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Thread: "Yellow Fever" Mini-movie

  1. #1
    Senior Member Bai Qi44's Avatar
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    Default Are white guys taking our Asian girls?

    Well, I was concern about the trend that too many Asian girls are dating white guys and not many white girls dating Asian guys... which means even less Asian girls dating Asian guys. Anyway, the following video will explain and is funny as hell.

    It's call "Yellow Fever" enjoy.
    青山不改,绿水长留. 请啊! <----Chen Zhen (Bruce Lee version) kicking arse

  2. #2
    Senior Member mysterl0us's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bai Qi44
    Well, I was concern about the trend that too many Asian girls are dating white guys and not many white girls dating Asian guys... which means even less Asian girls dating Asian guys. Anyway, the following video will explain and is funny as hell!
    i think everyone has the right to choose who they want to go out with. lol. i don't think this should even be a topic!
    i mean, its normal for something like that to happen.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Bai Qi44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysterl0us
    i think everyone has the right to choose who they want to go out with. lol. i don't think this should even be a topic!
    i mean, its normal for something like that to happen.
    No, you misunderstood. It's nice and all that Asian girls get to choose, but what about the poor Asian guys? And for that matter, what about the poor Indian guys (according to that video)?
    青山不改,绿水长留. 请啊! <----Chen Zhen (Bruce Lee version) kicking arse

  4. #4
    Senior Member beansprouts's Avatar
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    I saw the video, it was really funny, the explanations were bad but hilarious nonetheless. I love the t-shirt that says 白人看不懂, heh, I'd love to get one myself.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    God's way of controlling population and telling us that more of us should be gay.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Yeung Gor's Avatar
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    Am I the only asian male here dating white chicks? This can't be so. White girls do dig asian guys as long as you can be your confident charming self around them.

    So stop with the inferior-asian male complex.

  7. #7
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    I don't know about that...white people and asian girls...doesn't sit right with me either. I guess some cases it is ok. I see it all the time. The most disgraceful is black and chinese or something....I mean sure I even slept with a black girl before, but when it is a black guy and chinese girl it is different. Besides, it is ok if you just date them, just don't have kids and marry them...that is wrong. I am racist but you know you have to respect the culture. White boys most of them HAVE NO CULTURE. Black people are worse lol. European is different, that is ok. My grandfather disowned my cousin for marrying a white guy. The family call him ghost all the time too, give him such a hard time. My cousin was inline to receive a nice chunk of inheritance...cut off, it ended up going to me and my brother.

    Indian people a lot of them for religious reasons stuck within their own. I rarely see them marrying other races unless they are catholic or not so religious. I've dated white girls before too. But honestly I wouldn't marry them lol... and the ones that are rich socialites wouldn't be allowed to marry NON caucasian either. Like the white republican senator would allow his daughter to marry a black or yellow guy....not likely.

    Chinese girls should stick with their culture and not betray the Asian guys. Usually I find Asian guys to have better jobs, more education, and nicer clothes. Then again there are some fugly looking chinese guys, like the FOBS from China with no style and are cheap and smell...may be it is their own damned fault..No wonder those FOB China Chicks like white guys 1) They can get citizenship 2) they won't get beaten up (domestic violence) 3) They won't have to put up with nonsense.

    I see some hot asians with fugly white guys, yet they wouldn't go for a nice looking chinese guy...I can't figure it out. But in the end women are women, if you have the cash, no matter what race they will love you.
    Last edited by Panadol; 02-09-06 at 11:44 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member haibinglover's Avatar
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    Pandol, I have a question for you. A black guy being with a chinese girl is the same situation as you sleeping with the black girl. So what makes it okay that you can sleep with a black girl, but it's wrong for the chinese girl to be with the black guy? Is it macho-egoism in this case because you are male? I don't see the difference between these cases but what lack off. Would you like to explain why you think it's different in these two cases and don't say that because you're a guy you have all the right to chose who to spend your time with and girls don't. May I remind you we're not living in the old days now where girls are forced to stay home all day.

    As for your comment that as long as you have money, women will love're thinking to high of your own sex. It's not true because women have their pride just like you males. Women can get their own education and make their own money now a days so don't think that women are gold diggers, because not all of them are. If the women that you've met before are all gold diggers then there's something wrong with you attracting the right women. So don't categorize women in general that they are after money only.
    Last edited by haibinglover; 02-09-06 at 01:26 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Bangs's Avatar
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    Any woman of any race has a right to choose whom she goes out with, sleeps with, and lives with. Its her choice and there is nothing you can do about it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Bai Qi44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bangs
    Any woman of any race has a right to choose whom she goes out with, sleeps with, and lives with. Its her choice and there is nothing you can do about it.
    Of course you're right. But this isn't about Asian girls dating white guys, it's about lack of parity. I feel really uncomfortable when I see so many Asian girls dating white guys, yet so few Asian guys dating white girls. So, I guess we Asian guys should just stay home and play DDR on a Friday night.

    YG, you are right. Part of the reason is that most Asian guys have very small "confidence". If you watched the video, you'll get the joke.

    Also, to those people who reply to this thread without even looking at the video. You should check the video out before you reply or else you guys/girls might think the wrong way.
    青山不改,绿水长留. 请啊! <----Chen Zhen (Bruce Lee version) kicking arse

  11. #11
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    Some Asian girls do think white guys are an upgrade over Asian guys. It's true some Asian guys are a$$wipes, but there are many good Asian dudes too.

    Some white guys, on the other hand, prefer Asian girls because Asian girls are more demure (on average).

    I have never dated a non-Asian before. I have non-Asian female friends, but I just can't see myself having enough in common with them to be romantically involved.
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  12. #12
    Senior Member Cinnamon's Avatar
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    that was a pretty funny clip. but i don't see the major problem of uneven distribution here. i've heard somewhere that there are more girls than guys anyhow, so u don't have to worry about out numbering girls and not being able to find dates.

    also if we're talking about mix culture or ethnicity relationships, i hope everyone realized that the movie does not mention all the ethnic backgrounds in the world.
    Some of us needs to learn how to get our priorities straight and others need to start getting some priorities. . .

  13. #13
    Senior Member Bangs's Avatar
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    I watched the clip, it was really funny. Oh and I dont mind asians being less confident in getting girls because that is how we are, its our nature, not true for every asian though.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Candide's Avatar
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    Asian guys are not less confident. That's bullshit. Asians are usually passive (or less active) by nature, and we often aren't as expressive as others. The "keep it to yourself" mentality, you know. That doesn't mean that we have no confidence. Unfortunately the "wear your heart on your sleeve" approach (99% bullshit with 1% lies), which other groups often use, works a lot better than our usual way.

    You see few Asian guys with white girls because white girls have to overcome huge peer pressure and a lot of other garbage if they want to (and most of they don't anyway) date Asian guys (my P.E, not necessarily true in general though) and definitely not because of lack of trying from us.

    It's more of a "problem" in countries like America, Canada, Australia or the UK though. My relatives in Europe told me that it's more common there. In fact, all of my mum's cousins (plus my uncle) marry white women and have strange looking kids.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by haibinglover
    Pandol, I have a question for you. A black guy being with a chinese girl is the same situation as you sleeping with the black girl. So what makes it okay that you can sleep with a black girl, but it's wrong for the chinese girl to be with the black guy? Is it macho-egoism in this case because you are male? I don't see the difference between these cases but what lack off. Would you like to explain why you think it's different in these two cases and don't say that because you're a guy you have all the right to chose who to spend your time with and girls don't. May I remind you we're not living in the old days now where girls are forced to stay home all day.

    As for your comment that as long as you have money, women will love're thinking to high of your own sex. It's not true because women have their pride just like you males. Women can get their own education and make their own money now a days so don't think that women are gold diggers, because not all of them are. If the women that you've met before are all gold diggers then there's something wrong with you attracting the right women. So don't categorize women in general that they are after money only.
    THere is no difference, but I guess at the time, it was something that I've never done. Mind you, I would never get myself involved with a black girl. Only one night stand out of curiousity. I think I mentioned, it's ok if asian girls interracially date for a bit but nothing serious.

    You're right not all women are gold diggers, but look at it this way, the richer the woman is, she will most likely not want her man to make significantly less money than her. And in Asian culture, the man is laughed at and accused of eating "soft rice." So it is to a guy's advantage to have money.

    Just the way I was brought up I guess. My stepsister brought home a guy who had a middle wage job, no ambition and whatnot. He's an ok guy, though suspect but she loves him to death. My father gave him hell..I felt bad sitting there but he's a douche...he's probably trying to use my sister for money. Last time I heard he got into an accident...Don't see him much anymore. Go figure.

    Listen I really apologize, sometimes I am too straight forward and arrogant I admit. I talk a lot of garbage, I am elitist and stuck up. I was very spoiled as a kid and always had everything. I am trying not to be such a douche.
    Last edited by Panadol; 02-09-06 at 11:18 PM.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Yu W3i's Avatar
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    i don't like the idea that white guys are dating asain girls
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  17. #17
    Senior Member shanghai girls are hot's Avatar
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    i think respect and honesty toward the gf or bf and his/her family is far more important than how much $$ they have.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Sugar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Candide
    Asian guys are not less confident. That's bullshit. Asians are usually passive (or less active) by nature, and we often aren't as expressive as others. The "keep it to yourself" mentality, you know. That doesn't mean that we have no confidence. Unfortunately the "wear your heart on your sleeve" approach (99% bullshit with 1% lies), which other groups often use, works a lot better than our usual way.
    IN other words, ASian guys are chauvenistic
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  19. #19
    Senior Member christinatran's Avatar
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    another racist thread. Great.

  20. #20
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    everyone is to some degree racist. Unless you hate them all equally.

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