Death Note Member Reviews

Member Ratings


11-09-2009 06:09 PM


I loved this anime. There isn't a lot of action, but there's a lot of strategy and thinking. It's almost like a chess game between L and Kira.


09-18-2009 06:08 AM


Love death note. The idea is fresh and weird and there are clever things going on. Kira is just plain crazy IMO but it's fun to have an insane main character! :D:D:D

Elika Nguyen

05-28-2009 12:13 PM


this is an interesting movie and manga!!!


05-27-2008 05:44 PM


one of the best animes ever, whoever says Death Note is not good, dont belive that person!

Death Note is soo exciting and intense, if u blink you'll miss something.
and the characters come alive


04-05-2008 03:08 AM


Its filled with suspense and very cleverly crafted. However, towards the end it starts to lose its enegry.

♥ lady blue ♥

03-21-2008 08:23 AM


hmm., oh my goosh.! i was suppose to watch this anime and i nearly bought a dvd on this but a close friend of mine said that this anime is quiet not good. so why bother buy this. uh-huh!?


01-26-2008 01:02 AM


Interesting manga/anime that also spawned two Japanese movie adaptations. My favorite character is L!

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