Meteor Garden

Reviewed by: lavander_lady

January 16, 2004

Rating: four-point-five

LIU XING HUA YUAN (Meteor Garden) is based on the Japanese Manga 'HANAYORI DANGO'. It is a story about a poor, brave girl who fearlessly stood up to F4 or Flower 4, the four most handsome and richest boys in school who like to bully people. Dao Ming Si (DMS), the leader of F4 did everything to bully Shan Cai (SC), but Shan Cai tried her best to fight him off. One of the F4, Hua Zhe Lei (HZL), helps her, not because of Shan Cai herself, but because he thinks that DMS is overdoing it. SC then fell in love with HZL but HZL is in love with a childhood friend Teng Tang Jhing. Meanwhile, DMS unconsciously fell in love with the spirited SC but of course SC hates him. When Lei followed Jhing to France, SC and DMS got to get together and spend some time together. SC realized that DMS is not bad after all. But then Lei came back and made SC confused again.

YAN CHENG XU as Dao Ming Si
Very suitable to play Dao Ming Si. He’s built, looks scary and proud. Though a very violent guy, he proved he can sacrifice things for Shan Cai. Funny though for his age, he can't handle his emotions well. He’s usually saying and doing things in the wrong place and at the wrong time, making Shan Cai misunderstand him. A very loving and loyal person--can’t find anyone like him today!

HSU HSI SUAN as Shan Cai
Not very pretty, but cute. She looks like a typical Chinese doll. She did justice to her role but this character is sometimes annoying because she doesn’t appreciate DMS’s efforts. She’s one confused girl. But I’m glad when she stands up against Dao Ming Feng and fought for DMS.

ZHOU YU MIN as Hua Zhe Lei
Zai Zai is the entire opposite of HZL so imagine the effort of acting this silent character! Anyway, this character doesn’t talk much and if he does talk, it's unfathomable! A very keen observer and deep thinker. But because of his slowness and his early decision on what he really feels about Shan Cai, it could have spared him all the heartaches in Meteor Garden II!

Can't say I can blame girls for falling in love with this playboy! He's just so cute! Great hair, eyes, teeth, has a good laugh and good smile and very sweet. Too bad this one also is very slow in deciding about who he really loves.

WU JIAN HAO as Mei Zuo
This guy is really a dancing machine! OK, he didn’t dance in this series, but he is very naughty and likes to move around. Very funny too. He's the most loyal in the group but he tends to be aggressive sometimes…but that’s because he values their friendship very much…

OU DING XING as Quing He
This character is very funny. F4 is very annoyed at him because he wants to join the prestigious F4 and F4 makes fun of him. But he is very loyal and helpful to Shan Cai.

Jhing looks very fashionable and sophisticated…really looks like a model. But annoying in a way that she lets HZL hope for her affections for a very long time just to reject him!

Very cute and very naïve. But I admire her guts for declaring her love to Ximen. But I think she looks too young for the role, it just made them look like siblings! Anyway, I wonder what happened to her after Meteor Rain?

HE YUAN ZI as Xiao Ji
Childish. This character is very talkataive, pouts a lot, skips like a little child and as stubborn as DMS. But she’s not stubborn enough to cling to DMS when she knew that DMS and SC loves each other very much. Instead, she helps them to find true happiness. I wonder why didn’t she appear in Meteor Garden 2? That would have made the sequel interesting!

SHU HUANG FUNG as Dao Ming Zhuang
I like her, very spunky! She's very elegant but very sporty.

Shan Cai’s Parents
These two are very selfish in a way that they force SC to find someone rich to marry, which is why they put her in the Yingde school. They force her onto DMS even if it hurts SC. But it’s a blessing in disguise since SC loves DMS, but it also caused her a lot of sadness and problems.

Dao Ming Feng
This lady is very bitchy, but I admire her professionalism. I think she lives, breaths and eats business. I think she smells like money!

The whole series is light and funny with a little dose of drama. I like MZ’s jokes and whenever they correct DMS’s poor English!

DMS took a relationships test and he failed!
DMS and SC’s first date
When F3 helped SC and XY sell the cakes.
When SC thought that DMS died and F3 made fun of her.
SC declaring war vs. DMF
When Ximen held XY for the whole night

Overall, I like the series very much. ShanCai’s braveness, F4’s friendship and DMS and SC’s love story are very inspiring.

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