Many different songs of Trịnh Công Sơn can be heard from a luxury restaurant to a small corner of a café. He was the most beloved song writer of Vietnam. Some foreigners learn Vietnamese only because they adore Trịnh Công Sơn’s music.
Trịnh Công Sơn was born in Huế, he moved to Ho Chi Minh City in 1965. Khánh Ly is the most associated singer with him. Her husky voice helped to popularize his music a lot. They often performed together in South Vietnam University campuses. He died of diabetes, liver and kidney failure. Thousands of people gathered at his funeral in Ho Chi Minh City.

Trịnh Công Sơn always said : “ Writing a good song only needs the love to the music. My work is writing music, my hobby is always writing music”
He wrote about 600 songs. Many of Trịnh’s songs are love songs. Others are anti-war songs, written during Vietnam war. All of his songs have meaningful lyrics and the melodies are quite strange.
Unlike many other normal composers, Trịnh Công Sơn used many descriptive languages to express his feelings, he even used words that some Vietnamese cannot understand the meaning. Although he studied in French, his Vietnamese vocabulary is unlimited. He composed words perfectly, his music was simple but it turned into masterpiece.

These are some hints of Trịnh Công Sơn that we suggest you to hear:
1.Biển nhớ
2. Cát bụi
3. Chiếc lá thu phai
4. Chiều một mình qua phố
5. Dấu chân địa đàng
6. Diễm xưa
7. Để gió cuốn đi
8. Đêm thấy ta là thác đổ
9. Em hãy ngủ đi
10. Hạ Trắng
Every year, many concerts are held to commemorate him. If youstudy Vietnamese and love to hear his famous songs, you can book a ticket before any of these performances. We are sure that after coming to hear Trịnh’s music, you love him more!
VLS Team