The Fierce Wife


Section:Taiwanese Dramas

Number of Episodes:23


Language: Chinese (Mandarin)

Chinese Title: 犀利人妻

Average Rating:       (out of 2 ratings)

Also Known As: Xi Li Ren Qi


Featured Critics Reviews

The Fierce Wife

Reviewed by: sukting June 16, 2012

Rating: 3.0 out of 5

Foreword Xie An Zhen is happily married for 10 years with one daughter until her husband cheats on her with her cousin. The divorce becomes a battle of love and wits. Who becomes the winner? Story/Introduction on characters 1. Xie An Zhen - Sui Tang She is 32 years old and is Rui Fan’s ex-wife. She is kind and gentle – most suitable to be a mother and wife to marry Rui Fan after her high school graduation. She is...

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08-13-2014 07:02 PM


For those who watched the original FIERCE WIFE series, they very likely enjoyed the give and take that accompanied the changes in the leading characters. This concluding episode lacks the emotional resonance of the original in that there was no competition displayed between the husband Fan (James Wen) and the boyfriend Lan (Chris Wang). Here the husband returns but he seems to have lost interest in his ex-wife. She leaves quickly for America, and there is no clue that he will follow. Ah Chen has a clear choice: a safe and comfortable re-union with an ex-husband or a new life with an exciting boyfriend. I shall not reveal here her decision but the sequel lacks drama and motivation, a not unexpected event when one considers that the cast had only two hours to put it all together. The fierceness of the wife in the original has here flattened out into a paste pudding.

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