

Section:Korean Dramas

Language: Korean

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Reviewed by: windancer November 16, 2005

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Central Cast: Kang Ta as Suh Kang-wook: Kim Min Sun as Lee Yool-joo Lee Sun Kyoon as Kim Tae-hyun Yoo In Young as Yoon Ja-kyung: Synopsis: Suh Kang Wook is a troubled high school student, perpetually getting into scuffles and mixing with the wrong crowd. He is an orphan, looked after (lovingly) by his grandmother. He fell in love with a young and not very experienced high school teacher, slightly older than himself, Yool...

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06-28-2009 06:19 AM


Yeah Kang Ta! One of my favorite Korean actors. I bought this movie. It was really good to see Kang Ta as a male lead.


05-17-2009 02:37 AM


So I sorta watched until episode 7 or 8. After that I just reluctantly watched the drama skipping forward constantly just to know how the story went since I'd already started watching it. Personally, I loved the story up until the end of episode 3. I swear if they'd left the story at around 4 or 5 episodes it would've been a great drama. This drama is filled with so many characters feeling guilty, acting stupid and pathetic, crying for nothing, holding on to love for all the wrong reasons, being stubborn and irrational... everything human beings do WRONG when they fall in love meshed up together in one series. Seriously, though. This is NOT entertainment. Like I said, I thought it was a great story, I cried and laughed and loved it... until episode 3. Right after Kang Wook and the teacher, Yool Joo, get into the fight with that other kid, the story just goes downhill from then on.


03-25-2009 11:11 PM


I enjoyed this drama, especially at the beginning when there seemed to be a lot of tension, sexual and otherwise, between the two leads. However, by the end of the drama that tension seemed to have disappeared. Kang Ta is incredibly beautiful and although his acting is still rough and he is still inexperienced in dramas, I think that with some practice he will become very intriguing to watch. He is stereotypically tall, dark and handsome, with chiseled features and soulful, expressive eyes. I liked him a lot more as the high school student than as the ex-con, mostly because he brought a kind of sweet naivete to the youthful role. I didn't find him believable as the hardened ex-convict. The lead actress was good. I've seen her in other dramas and really disliked the characters she played, but I think she did really well as the young and naive teacher who falls in love with her student. She did a good job of acting like she knew the love was wrong, but couldn't help herself anyway. Like the reviewer, I did find that some of the sub-plots were just left hanging, but overall I found this to be an enjoyable drama. I would probably watch it again, given six months or so to come at it from a fresh perspective.

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