State of Divinity


Section:TVB Series

Genre:Martial Arts, Period

Number of Episodes:40


Language: Chinese (Cantonese)

Chinese Title: 笑傲江湖

Average Rating:       (out of 5 ratings)


Featured Critics Reviews

State of Divinity

Reviewed by: liubang1992 December 23, 2009

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Introduction So this is my first T.V. series review. I wanted to do one for a while and I just recent watched State of Divinity so and totally loved it. Basically, this was an adaption of a Jin Yong novel that reflected and satirized political figures of China. Jackie Lui plays the protagonist Linghu Chong, and Fiona Leung plays the role of Ren Ying Ying, Chong's ultimate love. Background SOD's story basically takes place in the martial world where various struggles for power...

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State of Divinity

Reviewed by: Andrew Leung February 20, 2009

Rating: 5.0 out of 5

Genre: Swordplay Drama, Wuxia Drama 1996 TVB Production with 40 episodes When I watch wuxia series nowadays, the atmosphere of the series feels a lot different than it did back in the 90’s. The series today are generally focused on the characters and their relationships to give the popular actors and actresses more screen time. This is all fine and dandy but sometimes this comes at the expense of the plot. We have long (and often boring) drawn-out...

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State of Divinity

Reviewed by: Moinllieon April 04, 2007

Rating: 4.0 out of 5

Xiao Ao Jiang Hu 96, which for some bizarre reason was translated as State of Divinity (SoD96) by TVB, is a prime example of how to just nail a Jin Yong series. Unfortunately, it is also the only one so far that has even come close to nailing the story, and is the best by default. I saw about the first 1/3 of SoD96 before I read the book, the show got me...

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State of Divinity

Reviewed by: spcnet November 02, 2003

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

The remake of "State of Divinity", aka "Smiling Proud Wanderer" in 1996 is thus far, the closest to Jin Yong's novel that I have seen to date. With a cast that had its preliminary doubts from critics, "State" proves that given the foundations of a good and well-executed script, a series can be riddled with some faults but still retain its appeal. After seeing the potential in Jackie Liu Chong Yin in a sub-story...

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Member Ratings


10-09-2012 05:36 AM


I'm pretty doubtful a DVD release will come out seeing that Return of the Condor Heroes 95 was released at least 6 years ago..


03-21-2009 11:15 PM


Totally agree with you. Best wuxia adaptation of the 90's. Jackie Lui was great as Linghu Chong. Even though this series is 40 episodes long, there is never a dull moment.


12-23-2007 12:37 PM


is there anywhere I can buy this series, in cantonese, online? dvd or vcd


12-09-2007 08:07 AM


I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


07-03-2007 03:34 PM


where can i get this series?

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