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Thread: Singapore Based Actors In Overseas Productions

  1. #81

  2. #82
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    Names of Actors involved


  3. #83
    Senior Member da azn devil's Avatar
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    haha wuchang, i was just about to post the link to the video and ask who are the actors in it. i guess u''ve already answered it for me.

    anyways, here's the link in case anybody still wants to c it an hear what the actors have to say:

    you'll need asf recorder to play it.
    *£övë ¢härmäïnë §hëH 4ëvä*

    *~* mah other faves *~*
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  4. #84
    Member jadegalz's Avatar
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    Asf recorder? Oh man.. Can anyone convert it to wmv or something that can be played using window media player? I can't play it. It keeps saying "Buffering" and it has been like.. well 1 hour. lol. With Shaun Chen in there, I've just gotta see it!!
    Shaun Chen is da best!

  5. #85
    Member jadegalz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by da azn devil
    oh... well, you can always go to this site to see the pics:

    of course there are more, but these are the ones for the costume fitting.

    these are more pics posted by tvb1314 at tvss
    Kevin Cheng

    Charmaine Sheh

    Raymond Lam

    Tavia Yeung

    Kevin & Charmaine

    Raymond & Charmaine

    Tavia & Kevin


    this was taken from tvbspace news

    [this was the sentence that was related to the pic]
    Later, Tavia shot a rowing scene with Kevin, Raymond and Zhi-Long.

    i think he's one of the men in the pic, but the pic is very blurry and its really hard to make out who is who... but from my guess, its kevin at the front, followed by tavia, ben and then ray...
    I demand pictures of Shaun Chen! lol.
    Shaun Chen is da best!

  6. #86
    Junior Member lzkl8's Avatar
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    rite now all the cast for <yummy yummy> are filming in HK. They will proceed to singapore in JAN 2005 to finish up the filming.... I will take approximately 1mth in s'pore as scheduled...

    Anyway, by then, mediaworks and mediacorp should have merged... wondering what would be the situation then?Perhaps <Yummy Yummy> will be shown on Channel 8 instead?

  7. #87
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by da azn devil
    haha wuchang, i was just about to post the link to the video and ask who are the actors in it. i guess u''ve already answered it for me.
    Ha! That's because I was tipped off by the ISCIA, International Shaun Chen Intelligence Agency (runned by mostly fangirls). Their intelligence gathering capability on anything that involves Shaun Chen is impressive. There's even one that goes around demanding Shaun Chen pictures.

    Quote Originally Posted by jadegalz
    I demand pictures of Shaun Chen! lol.

  8. #88
    Junior Member
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    The Singapore actors involved in the "yummy yummy" show are: Adam Chen
    Ben Yeo
    Lina Ng
    Lynn Poh

  9. #89
    Senior Member convoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by springfiry
    The Singapore actors involved in the "yummy yummy" show are:
    Adam Chen
    Ben Yeo
    Lina Ng
    Lynn Poh

    Shaun Chen
    Erica Lee
    Michelle Chia
    Hong Rong
    Chen Huihui
    Li Wenhai

  10. #90
    Senior Member da azn devil's Avatar
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    Michelle Chia
    Hong Rong
    Chen Huihui
    Li Wenhai

    convoy, where di u hear that they are going to be in the series as well?
    if they are then it'll be gud, esp michelle chia. she's really pretty and i like her too.
    *£övë ¢härmäïnë §hëH 4ëvä*

    *~* mah other faves *~*
    ++ Alyssa Chia ++
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  11. #91
    Senior Member convoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by da azn devil
    Michelle Chia
    Hong Rong
    Chen Huihui
    Li Wenhai

    convoy, where di u hear that they are going to be in the series as well?
    if they are then it'll be gud, esp michelle chia. she's really pretty and i like her too.
    From an article in today's Chinese newspaper (Zaobao).

  12. #92
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    Here's the article from Zaobao


    ● 洪铭铧

      优频道与香港无线合作的30集家庭伦理电视剧《Yummy Yummy终极美食大竞赛》,已在10月底开拍。

      本地演员陈泓宇、黄嫊方、杨志龙、傅芳玲、詹金泉和李之晴等人,日前已到香港和珠海参与该剧的开镜仪式 (左图)及拍摄工作。本报记者追踪到他们在戏里的角色与拍摄情况……

      报业传讯优频道与香港无线电视第一次合作的30集轻松家庭伦理电视剧,已经在10月底开拍,明年1月初 将拉队新加坡续拍。

      这部耗资220万新元的电视连续剧暂名《Yummy Yummy终极美食大竞赛》,以新港两个家庭为故事骨干,反映新港两地人民的密切来往,并以美食包装,点出 人与人之间的是非、矛盾及冲突等。

      优频道派出的演员有谢韵仪、陈泓宇、傅芳玲、杨志龙、黄嫊方、宏荣、陈慧慧、詹金泉、李之晴、李文海10人 ,无线则派出佘诗曼、林峰、杨怡、郑嘉颖、吴家乐等。监制是无线的王心慰,她的代表作包括《烈火雄心》系列 。


      综观两方阵容,除了谢韵仪与佘诗曼在各自台内已建立“姐”级地位及一些资深演员之外,其他如陈泓宇、杨 志龙、林峰、杨怡、郑嘉颖等新生代演员也获点名演出,明显看得出电视台对他们有意力捧。

      该剧目前只写到第七集,演员们还不知道自己角色会发生什么遭遇,不过剧组已先拍摄一场在中国广东省珠海 举行的美食大竞赛,新港两地各有几名参赛者在这里碰头一比厨艺高低。已经到香港和珠海参与拍摄的本地演员有 陈泓宇、黄嫊方、杨志龙、傅芳玲、詹金泉和李之晴。


      陈泓宇在该剧中再使坏,演一个好胜心强的参赛者,每天只会指点别人做事,但赢得奖金后却不愿与帮过他的 人分享。在本地众演员中,陈泓宇的角色是惟一有“奸味”者,他感叹说没办法,只能从积极角度去想“这样比较 容易出位。”


      杨志龙则扮演乖乖仔,什么都听妈妈的,没有主见,傻乎乎的,但性格善良天真。他曾被一个香港女友骗了感 情和金钱,所以想通过参加比赛,到香港寻找女友。

      李之晴扮演陈泓宇的朋友,两人结伴去参加比赛,却不知道陈泓宇暗恋她,反而对林峰芳心暗许 。

      詹金泉则有大胆新尝试,他扮演一个举止娘娘腔的男人,常被误会是同性恋,偏偏名字叫“蓝波”(Ramb o),因为想证明自己是男子汉而参加比赛。

      黄嫊方是比赛的主持人,她和吴家乐各自以华、粤语主持。与吴家乐搭档主持,黄嫊方觉得吴家乐很会搞笑, 说话又快,这逼得她也得加速反应,无形中增加不少压力。


      这是优频道首次有那么多演员一起到外地拍戏,拍完后就和香港演员一起去逛街游玩,不然就在房间里对稿, 享受小家庭的乐趣。

      这次拍戏对本地演员来说,最大的挑战是剧组要求大家尽量以粤语念对白,结果傅芳玲、詹金泉和陈泓宇讲得 最好,李之晴则自认最差,还好剧组允许她双语并用。


      佘诗曼在香港是常上报刊头条的绯闻人物,记者问几名男演员可觉得她很会“放电”,杨志龙装傻说:“放电 是指眼睛大吗?她的眼睛真的很大。”詹金泉觉得她很“慢热”,跟她较不熟,但举例说明她也有体贴之处。“有 一次拍戏,我在小巴上睡觉,佘诗曼也在化妆,后来朦胧中我感觉有人帮我开窗,原来她化好妆要下车前,怕我在 冷气车中睡着了中毒。”


      李之晴觉得男友沈倾掞也一样帅;傅芳玲说迢迢千里去拍戏怎么会去想男欢女爱的事。黄嫊方比较“开放”, 可是她的妈妈身份连港星都知道了,气得她大嚷“什么机会都没有了!”

      最近香港天气转凉,本地艺人初来乍到适应不良,从黄嫊方、傅芳玲到詹金泉,一个个轮流生病,现在轮到李 之晴,她声音沙哑地说:“我吃太多麻辣的东西了!”

      无线电视过去不常和外地电视台合作,这部剧谈了两三年才顺利开拍,这也意味着本地演员将有希望在黄金时 段,于香港收视率最高的电视台出镜,同时通过无线广大的录像带销售网络,和全球观众见面。该剧原本预定于优 频道明年台庆期间在本地播出,但在电视媒体整合之后,计划会否有变不得而知。

  13. #93
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by convoy

    Shaun Chen
    Erica Lee
    Michelle Chia
    Hong Rong
    Chen Huihui
    Li Wenhai
    Hong Rong is Peter Yu.

  14. #94
    Senior Member convoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuchang
    Hong Rong is Peter Yu.
    Thanks. I always can't remember his English name.
    How did you find that article at Zaobao's website? I have been searching through the website high and low, but I can't find it.

  15. #95
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    It's in the 副刊 section. Sometimes the articles gets transferred to the 娱乐 section but most of the time I think it just disappears into the archive.

    Yeah Zaobao website should redesign their site to make it more user friendly.

  16. #96
    Senior Member Funn Lim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by convoy
    From an article in today's Chinese newspaper (Zaobao).
    The list is getting longer isn't it?

    From what I could understand, I guess the singaporean counterparts have some good screentime, and Shaun seems to be playing the villain. Maybe all out villain.
    Last edited by Funn Lim; 11-09-04 at 08:23 AM.
    PointEntertainment @ [all about Reviews.Comments.Opinions].

  17. #97
    Senior Member da azn devil's Avatar
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    hey wuchang, if its not too hard for you, could u possibly translate the article for me? plz? thank you so much.
    also, if you find any other articles related to yummy yummy, could u translate them as well? i would really appreciate it. thank you =]
    *£övë ¢härmäïnë §hëH 4ëvä*

    *~* mah other faves *~*
    ++ Alyssa Chia ++
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  18. #98
    Senior Member wuchang's Avatar
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    Channel U and TVB's 30 episodes family drama collaboration effort, 《Yummy Yummy终极美食大竞赛》has begun filming in late October.

    The local actors invloved like Shaun Chen, Lina Ng, Ben Yeo, Lynn Poh, Adam Chen and Ericia Lee etc are in Hong Kong and Zhuhai to participate in the pre-filming ceremony and the actual filming itself. This reporter managed to contact them to find out more about the characters they portray and the filming conditions.

    The first collaboration effort between Channel U and TVB, a 30 episodes family drama serial, has begun filming in late October. In January next year, the cast and crew will travel to Singapore to continue filming.

    This $2.2 million Singapore dollars TV serial,《Yummy Yummy终极美食大竞赛》, will revolve around two families, one located in Singapore, the other in Hong Kong. It will reflect the close relationship between the people of these two places and will use food as the theme to portray the trials, dilemmas and confrontations in people to people interactions.

    The 10 Channel U actors involved include Michelle Chia, Shaun Chen, Lynn Poh, Ben Yeo, Lina Ng, Peter Yu, Chen Huihui, Adam Chen, Ericia Lee, Li Wenhai. On the other side, TVB actors involved include Charmaine Sheh, Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, Kevin Cheng ,Wu Jia Le etc. The producer is Wang Xin Wei, whose past work include the Burning Flame series.

    From the looks of it, other than Michelle Chia and Charmaine Sheh who both had achieved “Star” status within their own TV Stations and a few highly experienced actors, the next generation actors like Shaun Chen, Ben Yeo, Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, Kevin Cheng etc are also involved. It is obvious that both stations have the intention to groom them further.

    At present, the script is only written up to the seventh episode. The actors have yet to discover the fate of their characters. However, the cast and crew had already filmed the Food Competition scenes set in in Zhuhai, China, where culinary experts from Singapore and Hong Kong will pit their skills to win the competition. The local actors involved in this stage of the filming include, Shaun Chen, Lina Ng, Ben Yeo, Lynn Poh, Adam Chen and Ericia Lee.

    This paper had long distance phone interviews with the local actors involved.

    Shaun Chen is again cast in a villainous role, as a win at all costs competition participant who only knows how to order people around and who forgets those who had helped him after winning the competition. Among the local actors involved, only Shaun has an “evil “ part. Shaun sighs and said that it is not his call, and the only thing he can do is to look on the bright side that maybe such a role will allow him to shine better.

    Lynn Poh’s role is that of a naïve and simple-minded toufu seller but once she has her mind set on achieving something, she will persevere to the end. She is one of the participants in the food competition.

    Ben Yeo’s role is that of a goody two shoe, mummy’s boy, no opinions on anything and goofy but has a kind heart. He was once cheated of love and money by a Hongkonger girlfriend thus he wants to use the competition as an opportunity to search for her.

    Ericia Lee’s role is that of Shaun’s friend, the two of them paired up to enter the competition. However, she is unaware that Shaun is secretly in love with her and falls for Raymond Lam instead.

    Adam Chen has a daring role, he plays an effeminate man often mistaken for a homosexual even though he has a masculine name like Rambo. To prove his manhood, he decided to enter the competition.

    Lina Ng is the emcee of the competition, she and Wu Jia Le will emcee in Mandarin and Cantonese respectively. Working with Wu Jia Le, Lina finds that he is extremely funny and talks very fast. This forces her to react faster, unintentionally adding to her stress.

    This is the first time so many Channel U actors went overseas together to work on a serial. After filming, they’ll either join their Hong Kong counterparts for some shopping and sight seeing or they’ll exchange notes in the hotel room and enjoy some small family entertainment.

    The biggest challenge for our local actors is the mandatory Cantonese dialogue. Lynn Poh, Adam Chen and Shaun Chen spoke the best Cantonese while Ericia Lee was the worst. Thankfully the crew allowed her to use both Mandarin and Cantonese to deliver the lines.

    No sparks between the Hong Kong stars.

    As gossipy news concerning Charmaine Sheh appears regularly in Hong Kong’s tabloid papers, this reporter asked several male actors whether Charmaine Sheh’s eyes are really that seductive. Ben Yeo answered goofily that if seductive eyes means big eyes then yes, Charmaine Sheh’s eyes are in truth very big. Adam Chen says that she is slow to warm up and that he does not know her very well but he brought a an incident involving him and Charmaine that showed the considerate side of Charmaine. Once when he was sleeping in the minibus while Charmaine was doing her makeup, he sensed someone opening the window in his sleepy daze. He later found out that after Charmaine finished her make up and was about to leave the minibus, she opened the window to prevent him getting carbon monoxide poisoning from the air conditioning.

    Both Raymond Lam and Kevin Cheng are dashing Hong Kong stars. Are any of our local female stars attracted to them?

    Ericia Lee replied that her boyfriend Ix Shen is just as handsome. Lynn Poh says that after travelling such a long distance to work, relationship is the last thing on her mind. Lina Ng is jokingly irritated that her status as a mother has been exposed as the Hong Kong stars all knew about her marriage and her child. Even though she’s “open”, there is no chance for her.
    Lately, the weather has turn cold in Hong Kong. Unable to adapt, our local actors one by one fell sick. From Lina Ng, Lynn Poh to Adam Chen and now Ericia Lee. Ericia replied in a hoarse voice that she ate too much hot and heaty food.

    TVB rarely have joint productions with overseas collaborators. This serial has been in negotiation for around two to three years. This also means that out local actors will have a chance to appear on prime time in the highest ratings Hong Kong TV channel. And also through TVB’s wide distribution network, audiences around the world will also get to see them. This serial was scheduled to be shown in Singapore during Channel U’s anniversary celebration next year but after the recent media consolidation in Singapore, whether the plans hasl been changed is yet to be known.

  19. #99
    Senior Member Funn Lim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuchang
    Shaun Chen is again cast in a villainous role, as a win at all costs competition participant who only knows how to order people around and who forgets those who had helped him after winning the competition. Among the local actors involved, only Shaun has an “evil “ part. Shaun sighs and said that it is not his call, and the only thing he can do is to look on the bright side that maybe such a role will allow him to shine better.
    And he will since most big time ah-kors in TVB now first took on the villain role, did them well and got noticed. But it is interesting to note no romance scenes between the HK and the singapore counterparts. Is this a comedy? If it is 99% chance no one will die or go to jail so we may get to see more of the lesser actors.

    How considerate of Charmaine eh?

    Anyway, thanks wuchang for the translation.
    PointEntertainment @ [all about Reviews.Comments.Opinions].

  20. #100
    Senior Member da azn devil's Avatar
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    thank you so much wuchang for the translations.
    if there;s any more news don't 4get to translate them for me.
    thank you so much!! =]
    *£övë ¢härmäïnë §hëH 4ëvä*

    *~* mah other faves *~*
    ++ Alyssa Chia ++
    --- Kristy Yeung ---

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