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Thread: Latest news on new edition TLBB

  1. #1
    Senior Member c13:4567's Avatar
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    Default Latest news on new edition TLBB

    mostly on changes to Duan Yu and his girls, confirming earlier reports i read months ago, and his current visit to taiwan...


    ● 林琬绯(台北特派员)

    在台湾李敖李大师风尘仆仆登“陆”的同一天,香港金庸金大侠则是豪情万丈登“台”,带着新版的《天龙八部》 ,在台湾掀起又一阵武侠热潮。

      一位70岁一位82岁,作品都曾被列为禁书、却在解禁后双双成为风靡两岸三地乃至全球华人的大师级人物 ,如今同时在台湾海峡的两边分别“兴风作浪”,暗自较劲相映成趣之余,不也突显两岸三地的共同语言不就这么 一回事儿?

      金庸受台湾出版社邀请昨天下午抵达台湾展开四天访问,最重要的活动就是为新版《天龙八部》宣传造势。而 随着新书昨天上架面市,让金迷期待已久的新版《天龙八部》,内容也终于曝光。

      新版《天龙八部》中,金大侠落笔修得最多的就是儿女情事:男女主角段誉和王语嫣有缘无份、未结成连理, 段誉的老婆也从金庸最初修改构想的八人,减至最后的三人,娶了木婉清、钟灵和西夏银川公主的婢 女晓蕾。

      在旧版中,王语嫣原是不食人间烟火的“神仙姐姐”;新版中的王语嫣,则为表哥慕容复的无情而悲痛欲绝, 还沉迷寻找“不老长春功”秘诀,段誉则是身世解迷对生命顿悟而一举摆脱心魔,因此两人最终分道扬镳,王语嫣 重回慕容复身边,婢女阿碧也伴随在旁。

      金大侠昨天一身西装笔挺在机场接受媒体访问时,说明修复后男女主角的心理变化:“段誉这个男孩子去追求 女孩子,追求半天,王语嫣也不理他,对他的追求和烟幕一点也不关心。段誉后来生气,才发现追求王语嫣,自己 其实却不是真正喜欢她。了解了心里的想法后,就不追求她了。”

      而我们熟悉的“降龙十八掌”,原来还有更多招数让金大侠藏了起来,新版中成了“降龙二十八 掌”。



    另外,据说铁头人游坦之捡到萧峰身上掉下来的秘笈《易筋经》,新版改成天竺国修士以隐形墨水写成的瑜伽术: 《摩伽陀国欲三摩地断行成就神足经》,当今社会最流行的瑜伽术,也有幸走入了金庸武侠世界里。

      据出版社透露,最后出炉的新《天龙八部》,可是金大侠历经三年七校的最后成果,内容改动幅度超过十分一 ,堪称所有作品中改动幅度最大的一部。

    新版主编李佳颖引述金庸自己的评估说,新版更重视主角的内心细节,一方面也为配合中国大陆读者 的阅读习惯。

    不过从新《天龙八部》的内容确可看出,金庸改编时加入了不少现代元素以贴近读者,同时亦多少反映了大侠晚年 的心境转变。

      金庸如今已陆续完成了《倚天屠龙记》、《碧血剑》、《神雕侠侣》、《书剑恩仇录》的新修版,下一步将修 改《鹿鼎记》中主人翁韦小宝的结局,这个花心小男人命运如何,又将娶多少个老婆?相信都是金迷引颈期盼的关 注焦点。

      金庸今天除了宣传活动,傍晚还有场“金庸群侠江南宴”,赴宴的各路“群侠”来头可不小,全是在台湾的大 学和中学大考中分数居高的九位“新科状元”,包括以全台湾最高分考上台大医学系的高才生。

    这些台湾的青年才俊的共同点是:自小接触金庸的武侠世界而爱上读书,金庸作品成了他们的启蒙“ 秘笈”。

      特别的是,这场“群侠江南宴”,为了宴请武林盟主和群侠,还将金庸的武侠小说入菜,噱头连 连。



      八道前菜取名“天龙八部”,包括绍兴醉鸡、镇江肴肉、龙井虾仁、无锡脆鳝、凉拌鸡火干丝、葱烤鯽鱼、江 南抢蟹和酒釀桂花芋艿;犹似《天龙八部》章章精彩。


      而 “降龙十八掌”则是“虎掌乌参”的别名,这道菜讲究火候和功夫,成品又呈现软烂入味的不同层次风味,符合了 “降龙十八掌”精神。

      甜点则因甜甜蜜蜜而统称为“神雕侠侣”,包括糯米襄红枣煨蜜汁以及红豆松糕。菜单设计人周明芬说明,红 豆松糕制作过程繁复,得将红豆、豆沙和面粉一层层堆叠,好比“绝情谷底攀岩走壁而上,象征爱得艰辛的情侣” ,因此也称为“绝情谷底探多情”。

      江南宴如此丰盛,大侠却似乎更嗜所在地的家乡味,昨天下午抵台后抽空品尝的,是台北最著名的红烧牛肉面 。

  2. #2
    Member nie_feng2002's Avatar
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    What a pity man! I was originally looking forward to DuanYu having 8 wives... hai... now only left three... at least mu wanqing finally able to get together with duan yu

  3. #3
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    What about WYY? I can't read Chinese. Help please
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  4. #4
    Senior Member PJ's Avatar
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    It claims that DGSD will receive more than 10% change, the biggest revision for any novel so far. Wang Yuyan will have practiced some weird kung fu, and Duan Yu will discover he actually doesn't like her, so they separate. Also You Tanzhi will not learn Yi Jinjing but some other kung fu.
    忽见柳荫下两个小孩子在哀哀痛哭,瞧模样正是武敦儒、武修文兄弟。郭芙大声叫道:「喂,你们在干甚麽?」武 修文回头见是郭芙,哭道:「我们在哭,你不见麽?」

  5. #5
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    Thanks mate. And the source is? Teenaged boy with a website who's Jin Yong's nephew's grandson's cousin's friend, or some reputable one?
    "Anything you can't say NO to is your MASTER, and you are its SLAVE."

    "I disapprove of what I say, but I will defend to the death my right to say it."

  6. #6
    Member nie_feng2002's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candide
    Thanks mate. And the source is? Teenaged boy with a website who's Jin Yong's nephew's grandson's cousin's friend, or some reputable one?
    It's the publisher of Jin Yong's third edition works who released the news... Should be accurate... and the skill You tan zhi learns is actually yoga... haha and WYY doesn't practice kungfu... she's just obsessed with learning the secret to the art of remaining youthful...
    Last edited by nie_feng2002; 09-20-05 at 08:50 AM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    Yoga eh? So when the Indians complain to Jin Yong about discrimination (negative portrayal of Indians and their arts) what will he change it to? I assume that JY changed YJJ to Yoga because he didn't want to portray YJJ, The top Buddhist inner energy cultivation art, as an evil device for a screwed up lad to become a serious baddie.
    "Anything you can't say NO to is your MASTER, and you are its SLAVE."

    "I disapprove of what I say, but I will defend to the death my right to say it."

  8. #8
    Member nie_feng2002's Avatar
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    One thing about the changes... from the article above it said that DY actually married Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and the xixia princess's maid... quite a few people knows that Mu wanqing is Duan zhengchun's daughter... if he actually marries her, wouldn't he have to reveal he's not duan zhengchun's son? Wouldn't it be damaging for him as dali's emperor for his subjects to know he's a result of his mum's adultery?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    JY would probably change it so that in Dali's custom, siblings were fair game.
    "Anything you can't say NO to is your MASTER, and you are its SLAVE."

    "I disapprove of what I say, but I will defend to the death my right to say it."

  10. #10
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    These sound like some whacky changes ...

  11. #11
    Senior Member HuangYushi's Avatar
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    For the benefit of those who prefer to read in English, here's a translation of the changes made to TLBB/DGSD, as noted in the article posted in the beginning of this thread:

    The biggest number of changes in TLBB/DGSD relates to boy/girl relationships:
    • Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan are destined to meet but not marry.
    • Duan Yu's wives have been reduced from the initial eight planned by Jin Yong to a final three -- namely Mu Wanqing, Zhong Ling and Xiao Lei [晓蕾], the maidservant of Xixia's Princess Yinchuan.
    • In the previous editions, Wang Yuyan was a "Sister Fairy" [Shenxian Jiejie 神仙姐姐] who was out of touch with mundane affairs and above the material attractions of the world. In the new edition, she is so deeply hurt by her cousin Murong Fu's heartlessness that she becomes obsessed in the search for the secret manual to the "Longevity and Immortality Skill" [Bulao Changchun Gong 不老长春功]. After Duan Yu develops an understanding of life from his experiences and shakes off the infatuation in his heart, he parts with Wang Yuyan. Wang Yuyuan eventually returns to Murong Fu, together with the maidservant A'Bi. Says JY: "Duan Yu courts Wang Yuyan for a long time, but she just ignores him. She is simply uninterested in his advances. Soon, Duan Yu becomes angry. Then, he realises that he does not actually like Wang Yuyan. He stops courting her after that."

    Other changes:
    • The "18 Dragon Subduing Palms" becomes the "28 Dragon Subduing Palms".
    • In the previous editions, the Iron-Headed Man You Tanzhi picked up the Yijin Jing that was dropped by Xiao Feng. In the new edition, the book he picks up is one on yoga techniques which is written in invisible ink by monks from India. The title of the book (ed: in Hanyu Pinyin) is "Mogatuoguo Yusan Modi Duanxing Chengjiu Shenzu Jing" [摩伽陀国欲三摩地断行成就神足经], a collection of yoga techniques that are popular in modern times.

    The changes in TLBB/DGSD affect more than 10% of the novel:
    • There is more emphasis on detailing the inner thoughts of the main characters.
    • The text is also geared towards the reading preferences and habits of readers in mainland China.
    • Jin Yong has also added a number of modern elements into the story in order to draw closer to the reader, which reflects the changes of perspective that have occurred in old age.
    To wkeej: You got your wish ... more or less. Duan Yu ends up with Mu Wanqing ... and more!

    To Candide: Wang Yuyan returns to Murong Fu.


    Marrying Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling:
    Duan Yu makes good his promise to Mu Wanqing on the cliff, as well as Duan Zhengchun's promise to Zhong Wanchou (Zhong Ling's "father") that was given when Duan Yu stepped out of the stone house with Zhong Ling instead of Mu Wanqing. This change does show Duan Yu in a better light than an infatuated air-head who has eyes only for Wang Yuyan.

    Wang Yuyan's "kungfu":
    If she really wants to remain "youthful", she could always take a leaf from her grand-aunt-at-arms Tianshan Tonglao's book! Then, she would not have to go on a hunt for some "Longevity and Immortality" manual.

    Yijin Jing vs Yoga
    I can't remember how things were in the 2nd edition, but Zhang Jizhong's adaptation (China, 2003/4) had Sanskrit writing in the Yijin Jing when Xiao Feng was looking through it, but pictures when You Tanzhi was looking through it. Since You Tanzhi picks up the yoga book in the 3rd ed, what happens to the Yijin Jing? Does A'Zhu still steal it from Shaolin? If A'Zhu does not steal the Yijin Jing from Shaolin, that would flow nicely into XAJH centuries later when the abbot Fang Zheng offers to teach it to Linghu Chong. Then, if the book that A'Zhu steals is the yoga one which is written in invisible ink, how would she know that it is worthy enough for theft?

    Duan Yu's parents
    Since Duan Yanqing (1st Evil) has a rightful claim to the throne of Dali, it would not be too difficult for the palace courtiers to concoct a story about Duan Yu's real background. Perhaps, it would be something along the lines of him being "left behind" during the civil/internal strife that put Duan Zhengming on the throne in the first place.

    Princess Yinchuan's maidservant, Xiao Lei
    I don't remember her at all. Does anyone know if she made an appearance in the 2nd edition? If so, which chapter does that happen? Thanks!

    Jin Yong's Ode to Gallantry [侠客行].
    Quote Originally Posted by atlantean0208
    what about SPT, I need my SPT fix ASAP, pretty pleaseeeee...
    Soon ... SOON!

  12. #12
    Senior Member CC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuangYushi
    Princess Yinchuan's maidservant, Xiao Lei
    I don't remember her at all. Does anyone know if she made an appearance in the 2nd edition? If so, which chapter does that happen? Thanks!

    I can't remember the name, but there was this very beautiful maid of the princess who the gathered suitors/crowd initially mistook for the princess. Think thats her.

  13. #13
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    For some reason, I can just see this leading to so many plotholes ... ah well I hope I'm wrong.

  14. #14
    Member nie_feng2002's Avatar
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    Even with a few plotholes, with so many revisions, it makes reading the book interesting and refreshing and worth it, unlike the one i bought, Xia ke xing. The changes in there were so minimal... and since i live in singapore, the airfreight itself is almost the cost of the book, really waste of money...

  15. #15
    Moderator kidd's Avatar
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    In the previous editions, the Iron-Headed Man You Tanzhi picked up the Yijin Jing that was dropped by Xiao Feng. In the new edition, the book he picks up is one on yoga techniques which is written in invisible ink by monks from India. The title of the book (ed: in Hanyu Pinyin) is "Mogatuoguo Yusan Modi Duanxing Chengjiu Shenzu Jing" [摩伽陀国欲三摩地断行成就神足经], a collection of yoga techniques that are popular in modern times.
    No more debates on whether DGSD's YJJ is the same as SOD's YJJ or which YJJ is better now.

  16. #16
    Senior Member HuangYushi's Avatar
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    To bliss and others:

    I have always wondered about the role of You Tanzhi. The fight in Juxian Manor provided a point where Xiao Feng made clear breaks in his relationships with the people of the Chinese martial arts circle. You Tanzhi was the heir of Juxian Manor and yes, his father and uncle killed themselves after losing in the fight, but is he really needed in the story? What does he add to it, other than being a pawn that is pulled and pushed around on the whims of others?

    Now, in the 3rd edition, he is supposed to learn yoga. Would yoga provide him with sufficient skills to "make it" as the puppet leader of the Beggars' Union, since he made it in the 2nd ed because Quan Guanqing was impressed with his martial arts abilities (from learning the Yijin Jing) and saw a tremendous opportunity in his bendable personality? Plus, would yoga be enough to help him rescue the blind A'Zi from the grasp of Ding Chunqiu?

    Would the story of TLBB/DGSD be affected at all, if You Tanzhi was killed early on during the fight at Juxian Manor?


    To CC:
    Thanks for the tip on the maidservant!

    Jin Yong's Ode to Gallantry [侠客行].
    Quote Originally Posted by atlantean0208
    what about SPT, I need my SPT fix ASAP, pretty pleaseeeee...
    Soon ... SOON!

  17. #17
    Senior Member Temujin's Avatar
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    These new changes really open up new questions and endless debate topics..

    1) How does the original HL28Z stacks up against the North Beggar's version ?
    2) How does the orginal HL28Z stacks up against GJ's improved 9YinHL18Z ?
    3) Has our perception on Duan Yu's character changed because of he no longer ends up with WYY ?
    4) How does the new ending affect MRF's character ?
    5) Do you like the fact that WYY doesn't bulge an inch against Duan Yu's persistent pursuits ?

    6) It answers the question about JJY in XAJH, but opens up a new debate on this so called 'yoga' techniques, which obviously a work of a wonder if it can raise YTZ's pitiful martial arts into the level he's at during the Shaolin Showdown
    7) Now you really wonder how great Xiao Feng is if he was having a difficulty facing YTZ with his new 'yoga' techniques at Shao Lin.

    And plenty of more arguments obviously....

    But I really don't like the change on Duan Yu not ending up with WYY, it destroys the character I've perceived him to be over the years.... it's just totally different now... (sigh)
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  18. #18
    Member nie_feng2002's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temujin
    These new changes really open up new questions and endless debate topics..

    5) Do you like the fact that WYY doesn't bulge an inch against Duan Yu's persistent pursuits ?
    I think that WYY did date DY for a little while... but they broke up in the end.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Athena's Avatar
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    I have read about these changes too in various articles and such for the past months.
    The only way to find out is to read the novel, the truth will set me (us) free. I have ordered the novel, and with a bit of luck I will have it in 2 weeks or so. Rest assured, I will jot down the changes in the sticky thread.
    So huge, so hopeless, to conceive
    As these that twice befell
    Parting is all we know of heaven
    And all we need of hell.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

  20. #20
    Senior Member ChronoReverse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Temujin
    6) It answers the question about JJY in XAJH, but opens up a new debate on this so called 'yoga' techniques, which obviously a work of a wonder if it can raise YTZ's pitiful martial arts into the level he's at during the Shaolin Showdown
    7) Now you really wonder how great Xiao Feng is if he was having a difficulty facing YTZ with his new 'yoga' techniques at Shao Lin.

    It just emphasizes how it wasn't (YJJ)Yoga alone that did it, but the meld of YJJ and the Ice Worm Poison.

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