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Thread: Tales of Vengeance

  1. #61
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    Goofy; its a bottom, not a buttom! <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  2. #62
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Ha-ha.. <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/blush.gif" border="0">

    Maybe Jennifer can change that for me,please? <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0">

    <IMG SRC="smilies/catroar.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/love.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  3. #63
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Charbydis: You check ur pm yet?! <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  4. #64
    Senior Member Sioben's Avatar
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    somewhere between here and there....


    <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0"> HELP!!!!!

    Why do you guys "have" to make a story???? - and such a **** good one???

    I've haven't even finished all the others:
    - legacy of secrets ( by WhiteKrane)
    - legend of sword and saber( book3) ( by Goofy)
    - The Green Silk Sword ( by Charbydis) (actually I finished it - I loved it!!!! - allthough it was a sad ending)

    need sparetime to read it...... haven't finished chapter 2.

    Maybe you guys should find a TVB/ATV producer. I think it will be a great serie!! <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">

    Well any way............. keep on the good works
    I've been touch by an angel
    I've been bless by the power of Sioben
    I can hardly believe you're that short!!

    Sioben: 'ohh....shut up'

  5. #65
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    I seem to have lots of writing juice today. Hope it is ok to do an addition here.

    Chapter 18: The Treasure

    The five youngsters came to stop at a small inn just at the outskirt of town. They then decided to stay there for a night to avoid the unnecessary encounter with Cheng family.

    After getting their rooms, the two sworn brothers went off on their own, while Lin Xiu Lan was entertaining the scholar. As for Lin Hong Ye, she had gone to bed early due to her headache from all the excitements earlier.

    After the meal, which, needless to say, the scholar was the one who picked the tab, Lin Xiu Lan bought her new friend a calabash of wine. She didn't even bother to drug the spirit since it seemed evident that this weak scholar had never drunk any alcohol before.

    While they were drinking on the hill behind the inn, the scholar took out his flute and started playing a strange tune. It described an open area of endless waves of grass. It was beautiful and poignant, and Lin Xiu Lan cannot help humming a song that her teacher had taught her.

    The scholar stopped playing the flute as soon as he heard her singing. "Who taught you that song?" He asked quickly.

    Lin Xiu Lan frowned but replied quietly. "My teacher. He used to sing to me since young. It is in Mongolian, so I don't usually sing it nowadays because one of my other teachers hates Mongol people."

    She didn't know why she should take time explaining her story to this soon-to-be her victim. She looked up at the pale moon and didn't notice the strange look on the other's face.

    The scholar was smiling secretly. At last, he found her. Outwardly, he faithfully kept on drinking what Lin Xiu Lan offered him and in no time yawned and laid his head down on the ground. Soon, his gentle snore could be heard, and Lin Xiu Lan started to remove his big package that had been sitting in his lap and now worked as his pillow.

    The scholar stirred and Lin Xiu Lan paused. She waited for a little longer and started again. This time, she managed to drag the package out from under his head and substituted it with a block of wood.

    Then, she excitingly untied the bundle. To her disappointment, asides from some gold ingots, there seemed to be numerous volumns of books. Lin Xiu Lan took a look at the pile of paper in front of her distastefully and pockets the gold ingots she found.

    Leave it to this bookworm to carry his books about instead of money!

    She retied the bundle and shoved it back to the same position. She wouldn't have cared to do so if it hadn't been because of her two sworn brothers. She had promised to them earlier not to create trouble with this innocent scholar.

    In her mind, some more gold could hardly be called 'trouble' surely. She then skipped back to her room, hugging her new wealth.

    'Now, I will manage to buy the largest house for my teachers when they arrive in town.' She thought happily.

    After she was gone, the scholar opened his eyes and got up. The trace of intoxication had disappeared from his face, and his eyes were now sharp and alert. He looked back at the inn and sighed.

    "How could my fiance end up being a thief?"

    what do you think? <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/blush.gif" border="0">

    Please leave comment.
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  6. #66
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Sep 2001


    Hahahha Cute! I like it alot! <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Ah, I love it so far!!!! You guys are truely good!!! I read this all in one night,(Didn't have a chance to read it until now) Can you believe it?! Please update!! Waiting very impatiently!!!!
    <IMG SRC="smilies/clap.gif" border="0">
    "If we are not ashamed to think, we should not be ashamed to say it"
    Marcus T. Cicero

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Oh and plese ignore that address thingy, just an accident i did.
    "If we are not ashamed to think, we should not be ashamed to say it"
    Marcus T. Cicero

  9. #69
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Tiah: Thank you for reading and keeping this story of ours alive. Before there weren't so many fanfics and I was beginning to think this one is forgotten under all the pile of other fanfics.

    I'd like to update but I'm going to be off to Canada for one whole week. However I will try to think of what to write and until then I hope my other co-writers will continue it while I'm gone...just don't finish the story before I come back... <IMG SRC="smilies/naughty.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/naughty.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  10. #70
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Tiah, thank you. As you are waiting for our update, you might care to take a peek at our individual fanfics that also either in fanfic archive or in this fanfic forum. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    ha-ha, I am doing an advertisement now. <IMG SRC="smilies/blush.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/redface.gif" border="0"> Learned it from WK. <IMG SRC="smilies/wink.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Oh NO so I have to Wait!!!!! Oh well I guess I don't have a choice. I did tried other fan fic but just wasn't that interested. Well at least not yet. I just read TOV because I's bored but it turn out to be interesting. Please Just keep on writing. Thanks. <IMG SRC="smilies/typin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0">
    "If we are not ashamed to think, we should not be ashamed to say it"
    Marcus T. Cicero

  12. #72
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    ha-ha. You might change your mind after reading all excellent fanfics in this forum. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  13. #73
    Senior Member Floo..'s Avatar
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    Goofy: I just started to read this and....

    GOOFY!!!! Don't u dare leave this story!!! It's very cute, and I really like your Xiu Lan!!! <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0">

    *Floo sits patiently for the next installment*

    So, among the roundrobin, Kilin is the most serious one, while Secret of the Sword is the lightest one <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">
    back w/ a vengeance ^_^

  14. #74
    Senior Member charbydis's Avatar
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    White Camel Mountain


    Chapter 19: Wrong Person, Wrong Time

    The next day, Miao Ting Feng, Chen Gu Xing and Lin Hong Ye all got up and gathered at the main entrance of the inn, prepared for the day’s journey, but there was no sign of Lin Xiu Lan. She had left a note, informing that she has left first and will meet them three days later at the next city.

    Lin Hong Ye was a bit worried that someone might have happened to her, but Miao Ting Feng reassured, “Sworn sister is a playful person. Probably she thinks we are too boring to traveled with, so she went first to have some fun on her own. The probability of her being harmed is nothing when compared to the chance of her harming other people!”

    But the funny thing was that the scholar had also disappeared, with a similar note, but as a weight, a whole gold ingot was placed on top of the paper.

    Chen Gu Xing and Miao Ting Feng were surprised at the amount of money, and even more surprised that he would just leave it unguarded.

    “Don’t you think that it is weird for a man without any martial arts for defense to carry so much money with him, and yet has no intention of hiding the fact, thus attracting thieves and robbers to himself?” raised Miao Ting Feng.

    “Yeah!” added Lin Hong Ye, “And have you noticed that each time, he never takes change, like yesterday when he gave a whole silver ingot to the small restaurant outside the city, just for a mere meal?”

    Chen Gu Xing nodded in agreement and concluded, “This man is not simple, and may not be who he seems to be. Watch out for him the next time you see him.” He then hesitated and his whole expression changed. “Oh no! Maybe he and Sworn Sister are traveling together. What if he attacks her?”

    Miao Ting Feng smiled and replied, “Him? I don’t think so. Even a martial arts expert will have trouble harming her, lest a weak scholar like him.”

    Meanwhile with an extra bundle on her back, Lin Xiu Lan walked happily along the dirt road, whistling joyfully to herself as she was thinking about what she would do with the money. Suddenly, she heard a twig creak and she suddenly turned around and somersaulted to the spot where she deduced the sound had come from.

    “How dare you follow me? Who are you?” she cried as she landed in front of her stalker, who stumbled backwards into some thorny bushes from her sudden appearance.

    Then she saw his face. “Oh, its you!’ she said, looking uneasy as the bundle on her back grew heavier and heavier in her heart.

    “Yes, it is me!” The scholar got up and dusted himself, but eh could not stand properly as some thorns had broken off and became lodged in his buttocks.

    With a wave of an arm, Lin Xiu Lan broke off a twig from a nearby tree and pointed it straight at his neck, threatening, “Why are you following me? And for how long? Tell me or I’ll stick this twig into your throat!”

    As he legs wavered, he earnestly explained, “I couldn’t sleep last night so I opened my window for a breath of night air. But then, I saw you exit from the back door of the inn. It was night and a young girl like you shouldn’t be traveling alone. So I followed you to protect you.”

    “Ha!” exclaimed Lin Xiu Lan with laugh, and she gently hit his face with the twig, “You protect me? What can a weak scholar like you do to protect me? Throw books at my attackers? Listen. I don’t care why you followed me or what intention you might have, but I don’t need your protection. I have no fancy to protect you in turn so stop following me!” and she turned to go.

    The scholar stayed calm and retorted, “I am not underestimating you but with a sum of money like that in your luggage, many thieves and bandits will harass you!”

    Lin Xiu Lan grew pale. She quickly spun around and asked, “You knew? I mean you knew about the money?” Confusion and guilt filled her at the same time. Should she run now and avoid facing him, or should she kill him and never have to be bothered again by him. She clutched her bundle and snapped, “What do you want now?”

    The scholar staggered forwards and convinced, “Don’t’ be afraid, I don’t want the money back. Money is only a materialistic object. I can do without it. You can keep it. All I want from you is your safety. Let me travel with you!”

    She was horrified by this. Traveling with him? He must be joking. If she had wanted a boring companion, she’d rather not leave at all. But furthermore, every moment in seeing him made her heart grow heavy it by the moment. If she traveled with him, she will soon die of the guilt, even if he did not blame her.

    “Get away from me!” she screamed and she swerved the twig at him, knocking him face down back onto the thorny bush. He was about to get up again and in panic, she whipped his backside with the twig, shouting to him, “Don’t you understand? I don’t want to see you. Stop following me!” And she continued this until spots of red began seeping from his inner clothing. Only then did she realize that she had hurt him. Yet, he never made a sound, and lay still there for her to finish beating.

    I her head, Lin Xiu Lan thought, “Is this man crazy? He hasn’t moved an inch even though I gave hit him until he bled. Should I say sorry? No. If I do, then it means I admit I am wrong. Then he has an excuse to follow me.” And without a word, she threw away the twig and somersaulted off so fast that the scholar could not determine where she had gone.

    But he calmly slid from the bush and while pulling out the thorns; he looked up into the sky by where she had left and muttered, “I have found you once. And I will find you again!”

    After being sure that the scholar had lost her track, Lin Xiu Lan stopped at a stream to refresh herself. She crouched down and washed her face, cooling it from the burning sun. But then in the stream, she saw the reflection of a lovely carriage pass by. She looked up to see the carriage, covered with blue translucent material, and decorated with golden trimmings. A young girl sat inside, very quiet, very demure, but showed excitement in her eyes as she admired the peaceful scenery about her. The carriage was in the middle of a large procession of many men, some carrying swords, and some carrying arrows. She paid particular notice to their steps and clothing, to deduce that they must be well skilled in martial arts and belonged to a quite well off family.

    The sun was shining so hard upon her that sweat began to pour from her brows. Then she looked back at the girl inside the carriage. “How comfortable she must be sitting inside the cool sheltered carriage? I must go and sit in that carriage!” she thought determinedly as she continued to look upon her with envy as the procession passed by her. She dared not go and fight openly as she knew well that she was of no match with the guards. So she followed them waiting for a chance to strike.

    And the chance finally came for as hot as she was, the guards had to stop and rest from the heat. And soon, they left the carriage to see the surroundings and some for water after the girl inside ordered them to leave her alone. Lin Xiu Lan somersaulted gleefully towards the deserted carriage, and jumped inside, frightening its occupant.

    “Ah!” screamed the girl as another girl about the same age as her appeared suddenly by her side. “Who are you and why…” she could not finished her sentence as her mute and immobilization pressure points were quickly sealed.

    “Yes!” exclaimed Lin Xiu Lan, and she dragged the frightened girl off the carriage. Hiding her in some long grasses, she told her, “I won’t hurt you!” when she saw in the girl’s eyes, pleading for her to release her. “I just want some fun. Um! I have never rode in a carriage before! But I swore I must! Don’t worry, you will be able to move in four hours time, and then, you can run after your men and catch up with them. But by then, I will be long gone! Bye!” and she left the girl lying there.

    She let down the curtains so her face could be hidden. Seeing a fine, smooth outer garment lying on the seat, she took off her own and put it on. The men came back without any suspicion and continued along with their procession. Inside, Lin Xiu Lan stretched out her limbs in the roomy carriage and lay comfortable backwards onto the soft cushion seat. “Um!” she thought silently, “How comfortable this is! From now on, everywhere I go, I will order to be seated in one of these. Hehe!

    But suddenly, the carriage stumbled and she nearly tumbled out. She wanted to scream at the men but stopped when the sound of swords clashing could be heard.

    Then, a loud male voice could be heard, “Give us the princess Zhao Ning or prepare to all die!”

    “Never! We…” came the reply, but it was cut short as a sword lashed his throat.

    “Oh no!” Lin Xiu Lan thought, “This is big trouble! I must get out of here fast!” and she brushed aside the curtains to jump out, but a cloud of powder hit her face. “Um. This smells good!” she thought just before she fell unconscious to the ground.

    At last, all of the men in the procession were killed, and the attackers dragged her towards their leader, reporting, “Leader, we have captured the princess Zhao Ning!”

    “Good work men!” praised the leader, re-sheathing his sword. “Let’s go back to Master Chen and claim out reward!”

    <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
    Cyril Connolly

  15. #75
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    Chapter 20: True Deception

    Suddenly, wind blew. Gust of sand enveloped the startled group of thugs, and the next minute found all of them fell dead on the ground. After that, everything was peaceful again. Only the smell of death hung heavily in the air as evidence of any ambush at all.

    Time passed, and Lin Xiu Lan woke up to see a man hovering over her with concerned. Thinking that he was about to harm her, she lifted her hand and slapped his face hard without thinking.

    The man's cheek turned red, and he yelled. "Ouch!" However, his eyes lit up happily upon seeing that the girl had revived.

    Lin Xiu Lan blinked her eyes and recognized the man she had just assaulted. "You! What are you doing here?" She looked around at the dead bodies and questioned the other curiously. "What happened?"

    The scholar shook his head; his hand was rubbing the cheek that had just been hit.

    "I don't know. They are all like this when I found you." He looked at her caringly and scolded the girl lightly.

    "See what I mean by traveling alone? Good thing I come this way. How are you doing?"

    He awkwardly tried to dust off the other's clothes but was pushed away roughly.

    "Who wanted your help?" Lin Xiu Lan was going to say thank you for to him but changed her mind when she heard his preaching tone. She frowned further at seeing his engrossed look on her.

    'My teachers always warn me against men. This scholar though even weak but was rich and seemed spoiled. Because I stole his money, he probably thought that I owe him something. He looked as if he owned me.'

    She thought of something and changed her manner suddenly. With friendlier tone, she thanked him prettily and pretended to agree with him.

    "Hmm, you are right. A young lady can hardly travel alone without problem. I wonder if you can help me?"

    Quickly, she sealed his pressure points and started to take off his clothes.

    "So, I need to borrow your identity awhile till I get to the auction. Don't worry. I won't let you out here without anything to wear." She smiled naughtily and went behind a bush to change.

    When she came out, she draped her gown around the poor man's naked chest. "Hope you won't get cold until someone comes to rescue you or until the points open themselves. Thank you, brother for giving me an idea."

    She patted his head and walked away, humming with joy.

    Half way, she remembered about the girl she had left among the tall grass.

    "Hmm, seem that she has a powerful enemy. Since I have used her carriage, I should at least do something for her. Besides, I hate those who would bully the weak."

    She murmured and decided to retracked to where she hid the girl. There, she found the girl was reviving. Not wanting to alarm the other unnecessary, she brought out a makeup kit and applied a false beard on her face. Then, she strode forward to accost the bewildered girl.

    that's all for now. <IMG SRC="smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">

    Whitekrane, do you want to write next on the other two brothers? <IMG SRC="smilies/catroar.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  16. #76
    Join Date
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    Great stories. Keep them going!!!!!
    The only people who never fail are those who don't do anything at all.

  17. #77
    Senior Member Goofy's Avatar
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    Back at my homeland


    whitekrane, have you forgotten this story? <IMG SRC="smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">

    come and update it, please. <IMG SRC="smilies/catroar.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/director.gif" border="0">
    "History's third dimension is always fiction."
    -- The Glass Bead Game, Hermann Hesse

  18. #78
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    No I haven't...just adding some tid bits to my upcoming chapter...almost finish...will start on the next chapter soon...
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Hey Yes Updates. I hope you guys didn't think I stop reading. It's just I have trouble with my computer for the last three weeks. Any way. Goofy, I'm so interested in you scholar's character. Wonder who he really is. Keep writing please!!! <IMG SRC="smilies/typin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/typin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/typin.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/thumbsup.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0"> <IMG SRC="smilies/smile.gif" border="0">
    "If we are not ashamed to think, we should not be ashamed to say it"
    Marcus T. Cicero

  20. #80
    Moderator Suet Seung's Avatar
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    Sep 2001


    Isn't it weird how I thought of the character Miao Ting Feng causing Lin Hong Ye's jade bracelet to break and him buying her a new the same in Eternal Happiness? When I wrote about Miao Ting Feng and Lin hong Ye's bracelet...i never even seen Eternal Happiness before... Haha weird how it seem so similar...haha...I just realize this... <IMG SRC="smilies/alien.gif" border="0">
    I just love how you Captivate My Mind

    Self reminder - Update blog more often and continue editing/writing for TOV fanfic.

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