her up wanting to drag her out of this burning mansion.

    Stubbornly, Annie swing her arm away from him, "Let go of me, you devil!"

    Stephen swallowed and told Annie with his flat sorry tone, "He is dead. You got to get out with the baby; the fire is burning the room down."

    Sniffed, Annie just lean back down on Louis body, she bitterly asked, "Why would you care? You wanted all of us to die. Louis is dead now, what different does it make to live?" She cried and rubbed her face on Louis, "I won't leave you, no matter what."

    B-jai angry gaze darted at Stephen, he then turn to stare at the fire with mind that is directing the fire to make it way to Stephen. Stephen quickly stepped back trying to get away from the fire that is chasing after him. He was corned to the wall and the fire immediately circled him with a ring of roaring flame that wanted his soul.

    The room is getting hotter with the flame burning all four walls. Annie didn't care anymore, her eyes are kept unmoved on Louis. She actually wanted to die with Louis, so there is no point for her to panic and want to escape from the fire. She can't image how would live be without her husband. Eve cried loudly and coughed to the smoke, Annie turned to her daughter. Her eyes are lifeless, she find no purpose for Eve and her to live on without Louis.

    She took in a deep breath and sited herself upright from Louis. She walked over to Eve and picked her up then returns to Louis. She let out a small brave smile toward her daughter and gently places Eve on top of Louis chest and moved Louis hand to place on top of Eve. Annie wiped her tears away and lean herself down on Louis again with her hand on top of Louis hand that is on Eve. She is too tires to fight back reality and live, she just wanted to end everything. At least they will be together eternally. "I love you," she whispered so softly that even the roaring flame sounded louder, but she knows her husband can hear her. "Please wait for us, Louis," Annie peacefully closed her eyes and ignored Eve constant crying.

    Meanwhile, B-jai eyes harden even more on Stephen, who is behind the curtain of fire. B-jai felt himself becoming more drain and drifty, but he don't care, he wanted Stephen to pay. His mind concentrated really hard to move the thing around the room to hit Stephen, but he couldn't move heavy object, since his power is weakened. Instead he was able to move the large portrait of Helen to fly across the room and hit Stephen right on the head.

    The large oil painting of Helen and B-jai landed next to Stephen after the corner hits his head and made him bleed. Stephen eyes fearfully widened at Helen. It seem like she is staring straight at him. He suddenly see image of her floating in the air, he could see the scene that happened that day when he started his killing. Image after image of that day appeared like flashback that brings him back to the day.

    He remembered that it was B-jai third birthday. He is walking over toward Louis mansion, cause Mrs. Koo has told him to bring B-jai gift over. It has just begun to rain, from a distance away he could see the three years old B-jai stood on the porch with a stick in his hand. He continues to head over but paused when he saw a car pulled up to the driveway. He felt anger when he saw Julian stepped out of the car and headed to B-jai picking B-jai up and swings him in the air. Stephen inched closer wanted to see why he is here. He hides on the side of the house close enough to hear their conversation.

    "Happy Birthday!" Julian cheerfully said to B-jai. Julian kept his smile and notices B-jai frown. "What's wrong?" he curiously asked his most loved child.

    The three years old shrugged, "Daddy and mommy are shouting at each other," his innocent voice informed his so call uncle Jule.

    Julian quickly lowed B-jai and place him on the ground, today was the day that Helen and him has planned to elope with B-jai. "Louis is home?" his surprised voice asked with a hint of worry.

    The sad birthday boy nodded, "Yeah, daddy came home to take mommy and me out for dinner. But they are not happy now. Mommy told me to wait her here." B-jai swiftly turned toward the front door when he hears his mother scream.

    Alertly, Julian anxious eyes are darted into the house too. He patted B-jai head, "Wait here okay?" B-jai nodded. Julian headed into the house.

    Meanwhile B-jai nervously waited at the porch while his eyes are kept toward the house. Stephen stepped behind him and covered his mouth tightly. B-jai struggled with his hands trying to remove Stephen large tight hand. He couldn't see who is smothering him from behind. Within a minute, he passed out with his limping body. Stephen picked him up and headed into the house.

    Once he stepped into the house he heard Louis loud scream and a solid sound of something fallen. He could hear Helen panicking voice and know that Louis is hit. He swiftly sneaked upstairs with the unconscious B-jai in his arms. Hidden at the wall he slightly peeked in with one eyes and saw Louis lies on the floor with blood all over the back of his head making a puddle on the floor too. Next to his body are broken glasses from a large vase that is now soaked in blood. He also notice blood on the wall and saw Julian checking Helen head.

    Julian angrily grab the knife that he has taken up with him, "How could he even think of killing you?! You are still his wife!" Julian wanted to stab Louis, but Helen quickly pulled him away.

    Helen shakes her head pleadingly, "Don't Julian! You have hit him with the vase already! He is unconscious already, there is no need to kill him. He was about to let go of me, but you hit him first. I know he loved me, I'm the one that owe him." She sighed, "Do you think he is okay? Should we take him to the hospital?"

    Shakily, Julian places his index finger under Louis nose, "He is still breathing, he should be fine. We need to get out of here before he wakes up. Did you finish packing?"

    Nodded, Helen looked over at the two luggage, "Yes, did you see Benny outside?"

    Nodded, Julian helped Helen get the two luggage, "He is still outside." Julian smiled at Helen, "Everything will be fine, the nightmare will be over by tomorrow. And Benny finally can call me dad again from now on." Stephen who has always suspected B-jai biological father is now confirms about the fact and his eyes are burning with flame. His hand clenched tighter around B-jai collar as he hold on to him. "Come on lets go," Julian helped Helen.

    At that moment, Stephen stepped out facing them with his hand holding to B-jai neck. Both Julian and Helen are surprise by him. "Let go of him," Julian calmly said as he stepped closer.

    Stephen chuckled at him rudely, "Why? Does it hurt you to see him get hurt?" He darted at Helen, "Why would he care Helen?"

    "Let go of my son now, you moron!" Helen bitterly warned.

    "I'm a moron?" the butler chuckled and held B-jai higher in the air, "Of course it much better then a bastard right?"

    Julian inflamingly rushed up to Stephen and shoved him. He quickly pulled B-jai away from Stephen and checking his son for sign of injury. Gently, Julian slaps B-jai cheek gently, "B-jai, B-jai!" B-jai didn't arouse. Stephen grabbed the knife that is on the floor and rushing toward them. Julian swiftly pushed his son away and moved away himself too. Helen quickly rushed to B-jai and pulled her son away from the struggling Julian and Stephen. Julian grabbed Stephen arm and locked it tightly. "I wanted to kill you for so long too!" yelled Julian. He yanking on the knife trying to pull it from Stephen, but Stephen holds on to it tightly.

    Stephen slipped his foot in front of Julian and with a forceful lift of Julian he flipped Julian over his shoulder and landed him on the ground with the knife swiftly stabbed into him. Julian moaned in pain, Helen saw what just happen, she quickly rushed up to Stephen wanting to remove him from Julian. Julian became unconscious after experiencing the sharp pain. "Julian!" called Helen as she hammered her fist on Stephen. "You monster! When will you stop haunting me like this! Let go of him now!!"

    The butler darted at her with boiling rage, "How dare you call me a monster?! Don't you forget that he is the one that injured your husband! Don't you forget that you are the **** that has an affair and even wanted to run away with him?!" he slapped Helen cheek. "Have you forgotten your position?! How dare you cheat on Yee Seeu?! And gain up with outsider to injure him?!"

    Helen gazed at him coldly, "You has forgotten your position too. Let us go. Don't force me to tell Louis what you did to me."

    Stephen chuckled fearlessly, "What did I do? Would he even believe you?"

    Coldly, Helen warned him with her still empty eyes, "Don't underestimate my position in Louis heart. If you would just leave us three alone, we will be out of here, and no one will know about your sin."

    Stephen hissed softly with his fist tightened, he suddenly jumped toward Helen with his fists on her neck tightly, "You are the one that is sinned, you are the one that ask for it. No way, am I going to let you go and live happily with that bastard. Even Yee Seeu wanted you dead, so don't blame me." He squeezed harder, Helen struggled and kicked, soon she gasped for air and her lung started to hyperventilate for air, but none is given. Within four minutes her chest stopped rising and her arms limped and fallen to the side. Stephen let go of her and felt no breath from her nose. He felt a bit fearful to actually kill someone. How could he kill her? He scooted back with his fearful expression.

    Julian moaned making him jumped, he swiftly turned to Julian and seeing him slowly stir. His hand swiftly grabs the knife and stabbed Julian again on the heart this time to make sure he won't ever wake again. He felt his own heart pounding with fright, but Julian must die or he will die. He continues to release his confused mind by keep stabbing Julian on the chest until he exhausted out.

    After a few minutes of silent and not knowing what to do, Stephen finally snapped out and knows that he must get rid of the bodies before anyone find out. He swiftly stood up and lifted Julian body on his arms. He decided that the safest way to dispose these bodies is to bury them in the deep wood. So he carried Julian body to the wood and dug up a hole for him, then he return to get Helen body but to his surprise Louis has slowly woken up and shocked to see Helen die on the same position that he was squeezing her neck. Louis quickly backed away. Stephen who is just right behind, silently observe Louis reaction.

    He sees Louis shake his head at the image of his dead wife Helen. Louis pounded his aching head, "I didn't...I killed you?" his body bumped onto B-jai and saw him unconscious too. He quickly slapped on B-jai cheek, while his own blood is dripping and he felt his head weighting a ton. "B-jai?! B-jai wake up!!" he called with concern.

    Stepped in, Stephen pretends to be shocked, "What happen, Yee Seeu?"

    Lifted his vision toward Stephen, Louis swallowed, "I don't know. My head hurt." He looked over at Helen, "I killed her..." Louis belief since there is no one else around and he was the one squeezing her neck.

    Stephen rushed up to feel Helen for breath, "She is dead," he informed. He saw Louis panicked and lost. He quickly reassures Louis, "Calm yourself down Yee Seeu. You have lost a lot of blood, we need to get you to the hospital. But first we need to hide Yee Seeu Lie body first." Louis shuts his eyes tightly and pounded his head hard, he screamed in pain and pasted out again within minutes. Stephen let out a breath, thinking that he could get off the hook, since Louis thought he killed Helen himself. He quickly carried Helen body to the wood and buried her too, then he went to get help telling people that Julian has injured Louis and eloped with Helen. His plan was perfect, no one ever suspected him, not even Louis. And for Louis, he is confuse to whether Helen ran away or gotten killed by himself after he recover in the hospital.

    Stephen sees his memory of that day slowly faded in the burning flame in front of him. The fire that surrounding Stephen rise higher and climbing on the wall and ceiling enclosing him in. It slowly inched closer and closer to Stephen making him panic seeing no way out. The roaring flame finally flickered closer and caught Stephen clothes, he quickly jumped up and down with his hands patting it trying to extinguish the fire. He shouted for help, but Annie didn't response to his call. Stephen screamed in pain when the fire devoured him alive. His cry elevated and very soon quieted down too. Annie didn't even care to take a looks, she just peacefully closed her eyes and getting herself ready to join Louis.

    B-jai finally relaxed himself after seeing Stephen dead, his clear body quickly dropped to the floor exhausted and drained. His eyes turned back toward Annie, Louis, and Eve. His hand reach toward them, and he wanted to be close to them before he disappear forever. He dragged himself over and rested on the other side of Louis with his hand on top of Annie. Small sparkles are twinkling on his body and spreads across the four of them sheltering them from the fire that is burning everywhere but them.

    Annie snuggled herself on Louis chest with her last drop of tears rolled down her cheek, "I'll love you forever, don't give up on me, Louis. Nothing can separate us, nothing." The burned roof from above craved in and buried the last sound of life.

  2. #182
    Senior Member ccsakura's Avatar
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    OH MY GOSH Please don't tell me that was your ending, LOUIS IS DEAD! That was so sad is that the ending, please don't let that be the ending! In my Opinion maybe that death for Stephen was a little to easy! Please tell me if that was your ending!

  3. #183
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Well, at least both Steven and Stephen are dead! Never liked either of them! <IMG SRC="smilies/evillaugh.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  4. #184
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    keke, I knew readers would think Stephen die too easily. Anyway, it not the ending yet, two more chapters to go. I'm still editing next chapter. Actually, I'm quite nervous about how readers will accept the ending, you either like it or think it's a waste of your time to read this fanfic <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0">. I wonder if anyone notice the hint throughout the fanfic, kekeke.

  5. #185
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    What hint? <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0">Please say that Louis is not dead. Please let them all be okay. Glad that Stephen is finally killed but he die too easily. I was expecting something more instead. Two more chapters to go. I don't think you will let Annie, Louis and Eve to die like that. There's still 2 more chapters to go. Louis and Annie are the main characters, they can't die yet <IMG SRC="smilies/frown.gif" border="0"> Please update soon.

  6. #186
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    Chapter 61: Reality Check

    The sun slowly climbed up the horizon illuminating the sky with splashes of golden ray like a painted canvas. The air is filled with the first wake up call of rooster crowing toward the sun. Startled by the distanced sound of a cock Annie head turned toward the direction with her eyes still shuts in her unconscious state. She hear mumbling sound of a familiar voices that belong to an old lady. Slowly Annie eyes fluttered open and close seeing the foggy image of the white surrounding. She felt great pressure pounding her head heavily, her entire body felt like it doesn't belong to her. Her tired eyes closed wearily.

    With dried out throat, Annie murmured weakly, "Louis...Louis..." Her ears twitched to the sound of a cough coming from the right. Annie heart skipped a beat, was it Louis? She forced her heavy eyelid open and turned her head to her right. Her brows narrowed with confusion. In her vision, she saw rows of white bed and on the far end is an old lady. It was the old lady that coughed, she has the same coughing sound that Annie hear several time before.

    Sigh in doom and depression, tears begin to flood Annie's pairs of eyes and rolled down her dry cheek. Louis is dead, it's impossible to bring him back, hers heart reminded her. Annie sad dreadful eyes looked around seeing that she is in a large room with many other patients. Her heart became more sorrow after noticing that she is still alive. Because being alive without Louis is more suffering to her than being dead with him. Why did they have to save her? Why can't she just die and be with Louis forever? Her bitter and gloomy mind kept asking these two questions over and over. The more she remembers and thinks of Louis the more Annie's sob intensify. Her eyes shut tightly with her hands pulling the blanket up to cover her entire head.

    "I need more medication! I'm in pain," loudly complained the old lady wanting to get attention from the nurse who is out in the hall. "I'm telling you, this is not enough for my chest pain! I'm coughing out blood too!" she continues to whine. The nurse tries to ignore her cause this old lady has been whining about here and there for the pass week that she been hospitalizes. "You doctor know nothing! I'm not cure yet, you can't kick me out of here! I need medicine now!" she screamed.

    Even with the old lady screaming, Annie doesn't seem to notice her, she is in too much sorrow to think about Louis. Her frown deepens as she recalled what happen to Louis. "I don't want to be here..." Annie murmured heart brokenly, "Louis, where are you?" her body was obviously trembling under the bed as she distressingly struggle with the fact that she is still alive and alone.

    Finally has enough of the old lady complain, a nurse stepped into the female patients room with a male doctor wanting to calm the old screaming lady down, but instead they are surprised to notice Annie being awake. A relieved smiles spread on both of their face, seeing Annie awakened was a miracle to them. The nurse showed a concerned frown after hearing Annie grieving cry. The doctor is puzzled when he notes Annie sobbing sound and shivering body. Both of them quickly walked up to the last patient bed, which is by the window. The female nurse sited herself down on the edge of the bed next to Annie, who is on the bed underneath the blanket. Hearing Annie sob, the old lady stopped her unreasonable demand and just curiously looked toward Annie direction nosily.

    Caringly, the nurse tap on Annie shoulder repeatedly, "Are you alright? What's the matter?" she curiously asked while the doctor silently observes Annie state of mind and notice that she is very disturbed for some reason. The nurse tries to remove Annie blanket away, but Annie held it tightly. "Are you in pain? Does your head hurt?" persisted the nurse.

    Finally decided to talk, the doctor signal the nurse to step aside. "Ms Man, please calm down. Do you know where you are?" his peaceful warm voice asked.

    Cried louder in distress, Annie shouted with anger, "Why did you guys save me?!! I don't want to be in the hospital! I don't want to be save... Louis is dead..." her voice trailed off sadly.

    Both the nurse and doctor exchanged a confuse look. The male doctor patted Annie comfortingly, "Ms Man," he sighed at his distressing patient, "Annie, do you know why you are in the hospital?" He grabs hold of the blanket wanting to pull it back. "Annie pleases calm down. I need to check on your head injury," he told the young girl. He manage to pull the blanket off, Annie quickly sited upright and scooted herself to the corner with her head violently shaking at them while her arms is pushing them away. Her head is bandaged tightly with white fabric bandage.

    "Annie pleases relax. It's alright, you are safe and in the hospital now," the doctor grab Annie two wrists and held it tightly to stop her from hurting herself. "It's alright, you are fine. Look into my eyes and take three deep breathes. Everything is fine now," his gentle tone assured.

    Annie is struggling to get free, "Let go of me! I don't need your help!" Her eyes scanned around the large patient room and saw some stranger eyes of other female patients that are in the room staring at her. She felt lost and fearful. "I want Louis! Get me Louis!! Please tell me he is not dead! Please..." her fearful round eyes looked straight into the doctor wishfully. The doctor expression didn't reassure Annie at all. Annie shook her head stubbornly to accept the fact, "He is not dead, he will keep his promise...he say he will. Louis never lies to me."

    Her watery eyes glared at the group of patients that staring at her strangely. Even the doctor and the nurse gave her weird look, like she is delusional. Annie didn't like how they are watching her, it made her felt fearful and lost. She struggled with the doctor trying to make him let go and her legs begin to kick. "Let go of me! Why are you holding me down?! Get me Louis!" Annie demanded.

    The nurse quickly helps the doctor contain Annie by grabbing hold of Annie legs and hugging it tightly. "Ms Man calm down now, you are going to hurt yourself. Okay, we'll help you find him. Who is this Louis, you're talking about? Just relax, we can help you find him."

    Stopped her struggling, Annie stares into the nurse eyes wishfully with her beautiful large round eyes that so a twinkle of hope. "Louis, my husband," she informed and notice the puzzled eyes of the nurse. Annie tries to clarify more, "Louis Koo, he was hurt..." her voice trailed off while she remember how badly Louis condition was, " he dead?" her trembling lip just barely forced out the question.

    The nurse smiled at her and released Annie legs, "Ah, the young man that is sent to the hospital with you. Don't worry, he is in much better shape then you. He only hurt his arm. He did come to visit you three times a day."

    Slipped out of the doctor grip, Annie hands swiftly grab both sides of the nurse upper arms with firm intense grip. "Louis is not dead?!" Annie couldn't believe what she is hearing. "He didn't die?" she asked again as she smiled and slightly laughed with joyfulness. Happy tears are in her eyes as she repeated, "He's safe. The fire didn't kill us all?" Her face turned into a concern one, "Where is my daughter, Eve? Is she okay? Please tell me she is okay too. Is she with Louis now?"

    The doctor brows narrowed at Annie troublesomely, "What daughter?"

    Annie stare at the doctor, confuse to what he meant. "My newborn baby! Is she hurt?" her head unsettlingly swing side to side. "I should of get her out of the fire sooner. She must have inhaled too much smoke..."

    Placing both of his hands on Annie shoulder trying to calm her down again, the doctor calmly ordered, "Annie calm down and listen to me. There is no way you could have a daughter, you are still a virgin."

    Immediately, Annie push his arms away, "What are you talking about?! I just gave birth last night! What did you do to Eve? Where is my husband, Louis? I need to talk to him!" Her head unsettlingly turned left and right with anxious eyes. She don't understand what the doctor is saying and she can't recognize this hospital. The doctor and nurse try to hold her down, she scooted back and pushing them away. Finally she got herself standing on the bed shaking her head at them. "Please give Eve back to me!" she begged.

    Sighed, the doctor looked at the nurse, "Get 2ml of tranquilizer ready for me. She is mentally unstable and needs to calm down to rest." The nurse nodded and quickly ran to get a tray of needle and drawing the liquid drug up into the syringe. Annie eyes widen at the needle, she don't know why they are doing this to her. Why are they thinking that she have mental problem?!

    Scooted herself all the way back and against the wall, Annie screamed at them in distressful mind, "Stay away! I don't need a shot! I'm not crazy! I don't need to sleep. I need Louis and Eve! Why aren't you bringing them to see me?" Her eyes glistered with tears, "Are they dead? Are they kills in the big fire? Answer me!"

    "Annie lay back down on the bed first," the doctor commanded, but Annie didn't listen to him. "Annie, you've been unconscious for a week already. Your head injury must have given you a hallucination side affects or you must be having trouble differentiating from your dream during your coma and the reality.

    Annie face show the most lost and disbelief expression ever. "What are you talking about? I didn't dream it or made it up! What kind of doctor are you?! I want to see doctor Lau, he could tell you that I was pregnant! He could tell you that my husband is LOUIS KOO!!" she angrily shouted at the doctor with frustration. The doctor leaned over the bed to reach his hand out trying to grab Annie wrist. He is pulling her down. "Don't touch me!" Annie cries, but she was too weak against the larger male doctor and was easily pulled down. "Let go of me! I'm not crazy...I'M NOT!" Annie frantically yelled.

    Cruelly they ignored her, the nurse hand the doctor the needle, "Here doctor, 2 ml."

    Seeing the doctor really going to put her asleep, Annie shakes her head at the needle, "Please don't... I'm fine, I'm not making this up...I'm not..."

    "ANNIE!" a surprised voice from behind shouted excitedly to see her woken up. Annie lifted her head up to look at the guy and her face is as pale as a sheet of paper. Her eyes bulged out in disbelieve. She felt her entire body lightened with confusion and shock.

    Annie trembled, how could this be? "Steven?" her disbelieve voice asked softly while her eyes are glue on him. She saw his right lower arm being bandaged. Steven smiled widely and ran up to her setting down a bundle of wild yellow flower on the bed table. The doctor seeing Annie emotional state stabilized a bit, since she has froze in place, so he release Annie. Hoping that Steven can help her.

    Quickly sat on the bed, Steven pulled Annie in, he hugged her tightly with tears lingering his eyes. "You scare me to death, Annie! I'm so glad you are fine now!" he tightened his embrace on Annie lovingly. Annie felt nothing but daunted to the fact that Steven is not dead and looked younger and happier then she last sees him. Steven sighed in relief, "I'm just so happy that you wake up!" He released Annie and looked at her, "I love you, don't you ever scare me like this again." Steven smiled at Annie motionless expression with her eyes on him. "Don't worry, I have punished Frankie for you," he teased. Steven notice that Annie eyes are confuse and motionlessly still. "Annie is something wrong? Are you alright? You remember me right?"

    Nodded with shocked expression, Annie slowly reaches her hand to touch his face. "Joe said you are dead. He said Stephen killed you in the wood. How come? What happen?" she confusedly asked.

    Steven forehead wrinkled in confusion, "Who is Joe? I'm Steven." He concernedly checked Annie head, "Are you alright? You forgotten how you got injure? Don't you remember?" Annie face was as blank as a piece of paper. Steven smiled at her reassuringly, "You've probably forgotten cause of your coma. Do you remember that Frankie just got back from the city and we meet up after dinner at our old meeting place?" Annie couldn't understand what he is saying.

    He slightly chuckled with his cheeks blushed a bit and reached to hold Annie hand tightly. "Remember, how we held hand?" he asked with his sweet tone. Annie quickly jerked her hand away, she don't like the feeling she is getting from Steven. Steven stares at her with a hurt but mostly lost expression, "What's wrong?" he reach his hand toward Annie forehead, Annie leaned slightly back, but Steven was able to felt her bandaged head. "The hit on the head really impacted your memory, huh?" Steven asked with worry seeing Annie like this. Annie remember that they held hand two years ago, but it the different feeling now. She really don't know how her head got hurt, she would expect herself being burn, but there is no sign of burn anywhere on her body. "Does it still hurt?" Steven asked in a caring gentle tone.

    Confusedly, Annie is feeling her own head. The doctor and nurse are closely observing her. "How did I hurt my head? Is it because the roof concaved in?" Annie looked at her arms and legs, seeing little scrape wound everywhere instead of burn.

    What Annie said really frightened Steven, she seem to forget what happened. What do she mean by roof? Steven eyes are stilly on her with concern. "You were chasing Frankie and he accidentally shoved you too hard that you slipped and rolled down the cliff by the wooden bridge, don't you remember? I came after you trying to pull you back up but you slipped out of my hand. You've been unconscious for the entire week already," he explained. Steven worriedly held Annie hand again, "Annie are you at least feeling okay? Do you feel any pain or discomfort?"

    Once again, Annie pulls her hand away while she shakes her head at him with confusion and stress. "No, I don't know what you are talking about," she murmured as her eyes tries to search for Louis, stressful tears are running down her cheek. "Where is Louis?" she asked repeatedly. She turned to the loud running footstep coming her way and saw Frankie running in with Kenix.

    "Annie you finally wake up?!" Frankie surprise voice loudly hollered in relief. Frankie couldn't help himself from chuckling at her with joy, he is so relief that Annie recovering from what he has done. He rushed up to Annie and place his hand on Annie forehead while Annie eyes is motionlessly staring straight at him in disbelief. His hands are not injured at all! But how? She saw him holding the knife stubbornly and gotten cut very deeply, at least it should have some kind of a scar! None of this is making sense to Annie at all.

    Sits next to Annie, Kenix gave Annie a tight hug, "I'm so glad you are fine now Annie! That stupid Frankie is always so rough and barbaric!" She darted an angry eyes at Frankie making him feel guilty.

    "I'm sorry Annie, I really didn't know that the push will make you lose balance," he sincerely apologized. Frankie notice Annie strange unblinking eyes on him, he snapped his finger in front of Annie eyes to get a respond but there isn't any. "Don't scare me Annie, did you burn your brain out?" he asked in a half joking tone. Annie tears started to roll down her cheek uncontrollably. She quickly hugged Frankie tightly and sobbed on his shoulder. Frankie face turned into a puzzled blank wondering what wrong with his cousin. "Did you really fry your brain?" his voice became serious, "I'm sorry Annie, I really didn't mean to make you fall."

    Sniffling, Annie rubbed her eyes on Frankie front shoulder to get rid of her tears. "You're fine! Stephen didn't hurt you!" she stated in relief.

    Frankie stare at Annie with weird fixed eyes, he started to chuckle at her, "Oh come on, you know your Steven is softer than a sheep, his punch is more like a massage." Steven slightly punched the side of Frankie shoulder making Frankie laughed along with him and Kenix chuckling.

    Distressed, Annie shake her head, she didn't mean Steven. Why are they laughing? It's not a joke. "Frankie, where are Eve and Louis? The nurse said Louis came to visit me before. I want to see him," Annie requested.

    "Who is Louis?" Frankie puzzlingly asked his cousin. He never heard of the name before.

    The nurse looked at Annie then to Steven, "I'm sorry, I thought he was Louis."

    Annie heart felt like it being stomped hard making all of her hope vaporized. She looked at the nurse then back to dart at Frankie for an answer, "What do you mean, you don't know Louis?! Where are Louis and Eve?! He was by my side, he was holding on to me, I felt it. I felt it..." Annie is trying to remember what happened last. "Eve, Stephen killed I helped too," her weak voice drowned with agony.

    Not understanding a single word that came out of Annie, Frankie narrowed his eyes on her like she is speaking a foreign language. "What the heck are you talking about?" he asked while feeling her forehead again, "Maybe the bump of your head against the rock hasn't recover yet. Here, lay down Annie, rest for a while. I'll go tell Leung (mom) that you wake up. She did say she would visit you tonight. Maybe I should run back and tell her to cook you some porridge now. You look like you lost half your weight!"

    Hearing what Frankie just suggested, Annie is even more confused, "Aunty travel all the way out to visit me?"

    Steven chuckled at his girlfriend, "Annie, it only an hour walks from Mr. Lam house to here."

    Turned toward the window to look out, Annie eyes widened with shock. Instead of the city, she saw farmland distance away while a flower field in front of the hospital. "Where am I? How did I get back here?" her shaky bewildered voice questioned.

    "Annie calm down," Steven worry voice comforted, "You are in the hospital, the one that is in the village next to our. You must be tired and overwhelm after being asleep for a week. Why don't you rest for a while?"

    "Nooo, I need to see Louis! Where is he?!" Annie distressingly demanded.

    A bit frustrated, Frankie yelled at her since he has no idea what Annie is talking about, "Who is this Louis you keep screaming about?!"

    "What you mean who is Louis?! My husband!" Annie angrily shouted with frustration too. All three of the face that is facing her went blank to what she just said, they stare at her like she has gone mad.

    "Husband?" Frankie chuckled at her, "When did you gotten marry? Even if you do isn't your dream husband supposes to be Steven?" Frankie jokingly teased.

    Annie face drained, this is just too odd. How could Frankie not remember Louis? How could he say she weren't married? "How could you not remember Louis?" her weak voice mumbled. She turned to Kenix and pulled on her hand, "You remember Louis and Eve right? You helped me deliver Eve!"

    Sadly shake her head, Kenix turned to her boyfriend with concern eyes. Frankie chuckled again, "Did you have a nightmare?" he suggested to Annie. He hold Annie hand and felt the feverish warmth, "I think you are having a fever." Annie kept her head shaking, with tears glaring in her pair of eyes. Steven study Annie and could tell how serious her eyes looked like. Frankie saw them too and felt concern for her, "Annie what is in your mind? Does your head hurt?" A drop of Annie tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. Frankie sat down on the bed next to her side and stare at her with confusion to her emotional state. He caringly wrapped his arm around his cousin to comfort her, "What is wrong? Calm down Annie, is alright, it just a dream. Don't cry, you know I hate to see you cry like this."

    "It not a dream Frankie, it can't be a dream!" Annie stressfully cries, "I felt him, he couldn't be just a dream... He couldn't!" She started to cry with her broken heart. How could she accept that all the things she experience with Louis is just a dream? "Louis is real, he is real, he love me..." her voice trailed off with tears continue to pour. "He love me, Frankie...he was badly hurt cause of protecting me," she sniffed and cried louder.

    Frankie eyes widened to Annie crying, he don't understand a word she is talking about. "Shhh...don't cry Annie. It's just a bad dream," Frankie comforted. Steven is getting a bit unsettle to hear his girlfriend kept mentioning about this guy being her husband and even cried in stress cause of this guy. He stare at Annie wanted an explanation. Kenix is worry about Annie too. Annie seems so different after that one week of sleep. Frankie gently stroke Annie back, "Annie, don't be silly. You are not married. You've been unconscious for a week; you probably have a nightmare. Come on hush up; just forget about it."

    "NO!!" Annie shouted, her fist hammered on Frankie back, stubborn to accept that it was just a dream. "It wasn't a dream!" she claimed.

    Her cousin nodded repeatedly, "Alright, alright, if you say it not, then it not." Frankie just want Annie to calm down and stop her crying. Frankie looked over toward his girlfriend and Steven, "Annie, why don't you talk with Steven? He is here for you. He has been visiting you several times a day, ever since you are in the hospital. His arm got injured from trying to save you. He worries about you a lot." Frankie try to release his embrace and allow Steven a chance to comfort Annie, but Annie stubbornly shook her head, she is so confuse and her mind is so busy trying to sort out what is dream and what is reality.

    Annie murmured with her sniffling trying to control herself from crying, "I want Louis." Steven face was drained and obviously jealous of this imaginary guy named Louis. How could his girlfriend just wake up with another love interest?!

    Frankie gulped to Annie request, where is he going to get a Louis? "Umm..."

    Kenix sat down on Annie other side, "Annie, I'm sorry, but you really just dreamed. There is no such person as Louis. It was just a very long dream you had during the time you are unconscious. It probably too long that you thought it was real."

    Gazed at Frankie hands again, Annie saw no wound or scar, which made her cry again cause it meant that it really is just a dream. "Louis couldn't be a dream Frankie," her teary voice begged her cousin to believe her, "I could felt him. I could sense his love, I still can. There must be a mistake! He is somewhere waiting for me..." Annie started to push Frankie away, "Why did you save me?! I didn't want to be saved! I wanted to be with Louis forever!! Why do you have to separate us?!"

    "Stop it Annie!" Steven frustratingly shouted with anger, he has enough of it. "Do you know what you are talking about?!!" he asked with hurtful eyes on her. Annie felt guilty when she saw Steven pair of eyes filled with tears. But she no longer has the same feeling for him any longer. She still couldn't take the fact that she is back to two years ago, where Steven is her boyfriend.

    Kenix pulled Steven back, "Steven, don't. Give Annie more time. She is just a bit disoriented from her coma." Annie sobbed in stress, she don't know what to do now. She is confused about everything.

    Frankie heart weaken when he see his only cousin being so heart broken. He kept his embrace on her tightly, rubbing her back, "Shhh...Annie, don't scare me like this." He released her, "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about. But it seem like you just had a dream. It'll be alright, it just a dream. We dream each night." Annie stubbornly shook her head. It's not the same at all. He wiped her tears away, "Silly thing, you got so work up into your dream, it must be a wishful dream then." Frankie patted her hand, "Just stop thinking about it and try to just forget it." He sighed, "I'll go tell Leung and Dei that you have woken up. Don't worry about the livestock, I'll go feed them, you just rest and leave your choirs to me. Don't worry about Dei too, he won't scold you."

    "Pigpen," Annie suddenly mumbled cause she recalls that it's where she met Louis, maybe he is there right now. She quickly shot up wanting to rush out of the hospital but quickly being pulled back by Frankie. "Let go of me!" she demanded.

    "Annie! Where are you going?! I told you already, I'll take care of it, Dei won't scold you. Your head is injured. You need to stay and rest more," Frankie caring voice ordered. His hand tightly clench on Annie wrist as she struggle to make him let go. He looked over toward the doctor, "She need to stay right, doctor?"

    "Of course," the doctor replied with a nod.

    "Sees, listen to the doctor, Annie! Steven helps me!" Frankie firmly directed. Steven grab hold of Annie other hand.

    "Annie don't be like this," Steven begged as he looked into Annie eyes, "Why are you doing this to us?"

    "I'm sorry," Annie murmured to him, "Please let go Steven," her eyes pleadingly asked Steven to, Steven let out a deep breath and released her hand. Annie looked at Frankie, "Lets go Frankie, please! Louis is there, I know he is there waiting for me!" She forcefully swings hard and gotten herself free.

    Without any second thought Annie run heading out the hospital with the doctor, nurse, Frankie, Steven, and Kenix running after her. The doctor and nurse stopped and didn't run after Annie, when she gotten too far away. But the other three followed close behind Annie, trying to convince her to stay put in the hospital. Annie didn't listen to a word they say, she just kept running toward the pigpen, good thing she still remember her way around. She fallen a couple time cause of the muddy trail but quickly got back up not welling to slow down.

    "Annie slow down!" Frankie shouted after her, but she didn't listen, "What the matter with you?!"

    Annie didn't answer him, she just kept running and running until she gotten there. Her heart raced speedily and pounded as she stop in front of the pigpen, exactly where she met Louis, exactly where she pour pig sop on his face. But the only thing different is that he is not there. Her face saddened with trembling lips and watery eyes. How could he not be here? How could he not be here at the pigpen waiting for her? How could he leave her behind? She shake her head with a broken heart to realize that he is not here and will never be here. She ran around and around the livestock to see if he is standing somewhere else. But no, he is not here.

    Frankie sighed loudly at his cousin with disappointment. "Annie go back and rest!" he ordered.

    "What date is today?! It's May twentieth 1924?!" Annie urgently asked, cause she still remember when she met Louis, it was the early morning of May twentieth, 1924. Her head shakes, "No, it March twentieth 1926..."

    "1926?" Kenix shook her head, with her eyes curiously on Annie, "No, it's not. This is the year of the Ox, it 1924."

    "1924?!" Annie asked with confusion to the confirmation. So she is eighteen instead of twenty? "I'm eighteen?" her weak disbelieving voice asked.

    Frankie brows arched in concern for her, "Ah huh... Annie, maybe we should take you to see a doctor in the city; they are much better."

    A bit of hope shows on Annie face again. "What date it is then?" Annie asked.

    "Like you said, it May twentieth," Frankie answered.

    Annie shakes her head and lost her hope. If it the right dates why is Louis not here? Why he didn't come for her? Or did he come early this morning and she weren't here to meet him like her dream? Annie squatted down on the muddy floor and buried her head in her folded arms and cried sadly. She wants Louis! Her heart felt so stiffen to notice that he is just a dream, which meant the love between them are also a dream too, it not real, it didn't exist. He doesn't exist, the love between them doesn't exit, their baby Eve doesn't exit. How could that be true?

    She loves him and he loves her, how could it just be dream? It's more painful to know that he is just a dream then knowing that he is dead. Annie couldn't control her emotion as flashes of Louis and her being together waved in her mind, it so real, she could recall every moment with him so clearly. Theirs up and down, their romance and argument, their struggle to understand each other, their own daughter. She could still remember how they willing to scarify themselves to protect the other when Stephen try to kill them. All of these can't be fakes!

    Annie sobbed with her head hide in her arms, she is squatting against the pigpen. "I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here..." Annie murmured wanting to return to Louis and Eve.

    It makes Steven suffer to see her like this. He sighed softly to himself and stepped up to squat in front of her. "Just let go of it Annie. I'm still here for you all along. I'm your boyfriend let me help," Steven hand reached toward her hand to hold it like how he started holding her hand that night, a week ago.

    Jerked her hand away from him, Annie mumbled, "Don't touch me." Steven and Frankie face was puzzled to her action. It really stabbed Steven heart to hear her said that to him. Annie frustratingly requested, "Leave me alone." Her sob quieted and she don't know what else to do, she is lost. "Leave me alone," she murmured.

    Steven calmly suppressed his feeling, "Annie, this Louis is just a dream. He is not real. Annie are you treating me fairly?" Annie didn't answer, she pressed her lip together, she knows that she is not being fair to Steven. Steven sighed and tries to hold her hand again but Annie moved her hand away. "Come on Annie, you need to rest more," Steven loving tone said even though he felt sorrow inside to see how Annie suddenly changed.

    Annie shake her head and lifted her head to look into Steven eye seriously with her redden one, "I'm sorry Steven." Steven paused, he sense that the sorry meant more then just a sorry. Annie wets her lip, "I love him and only him."

    Her cousin rolled his eyes, "Annie are you out of your mind?! You were just dreaming!"

    Boiling up with disbelief, Steven is getting mad, "Who is he, Annie?! If you could tell me who he is, then I'll accept your reason for wanting to break up! But you can't! You know that he is just a dream. Annie, why? We were in love, isn't it?"

    Dropped her head a bit, Annie don't know how to explain her feeling toward Louis. "No," Annie simply answers his question and felt the awkward silent grow, she took in a deep breath. "Steven I don't know what is going on anymore. All I know is that I can't love you. I love Louis really much. But I don't know where he is now or if he is even real. But it felt so real, I know he is somewhere out there. He will come and find me one day, I have a feeling that he will. It couldn't be just a dream. It couldn't. He needs to keep his promise," Annie explained with fate in Louis that he will come for her.

    "Do you know what you are talking about?!" Frankie scolded Annie cause he felt sorry for his best friend to get dumped like this. Annie bit her lower lip and kept silent. "You've been dating Steven for over two years already!" Frankie reminded. Steven eyes were welled with tears as he quietly gazes at Annie with anger. Is she really calling a break up just cause of a dream?

    Gnawed on her lip, Annie felt guilty, but she just has this gut feeling that Louis will come for her, she is destine for him. She looked at Steven with sorry eyes, "I'm sorry." That was the only thing she could offer Steven.

    Steven shake his head at her, he can't understand how Annie could change this much after her coma. "Annie, we can't just end our relationship cause of one dream. It's just a dream. I can't believe this, you're picking a dream over our love?" he asked disheartened.

    "It's a crush," Annie hesitatingly whispered softly to correct Steven statement.

    Gazing at her with disbelief, Steven eyes are flaming, "What you meant by that?" Every noise seems to stop in dead silent. Even the air felt suffocating to Steven.

    After a long silent, Annie finally gathers enough courage to speak up again, "I'm sorry. You have every right to be mad at me or even hate me. But I really can't love you, not now or in the future. I thought that I love you before, but it was just a childhood crush." She looked at Steven straight in the eyes and saw his tears making her swallowed down her guilt. Annie weakly assured, "You'll find someone a hundred times better then me and have a son with her soon. Ada is the one that..."

    "Stop it. Just stop it, Annie," Steven angrily said. He sighed, rolled his eyes and shut them. When he opened his eyes, they were directly staring into Annie eyes seriously, "Now you are telling me, my fortune from your dream?" Annie kept silent, what else is there for her to say? Steven shakes his head at her. His voice was flat and cold, "I need to get back to work." He stormed away and didn't even look back.

    Annie felt a bit relieved seeing him getting her point that they are over. But she definitely felt horrible for being so cruel to him. Frankie just kept his gaze at her like she is some kind of alien. Kenix squatted down and wrapped her arm around Annie shoulder, Annie leaned on her for comfort. "How could you?!" Frankie asked in a mad tone feeling unfair for Steven, "Are you going to tell me my fortune too?"

    "Frankie," Kenix warned.

    With lips trembled, Annie felt really guilty and sorry already. Tears started to stream down her face uncontrollably. She doesn't know if what she just did is right or wrong. She doesn't even know if her gut feeling about Louis is right or wrong. Maybe it's just a dream that never will exist in real life or it could be a foreshadowing of the future for her, she doesn't know she really doesn't know. All she knows is that she really loves him, and have fate in him, he got to come back for her and she will risk her chance and wait for him.

    "I'm sorry..." Annie whimpered, Frankie sighed at her and squatted down in front of her and pulled her in, hugging her tightly to comfort her with his hand rubbing her back. Even though he is not happy with Annie decision on the break up, but Annie is still his most loved cousin that he will support and care for no matter what. "I'm sorry Frankie..." Annie murmured with lost mind and a sorrow heart.

    Frankie nodded, "Shhh...I just hope you won't regret about your decision in the future."

    "I won't. I know he will be back for me," Annie whispered back.

  7. #187
    Registered User Danielle Lin's Avatar
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    Nov 2002


    It was a all a dream? Annie will meet him again though right? Is this close to the end? <IMG SRC="smilies/shocked.gif" border="0">
    Oh you didn't write it yet, ok I'll wait! <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    Update soon! I can't believe you left it on a cliffhanger!

  8. #188
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    What is going on, Kay, you're confusing me <IMG SRC="smilies/confused.gif" border="0"> Maybe it's because of Louis' last wish, he wish to start over with Annie again. So Louis should be here right now. Will he still be the same cruel Louis two years ago or will he be the caring Louis that sacrifice his life for Annie. One more chapters to go. Will Louis appear and will he remember their past, well their future now actually. Oh you know what I mean, I'm confuse. But I can't believe, I won't believe that it was all a dream. If that was really a dream, that was a pretty long and real dream then. No it can't just be a dream. All of those mystery, hatred, love, sad, betrayal, happy, hopefulness, cliffhanger, shock, terrifying moments we went through with the characters and now you're telling us it was all a dream? I'm sure that;s not true. Tell me that's not true. Wait a minute, you once say you hope we won't regret reading this story after the ending. You said you hope we don't think it wasn't worth our time. Are you telling me WAS REALLY a dream!!! Please say no. I'm sorry to get so emotional here but I just can't bare to see the love between Louis and Annie to end like this. As only a dream. What about B-jai? Stephen?! Update soon.Update soon.

    <font size="1">[ June 04, 2003: Message edited by: jeh ]</font>

  9. #189
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    White Camel Mountain


    Ahhhhhh! He's come back alive! <IMG SRC="smilies/disgust.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  10. #190
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0"> I'm finally done! Here is the last chapter! Enjoy everyone!!! And please all readers give me your opinion on this fanfic as a whole. I really wanted to know how you guy like it or dislike it. Or anythings need to be change to make it even better. And oh yes if you guy don't mind please rate me, kekeke <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">

    jeh: all of your confusion will be clarify by the last chapter.

  11. #191
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    Chapter 62: The Other Soul-Epilogue

    A year has swiftly passed by. During the year, Steven and Annie has become friend again and let the past be kept in the past. To Steven surprise Annie prediction was right, he has fallen in love with Ada and married her seven months ago and now Ada is five months pregnant. Kenix and Frankie has also gotten married at the same time as Steven and Ada, which made Annie believe that her dream is more like a foreshadowing then just a normal dream. The only different is that Louis didn't come for her during the year. She has been waiting for him every single day at the pigpen in the early morning till night set in, but he never arrived like how he did in her dream.

    Throughout the year, Annie developed many theories of why Louis didn't come for her. One of her theory is that Louis would never come cause he was killed in her dream and therefore won't exits in reality. But Steven and Ada were killed too and they exits now, this fact gave Annie a bit more hope.

    Another theory of her is maybe Louis couldn't find her, like how she couldn't find him no matter how hard she searched the city. Or maybe because she has missed the chance of meeting him at the pigpen, since she was in the hospital and gotten there too late, therefore he never know her existence. And yet there is always the possibility that it was simply a dream that will never come to life, like how everyone been hinting too her. But still Annie is not willing to give up so easily, she will wait, even if she grew old and lonely.

    Like usual Annie's uncle is demanding her to take care of her usual choirs, Annie didn't complain and quickly finish them each day so she has more time to spend at the pigpen. The only problem she has to deal with is her uncle constantly trying to get her married to wealthy family in order to collect dowry. Annie would check out and see if it was the Koo's family each time, but she is disappointed every single time and refused the offer. Her uncle has tries to force her into a marriage once, but Annie stubbornly refuses to get married and has threaten her uncle that she would commit suicide if he ever force her again. Her uncle has learn to back off, since Annie is no longer the passive and shy girl, like she use to be.

    During the year, Annie has started to write. Writing is one of the hints that made Annie believes her relationship with Louis is realistic, cause she never known how to read and write before she met Louis. No one in the village could explain why Annie suddenly learns how to read and write after she awoken from her coma.

    Annie spends every second of her spare time to write. She usually sited by the pigpen or in the middle of the yellow flower field to write, so that she could wait for Louis too. Annie wanted to write down every single detail of her dream into a book that she has named "The Other Soul". To her, the dream and reality seem to be two different worlds that split and separate two different sets of souls by a very thin but distinct barrier. She believes that she has once crossed the barrier, but now she is somehow dragged back to this supposedly 'reality', but who is to say this is reality and her dream is not? Or is she dreaming now and couldn't go back to reality?

    Many strange ideas like this has visited Annie mind and all of them only contain one obvious message. Which is Louis being in one and she in the other, both lost and don't know how to search for each other again.

    Deep down Annie has believe in this vivid dream of theirs being real and wanted every memories of Louis and her to be on paper, instead of trusting her memories. She fears that she will forget about their relationship little by little if she doesn't write it down. She doesn't want to forget every little detail of his smile, his embrace, his touch, his eye, his tender kiss, and especially his loving words and promise. She wanted to capture all of her detailed memories of them into this book entitled "The Other Soul".

    It has been almost five months already since Annie first started writing this story of Louis and her. Today, May twentieth 1925, exactly one year from the day that she supposedly met him, Annie continues to wait with her hope slowly dying as she note the day slowly getting old. Being enclosed by wild flower of the field, Annie silently sat with a notebook on her lap and a fine brush in her hand writing and finishing up Louis and her story.

    Tears wagered her pair of eyes as she recalled how Louis was stab and killed. What he has said to her during the limited amount of time. Her writing became shaky and droplets of her tears landed on the page making the black ink blurred out. Annie sniffed and gazed at the page in front of her with watery vision, she can't go on. It too painful to remember how her dream ended. She doesn't want their story to end the same way as her dream.

    The fine brush in her stiffens hand slipped out and dropped off her hand. It rolled off the notebook making a trail of ink across the page and finally landed on the dirt ground. Annie took in a deep breath trying to stop her emotional state, but her writing just places more image into her mind. Annie frustratingly shuts the notebook and pushed it off of her lap. It landed right on top of her brush and on the hard cover of the notebook, the title "The Other Soul" is inscribed beautifully with care.

    Tears are washing down her cheek, within minute her sobbing sound has filled the quiet field of flowers. Annie drawn her pair of legs closer toward her body and hugged her legs tightly with her head lay on her kneecaps. She pressed her lip together trying to force herself to be strong and not remember the pain, but she is too weak to forget. She couldn't control herself from crying with her broken heart. Annie turned to bury her head under her arms and sobbed with agony.

    Meanwhile, Kenix is looking all over for Annie and couldn't find her. She notices that for some reason Annie likes to stay in the flower field lately rather then the pigpen, so she headed there to search. The wild flower are as high as her shoulder, therefore she couldn't see Annie since Annie is sited down. "ANNIE!! ARE YOU AROUND?!" Kenix shouted, "Annie?! We're going out to the city again, you want to go with us?"

    Annie has went to city several times before to look for Louis but for some odd reason she don't know where to look for the mansion, cause the mansion is no longer located at the same address. Last time Annie was so excited when she got there, but her hope was snatched away, when all she see is the woodland and in front of that is a plain flat grass field with no mansion, not even B-jai grave.

    "ANNIE?!" Kenix continue to call for her. Paused, Kenix hear little sob coming from ahead. "Annie are you crying?" Kenix asked in her clear loud voice. She pushed the wild flower aside and walking into them heading toward the sound. The sobbing sound is getting closer and closer until she saw Annie. Kenix frowned sadly seeing Annie like this again. She quickly squatted down and pulled Annie in, to hug her. "Annie don't cry, everything will be fine. Just don't write, it always makes you cry," like always, Kenix suggested Annie to quit writing about her dream.

    Sobbing, Annie asked with her voice hiding a bit of anger, "Why didn't he come this morning? It have been exactly a year already...I was at the pigpen waiting for him the entire night and morning, but he didn't come. Why?" she asked with her heart feeling really unfair, she was so positive he would show up this morning. Annie has many answers for why Louis didn't return for her, but she doesn't want to believe any of them.

    Kenix let out a caring sigh, "Annie, it time for you to let go." She gently patted the back of Annie head, "I'm sorry, but you can't go on like this. He is not real, Annie. He lives only in your heart and mind."

    The heart broken nineteen years old continue to ramble on what bothering her mind cause she can't find Louis. In her teary voice, Annie murmured, "He promises to let go of all his business and move back here to build a house with me." She sniffed on her tears, "Right here. He promise."

    Kenix is rubbing Annie back trying to ease her suffering, "Annie listen to me, it not healthy for you to live in dream like this." She moved Annie away and stares straight in her eyes, "You have to let go Annie. You have to or you'll never be happy." Annie stubbornly shakes her head. Kenix sighed at her and asked, "How long are you going to wait, Annie? Your entire life?"

    Pressed her quivering lips together, Annie sobbed while she nodded, "If we can start over, I could wait a lifetime..."

    With a concern sigh, Kenix shake her head disappointedly at Annie. "You have to wake up Annie! Don't make yourself suffer like this. Do you know how much it hurt Frankie and me to see you cry each time you pick up that brush?" scolded Kenix. Kenix picked up the notebook and throw it out forcefully.

    "NOOOO!" Annie screamed with her heart stopped and mouth wide open speechlessly in disbelief to what Kenix just did to her book. She shot up like a speed of lighting and running after it, but it was too late, she couldn't tell where it is anymore, especially with tall wild flower like this. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Kenix ran after her.

    "How could you?! Where is it now?!" Annie frustratingly asked with her fearful heart. What Kenix just did makes Annie felt like she lost more than just her book, but also losing the relationship between Louis and her. Annie eyes are alertly looking around as she ran deeper into the field with watery vision.

    Quickly, Kenix pulled her to a stop, "He is just a dream, he will never come back for you! Did you hear me?! HE IS JUST A DREAM!" Kenix tries to hammer into Annie mind. Cause she wanted Annie to snap out of it. Annie can't continue being sad and lonely for the rest of her life cause of a stupid dream!

    Annie turned away from Kenix with her eyes gazed toward the wide field of flower. She felt like her heart is being torn to pieces, how could she lost the book about them? She turned to dart at Kenix with her hurtful eyes, she firmly stated, "It's not a dream. He promises he will keep his promise. He will come back for me."

    Kenix firmly grab both side of Annie shoulder, "Enough Annie! You have lost too much thing cause of this dream already. You have throw away a perfect happy marriage with Steven cause of this silly dream! You could of be happily married to Steven and having a baby now instead of Ada. Or at least you could of gotten happily married into wealthy family already. But instead you have to choose this difficult route and make yourself suffer each day cause of writing this unreal story. Don't you see it, Annie? You are letting everything slip away cause of this dream."

    The poor girl being scolded at is silent with her trembling lips. Seeing Annie like this made Kenix felt worry. Kenix do care a lot about Annie, and it just getting out of hand to see Annie like this everyday. In a sincere voice, Kenix tries to persuade Annie to give up her fate, "You know all of us cared about you, Annie. Don't waste anymore of your time, Annie. You'll make yourself regret in the future."

    Frowned, Annie whispered her stubborn replies, "I won't ever regret, if I could only see him again."

    Both of them became silent. Kenix just felt sorry for Annie. Kenix let a weak smile after a long silent, "Come on don't think about it anymore, lets go back with me. You have waited long enough for today. Lets head out to the city and have a walk to relax your mind." She grabs hold of Annie hand and started to walk Annie out, Annie didn't struggle or refuse. Annie knows that Kenix care about her a lot, maybe it is time to wake up and try to forget. But it will be hard. Annie turned back toward the field of flower not really wanted to step out of it.

    "Lets go," Kenix nudged.

    Not able to move an inch, Annie softly whispered, "I want to stay." She turns and looked at Kenix with her round sad eyes. Kenix shook her head at Annie and disappointedly walked away leaving Annie behind to gaze at the field of flower.

    After a long motionless gaze, Annie walked over to her left and sat down underneath a tree with her back rested on the tree trunk, her eyes kept on the field of flower ahead of her. She silently stares at the flower field until the sun slowly settling down. Her eyes gotten drowsier as she stare at the golden ray making all fresh yellow flower looked a bit golden too. Annie sleepily shuts her eyes and leaned back to rest......

    She hears a soft whispering voice sounding like Louis. Annie is definite that it was Louis singing to her so softly that it just barely audible. She didn't dare to move or open her eyes, cause she is afraid that this will only be her dream and once she do open her eyes everything will vanish. Instead she keep listening to him and wishing him to come closer.

    ....Would you dance
    If I asked you to dance?
    Would you run
    And never look back?
    Would you cry
    If you saw me crying?
    And would you save my soul, tonight?

    Would you tremble
    If I touched your lips?
    Would you laugh?
    Oh please tell me this.
    Now would you die
    For the one you loved?
    Hold me in your arms, tonight.

    I can be your hero, baby.
    I can kiss away the pain.
    I will stand by you forever.
    You can take my breath away.

    Would you swear
    That you'll always be mine?
    Or would you lie?
    would you run and hide?
    Am I in too deep?
    Have I lost my mind?
    I don't care...
    You're here tonight.

    I can be your hero, baby.
    I can kiss away the pain.
    I will stand by you forever.
    You can take my breath away.

    Oh, I just want to hold you.
    I just want to hold you.
    Am I in too deep?
    Have I lost my mind?
    Well I don't care...
    You're here tonight.

    I can be your hero, baby.
    I can kiss away the pain.
    I will stand by you forever.
    You can take my breath away.
    I can be your hero.
    I can kiss away the pain.
    And I will stand by you forever.
    You can take my breath away.
    You can take my breath away.

    I can be your hero......

    "I missed you Annie," the voice whispered.

    Feeling that he is just in front of her, Annie still didn't dare to open her eyes, she had been through so many of these wishful dreams. A drop of her tear escaped from her close eyes as she softly replied, "Me too." She could feel a tingling sensation on her cheek when she felt his touch. Bravely, Annie eyes slowly fluttered open wanting to see him again.

    Painful tears drowned her pair of redden eyes, when she once again realize that she has been tricked by her wishful dream. "Louis, where are you?" Annie whimpered with her eyes looking up toward the darken sky. The surrounding it quiet and empty, she frowned after noticing that it was only a dream. Only if that dreams is reality. Her still eyes gazed out toward the dark indigo field that is illuminated by the moon and twinkling stars. Annie got up and walked toward the flower field with a sad little pout as she murmured softly with longing eyes, "Where are you, Louis? Don't you know I'm still waiting?"

    Disappointed, Annie dropped her head depressingly. Her eyes blinked and a drop of her tears fallen off reflecting the moonlight as it fall and soaked into the dry dirt.

    "Haven't I told you to keep your head up high and back straighten at all times?" a sudden firm and deep tone filled the silent night from behind.

    Annie heart skipped to the voice from behind, she remembers that phase so well. She would never forget that voice either! Annie swiftly turned back with a surprised and shocked face. Longing tears are evident as she stares disbelievingly at the dark figure in front of her a distance away. She is speechless and motionless, fearing that this is just another one of those dreams that she will wake up from it if she makes any sudden movement.

    All Annie sees is a shadow standing under the tree, she can't see any detail, but the outline looked like Louis and so is the voice. Speechlessly Annie kept her eyes glued on him with pounding anxious heart. "Go on," she heard him said to someone.

    "I don't know her. Daddy, you go on," whispered back a child voice, which made Annie heart dropped immediately cause she recognize that boy voice too.

    She could see the shadow of Louis trying to pull the child away from behind him. "Take a look at her, you'll see why," the father voice urged.

    Curiously, the child slightly moved his vision from behind his father and peeked out toward the open space where Annie is standing with moonlight hitting her. "Mommy?" he asked in confusion.

    "B-jai..." Annie whispered so softly after hearing his voice, she is definite that it was him. Slowly the boy stepped out from behind his father figure and walked out from the shadow. Tears immediately glistered in Annie pairs of eyes with disbelieve to see B-jai again, but he is much younger then the nine years old she remember in her dream. He looked around four at the most, but why? How? Annie wondered, he is supposes to be nine this year.
    B-jai continue to walk toward Annie with his round soft eyes on her and his cute smile hung the entire time as he looked at Annie. In his two hands he is holding a bundle of flower that he has picked from the wild flower field. When he stopped in front of Annie and gazed at her carefully to study her. Suddenly he shakes his head, "You're not mommy, mommy never cry." B-jai know very well that his mother has pass away a year ago, at least that what his father has told him. He chuckled at Annie, who couldn't stop her tears. B-jai offered his bundle of flower to her, "Daddy wanted you to have these." He glanced back toward his father under the tree with his finger pointed toward the shadow to direct Annie.

    Looking at the figure, Annie is still fearful and skeptical about this being reality. Anxiously and speechlessly, she kept her soft eyes glue to it. The figure slowly walked out of the shadow and allows the moonlight to glow on the side of his face. It is him, he actually appeared in front of her. Emotion immediately dominated Annie eyes while she felt her throat being clotted up cause she missed him so so much. Her heart weighted with a ton of fear in believing, her lip quivered wanted to call out his name but none was spoken, and her mind kept begging God to have mercy and let this be reality. She just kept her beautiful round eyes at him with tears that sparkled to the moonlight. Her heart beat in a fearful but yet filled with warmth to the sight in front of her.

    Charmingly, Louis smiled at her sincerely with glistering tears in his eyes too as he kept his eyes stilly on her. Staring at each other, time seem to be paused between them and no longer matter to them. Nothing else matters to them except for what in their vision. His dark handsome complexion vividly brightened up Annie facial expression. He is stunning and handsome, exactly how she has remembered him to be, except he is much younger.

    To him, Annie is radiantly beautiful being under the glowing moonlight. She still contains the power to take over his heart and lighten it with hope. Louis arms slowly pulled out from behind his back and in it he was holding the notebook titled 'The Other Soul'. His lip slowly curved upward on his usual stern looking face that never changes. His fingers that are wrapped on the edge of the notebook, started to tap on the cover as his smile became widened. A drop of his tear rolled down his dry face while his gazes are still securely captured by Annie presence.

    Felt his heart heavy with emotion, Louis kept still, he still hasn't had enough of looking at her. He has missed her so much. His heavy voice spoke with a trail of tear, "I finished it for you." Louis saw streak of tears flowed down Annie cheeks and his eyes automatically let go more of his tears too. "It will never end the same, I promise," his gentle loving voice filled the night air and healed Annie heart.

    Annie softly laughed in between tears of disbelieve, it true, he has return for her. Annie is overwhelms with joy to finally see him again. "Louis..." her tearful voice whimpered in relief, she felt like her heart is quickly lightened. Annie swiftly ran straight to him and almost knocked him over when she swing her arms tightly around his waist and embraced him like she will never see him again. He hugged her tightly too, so tightly that Annie was on her tiptoes. "Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming..." Annie repeated it over and over as she snuggled herself close to him. It felt so good to be able to feel him again. "Please tell me I'm not. I'm not dreaming right?" she wanted reassurance, cause she has dream of him countless time during the pass year.

    Louis shook his head continuously, "No, no you are not dreaming. I'm not dreaming too. You are real, you really is real. I didn't imagine it all along, I didn't, I know I didn't. I missed you so much Annie." He felt so relief and warm to have her in his arms again. He knew his dream about her was true.

    Cheerfully, Annie tilted her head up to look at him closely. He gazed at her with tear still in his eyes. He suddenly cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Annie felt her body lightened and the rush of passion and love for him has all return to her. She slowly raises her arms to wrap around his neck and returned his kiss longingly with tears sliding off the side of her face. She slightly grinned as they kissed, she has missed this feeling for so long and it now all coming back to her.

    "Eewww," whined B-jai with hands covering his eyes to witness his father kissing this mommy look a like girl. He quickly turned away and rushed into the flower field to play by himself.

    After sharing a long passionate expression of each other love, Louis gazed at her with his smile growing bigger as he study her lovingly. "I love you, I Love You, I LOVE YOU!!" he repeated with joyful tone and suddenly swings her in a circle and put her back down again to embrace her tightly. "I'm so glad to find you again!" he claims.

    Sniffling with giggle, Annie nodded on his chest, while her hand tightly cling to his black trench coat to make sure he don't slip away. "Is this real? I'm not dreaming again, right? You came back for me," she gratefully stated and still can't believe this is real.

    Louis nodded with the side of his cheek rubbing against Annie head, "We are not dreaming. I'm given a second chance to make it up to you, and I'll use it wisely," he looked down at her, "I'm here to keep my promise to you, honey." Louis smiled warmly at her. He lifted Annie chin up and tenderly met her lip with his, "I'll never leave you again."

    Annie is reaching her hand to feel his cheek, she still can't believe that it really happening. "I love you..." she whispered into the dark night. It made Louis heart warmed to hear those three words. He smiled at her longingly making her smiled sweetly with twinkling dark eyes. Her heart pumped loudly with the rush of gratefulness and thankfulness for this second chance. She removed her eyes from him and lowered her head to snuggle close to him. In a pouting tone she slightly scolded, "You are one year late."

    Chuckled softly at her, Louis cuddled her warmly and gently rocking her slightly side to side. "I'm sorry. But I have to take care of my problem with Stephen first and also settle all of my business to move here. Actually, don't you notice I'm four years early?" he grinned.

    A flash of puzzle shown on Annie face, but she smiled with her chuckle as she nodded and gently cupping his face, "Yes, you looked so much younger. And so is B-jai." Annie turned around to look for B-jai but he is not around, but she could hear his giggle from afar. Annie turned back to look at Louis, "What happen? I don't understand..." The name Stephen made Annie heart shivered. "Where is Stephen?" she curiously asked.

    Louis smiled at her reassuringly. Annie couldn't get enough of his handsome grin and sincere eyes on her like this. "He is executes by the government ten months ago. He won't be our problem anymore. I woke up back to the year Helen and Julian were murder," Louis explained.

    "You are not serious," Annie stated with puzzled large eyes.

    "Haven't you notice that B-jai is only four instead of nine? And I'm only 23 instead of 27? I don't know how this happen, but when I woke up in the hospital I thought Stephen has killed you and Eve. But they told me that Julian has injured my head and ran off with Helen. The doctor said I was in a coma for a week. I didn't believe a word of them until I saw B-jai, he is alive and only three when I woke up a year ago. Then I notice that I was back to the time when Helen and Julian gotten murder," Louis told Annie with his tone a bit sad to think of how Helen has die.

    Louis smiled warmly at Annie, "Maybe it was Helen and Julian who wanted me to help them get justice. The first thing I did is reported Stephen to the police and indeed they were able to dig up Helen and Julian body in the woods. Stephen is executed two month afterward."

    "You're not mad at them anymore? I mean Helen and Julian," Annie soft caring voice filled the soundless night.

    "No, I have you," Louis sweetly said. He then let out a sigh, "It is my fault to neglect Helen for too long. When the police dig up the wood, they found one of her diary." Louis sighed again with regret, "It's my fault for not protecting her from Stephen. I hope she will forgive me."

    "At least you can take care of B-jai for her," Annie tries to ease Louis sadness, "Did you tell B-jai about Helen and Julian?"

    With still eyes on Annie longingly, Louis shake his head, "There is no need to let him know. I could be his father from now on." Annie nodded with happiness to hear Louis said that.

    "Sorry, I took a year to get here. But I'm here forever now. And dad business is no longer my problem. I'm here just for you," he explained and gently felt Annie cheek, "I couldn't even tell if I dreamed about you are is it real. Good thing I didn't listen to any of them." Louis leaned in to softly peck her forehead, "I came for you Annie." He hand the book back to Annie, "It landed in front of me. I read it and it even convinced me that my dream of you is real."

    "I thought you'll leave me here forever," Annie sadly said as she sniffed the rest of her tears away.
    "Never," Louis whispered. He reached out to hold both of her hand with his warm large one, "Ms Man, will you be my wife again?"

    Annie blushed and pressed her lips together trying to hide her immediate yes, instead she forced a pout. She stepped back from him and pouted giving him her stern poker face. "Shouldn't you be kneeling?" she asked with cute gesture, she held her hand out with fingers spread, "And where is the sparkling diamond?" Annie brows wrinkled at him teasingly.

    Shrugged, Louis looked up toward the dark sky filled with stars, "Up there somewhere." Annie gazed up toward the stars and chuckled. She turned back and notices Louis is not around. Her heart panicked and fear strikes her like never before to not see him. Is this just another one of her wishful dream?

    Suddenly she felt a hand pulling on her hand and she looked down to notice that he was actually kneeled down on one knees while he is now sliding a ring into her index finger. "I have brought this ring before I got on the train," Louis informed. Annie kept her eyes unmoved on him instead of her hand and the diamond ring. She is not interested in the ring, she just don't want him to slip away again.

    Looked up toward the dark sky, Annie whispered from her heart, "Thanks you." She felt the ring slide all the way in, she looked back toward Louis with a sweet smile.

    Louis squeezed her beautiful hand, "I'll cherish you forever, I'll protect you from harm, and I'll make sure you'll be happy for the rest of your life. Annie, will you please be my wife and give me a second chance to love you?" Louis asked. He patiently waited for her to answer with his genuine dark eyes on her. Annie just nodded speechlessly with tears instead of saying the simple "yes". Louis stood back up and pulled Annie in for a long embrace. "I'll love you forever," he sincerely promised.

    Nodded agreeing, Annie whisper to the dark breezy night, "Forever."



    Maybe it’s intuition
    Some things you just don’t question
    Like in your eyes
    I see my future in an instant
    There it goes
    I think I’ve found my best friend

    I know that it might sound
    More than a little crazy
    But I believe
    I knew I loved you before I met you
    I think I dreamed you into life
    I knew I loved you before I met you
    I have been waiting all my life

    There’s just no rhyme or reason
    Only a sense of completion
    When I look in your eyes
    I see the missing pieces
    I’ve been searching for
    I think I’ve found my way home

    I know that it might sound
    More than a little crazy
    But I believe
    I knew I loved you before I met you
    I think I dreamed you into life
    I knew I loved you before I met you
    I have been waiting all my life

    I knew I loved you...I knew I loved you...
    ---Savage Garden

    Five years later...
    At the right of the flower field and in front of the stream, there stood a five years old mansion that is build since Louis and Annie gotten married. Louis walked into the mansion with a book in his hand. He chuckled excitedly and can't wait to see his wife expression when she sees this little gift. Nicola and Bobby, the only two servants that has moved to the farming village with him, walked up to greet him.

    "Where is Annie?" Louis happily asked.

    Nicola smiled brightly like always as she answered, "Yee Seeu Lie is in the kitchen making Sui Jie (young mistress) some snack."

    "She wouldn't even let me help," whined the childish chef Bobby.

    Louis chuckled at Bobby voice as he nodded knowing that Annie tends to take over Bobby work, especially when it comes to their daughter meals. Louis headed into the kitchen to look for Annie. A wicked idea popped into his mind when he saw his eight months pregnant wife standing by the counter dicing melon. He sneaked up to her and tickled her from behind. Annie jumped to his sudden tickle, she begins to giggle and laugh. "Stop it! You're going to hurt the baby," Annie warned him with giggling voice.

    Grinned cheerfully, Louis hugged her instead with hands stroking her enlarged belly. Annie sighed and rolled her eyes at her husband while he kissed the side of her neck lovingly. She picked up a cube of diced melon up toward Louis mouth and he ate it. "How is your visit to the city? Ah, did you remember to buy Bing Tong Wu Lo (a kabob of sweet plum sugar coated with red candy) for Eve and B-jai?" Annie asked as she return to dice more melon for her four years old daughter. "She has been asking about it the entire morning," Annie added.

    Her husband gave out a gasp and bit his lower lip guiltily. Annie chuckled at his reaction. "Well, now you get to explain to her, why daddy is so forgetful," she teased with laughter.

    "Maybe she will forget, aren't children forgetful?" Louis sheepishly asked but he knows his four years old won't forget when it comes to candy or toys. Annie just shakes her head at her husband while he continue to assure himself, "She'll understand, she always listen to me."

    Annie chuckled sardonically, "Yeah, to your lies."

    "Hey, I never lie to her!" Louis defensively exclaim. Annie let out a 'yeah sure' chuckle. Louis gave her a puppy face and hangs his chin over her shoulder. Annie is still dicing melon with her soft chuckle. "It's all your faults," Louis suddenly complained.

    His wife laughed immediately with her playful tone, "Oh really?" Louis nodded making Annie rolled her eyes. She turned over to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now how is it my fault, Mr. Koo?" Annie asked in her sweet mischievous tone.

    Grinned with his stunning dark playful eyes, Louis leaned in to softly brush his lip on her. He removed her hand and guided her to sit down on a chair and pulled the book out, placing it in her hand. "Cause I have a very special gift to pick up for mommy," explained Louis. Annie puzzlingly gazes at the book. "Happy anniversary," Louis gentle deep voice said.

    Curiously, Annie eyes interestedly looked at the cover of the small book. "The Other Soul?" she softly asked in surprise. Her voice became more firm with shock as she begin to scold in disbelieve, "You publish it?! How could you? How many copy? It was not meant for everyone to read!"

    "Calm down. Just several thousands copies," Louis teased. Annie eyes harden on him, he laughed at her, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Just one special copy," he reassured. Annie relaxed and calmed down. She quickly flipped through the pages of text, Louis study Annie eyes which is glancing through the pages. "Aren't I loveable?" he asked expecting a thank you kiss. Annie laughed at him and wrinkled her nose at him, pulling him in for the kiss.

    "Thank you. I love it," Annie sincerely assured her husband. She leaned forward to kiss her husband again with her arms wrapped around his neck.

    "HIGHER BEANIE!!" shouted a little girl voice coming from the back yard.

    Alerted by his daughter voice, Louis looked out the glass door seeing the adorable and playful four years old on the swing, swinging pretty high. He couldn't see who is pushing her, which made him curious. "Is B-jai home from school already?"

    "No," Annie replied with a bit of uncertainty, she don't remember seeing B-jai walk into the house.

    "Did Kevin come over to play with Eve then?" Louis asked his wife as he wonders how Eve could push her swing so high despite her short height with feet that barely touch the ground when she is sited on the swing.

    Released her hug around Louis neck, Annie curiously walked toward the yard as she answer her husband question, "No, Ada and Steven has taken Kevin to sign up for a preschool at the west side of the village. Who is Eve playing with?" Annie wonders in concern. She opened the backyard door and saw her daughter swinging alone. She chuckled, "She is by herself, probably playing with her imaginary friend again."

    Right at that moment B-jai popped out of his hiding place from behind the large tree where the swing is tied. "Nope it me!" he cheerfully shouted with big grin.

    "B-jai why didn't you come in? It must be heavy to carry that backpack and in those thick uniform. Come in dear, I'll get your clothes ready!" Annie told B-jai. B-jai chuckled at his stepmother whose is very loving toward him just like how his own mother use to be. B-jai no longer remembers about Helen, especially since he is so use to calling Annie mommy, that he treated Annie as his mother.

    Annie waved toward Eve too, "Eve, sweetheart come in for snack too! It's getting too hot outside. Both of you come in at once!"

    "Coming mommy!" they chimed together and giggled. Eve face brighten up seeing Louis, "Daddy did you get Beanie and me two 'Bing Tong Wu Lo'?!"

    "Eve! Stop calling your brother Beanie!" warned Annie, her daughter sheepishly grinned with B-jai shrugging, he doesn't mind about the nickname.

    "No, the candy man has to go home early sweetheart," Louis guiltily lied.

    Annie laughed at her husband and elbowed him, "Never lie huh?" she murmured with chuckling sound.

    "It not necessary to break her heart," Louis whispered to his wife while he grinned toward his daughter and gestured his hand to signal Eve to return. "Eve, B-jai come in! Mommy diced some very sweet melon for you two! Come on in now!" Louis called.

    "Okay!" replied the sweet child with bright smile. Louis and Annie headed back in. Eve turned to her right and smiled brightly, "Beanie, I need to get down." B-jai stopped the swing to let Eve get off.

    "Han Han, last one to the house is a rotten egg!" B-jai shouted and begins to run toward the mansion with his younger sister running behind him.

    Breathing out of breath, Eve curiously asked, "Beanie, why you never call me, Eve?"

    B-jai shrugged, "Then why you never call me, Benny?" his voice faded as they ran further toward the house...

    -----The End-----

  12. #192
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    Hi Yak, yay, so it wasn't a dream!!! I'm so happy now <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> Okay, here is my opinion.

    Storyline-10, the storyline couldn't have been better. You put so much thought into this. It was a great story.

    Description-10, you describe the setting so well that I could always feel like I'm right there. The rainy night for instance, I could feel like it was raining outside and the murderer is lurking somewhere outside. I could also feel how scare the characters were by your descritive descriptions. I love the mystery you manage to add in. The thought of a ghost in the house send shiver down my spine. Luckily, B-jai was a good ghost.

    Characters-10, I love Annie and Louis, they were always fighting with eachother at the beginning of the story. Then, Louis' personality start to change because of Annie. Their strong love toward eachother was obvious throughout the whole story. It was so touching how Annie was willing to wait for Louis forever if that is what it take. Frankie, the comic relief of the story, I love the couple pairing of him and Kenix. So cute. B-jai and Eve, looking forward to your next story on them. Their past was so touching.

    Finally, this story as whole-10. I really enjoy reading this story. I was a bit hesitant at first because of the long chapters. But the more I read, the more I got pull into the story. I even hope the chapters is longer <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> I will really miss this story. I will always remember this story. One of the best stories out there. I hope after this story, you will post Eyes of the Beholder and Forbidden Affection here. Also,please update Ambitious Eyes and Mommy and Daddy's Little Angel (I think that's the title). Hope to read more of your fantastic stories. <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">

    <font size="1">[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: jeh ]</font>

  13. #193
    Registered User Danielle Lin's Avatar
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    Wow Yak/Kay!!! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Jeh has said it all, I'm not sure what to add. Except, since Louis AND Anne were having a dream, was Louis in a coma too? Nevermind some things are better left unexplained, it makes the story more mysterious!

    This story was great, you should post more of your stories here! Anne Man is one of my favorite hk actors too bad not many ppl pair her up with Louis!

    How about the <IMG SRC="smilies/baby.gif" border="0"> ? He's coming back right? Ang b-jai? Hold on gotta reread!

    Other than that great job! <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0">

    Side Note- those potato thingys take too long to post, so no more officially retiring! At least until it's summer vacation with nothing to do! <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"> lolz!
    Later days, danielle_lin

  14. #194
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    Thanks for the nice rating jeh! But I think you over rate it a bit, are just too kind hearted.

    Anyway, trying to pull this fanfic up one last time to make sure everyone got the ending. Enjoy everyone and thanks for reading =o)

  15. #195
    Senior Member ccsakura's Avatar
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    QLD, Australia


    Wow that was a very sweet ending so cool, now I realy want to read your other stories! You write really well! And if I was to give this story a rating I would probably give it a 10 aswell! Jeh has said it all!!!!

  16. #196
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    C'mon, Yak, stop being so modest. I know you know that this story deserve a 10. It was excellent <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0">Look, the other readers also agree with me.

  17. #197
    Registered User Danielle Lin's Avatar
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    Don't be modest, for real!
    Ooops, I reread and I can't believe I missed that! Yeah, B-Jai, and Eve and brother and sister. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> And B-Jai isn't just a lonely spirit! Beanie...lolz <IMG SRC="smilies/laugh.gif" border="0">
    So "drums fingers" are you posting your next story yet?

  18. #198
    Senior Member Yak's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the nice comments. Danielle, I currently has out of state visitors, actually it my brother and his family, so I'm pretty busy playing with my one year old nephew. So I won't be updating until two weeks later.

    Ah, I need my readers opinion. I had started "Forbidden Affection" a while back, which it's cast being Annie (all my fanfic is Annie <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">), Louis, Benny, Gilbert, and Jessica. But I kind of want to change the cast now, cause I don't really want to bore my readers with the same Annie and Louis coupling. I just notice that almost every single fanfics of mine is Annie and Louis.

    Anyway, my point is that do you guy mind reading another Annie and Louis fanfic or will it be better if I give the main male role in "Forbidden Affection" to Gilbert, Andy, or Julian? Please give me your opinion on who you would choose. Thanks for your time! See you all later! When I come back, I'll introduce you to two of my fanfics! Bye for now! <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

  19. #199
    Senior Member jeh's Avatar
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    Hmm, this is hard. I like all of the actors you listed. I think you should try something new instead of the same couple over and over again. Not that I don't like them, I love Louis and Annie <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0"> It still depend on you, if you want to write about the same couple, it's fine with me.

  20. #200
    Registered User Danielle Lin's Avatar
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    Yep, what Jeh said! But I choose... Julian! I never see him in much movies and all.
    Aww, oh well I'll wait its summer vacation and I'm bored out of my wits...

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