By the time that Kiu Fung first appears in DGSD, he was already thirty years old and had years of wulin experience under his belt. During DGSD, we get little snippets of some of those adventures through his memories and the memories of his associates, but never a full story of his exploits during those years.

DGSD's Kiu Fung chapters are about his tragic downfall, but fans likely would have loved to see more about Kiu Fung's life and adventures during his early years in wulin (spanning his late teens, twenties, all the way to the eve of his first DGSD appearance), when he was a young star on the rise and as he reached the peak of his wulin career. To see what Kiu Fung was like before the dark shadows of his heritage fell upon him would make for a compelling story, and perhaps even round out the character that became familiar to fans in DGSD. Alas, Jin Yong is no longer with us to ever tell that story, but just imagine...