The Art of Seduction



Genre:Drama, Romance

Language: Korean

Ethnic Title: 작업의 정석

Average Rating:       (out of 4 ratings)


Featured Critics Reviews

The Art of Seduction

Reviewed by: sukting February 15, 2009

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Foreword Min-Jun (SONG Il-Kook) and Ji-Won (SON Ye-Jin) are the "players" who are dating experts with 100% success rates in any dating pursuits. Following her usual tactics, Ji-Won fakes a car accident to capture Min-Jun's attention and successfully approaches him. However, her smooth-sailing dating life finally meets obstacles. Why in the world is this guy not succumbing to her charm? Ironically enough, Min-Jun is also overwhelmed by the understanding that he has met his match. However, like the veteran players...

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Member Ratings


11-27-2011 02:57 PM


I don't know why my mesage and my rating is published twice????...I think it's erorr!!!!sorry!


11-27-2011 02:57 PM


I don't know why my mesage and my rating is published twice????...I think it's erorr!!!!sorry!


11-27-2011 02:57 PM


I don't know why my mesage and my rating is published twice????...I think it's erorr!!!!sorry!


11-27-2011 02:49 PM


this movie it's a comedy,with a rarely theme,the actors are 100% naturaly in expresions,in acts,....and Song Il Gook is my favorite!!!!!


11-27-2011 02:49 PM


this movie it's a comedy,with a rarely theme,the actors are 100% naturaly in expresions,in acts,....and Song Il Gook is my favorite!!!!!

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