Empress Wu


Section:ATV TV Series

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Empress Wu

Reviewed by: sukting September 02, 2003

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

How long 40 episodes Foreword This serial caused a storm – or rather a typhoon when it was shown in Hong Kong. It received 50% of the ratings that TVB lost. Story Mei Niang is unwillingly betrothed to Prince Li Zhi at the age of 14 years. Before she enters the palace, the current Emperor Li Shi Min has a nightmare and dreams of his empire coming to an end because of this future daughter-in-law. He consults a fortune teller and indeed, he...

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03-24-2009 02:34 AM


I liked this series but only because of Empress Wu. All the other characters are sooo boring! Fung Bo Bo was great as Empress Wu and her acting was very good. Great storyline about how she rose to power. The part where she kills her own daughter was crazy. In real life, they're not sure if she really did that or not. Her sister is a tramp for sleeping with the king behind her back, oh and so is the king! At the end of the movie, she hires 2 look-alikes of her lovers and they look soooo gay, it was hilarious!

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