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Thread: Swordsman: Sovereign

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    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Post Swordsman: Sovereign

    Swordsman: Sovereign

    This Fanfiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series. Story begins from the end of the fight between Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai.

    Chapter Links:

    Chapter: 01 | Chapter: 02 | Chapter: 03 | Chapter: 04 | Chapter: 05 | Chapter: 06 | Chapter: 07 | Chapter: 08 | Chapter: 09 | Chapter: 10 | Chapter: 11 | Chapter: 12 | Chapter: 13 | Chapter: 14 | Chapter: 15 | Chapter: 16 |


    " Speech "

    ' Thoughts '

    Chapter: 1

    What is love...

    “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.--1 Corinthians 13:4-8

    Would you let the world burn for love? Would you sacrifice anyone and thing for the person you hold most dear? Would you even sacrifice your happiness, your very life for the person you love?

    What if one simple answer changed the fate of the entire Martial world?


    Near the edge of Blackwood Cliff....

    “Have you ever loved me?” Dongfang Bubai said softly.

    Linghu Chong stared at her with a stern face, though inwardly he was caught completely off guard by her question. Her words made no sense given the present situation. She could easily kill him with the embroidery needle held at his neck, yet she withheld the killing blow.

    'What is she playing at?' he thought to himself.

    If he were honest with himself he wanted to love her. He wanted to be with her. Even now with his life in her hands, his heart thundered loudly in his chest, not so much out of fear, but more so out of desire.

    “Do you still refuse to tell me despite the situation?” she said softly.

    If it were possible Linghu Chong's heart began to beat even faster at her words. He wanted to scream out yes, scream it to the heavens without a care of who heard him. But yet he remained silent.

    “Linghu Chong.... answer me...” she again said softly. “Tell me if you have ever loved me?

    'Why did I even come here? What was I hoping to accomplish by meeting her again? What?...She's just the evil leader of the Mountain Sects sworn enemy. Isn't she....'

    As she waited for his answer Dongfang Bubai admired the rugged but handsome features of the man she loved. That was one of the things she loved about him. She vowed that if they could work out their problems, she would insure he would never want to be apart from her again. Regardless of the means.

    “Is it because you think everything I've done while we were together has been fake? Or has something else bewitched you...” she said secretly fearing his heart was totally lost to Ying Ying.

    Dongfang Bubai hated seeing Linghu Chong and Ying Ying holding hands. She wanted with every fiber of her being to rip Ren Woxing daughter arm off and slap her with it. How dare she touch what belonged to her. How dear she touch her man. How dare she try to steal what is rightfully hers. Frankly the only reason Ying Ying was still alive was because Dongfang Bubai still had hope for herself and Linghu Chong and didn't want to commit murder right in front of him, which she rightfully feared, would destroy what little hope for their relationship remained.

    'Since I can't kill you outright, then suffer from the slow agonizing effects of the poison I gave you ,'she thought with a devious smirk. 'No one tries to steal from me!'

    “If I answer what does that accomplish? If you want to kill me then so be it. Just do not insult me by playing games with my heart. You can kill a man but you cannot insult him,” he said with clear agitation.

    Dongfang Bubai gazed upon him astonished, but that surprise soon turned into understanding as she grasped the full meaning of his words.

    'So that’s the reason for his drastic change of attitude towards me. He really does think I’m just playing mind games with him. But why?' she though truly perplexed.

    From the corner of her eye Dongfang Bubai caught a glimpse of movement coming from her right. She quickly glanced in that direction only to see Ying Ying about one hundred feet away watching them both.

    'So I was right all along Ying Ying.... That scheming ***** must have poisoned his mind so she can have him for herself!'

    She knew complaining about Ying Ying's alleged scheming was a tad... no completely hypocritical, but in her present state of mind she hardly cared. Dongfang Bubai slowly lowering the needle from his neck and tucked it back into her sleeve. The words of her deceased maid Yu Niang began to play back in her mind.

    'I asked Yu Niang, why she was so silly to stab herself instead of the man who betrayed her? That foolish girl actually said it was because…she loved him. And that chief, you don’t know sweet love can be… I’m willing to trade my life for it…'

    Yu Niang's eyes at the time were filled with tears as blood trickled from the self inflicted wound in her stomach. Her words though had struck a wound in the heart of her master; piercing deeper then any man made sword.

    'I called her silly at the time, but look at me now. I'm just like her....I'm so infatuated by a man I'm willing to throw everything away for him.... '

    Just as she told him in the cave where her and Linghu Chong took refuge in after he rescued her from the snow wolves. Dongfang Bubai was not herself while around the man she loved. Or was she? Is she the cold and calculating leader of the largest unorthodox martial sect or is she the vulnerable lovestruck young woman who doesn't quite know how to express her feeling like a normal person?

    'Maybe I'm both, neither, or just a cold and heartless killer, who one day fell in love....'

    “My life is in your hands now Linghu Chong.... take it if you must....” she said softly. “Take it if you dare....”


    In the distance, standing behind a tree for safety. Ying Ying watched the scene play out with her heart caught in her throat. She was too far away to hear their conversation, but from the way the two just stood like statue's gazing at each other, she knew something strange was going on.

    'Could it be that they were actually lovers...' she thought, as a feeling of dread overcame her.

    Ying Ying was completely disgusted at the thought.

    '! I refuse to believe that’s possible!' she thought in horror.

    Ying Ying stopped herself from imagining her most hated enemy and the man she loved together. But if she were honest with herself it made the most sense. She began to recall how Linghu Chong acted when listening to Yang Lianting's plot about betraying Dongfang Bubai and then parading her dead naked body for all to see. She remembered the barely controlled rage emitting from him. At first she thought it was because of his righteous nature reacting towards the despicable scheme of Yang Lianting. But now she could see it was far more then that.

    'But how could she fall in love with a man?! She has always had a low opinion of men; thought they were completely useless. How could she be in love with Linghu Chong?....'

    Ying Ying quickly realized a man like Linghu Chong would be the desire of many women. And yes, she knew that Dongfang Bubai was indeed a woman and not a man. Do to an incident when she accidentally walked in on her Martial Uncle/Aunty as she was coming out of the bath ten years ago. What kept Ying Ying alive at the time, was her just being proclaimed Holy Lady of the Sun Moon Cult. To get rid of Rex Woxing's daughter so soon would have cast a ton of unwanted suspicion towards Dongfang Bubai's way. So the cult leader settled on making her Martial Niece promise not to say a word to anyone of what she saw.

    'No wonder she poisoned me! She was never going to kill Linghu Chong. I am such a fool! Once she realized I had feelings for Linghu Chong, she just wanted to get me out of the way!' Ying Ying thought, as she scolded herself for falling for one of Dongfang Bubai's tricks.

    The two just stared at each other for what seemed like hours; but in actuality only a couple of minutes passed by since Dongfang Bubai's proclamation. Without either realizing it, their bodies were inching closer and closer to each other. Especially their lips, which were now only a couple of inches apart. Both closed their eyes in anticipation; neither person having the desire to stop what was about to happen.

    “Die Dongfang Bubai!!” someone suddenly screamed.

    Looking towards the sky Dongfang Bubai saw Ren Woxing coming towards her with a energy covered palm strike aimed at her face. Swiftly bringing her right hand up she easily held off his attack and pushed him back. But she had no time to rest as she quickly twirled to narrowly avoid a second palm strike from the former cult leader with his left hand. The blow though did graze her left cheek causing a small trickle of blood to appear.

    'I'll make you pay for that!' she thought in a rage, knowing the blow would leave a scar on her beautiful face.

    Dongfang Bubai let fly the embroidery needle she kept in her sleeve and sent it straight into the eye of her mortal enemy. But before she could even feel a sense of satisfaction, to her great surprise, Ren Woxing managed a kick to her chest, causing the cult leader to spit out a bit of blood, but more importantly sent her flying off the top of the cliff.

    Time seemed to slow as he watched her fall off the cliff and to her doom. Without thinking about his own safety Linghu Chong; who hadn't moved during the brief encounter between the mortal enemies. Jumped after Dongfang Bubai, barely managing to catch her and grabbing onto a protruding part of the cliff, stopping their free fall.

    “Just hold on, I will try to get us back to the top!” he yelled, while trying to figure out the best way to climb back up.

    Getting back to safety wasn't a priority in Dongfang Bubai's mind at the moment. She only cared about one thing and was determined to find out the truth whether it cost her life or not. “Have you every loved me?”

    “Are you serious, how can you ask that now?!” he said in utter disbelief at her choice of words given the situation. “Please, just hold on to me!”

    “Tell me!!” she suddenly screamed, as tears started to flow from both her eyes.

    Linghu Chong could hear the anguish in her voice. He was at a loss for words. Before him now, what he thought was a cold blooded killer and schemer was instead nothing more then a lovestruck young woman.

    'Dear God, you know I want to tell her yes, but I’m scared this is still some sort of trick. I'm so confused. Please, I just want to know the truth....' he pleaded to the All Mighty.

    “Do you still refuse to answer? Do you still not trust me?” she said looking at him fiercely.

    “I lo...miss Dongfang will always be in my heart...” he replied softly.

    Though it wasn't the admittance of love she was hoping for Dongfang Bubai gladly excepted what little of the truth he was willing to admit.

    “That is enough... ruler of the Martial world, supreme leader, ruler of the Universe. It all means nothing now...” she replied softly, as hope for their relationship blossomed anew.

    Though the feeling didn't last long as his next comment left her heart completely in tatters.

    “I'm begging you, once we get back to the top you must promise me that you will save Ying Ying from the poison you gave her. I know that you and elder Ren hate each other. Tell me the name of it and I will replay it to them.”

    Dongfang Bubai couldn't believe he would mention about the poison in this kind of situation. Frankly the statement didn't make any sense whatsoever. Even Linghu Chong didn't know why he chose to ask about the poison at that exact moment. He originally wanted to say how much he loves her and has never stopped loving her, but his doubts stopped him.

    “San Shi Nao Shen Dan...” she whispered out.

    'I guess you win Ying Ying,' she thought bitterly. 'But.... I will make sure he never forgets me....'

    “Good, now hold on to me, so I can bring us back to the...--”

    “Linghu Chong...” she said interrupting him. “Since I am an unloved monster you don't have to worry about saving my life. Just let me die!!” she suddenly screamed out.

    Before he could fully process her emotional outburst she broke his grip and thrust her palm forward sending out a burst of energy which propelled him back to the top of the cliff. Linghu Chong immediately ran back to the edge of the cliff. Time once again seemed to slow as he saw her fall while uttering her last words to the man she loved.

    “Linghu Chong …. Never forget me.... I want you to remember me forever...” she said softly.

    Time remained still as he watched the woman he loved fall to her death. All the times they spent together came rushing back into his mind. Even during their brief fight that took place a few minutes earlier. He realized how there wasn't any killing intent coming from her. How she tried to reason with him, before and after they fought. Suddenly, as if an answer to his prayer. All his bottled up emotions were set free, causing him to make a decision which would not only change the rest of his life, but also that of the entire Martial world.

    'Your happiness is my happiness, your joy is my joy. What you love I love... At least you will be happy this way Linghu Chong …. ' she thought sadly as more tears came streaming out. 'Without me in the way you will no longer feel tormented …. '

    Though painfully, Dongfang Bubai chose death then to not have the love of the one she loved. Foolish perhaps, but to a person who the concept of love was something new and mysterious, it seemed the correct choice in her mind. She wanted him to be happy even if it meant she had to give up her life to accomplish that goal. So in the end her sacrifice seemed like the only decision.

    “Dear God, if you will listen to someone as wicked as me. Please let Linghu Chong have a good li...--”

    Dongfang Bubai suddenly stopped her prayer as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She at first thought it was her grief effecting her mind; causing her to see things. But as the seconds passed the now former cult leader realized everything she was seeing was real.

    “What....what is this fool doing?!” she suddenly blurted out..

    Dongfang Bubai stared in utter disbelief as Linghu Chong jumped off the cliff after her. As he drew closer she could see the pained looked on his face as he approached; especially his eyes. Like her own, they were puffy and bloodshot from the endless tears which kept pouring out.

    'Thank you... Thank you... Linghu Chong....'

    In an equally strange gesture she opened her arms as to receive him.

    'The villain and her fool shall die together...My wonderful fool...This is like someones twisted fairy tale....' she thought happily, as a warm smile etched across her face.

    End of Chapter: 1

    A/N: Not a bad start or at least I hope. Let me know what you guys and gals think. Also, any plot ideas are appreciated. If it matches what I plan to do then I will seriously consider using your idea(s).
    Last edited by optimus610; 03-13-16 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Wow this was like watching the entire scene again but with an ending I actually like.

    I have a couple of ideas you might find useful:

    1) Continue the story from this point, ie show the struggles between DFBB and the Rens with LHC caught in between and trying to figure out his feelings.

    2) Start a completely new story set after the events, say 20 years later RWX rules the Martial Arts world, RYY is dead and the LHC/DFBB story has become legend.

    Look forward to reading you work.

  3. #3
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Thanks for continuing the adventure, Optimus!

    I really like the in depth analysis of their own thought and the great detail... The novel-like detail was what was missing in the original JY story and more so in the various adaptations. I find wuxia novels tend to leave much of the inner thoughts and actions unexplained or left to the imaginations of their audiences. It's refreshing for me to see you bring some of the romance novel style and detail into the wuxia realm. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

  4. #4
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    Dear Optimus. The beginning was almost Shakspearean in tone. And the dissecting of their inner emotions was really well crafted. Your novel really brought back to me most vividly the final last few scenes, which I had almost forgotten. I await your second chapter fervently.

  5. #5
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Thank you all for the kind words.

  6. #6
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    As they fall, I wonder what do they say to one another... "Speak up you fool, and say it quickly, cuz we only have seconds to live...", but he just smiles and asks her, "Let's have a 5 second quicky to consummate our new relationship, cuz I forgot what we did in the cave, I had heavy internal injuries at the time... " hahaha

    Where's chapter 2?... Just kidding...
    Last edited by szfong; 05-20-14 at 01:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    As they fall, I wonder what do they say to one another... "Speak up you fool, and say it quickly, cuz we only have seconds to live...", but he just smiles and asks her, "Let's have a 5 second quicky to consummate our new relationship, cuz I forgot what we did in the cave, I had heavy internal injuries at the time... " hahaha

    Where's chapter 2?... Just kidding...
    lol that's actually pretty funny. But no, that won't happen.

    I'm hoping to have the new chapter up by this weekend. Hope, not promise.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  8. #8
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Question. Am I the only one who didn't think Wallace Huo did a good job at portraying Linghu Chong at times? As I said to one of my friends; who also had the same thought. That Wallace came across as a person playing a part and didn't make me forget he was acting.

    I mention this because as I'm working on the second chapter I'm envisioning someone completely different then Wallace. In fact I'm seeing Li Yapeng from laughing in the wind. In terms of just acting I thought he did a much better job in that version.

    Oh well enough of my rambling back to writing.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  9. #9
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Question. Am I the only one who didn't think Wallace Huo did a good job at portraying Linghu Chong at times? As I said to one of my friends; who also had the same thought. That Wallace came across as a person playing a part and didn't make me forget he was acting.

    I mention this because as I'm working on the second chapter I'm envisioning someone completely different then Wallace. In fact I'm seeing Li Yapeng from laughing in the wind. In terms of just acting I thought he did a much better job in that version.

    Oh well enough of my rambling back to writing.
    If we are talking about favourite LHC then I'll show my age and say Jet Li. The Swordsman Films were my first exposure to the SPW story and both the main leads (Jet & Bridget) left a deep impression.

    The latest adaptation felt like a watered down version of that film.

  10. #10
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Word has it, Wallace was unhappy when the producers decided to turn him into a hypocrite, so he was stiff after he "betrayed" DFBB. The producers said they had to re-align the story with the book to some extent. In essence, they were brave in making DFBB into a major character & a love interest, but not brave enough to alter how the major characters end up.

    Li Yapeng's, 2001 adaptation was really "dark" and violent, even RYY was virtually always ruthless to the extreme.

  11. #11
    Member Liljanger's Avatar
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    Since this thread has been started. Just curious, did LHC actually love DFBB in the 2013 series? He thought about her after their battle at Hei Mu Ya and felt sad. But when they meet again for the last time he strike her once more. Very confusing....

  12. #12
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liljanger View Post
    Since this thread has been started. Just curious, did LHC actually love DFBB in the 2013 series? He thought about her after their battle at Hei Mu Ya and felt sad. But when they meet again for the last time he strike her once more. Very confusing....
    RYY had way too little screen time in this series. She was unavaible most of the time cuz she was doing her palace dramas, LHC was suppose to strike DFBB for poisoning RYY and wanted to take her down quickly to force her to hand over the antidote But afterwards, he just said nothing during the whole time and pretended to be a rock and then she flew away. Most felt they should have just ended it right there,

    I heard the new YZ produced and JYapproved $$ Condor Heroes 2014 will be better made than XAJH 2013 and using much cheaper actors and post production has it set at about 50 eps.

    I think the 2001 RYY is very similar to the DFBB of 2013.... I love the part where RYY was going to carve up YLS's face for not saying "thank you"...

  13. #13
    Member Liljanger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by szfong View Post
    RYY had way too little screen time in this series. She was unavaible most of the time cuz she was doing her palace dramas, LHC was suppose to strike DFBB for poisoning RYY and wanted to take her down quickly to force her to hand over the antidote But afterwards, he just said nothing during the whole time and pretended to be a rock and then she flew away. Most felt they should have just ended it right there,

    I heard the new YZ produced and JYapproved $$ Condor Heroes 2014 will be better made than XAJH 2013 and using much cheaper actors and post production has it set at about 50 eps.

    I think the 2001 RYY is very similar to the DFBB of 2013.... I love the part where RYY was going to carve up YLS's face for not saying "thank you"...
    So the biggest issue with the 2013 version was Wallace Huo who was being uncooperative and inflexible. Frankly, he did not have the LHC aura in the first place. His stiff acting just did not make the cut. LHC is suppose to be joyous and easy going. Guess YZ made a big mistake by selecting him as LHC.

  14. #14
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liljanger View Post
    So the biggest issue with the 2013 version was Wallace Huo who was being uncooperative and inflexible. Frankly, he did not have the LHC aura in the first place. His stiff acting just did not make the cut. LHC is suppose to be joyous and easy going. Guess YZ made a big mistake by selecting him as LHC.
    I think in modern wuxia dramas you can't cut too many corners, the special effects and fight scenes were completely tuned into short video games to control cost. The extras were also quickly eliminated to only 6 to 8 people or less per scene, it was definitely cheaply and way too quickly made. If Wallace was out of character it was definitely the producer or director's job to tell him. Its funny they couldn't afford to buy the Shaolin trademark..

  15. #15
    Member optimus610's Avatar
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    Default Chapter: 2

    Swordsman: Sovereign

    This Fanfiction is loosely based on Jin Yong's Smiling Proud Wanderer and the new 2012/2013 series.

    " Speech "

    ' Thoughts '

    Chapter: 2

    A young man once told his first love, that if she were to ever fall off the top of a cliff he would go after her without hesitation. A bold statement, but for true love, not simply friendship would he risk his life in such a manner. Only for the love of his life, the love one can't live without, the love that is more important then ones' own life would he do such a thing.

    These were the words of Linghu Chong directed to Yue Lingshan while he was still serving his year punished on Repentance cliff.


    'Why is it raining? The sky was clear a moment ago.' Linghu Chong said to himself as she felt what he thought were rain drops hit his face.

    Slowly opening his eyes the former Huashan Sect disciple surprisingly found himself lying on the ground, but even more surprised to be staring into the bloodshot eyes of the woman he loved.

    “Linghu Chong your alive!! Your alive!!” Dongfang Bubai screamed happily as her tears continued to assault his bruised face.

    The pain in her face nearly left him heart broken. He had never seen her looking so distraught. He also saw that it wasn’t only tears that were dripping onto his face. But also some blood coming from the side of her mouth which he guessed was from an internal injury.

    'It must be from the fall...But at least we both survived..' he thought relieved.

    She then hugged him fiercely; as if afraid he would disappear if she let go. In a normal circumstance a hug would not be anything to concern yourself about. But after falling off a 4,000ft tall cliff....


    'Oh goodness the pain!!' he mentally agonized, as a weak scream escaped from his lips.

    Upon hearing his cry, Dongfang Bubai immediately let go realizing he must be in a lot of pain to cry out from a simple hug.

    “I'm sorry, I forgot you took the brunt of the fall trying to protect me...” she said softly.

    He reached up with the hand that was in the least amount of pain; his right. And gently stroked her cheek. She in turn gently kissed the back of his hand as more tears began to fall. He smiled weakly before passing out.

    “Linghu Chong... Linghu Chong!! Don't die!! Please don't die!!” Dongfang Bubai screamed hysterically before burying her head into his chest while crying bitterly.


    Two days later...

    “Are you sure this will work? What if they refuse?”

    “They won't, Shaolin owes me a favor and once I explain the situation they will gladly help. Plus with the way Chong'er kept the mob from destroying their temple how can they refuse?” the male voice responded confidently.

    “If you mention me they will be hesitant to help...” Dongfang Bubai responded with worry.

    “I won't.... Now go back and make sure he is okay. If he wakes up just explain what happened. Either way we have to take this chance. I fear with Chong'ers injuries he won't last much longer. Though the energy I've fed him does seem to have helped his health some.”

    Linghu Chong passed out again after hearing the conversation. He hoped the events of the day were all a bad dream, a bad nightmare that he would soon awake from. Oh how wrong this young man was.

    When he opened his eyes again it was nightfall. He took a quick look at his surroundings and found himself in a cave. Past the small fire that was burning a few feet in front of him was also the mouth of the cave which from his angle gave a clear view of the night sky. He also heard the sound of flowing water, which he guessed was a nearby waterfall from the distinct sound.

    He looked down at his makeshift bed made of leaves and other various foliage. Which he notes was also made on an elevated rock formation inside the cave, about three feet from the ground. Then he took note of his body which was wrapped in the outer layer of what he recognized was Dongfang Bubai's outer robe; do to the red coloring. He guessed her clothes and another layer of foliage on top of them were meant to keep him as warm as possible.

    'I know what she is, yet she is so good to me...How can I possibly repay this?...' he thought with a bit of despair at his predicament.

    The sudden sound of light snoring broke him from his quandary. Linghu Chong turned his head slightly to the left and was shocked to see the sleeping form of Dongfang Bubai.

    'Why are we in bed together? Don't tell me we laid together?...' he thought slightly panicked.

    Linghu Chong knew that if he did indeed slept with Dongfang Bubai then their relationship, complicated as it already was, would get a thousand times more so.

    'But if that’s the case then why don't I remember anything? I maybe thinking too much, she just probably slept next to me to keep me warm with the warmth from her own body.'

    He also realized that despite feeling slightly better then a couple of days earlier. His body was still in a lot of pain and he could barely move anything other then his right arm without great effort. So the idea of sex, seemed impossible at the present.

    Linghu Chong felt a sudden jolt as the two suddenly found themselves locking eyes. Linghu Chong could see the surprise and confusion in her eyes before she suddenly bolted six feet from the bed and covered her chest with both arms. Dongfang Bubai was dressed in a simple white robe which went down to her ankles. Though it was a bit oversized for her frame, and drooped off her slightly, it still offered a very appealing view of her body. Her hair also added to this effect as it was done up in a pony tail trailing down to the middle of her back.

    'She's so beautiful...'

    Linghu Chong took the time to admire her features. Indeed she was a feast for the eyes; having everything a man would eagerly desire. But he quickly snapped himself out of his leering not wanting to think of her indecently.

    “Lecherous beast! How could you take advantage of me. I thought you were a gentleman. How could you do this to me?!” she then turned her head away in shame and began sobbing.

    Linghu Chong began to panic, thinking he had done something unthinkable to his love.

    “This is just like when we spent the night in the cave by ourselves. The next day you pretended we only talked the whole night. But... you....” she said distraught.

    If it were humanly possible for a person to be so shocked that their mouth would be so wide open that it could literally hit the floor, then Linghu Chong's would have done so.

    “Though you forced yourself on me then, you didn't even have the decency to acknowledged what happened. So I pretended everything was fine. Was I not even worth a mention?”

    “But Miss Dongfang I can barely move how could I have forced you?” he asked genuinely confused.

    “Beast!! Just like before you deny your actions!!” she screamed while pointing accusingly at him.

    Dongfang Bubai then dropped to her knees and buried her face into her hands.

    “Miss Dongfang I...”

    Linghu Chong didn't know what to say. He just couldn't believe it. How could he do the things that she was accusing him of. Was it possible that he violated her and had forgotten? Had the fall also effected his memory as well? Was it truly possible?...Though the thought quickly passed as his alleged victim suddenly let out a loud laugh.

    “Now take responsibility for what you did,” she said turning back around to show her smiling and tear free face.

    At first he stared at her strangely, before he settled his head back on his make shift bed and let out a small laugh; realizing he had been tricked.

    “I see Miss Dongfang is fond of jokes,” he said with a wry smile, but inwardly was greatly relieved.

    “You are handsome and brave, but not very smart at times. Do you think you would still have your manhood left attached if that actually happened?” she said with a devious smile.

    Linghu Chong laughed nervously, knowing despite the smile, she meant every word.


    About twenty minutes later the two had finished enjoying a meal of various fruits and a rabbit which Dongfang Bubai had caught earlier in the day. She had insisted on feeding Linghu Chong his meal. At first he relented, but after a few spasms of pain when he tried to sit up he quickly relented.

    The two now were quietly gazing out at the night sky.

    “How bad are my injuries?” he said breaking the silence.

    Dongfang Bubai sat crossed legged on the floor a foot away from the man she loved. At his question she faced him with a forced a smile, which was easily caught by Linghu Chong.

    “You will be fine....” she said trying to sound reassuring.

    “You don't sound very convincing,” he said with a small laugh.

    “I said you will be fine!” she suddenly yelled. “I won't let anything happen to you!”

    Linghu Chong stared at her in surprise at the outburst but soon his heart settled down; grateful for her passion and concern.

    “Yes, I know you won't...” he said with a smile.

    The sudden sound of flesh hitting flesh or to be more precise palm hitting cheak, was soon heard, disturbing the light-hearted mood. He looked at her in disbelief, that was until he saw the tears begin to form in her eyes.

    “How could you do something so reckless as to jump after me?!” she said trying to sound stern, but instead her tears and more so the expression on her beautiful face showed how deeply concerned she was for him.

    As he continued to gaze upon her beauty the former Huashan Sect disciple recalled how exactly he got to be so injured in the first place.


    Being naturally heavier and using his own energy to propel himself downward. Linghu Chong caught up to his love in seconds. They both let out small grunts as their bodies impacted, but given they had mere seconds to live the momentary pain wasn't either of their concern.

    “My wonderful Linghu Chong, you came to say something to me, so say it...” Dongfang Bubai said warmly, as her tears of remorse and sorrow turned to ones of pure joy.

    Without hesitation Linghu Chong kissed her passionately. This was not the answer the former cult leader expected but she soon closed her eyes and returned his show of love.

    'God, I only wished myself and Linghu Chong had more time together in this world. But thank you for what little we had to spend with each other.'

    But the moment was stopped short as her love suddenly placed the palms of both hands on her chest shocking her.

    “Live...” he said with a warm, yet sad smile.

    Flaring his energy he pushed her away with all his might in an attempt to lessen the speed of her free fall. It did exactly that but as a result hastened his own decent.

    “NO!!!” a horrified Dongfang Bubai screamed as she watched helpless as the man she loved impacted with the ground.

    End Flashback

    Though his body was tough. It wasn't quite like his loves, who had a ten year head start in developing her energy and strengthening her body with it. Linghu Chong didn't just give up, he had gathered every ounce of power within him and used it as a buffer when he impacted the ground. The result was a small crater being formed with a badly injured yet alive Linghu Chong.

    “I.... could not let you die....” he said softly.

    The two just stared at each other without saying a word, until the silence was broken by Dongfang Bubai a minute later.

    “Do you love me Linghu Chong?...” she said softly.

    Linghu Chong could hear the hope in her voice. The answer to the question was an obvious yes. But for some reason, fear being the culprit, he hesitated to answer.

    “Or... am I still just the big evil of the Martial World to you?” she said coldly.

    Linghu Chong continued to remain silent; though he could tell she was growing angrier the more he didn't say anything.

    “Why did you help Ren Woxing then; is he some saint? Do you know how many people he's killed? What about Ying Ying, what do you truly know about her; do you think she's some innocent flower? You can have trust in them but yet I’m somehow shunned? Does that way of thinking make sense to you?” she said bitterly.

    Linghu Chong eyes went wide at her statement.

    'She is right. I really know nothing about either person yet I had more trust in them then her...'

    “Tell me Linghu Chong, when I was imprisoned in Shaolin so they can heal you. Was that also fake? As I take care of you now, is that fake as well?”

    Her words stung; the truth of them piercing his heart.

    “You can befriend a rapist like Tian Boguang but I cannot get the same courtesy?! Or is his crimes against the women who's lives he's ruined okay in your eyes?!”

    'She's again right. I gave brother Tian a chance and it has paid off. If I don't do the same for her then I would be acting like a hypocrite.'

    “Are you afraid to love me? Afraid about what others will say and think of you? Are you ashamed to love me?...” she asked softly.

    “Are you calling me a coward?! I Linghu Chong am no coward!” he suddenly shouted, but immediately regretted losing his temper as his body was besieged with pain.

    “Then say what's in your heart towards me!” she replied with equal passion.

    Linghu Chong decided in that moment she would get her wish; and he would answer her question. But, before that he needed one thing from her to make sure he was making the correct decision.

    “My Master's wife treated me like her own son. And like any mother gave me parental advice on many issues. One of the most important things she ever told me was that the secret to love is that there are no secrets when you love. So tell me your secrets Miss Dongfang. I want to hear your side of things,” he said softly.

    Dongfang Bubai was caught completely off guard by his statement and began to panic slightly. The former cult leader was mainly scared that the if she revealed the things over the years that she had done, it would completely drive her love away. But as she gazed into his eyes; eagerly awaiting for her to speak. She realized to bear her soul might be the only way to resolve the issues between them.


    Ten minutes later...

    “Wait, so your father and step mother abandoned you and Yi lin? How could they do such a monstrous thing?” he said clearly outraged.

    Dongfang Bubai merely huffed before replying.

    “They complain about Dongfang Bubai but what has this world given me,
    where is my love and respect? This vile and evil world we live in. Full of hypocrites roundabout. Whether their from the so called righteous or evil sects they are all the same. Even the love and care from ones parents are not guaranteed,” she said with clear disdain.

    Dongfang Bubai needed a few seconds to clear her head before she looked up at the moon and sighed, before continuing.

    “This happened fourteen years ago. During that year, my village was raided by a group of notorious bandits. My so called parents left me and Yi lin behind while they ran away with my baby brother. They didn't abandon him since he was born by my stepmother so naturally she had always loved him more. I had no knowledge of martial arts back then and had to make sure that the bandits didn't harm my sister. I found a hiding spot for Yi lin, but before I could find one for myself they caught sight of me and I ran for my life.”

    Linghu Chong continued to listen quietly, completely captivated by her tale.

    “I was so weak back then, so naturally they easily caught up with me and surrounded me at the bank of a nearby river. Given the way some were looking at me. I thought that I was going to be raped, then killed or kept as a sex slave. But thankfully my future master showed up at that moment and killed all of them. I thanked him happily, but he insisted that he had no intention on saving me and was only trying to stop them from interrupting his martial arts training. Now that I think back on it, I’ve a feeling that he was telling the truth,” she said with a snort.

    “My master has always taught me that the reason for learning martial arts is to defend the weak and punish the wicked. There is no need to come up with other excuses to save someone from danger.”

    “Not everyone is like you Linghu Chong. Few will blindly go out of their way to save a complete stranger,” she said smirking.

    “At least my recklessness allowed us to meet...”

    Dongfang Bubai just stared at him without saying a word. Her heart nearly melted at his statement, but she was too proud to let him know.

    “I'm still amazed that hypocrite Yue Buqun produced such a pupil as you. That phoney actually got something right,” she said abruptly changing the subject.

    “Hey, don't curse my master!” he again regretted the show of emotion as his body was hit with another spasm of pain.

    “Why shouldn't I?! Did you know your master tried to burn me alive?!” she spat back.

    “W..What do you mean?” he asked in shock.

    “I knew that coward wouldn't tell you,” she said with contempt.

    Dongfang Bubai then began to tell her love how his master had gotten one of his fellow classmates to disguise themselves as him and lured her to a bridge. Then once there they cut the ropes and poured oil down it and set the whole thing on fire.

    “M...Master did all of that?...” he asked in disbelief.

    'No wonder she wants to kill him.'

    “Yes, he also told me you had died. When you met me in the forest it was only after just being attacked by him and that other hypocrite Yu Canghai of Qingcheng Sect and some of his disciples. I only wanted to avenge you and took my anger out on them.”

    Linghu Chong was silent for a moment before responding. He realized the mercy that Dongfang Bubai had shown to his adopted parents. With her power she could have easily killed them. But she instead spared them; likely for his sake.

    “I'm sorry that I stabbed you. I've always regretted doing that. It was just in that moment I lost control of myself and gave into the chaotic emotions I was feeling,” he said with remorse, as his voice was laced with sorrow.

    Dongfang Bubai was silent, but in her heart she was overjoyed at hearing the apology. As the old saying goes, a well timed and thought out apology can go a long way.

    “Yang Lianting... Where did you find that scum?” Linghu Chong asked with agitation, but also secretly wanting to change the subject to a less contrite topic..

    “Are you jealous Linghu Chong?” she said seductively. “Do not worry, my purity is still intact.”

    She gave him a wink, then lightly laughed when she saw a blush appear on his face.

    “I found him in a village....” she said said quietly, not willing to reveal she was in the village killing innocents in her quest to kill all of the heartless men in the world.

    Linghu Chong could tell she was holding back something but decided not to press the issue. He already guessed it was the killing rampage she went on after he stabbed her.

    “He was planning on killing you, then that monster was going to strip your dead body and parade your corpse for all to see,” he said in anger.

    “You see Linghu Chong this is why I would do anything, sacrifice all for you,” said Dongfang Bubai, as she fought back tears. “He may have had your face, but nothing else.”


    Ying Ying hid by the entrance of the cave listening intently to the conversation between Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong. Originally when she secretly came down to the base of the mountain, she only wanted to give Linghu Chong a proper burial. Plus, deep in her heart, she was still holding onto a faint hope, that by some miracle the man she loved was still alive.

    She didn't tell her father, being she wanted to bury Linghu Chong alone. She didn't want others to see her reduced to a whimpering mess of tears while she grieved him. Ren Woxing like any parent concerned for their child’s safety naturally would have insisted at least a dozen or so men go with her; for her protection.

    But being nearly as stubborn as her father. She snuck out under the cover of darkness. Finding the spot where Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai supposedly fell to their doom. She used two reinforced umbrella's in each hand, along with her lightness skill to guide down to the spot where she thought the bodies would be.

    To her surprise she found nothing, save for a smaller crater, which she guessed was from the two impacting the ground. At first she panicked thinking that animals might have gotten to the bodies but decided to look around the area more. The crater was only a few feet deep so she had no worries about falling in. After a few minutes of investigating she noticed what appeared to be drag marks, along with foot prints.

    After following the tracks for a half an hour she eventually came upon the clearing and cave where Linghu Chong and Dongfang Bubai where staying and over heard part of their conversation.


    “You killed Ying Ying's mother?” Linghu Chong asked genuinely shocked.

    Dongfang Bubai nodded slowly.

    “No wonder she hates you,” he replied solemnly.

    “She nor her father knows it was me. Though I’m sure both may have had their suspicions I was involved with Lady Xuexins' death.”

    “But why?”

    “I wanted to take over as chief, but Ren Woxing kept himself secluded for over a month for some reason. So I used the Mountain Sects attacking to force him out. I planned the whole thing. I lured them to Black Wood Cliff in hopes the two sides would destroy each other,” she said with not even a hint of remorse.

    “Die you monster!!”

    Ying Ying sudden attack caught both Dongfang Bubai and Linghu Chong completely by surprise. But given the former cult leaders' ghostly like reflexes she easily blocked Ying Ying's palm strike with one of her own. Though injured she easily pushed her nieces attack back causing her to fly completely out of the cave.

    'I should have known not to let my guard down and get too relaxed,' Dongfang Bubai said scolding herself as she followed after her niece.

    Ying Ying landed on the ground back first with a thud. She split out a bit of blood as she rose to her feet, but didn't let the minor setback stop her from avenging her mother as she attacked once again. This time though she pulled out two chain whips she kept at each side of her waste and began to attack her enemy relentlessly.

    'She must really be after my life to pull those out.' Dongfang Bubai thought as she easily avoided the attacks.

    Given she helped her niece to develop the style of fighting using these unique weapons she knew full well the dangers of them. Add on to that her body was still recovering from the fall off Black Wood Cliff, the former cult leader knew it was best to end the fight quickly.

    Using her lightness skills Dongfang Bubai literally ran circles around her opponent. To Ying Ying it seemed like there were ten Dongfang Bubai's circling her. The fight was over in seconds as in one swift motion the former cult leader grabbed her niece by the throat, causing her to cry out in pain.

    “What are you doing here? How did you find us?” she asked coldly.

    Ying Ying didn't respond she just glared at her mothers killer with hatred.

    “Talk! Did anyone else come with you?!” she said tightening her grip, but guessed given Ying Ying's black clothing she most likely snuck away without telling her father.

    “Burn in hell,” Ying Ying spat out.

    Dongfang Bubai was about to end the girls life but before she could act she caught wind of the faint smell of oil coming from her niece. Quickly realizing what that meant she released her niece and backed away just as Ying Ying brought the chains together. The action caused them to spark, igniting the thin layer of oil on them.

    Ying Ying's whips were now ablaze with fire, making them all the more dangerous.

    'Who does this child think she's messing with?! How dare she try to burn me alive!'

    Using the other worldly power given to her by the Sun Flower Manual. Dongfang Bubai used a burst of energy to extinguish the flames and subsequently knock the chains out of Ying Ying's hands before she could even launch an attack. Like before she grabbed her niece by the throat but this time hoisted her easily off the ground with her left hand. Ying Ying dangled two feet off the ground like an hapless child. Dongfang Bubai stared at her viciously, she collected energy in her right hand, absolutely intending to end her life. The only question would be if it would be death by a heart shattering palm strike or to simply plunge her hand into her nieces chest and rip her heard completely out.

    “You want to take revenge for your mother, is that it? As if you can ever do that!” she said coldly.

    Dongfang Bubai reared her hand back reading the death blow. Her hand glowed brightly with power; one hit would be all that's needed to eliminate one nuisance from her life.

    “Miss Dongfang please stop!” Linghu Chong suddenly yelled.

    Dongfang Bubai turned to look at her love only to be met with his worried face.

    'I can't kill her, at least not yet...' she thought with disappointment, as her plans of outright murder had to be put on hold for the time being.

    Seconds later Ying Ying slammed against the cave wall a few feet away from where Linghu Chong was laying.

    Holy Lady vomited up a mouthful of blood as she put her right hand on her chest signifying a likely internal injury. She coughed and panted for breath trying to regain her strength.

    “Sister Ying Ying are you alright?” Linghu Chong asked with concern.

    “I...I'll be fine after I kill this witch!” she said venomously.

    “Please, you and Miss Dongfang need to stop fighting before one of you dies,” he said more out of concern for Ying Ying's safety who would clearly end up dead if the fight continued.

    “Don't stop her Linghu Chong. Let the little girl come!” Dongfang Bubai said murderously.

    “Do not stay here with her Linghu Chong come back with me to Black Wood Cliff,” the plea caught everyone by surprised, but none more so then who it was directed at.

    “Shut your mouth!!” an enraged and panicked Dongfang Bubai suddenly roared.

    “And if I don't what will you do?! Kill me like my mother?!” she snapped back.

    Being thrown against the wall had knocked some sense back into Ying Ying. Making her see it would be absolute suicide to face Dongfang Bubai right at this moment. But by Dongfang Bubai hesitance to strike. Ying Ying knew it must be because of Linghu Chong. She reasoned that if he agreed to come back with her, Dongfang Bubai couldn't do anything about it. She would not hurt him, and like herself was a slave to her feeling for him.

    Ying Ying then turned back to Linghu Chong with a smile and gaze filled with warmth and love. “I... can make you happy. I can do everything she can to make you happy and even more if need be... I can be everything she is to you...” she whispered out.

    To say he was shocked by what Ying Ying said would be like saying an elephant is only a little bit heavy. Without using the words, the Holy Lady of the Sun Moon Holy Cult just confessed she wanted to be his lover.

    “Sister Ying Ying...”

    He quickly glanced over at Dongfang Bubai and saw her angry, but yet worried face. He could not, would not break her heart again like when he stabbed her. Plus despite being possibly being near death. He was never more at ease in his life then around the woman he loved.

    “I thank Miss Ren for her kindness for the brief time we have known each other. But its best that I stay here for now. Miss Dongfang has treated me with nothing but kindness...It wouldn’t be right to leave her here by herself. When I get better I will come visit you so we can talk...” he said with a warm smile.

    Ying Ying wanted to die, her heart was completely shattered at his refusal but she put on a brave face as to not show her pain.

    “Is it any wonder?... A man like him prefers grown women, not some little girl with a crush...” Dongfang Bubai said smugly.

    Ying Ying squeezed her fist so tightly she nearly drew blood. She glared at Dongfang Bubai with pure hatred. Knowing her aunt was the one who imprisoned her father, murdered her mother and also how has the heart of the man she loved, it took all her self control to contain her anger.

    “Oh Ying Ying one more thing before you go. San Shi Nao Shen Dan.... look in my chambers. There should be one sample of it left there.”

    Ying Ying was surprised that Dongfang Bubai told tell her the name of the poison. But after some thought, guessed this was her aunt's way of saying forget you ever saw us. Essentially her life for her silence.

    “And Ying Ying... Dongfang Bubai is dead...”

    Ying Ying glared at her aunt, contemplating her words. After a couple of seconds she shakily rose to her feet and walked away in silence.

    Dongfang Bubai had a feeling that it might be a mistake she will live to regret letting her niece live. But then again if she were to kill Ying Ying her father would be sure to go looking for her and he or the search team he would send might stumble upon the cave.

    Once she saw it was safe Dongfang Bubai collapsed to the floor and vomited out a glob of blood. She slowly crawled over to where Linghu Chong was resting and sat crossed legged with her back propped against the elevated rock formation.

    “Good thing she left. I din't know how much longer I could have continued,” she said weakly.

    “Miss Dongfang...”

    “Don't worry you won't get rid of me that easy,” she said with a gentle smile.

    'Who says I want to...' he thought to himself as he watched her pass out.

    Linghu Chong gently brushed his right hand through her hair as she slept. What he felt for Dongfang Bubai was strange. His feelings towards her were stronger then what he previously had for Yue Lingshan. That thought alone left him completely flabbergasted.

    'How could this be possible?... I never wanted to go through this again. But here I am not only being in love once again but it's stronger then the last time,' he thought truly mystified.

    There is a saying, that you will know your love is real when you make it through all of the obstacles and challenges, all the good times and celebrations, and at the end of the day look into each others eyes and know you made it together, know you did it for each other and know that it was all perfect.

    'Perfect... perfect love... or as close as we humans can get,' he thought with a smile.

    It wasn't as if the love of the other women who had feeling's for him wasn't pure, but it was the fact that Dongfang Bubai's love was something all together different. One can say it was just on its own level. A love that would exist even if he stopped loving her. He believed without question that if need be she would give her physical heart, her life, just to make him happy.

    What fate will befall a man who willfully chose to love a villain. Only time will tell. But when he jumped from Black Wood Cliff a second time. Linghu Chong sealed whatever destiny was in store for him, with whatever trials and situations came about because of it.

    End of Chapter: 2

    A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  16. #16
    Senior Member szfong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks for another exciting update, optimus!!

    Hope to see your next update soon!!

  17. #17
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    "Being naturally heavier and using his own energy to propel himself downward. Linghu Chong caught up to his love in seconds." Its so refreshing to have somebody using logical basis for certain actions. Well done. Keep it up Optimus610.

  18. #18
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Well done. Another great chapter that tugs at the heartstrings.

  19. #19
    Member optimus610's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Thank You all for the kind words.
    If anyone is interested in some of my other work. You can check them out here

  20. #20
    Senior Member Mandred Skavenslayer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by optimus610 View Post
    Question. Am I the only one who didn't think Wallace Huo did a good job at portraying Linghu Chong at times? As I said to one of my friends; who also had the same thought. That Wallace came across as a person playing a part and didn't make me forget he was acting.

    I mention this because as I'm working on the second chapter I'm envisioning someone completely different then Wallace. In fact I'm seeing Li Yapeng from laughing in the wind. In terms of just acting I thought he did a much better job in that version.

    Oh well enough of my rambling back to writing.
    Just finished watching Laughing in the Wind. I can see why people like the LHC and RYY in this series.

    I especially like RYY character and the actress's portrayal. She was the embodiment of dare to love, dare to hate.

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