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Thread: Swordsman: Sovereign

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    Default Chapter: 3

    Swordsman: Sovereign

    This FanFiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.

    " Speech "

    ' Thoughts '

    Chapter: 3

    Two months later...

    On a near perfect early afternoon day, with only a few clouds in the sky. A slight breeze caused matching white robes to blow gently. Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai stood on the surface of a small lake facing each other. Linghu Chong with a blank expression and Dongfang Bubai with her normal cold stare.

    Dongfang Bubai suddenly dashed toward Linghu Chong with her index and middle finger pointed towards him. It was the same move she used to kill Chen Buyou. Not shaken in the least, Linghu Chong sped towards her with a similar attack.

    As the attacks met, a massive shock wave was created causing a column of water near fifty yards high to spiral towards the sky. Dongfang Bubai started attacking Linghu Chong with a series of vicious attacks. Linghu Chong retaliated by executed the various sword techniques he had learned, but the most important being to let his swordplay be like flowing water as Feng Qingyang had taught him.

    The two of them exchanged over two hundred sword moves. Linghu Chong was able to parry every attack and subsequently retaliated with exquisite sword moves as the pair continued to exchange multiple stances.

    Back on dry land Feng Qingyang kept a discerning eye on the spar.

    “Excellent sword techniques from both of them. No matter how strong or fierce each attacks are they both are able spot weakness and counter attack instantaneously. Causing each other, though for only a moment, to have no choice but to move into a defensive stance,” he thought approvingly.

    Feng Qingyang was the one Dongfang Bubai was speaking to before when Linghu Chong was falling in and out of consciousness. Fortunately for them both, the area the cave was located was a spot he liked to come to ever so often. It was a good thing he was there at the time when he saw a barely conscience Dongfang Bubai carrying a bloodied Linghu Chong on her shoulders.

    After she had explained the situation to him, he knew the skills in the Yijin Jing/Tendon-Altering Sutra would allow Linghu Chong to dramatically speed up his bodies healing rate. So once he returned, both he and Dongfang Bubai were able to feed him additional energy without fearing it would do his body further harm since he can now expel the excess Qi.

    Learning Shaolin's most treasured martial art also had another unintended side effect. It also corrected the flaw in the star sucking/energy extraction skill. And not just fixed it but made the entire technique much stronger. Theoretically as long as Linghu Chong could absorb energy, any wounds he had could be healed faster. A truly terrifying technique.

    “Truly, based on Chong'er's intelligence and perception, his future is indeed limitless. But he's not the only one. Dongfang Bubai is indeed a genius herself. If they pair together no force in the Martial World can match them.”

    Dongfang Bubai slashed her arm downward as she landed back on the surface of the water. Causing a strong gust of wind to be emitted at Linghu Chong.

    Linghu Chong leapt backwards to avoid the incoming wind gusts. When his feet touched the surface of the water he skidded back causing a mini wave which he used to spring toward Dongfang Bubai at breathtaking speed.

    The two of them exchanged another two hundred moves. Though feeling a little exhausted; since this was his first spar in a couple of months. Linghu Chong was truly enjoying himself. It reminded him how they sparred back on Repentance cliff and the joy which came from it.

    He moved around his opponent in circles, which made it seem like there were ten Linghu Chong attacking her with lightning fast chops, thrusts and multiple strikes from different directions. Not to be out done, Dongfang Bubai parried all of his attacks and in a surprising move began to mimic her loves technique.

    “Hey! Use your own style and stop stealing mine!” he said in mock anger.

    “Those moves belong to your Grand Uncle. Since he's retired from the pugilistic world, then they are up for grabs,” she said playfully.

    “What type of logic is that?” he asked in disbelief.

    “My type! Now pay attention!”

    Dongfang Bubai suddenly jumped back to about twenty feet. Before she even came to a halt she casually waved her arm in a diagonal slash and unleashed a sphere made from the water. The sphere was very similar to the one Feng Qingyang used against her during their brief encounter on Repentance Cliff.

    Linghu Chong didn't back away. Instead he dashed towards the oncoming attack and at the last moment jumped over it, soaring to a good thirty feet. Dongfang Bubai looked impressed as she saw that Linghu Chong had positioned himself directly above her. Her admiration grew further as what she thought would only be a single attack turned into a furious barrage as he hovered upside down.

    “Who did you steal this from? Your Grand Uncle didn't teach you this. I should call the authorities for this thievery,” she said trying to give him a taste of his own medicine, while she at the same time blocked and parried every attack.

    “And who do you think they would believe, you or me?” he said smirking.

    They both remained silent before simultaneously breaking out in laughter. Knowing the authorities wouldn't trust either person.

    The flirtatious and playful banter continued as they sparred for another two hours before they returned to dry land.

    “I'm sweaty and smelly. I'm going to go take a bath,” Dongfang Bubai said matter of fact. “But... care to join me Linghu Chong?...” she said seductively.

    “I...uh...” he said dumbfounded.

    To his stuttering Dongfang Bubai merely laughed before walking off to find a secluded spot.

    “Lecherous woman...” he jokingly whispered, while shaking his head.

    “That's right a lecherous fiend like yourself needs a lecherous woman to keep his desires in check. Or else you will take advantage of another innocent girl like you did me... Beast!” she yelled out, surprising Linghu Chong that she had even heard him.

    “Innocent?! Hardly! If I wasn't injured you would have already had your way with me. I see the lust in your eyes,” he retorted back while smiling.

    Feng Qingyang gave a hearty laugh at the two's antics; remembering the feeling of being young and in love.


    A few minutes later inside the cave where the three were residing Linghu Chong and Feng Qingyang where in the middle of what would later turn out to be a life altering discussion.

    “Chong'er... what do you plan to do now that you are healed?”

    “I haven't really thought about it Grand Uncle. I considered roaming the world for a while, but after all that has happened I don't think its appropriate to do that right now.”

    “What about Dongfang Bubai, does she have any plans?”

    “I'm not really sure. We haven't talked much about what to do after I was healed. Just that whatever it is we will do it together...” he said with a pleasant smile.

    “There is something I would like both of you to consider, though it might not be something your keen on doing right now.”

    Linghu Chong could hear Feng Qingyang hesitance and knew whatever it was that he wanted to tell him must be incredibly important.

    “Grand Uncle, you have helped me so much and shown me the care of a Master to his disciple. Please speak freely,” Linghu Chong said trying to sound reassuring.

    'Truly he is nothing like Yue Buqun,' Feng Qingyang thought pleasantly.

    “The martial world needs a force to keep it balanced. Not necessarily to rule over it as a king would but more so to ensure there is a way to keep our chaotic pugilist world from going further into chaos. Like an overseer of sorts; to keep people like Zuo Lengshan in check. To make men like him have to think twice before acting out their wicked schemes.”

    Linghu Chong was completely dumbfounded. Of all the things he thought his Grand Uncle wanted to say. This was something he would have never imagined.

    “Grand Uncle I am unworthy. How could I possibly take on such a purpose?” he said still shocked that his Martial Uncle had even suggested such a thing.

    Feng Qingyang though was not surprised his young apprentice was reluctant to accept such a role. In fact he would have been more surprised and concerned if he eagerly accepted it.

    “You have no lust for power, that along with Dongfang Bubai's savvy. Would make you two the perfect pair to do so. But know that if you do accept this role, it will most likely put you at odds with Yue Buqun, you have to decide if you can cross swords with him.”

    'Cross swords with Master... I already did so at the monastery,' he thought slightly distressed remembering how he accidentally injured his teacher.

    Feng Qingyang could see the worry in his young charges face. He had heard from abbot Fangzheng, how Yue Buqun had forced a duel with Linghu Chong in Shaolin and even though Linghu Chong didn't want to fight, Yue Buqun was easily defeated.

    “I know and completely understand that you love your Master and Mistress; what disciple wouldn’t? You will not like my words but you must listen. Yue Buqun is not trust worthy. He cast you out for what? And before he cast you out, how did he treat you once your martial arts became better then his? He claims righteousness, he has the title of gentleman swordsman. But does he practice what he preaches?”

    Linghu Chong was silent. But it was evident Feng Qingyang's word's; more so the truth in them left him greatly disturbed.

    “Chong'er don’t worry as of yet, you don't have to decide now, but please seriously consider what I proposed.” he said with a reassuring smile.

    Linghu Chong gave a simply nod; though inwardly was greatly relieved. Feng Qingyang knew for the time being that's as much as he could expect from his young friend.

    “Life is full of joy, happiness, sadness, pain, unhappiness and many other things. One truth I’ve learned is that with great power comes equal if not greater responsibility. You and Dongfang Bubai have been given much power. It would be unwise, and frankly irresponsible just to go away into seclusion. Why waste your talents? You would become old and useless like me.”

    “No Grand Uncle you are not useless! Without your help and guidance I would have already been dead,” Linghu Chong said fiercely.

    “Thank you Chong'er. You made this old man feel his life hasn't been a complete waste.”

    “Grand Uncle...”

    “Lets comeback to this issue another time. There is something more important I need to discuss with you.

    “Oh... What could that be Grand Uncle?” Linghu Chong asked with genuine wonder.

    “Chong'er I mentioned to you before to not make the same mistake I did. I let prejudices about sects cloud my vision when I was young. It is my lifetime regret...” he said with a heavy sigh.

    “I will not let you make the same errors as me. You two have the chance, make the most of it. You have found the woman you love, never let her go Chong'er!...” he said sternly.

    Linghu Chong could hear the heart ache in his voice; a feeling he knew all too fell. He rightly reasoned the pain that his Grand Uncle still felt for a lost love must be excruciating.

    “I won't Grand Uncle...”

    “Good...Don't you think its time you and Dongfang Bubai cemented your relationship?”

    “What do you mean Grand Uncle?” he asked perplexed.

    “Marriage my silly boy...” he sad flatly.

    “Marriage?!” Linghu Chong asked stunned.

    The look on Linghu Chong's face nearly caused Feng Qingyang to burst out laughing.

    'Oh to be young and foolish again,' he thought with a small smile.

    “Many people take lovers or a spouse for the sake of not wanting to be alone or to have someone to keep them warm at night. But how many people can say they have found true love?”

    Quickly overcoming his shock, Linghu Chong quickly responded.

    “Grand Uncle, I would never treat Miss Dongfang like she were a mere tool or an object just to quench my fears of loneliness. her deeply... More so then I can understand at times,” he said softly, while looking down at the ground.

    “I know you are not that type of man Chong'er. If you are truly in love with this woman, if you cannot live without her and she you. Then make it for the rest of your lives. Other then sacrificing your own life, what greater expression of your love can you show her?”

    “But isn't it a bit too soon to be talking about marriage?” he asked slightly confused.

    Feng Qingyang walked over to his young friend and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He could tell this question was not one born out of fear but a genuine concern. A discernment that comes with age one could call it.

    “Chong'er... You jumped off Black Wood Cliff for this woman. You defied your Master when he asked you to kill her. You were expelled because you couldn't betray your love for her. You even turned away the love of what would have been a safer/ less risky choice in a woman; meaning Rex Woxing's daughter. You both have saved each others lives multiple times. What exactly are you waiting for? What more proof do you need of your feelings for one another?”

    Linghu Chong wanted to retort but had no reply. In his heart every word his Grand Uncle spoke made perfect sense and made clear what he had to, no, not what he was forced to do, but what he clearly saw was the right thing to do.


    Some people say that they fell in love at first sight. For others, it was getting to know that person that made them fall in love. While, others will say it was a combination of both.

    Dongfang Bubai hid by the entrance of the cave listening intently to the conversation taking place. She kept her presence hidden, though she had an idea that Elder Feng with his high level of martial arts and experience might have already detected her.

    She was about to enter the cave after finishing her bath, when she overheard parts of theirs conversation, mainly the the word marriage, and decided to eavesdrop.

    'Like any woman wouldn't,' she thought trying to justify her snooping.

    Indeed, what woman would not want to know if the man she loved viewed her as marriage material.

    'Marriage... I...I didn't think he would seriously consider doing that. I thought we would eventually become lovers; which I would have been overjoyed to be. But to go all the way and become husband and wife would be almost like a dream...' she thought happily.

    When she was younger, years before her village was raided by bandits. Dongfang Bubai often use to think about what it would be like to be married. Her deceased mother use to tell her about the joy of finding ones soul mate; to find true love. She was too young at the time to fully understand, but over the last few months since meeting Linghu Chong her mothers words made perfect sense.

    'I can only love you Linghu Chong...You don't know how happy it would make me to be your bride...' she thought fighting back tears.

    Dongfang Bubai wanted it to happen. Yet, a part of her was also scared of it happening. A contradiction, caused simply by fear.

    “You can come out now Miss Dongfang,” Linghu Chong said calmly.

    To this Elder Feng merely laughed.

    “How did you know? Has your sensing skill improved this much?” Dongfang Bubai asked sounding impressed her presence was detected.

    “Actually I just guessed,” he said chuckling, as his love walked into the cave.

    “Idiot...” she responded playfully.

    The two just stared awkwardly at one other, neither sure how to begin a much needed conversation.

    “How much did you hear?” Linghu Chong asked breaking the silence.

    “How much did you want me to hear?” she responded softly.

    Linghu Chong walked over to her and gently held both her hands in his own.

    They both stayed quiet for a few minutes. Linghu Chong, casting all fear and doubt aside, had no idea how to go about proposing. But fortunately for him, his Martial Uncle decided to give him a helping hand.

    “Every minute of the wedding night is precious therefore whatever is said out of love will be right,” stated Feng Qingyang.

    'I see myself and this old kid has similar taste in reading material,' Dongfang Bubai thought to herself, reminiscing how she said the same thing to Tian Boguang right before her second encounter with Linghu Chong.

    “Normally a girl's parent's especially her mother would be a shining example in their life, not only because she is their mother, but also because she is a person who taught them many important lessons that will help them throughout their entire life. But I did not have that. My mother died when I was young, before we could even forge a proper bond. And my father chose the love of his new wife and abandoned myself and Yi Lin.”

    Linghu Chong could hear the bitterness in his love's voice but knew it was better not to interrupt.

    “Instead for me that person is you Linghu Chong... I love are who I admire. You are my special person... The person I love and admire most is you...” she said softly.

    Dongfang Bubai waited for him to say something, but he was quiet. She could see the tears welling up in his eyes so she continued.

    “I've been pursuing fame and fortune my whole life. When I finally achieved both I still didn't feel happy. Yet when I met you, a man whose only desire is to be genuine to another person with all his heart seemed to live such a happy life. I began to wonder if heaven is fair or unfair. If I had someone like you by my side, dominating the world would no longer mean anything to me,” she said to her stunned love.

    Linghu Chong remained silent, Dongfang Bubai could see and feel him struggling to not lose himself to emotion. He was not one to cry so easily, so when she saw the tears eventually pour down his face. Her heart to cried out.

    “So this is what Yu Niang tried to tell me? This is what love is all about? To spend your life with a person who likes you wholeheartedly. A person who you can become one flesh with. A person who you can give your heart and soul to,” she said as her own tears started falling.

    Linghu Chong suddenly dropped to his knees.

    “Let God in heaven and Grand Uncle Feng be our witnesses...I Linghu Chong take you as my wife, if you will have me...” he said gazing up at her with a faint smile.

    To this Dongfang Bubai stared in slight shock.

    'H...he really asked...' she thought dumbfounded.

    Even though we as humans desire many things, and agonize over our need for them. When we finally get that thing we most desire, more often then not there is a sense of surprise. The feeling that we can't believe we just received our deepest desire.

    “I love you... I cannot imagine living my life without you. I want to see your face in the morning, and then at night, and as many times in between as I can. I want to grow old with you, to laugh with you, to be your lover, your friend, to be your all...”

    His words came off like poetry, though he was unversed in such literature, what he uttered was simply what was in his heart. To this Dongfang Bubai just stared teary eyed, too overcome with emotion to speak.

    “If I Linghu Chong ever let you down, may I die horribly! If I ever stab your heart again may God strike me down!” he said, his voice slightly breaking.

    Dongfang Bubai could hear that he was fighting back even more tears. She suddenly reached out and touched his lips with her fingers. Linghu Chong looked distressed, thinking she was refusing his proposal. Though that was until she herself dropped to her knees and gazed at him with eyes which held nothing but love.

    “If you go through with this Linghu Chong all we will have is each other. Everyone in the martial world will shun you because of me. Are you sure you wont regret this? Perhaps it would be best if we were just secret lovers... ”

    He simply gave a light hearted laugh before responding.

    “So I can have the courage to take you as a lover, but not as my wife? You would be good enough to sleep with in secret but not be my bride openly? Linghu Chong is not such a coward. When it comes to you, when it comes to Miss Donfang, when it comes to the woman I regrets! I give you my love, now, for eternity... ”

    Dongfang Bubai continued to gaze at him. His answer, his wonderful passionate, love filled answer, obliterated any fear she had left within her.

    “Before God in heaven and Feng Qingyang as our witnesses... I Dongfang Bubai take you as my husband... if you will have me...” her voice also breaking but letting her tears flow freely.

    Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. --Genesis 2:24

    A wise person once wrote. Leaving your parents means recognizing that your marriage created a new family and that this new family must be a higher priority than your previous family. If spouses neglect to cleave to each other, the result is a lack of intimacy and unity. Cleaving to your spouse does not mean being with your spouse every moment or not having meaningful friendships outside of your marriage. Cleaving to your spouse means recognizing that you are joined, essentially “glued,” to your spouse.

    Linghu Chong knew the union they both just formed would eventually mean one day having to choose between his new wife or his master and mistress, perhaps even his little martial sister. An agonizing decision, but one he now knew without a doubt who he would side with if such a day did occur.

    'I will never betray her... I will never hurt her again...I will let this world burn first!'

    After Yue Lingshan, Linghu Chong never wanted to feel love again. He didn't want to take the risk and experience that horrible heart wrenching pain of your love being betrayed. Though, he did secretly entertain the idea of perhaps if he got a regular girl, one not affiliated with the martial world that he might be spared heartache. A nice non threatening innocent flower. So when feelings for Dongfang Bubai started to develop he was naturally scared and confused at first. The words regular, innocent and non threatening; especially the latter. Do not apply to Dongfang Bubai.

    'Yet my love persisted...Even when I found out who she really was I couldn't just shut off my feelings no matter how hard I tried. I've never been more happy. I almost lost this because of fear and misunderstandings...' he thought disgusted with himself at how he almost threw away the love of his life.

    A tear escaped Feng Qingyang eyes as he watched the impromptu ceremony.

    'How many foolish kids in this world are capable of loving wholeheartedly without any grudges,' he thought with a grin, deciding it was best to let the two be alone for a few days once he saw them begin kissing.


    At the same time as the impromptu wedding, Ying Ying, dressed in an elegant lite purple robe, sat in her chambers, looking out at the clouds in the sky, while drinking a glass of wine. The behavior was uncharacteristic for her, since she didn't have much taste for alcohol. But ever since coming back from the encounter with Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai she had taken up the habit.

    Her father had been keeping a close eye on her fearing for her sanity. Thinking she was suffering emotional distress from what he thought was Linghu Chong's death.

    'What was I suppose to say? That Linghu Chong is alive and he chose to be with Dongfang Bubai who is also alive, and on top of that was actually a woman and fooled you and everyone for years. And not only that but she also was the one who killed mother and despite knowing this the man I love still chose her instead of me?'

    Ying Ying was tempted to tell her father the truth and lead an attack party to hopefully kill her aunty. But she would not risk such an action hurting the man she loved. She still found it hard to except her mothers killer was chosen over her. That truth left her numb. Though Linghu Chong didn't outright say no to her feelings the fact that he chose to stay in spite of his condition said so without using the words. So despite this she still loved him and hoped and prayed he would one day change his mind.

    'But will he?...The way he was looking at her...The way they looked at each other...It's how... It's how I look at him...' she thought distressed.

    Ying Ying suddenly dropped the glass of wine as her heart suddenly ached for an unknown reason. She clutched it with her left hand as if the action could make the pain go away. Trying to calm her nerves she reasoned that since she was still suffering emotionally from Linghu Chong's refusal and thought the sudden pain was from reminiscing about the heart wrenching event; or so she hoped.

    Though if she could see the events that were taking place at the bottom of Black Wood Cliff then she would understand the reason for her pain.

    Dressed in a stately black robe, fitting his position of Chief. Ren Woxing looked upon his daughter with concern. Even now as he stood quietly at the entrance of her room, he was there for minutes and yet she didn't even notice his presence. Ever since she had come back from burying the body of the man she loved she seemed detached and distracted. At first he was angry with her for sneaking out. But after hearing why, he couldn't retain his anger.

    'Truly she must of loved Linghu Chong deeply. I must find a way to break her out of this,' he thought with parental concern.

    Ren Woxing's fear was that her body would give out before it was fully healed. From the agonizing treatments to cure the poison of San Shi Nao Shen Dan. His anger grew once his thoughts turned to what Dongfang Bubai did to his daughter.

    'What a truly horrible poison. Not only is it incredibly deadly but the cure is nearly as dangerous.'

    Ying Ying's daily treatments over the last couple of months consisted of taking a drug to hold the poison at bay, but worse given the notes from Dongfang Bubai research she had to submerge herself in the frozen lake which was close by for and hour a day to be completely healed.

    'Curse you Dongfang Bubai if you were still alive I would chop of your arms and legs and submerge you in the lake instead!' he thought angrily.

    But, if there was one saving grace. Since the effects of the poison where in the early stages, Ying Ying's treatments wouldn't be much longer. Two to three more months and the poison should be completely gone from her system. Or so they hoped.

    'At least according to Dongfang Bubai's notes...'

    If he were to be honest, Ren Woxing had some suspicions about why his daughter snuck out and the events which took place afterward. Chiefly why his daughter wouldn't let him know the location of Linghu Chong's grave so he could pay his respect to his almost son in law. He considered Linghu Chong a true hero, not only for freeing him from his confinement, but according to his daughter he had tackled Dongfang Bubai off the cliff; saving all of their lives.

    'But something else is strange. Before I attacked Dongfang Bubai he and Linghu Chong seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. Though I am not completely sure. When I asked Ying Ying about what happened before I got there all she said is that the Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai fought and eventfully Dongfang Bubai got the upper hand and disarmed Linghu Chong.'

    Ren Woxing did not get to be the leader of the Sun Moon Holy Cult by just believing any story which was told to him. And rightly found something off about what his daughter said.

    'Ying Ying came back with injuries she said were from not avoiding a large tree, which caused her to crash on the ground from a much greater height then she should have. It's believable but...'

    Ren Woxing mentally berated himself, and tried to put the thoughts out of his mind. This was his daughter he was talking about, if he couldn't trust her to tell him the truth then who could he trust.

    'I do trust her. But... I just keep getting the feeling that there is something she is not telling me about what happened when she went to bury Linghu Chong.'


    Take a pot, throw in two young fit adults, add in a whole lot of hormones, sprinkle in all of the emotions the two were feeling, and this being both of their first times, and you get the wedding night of two of the most powerful martial artist's in the world.

    “That was amazing...” both husband and wife said in unison.

    They gazed at each other lovingly, yet with eager desire. It was the morning after getting married and as is normal the two shared their bodies with each other the entire night. Now they both lay on the makeshift bed Linghu Chong used when recovering from his injuries with only a blanket covering their naked bodies.

    “You were magnificent...” Dongfang Bubai said seductively.

    Linghu Chong simply smiled before replying. Though he was thankful for the praise given anyone would want to know if the first time they had sex was pleasing to their partner.

    “You were amazing as well...You are not only invincible in martial arts but in other things as well. Perhaps your new name should be invincible in bed,” he said with a playful wink.

    “Lecher...” she said snuggling into his chest.

    “So is that my new name?”

    “It is if I say so,” she said flatly.

    “How come you were the one who through me on the ground and started taking off my clothes if that's the case?” he said breaking out in a fit of laughter, remembering the hilarious scene.

    Dongfang Bubai laughed lightly though she had to admit the scene was a bit embarrassing.

    The two stayed cuddled for a few more minutes reveling in the after glow before Linghu Chong eventually broke the silence.

    “I'm curious though, since we were each others first, when did you learn that type of seductive dance and those moves,” he said for lack of a better word to describe his wife’s knowledge of sex which was clearly more advanced than his own.

    “Oh the girls at the brothel taught me. They use to gossip and share the things their customers liked,” she said nonchalantly.

    “Wait, brothel?!” he said the surprise all over his face.

    Dongfang Bubai just smiled, already having an idea of what his next question was going to be.

    “I knew that was you! Didn't I say I thought you were the girl at the brothel before you took me to the doctor?” he said accusingly. But why were you disguised as a prostitute? Since you were a virgin you certainly weren't working there,” he asked confused.

    “Why do you always poke your nose into other people’s business?!” she grunted.

    Linghu Chong grinned before kissing her gently on the lips.

    “Aren’t we husband and wife? There should not be any secrets between us.” he said playfully.

    Dongfang Bubai smiled, before explaining how she use to use the brothel as a means to gather information from some of the pugilist who use to frequent there.

    “That's actually quite ingenious,” he said in admiration of her resourcefulness.

    “Of course,” she said arrogantly. “You men will say just about anything if you think that it will get you sex. Do you know how many men willingly revealed top secret information after some wine and some charm?”

    “I see...”

    Dongfang Bubai could tell from his tone that he did not like the notion that other men tried to woo her.

    “Don't be jealous... As you saw first hand, I never did anything with them. You will always have the honor of being my first and only lover.”

    Linghu Chong simply smiled, as he began to gently stroke her left cheek with his right hand.

    Dongfang Bubai just smiled.

    “Enough of this serious talk. How about we take advantage of the time we have alone before Feng Qingyang comes back?” she said seductively.

    Linghu Chong smiled widely. He did not need any further prodding before he pulled the blanket back over their heads.


    One week later...

    As Linghu Chong was practicing to gain better control of his inner energy by standing, and meditating on the surface of the water. A technique Dongfang Bubai and Elder Feng showed him how to do. An awkward conversation was taking place on dry land about seventy yards away.

    “I want you to help revive the Sword Sect of Mount Hua,“ Feng Qingyang said flatly.

    Dongfang Bubai looked at him completely dumbfounded. First he had mentioned about being an Overseer of sorts in the Martial world, and now this. His requests were things she would have never imagined he wanted to discuss with her.

    “Not for them to seek revenge but to strive as their own clan. I want to correct some mistakes from the past,” he said with a hint of remorse. “Besides you two will need a way to make a living and what better way then your own sect?”

    The former cult leader had to admit the idea didn't sound too bad. While she was still feeling the bliss of being a newlywed, it wasn't lost on her that they would eventually need money, more clothes and a roof over their heads.

    “It does sound like a good idea. But won't they be resistant to us? I killed one of their members and Linghu Chong is/was a member of the Qi faction. They will most likely try to kill us on first sight rather then accept us.”

    “This is true. In a normal circumstance this would be the case. But given all that they have suffereded over the years and with Linghu Chong recently defeating Feng Buping the situation might be ripe for the picking.”

    “Since you are mentioning this to me I'm guessing you didn't mention this to Linghu Chong?” she asked suspiciously.

    “Actually I did, at least the part about being Overseer's. But given his personality he's hesitant to do this. But with you to persuade him I believe over time he will agree.”

    Dongfang Bubai simply chuckled, as his words confirmed a suspicion she had from days prior.

    “So that’s the reason you were pushing him to marry me. You guessed I would be more open to your ideas, and figured if we were husband and wife I could influence him to see things your way?” she said with a sly smile.

    To this he merely laughed, but gave a knowing smile as he stoked his beard.

    “Partly, if I were to be completely honest. But, I did not want to see him repeat my errors in my youth. I regret my mistakes everyday. I did not want that for him. Though your love is not what some will call normal. With him being the more heroic type and you being more the villain. Your love for one another is true nonetheless.“

    Dongfang Bubai gazed upon Feng Qingyang with new found respect. But was to prideful to let him know.

    “And how do you know that if we do decide to do what you ask. That I won't use it to take control of the entire Pugilistic world? To be its Sovereign...” she said giving him a sideways glance.

    “That could happen... but, as you can influence him over time, so can he do the same to you. And his influence has already taken an effect on you,” he said knowingly.

    To this Dongfang Bubai gave a hearty laugh, not able to deny the truth in his words.

    A/N: I'm glad you all could attend the wedding. Make sure you leave gifts for the happy couple. Or just money, their not picky. :-D Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Let me know your thoughts.
    Last edited by optimus610; 06-22-14 at 11:22 PM.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  2. #22
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for provinding us with another exciting chapter, Optimus!

    Anxiously waiting to see what happens next....

  3. #23
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Well done. Nice balance of Romance and Reality. The characters behaved exactly as I would expect them to in the situation.

    A new sword fraction. Will they have a new name or continue being called by their old school?

  4. #24
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    FQY just knows how high DFBB's martial arts is, but it would be funny when DFBB tell everyone who joins their new sword faction to take out their sword and swipe it across their manhood before they are allowed to stay. In seconds, only LHC and DFBB are left in the reception area with only a few beautiful servant girls present staring at them in shock.... Hehe

  5. #25
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    Thumbs up

    I am really curious to see where you take this idea of yours. So far, I think that it is great!! Keep up the good work! Could you possibly NAME Dongfang Bubai? The title is arbitrary,no?
    Last edited by Sjohnb; 06-09-14 at 10:29 PM.

  6. #26
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sjohnb View Post
    I am really curious to see where you take this idea of yours. So far, I think that it is great!! Keep up the good work! Could you possibly NAME Dongfang Bubai? The title is arbitrary,no?
    Yup, she will have a name.

    As always a big thanks for the kind words. Even a thanks to the silent lurkers.

    If anyone wants to experience the marriage scene between LHC and DFBB and the scene with Ying Ying with even more emotion. Read them while listening to the two songs below. I wrote the scenes while listening to these two. Noticed it gave them more of a movie like feel.

    Last edited by optimus610; 06-09-14 at 11:45 PM.
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  7. #27
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    Default Need a little help

    Question for the audience

    How familiar are some of you with Chinese names for men and women? For example, if I were Chinese and wanted the meaning of my daughters to be precious daughter. If the family name is Dongfang, would her name be Dongfang Bǎobèi nǚ'ér? Or if I just wanted to name her precious, would it be Dongfang Zhēnguì?

    Thanks in advance for the help
    Last edited by optimus610; 06-11-14 at 07:34 PM.
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  8. #28
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Question for the audience

    How familiar are some of you with Chinese names for men and women? For example, if I were Chinese and wanted the meaning of my daughters to be precious daughter. If the family name is Dongfang, would her name be Dongfang Bǎobèi nǚ'ér? Or if I just wanted to name her precious, would it be Dongfang Zhēnguì?

    Thanks in advance for the help
    I think BOTH those names are OK, as anything goes in naming names...

    So, Miss Dongfang is pregnant already? Where's Chapter 4?
    Last edited by szfong; 06-11-14 at 08:07 PM.

  9. #29
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    I think BOTH those names are OK, as anything goes in naming names...

    So, Miss Dongfang is pregnant already? Where's Chapter 4?

    Cool, szfong thanks I was trying to find a good site, but didn't see one. My confusion was coming from if the family name goes into the meaning of the whole name. Like Dongfang Bubai meaning invincible east/asia. I wasn't sure if the Dongfang in the name had anything to do with the meaning.

    And as for as pregnancy goes. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if it works with the overall plot.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Cool, szfong thanks I was trying to find a good site, but didn't see one. My confusion was coming from if the family name goes into the meaning of the whole name. Like Dongfang Bubai meaning invincible east/asia. I wasn't sure if the Dongfang in the name had anything to do with the meaning.

    And as for as pregnancy goes. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if it works with the overall plot.
    In real life, the surname or family name is totally unrelated to the actual name. It is the Given/First name that can be creative and used by people who know you. "Dongfang Bubai" must be a nickname and not an actual name. Just like in Gu Long novels, some villians are named by the weapons they use or by their status as being unbeatable.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    In real life, the surname or family name is totally unrelated to the actual name. It is the Given/First name that can be creative and used by people who know you. "Dongfang Bubai" must be a nickname and not an actual name. Just like in Gu Long novels, some villians are named by the weapons they use or by their status as being unbeatable.
    Once again thanks, you've given me the answer I needed.
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  12. #32
    Senior Member Dongfang Xue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    In real life, the surname or family name is totally unrelated to the actual name. It is the Given/First name that can be creative and used by people who know you. "Dongfang Bubai" must be a nickname and not an actual name. Just like in Gu Long novels, some villians are named by the weapons they use or by their status as being unbeatable.
    The name 'Dongfang Bubai' was probably given to her by her master after taking her back to the Dark Wood Cliff. Her name was previously 'Dongfang Bai' (Bai here means white not defeated btw )

  13. #33
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    Do you think you would still have your manhood left attached if that actually happened?” she said with a devious smile.
    What happened on the marriage night? Who made the 1st move? DFBB threatened castration if he ever made a move on her, so he should be frightened to death, without them BOTH being drunk... We need a chapter/scene about their hilarious marriage night....

    One week later...
    Aren't they suppose to discuss about their futures, immediately after marriage and not "One week later..."? Were they sex crazed for an entire week and did nothing else?...

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    What happened on the marriage night? Who made the 1st move? DFBB threatened castration if he ever made a move on her, so he should be frightened to death, without them BOTH being drunk... We need a chapter/scene about their hilarious marriage night....

    Aren't they suppose to discuss about their futures, immediately after marriage and not "One week later..."? Were they sex crazed for an entire week and did nothing else?...
    Some of this will be covered in the next chapter or the one after. You have to remember we are not dealing with normal circumstances or normal people here.
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  15. #35
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    Oh.. no... I no chapter 4... Can't wait to soon read up the next exciting chapter..

  16. #36
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    Sorry not a new chapter, but soon. As I was working on the 4th I realized part of it should go in the 3rd so I re-edited it. Not a major edit. I added a scene right before the last.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  17. #37
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for adding the missing scene.

    The missing scene reminds of me what would happen when LHC meets the newly wed couple YLS and LPZ during a social gathering and LHC's wife sweetly tells him it was his turn tonight and that she is already feeling very hot and horny But don't worry tomorrow it is my turn and your turn to become hot and horny... After hearing their discreet conversation, with surprise, jealousy, and pain, YLS grabs LHC with pleading eyes and whispers to him that she was still a virgin after half a year of marriage and just can't take it any longer and most of all can't stand being married to LPZ. With pleading eyes, she then tells him she is also very hot and horny and had been so for a very long time without any relief in sight and hopes her martial brother can help her feel what it is like to be loved...... I wonder what will happens next....hehehe

  18. #38
    Senior Member Dongfang Xue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    Thanks for adding the missing scene.

    The missing scene reminds of me what would happen when LHC meets the newly wed couple YLS and LPZ during a social gathering and LHC's wife sweetly tells him it was his turn tonight and that she is already feeling very hot and horny But don't worry tomorrow it is my turn and your turn to become hot and horny... After hearing their discreet conversation, with surprise, jealousy, and pain, YLS grabs LHC with pleading eyes and whispers to him that she was still a virgin after half a year of marriage and just can't take it any longer and most of all can't stand being married to LPZ. With pleading eyes, she then tells him she is also very hot and horny and had been so for a very long time without any relief in sight and hopes her martial brother can help her feel what it is like to be loved...... I wonder what will happens next....hehehe
    Mind if I use this scene too? Hehehe

  19. #39
    Senior Member Dongfang Xue's Avatar
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    Maybe I should take a break and enjoy yours lol. Dropping to show some support

  20. #40
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dongfang Xue View Post
    Mind if I use this scene too? Hehehe
    Sure, just make sure to make it even more hot and descriptive.. . If you add it, I wonder what will Miss Dongfang's reaction be? Needle flying thru the air? Hehehe... I just wish there was more romance, merciless fighting scenes and emotional conflicts....

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