Sword Stained With Royal Blood

Reviewed by: tibbs101

November 19, 2008

Rating: four-point-five

This was a really great series. All the kung fu was really good, and the moves were well choreographed.

Yuan Cheng Zhi 5/5.

Ching Ching 3/5
She was really annoying and looked really ugly when she cried.

Ah Jiu 4.5/5
Some of her costumes were really bad, but her acting was great!

He Tie Shou 5/5
She protrayed the evil character really well.

Criticisms (spoiler alert!)
The story was pretty smooth except for at the end when Ah Jiu left. It was too sudden and no one cried. Yuan Cheng Zhi didn't even feel depressed or saddened. They didn't really have a conversation. The scene wasn't long enough for my standards. It wasn't dramatized and seemed like Yuan Chen Zhi didn't care for her and was just sad that she shaved her head. He didn't seem concerned and he just accepted the fact and didn't even try to stop her. Also, the part I don't understand is that when Ching ching was poisoned, he promised that she would be the only girl he ever thought about. That was really random. Ching Ching also didn't seem thankful that He Tie Shou saved her life. Yuan Cheng Zhi didn't really thank her either. Ching Ching was so selfish and didn't even feel bad and guilty about destroying Yuan Cheng Zhi's life. There was also no connection or chemistry between Yuan Cheng Zhi and Ching ching.

The series focused too much on the kung fu and not enough on the chemistry between the characters. The other girl characters also didn't even try to win Yuan Cheng Zhi's love. They didn't seem too interested, even though they were supposed to be in love with him. It was also too sudden when Yuang Cheng Zhi ran away from China. There were some slow parts though. When Ching Ching was locked up by He Tie Shou, he didn't even seemed worried about her. He just kept on going with his normal business while Ching Ching was screaming for help. The only people he seemed worried about were Ah Jiu and He Tie Shou(when she was dying).

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