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Thread: Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 《射雕英雄传》 - Yang Xu Wen, Li Yi Tong, Chen Xing Xu

  1. #161
    Senior Member Icha Parvati's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yanfeng View Post
    Hahah... add me to the pile of people who find HR interesting and GJ... so-so...

    I definitely like LOCH for the amazing side characters- the 4 Greats with Zhou Butong are my favorites, followed by YK and HR...

    But in terms of grabbing me by the heart and never letting me go after nearly 30 years, it would have to be the first time I watched Tony Leung's version of HSDS. Those Wudang warrior-uncles of his and the scintillating Zhaomin will always be my first love in wuxia!

    I'm psyched for this version for only one reason: Micheal Mui as Huang Yaoshi.
    hahaha, Yanfeng, we're actually very similar! Well, of course I'm looking forward to Michael Miu as HYS... but as for HSDS 1986, that's my second wuxia love actually, after Chor Lau Heung 1984. But when I watched CLH'84, I was just a kid who didn't appreciate the butterflies of seeing your favourite OTP together (I only remembered that Michael and Barbara were adorable, but I didn't go gaga over them like I am now). When I watched HSDS 2-3 years later, I already appreciated the chemistry between Tony Leung and Kitty Lai. Zhaomin was also my favourite heroine back then, despite her being very cruel at the start.

    And yes, the Seven Wudang Heroes or whatever you call them, they're just gorgeous! So much fun to watch those 80s series with their amazing kungfu! Pure gold!

    I just watched the fight between West Venom and North Beggar in 2008, and man, too much CGI and cables! Whereas when I recalled, say, the Quanzhen vs HYS fight in 1983, OMG, those movements back then were gold!

  2. #162
    Senior Member Icha Parvati's Avatar
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    More photos...

    This one with HR holding on tight to her Daddy Heretic ^_^



    They're using drones these days...





  3. #163
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    What's in the sky in the third photo? A drone/a flying weapon?

    The good thing about China budget is that they have money to employ all those extras. An army is really an army. Unlike some productions (e.g. Korea) whereby the generals will appear and note that the full army is in the camp.

  4. #164
    Senior Member Icha Parvati's Avatar
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    It's a drone to shoot the bird's eye view for the Mongolians riding horses. Works well in my field of work these days for wildlife shooting, though impact is still questionable. For this production, should work wonder...

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    Last edited by luna_lucid; 05-10-22 at 08:31 PM.

  6. #166
    Senior Member Icha Parvati's Avatar
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    I've just finished the 2008 ver. Man... What a mixed bag. I will write my thoughts later in my blog. For now, sufficient to say that I prefer the 1983 ver better, yes, with all the cartoon caves, orange juice in the foreground, and limited extras!

    I also hope that the 2017 version will stick more faithfully to the source, but still have a redemptive YK in the end, with the 1983 patterns instead of the I'm-good-I'm-bad 2008 Yang Kang (Yuan Hong is cute, but he's nowhere near Michael Miu's YK, no offence...).

    And God, if 2017 uses as much as CGI as the 2008 ver, I'll watch it with fast-forward button for most of those scenes!!

  7. #167


    All these Wuxia remakes really depend on the very first one we first watch, my first one ever was ROCH 95 that's why carman lee was the most memorable XLN, only exception that Liu yifei was way too pretty to get my acceptance without a single question. I didn't like Liu Yifei's Tian Long Ba Bu though, Felix was just too amazing, I would rate the newest version as the worst one ever, even though it was my favorite Wallace in there. Looking back I couldn't really find myself to like Fan Wong's XLN either although I love her so so so much with Chris after their Madame White Snake. The first Wuxia I ever watched are always better to me.

    I never had any interest in LOCH, even when my fav. Shui Ling was Mu Nianci. My first LOCH was 08 with Ariel Lin so I tend to be unable to move on with any other new ones, although I heard Zhou Xun did great. Comparing a few clips together, if I had watched Zhou Xun first I would have liked her first but I watched her last, I couldn't accept the low voice and unattractive styling.

    Same with HDSD 2003, Gao Yuan Yuan and Alyssa Chia grew on me more because I first watched their version (not including Jet Li's version although Sharla and Chingmy's classical beauty are the most unbeatable thing ever). That 2003 one is just those days when the technology was so much better, and ALSO people did not put on make up to the extreme of looking exactly like wax figures, not even a single pore show on people skin so I can't help framing every person for undergoing surgery or something...??? What on earth just happened? I really like HDSD 94 with cecilia and kathy but still not as much, although they got the best soundtracks. Even though it was Ady An, I couldn't even accept her version at all, the style of that drama was exactly like ROCH 08, the boring mood... but I couldn't stand it like how I passed through ROCH 08.

    If I had not watch LOCH I wouldn't even understand what my old time favorite funny movie Eagle Shooting Heroes was exactly really about. Went back to figure out each character, it was so damn hilarious!

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    Last edited by luna_lucid; 05-10-22 at 08:42 PM.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verdiani View Post
    I never had any interest in LOCH, even when my fav. Shui Ling was Mu Nianci. My first LOCH was 08 with Ariel Lin so I tend to be unable to move on with any other new ones, although I heard Zhou Xun did great. Comparing a few clips together, if I had watched Zhou Xun first I would have liked her first but I watched her last, I couldn't accept the low voice and unattractive styling.
    I also like Zhou Xun's version of HR though her voice takes some time to accept it.
    I also like Barbara Yung's version.
    On the other hand, there are some bias as I only watched these two LOCH series to-date.

  10. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by luna_lucid View Post
    Was that the one with famous actors like Tony Leung as the West Poison, where his lips were poisoned and made him really looked like a toad ?
    Yes it was that one!!! Didn't know Tony was actually Ou Yang Feng while Jacky Cheung was Hong Qi Gong.

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    Last edited by luna_lucid; 05-10-22 at 08:41 PM.

  12. #172
    Senior Member Icha Parvati's Avatar
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    Hah, that's funny!! What LOCH remake is that? What year, what company?

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  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mido-Ban View Post

    omg lol i loved this movie <3 lmao so funny

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icha Parvati View Post
    I've just finished the 2008 ver. Man... What a mixed bag. I will write my thoughts later in my blog. For now, sufficient to say that I prefer the 1983 ver better, yes, with all the cartoon caves, orange juice in the foreground, and limited extras!

    I also hope that the 2017 version will stick more faithfully to the source, but still have a redemptive YK in the end, with the 1983 patterns instead of the I'm-good-I'm-bad 2008 Yang Kang (Yuan Hong is cute, but he's nowhere near Michael Miu's YK, no offence...).

    And God, if 2017 uses as much as CGI as the 2008 ver, I'll watch it with fast-forward button for most of those scenes!!
    I agree with your view that it's a mixed bag. While it has a lot of not-so-positive things, it does have some nice additions, even outside of the novel. As a 1982 version loyalist, some scenes were quite hard to swallow. Overall, I would give it around a 3.5 as my true rating. I think of all the version so far, the 2003 is probably the most faithful to the novel. Here's my full review on the 2008 version:
    Last edited by drymonkey; 09-04-16 at 10:20 PM.

  16. #176
    Senior Member yanfeng's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Icha Parvati View Post
    hahaha, Yanfeng, we're actually very similar! Well, of course I'm looking forward to Michael Miu as HYS... but as for HSDS 1986, that's my second wuxia love actually, after Chor Lau Heung 1984. But when I watched CLH'84, I was just a kid who didn't appreciate the butterflies of seeing your favourite OTP together (I only remembered that Michael and Barbara were adorable, but I didn't go gaga over them like I am now). When I watched HSDS 2-3 years later, I already appreciated the chemistry between Tony Leung and Kitty Lai. Zhaomin was also my favourite heroine back then, despite her being very cruel at the start.

    And yes, the Seven Wudang Heroes or whatever you call them, they're just gorgeous! So much fun to watch those 80s series with their amazing kungfu! Pure gold!

    I just watched the fight between West Venom and North Beggar in 2008, and man, too much CGI and cables! Whereas when I recalled, say, the Quanzhen vs HYS fight in 1983, OMG, those movements back then were gold!
    The seven Wudang heroes are some of the most memorable non-main characters I've ever seen... they're just so well-written and acted. They don't get very many scenes, but yet you manage to get to know and love them!

    CLH '84 is also a fav of mine, that was all Michael Miu, and he was amazing, but I have to admit, I'm more a Tony Leung fan (when he won a Cannes award in 2000 I felt triumphant... that my, at that point, 15 year fan-admiration of him was finally shared by a beyond-Chinese-language audience!). I was also a huge fan of the 1979 CLH starring Adam Cheung in my childhood, but that one was more a childhood thing that hasn't withstood the test of time since I've gone back to watch it again.

    My love of HSDS '86 is explored here in a review that I (with a fellow HSDS 86 fan) wrote in 2005 for spcnet:

    I also have HSDS 2000 and HSDS 2003 reviews here at spcnet, both versions of which I liked.

    But yes, I'll probably be watching a little of this new Condor Heroes to see how they capture the 4 (5?) Greats, although the HQG from the TVB version is, in my opinion, probably impossible to beat.

  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mido-Ban View Post
    Thanks! I'll watch it later.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by drymonkey View Post
    I agree with your view that it's a mixed bag. While it has a lot of not-so-positive things, it does have some nice additions, even outside of the novel. As a 1982 version loyalist, some scenes were quite hard to swallow. Overall, I would give it around a 3.5 as my true rating. I think of all the version so far, the 2003 is probably the most faithful to the novel. Here's my full review on the 2008 version:
    Boy, I agree with you on this one:

    Changing YK's mindset, relationship with WYHL, and more importantly, his death, led to a big mess in the storyline. If the director was trying to go CSI on YK and OYF's successful plot at killing the 7 Freaks, that went right out the window during the next scene when YK went straight to GJ and tell him, "Oh, by the way, it was I who killed your 7 shi fu". I am pretty sure that while he was at it, he should make that proclamation loud and clear so GJ's lone, remaining shi fu can hear it as well. This completely shattered any relevancy of Huang Rong's (HR) detective work in the temple, her questioning OYF and YK of the Six Freaks' killers.
    I have just written very similar notions last night without even seeing your review! I like how you said it, YK's boasting confession to GJ totally ruined HR's detective work to me. Totally! Whereas HR's unraveling of YK's evil plan in 83 was perfectly executed...sigh...

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by yanfeng View Post
    The seven Wudang heroes are some of the most memorable non-main characters I've ever seen... they're just so well-written and acted. They don't get very many scenes, but yet you manage to get to know and love them!

    CLH '84 is also a fav of mine, that was all Michael Miu, and he was amazing, but I have to admit, I'm more a Tony Leung fan (when he won a Cannes award in 2000 I felt triumphant... that my, at that point, 15 year fan-admiration of him was finally shared by a beyond-Chinese-language audience!). I was also a huge fan of the 1979 CLH starring Adam Cheung in my childhood, but that one was more a childhood thing that hasn't withstood the test of time since I've gone back to watch it again.

    My love of HSDS '86 is explored here in a review that I (with a fellow HSDS 86 fan) wrote in 2005 for spcnet:

    I also have HSDS 2000 and HSDS 2003 reviews here at spcnet, both versions of which I liked.

    But yes, I'll probably be watching a little of this new Condor Heroes to see how they capture the 4 (5?) Greats, although the HQG from the TVB version is, in my opinion, probably impossible to beat.
    I agree that Danny Lau Dan's work on HQG was very impressive. He and Barbara Yung had an amazing chemistry back then in the 83 version...

    Ah, speaking of HSDS 86, you should talk to one fellow Indonesian who loves Tony Leung and HSDS 86! She wholeheartedly loves the series and the actor. PM me for her details if you want...

  20. #180
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    I really wished Jia Qing was in this too. She was AMAZING as Ah Zhu/Ah Zhi!

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