Song Bird


Section:TVB Series

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Song Bird

Reviewed by: Connie April 05, 2008

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

Starring: Nadia Chan as Zhou Xuan Leon Lai as Siu Wah This series was based on a real life story, of a famous actress and singer in the 1940's - 1950's named Zhou Xuan. Warning! Spoilers! The series starts off with a lady giving birth to a fatherless child in a nunnery. Because the lady needs to get on with her life, she left the baby girl with a nun. The baby was then given to a nice woman as a daughter. The girl was...

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01-25-2010 10:46 AM


Really good acting by Nadia Chan and Leon Lai, this is a very moving series based on a true story on the tragic life of singer Zhou Xuan.
Nadia's voice is really impressive and soothing to listen to. This movie made me cry, and was very moving to watch.
Highly recommend this series!!

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