Face to Fate

Reviewed by: Tee Kayi

November 27, 2006

Rating: four-point-five

Frankie Lam
Raymond Lam
Tavia Yeung
Selina Li
John Chiang
Anne Heung
Nancy Wu
Derek Kwok

Characters/plot (Spoilers)
Welcome to the Wuxia world, a place where everyone is either on the good/light or the bad/dark side. Every few years, the two sides would collide in a tournament to determine who takes reign for the upcoming few years. The Good side had always won but this year, it looks like the Dark Side is refusing to lose again.

Frankie Lam is a fortune teller with great martial arts skills. He travels through life helping people and avenging his Master by stopping his Senior Brother. Throughout his travels, he ends up helping the Good Side. His task is to gather up some champions for the upcoming tournament. When one of the champions dies, Frankie becomes elected to take his place. Now, he no longer has the status of a regular civilian but is a hero with the responsibility of maintaining peace in the land.

Raymond Lam is what the people called “Magic Doctor.” He has the ability to cure any disease known to man, yet he cannot cure his family's own genetic disease, Premature Degeneration. As time passes, he and his brother continue to age away. Along the way of finding a cure, Raymond meets Frankie and the others. He slowly breaks away from his selfish self and accepts their friendship and even finds the love of his life.

Tavia Yeung is one of the disciples of Flying Fish Height who is helping Frankie find the champions. She only wishes to do the “right” thing and save the world but things become complicated when she discovers her father is the leader of the Dark Side.

Selina Li is an ex-thief who tries to be an average woman. She owns a “hotel” in a small town and lives through life as if she does not have a secret past. She has the responsibility of taking care of her deceased husband's son and mother. Although she hides herself by pushing people away, the others eventually discover her secrets. Later, she even falls in love with Raymond Lam.

John Chiang is the head of the Good side but is secretly working for the Dark Side. His wife, Anne Heung, once had an affair with Frankie but denies her old feelings now that she is married. Nancy Wu is John's daughter who is always in some sort of trouble because she was desperate to prove to her father that she can be a solder too. One of her attempts even caused her to become a hostage of Derek Kwok's. However, instead of killing her like what an assassin would do, he fell in love with her and she fell for him in return.

As the story progresses, Raymond abandons Frankie and joins the Dark side to “save” Selina. When she discovers this fact, she became angry about his abandonment. Tavia too is now on the Dark side but has forbidden feelings for Frankie who is on the Light Side. More complications occur when more secrets are discovered but you can find out what those are when you watch the series.

The story - I thought it was good, even though some parts were kind of draggy. For example, Frankie and Anne's talks always bored me because it's like they say the same thing all the time but the series keeps bringing it up. But overall the story was very enjoyable.

Frankie Lam - Of course, he plays the good guy. He always plays the good guy, no changes and kind of boring. I do not like how his face always looks the same. When he is happy it looks the same as when he is sad. He needs to show some expressions! 3/5

Tavia Yeung - I do not like her character at all! She was always in some sort of trouble and the guys would have to save her because she messed up their plans. So when she has some alone scenes, I would fast forward them. But I will give her points because she made me dislike her character because she did convince me of what her character is really like. What I mean is that she made me dislike the character because of the character's traits, not her own traits personally. 3/5

Raymond Lam - He is my favorite character in here! He was funny with all his antics but when he needed to be serious he changed to serious almost instantly. His facial expressions just seem to go with his mood. If he was mad you can see it and if he was happy you can also see it too. 5/5

Selina Li - This is a big role for her. She has definitely improved. Watching her in "Life Made Simple" made me so annoyed because she was so stiff but in here she manages to show some emotions. She was really convincing as a young window. 4/5

Anne Heung - She bored me! 2/5

John Chiang - Good job but I was kind of confused by his actions sometimes. Not the whole betraying thing but by how he talks and what he did as a whole. 4/5

Nancy Wu - She annoyed me so much in the beginning but when Derek came on, she got better. She was convincing as the hot-headed spoiled girl. 4/5

Derek Kwok - I like his character. All parts of it, lol. So that's all I have to say. 5/5


Frankie and Tavia - It's a change but it wasn't that interesting to watch. At some parts, I will admit, it was entertaining but most of the time they do not even look like they liked each other, let alone love each other. 3.5/5

Raymond and Selina - I honestly thought that she looked too old for him when she first came on but then later I got over that. They are so cute, the way they tease each other and when they support each other. 4/5

Derek and Nancy - My favorite couple! They are so cute. I liked the theme of the forbidden love thing, it was interesting to watch.

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