La Femme Desperado

Reviewed by: juphelia

August 19, 2009

Rating: four-point-five

It's really not easy being a woman (as the title implies)! Women nowadays have to be wives, mothers, career-women, subject to their boss's fancies, husband's fancies, running around after the children, etc. Not to mention being subjected to hormonal mood swings.

If you are too career-minded and driven at work, no one at work likes you. If you are promoted, everyone will think you slept with the boss, no one will think you get promoted because of your own abilities. If your husband has an affair, he blames it on you, yet when you befriend a man, he feels so threatened and jealous. If you divorce, your family blames it on you for not being nice enough to your husband, even though it may be his fault in the first place!

So when is it easy to be a woman? This show captures the essence so well. Three women - one in her 20s, one in her 30s and one in her 40s. Three different characters.

One is career-minded and headstrong, appearing strong at work and personal life, being bitchy to just about everyone.

One is the traditional wife whose husband cheated on her, brought up in a chauvinistic family who had to endure her family's taunts and stigma of a divorcee and later broke all tradition by marrying a man seven years younger.

One is the modern woman who thinks she is just as good as any man and will never allow any man to look down on her.

And the men? One is an irresponsible playboy turned nice guy who really settles down for good. One is a nice guy who later tried too hard to shine that everything backfired on him. One is a chauvinistic guy who has no grace and chivalry and looks down on women, but later falls for the very woman he looks down on.

Three different men with three different characters to match the three different women with three different characters. Who ended up with who? What happened in the end?

This show is a take on the problems modern women face in general. It shows the struggles of many women nowadays - their climb to the top, being more aggressive than their male counterparts at work, balance between being a career woman and a good wife and mother. It also showcases some of the issues faced by modern men in a society of modern women - being threatened when the woman is better than him, still wishing to be the head of the family yet at the same time thinking the woman should never be better.

The three female characters symbolise the kinds of women we have in our society, and the three male characters show some of the kind of men women come across. So at times, with women getting more and more capable, will there then be a perfect man to match? Or will men still deem they must not lose out?

Overall, it is a show steeped in reality and comedy. There are some funny parts, but there are also good parts. I really enjoy watching the show, as there are so many issues I can relate to it!

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