Siu Yiu Sect members tend to be rather secretive. Indeed, until Deun Yu and Hui Juk started encountering the Siu Yiu Sect Elders and their artifacts, most of wulin did not suspect that the sect even existed. Most of the sect's members outside of the unknown Elders were rather strange or antisocial people such as Soo Sing Ho and Ding Chun Chou, who were outside of wulin's mainstream (e.g. Shaolin, Beggar's Union, Deun Royal Family, Goo Soo Mo Yung Family, etc.).

When we first meet Dr. Sit, he's very much a public figure well-known and widely respected in gongwu circles. He was even master of ceremonies for the Heroes Conference at Tsui Yin Manor convened to condemn and hunt Kiu Fung.

Did you therefore find it surprising when it turned out that Dr. Sit was also a member of the secretive Siu Yiu Sect? His gregarious and mainstream persona didn't fit the profile of most Siu Yiu Sect members.