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Thread: Song Seung Heon

  1. #3521
    Junior Member 2ussell's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by colette View Post
    Btw, there's rumor that SSH has more than on screen romance with LYH. He was the one who suggested the script change to boost LYH to the female lead role in EOE and stirred LDH to quit.
    While I adore SSH, I thought his favorism is pretty unethical.
    with all due respect....

    as SSH fans we must becareful in labeling him...because this will cause misunderstandings amongst people that will read this thread...(those who does not like him and that would like to spread "negative" comments towards our beloved SSHnim)

    SSH would never act "unethical" ...and as fans we must respect that at face value...when blogs, articles, websites from fans (SSH fans or anti-fans) that said otherwise we must research actual news and verify such information so that we, as SSH fans wouldn't fall in a trap of word games...that people who doesn't like him would like to accuse our star of such...

    SSH released a statement regarding LDH's resignation from EOE...

    송승헌 08.12.25 21:02:30

    12월 25일 즐거운 크리스마스!!....송승헌 입니다..

    즐거운 크리스마스 보내고 계신지요?
    우선 요즘 “에덴의 동쪽” 많은 분들이 사랑해 주시는 점 깊이깊이 감사드립니다.
    “에덴의 동쪽”으로 시청자분들께 재미와 감동을 주기 위해서 저희 감독님 이하 작가님
    스텝분들 선후배 연기자분들 모두 추위와 싸우며 매일 밤샘 촬영를 하면서도
    시청자와의 약속을 지키기 위해서 모두들 열심히 자기의 몫을 충실히 이행하고 있습니다.

    그럼에도 불구하고 최근 여러 가지 시끄러운 소식을 전하게 되어서 매우
    안타깝고 죄송스런 마음뿐입니다.
    요즘 작가 선생님의 건강 악화로 인한 교체설...이다해씨의 중도 하차설 등등...
    이런 모든 것들이 조금은 부풀려진 추측성 기사로 인해 “에덴의 동쪽”을 사랑해주시는
    많은 분들께 걱정를 끼쳐드린점 죄송하게 생각하고 드라마를 이끌어 가는 출연자를
    대표해서 우선 사과의 말씀을 올립니다.

    사실 후배 이다해씨의 하차설을 먼저 기사로 보게됐고 저 또한 굉장히 놀랬고
    안타까운 맘을 감출수가 없었습니다.
    그러던 중에 이다해양이나 저에게 많은 분들께서 ‘무책임한 행동이다’‘경솔하다’
    원망섞인 목소리를 내시는 분도 계시고 질타를 목소리를 높이시는 분들도 계셨던 것이 사실입니다.
    이점에서 이다해양 본인도 자기의 순수한 의도와는 다르게 커진일에 굉장히 당황하고
    죄송스럽게 생각하고 있습니다. 많은 분들이 너그럽게 이해해 주시길 바랍니다.
    사실 첨엔 기자분이 이일에 대해 잘 모르시고 쓴 기사거니 생각해고 아무렇지 않게
    생각했는데 일이 의외로 커진 것 같아 더 이상의 오해를 막고자 몇자 적어봅니다.

    기사에 의하면 이다해씨의 하차 이유중 하나가 저의 요구에 의해 그렇게 된 것처럼
    기사에 나오게 되면서 많은 분들이 더 오해를 하시고 걱정하시는것 같아 그점에 대해서는
    우선 사실이 아님을 말씀드립니다.
    우선 자세한 내용은 모르시고 그런 기사를 쉽고 무책임하게 쓰신 그 기자분께는 사실조금은 원망스럽기도
    하지만 앞으론 좀 더 책임감있고 신중한 기사를 통해서 대중들이 혼란이 일어나지 않게 해달라고 꼭!
    부탁드리고 싶습니다. 언론의 힘은 대단하잖아요....

    사실 후배 이다해씨의 행동은 솔직히 같은 배우로서 충분히 이해가 가는 행동입니다.
    물론 공인으로서 프로로서 대중들을 위해서 많은 시청자들을 위해서 내부적인 갈등은
    안에서 해결을 보았어야 하는 것이 맞는 것이긴 하겠지만 한편으론 배우이기 전에
    한 여자로서 얼마나 답답했으면 그런 글을 올렸을까도 저는 충분히 이해합니다.
    그런 과정에 괜한 저만 욕도 많이 먹었지만요 ㅎㅎㅎ

    하지만 배우는 마네킹이 아니고 기계가 아니기에 대본에 쓰여있는 상황들을 충분히
    이해하고 공감해야하고 자기만의 색깔로 표현해 내야 하는 아주아주 감성적인 직업입니다.
    자신의 캐릭터를 누구보다 자기 자신이 잘 알고 있기에 가슴에서 받아 들여지지 않으면
    연기를 한다는 것이 정말 쉽지가 않다는 걸 저 또한 누구보다 잘 알고 있습니다.

    사실 드라마에서 후배 이다해씨가 맡은 민혜린이란 역할이 처음엔 제 동생 역할인 이동욱을
    좋아 하다가 중반엔 재벌 2세와 약혼...또다시 이동욱의 형인 이동철을 좋아해야하는
    상황들이 전개가 되는 시점에서 배우로서도 이해가 가질 않았던 것이 사실이고 캐릭터를
    표현하는 입장에서 공감할 수 없고 받아들일 수 없었기에 이다해씨는 여러 차례 대본의
    방향과 수정을 요구했던 것입니다.
    저 또한 민혜린역할이 그런 방향으로 나가는건 위험하고 그 배우를 위해서도 드라마를 위해서도 도움이 안되기에
    이대론 안된다고 생각했던 것도 사실이구요.

    배우가 욕심을 내서 자기의 캐릭터에 생명력을 불어 넣고 시청자와 모두가 공감하는 상황을 요구한다는 것은
    결코 작가와 연출자의 권한을 넘보는 것이 아닌 그 배우의 열정으로 받아들여져야 한다는 것이 저의 분명한 생각입니다.

    그 과정에서 이동철 역할을 맡은 저 또한 국영란 이란 여인을 가슴에 묻고 가족을 위해서
    희생하며 살아가고 옛 연인을 그리워하는 역할인데 사랑하던 여인이 결혼을 했다고 해서
    그 가슴에 아픔을 무자르듯 싹둑 자르고 다른 여인을 받아들이기가 쉬웠을까요?
    솔직히 저는 이동철은 능력도 부족하겠지만 저를 좋아한다고해서 모든 여인을 받아줄만한
    그런 큰 가슴을 갖지는 못한 인물인 것 같습니다.
    그래서 저 또한 둘의 억지 멜로 설정은 시청자 입장에서 보기에도 무리가 있는 것 같으며
    그런 설정 방향은 연기자로서도 받아 들이기가 쉽지는 않다는 생각을
    감독님과 작가님께 얘기한 것이 지금의 이런 오해를 불러일으킨 것 같습니다.

    지금의 조금은 혼란스런 상황들을 에덴팀 모두 슬기롭게 풀어 나갈 것을 약속 드리며
    우리 드라마를 사랑해주시는 많은 분들 걱정하지 마시고 끝까지 ‘에덴의 동쪽“
    사랑해 주십시요! 감사합니다.

    드라마는 어느 한사람의 힘으로 만들어 지는 것은 결코 아닙니다.
    수많은 스텝들 감독님 이하 훌륭한 선후배 연기자님들의 힘이 합쳐져서 많은 분들에게
    사랑받는 드라마가 탄생하는 것이라고 생각됩니다.
    “에덴의 동쪽‘이 많은 분들의 사랑을 받는 만큼 지금 이런 상황들이 우리 드라마가
    한발 더 좋은 드라마로 나아 가기위한 산고의 고통을 겪는 것이라 생각하고 우리 에덴 팀
    모두 지금까지 잘해왔던 것처럼 마지막 방송 날까지 시청자분들께 감동을 줄 수 있는
    좋은 작품을 위해서 노력할 것이며 최선을 다할 것임을 약속 드립니다
    마지막 그날까지 파이팅임다!
    에덴의 동쪽 화이팅!!!

    즐거운 크리스마스날에..........동철이가^^

    Translation from Chosun article (summary)

    SSH Message: Fully understood LDH's drop-out

    - Through a long article, SSH expressed his official position with regards to recent speculations of LDH's quitting, change of scriptwriter, his own dropout etc.

    - He said recently there have been many unpleasant news. He expressed his regret and sorry for everyone. The recent news of replacement of scriptwriter due to deteriorating health as well as LDH's dropout midway etc., the exaggerated speculative reports have made people worried. On behalf of all the cast members, he apologised.

    - With regards to LDH's quitting, he was very surprised/regret when he read from the news. It was reported that one of the reasons of LDH's withdrawal was at his request. This could lead to a lot of misconceptions and worries, so he has to make his clarify that such statement is not true.

    - He as an actor himself, fully understood the actions of LDH. Of course, for audience's benefit, internal conflicts should be resolved internally. But from another perspective, he also fully understood aside from being an actress, for a woman to upload such an article, how depressing it had been.

    - SSH said an actor is not a mould or machine. Hence to fully understand contents of the script and feel for it, so as to show his/her own unique colours. An actor is a very sentimental profession. To portray one's character, one has to be clearer than anybody else. So if one is unable to truly accept the character himself, it would be very hard to play the role. He is very clear about this point.

    - SSH (who acted as LDC) said in the drama, LDH who played MHR fell in love with DC's brother LDW. Towards the middle, she is engaged to a tycoon's son, then later she has to love LDW's brother LDC. As an actor himself, SSH also could not understand such plot development. Considering the character position, due to disagreement and unacceptance, LDH repeatedly requested for amendment to the script.

    - SSH said he had thought that MHR character development in that direction was extremely dangerous and would not benefit the actress or the drama. An actor who followed his own ideas to give vitality to his character, seeking acceptance of storyline from audience, this is not an action to spy on the authority limits of the scriptwriter or the director. It should be understood as an actor's enthusiasm. This is my clear thinking.

    - SSH said honestly he felt that the character LDC may be lack of capability, also does not have that kind of magnanimity to accommodate all the women who liked this character. He felt that the hard match of such love (LDC and MHR) is also difficult to be accepted from the audience's standpoint. As an actor it is also difficult to accept such plot set. He put this idea forward to the director and scriptwriter, which might have cause misunderstanding.

    - He said that this has been a good experience for the drama to take a step forward now. The entire EOE crew has always put in their best. Till the broadcast of the last episode, EOE team will make every effort to give audience a good piece of work.

    - As for the speculations of SSH not attending the script practice on 24th which led to further rumour that he will also withdraw from the drama, SSH already clarified through his mgt company's statement :
    ~ no EOE broadcast next week and scheduling of his CF shooting
    ~ till the final episode of EOE, he will be devoted to his character role.

    from: HL

    에덴의 동쪽 송승헌.이다해하차의 엉뚱한 피해자 [필독]
    EOE SSH, a second victim...


    A 10-year experienced reporter gives his honest views.
    (awaiting translation)

    chinese translation by CSH/songe
    english translation by TSH

    Writer is Korean entertainment reporter (article from his blog)

    East of Eden SSH, another victim after LDH's dropout

    状况是“伊甸之东”的李多海下车议论的飞火延烧到宋承宪。言论方面也偶尔冒出宋承宪有一定部分责任的报道, blog贴文里那种文章等也相当触目啦。要点是由于宋承宪要求了剧本修正,所以李多海的戏份比起企画阶段明 显减少了,结果李多海自己希望下车。就是说由于宋承宪这个大明星使用了力量要让故事按自己的意图发展而使得 没力量的李多海的戏份减少了。对此,宋承宪乃至通过观众揭示板和自己的网页清楚解释,说明了李多海的下车和 自己没有什么关系。
    The situation is that LDH’s withdrawal from EOE, the discussion sparks spread to SSH. Occasionally there were remarks that SSH has some responsibility, even in blogs those articles are noticeable. Main point is SSH requested to amend the script, hence LDH’s part was reduced significantly as compared to the planning phase, resulting in LDH hoping to withdraw. This is to say that SSH the big star used power to develop the storyline in accordance to his own intention, and made the less powered LDH’s parts being reduced. In response to this, SSH made a clear explanation on the forum and his own website that he was not related to LDH’s withdrawal.

    真的是令人笑的状况,用一句话说可说是滑稽戏。另一方面,甚至感到宋承宪真的是令人可怜呀。如果说李多海是 没能好好发挥当初企画的“伊甸之东”的第一个受害者的话,那么觉得宋承宪同样也是企画走岔向西的“伊甸之东 ”的第二个受害者。感觉想为宋承宪说几句辩解的话。
    It’s really a funny situation, or to regard as a comical scenario. On the other hand, I even felt that SSH is really pitiful. If we say LDH is the first victim as she was unable to perform well as per the original plan of EOE, then SSH is the second victim as he deviates from EOE. I felt like saying a few words for him.

    在这之前,首先是以我跟宋承宪完全没有亲密关系为前提。虽然以演艺记者生活已是第10个年头,但直接见过宋 承宪只不过只有一次。要是一定要说明好恶的话,可说是不怎么喜欢涉及过兵役不正的宋承宪。诚实地完成军队服 务的大韩民国男人们大概相当多的人会有一点那种想法吧。
    Prior to that, first I would like to say that SSH and I have totally no close relationship. Although I have been in the entertainment reporting line for ten years, but I have only met SSH in person once. If I have to state my likes or dislikes, then I would say I don’t really like SSH who is involved with the military draft issue. Most Korea male citizens who have completed their military service would probably have some kind of thoughts like this.

    想明确说的一件事是宋承宪没有摇动“伊甸之东”。虽然气氛是许多人推测宋承宪要求了修正,但从几个情况来看 可以明白并不是那样的。首先,宋承宪在“伊甸之东”里是专门最特别衬托的人物吗,如果是的话,理应也可以认 为是宋承宪使用了什么手段。但是,宋承宪虽然是“伊甸之东”的中心人物,却并没有最特别衬托。不管怎样,因 为是主角,所以要以宋承宪为中心展开故事。但是,在展开期间,特别衬托的人物不如说是宋承宪的周边人物。在 最初部分,衬托了成为复仇对象的赵民基。随着展开,与赵民基强烈对抗的李美淑看起来特别显眼了。那以后被发 音演技非议包围的李妍熙掌握了所有视线。接着,成功彻底转型的韩智慧受到公众注目。最近,掌握着出生秘密关 键的朴海镇引人注目着。
    Would like to make one thing clear, that is, SSH did not shake/disrupt EOE. Although the atmosphere is that many people speculated that SSH requested amendments, but from various situations it can be seen that this is not the case. First of all, is SSH in EOE the most special character being highlighted? If so, then it can be understood that SSH has used some means to achieve that. However, although SSH is EOE’s central character, there was no special emphasis. In any event, because he is the main lead, it is necessary to expand the story from SSH as central point. However, during the development, the characters that are highlighted are in fact the people surrounding SSH. In the early stage, the character of the revengeful Jo Min Ki was highlighted. Following, Li Mi Sook who was in strong opposition with JMK looked specially prominent. After that, Lee Yeon Hee who was criticized of pronunication problems caught all the attention. Then, the successful transformation of Han Ji Hye caught audience attention. More recently, Park Hae Jin who knew about the birth secret became focus point.

    不管怎样想,觉得宋承宪是"kingmaker(*拥立国王者,有权支配要职的任命者)"的想法是合适的。 如果宋承宪要求了剧本修正,那么自始至终早该以kingmaker存在了吧。倒是觉得应该认为他是默默地忠 实了自己分配到的角色,是吧。
    No matter what, to think that SSH is the “kingmaker” (* king who has the right to appoint key roles), this idea is appropriate. If SSH requested amendments to the script, then he would have existed as a kingmaker throughout. However, I felt that he is just quietly being faithful to the role assigned to him, isn’t it so.

    在这里另有一件必须要弄清的事。就是“伊甸之东”是依赖宋承宪而能够存在的作品。“伊甸之东”的制作公司在 制作初期阶段经历了投资方面的困难,经历了差一点就垮倒的危机状况。那期间,宋承宪被角色选定,预先销售给 日本,资金方面拓开了喘息的根源,与宋承宪亲密的交谊深厚的制作公司参与进去共同制作,上了巡 航轨道。
    I have to make clear one point here. That is, EOE existence is dependent on SSH. The production company of EOE met with investment difficulties in the early production stages, and almost collapsed in its crisis moment. At that time, SSH was selected for the role, pre-sales to Japan made, funding problem was alleviated, a production company having close relation with SSH joined the co-production, making EOE on track.

    放在这种状况来看,应该觉得就算说“伊甸之东”就是‘宋承宪的、依赖宋承宪的、为了宋承宪的’电视剧谁也不 能说什么吧。如果宋承宪使用了力量要求修正什么、施加压力要改变什么的话,我想“伊甸之东”也不可能齐备目 前程度的完成度啦。老实说,虽然不是期待程度的完成度,但好歹制作着进展着,这是事实啊。
    Looking at it in this situation, we should feel that even if it is said that EOE is "SSH’s, dependant on SSH, because of SSH" drama, no one can say things about it (deny it). If SSH used power to amend anything or add pressure to change anything, I think EOE would not possess the level of completion in this current state. Frankly speaking, although it is not the expected level of completion, it is a true fact that it is still progressing in its production.

    演员们对“伊甸之东”的编剧吐露了很多不满是事实。如同‘树枝多的树,风不止’这句谚语所明,那么多明星们 出场的“伊甸之东”也是没有风止的日子吧。据说在练习剧本的时候,也有露骨地吐露不满的演员。
    It is a fact that cast members expressed much dissatisfaction at the writer. Like the saying “the more branches a tree has, the wind will not stop”. With so many stars being casted, EOE also have non-stop windy days. It is said that in script practice, there were direct dissatisfaction coming from cast member.

    如果许多人吐露了不满的话,那看来就是作品内部有问题吧。不管怎样想,觉得编剧有问题的同时,也应该觉得导 演们有问题吧。这些问题堆积起来的过程里,状况变成了李多海遭到最大的受害。而把宋承宪认定为责难的对象看 来是有问题的。
    If dissatisfaction comes from many people, it would seem that there are problems with the product. In any case, if you feel the problem lies with the writer, then you should also question the director. When these problems are piled up in the process, the situation resulted in LDH being the biggest victim. Hence to target SSH to take the blame is questionable.

    另外,觉得最后必须要提及的一点是“伊甸之东”好歹是有意思的电视剧。从收视率迫30%这点来看,也是观众 支持很高的电视剧呀。但是,由于李多海的主动下车宣言和下车决定,“伊甸之东”可能会沦为够呛的电视剧,而 感到有点不高兴。觉得不是滋味,也许是本质被歪曲了吧。
    In addition, the last point I feel I have to mention is that EOE in any case is an interesting drama. Looking at the 30% TV rating, it is a drama highly supported by the audience. However, due to LDH voluntary withdrawal statement and decision, EOE might be reduced to a choking (irritating) drama, this made me a little unhappy. I felt uneasy, perhaps the essence has been distorted


    SSH has denied such relationship of more than friends with fellow co-star LYH (through his agency at the time when the rumours arised) ...we should believe him at his word, until he said other wise...


    *from TSH:

    from: Baidu LYH

    这是 08年9月12日MBC采访 LYH.
    前面ANAN采访部分 可以跳过不看,看最后一段就好

    作者:炫橙 / 2009-4-5 21:44


    因为在现场中见到了后觉得与英兰的形象比较吻合(看到沇熹的灿烂形象而提的建议…)并没有去推 荐
    注意最后一句:没有推荐 추천하지 않는나

    作者:半之嫣 / 2009-4-5 21:53


    宋生的新闻有澄清过 他没有推荐...
    宋生因为有跟妞合作过MV 所以有表示妞不错 很容易入戏的娃
    仅此而已...采用是导演决定的 以上~~

    作者:寸寸米达 / 2009-4-5 22:01


    The above clarifies that in MBC StarTV interview, YH said "did not recommend".

    MC asked YH: it is said that SH highly recommends YH to cast as GYR.
    YH: Cos we had worked before in a MV, seeing me at the shooting scene seems to fit the image of GYR
    (seeing YH's bright personality and made such a suggestion/remark). Did not recommend.
    Also in another news, SH did clarify that he did not make the recommendation.
    When PD Kim was thinking of casting GYR, he mentioned to SH how about LYH.
    SH told him not bad as he felt that from the MV, she picked up the acting easily.
    The PD made the final decision.


    finally...i'd like to add, i really miss this thread...everyone here used to be so active...i was a silent reader for a long time...and appreciate all of you for sharing news regarding our beloved SSHnim...

    keep it up!! ^^

    EOE is spreading in all of Asia...Japanese release of EOE will be in about a week...then off to Hong Kong and Taiwan...

    SSH is a force behind it wouldn't be this BIG if it weren't him

    -2uss @ TSH/Soompi
    Last edited by 2ussell; 04-07-09 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #3522
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    thanks for your articles 2ussell.
    your opinion is well respected.
    Last edited by colette; 04-12-09 at 09:38 PM.

  3. #3523
    Senior Member uchikake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janice/HEONg View Post
    Uchikake, it's great to hear from you!!! You and Colette were responsible for many of the early fun and interesting postings that encouraged me to join the forum just to express my appreciation -- never dreamed that I would still be active 15 months later. Gosh, you said it all so well -- covering everything I would have wanted to say but didn't know how.

    Quite obviously to me, SSH did work hard and had greatly improved his acting skills. When comparing his roles in AIMH and SS to his EOE role, EOE was a thousand times more demanding on him. I'm sure SSH wanted LYH to do well; she even said that he encouraged her as she was the youngest of the adult cast. However, I do feel LDH with her years of experience would have contributed so much more. I have to admit at times I found myself enjoying Boys Over Flowers more -- Oops, sorry!

    Yes, Korean dramas have their problems as you indicated. Thank goodness for the "fast forward" button! The dramas have provided me with so many beautiful sights of Korea; now I don't feel I need to travel there except for the unrealistic possibility of "bumping" into SSH. I sure do envy those fans that were able to catch an EOE on-site filming! You think if I hung around an airport long enough, I might catch a filming?

    I discovered Korean dramas two and a half years ago, and now I'm more aware of everything Korean. I now recognize LG (had wondered who made those LG washing machines and dryers displayed at Sears) and Samsung (not Japanese) as Korean products. With the downturn economy, I'm seeing more and more Hyundai autos on the road -- also seeing more of them in the K. dramas. The older dramas showed a lot of BMWs and Mercedes. Wow, Korea has a baseball team that came close to winning the 2009 World Baseball Classic. Kim Yu-na won gold at the recent World Figure Skating Championship! What a pleasure it is to see dramas where chopsticks are used and Ramen noodle is popular (eating noodles from a pot cover is a grand idea!). The elderly are well respected although they seem to have excessive control over the family. And, yes, the Secretary General of the United Nations is Korea's own Ban Ki-moon! In the dramas, I love hearing "ah" added to a familiar person's name. I've been doing that all my life -- didn't know other than Chinese did this -- Heong ah!

    Well, SSH's buddies Ji Sung in New Heart and So Ji Sup in Cain and Abel have portrayed medical doctors. I think I would like to see SSH as one -- maybe for an organization such as Doctors Without Borders?
    Thanks for the warm welcome back Janice and for supporting my random scripts whenever-the-mood-strikes on this forum. Wow! You’ve been here 15mos already? Many congrats!
    I wish to have more time to chit chat online. Unfortunately life has been busy (… sigh). So I’ve been lulled off and be able to spend only little time to … silently … enjoy yours and everyone else’s writings. I found your partaking liberal, polite and delightful. It’s been a pleasure to read. Thank you.

    You’re not alone in your hallyu infatuation. The popularity of S.Korean pop culture is still sizzling like a benchmark of hip. Everywhere I hear about Korean dramas, music, fashion, hairdos, and even … cell phones and other electronic gadgets. The hot and romantic guys on screen like SSH and his sworn brothers lead many of us girls to imagine the street of S.Korea to be filled of the likes. Whether it is true or not, it is no harm to inject a little fervor into our hearts from time to time. At the minimum, I do enjoy exploring a new culture, its food, and the transnational outburst of expression on whatever-the-latest-hit-drama-or-star online.

    Same here. I was a bit disappointed when LDH departed. Can’t speak for whom responsible for what, neither do I understand the legal behind, but it seems weird that the directing crew can diverse LDH’s role unwarrantedly without contravening the contract. LYH is cute but her acting is quite raw imo. Fortunately, SSH and other casts had more than made up for it. About the rumor around LYH and SSH, I think they look cute together. Whether it is real or not, I’m not surprised if SSH has to … date … sometimes.

    I’m currently watching Cain and Abel too. It’s good. Drama with SSH or his great pals SJS KSW is always a glitz. SSH playing a doctor? He made me swooned even when dressing up like a hobo, letting alone cladding up smartly as a doctor. … aah, I’m feeling … love sick already … DOCTOR!!

  4. #3524
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Uchi. It's great to hear from you again.
    I understand the "life has been busy".
    I have had my share as well after graduated last year. It's the price of growing up i guess. Hope to have you back often. Regards.

  5. #3525
    Senior Member colette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janice/HEONg View Post
    In the dramas, I love hearing "ah" added to a familiar person's name. I've been doing that all my life -- didn't know other than Chinese did this -- Heong ah!
    It's more interesting when I hear the "ah" and "uu" sound added to the English names, like Grace-ah, Janisu, Miku, and Las Vegasu.

  6. #3526
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    Quote Originally Posted by colette View Post
    It's more interesting when I hear the "ah" and "uu" sound added to the English names, like Grace-ah, Janisu, Miku, and Las Vegasu.
    Colette, what language/dialect adds the "uu" sound to English names?

    Recently it was so fun to discover what I heard my mother say often: "Gong loi, gong huie" (speech coming and speech going) documented in writing in The Eighth Promise--An American Son's Tribute to His Toisanese Mother (pg. 17) by William Poy Lee!

  7. #3527
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    Quote Originally Posted by uchikake View Post
    Thanks for the warm welcome back Janice and for supporting my random scripts whenever-the-mood-strikes on this forum. Wow! You’ve been here 15mos already? Many congrats!
    I wish to have more time to chit chat online. Unfortunately life has been busy (… sigh). So I’ve been lulled off and be able to spend only little time to … silently … enjoy yours and everyone else’s writings. I found your partaking liberal, polite and delightful. It’s been a pleasure to read. Thank you.

    You’re not alone in your hallyu infatuation. The popularity of S.Korean pop culture is still sizzling like a benchmark of hip. Everywhere I hear about Korean dramas, music, fashion, hairdos, and even … cell phones and other electronic gadgets. The hot and romantic guys on screen like SSH and his sworn brothers lead many of us girls to imagine the street of S.Korea to be filled of the likes. Whether it is true or not, it is no harm to inject a little fervor into our hearts from time to time. At the minimum, I do enjoy exploring a new culture, its food, and the transnational outburst of expression on whatever-the-latest-hit-drama-or-star online.

    Same here. I was a bit disappointed when LDH departed. Can’t speak for whom responsible for what, neither do I understand the legal behind, but it seems weird that the directing crew can diverse LDH’s role unwarrantedly without contravening the contract. LYH is cute but her acting is quite raw imo. Fortunately, SSH and other casts had more than made up for it. About the rumor around LYH and SSH, I think they look cute together. Whether it is real or not, I’m not surprised if SSH has to … date … sometimes.

    I’m currently watching Cain and Abel too. It’s good. Drama with SSH or his great pals SJS KSW is always a glitz. SSH playing a doctor? He made me swooned even when dressing up like a hobo, letting alone cladding up smartly as a doctor. … aah, I’m feeling … love sick already … DOCTOR!!

    Thanks, uchikake, for your kind words. Coming from you, I'm flattered.

    Your last line cracked me up -- reminiscent of the great stuff you've posted in the past, #956, page 48, 6/5/06, comes to mind!

    Yes, I'm falling in love with all things Korea, a small but mighty nation! Learned that South Korea has the world's highest population densities, with 43,379,392 (2008) people occupying only 38,023 square miles. My state of California has a population of 36,756,666 (2008) occupying 163,707 square miles. South Korea is just a bit larger than the state of Indiana with 35,867 square miles, population 6,372,973 (2005).

    This week's Time magazine's article, "How to Raise the Standard in America's School," indicated Korea's 15-year-olds ranked 2nd in math (2006) and 2nd in reading (2003) while US students ranked 25th and 15th, respectively. However, apparently, many of the Korean young people are now striving to become big stars/musicians rather than going into medicine, law, government, etc. Hey, a thought, SSH can portray a medical doctor for the rich and famous--drama/movie stars, musicians, government officials, sports people, scientists . . . !

    Disappointed to learn that the streets of South Korea are not filled with SSH and his sworn brothers (JK)! Oh well, I'm totally grateful for the bounty of SSH's photos on the Internet. Being a professional model, SSH has provided some great shots to drool over! Yesterday, here in Oakland, they unveiled 50 banners in Koreatown, along Telegraph Avenue, declaring "Oakland's Got Seoul." A wild dream is that someday SSH and his sworn brothers might visit Oakland/San Francisco!

    Thanks, 2ussell, for your recent posting. I was enlightened by the article indicating that it was "the PD who made the decision" as to who would play GYR. They took a chance on LYH, as well as with Kim Bum. KB had a lot less acting experience than LYH but he did quite well, much better than his less-demanding role in BOF.

    BTW, I miss Angel who started the forum the same time I did. Trust you are well, Angel, and that you're enjoying your senior year and getting into the college of your choice! Good Luck!
    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 04-23-09 at 09:17 AM.

  8. #3528
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    WOW! Talking about South Korea's population densities (see previous posting)!!!
    SSH & SJS to become neighbors???


    반포자이는 연예인村?
    소지섭ㆍ한혜진ㆍ송승헌 등 10여명 거주 눈길


    - Artists on the Banpo Village?
    - Han Hye Jin and Song Seung Heon and 10 people, including residents So Jiseop attention
    - Now located in Banpo-dong, Seoul Banpodong two new luxurious apartment and is emerging as a new entertainment Inchon.
    - They started moving in last year just as the word spread...
    - Construction and around 21st, according to the real estate industry, the current TV series' Cain and Abel in the middle and popular actress SOZY Celsius, MBC drama 'Jumong' Han Hyejin ssi of Banpo, Seocho, and on top of two artists living in and said.
    - In physical exercise, and Fitness Center sossineun just that I often was spotted.
    - Also recently Jong Younghan drama East of Eden starring in his popular movie actor and actress, Song Seung Heon, who in the name of Banpo Now I purchased a 264 ㎡ and the height of the interior is 04.....
    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 04-27-09 at 12:10 PM.

  9. #3529
    Junior Member 2ussell's Avatar
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    thank you for your understanding colette, as SSH fans we owe it to him to always be on his side, always!! through good and bad times, if anything i've learned from his army days is to stay on Sunie's side...

    hi Janice, as fans, we will enlightened each other 8)


    come visit and discuss anything SSH in SSH's official soompi thread when you all can...if you guys are free...i tried to keep it updated at least daily (mainly news coming from Honeylang and TrulySeungHeon), and we have fans that come in from various SSH fan sites all over Asia...

    i know that majority of SH fans are in adulthood with jobs and bz lives but it'd be nice discussing SSH news and stuff there as well..

    thanks in advance

    *i'm not in anyway advocating you all to leave this thread for soompi*

    SSH fans are so many and so diverse...
    Last edited by 2ussell; 05-01-09 at 10:59 PM.

  10. #3530
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    Just out of curiosity, is he dating Lee Yeon Hee? If they're actually an item, they're so adorable together .
    - currently watching: Fashion King, Rooftop Prince, Love Rain, and Equator Man-
    - recent favorite drama: The Princess's Man

  11. #3531
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    SSH and LYH are not per stated by SSH's management at the time the rumours were raised...they remain close colleagues and friends.

  12. #3532
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    Wow, it's been almost 4 months since the original EOE broadcast ended!!! What have you all been up to? I'm still checking out [MV] smile - by sori on YouTube to catch SSH's great smiles and hearty laughs -- missed them in EOE. Am really looking forward to his next project, hopefully a drama. Been watching City Hall, Brilliant Legacy, Partner, and Friend, Our Legend.

    Trust SSH has been enjoying some good rest/relaxation after EOE, although I see he's busy doing commercials, starting up his own entertainment management company, and vacationing in New York -- probably spending some time with his buddy So Ji Sup (A Movie is a Movie) who, along with Gong Hyo-jin (Miss Carrott), was receiving the first "Rising Star Asia Award" at the New York Film Festival's Korean Film Night on 6/24. Bummer, missed it -- I plan to be in New York the 3rd week of July.

    It's official: Storm S -- the perfect name for SSH's new entertainment management company! Remember, he and SJS started their careers modeling for Storm fashions. Does S stand for Success, SSH's initial?? I understand SSH will continue acting, leaving the management to others.


    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 07-01-09 at 11:14 PM.

  13. #3533
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    YES, SSH has been busy! This time the opening of Star Avenue. BTW, wasn't Choi Ji Woo SSH's 2nd love interest?


    Source: Popseoul!

    "On June 30th, Hallyu stars, Song Seung-hun, Choi Ji-woo, Kang Ji-hwan and Rain attended the tape cutting event for the opening of Star Avenue at the Lotte World in Jamsil.

    "Star Avenue is a showcase/museum where wardrobe, props, personal belongings, etc. of select Hallyu stars will be displayed in each star showcase for fans to see.

    "There are currently nine star showcases set up at Star Avenue, which includes, TVXQ, Rain, Big Bang, Park Yong-ha, Song Seung-hun, Kang Ji-hwan, Choi Ji-woo, Ji-sung and IKKO. Star Avenue, a new concept entertainment experience cultural center will be open to the public beginning July 1st."

    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 07-01-09 at 10:55 PM.

  14. #3534
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    A happy & safe July 4th to all!


  15. #3535
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    While watching Michael Jackson's memorial service today, SSH's dancing during the 2007 Japan Fan Meeting came to mind.


    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 07-07-09 at 06:17 PM.

  16. #3536
    Senior Member Sunlight_zero36's Avatar
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    ^ By any chance, do you know where I can watch that dance of his?
    - currently watching: Fashion King, Rooftop Prince, Love Rain, and Equator Man-
    - recent favorite drama: The Princess's Man

  17. #3537
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunlight_zero36 View Post
    ^ By any chance, do you know where I can watch that dance of his?

    Can only suggest what's on You Tube:

    Song Seung Heon Japan Meeting Mnet 8hours Special (3)
    Check out at 5:34 to 5:47


  18. #3538
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunlight_zero36 View Post
    ^ By any chance, do you know where I can watch that dance of his?

    Another interesting item re: SSH's MJ dance is also on YouTube where SSH and sworn brother Kwon Sang Woo talk about the dance. It's sooooo funny. I love their deep friendship!

    KBS Entertainment - Destiny Interview (english subtitles)
    Check out 2:07 to 2:56.

    Sorry I don't know how to "copy" YouTube. Maybe someone can download it here?
    Last edited by Janice/HEONg; 07-09-09 at 10:21 AM.

  19. #3539
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    Quote Originally Posted by uchikake View Post
    Hi Janice and Colette, long time no see. Thank you for being such die-hard fans of SSH and for persevere this forum.

    About EOE, same here, I was expecting a better ending.
    In fact, the development of the overall story is pretty thwart, IMO.

    Months before it commenced, the series drummed pompously with its stalwart line of cast and USD 20+M of spending. It built up hopes in the audience for a propitious escapade. The series started out nicely in the first 15 chapters or so. I love the childhood years, the hardworking and aspiring Dong Chul in Macau, his enchanted encounter with GYR, and the relentless fights between DW and MH over JH at home. Unfortunately, the excitement weaned off sharply afterward, reflecting the various trouble rumored in the production, from endorsement to writer to cast.

    Don’t know how famous this Na writer is, but she certainly gives me bad impression after EOE. But I’d blame it most on the director, for allowing such disconcerted script in his project. True, many scenes were pretty nerve wreck or heart pumping. But at times, the story went absolutely nonsense. To name a few, I could not understand the meaningless role of LDH, the ridiculous reason for GYR’s fallacious pregnancy, JH’s 180 degree greedy turn, DW’s constant see-saw between evil and moral, DC’s unnecessary tie with the drug dealers, and worst of all, the undue manners of STW’s and LDC’s death.

    I think many Korean dramas bear similar problem: great start, draggy in between, poor and abrupt ending, and at time, ridiculously twisted.

    Casting wise, except for LYH, others were outstanding, and this is probably the best performance that I’ve ever seen from SSH. He worked so hard and it showed. Many congrats to SSH and the rest of the cast for a job well done! I look forward to his next project. Same here, wish his next project will be more lighthearted to watch.

    Hi Uchi and everyone, it's been a long time since I have had time to come online and join in the fun on our dear Oppa. Just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone!

  20. #3540
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    Quote Originally Posted by maskofchina View Post
    Hi Uchi and everyone, it's been a long time since I have had time to come online and join in the fun on our dear Oppa. Just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone!

    Welcome back maskofchina!

    Oppa's co-star in AIMH, Song Hye-gyo, is paired with Hyun-bin! Wow!

    Source: Popseoul!

    Hyun-bin and Song Hye-gyo are a pair!

    Published August 5, 2009$this->handle_bbcode_img_match('')[/COLOR]
    Yes, it’s been confirmed. Hyun-bin and Song Hye-gyo are no longer on the singles market.
    Hyun-bin and Song Hye-gyo first met on the set of the drama, ‘The Worlds Within’, last October. It has been reported that Hyun-bin and Song Hye-gyo weren’t a couple during the filming of the drama and actually became an official couple this past June.
    Apparently, the two started feeling the love sparks towards each other while filming for the drama because of the ”lovey dovey” scenes in ‘The Worlds Within’. An acquaintance of the Song Hye-gyo has stated,
    While Hyun-bin was away in Pusan, filming for the drama, ‘Friend-Our Legend’, they had to be away from each other for a long time. It was at this time, they began to feel the emptiness of being away from one another and the love towards each other.
    An acquaintance of Hyun-bin told various media outlets in Korea a similar story, stating,
    Because of the filming for the drama, Hyun-bin had to reside in Pusan for about six months. Normally, the principle is “out of sight, out of mind”. However, in Hyun-bin’s case he told me that he missed her more because he couldn’t see her. It seems as though their short meeting and long span of time away from each other, made them realize the importance of one another.
    Both Hyun-bin and Song Hye-gyo’s agency has confirmed their relationship. Why Hyun-bin?! There goes another male celebrity crush of many females, going down the drain.

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