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Thread: Swordsman: Sovereign

  1. #41
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    Thanks for adding the missing scene.

    The missing scene reminds of me what would happen when LHC meets the newly wed couple YLS and LPZ during a social gathering and LHC's wife sweetly tells him it was his turn tonight and that she is already feeling very hot and horny But don't worry tomorrow it is my turn and your turn to become hot and horny... After hearing their discreet conversation, with surprise, jealousy, and pain, YLS grabs LHC with pleading eyes and whispers to him that she was still a virgin after half a year of marriage and just can't take it any longer and most of all can't stand being married to LPZ. With pleading eyes, she then tells him she is also very hot and horny and had been so for a very long time without any relief in sight and hopes her martial brother can help her feel what it is like to be loved...... I wonder what will happens next....hehehe
    Wow you have an imagination lol. But I was already planning on using a version of the bolded in a later scene. Not exactly as you have it but along those lines.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  2. #42
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dongfang Xue View Post
    Maybe I should take a break and enjoy yours lol. Dropping to show some support

    Thanks, your support is always appreciated. And no breaks for you
    Last edited by optimus610; 06-23-14 at 01:16 AM.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  3. #43
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Wow you have an imagination lol. But I was already planning on using a version of the bolded in a later scene. Not exactly as you have it but along those lines.
    In such a scene, I wonder if LHC will have a taste of the forbidden fruit, or just laughs at her before telling her off about how indecisive, immature, unfaithful, disloyal before and after marriage, and how disgusting she is and wouldn't fit to carry his beloved wife's shoes let alone being intimate with her and that he would rather kill himself than betray his lover. Unlike how she can love and stop loving someone so easily. Telling her how different he is from her eventhough they grew up together and how similar he is with his beloved even though they only been with each other for a short time.

    Being once a ruthless ruler who trusted no one, his wife is, of course, hiding nearby listening to their conversation... She is delighted by his steadfast decision not to let her down. LHC, of course, knows his wife is very jealous of his past with YLS and knew she was eavesdropping on them, so he made sure she would not have any doubts..... She then naturally comes out from the hiding place and gives LHC a tight hug, and then grabs LHC's hands and places them onto her chest and sweetly tell him how happy he has made her and that this body and soul is your forever and then gives him a passionate kiss. Afterwards, she coldly looks up and down YLS and then reminds her of the promise and conversation that they had together when LHC was severely injured and dying while they were picking mushrooms... and that she had better keep the promised they made to one another and never regret the decision she made... Then finally sternly warns her she will rip her heart out for causing LHC's previous heart break, depression, and near death experience if she even tries to get close to her husband... She finally tells the enviously frightened and shocked YLS to leave immediately and seek love elsewhere because right now "LHC and I need to be alone to mate as I've just now decided to give him a large family as he has earned it with his love and devotion to only myself... Don't you agree?".... Hehehe

  4. #44
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    In such a scene, I wonder if LHC will have a taste of the forbidden fruit, or just laughs at her before telling her off about how indecisive, immature, unfaithful, disloyal before and after marriage, and how disgusting she is and wouldn't fit to carry his beloved wife's shoes let alone being intimate with her and that he would rather kill himself than betray his lover. Unlike how she can love and stop loving someone so easily. Telling her how different he is from her eventhough they grew up together and how similar he is with his beloved even though they only been with each other for a short time.

    Being once a ruthless ruler who trusted no one, his wife is, of course, hiding nearby listening to their conversation... She is delighted by his steadfast decision not to let her down. LHC, of course, knows his wife is very jealous of his past with YLS and knew she was eavesdropping on them, so he made sure she would not have any doubts..... She then naturally comes out from the hiding place and gives LHC a tight hug, and then grabs LHC's hands and places them onto her chest and sweetly tell him how happy he has made her and that this body and soul is your forever and then gives him a passionate kiss. Afterwards, she coldly looks up and down YLS and then reminds her of the promise and conversation that they had together when LHC was severely injured and dying while they were picking mushrooms... and that she had better keep the promised they made to one another and never regret the decision she made... Then finally sternly warns her she will rip her heart out for causing LHC's previous heart break, depression, and near death experience if she even tries to get close to her husband... She finally tells the enviously frightened and shocked YLS to leave immediately and seek love elsewhere
    because right now "LHC and I need to be alone to mate as I've just now decided to give him a large family as he has earned it with his love and devotion to only myself... Don't you agree?".... Hehehe
    Hmmm, all I will say is that lhc needed to tell yls some stuff that was on his chest.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  5. #45
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Hi Optimus,

    Can't wait see what happens next!

  6. #46
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Good addition to chapter 3, sensual but tasteful with a good dose of humour.

    Would like to add my support for szfong's request for chapter 4.

  7. #47
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandred Skavenslayer View Post
    Good addition to chapter 3, sensual but tasteful with a good dose of humour.

    Would like to add my support for szfong's request for chapter 4.
    Hey Mandred, glad to see you back. A scene like that won't happen just yet. But if things go as planned then it will eventually happen. As I said earlier, there are things lhc has to say to yls.

    And the new chapter should be out the latest Sunday night.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  8. #48
    Senior Member Dongfang Xue's Avatar
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    Can't wait for Sunday night to come though i normally hate Sunday nights

  9. #49
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Default Chapter: 4

    Swordsman: Sovereign

    This FanFiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.

    " Speech "

    ' Thoughts '

    Chapter: 4

    What does it mean when one is mature?

    It is said that maturity has different definitions across legal, social, religious, political, sexual, emotional, and intellectual contexts.

    To become a good husband takes effort, time, patience, wisdom, and perhaps most importantly a good wife, encouraging and supporting in love, no matter what happens.

    What should a newly married man focus on to be everything to the one he loves?

    'Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It is thinking of yourself less. A mature person’s decisions are based on character not feelings. Their character is master over their emotions.'

    'A mature person seeks wisdom before acting. A mature person is teachable. They don’t presume they have all the answers. The wiser they get the more they realize they need more wisdom...'

    This is what Linghu Chong was currently contemplating. Dressed in his white robe, he stood alone by the entrance of the cave, gazing up at the night sky. He and his wife would start traveling in the morning; hoping to reach their destination in a couple of days. He wanted to soak in the peaceful night, not knowing if the tranquil scene would be the last one he would see.

    'I think about some of the virtues Master and Mistress tried to instill in me over the years. Yet they are the ones, no, Master is the one who expelled me...'

    Another sign of maturity is telling it like it is, with love, and not running away from the truth no matter how painful.

    Linghu Chong hated to admit this truth, one which pained his heart deeply.

    'Yue Buqun is not trust worthy. He cast you out for what? And before he cast you out, how did he treat you once your martial arts became better then his? He claims righteousness, he has the title of gentleman swordsman. But does he practice what he preaches?'

    Linghu Chong recalled Feng Qingyang words. They haunted him, they pained him. And as much as he tried to make excuses for his Master's behavior he always found himself coming back to one undeniable fact.

    'But they are the truth...' he thought distressed.

    He even had gone so far as to berate himself, thinking that if he had been a better disciple that perhaps his expulsion would not have happened. Frankly, a pipe dream and he knew it.

    'You don't spend years with someone and don't know their ways. And to make matters worse, eventually everyone will know that Miss Dongfang is my wife. I can only imagine what Master's reaction will be then.'

    Linghu Chong gave a small shutter just thinking about the disparaging things his master will say to him if they ever saw each other again in the future. But he also became angry. A man must cherish and protect the wife of his youth. He would not let anyone bring her harm, nor insult her, not even his Master.

    'I've been betrayed and abandoned by everyone in Mt. Huashan, save for Mistress and possibly little sister. Yet even Yue Lingshan broke my heart, and has yet to even acknowledge her betrayal. She just laughed and acted like there was no need to even mention it,' he thought bitterly.

    Though his anger soon calmed as he thought about his pseudo adopted mother.

    'She has always been kind to me; even spoiled me in some ways. But will she side with me a second time like she did in the Forrest? Now that she knows who Miss Dongfang really is will she side with Master or me?'

    Linghu Chong had no answer.

    He will always be fun loving and care free. But for the people he loved; especially for the one who was sleeping a few feet away. He had to mature, he had to change for the better. He knew he couldn’t be carelessly care free his whole life. Now a husband and perhaps someday even a father; especially the way he and Dongfang Bubai were enjoying being married, he was sure he would be a father sooner rather then later.

    'And on top of that, if things go the way I have a feeling they will with the Sword Sect, maybe even a sect leader.'

    Life is a series of choices. Only you can make the decision and you have to live with that choice. What kind of future do you want? Will you be happy with it. Will you be unhappy with it? Decisions made in a split second determine your future. Some choices turn your life around completely. Do you think you've made the right choices in those moments?

    'Linghu Chong, when did you start thinking so profoundly?' he thought shaking his head in amusement.

    “What are doing up Linghu Chong?”

    Linghu Chong was startled when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped themselves around his waste. But in seconds his nerves calmed as he recognized his wife's voice.

    “Nothing just thinking...” he said gently.

    “Must be something important to keep you up,” Dongfang Bubai said as she nestled her head onto his back.


    'He must be thinking about what might happen in the future.'

    “I understand you hesitant but as we discussed your Grand Uncle is correct. If we abandon everything, that may benefit us in the short term, but what about others? What about Yi Lin, your adopted mother, even your little junior sister? If we abandon this world and let your master, Ren Woxing, or Zuo Lengshan, or whomever else get their way it will only ensure those we care about will either be hurt or end up dead.”

    “We cannot run away from life. We must be the strong ones...” she said recalling her own masters words to her.

    Though he remained silent. Linghu Chong was overjoyed to hear his wife’s reassuring words.

    “Whatever we do we do together. Whatever fate befalls one, we will share it together. Even death, you die I die. If someone insult one then they insult both of us,” she said her eyes ablaze with passion.

    Dongfang Bubai released her grip, causing her husband to turn to face her. The emotions on his handsome face was a mixture of shock and gratitude.

    “I cant ask you to just suddenly turn off the feelings you have for your Master. That's not fair or realistic. Just know that he doesn't control you. You are not his slave. He took you in and raised you when no one else would. It's only natural to be appreciative of that. But... gratitude only goes so far.”

    As he gazed into her eyes. His heart swelled as the love for her grew even more. Confirming and strengthening the decision to spend the rest of their lives together.

    'Though not perfect by any means she is hardly the monster the Martial world made her out to be. Or even what I thought she was after I found out who she really was.'

    Linghu Chong thoughts turned to sadness, caused from the guilt he still carried for how wrongly he had treated his love up until she fell of Blackwood Cliff. The thoughts pained him. If they didn't get a second chance to make things right, he could have easily seen himself drinking himself into an oblivion if he would have just shed tears atop of the cliff and not gone after her.

    'I could have even seen myself ending up with Ying Ying in an attempt to cover up the pain. But that would have been unfair to her; since I could never be fully in love with her. What woman would want to be the runner up when it comes to love?'

    “Linghu Chong are you alright?” his wife asked with concern, after seeing his eyes become distant.

    “Sorry, sorry just doing more thinking,” he said with a warm smile.

    Dongfang Bubai knew he was hiding something. But decided not to push it. If anything she learned from plotting and scheming most of her life was that patience is a virtue, and to let things come in there own time.

    “You know... Mistress use to say that this is the honeymoon phase. We may get sick of each other soon. Well, until we get use to living together,“ he said playfully.

    Dongfang Bubai simply snorted. Easily seeing through his attempt to lighten the mode.

    “I waited my whole life for this. I highly doubt that I will ever get sick of being with you. Unless you are already bored with me?” she said in mock hurt.


    When Feng Qingyang first came back with the Tendon-Altering Sutra Linghu Chong at first thought about resisting learning the technique. He was still clinging to the idea that such a precious art would be wasted on someone like himself. If a man cannot even stand on his own feet and has to rely upon another school's skills he would live his life in shame. But after looking at his love and thinking about all that had taken place. He quickly realized how foolish that idea was. He wanted to see what it would be like to be with her. He wanted to repay her kindness and not dieing when he had a chance to live would have been a good start.

    “The moment we met outside of the brothel. I should have guessed our lives would be forever intertwined,” he said softly.

    “Lecher...Trying to get me in bed again?” she teased.

    To this they both laughed heartily though getting in one more night of passion before their journey started seemed like a good idea to them both.


    “No...” Linghu Chong said defiantly.

    “What do you mean no, you haven’t even heard what I will say!” Dongfang Bubai replied angrily.

    “I know you well enough. You want me to marry Yi Lin,” her husband said with equal anger.

    It was the next morning right before their journey would begin. The pair had been packing the few things they would need on the trip; mainly some food, water and extra blankets. When his wife had suddenly said that in the future she wouldn't mind if he took a second wife. A strange statement to say the least, especially from who it was coming from. Linghu Chong though knew something like this would pop up eventually, and knew who this other wife would be and vowed to fight it until his dieing breath.

    “She loves you...”

    “So? That is her problem. I never once showed the slightest bit of attraction for her,” he said in annoyance.

    “In time you will learn to!”she retorted angrily.

    From the way Dongfang Bubai carried herself, one could sense that she carried an air of authority. Her voice was voice full of authority and power and was use to getting her way. But this was something that Linghu Chong would not give in to.

    “Miss Dongfang...My love...How can you share your husband with another woman?” he asked in disbelief.

    Dongfang Bubai saw the pained looked in her husbands eyes and began to reconsider the wisdom in bringing up the idea.

    “Normally never, but this isn't a normal case. I...I will do anything within my power to make sure she's happy,” Dongfang Bubai said softly.

    Linghu Chong's anger slowly began to recede. Knowing that his beloved wife was just overcome by her emotions; or so he hoped.

    “Including sacrificing me?”

    Dongfang Bubai was taken aback. Every since getting married the guilt from what she termed as her sisters plight of love, was growing day by day until she eventually decided to mention the idea to Linghu Chong. She had scolded herself for forgetting about Yi Lin's feeling's. Berating herself about how could she be so selfish as to take away the man her sister desired.

    'How can I explain my marriage to her?'

    Looking completely panicked Dongfang Bubai was at a loss as what to do. She was use to having all the answers and plans within plans to accomplish her goals. Now though, the once mighty ruler, seemed lost and helpless about how to solve her dilemma.

    'But Linghu Chong is right. I'm thinking about what will make Yi Lin happy but what about him? What about myself?'


    Linghu Chong gently held her hands in his own, opting that gentleness was needed to handle the situation instead of harshness.

    “I know you love your sister and want to make sure she's happy. But this is not the way. I promised before that I will set things right with her and I will keep my promise. I will clearly explain everything and Yi Lin is not an unreasonable person. She has to clearly see that there will never be anything between us.”

    Linghu Chong smiled at his wife, hoping to reassure her.

    Dongfang Bubai's fear began to melt away. If anything, her husband had a away of making all of her fears and worries melt away.


    After a few days the pair finally made it to the area where Feng Qingyang indicted on the small map he gave them, which outlined the location of the Sword Sect remnant. The trip was thankfully uneventful, which was something both husband and wife were thankful for. But for Linghu Chong it also reenforced the benefit of having ones own clan. Having to catch ones own food and bath in ponds was good and fun at first but quickly got tedious.

    'Good to do once in a while, something to change the monotony of life. But not as a everyday thing,' Linghu Chong thought to himself.

    “It's still not too late to run. I know what its like to lead a sect. Sometimes things can get overwhelming Too much responsibilities. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to just roam the central plains, drink all the good wine, eating all of the delicious food, pillaging, enslaving and terrifying the villagers...”

    Linghu Chong was stunned at her statement, until he saw the playful smile on her face which caused him to laugh heartily at her apparent cold feet.

    “I thought you were the confident one in this relationship?” he playfully mocked. “No...A man must face life head on and not back away from fear or the difficulties of it,” he said reciting another lesson his Master and Mistress taught him.

    Dongfang Bubai looked impressed with his thoughtfulness.

    “As you said when trying to convince me before. Lets first meet them, then I believe what we should do will be made clearer,” he stated confidently.

    “Demoness pay for your crimes!” a male voice suddenly yelled.

    Thinking they had been ambushed, Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai quickly readied themselves for combat, yet strangely no attack came.

    “Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun how dare you show your faces! Prepare to receive righteous judgment from the other end of my sword!”

    Looking around both husband and wife were confused as to what was going on.

    “Take this and that, taste my blade of justice you vile fiends!” the voice once again screamed.

    Finally realizing what was going on. The pair tracked the voice back to the source and after a few seconds came to a small clearing in the woods where a well built, handsome young boy, wearing a brown and white robe, was practicing his swordplay.

    “Scum, how dare you smear the good name of Huashan Sect! How dare you bring harm on the disciples by teaching them to overly concentrate on Qi and neglect their sword skills!” the young man said stabbing at an imaginary foe.

    Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai had to stifle their laughter. The two hid behind a large tree which helped to completely conceal their presence.

    “Do you think our children will be like him?”

    “Probably...” she said softly.

    The young man, who could not have been older then fifteen continued his mock fight to the amusement of his two onlookers.

    'I was so much like that at his age. Who am I kidding I am still like that,' Linghu Chong thought to himself.

    Suddenly a mischievous idea popped into his mind. Dongfang Bubai saw the look on his face and knew that he was up to no good.

    “What's with that look? What are you planning on doing?” she asked suspiciously.

    “Wait and see,” he said pulling out a white cloth from his sleeve and tying it around his mouth; covering the lower half of his face.

    Before she could voice her disapproval Linghu Chong gave her the small sack holding the blankets and food, and jumped from his hiding spot and into the clearing right in front of a now startled young man.

    “W-Who...Who are you?!” he said from his seat on the ground as the intruders sudden entrance caused him to panic and lose his balance.

    “Me? Foolish boy, I see you are too young to have heard of the mighty Sovereign; King of the Martial World,” Linghu Chong said arrogantly, while puffing out his chest.

    “Sovereign?! But Master always says that Dongfang Bubai is the number one in the whole world,” he said doubting Linghu Chong's claim.

    “Foolish boy, who is Dongfang Bubai compared to me?” he said as arrogantly as he could.

    As he spoke Linghu Chong could feel the eyes of his love boring right through him.

    “Impossible! You are greater then Dongfang Bubai?!” the young man said still not convinced.

    “Humph, if that weirdo were here right now I would show him who is the true number one in the world! Do you know he likes to dress in women's clothing and fool unsuspecting young men? Deranged indeed,” Linghu Chong said with a heavy sigh while shaking his head.

    Suddenly a wave of killing intent hit Linghu Chong like a strong breeze causing him to gulp in slight panic.

    'She is going to kill me later, but this is too much fun,' he thought, trying to come up with further ways to have fun with the situation and annoy his wife at the same time.

    “By the way you move and your sword style. I would say you are Feng Buping's disciple, correct?” he said knowingly.

    “Y-you know Master Feng?!” the young man asked in shock.

    “Yes... You can say that. We've fought before. He has great skill, but even he cannot stand before Sovereign,” Linghu Chong said trying to sound arrogant.

    After hearing the mystery man in white claim to know his Master and even had fought him. The boy suddenly sprang to his feet and pointed his sword at Linghu Chong.

    “Don't think you can fool me. By saying you are stronger than Dongfang Bubai then you are saying you defeated my Master. My Master would never lose to a deranged person like you!” he said defiantly.

    Linghu Chong could hear his wife’s snickering in the background.

    “Okay... why don't we have a little contest then? The loser must kowtow to the winner three times while calling him grandfather.” he said with a smirk.

    “What is your name boy?”

    “Beat me and I will tell you?!”

    The young man suddenly charged with his sword extended.

    In a flash Linghu Chong knocked the sword out of his opponents hand and gently struck him in the chest knocking him butt first back on the ground.

    “Hold on don't be so impulsive. Let me offer you some advice. Use The Rainbow passes through the sun, then Phoenix makes its appearance, wild goose blocks the sky, and finally the Cut Sword Style,” Linghu Chong said smirking, remembering how Feng Qingyang had instructed him to use the same movements against Tian Boguang.

    The young man gazed at Linghu Chong strangely before slowly getting back on his feat and giving him a respectful bow.

    “I’ll give it a try senior,” he said before walking about fifteen feet away to have some room to practice.

    The Sword Sect desciple performed a few sword moves but got stuck half way through. The young man then lowered his sword and stormed back towards his opponent angrily.

    “You trickster! The Rainbow passes through the sun and the Phoenix makes its appearance don’t seem to connect at all. There’s no way this is going to work,” he uttered in annoyance.

    Linghu Chong hummed agitatedly, though it was only for appearance sake as he was truly enjoying playing the role of opponent/teacher.

    “I shall quote the words of a great Master from Huashan Sect... Idiot! Idiot! When your sword arts are rigid of course it wouldn’t work. The essence of swordplay is to be dynamic and flexible. After you’ve finished The Rainbow passes through the sun and had your sword tip pointing up, couldn’t you just follow the flow and slash it downwards? Even though there’s no such movement in the sequence be more innovative and adjust to the circumstances? Let your swordplay be like flowing water. Change and adapt given the situation.”

    The young man gave Linghu Chong a look of wonder and respect.

    “Mister who are you exactly? You possess such great skill and knowledge about our Huashan Martial Arts.”

    “Don't change the subject or do you admit defeat to your grandfather,” Linghu Chong said smugly.

    The taunt seemed to work as determination sprang up in the young man's eyes.

    “I will disgrace Master and the good name of the Sword Sect if I don't at least try,” he said passionately.

    Linghu Chong could see the fire in his eyes and was reminded of himself at that age. Refusing to give up no matter how many times he was defeated by his Master and Mistress during sparring.

    'I loved those times. When everything seemed so simple, before...'

    Linghu Chong tried to snap himself out of daydreaming and back into paying attention to his opponent.

    The two began exchanging numerous stances. The boy attacking with his sword and Linghu Chong just using his bare hands. To any experience person watching it was clear that the young man was clearly outclassed and was only able to hold out as long as he did because his opponent let him.

    “Take this!!”

    The young man suddenly jumped back ten feet, then in a flash shot towards Linghu Chong spinning like a corkscrew with his sword extended. Linghu Chong easily saw though the move and was about to retaliate and gain victory, until he suddenly had a foreboding sense of danger coming from behind him.

    'Don't tell me...'

    Linghu Chong jumped over the youth's oncoming attack, just as a pebble almost hit his lower back. The stone though impacted with the young Sword Sect disciple and stopped his attacked dead in it's tracks as he was flung down to the ground.

    'What a ill tempered minx I married,' he thought while shaking his head as his opponent scrambled to his feet.

    For the next few minutes, Dongfang Bubai shot rocks at her husband trying to distract him. Nothing lethal, but just something to have him lose his concentration and lose the bet.

    Linghu Chong to his credit used his arms and legs to deflect the rocks and at the same time not have them hit his opponent, while fending off the young man's strikes.

    Knowing that it was a dangerous situation forming; more so for his pride if the fight continued. He dodged all of his opponents attacks in lightning speed and subsequently returned a forceful palm strike to the young man's abdomen. The attack was executed with little inner force so that it only caused him to fly back ten or so feet before crashing back on the ground.

    “You've lost...” Linghu Chong said triumphantly.

    Though hesitant and it hurt his pride. The young boy let out an exasperated sigh, knowing that a man must keep his promises. Getting down on his knees he began to kowtow to Linghu Chong while calling him grandfather.

    Linghu Chong merely laughed and before the young man could finish paying off the terms of the bet he told him to rise.

    “What is your name young man?”

    “It is Xióng... grandfather...” he said respectfully while bowing.

    Linghu Chong laughed and patted his new young friend on the shoulders. Though he noted how Xiong was still cautious of him, since he only told him his given name and not his family name.

    “Don't worry about our bet young friend. I was mainly teasing you anyway. I hope unlike some people you can take a joke?!” he said extra loud, hoping his wife would get the hint.

    Seconds later a pebble hit a fifteen foot tall tree about twenty feet away causing it to fall to the forest floor as the base had been completely obliterated.

    Linghu Chong started laughing at his love's antics.

    'Yup a violent, ill tempered woman...' he thought with a smile.

    Xiong though was not in the mood to laugh, as he pointed at the tree staring at it in shock.

    “So tell me how long have you been a student of the Sword Sect?”

    “B-but the tree. How did it suddenly fall?!” he asked frantic.

    “Don't worry about that. The tree was probably old and couldn't hold up to our battle,” Linghu Chong said trying to sound reassuring.

    Xiong for his part wasn't completely convinced.

    'What he said kind of makes sense, but I get the feeling there is something he is not telling me. But given I'm no where near his match I can't force an answer out of him.'

    “Master has been teaching me since I was little. I believe about ten years,” he responded breaking out of his shock.

    “Before you were scolding Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun and a Demoness. What issue's do you have with them, who is this Demoness?”

    Xióng was hesitant before he spoke but he sensed he could trust the stranger before him; though he didn't know why.

    “Because they are wicked fiends! One is the hypocrite sword, the other a good for nothing who associates with those wicked people of the evil Sun Moon Cult and the Demoness is who killed brother Chen Buyou.”

    Linghu Chong looked at Xiong with a bit of pity. If things stayed the way they were he could see him having the same level of hatred for the Qi Sect and become like Feng Buping or worse yet, his Master Yue Buqun.

    “I think I know what you have been taught and I have an idea of who this Demoness is. Though sometimes things aren't just black and white in the Martial World. Learn this lesson and learn it well. Judge by actions and not by sect affiliation.” he said sternly.

    Linghu Chong took off the piece of cloth from his face so it could be seen clearly; the gesture also serving as an act of trust.

    Xiong was a little taken aback once he saw Linghu Chong's youthful face. He knew his opponent was older then him. But given his skill level and the boasting he assumed it was someone in their thirties or forties, not someone who was a mere ten or so years older then himself.

    “Do you want me to tell you the truth of why the Sword and Qi branches are in dispute?” Linghu Chong suddenly said.

    “Truth?...But Master already said why...”

    “Perhaps your master is not telling you the whole story. Or even he may not know it all himself,” he said interrupting his young friend.

    Xiong was going to retort but decided it was best to remain silent and hear what else was said.

    “Both branches consider each other unorthodox, but in reality neither is really evil or unorthodox. They each still use the same martial arts skills, but they have a different focus in their training. Do you still remember the first skill that you need to learn when you enter Huashan Sword Sect?”

    “The first thing we had to learn is the methods and techniques on how to master sword skill. Master said that once the sword skills are developed, even with ordinary level of inner energy, a person can still defeat the enemy,” Xiong stated proudly.

    “Very good,” he said praising the young man's thoughtfulness. “In the Qi they are taught how to control and manipulate inner energy at first. They believe that regardless of what you use as your weapon, whether its your fists and legs, or knives and swords, you will always be victorious.”

    Linghu Chong paused for a moment as a bit of nostalgia hit him.

    “The main divergence between the two branches lay right here. The main problem was that they had differing ideas in martial arts practices and not just normal disagreement which can occur between martial arts brothers. The internal conflict between martial brothers that year led to a major bloodshed. By right martial brothers of the same sect should treat each other like family. But at the end they started killing each other. It was truly horrible brutality. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous to fight over such a thing? We as humans can be so stupid at times. The best would have been to combine both and train both equally.”

    Xiong was silent but had to agree that neither side sounded evil. And that it did seem foolish to fight over what the emphasis of training was.

    'If senior here is telling the truth. Then Huashan has been fighting and harming itself over something completely silly,' he thought sadly.

    “But...There is something more to the story. What if I told you what I said was only half the truth would you believe me? If I said the original dispute started over the thievery of two brothers, would you believe me?”

    “What?!” Xiong said out loud.

    This news also greatly surprised Dongfang Bubai who herself had never heard of a theft causing the Huashan internal conflict.

    'I must make sure to ask more about this later,' she thought to herself.

    “Xióng'er where are you?” a male voice suddenly yelled.

    Linghu Chong recognized the voice as Feng Buping and decided it was best to make himself scarce. Though he was the person he came to meet, Linghu Chong decided now was not the best time to reveal himself.

    “Master I'm here!” Xiong replied joyfully, as he turned his head towards the direction he heard his masters voice coming from.

    “Hey senior brother Sovereign. Master is co..Huh, where did he go?” Xiong said perplexed as once he turned back around, Linghu Chong had suddenly vanished.


    A/N: The chapter was originally longer but the rest needed fine tuning and I didn't want to hold things up since I don't know how long it will take to fix. Well I hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts.
    Last edited by optimus610; 07-01-14 at 12:10 AM.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  10. #50
    Senior Member
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    Interesting arc. New intel coming out. Thanks.

  11. #51
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Good chapter, I like the role reversal with LHC playing the Old Master.

    Gonna be an uphill struggle to get the sword fraction to follow them.

  12. #52
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for the update Optimus...

    I have always felt that no one really knows Miss Dongfang's real identity, she and LHC can simply say she is a relative of Dongfang Bubai, his daughter or younger sister, as everyone knows Donfang Bubai is a man. She only revealed her true identity to RYY and RYY has so far kept the secret to herself.

    Another illogical part of the original story involves YLS and LPZ. It seems YLS can change lover so easily, why couldn't she have another change of heart when LPZ became heartless & unloving toward her. It seems she loved LPZ even more when she found out LPZ became a eunuch and physically abusive towards her... Or was it just pity? I wonder what happens when YLS and LHC meets for the first time after their marriages. I hope LHC rub it in for her and his master-wife, as LHC should by now knows his former master & LPZ are now freaks. I also wonder who will expose them. Definitely not LHC. It would be funny if DFBB makes fun of the two eunuchs in front of their wives with innuendos and LHC becomes teary-eyed and sad, while only master-wife understands her true meaning and cries, then immediately faints, and YLS just stupidly stands there, not knowing what DFBB is talking about or why his mother became so distressed. The two eunuchs just staring fiercely at the two with their hand clenching their sword handles.

    Anyhow, thanks again for another exciting episode. Please post the rest of chapter 4 soon...

  13. #53
    Senior Member Dongfang Xue's Avatar
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    Very entertaining. I am looking forward to the next exciting adventure of ChongDong too

  14. #54
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the kind words. Really appreciate it.

    The discussions with the Sword Sect will get interesting. But perhaps not in the way many think.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  15. #55
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Thank you all for the kind words. Really appreciate it.

    The discussions with the Sword Sect will get interesting. But perhaps not in the way many think.
    Can I hazard a guess:

    DFBB knocks some heads together and they grudgingly accept them.


    FQY makes a guest and very grand appearance.

    Or do you have something hiding in the left field?

  16. #56
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Anxiously waiting for this weeks chapter of the continuing adventures of ChongDong... I wonder if Feng Buping will have another sword competition with LHC for all his deciples in the sword branch to witness...

  17. #57
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    Interesting story. Keep up the good work

  18. #58
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Default Chapter: 5

    Swordsman: Sovereign

    This FanFiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.

    " Speech "

    ' Thoughts '

    Salute = The Bao Quan Li - the wrap fist greeting/Fist Wrapping Rite

    Chapter: 5


    A few minutes later...

    “But Master I’m telling the truth. His name was Sovereign and he was great in martial arts. He even knew our sects martial arts. He even said he was greater then Dongfang Bubai and even had a fight with you before,” stated Xiong.

    As his black and brown robe blew gently in a slight breeze. Feng Buping admired the scenery as he and his young disciple walked back to their home. Though the Sword Sect leader acted like he didn't believe his disciple he knew Xiong was a honest and trustworthy young man and wouldn’t lie about such a thing. Grasping the sword in his right hand tightly. He readied himself for a surprise attack.

    'That means whomever he fought must be following us,' he thought with concern as he stealthy looked around trying to pinpoint his tracker's movements.

    Spotting nothing out of the ordinary, Feng Buping decided to lead them into where the Sword Sect were currently residing, thinking it would be less likely for them to hide once not having the cover of the forest.

    Ten minutes later master and disciple made it back to their home. With a hand motion, Feng Buping secretly alerted Xiong to prepare for battle. The boys eyed shot wide open for a couple of seconds before he hastily nodded. The other Sword Sect disciples, numbering ten young men a couple of years older then Xiong, but like him, sported white and brown robes. Ran up to greet their master, but were given the same signal as they saluted him.

    The area where they now made their home use to be a retreat for elders of Mount Hua to use when they wanted to practice a new skill or needed a break from the monotony of life. It was a simple area, containing a bare courtyard which measured around fifty yards. On each side of the courtyard there were two simple looking houses. Directly to the north there was a much larger house, which doubled as a home with multiple rooms and a also meeting hall. In essence the area was a smaller, less grand version of the area the Qi Sect now occupied.

    Feng Buping didn't have to wait long to find out who the mysterious trackers were as two figures came floating down from the tree tops and landed a few feet away. The two were immediately surrounded by Xiong and his martial brothers, with their swords drawn.

    “What a dump this place is, I expected better,” Dongfang Bubai said condescendingly.

    “You vile demoness how dare you step foot in here?!” bellowed Feng Buping.

    “The demoness? Is that what you teach these children Feng Buping?”

    Upon hearing the woman standing in front of them was the killer of Chen Buyou. Xiong and the rest of the Sword Sect disciples rushed towards Dongfang Bubai with their swords extended, hoping to take revenge. In an instant Linghu Chong extended his right hand, which was now glowing with power. Without warning all the swords were pulled from the holders hands, and were crushed and condensed into a metal ball about the size of a soccer ball.

    To say everyone save for Dongfang Bubai was in shock would have been an understatement.

    “Brothers lets not be hasty, we did not come here to fight,” Linghu Chong said as gently as he could, trying to pacify the situation.

    “Linghu Chong how come you are here?!” Feng Buping said getting over his shock.

    Linghu Chong politely saluted, as any junior would to their elder.

    “So the rumors I heard are true. Yue Bequin did expel you after all. Why though? With your skill you are easily the most powerful person in Huashuan Sect and should have been appointed chief. Why would that hypocrite harm the Sect like this?”

    Linghu Chong let out a heavy sigh, as his countenance became downcast thinking of his painful expulsion.

    “Like he needs that sorry excuse for a Master!” Dongfang Bubai said irritated.

    The coldness and utter disdain in Dongfang Bubai's voice caused Feng Buping's blood to run cold in fear. He suddenly remembered another rumor, one he only heard in passing and at the time didn't pay it much thought. That Linghu Chong had gathered a group of followers of the Sun Moon Cult and led them to Shaolin in order to free someone. The identity of the person was something which got even more confusing. Some said it was the Holy Lady of the Cult and others it was in fact the infamous Dongfang Bubai herself.

    'But if its true, that she is either Holy Lady or Dongfang Bubai then that would explain why Yue Bequin expelled him. Given his hate for them, because of his parents being killed by some of the members of the Sun Moon Cult when he was younger.'

    Feng Buping once again became tense. He considered it a joke at first one that seemed too improbable to believe. That Dongfang Bubai was really a beautiful woman and that whomever was in Shaolin, whether Holy Lady or the cults chief, was Linghu Chong's lover.

    “Mr. Feng is indeed wise. Yes I’ve been expelled, but that’s not the reason for being here. We have come to discuss something with you. We both believe it will benefit all parties involved.”

    Feng Buping looked at them hesitantly. After his defeat at the hands of Linghu Chong, and how easily Dongfang Bubai killed Chen Buyou. He knew a fight now would only lead to his and the disciples deaths. So begrudgingly he led them into the meeting hall to see why they sought him out.


    Ten minutes later...

    “Why are you being so stubborn Feng Buping. If things remain as they are then your sword faction will die. Why do that? If you agree to join us then your sect can live again and be prominent figures like before; perhaps even greater,” Dongfang Bubai snapped in annoyance.

    Linghu Chong, Dongfang Bubai, and Feng Buping, sat facing each other while the rest of Sword Sect stood behind their master with bated breath.

    “Do you honestly expect me to believe that you both came here to help us?! Do I look like a fool to you?!” he said agitated.

    “Yes you do!” Dongfang Bubai yelled back.

    Linghu Chong quickly put his hand on his wife's left shoulder, stopping her from getting up from her seat. From her look, she seemed like she was about to go over and slap or to be more precise beat Feng Buping and whomever else would dare disagree into submission.

    “Why shed more blood and create even more animosity? Revenge doesn’t always mean taking another life. If you can strive as a greater sect then the Qi haven’t you gained victory?” Linghu Chong said calmly.

    Feng Buping had to admit to himself that Linghu Chong's words held great truth in them. He would not say it out loud do to his pride. But the wisdom Linghu Chong displayed was nearly irrefutable.

    “Besides Feng Qingyang sent us here. He wants you to do this,” Dongfang Bubai said flatly.

    “How dare you soil the name of the great Grandmaster!! He would never associate with someone like you!!” he roared in rage, as he slammed his right palm against the arm rest of his chair.

    “Someone like me? Who do you think I am?” she asked suspiciously.

    Feng Buping quickly composed himself and was silent. He was unsure if he should voice the rumors that he had heard. If said gossip were true, then it could mean the end of his life. In the end, erring on the side of caution. He decided it was best to remain silent as to not provoke either person.

    “Why are you getting upset? He did send us here and even gave me a message to tell you,” Dongfang Bubai said with an amused smile.

    “He said to tell you that you are a lazy good for nothing and to shut up and do as you are told! Lazy, girl chasing mule! If you have time to chase women go and practice your sword skill!”

    The words were cold and emotionless and stunned all who heard them.

    Many from the Sword Sect looked ready to attack at the show of disrespect. In fact they would have already done so, if it weren't for Linghu Chong's earlier show of skill, letting them know fighting them would be futile.

    Feng Buping though was anything but insulted. To the contrary he simply laughed, naturally shocking everyone.

    'Those words were what he would normally say to me whenever I was slacking off in my training...' Feng Buping thought fondly.

    “Feng Buping!!” a male voice suddenly screamed.

    All were shocked to see an elderly man with long gray hair, wearing a simple white rope suddenly float into the hall.

    “Elder Feng!” Linghu Chong said excitedly as he stood to greet him.

    “G-Grand Master!” Feng Biping said in disbelief as he got on both knees and bowed before Feng Qingyang.

    “You stubborn mule! Can't you see that the Sword Sect will die if you refuse to join with them?!” he said pointing towards Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai.

    'So they were telling the truth, he really did send them...'

    “B...But Elder, how can we accept a Qi Sect disciple as chief? Wouldn't that disgrace us?”

    The sound of Feng Buping being slapped so hard that he flung against the wall echoed in the room.

    “Disgrace?! You *****d yourself to Zuo Lengshan to gain glory, power, for what? He used you and threw you away when you had no further use! He didn't even try and graft you lot into Song Sect! Just like a prostitute, once he was done with you, you were tossed away!” Feng Qingyang said genuinely angry at how Feng Buping had let himself be used like a puppet.

    Feng Qingyang's words were harsh but had the desired effect as all the Sword Sect disciples began to feel shame as they helped their master stand.

    “Look at the state of the Sword Sect now you stubborn mule! You are on your last legs. In a few more years I doubt there will even be a Sect any more! If you refuse then I will just finish you all off right now!” he said as killing intent filled the hall.

    Feng Buping ran back up to Feng Qingyang and bowed back before him. Though his cheek was red and bleeding from the blow, he dared not voice a complaint at being disrespected.

    “Please Grand Elder calm yourself!” Feng Buping said in alarm.

    The Sword Sect disciples looked at each other with alarm, not sure as to what to do. Naturally hey had all heard of the legendary Feng Qingyang and knew such a person was worthy of great respect and honor. Taking a cue from their Master, they got down on their knees and also begged Feng Qingyang to spare them.

    “I will only say this one more time. Either you except them as your new Chiefs or the Sword Sect dies today!” he bellowed.

    “Look's like there is no turning back now,” Dongfang Bubai whispered to her husband as she found the scene quite amusing.

    “Yes no turning back. Besides this would be a better life then simply having us sell things at a market to earn a living. Just meagerly watching as the world passed us by,” Linghu Chong whispered back into his wife’s ear.

    All of the Sword Sect looked towards Feng Buping for instructions. Their fate and more importantly their lives were now in his hands.

    'Grand Elder is correct. The sect won't survive like this much longer. Though it pains me to have a Qi member as Chief if elder thinks this is best. Who am I do disagree with him? Though he can be harsh, he always had my best interest at hand when I was younger. And now its not just me that he is concerned for, but also Xiong and the rest of the disciples. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that I will do them a great disservice if I let my pride and stubbornness get in the way.'

    “I...I have one question to ask of them Master...” he said turning towards Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai, but mainly towards the latter.

    “Are you related to the Holy Lady of the devil cult or it's Chief Dongfang Bubai?...”

    The words caused everyone to stare at Feng Buping in shock. Then all eyes turned to Dongfang Bubai as she had a smirk on her face.

    “I heard Dongfang Bubai died...It's best not to wake the dead,” she said coldly.

    Her response was short and subtle but had a dangerous undertone which Feng Buping easily picked up on.

    “Greetings to Master and Mistress!” he said saluting them.

    Soon all the disciples did the same, though their thoughts were still in a whirlwind.

    “Is that the proper way to greet you new Chiefs?” Dongfang Bubai said coldly, causing Feng Buping and the disciples to look at her wearily.

    “The way you should greet us is to say this. Talented in academics and gifted in martial arts. Just and wise Holy Chief's who are unrivaled. Unifying the martial arts world for a thousand years!” her words were filled with authority and dared anyone to refuse her command.

    Linghu Chong looked at her in disbelief as he put his face into his palm and let out a muffled laugh.

    “Talented in academics and gifted in martial arts. Just and wise Holy Chief's who are unrivaled. Unifying the martial arts world for a thousand years!” the disciples shouted as one.

    Feng Qingyang let out a hearty laugh. If anything the fate of the Sword Sect would be interesting to watch to say the least.

    “Oh Master Feng please forgive me for intruding, I didn't see you had guests,” an old man in his fifties wearing a simple gray robe, suddenly said as he walked into the hall.

    Old Bo as he was nicknamed. Merchant, blacksmith and jack of all trades. Also the father of Xiong, who had a huge smile on his face, overjoyed that his parents had finally returned from buying and selling merchandise.

    “Father!” Xiong said happily, as he ran to greet his father.

    “I hope our kids greet us so happily when we get older,” Linghu Chong said with a warm smile.

    When no comment came from his wife. Linghu Chong turned to her and was greeted by her mesmerized look.

    When you marry someone you just don't marry them. But you also become part of whatever problems or troubles they may have in their lives. Whatever effects them effects you. Whatever issues or problems that may have happened in the past, if not rectified can and will also become your problems and issues.

    A sudden and suffocating killing intent hit all in the room. Linghu Chong was startled by his wife’s actions, but what surprised and confused him even more was the look of absolute hatred on Dongfang Bubai's face.

    Getting the foreboding feeling something incredibly heinous was about to take place. Linghu Chong watched his wife like a hawk.

    “Are you okay? Why are you...”

    Without warning, Dongfang Bubai's energy exploded in a brilliant hue of lite purple. In the blink of an eye, movement so fast no one saw her move except for her husband and Feng Qingyang. Dongfang Bubai launched herself, with her right hand in the shape of a claw, at the old merchant.

    Linghu Chong had moved with equal speed and quickly put his wife in a bear hug. He had to use his energy to reenforce his muscles and grip, which served to stop her from moving; though as you can guess the task was no easy feat.

    “Stop it! Why must he die!” Linghu Chong asked completely confused as to why she wanted to kill an old man.

    “Let me go!! Let go!! Let go!! Let me kill him!!” she screamed as if possessed.

    Dongfang Bubai wanted to fire off a needle and end old Bo's life. But the way her husband was holding her made it hard to access the hidden weapon.
    To Linghu Chong's credit, it was no accident he held her in such a way which made using the needles difficult.

    Linghu Chong had never seen his love this enraged before. Her killing intent was coming off her in waves. Her eyes were that of a wild animal. It appeared that she had lost all reason.

    “But why must he die?! We didn't come here to harm anyone! Please calm down and tell me what happened!” Linghu Chong pleaded hoping to get through to her.

    “There is nothing to discuss!! I will be calm when I separate his head from his body!!” she screamed trying to break loose from her husbands grip.

    Old Bo, even though he wasn't hit with Dongfang Bubai's attack. Was still blown back a few feet by the aftershock of Linghu Chong colliding with his wife and now sat on the floor trying to figure out the situation. He was confused like everyone else as to why the woman in front of him wanted him dead. He had never met her, or so he thought, until he got a good look at his would be murderer.

    “Qiang... Qiang'er... Your Qiang'er!” the old man suddenly said frantically.

    “Qiang'er?!” a woman in her forties, wearing a beautiful purple and red robe made out of silk, suddenly said as she came running into the meeting hall.

    “Mother!” Xiong said with concern written all over his face.

    Dongfang Bubai suddenly started laughing hysterically, causing some to think she might have gone insane.

    “Wonderful...This is so wonderful...I'm so glad you are here Méh-fůnh. I can kill you both today!!” she screamed.

    Linghu Chong was shocked that anyone besides him and Yi Lin knew of his wife’s real name. But yet, the two people standing around twenty feet away not only knew it, but also seemed to be related to his wife in some way.

    'H-how.?..Oh no don't tell me h...he...he is her father?!' Linghu Chong thought in a panic as the older couple's identities dawned on him.

    Linghu Chong heart sunk, knowing that if he didn't restrain his wife she would turn the scene into a blood bath. He immediately recalled a brief conversation the two had a couple of months back while he was still recovering, about family came up innocently. In it he brought up the issue with her father and adopted mother abandoning her and Yi Lin and what would happen if she ever saw them again. Her look at the time turned ice cold and she immediately changed the topic.

    “You're my Qiang'er!” old Bo said breaking out in tears.

    “Qiang'er...” Méh-fůnh said solemnly, as tears formed in her eyes.

    Méh-fůnh also knelt down next to her husband, both gazing at Dongfang Bubai with a mixture of emotions. Pain, joy, shame, fear, all were shown on the older couples faces.


    A/N: Hmm this could end very, very bad or it could be a nice family reunion. Stay tuned.
    Last edited by optimus610; 07-14-14 at 11:35 PM.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  19. #59
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Here's what I think should happens next:

    Since killing one's blood relative is sacrilegious, I'm sure for LHC's sake she would stop. But being ruthlessly vengeful, she will vent her anger by getting back at her father & especially her step-mother, by turning step-brother Xiong into a "Bůkě Bůjiŕn", after all they caused her little sister to become a nun. That way she can tell her father, "The reason you abandoned us is to maintain a male heir, and now LHC & I are your ONLY hopes to maintaining the family bloodline.... Or Xiong MUST die thru divine retribution... Just my thoughts... Hehehe

    Thanks for another exciting Chapter...

  20. #60
    Junior Member Steven Chen's Avatar
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    Interesting to know that DFBB's family is now related to the sword branch. Any chance of including LHC and DFBB's children in the future chapters?

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