Thread: Song Seung Heon

  1. #2141
    Junior Member SSH Forever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by <3ssh<3
    let's take a vote:
    so here's how it works. since there are 7 choices(those are all i could think of) you add 6 points to the hairsyle of ssh that you like most and 1 point for the one you least like. you can use each number only once...don't forget to add on to the current points though...i'll start
    here are the choices:
    Autumn in My Heart/Guys and Girls/ Happy Together/ Make It Big:5
    Popcorn/Law Firm:1
    Ice Rain:6
    Summer Scent:2
    He Was Cool:7
    Sad Sonata:4
    Current-Fanmeeting etc:3 guys are hilarious!! here's also my vote:

    Autumn in My Heart/Guys and Girls/ Happy Together/ Make It Big: 6
    Popcorn/Law Firm: 4
    Ice Rain: 3
    Summer Scent: 5
    He Was Cool: 7
    Sad Sonata: 2
    Current-Fanmeeting etc: 8
    Lee Jun Ki's wig: 1

  2. #2142
    Member AyaAsou's Avatar
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    I read online that Song Seung Hun's first series since coming out of the army is going to be w/ the lovely Han Ga-In! I really can't wait for him to start acting again...I MISS HIM!!

  3. #2143
    Junior Member SSH Forever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolee
    I read that Oppa really likes God Father type of mv and he loves the role of his sworn brother LBH in All In drama. Maybe Oppa's "City of Gods" would be inspired from All In where the male lead role will involve many facets -- manly actions and sensitive loving acting skills.

    I think Oppa will be very good for such role. He already has the prince charming outer appearance for the romantic scenes, and his fighting skill in He Was Cool is equally amazing too.

    Which hairstyle do you think would suit him most for this type of role?
    Hmmm.. what do you think of the current hairstyle from fanmeeting, shown in the following pics.. or even the one during his mgr's wedding? something short & clean, personally i luv him with short hair..


  4. #2144
    Member AyaAsou's Avatar
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    Ooh *squeals* SSH-oppa looks super yummy w/ short hair I agree; short hair suits him best since it reveals his beautiful jaw and facial features in a very flattering way! Even after 2 yrs in the army, he's still so darn good looking!!! Time hasn't aged him a bit!!!

  5. #2145
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AyaAsou
    Ooh *squeals* SSH-oppa looks super yummy w/ short hair I agree; short hair suits him best since it reveals his beautiful jaw and facial features in a very flattering way! Even after 2 yrs in the army, he's still so darn good looking!!! Time hasn't aged him a bit!!!
    AyaAsou, glad to have you on this thread. Please stop by often.

    I agree, unlike most Korean actors, Oppa looks his best in short hair, and except for being a little thin, he's extremely handsome fresh out of army otherwise.

  6. #2146
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    from: HL/김한나

    한류스타 송승헌! Comeback!


    chinese translation by CSH/beibei
    english translation by TSH

    Hallyu Star SSH is back

    宋承宪结束了军队生活退伍了。2004年11月入伍的时候说“以后会付出比别人2倍3倍的努力后回来”遵守 了这样的约定后回来了,退伍后“亚洲影迷见面会”是他第一次的公开复出的舞台。
    SSH finishes his military life and is discharged from the army. In Nov2004 when he joined the army he said "will be giving two or three times more effort than others and come back",and he kept his promise and return. After his discharge he made his first public stage appearance at his "Asia Fans Meeting".

    "Sergeant SSH accepted and hereby declared discharge on 15 Nov 2006, loyalty! "

    宋承宪回来了,黎明时分,在江原道华川下起了暴雪,结束了在炮兵部队24个月的服役后,举手敬 礼宣告转役。
    SSH is back. At dawn, Kangwondon Hwacheon started to snow heavily. He completed his 24 months service at the artillery unit and saluted to declare his discharge from the army.

    “虽然开始不太好,虽然晚,但是入伍是给我的人生最大的祝福和幸运,我不认为我给影迷造成的失望和伤痛,所 有的一切都已经得到了原谅,以后会让人看到更成熟的样子,也要感谢为入伍的小儿子一天不少的祈祷的我的父母 ,我也要真心地感谢一直以来坚持送来爱和关心的许多影迷。”
    "Although it was not a good start and though late, but the army is the greatest blessing in my life. I do not think that the disappointment and dismay I brought to my fans would all being forgiven. In future I will present myself as a more matured person. I would also like to thank my parents who have been praying everyday for their youngest son, and I also sincerely thank many fans who have consistently sent their love and concern for me."

    说出对父母说的话的时候眼眶发红,一时说话都接不下去。因为来自各地的影迷喊着“不要哭”表示对他的支持, 短短的初次招呼花了近5分钟。宋承宪退伍活动结束后,访问了在部队生活期间经常参加的慈善活动的机构“爱之 家” ,和那里的人们告别宣告退伍,“爱之家”是和所属部队接为姐妹互助的机构,照顾残障儿童、老人的生活的福利 机构。以后他就马上出发回首儿。宋承宪在退伍仪式时聚集的影迷和记者的风景,不是部队的活动,是接近大规模 的影迷见面会。为了直接祝贺宋承宪退伍,来自日本、中国、台湾等国内外700多名影迷,从凌晨 1点开始,借了17辆观光汽车从首儿各地出发向华川进发,100多名的国内记者和50多名的日本记者,部队 门前人山人海,记者竞争的架势也很激烈,那天,附近也是因为从凌晨开始下了暴雪,把见面的会馆四周的大成山 变成了一片“白色的世界”而令影迷格外感动。
    As he said the words to his parents his eyes turned red and could not continue his speech. But fans from various region shouted "don't cry" to show their support and this first greeting took nearly five minutes. After SSH was discharged, he went to the charity home which he has been visiting frequently during his army days and informed them of his official discharge from army. "Sarang House" is closely associated with his army unit, a welfare organisation to help take care of disabled children and the elderly. After the visit he returned to Seoul. SSH's army discharge ceremony which drew a large crowd of fans and journalists were not the activity of the army but a mass fans meeting in current time. In order to directly congratulate SSH's army discharge, over 700 fans from Japan, China, Taiwan etc. locally and from overseas had gathered at 1:00am to travel to Hwacheon from all parts of Seoul in 17 coaches. There were over 100 domestic reporters and more than 50 Japan reporters all crowding in front of the army base. There was intense competition among the reporters too. On that day, the nearby area also started to snow from midnight. The snow painted the surrounding mountains into a "white world" which has touched many fans.

    Although he turned down the option of being a performaning military star, he still enjoys explosive popularity of a Hallyu star during his military service.

    宋承宪在2004年11月逃避兵役事件爆发后立即入伍,当时正是电视剧《悲伤恋歌》拍摄中途,作为韩流明星 正在上升时,入伍后,志愿放弃当演艺士兵,安静地度过兵役生活,全部的正式活动就是给影迷写过两次公开信, 参加了经理人的婚礼和去年水灾时捐款5000万韩元,除此之外没有在舆论界露面。依据宋承宪服役的陆军胜利 部队的一位关系者说他在训练兵时期对于适应军队生活费了很多心,因为这样,总是很忧郁的表情度过的日子很多 。在内务班的时候,也是话很少,周围的同事也很难和他接近。这样的状况一直持续到被分配到江原道华川的某个 炮兵部队。军队生活的突破口发生在被分配到的自己部队的2个月以后,部队召开了溜冰对抗大赛,那时候已经是 2等兵的宋承宪的溜冰实力得到了部队的认可,代表部队出战,后来去大会拿了一等奖回来,这成了他和同僚和谐 相处的契机。
    After the draft-dodging scandal broke out in Nov 2004, SSH was enlisted to the army immediately. At that time the filming of TV drama "Sad Love Story" has started halfway. As a Hallyu star on the rise, he entered the military and voluntarily gave up joining the performing soldiers, and spend a quiet life throughout his military service. The only official activities were the two open letters he wrote to fans, attended the wedding of his manager and donated KW50 million to flood victims last year. Besides these he had not appeared in the public. According to a personnel at SSH's unit,during training days SSH spent much efforts trying to adapt to army life. As a result he felt depressed most of the time. During classes he also did not speak much and his colleagues find difficulty trying to get close to him. This situation continued until he was assigned to Kangwondon Hwacheon's artillery unit. The breakthrough in military life occured after two months he joined the unit. There was a skating competition in the army. At that time SSH was Second-Class Private and his skating skills was recognised by his unit and was chosen to represent them in the competition. Later he won the first prize and when he got back, it became the opportunity for him to mix well with his colleagues in harmony.

    退伍后他的人气也没有消退,特别是在海外他的人气更加一飞冲天,在东南亚,一首“我不是宋承宪”显示了超人 气,在日本,为了祝贺他的生日,租用了游艇召开聚会,他在日本新成立的官方网站,主页刚开启1个小时不到, 就由于连线人数过多而引起当机,在中国、台湾、泰国等地关于韩流明星的人气投票,总是能排在第一的位置,在 情人节或者他的生日时,会演出一卡车的礼物转送到部队这样的真实风景。
    After his army discharge his popularity has not diminished, and in particular his popularity has risen to new heights in overseas region. In SE Asia, a song entitled "I'm not SSH" reflected his extreme popularity. In Japan, to congratulate him on his birthday, fans hired a yacht and held a gathering. When he established his new official fansclub website in Japan, the home page server broke down in the first one hour after launch due to overwhelming response. In China, Taiwan, Thailand and other places where Hallyu stars popularity votes were held, he has always topped the no. 1 position. On Valentine's Day or on his birthday, gifts were transported in a truck to his army unit. These were real scenes in life.

    过去11月18日,退伍只有4天的宋承宪第一次公开召开记者招待会,一方面是退伍后的问候,另一方面也是对 在即将在18、19日召开的“亚洲影迷见面会”前某些突发的问题作个说明,一退伍马上就召开了“亚洲影迷见 面会”和在南山塔举办写真展却好象出现了问题。
    On 18 Nov, after four days of his army discharge, SSH made his first public appearance at a press conference. Besides making greetings after his army discharge, it was also to clarify questions relating to his upcoming "Asia Fans Meeting" on 18 & 19 Nov. To hold a "Asia Fans Meeting" and a personal exhibition at Seoul N Tower immediately after army discharge seemed to have caused problems.

    “我知道马上这样做时机还不成熟,召开影迷见面会是我为了遵守在2年前入伍时和影迷的约定,办写真展的最初 目的被曲解令我觉得很可惜,我一直很烦恼让从海外来的影迷看些什么呢,因为得到军方的同意,展出平时让她们 看不到的我的样子,批判的声音虽然只有一点点,但我也会接受并当场改正。”
    "I know that to do these immediately is not the right time. The fans meeting was for me to keep my promise to fans two years ago. My intention of holding a pictorial exhibition being misunderstood is also a pity. I had been thinking hard what my fans from overseas would like to see, and since I had the agreement from the military, I exhibited pictures which show rare appearances of me. Although there were only a small part of critics, but I will accept and correct immediately."

    谈到入伍前和入伍后最大的变化,“入伍前,可以做自己想做的事情,但入伍后要节制自己的一些想法,好象明白 这样的话‘男人应该去当兵’,军队生活也让自己变得更成熟了,食欲很好地吃着军队的食物,也练就了很好的体 格。”
    When asked the biggest change before and after joining the army, he said "Before joining the army, I can do things I desire. But after joining the army one has to restrain from personal ideas and understand the saying that 'Man should serve the military'. Army life has also made me more mature, being able to maintain good appetite for army food and trained to keep good physique."

    After army discharge, the first public performance was the heat waves at the scene of his "Asia Fans Meeting".

    写真展持续地遭到非议,自愿撤展,影迷会实现除了韩国、还有日本、中国、台湾、香港、新加坡、泰国等亚洲各 地聚集的5000多名参加的大型聚会的盛况。特别是日本影迷,从宋承宪的转役到影迷见面会都是购买了“宋承 宪套餐”旅行商品,参加活动需要11万日圆(约90万韩元)到22万日圆(180万韩元)不等 。
    His exhibition received continuous objection and was voluntarily withdrawn. His fans meeting realized a successful mass fans gathering of more than 5000 fans from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand and other parts of Asia. Especially for Japanese fans, they participated through "SSH Package" travel products, with price ranging from JPY110,000(about KW900,000) to JPY220,000 (KW1.8 million).

    影迷会是极力展现宋承宪的魅力的晚会,晚会在主持人申东烨和艺人韩恩珍的主持下进行了2个多小时,播出了军 队时期的影象和“秋天的童话”为背景的影迷会开始了,在灯光的聚焦下登场的宋承宪一说完“秋天的童话”是他 留下印象很深刻的作品并且热情地说到最近自己有时一个人在看〈秋天的童话〉时也会流泪时,申东烨就问他看了 电视剧也会感叹自己长得这么帅气的脸蛋吗?宋承宪回答道“当然会,不是吗?”观众从两人的互动中也会爆发出 笑声。活动包括宋承宪的影象信息,朗读信,苏志燮、宋惠乔、金喜善、李秉宪的支持信息,回答影迷的提问等一 个接着一个。宋承宪的每一句话和每一个动作都让影迷狂热,宋承宪每次都以灿烂的笑容作回报。在读写给影迷的 信时也会流下眼泪。
    SSH showed his charm at the fans meeting. Hosted by SDY and HEJ in a 2hr performance, videos from his military days as well as "Autumn Fairy Tale" were shown to start the program. SSH started by saying that "Autumn Fairy Tale" left deep impression among his works and recently when he watched the drama alone, he cried. SDY then asked him after watching the drama will he be amazed by his own good look? SSH replied "of course, isn't it? " The audience laughed as the two of them interacted. The program included SSH clips, reading out his letters, as well as support messages from SJS, SHG, KHS and LBH. SSH also answered questions from the audience. SSH's every word and gesture stirred up fans response and he returned with his brilliant smile. He was in tears when he read out his letter to fans.

  7. #2147
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Default 12/3/06~ SSH, No.1 most wanted comeback star

    [Enter Poll] 송승헌, 컴백 스타중 가장 기대되는 인물 1위
    [스포츠조선] 2006-12-03 12:12


  8. #2148
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Default SSH booth and photos at Hallyu Expo


  9. #2149
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Updated Dec.2,2006 09:25 KST


    Fresh From the Army, Song Seung-hun Heads to Japan

    Korean Wave star Song Seung-hun, who was released from the military on Nov. 15, is scheduled to make his first visit as a free man to Japan this month. The website of the Sankei Sports reported recently that the actor will soon be treading Japanese ground, where many expect his popularity to top even that of "Yonsama" or Bae Yong-joon.

    As a guest at an annual event put on by Japanese broadcaster Fuji TV, the star will be in Japan on Dec. 12-14 and meet his fans. The paper introduces Song as a handsome 180 cm tall heartthrob with a well-muscled body and cites the explosive popularity of "Autumn in My Heart", the soap he appears in, which gained him an official fan club that already has more than 10,000 members.

    According to the paper, Fuji TV is considering a special security detail for the star, and predicts that his presence could kick of a second round of K-Wave mania in the country.

  10. #2150
    Senior Member jolee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSH Forever
    Hmmm.. what do you think of the current hairstyle from fanmeeting, shown in the following pics.. or even the one during his mgr's wedding? something short & clean, personally i luv him with short hair..

    I like Oppa in short hair too. His dark short hair show more of his thick eye brows, beautiful eyes, and masculin facial bones.
    But I prefer he spike up his hair like in the press conference more than slick it with too much gel like in Happy together or 3men.

  11. #2151
    Senior Member jolee's Avatar
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    Default HL is accepting application for 2007

    (in case anyone interested)

    HONEYLANG 06.12.01 23:49:45

    Application for year 2007 Honeylang 8th period membership

    Hello all overseas fans,

    Honeylang, the official fan club of Song Seung Heon, would like to receive application for annual membership for the year 2007, the 8th period.

    We had the first snow in Seoul area so that winter is getting deeper everyday. However our Seung Heon nim came back to us, that will help us endure no matter severe cold in this winter.

    As much as we longed for his coming-back, our Seung Heon nim also missed us a lot and waited to resume his career as an actor. Thinking differently, the past two year is not a loss or a blank either for our Seung Heon nim nor for Honeylang. We both have been matured more than ever for the past two years, so that we can start new year 2007, the 8th period with vision of successful re-taking-off for our Seung Heon nim and rapid progress for Honeylang.

    The year 2007 when our Seung Heon nim buckles to his works will be full of hopes for our Seung Heon nim discharged with good health, held a fan meeting successfully and will complete all the works he prepared so far.

    We, Honeylang that our Seung Heon nim cares the most is the one that has to support him more than ever.

    We would like to invite everyone who loves our Seung Heon nim and wants to support him together to the 8th Honeylang! It will be precious and happy chance for you to make such a precious relationship with Seung Heon nim.

    1) Details
    * Honeylang the 8th membership period: 1st January 2007 – 31st December 2007
    * Qualification: whoever loves actor Song Seung Heon
    * Membership fee: KW20,000 + EMS charge (for souvenir): Will be advised individually

    The previous membership fee didn’t include the souvenir production cost. Based on the 6th and 7th souvenir production cost, we adjusted the membership fee. We will produce a souvenir every year. The mailing cost for a souvenir varies on area and kind of goods so we will inform the exact EMS charge to the individual later.

    Membership fee includes the cost for
    - production of membership card and souvenir
    - maintenance and management of website of Honeylang
    - preparation and others for annual activities

    * Application Period: from 9th December 2006 – 8th January 2007

    2) Major Activities for the 8th Period
    Autumn Fairy Tale Tour
    Annual gathering
    Campaign to help unfortunate neighbors

    From the 8th Period all activities of Honeylang will focus to harmonize with Seung Heon nim's activities and to support them effectively. Therefore the schedule will be coordinated with our Seung Heon nim through Manager and will be noticed in January 2007.

    If there are any other activities according to Seung Heon nim's activities, we will notice them in advance.

    3) Application procedure:
    For major overseas fan sites: SHP, SHZ, SHS, CSH, TSH, SHSky, SHT, SHCity, honey∽bar, PS, please kindly collect your members' application forms and send them to [email protected]. If you can send the group list file with Microsoft excel it will be great help to us. After you receive the confirmation mail to inform you the EMS charge, please remit total amount of membership fee and EMS charge for your website in order to save the bank commission.

    For other overseas individual fan (except for Japanese fans): Please send your application form to [email protected]. After you receive the confirmation mail to inform you the EMS charge, please remit the membership fee and EMS charge together in order to save the bank commission.

    Bank Account: Korea Exchange Bank 620-167502-563 류현정(Yoo HuynJeong)
    970-1 Hwajongdong Goyang city Kungkido, Korea (zip code: 411-270)
    Tel No.: 001-82-31-972-2614
    Swift Code : KOEXKRSE

    4) Application e-mail form :
    Subject [Honeylang 8th Membership/website name/no.of applicants]
    1) Name (full name in English):
    2) Email address:
    3) Self Introduction:
    4) Your promise as an official fan club member:
    5) Your wish for Honeylang activities for the 8th period:
    6) Your ID and Nickname of "": If you want to have online membership, you can just join and inform your ID and nickname to identify yourself for us to upgrade you to honeylang official membership holder level. We will upgrade all official 8th members from 10th January. So please inform your ID and nickname after completion of your membership procedures through "To Honeylang" in
    7) Your past record for Honeylang membership: (e.g. 7th membership holder..)

  12. #2152
    Senior Member jolee's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Oppa and his silly dance in 3men


  13. #2153
    Junior Member SSH Forever's Avatar
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by jolee
    I like Oppa in short hair too. His dark short hair show more of his thick eye brows, beautiful eyes, and masculin facial bones.
    But I prefer he spike up his hair like in the press conference more than slick it with too much gel like in Happy together or 3men.
    Same here..Jolee you already said the stuff I wanna say..hehe.. I know he looks so sexy with short hair..yea the one in happy together was overly gel'd.. a bit too much!! haha...
    have you seen this clip on Utube..close to the end there's our honey playing video games, with his sexy short hair..his expression is so cute like a little kid

    i also luv this hairstyle too ..

  14. #2154
    Junior Member SSH Forever's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jolee]Oppa and his silly dance in 3men

    haha!! not sure have you seen oppa in 'popcorn', i think in the 1st chapter..he was doing this sexy latin dancing with this girl who he went clubbing with at the bar..

  15. #2155
    Senior Member seungheoney's Avatar
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    do you think oppa's eye brows are getting lighter as he gets older?


  16. #2156
    Senior Member seungheoney's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=SSH Forever]
    Quote Originally Posted by jolee
    Oppa and his silly dance in 3men

    haha!! not sure have you seen oppa in 'popcorn', i think in the 1st chapter..he was doing this sexy latin dancing with this girl who he went clubbing with at the bar..
    i recall in an old interview translated by uchi, shin dong yup said oppa can't dance because he's so stiff. i dont really think so from the dances he performed in various shows or dramas. though most of his dances were silly, oppa moves looked pretty smooth.

    on the other hand i think oppa is a bad kisser. not so sure if it's because of conservative kdramas, but i've never seen oppa gave any 'real' and good kiss in any of his screen works. especially in aimh, junsuh and eunsuh's kiss was so horribly done. i saw so many NGs for that kissing scene in aimh, wonder why pd yoon still gave that kissing scene a go with that thick jacket annoyingly got in the way of their mouths like that.

    and in ss, the part where son yejin gave him a kiss on the island. geez, even a kid can do much better than that.

    common oppa, let's show us some good stuffs next time ...

  17. #2157
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Default Song Seung-hun Likely Next Favorite of Japanese


    Song Seung-hun Likely Next Favorite of Japanese


    The Japanese Sankei Sports reported Tuesday that a local broadcaster has been receiving a barrage of applications to be a member of the studio audience for its interview with Korean actor Song Seung-hun.

    When planning to hold the open interview with the leading Korean Wave star, Fuji TV decided to invite 100 of his fans to its studio. It began receiving applications from Nov. 27 through its website. “Until the deadline for applications, which was Dec. 4, some 200,000 people applied. This means 2,000 people are competing for one seat,” the broadcaster said.

    It will be the first visit to the island nation made by Song, who has been invited to the “Hot Fantasy Odaiba 2006-2007” hosted by Fuji TV. During the event, which begins on Dec. 9 and ends Jan. 3 next year, on display will be still images of Song as well as clothes and props from dramas where he appeared such as “Autumn in My Heart” and “Summer Scent. Song will stay in Japan from Dec. 12 until 14.

    The Japanese sports daily said that the number of applicants is much greater than the number who applied to attend a talk show with Kwon Sang-woo in 2004, for which some 100,000 people competed for 1,200 audience seats.

    Fuji TV also said that it is surprised to see such a response. “We think that Song Seung-hun will become as popular as Japan’s favorite son-in-law Bae Yong-jun,” it said.

    Meanwhile, Song’s Japanese fan club established in July has drawn more than 10,000 members so far. Some 3,500 Japanese fans attended his fan meetings held in Seoul on Nov. 18 and 19 after he was discharged from military service.

  18. #2158
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by seungheoney
    i recall in an old interview translated by uchi, shin dong yup said oppa can't dance because he's so stiff. i dont really think so from the dances he performed in various shows or dramas. though most of his dances were silly, oppa moves looked pretty smooth.

    on the other hand i think oppa is a bad kisser. not so sure if it's because of conservative kdramas, but i've never seen oppa gave any 'real' and good kiss in any of his screen works. especially in aimh, junsuh and eunsuh's kiss was so horribly done. i saw so many NGs for that kissing scene in aimh, wonder why pd yoon still gave that kissing scene a go with that thick jacket annoyingly got in the way of their mouths like that.

    and in ss, the part where son yejin gave him a kiss on the island. geez, even a kid can do much better than that.

    common oppa, let's show us some good stuffs next time ...
    I think PD Yoon's dramas in particular are more conservative than compared to others'. But in general, you can't expect much from tv dramas, they're tailored to fit the broad age range of small screen viewers.

    And yet, with just those wimpy scenes and Oppa already made my heart raced like crazy. I think I'll faint if Oppa sizzles any further ....

  19. #2159
    Senior Member seungheoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colette
    I think PD Yoon's dramas in particular are more conservative than compared to others'. But in general, you can't expect much from tv dramas, they're tailored to fit the broad age range of small screen viewers.

    And yet, with just those wimpy scenes and Oppa already made my heart raced like crazy. I think I'll faint if Oppa sizzles any further ....
    ya ya ya. i know i cant expect much from tv dramas. but unlike oppa, all of his sworn brothers, including so ji sup, lee byung hun, kwon sang woo, bae yong jun, gave much stronger chemistry with their female stars.

    in law firm, the kissing scene in the car when close-up, shows him pressing only his lips on her chin. popcorn was even worse, the kissing scene was shown with his back bending over covering his girlfriend so no one could see anything. same with kissing scenes in happy together oppa must be really shy or the directors he worked with so far must be verrrrryyyy old fashion. i hope oppa will assert more onscreen chemistry with his female stars in the future.

  20. #2160
    Member cocolico's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seungheoney
    ya ya ya. i know i cant expect much from tv dramas. but unlike oppa, all of his sworn brothers, including so ji sup, lee byung hun, kwon sang woo, bae yong jun, gave much stronger chemistry with their female stars.

    in law firm, the kissing scene in the car when close-up, shows him pressing only his lips on her chin. popcorn was even worse, the kissing scene was shown with his back bending over covering his girlfriend so no one could see anything. same with kissing scenes in happy together oppa must be really shy or the directors he worked with so far must be verrrrryyyy old fashion. i hope oppa will assert more onscreen chemistry with his female stars in the future.
    lol. you contradict yourself, seungheoney. if oppa gets too close too any girl and becomes committed, then you'll be upset. so hell if he do, and hell if don't???

    hey. but there's still a solution: arrange for him to co-star only with married female leads, like with han ga-in for his next drama. he can sizzle as much as tv screen allows and wont get in trouble with his fans because they'll know it's 'safe'.

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